Western Councillor ISSUE 104 | OCT/NOV 2019

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Western Councillor ISSUE 104 | OCT/NOV 2019 Western Councillor ISSUE 104 | OCT/NOV 2019 COASTAL RISE BUSSELTON P06 MANAGEMENT PLANNING P09 DIRECT FLIGHTS Local governments working together. At LGIS, protecting our local government members is what we do. We make sure our members have the right cover to suit their needs. If disaster strikes, our local government specialists help get them, and their community, back on their feet as soon as possible. It’s our members who make Western Australia such a great place to live – their roads get us around, we meet in their libraries and recreation centres, they manage our waste, and provide connection for the elderly. Every day they provide the countless services and support which makes us a community. We believe that’s worth protecting. To find out how you can get the most out of your LGIS membership, visit lgiswa.com.au or call 9483 8888. LOCAL GOVERNMENT Peer Support Team BRINGING CLARITY TO A practical way to provide mediation and conciliation support to Local Governments COMPLEXITY in Western Australia. The Peer Support Team is of confl ict and reduce the need for an initiative between the WA formal investigations or enquiries. The team will meet with the affected Australia’s Local Government sector. Local Government Association (WALGA) and Local Government Councillors and staff individually, as Our team of highly experienced lawyers strive for clarity and well as in a group setting, allowing Professionals WA. excellence in our legal advice to our clients. all parties to freely express their The team was formed to provide views in a neutral environment. conciliation, negotiation and The team will then assist the Local manage and solve the legal issues that face your Local mediation support to Local Government to develop outcomes Government. Governments that identifi ed issues and a path forward that is suitable for of relationship confl ict between all involved. An international Councillors, or between Councillors So, to head off possible confl ict or and senior staff. Contact us today member of for the best resolution in situations The key objective is to assist Local where it already exists, call one of the For any queries, contact Governments resolve these issues team on the Hotline Numbers below. [email protected] ph: 9200 4900 LOCAL Nick Sloan Candy Choo GOVERNMENT CEO CEO PEER SUPPORT WALGA LG Professionals WA TEAM HOTLINE Tel 9213 2025 Tel 9271 1136 > www.civiclegal.com.au NUMBERS Contents ISSUE 104 | OCT/NOV 2019 02 From The CEO’s Office 02 President’s Report 03 State Of The State – From The Minister 03 From The Shadow Minister SUBURB ASHBURTONGOES HERE. 04 Elections Campaign 05 Planning Update 06 Coastal Risk Management 08 Training Update 09 Busselton Direct Flights 10 Around The Nation 12 Around The State In Pictures 25 Historical Councillor Profile 26 Local Government In The Spotlight 28 Legal Update 29 Synergy Welcome to Issue 104 of Western Councillor COVER: Port Kennedy Skate Park, City of Rockingham. SUBURBRAVENSTHORPE GOES HERE. SUBURBLAKE GOES GRACE HERE. of the WALGA Emergency Management Strategy and associated policy positions throughout late 2019 and 2020. Further evidence of the effectiveness the sector can have in influencing public policy is the recent support by the Minister for Local Government, David Templeman MLA, to appoint an independent review panel to consider the principles, framework and key policy Chief Executive Officer decisions for the Government Councillor Nick Sloan to consider in developing a Lynne Craigie new Local Government Act (Green Bill). FROM THE The review of the Local PRESIDENT’S Government Act 1995 is an CEO’S OFFICE intergenerational opportunity REPORT to transform the statutory The commitment to a new State framework that defines and limits With the results of all Local electorates, which undoubtedly - Local Government partnership Local Government activities. Government elections declared, affected participation rates. agreement by the McGowan The Association has advocated I congratulate newly-elected We raised this issue at a recent Government is strong in symbolism strongly for a ‘Principles over Councillors and express my thanks meeting with the Local Government and an important enabler for key Prescription’ approach to the to departing Elected Members for Act Review and active promotion their service to the community. Minister, and he has committed policy reform across both levels to undertaking a review of the of the benefits of the general of Government. Not many outside of the sector process with the Association principles as listed below. understand the level of commitment and the Electoral Commission in No clearer example of this is the Intended to safeguard against required to serve on Council, or the New Year. recent announcement by the the new Local Government Act Minister for Fire and Emergency the varied knowledge required in becoming overly prescriptive, order to make the many decisions With the participation rates Services that the three existing these principles are: required of Elected Members. known, media reports questioned Emergency Services Acts, the money spent promoting elections, Fire Brigades Act 1942, Bush 1. Provide for a flexible, principles- I urge all new Councillors to take all suggesting more should have Fires Act 1954 and Fire and based legislative framework; and every opportunity to learn more been spent. Emergency Services Act 1998, will 2. Uphold the General about their role: through inductions with their own organisation, There is no evidence, however, that be consolidated into one piece of Competence Principle currently information sessions provided by greater advertising has the desired legislation, allowing WA’s emergency embodied in the current Act; the Department and WALGA, and result of increasing the number of services organisations to work people choosing to vote. together more effectively 3. Promote a size and scale through the existing networks of and efficiently. compliance regime; Elected Members across the sector. WALGA, together with the State Government, ran a short campaign The Local Government sector’s 4. Promote enabling legislation Those of you who are moving on, I would ask to you consider in the lead up to the nominations strong lobbying for this outcome, that empowers Local period for candidates focused on prosecuted through the Association’s Government to carry out sharing your knowledge where you can with the next crop of Elected increasing diversity amongst the advocacy efforts, has played a activities beneficial to its Members, so they may gain from candidate pool. This focus was, in significant role in reaching this community taking into your experience. part, due to WALGA’s experience milestone as formally noted and consideration the Local that spending money on campaigns acknowledged by the Minister Government’s role in Voter participation in the latest to encourage voters proves to have for Emergency Services, Fran creating a sustainable and elections was less than 30 per cent, limited effect. Logan MLA. resilient community through which whilst disappointing in the WALGA has conducted and - Economic Development; context of the past election (which tracked campaigns to increase Local Governments who participated Environmental Protection; and achieved 34.5%) is on par with voter participation for over a in the WALGA Emergency Social Advancement. previous years which were all under Management Engagement 30 per cent rate. decade and found there is no Workshop prior to the 2019 Local Strength in influencing public correlation between advertising Government Convention, and policy comes through a unified, The Department of Local Council elections and increasing who have subsequently provided well researched and evidence- Government, Sport and Cultural voter turnout. Industries has confirmed this trend, information via our Emergency based advocacy effort, the noting these rates are relatively Rather is it is the issues and Management Engagement Survey, Association’s commitment to unchanged since the introduction of candidates in a local area that have have strongly validated the sector’s our members. postal voting in the 1990s. the greatest impact on spurring desire for a single Emergency voter interest. In areas where high The State - Local Government Services Act. While postal voting increased profile candidates were present Partnership Agreement is the participation rates up from a and divisive local issues pervaded, vehicle, and we look forward Indeed the survey responses will historical average of just 15%, it participation rates of voters were be critical in assisting WALGA to the challenge of maximising seems this method now has its indeed increased. to continue to advocate for the the value of it in delivering own challenges. sector. As more than 65 Local critical social and economic WALGA will continue to pursue Governments completed the survey, reforms on behalf of the Local This year a postal bungle prevented opportunities to support the the Association is assured of having Government sector. voting papers from being delivered sector at the time of elections, an accurate representation of the in time to individual ratepayers in but will remain mindful of focusing sector’s views for the development regional and some metropolitan our campaigns in areas with the greatest impact. PAGE 2 STATE OF THE STATE Minister Shadow Minister David Templeman MLA Hon Bill Marmion MLA FROM THE FROM THE MINISTER SHADOW Congratulations to all successful and tell your stories because it is only MINISTER candidates at the recent Local through fostering a relationship with Government elections, it is fantastic the community that the community My first few months of the in the background. I always to see good people continuing to will realise the importance of what is Shadow Local Government enjoy elections, be them local, put themselves forward for public being done. portfolio have been extremely state or federal as it brings to service. There have been some eye-opening and highlighted the fore new ideas and high well publicised successfully elected As we now head into a new decade, it is critical that Local Governments the diverse nature of the sector.
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