Tring Station: a need for integrated cross-County planning

Dear Mr Gordon and Mr Tett,

The attached note describes the significant modal interchange capacity issues being faced at railway station today. In essence the station is already operating to capacity and beyond in its ability to effectively function as a hub. Future planned developments in West and South Buckinghamshire will exacerbate the problems unless an holistic approach is taken to housing and the associated transport infrastructure development. We recommend that an integrated transport strategy is developed for the West Dacorum / Southern Vale areas, coordinated and facilitated by Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire County Councils working together and in collaboration with the several other parties involved.

I am writing to you as Leaders of the Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire County Councils, and copying your Chairs (and other relevant parties) as our senior elected representatives with responsibility for ensuring the continuing wellbeing and economic prosperity of our communities. I and my fellow Councillors would be very grateful if you would take ownership of this major cross- County strategic issue. We would be delighted to meet with you in order to provide more detail, answer questions and understand your positions.

Yours sincerely, Duncan Eggar

Duncan Eggar Chair, Parish Council

Tring Station: a road / rail interchange that needs integrated cross-County planning

Tring station lies in Hertfordshire and is a passenger transport hub for the surrounding areas that lie in both Dacorum / Hertfordshire and Aylesbury Vale / Buckinghamshire. Given the drive to create more homes in the south east of the UK, there is a consequent need to develop a cross-County integrated transport strategy that recognises the impact of this housing increase on the local infrastructure. Rail transport is an important element of the transport strategy but is only truly effective if there is effective provision for modal interchange at station hubs. Tring station is already operating to capacity and beyond in its ability to effectively function as a hub. Action is required to meet the growing demand for this road / rail interchange.

The situation today The number of people travelling to or from Tring and adjacent stations in 1997/98 and 2013/14 is shown in the table below1; of interest is the significant increase in passenger numbers over the 15 year period – approximately 3.68% p.a. for Tring. %age increase 1997/98 2013/14 1997/98 to 2013/14 Cheddington 75,940 75,250 -1 Tring 458,394 789,238 72 Berkhamsted 991,866 1,659,838 67 Hemel Hempstead 1,198,186 1,924,504 61

Car parking provision at Tring station has increased over this period and there are now 498 spaces with 7 spaces for the disabled2. However, this is woefully inadequate to the extent that it is often impossible to park after 0930; there are signs at the booking office that read: ‘we are sorry but when the car park is full, we are unable to advise customers on alternative parking. Any parking issues should be discussed with Meteor directly on 0870 060 4416. Thank you, Booking Office Team’. This results in parking on the surrounding roads wherever possible with consequent blockages to other traffic and inconvenience to the residents of Tring station hamlet. Any car parking restrictions that are applied merely shift the problem to other locations. hold the franchise for the train operation and through Meteor Parking, the parking at Tring (and other) stations. Their franchise has been extended by the Department for Transport from April 2016 to run until October 20173; the extension includes incentives for increased parking at , Hemel Hempstead and Tamworth. It is far from certain that post October 2017 the franchise will be renewed in its current form. It has been suggested in the railway press and hinted at in the Department for Transport December 2015 West Midlands Rail Franchise consultation document4 that a new West Midlands franchise will be let which would be separate from a new commuter services franchise to cover the Northampton / Milton Keynes services running to London Euston. It is of course always possible that Transport for London (TfL) will make a bid for all or part of those services.

1 Abstracted from Office of Rail and Road, ref:

2 London Midland, ref:

3 DfT Press Release

4 As a result, without subsidy from the Department for Transport, there is no incentive for London Midland or Meteor Parking to invest in additional parking provision at this time; it is noted that they enhance their income through heavy fines on those who are unable to park within the prescribed white lines and cause no obstruction to other station users. This despite the feeling that they make a more than considerable return on their investment; the daily charge per car is currently £6.70. Access to the station by private car with the resultant need for parking should not be seen as the only solution to the provision of an inter-modal train hub. Four alternative access modes currently in place are:  pedal and motor cycle. Facilities are provided for these modes and they are well used. There is little spare capacity.  walking. For most station users this is impractical as other than Tring station hamlet, the nearest habitation (Aldbury) is one mile distant with no pavements on a narrow winding road, and footpaths across fields that for most onward travellers are only useful in dry weather.  bus. The bus service is poor, serves a limited group of travellers and does not operate after 1741 to Aldbury and 1943 to Tring. There are no cross County bus services between Tring Station and Aylesbury Vale.  taxi. John’s Taxis operate a service from the Tring Station forecourt. There is also a problem with access to Fog Cottages across the station forecourt which is regularly obstructed, in turn also leading to back up on the road through Tring Station hamlet, especially in the evening rush, by cars present to collect rail passengers arriving at the station. Cheddington station might be seen as an alternative to Tring but it is little used. This is possibly due to Cheddington only having one regular train service per hour and limited parking facilities.

Looking forward The Dacorum Core Strategy 2006-20315 indicates that it is planned that Tring should have around 480 new homes and that the surrounding Small Villages will have local affordable housing and other very limited development that will help sustain the villages. The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan 2013-2033 Issues and Options Consultation Document6 identifies nine options for providing between 29,300 and 33,300 new homes. Of these, between 4,200 and 5,600 would be in the Southern Vale area that includes Ivinghoe, Pitstone and Aston Clinton. While some of the new residents in the surrounding areas will find employment locally, it is reasonable to expect that a significant number will want to commute both to Watford / London and Milton Keynes / Birmingham. This will put further demand on Tring station and its supporting infrastructure. It is understood that there is a possibility that might be extended with a north-west arm from somewhere west of Paddington to Tring or Bletchley via Watford. The primary purpose of this would be to remove demand on Euston during the construction of the HS2 terminus. It has been suggested that extending Crossrail to Tring would result in a more frequent and/or more attractive train service from Tring to central London. If this were to come about it would very probably put further pressure on Tring station as a transport hub.


6 It is also reported that National Rail are developing plans to upgrade Tring station in 2017 with a new ticket office, lifts, toilets etc. The benefit of such an upgrade would be seriously diluted if other developments were not carried out in parallel.

What is needed Tring station serves the surrounding areas in Dacorum / Hertfordshire and Aylesbury Vale / Buckinghamshire. The supporting transport infrastructure is already stretched beyond theoretical capacity. We are reasonably confident that an uncounted but significant proportion of the users of Tring station come from Aylesbury Vale, i.e. from outwith Hertfordshire. There are plans to increase housing provision in both Aylesbury Vale and Tring. There is the possibility that Crossrail will be extended to Tring station. Either or both of these factors will put further pressure on the infrastructure supporting Tring station. Further the management and operation of the rail service and station will likely change in 2017 and there are also plans to upgrade the station facilities that year. This provides an opportunity to work with the Department for Transport and National Rail to make Tring (and other) stations more accessible to the travelling public. There may be an opportunity to increase the passenger throughput at Cheddington station through the provision of additional train services and associated road transport provision to and from the station. This could be investigated as a way of relieving the pressure on Tring station. What is needed is an integrated transport strategy for the West Dacorum / Southern Vale areas, developed by Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire working together in collaboration with the several other parties involved – much along the lines of the Connected Counties approach to the provision of Broadband. This should include a co-ordinated approach to improve the Herts / Bucks bus services (with short term subsidies if needed) together with improved facilities for car users, pedestrians and cyclists and to provide a design that accommodates the needs of all people (ref. the Disability Discrimination Act 2005). There should also be a progressive tightening up of the on- road parking restrictions in and around Tring Station hamlet. This should lead to a sustainable solution and a vibrant self-contained transport modal interchange hub at Tring station (and possibly Cheddington also) that would not be an imposition on local residents of Tring station hamlet or indeed the other neighbouring communities.

Aldbury Parish Council January 2016


Aldbury Parish Council Response to The West Midlands Rail Franchise Consultation

This response to the West Midlands Rail Franchise Consultation is made by Aldbury Parish Council which includes Tring Station.

Tring Station is situated in a semi-rural location approximately 1.7 miles from the centre of Tring, at the northern edge of west Hertfordshire, close to the Buckinghamshire border. It is located within Aldbury Parish which consists of two small communities, Aldbury Village and Tring Station Hamlet, which have a combined population of approximately 1,000. With over 789k passenger entries/exits per year (Office of Rail and Road figures for 2013/14) and 498 car park spaces (figure from London Midland website) the station is a significant entity within the parish. The station is a passenger transport hub for the surrounding areas that lie in both Dacorum Borough, Hertfordshire and Aylesbury Vale District, Buckinghamshire. The excellent service of 3-4 direct London trains per hour makes it the station of choice for both the local area and parts of Aylesbury Vale to the north.

We welcome the Consultation document’s stated desire to improve “the whole journey” experience but at Tring Station the situation is deteriorating and expected to do so further with extensive housing developments planned within Dacorum and Aylesbury Vale. The car park is often full by 9am, bus services feeding the station are limited and have recently been reduced, and cycleway/footpaths are limited to the one route from Tring.

The Dacorum Core Strategy 2006-2031 indicates that it is planned that Tring should have around 480 new homes and that the surrounding Small Villages will have local affordable housing and other very limited development that will help sustain the villages. The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan 2013-2033 Issues and Options Consultation Document identifies nine options for providing between 29,300 and 33,300 new homes. Of these, between 4,200 and 5,600 would be in the Southern Vale area that includes Ivinghoe, Pitstone and Aston Clinton. Permission has recently been granted for 213 new homes across 4 sites in Aston Clinton, development of which has already started (Bucks Herald 2 Jan 16). It is also considered likely that up to an extra 2,000 new homes will have to be built in Aylesbury Vale to cater for the unmet housing needs in the Chiltern, Wycombe and South Buckinghamshire District Council areas.

There has been extensive new housing development in Pitstone, Buckinghamshire (more than 400 houses over the last 10 years and not yet complete, Pitstone Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version October 2015) within the Tring Station catchment area. This included the provision of a cycleway/footpath (a Section 106 obligation) for part of the route to Tring Station. However this terminates at the edge of Buckinghamshire leaving the section to the station within Hertfordshire without this facility. The residual funding from the house building project is inadequate for this to be completed.

As noted above, Tring town does have a cycleway/footpath to the station, although the surface of this is deteriorating with some cyclists now using the main road instead. Aldbury Village, 1 mile from the station along an unlit winding country road, has no provision of a cycleway or roadside footpath. Although there are footpaths crossing the fields, these are unusable by cyclists at any time and by pedestrians at night or in wet/muddy weather.

Bus services to the station are limited to one route and while Tring town is reasonably well provided for during morning and evening peak periods, this does not extend to Aldbury Village. The Aylesbury Vale villages are completely without direct bus services to the station.

The station’s semi-rural location means there is limited on-road parking. Station users unable to find free spaces in the car park or unwilling to pay the parking fee quickly fill the few suitable on-road spaces and spill over into inappropriate and dangerous locations leading to annoyance, frustration and a certain amount of anger from other road users and Tring Station Hamlet residents. Implementation of additional parking controls within Tring Station Hamlet has eased some of the issues in the main residential area but resulted in a shift of the problems to other uncontrolled sections of nearby roads. These controls have not helped deal with the parking situation at weekends when there are fewer parking restrictions and more on-road parking by those without station car park season tickets. There is increasing involvement of local Police resources in traffic management issues and thefts from cars parked in non-residential locations.

Tring Station has a significant number of rail users being dropped off and collected by car. There are 9 car spaces in the station forecourt (of which 2 are disabled spaces, 3 reserved for contractors/staff) and a number of 20 minute spaces located in the car park on the other side of the tracks. This does not stop cars using the forecourt, stopping wherever they can find space in the no-waiting yellow boxed area; however the current franchise holder has put little effort into appropriate signage or enforcement. The situation is further congested by waiting taxis that have no designated area and the bus waiting area located in the centre of the forecourt. This is less of a problem in the mornings when dropping off is a short process but causes serious congestion during the evenings when longer dwell times occur, especially during periods of service delay or disruption. This can lead to the busy class C road (Station Road running through Tring Station Hamlet and providing access to the station) becoming blocked and a number of residents who have access to their properties through the station forecourt being unable to enter or exit. However stricter enforcement within the current layout could have the unfortunate side effect increasing congestion on Station Road.

Aldbury Village residents are increasingly using Berkhamsted Station after 9am where more extensive on-road parking and town-centre car parks currently means that the station car park usually has space available. Even this space is diminishing as rail usage increases and is expected to do so further when the current housing developments of over 150 homes within Berkhamsted are complete (Dacorum Core Strategy 2006-2031 indicates 1,180 are planned for Berkhamsted). It is already noticeable that on-road parking is occurring at increasingly greater distances from Berkhamsted Station.

One element of a solution is to extend the existing Tring Station parking. This faces a number of challenges including the fact that the station lies within the Chiltern Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and is clearly visible from a number of the surrounding hills. The council is keen that any extension of the parking or developments of other station buildings or facilities are undertaken in a sensitive and sympathetic manner to both the AONB and the local environment.

There is an opportunity to alleviate some of the pressure on Tring Station by improving the frequency of services from Cheddington Station making it a more attractive option for rail users from Aylesbury Vale. Cheddington Station is just over 4 miles, 6 minutes rail travel time, north of Tring Station, but has only 1 or 2 direct trains to London per hour whereas Tring has 3 or 4 direct trains per hour (6 trains in the period 18.00-19.00 coming out of Euston compared to Cheddington’s 3 in the same period). Whereas Tring Station entry/exits increased by 72% in the period 1997/98 to 2013/14, Cheddington Station entry/exits fell by 1% over the same period, handling less than 1/10th of Tring Station’s entry/exits in 2013/14 (Office of Rail and Road figures). With further housing developments proposed for Aylesbury Vale during the next few years, increased rail usage is foreseen putting further pressure on Tring Station and making the development of services from Cheddington an even more attractive option. Aylesbury Vale District Council’s Cabinet Member for Growth Strategy has stated that further growth in the Cheddington area of the Vale will be constrained without the upgrading of Cheddington Station and train services; and AVDC are expected to request this in their response to this consultation (email communication to Councillor Juniper, March 2016). The Parish Council of Ivinghoe, one of the Aylesbury Vale villages situated between Tring and Cheddington stations have also stated they would like to see improved services from Cheddington (email communication to Councillor Eggar January 2016).

There is no single solution to the issues facing Tring Station, a range of measures are required and input and support from the West Midlands Franchise rail operator is both sought and welcomed. As a significant number of Tring Station users come from Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire, Aldbury Parish Council are already seeking a cross-county approach from Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire County Councils to improve Tring Station accessibility. An email and supporting briefing document were sent to the leaders of the two councils on 4th January 2016 and copied to a number of other interested parties including the surrounding local parishes. Copies of these documents are attached.

The current franchise places heavy emphasis on the West Midlands geographical area and the West Midlands Rail group of 14 councils. Aldbury Parish Council is keen that the new franchise holder should have to commit to the implementation of a formal and ongoing consultation with Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Central Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes Councils with regard to the running and potential franchise separation of the London commuter services on the Tring-Euston line. Further we would like Aldbury Parish Council to be regularly and formally informed about discussion and decisions relating to this subject.

Summary Of Obligations Requested From The New Franchise Holder

1. Funding to complete the cycleway from Pitstone. 2. Funding to implement an all-weather cycleway/footpath from Aldbury Village to the station. 3. An ongoing assessment of cycle rack requirements and additional racks provided as required. 4. Funding for additional parking control measure in and around Tring Station Hamlet. 5. Train frequency from Cheddington to be substantially increased and an ongoing assessment of Cheddington Station facilities and parking requirements, these being addressed as required. 6. An ongoing assessment of the parking requirements at Tring Station and additional Tring Station car parking implemented to meet these requirements in a manner sensitive to the local environment. 7. Aldbury Parish Council to be provided with Tring Station rail and car-park season ticket postcode data at village level, or similar data, enabling better understanding of “whole journey” requirements. 8. Consultation with Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Central Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes Councils on the potential franchise separation of the London commuter services. Aldbury Parish Council to be regularly and formally informed about this subject.

It has been established by the Council that these issues are of concern to other councils covered by the Tring Station catchment area as their residents are also directly adversely affected. It can be foreseen that unless addressed the issues of access will limit growth in passenger numbers using Tring Station, reducing income growth for the franchise holder. Potential passengers will use alternative routes such as the Chiltern Line or move to public or private road transport.

Finally, we would like to offer our cooperation and local knowledge to both franchise bidders and, when appointed, the new franchise holder to ensure the best solutions are implemented in all matters relating to Tring Station.

Aldbury Parish Council March 2016

Attachments: Email to the Leaders of Hertfordshire & Buckinghamshire County Councils Briefing document to the above