Montrose Year Book 1907
) in Queen's Restaurant, ,„ high street (TEMPEUANCE. (Closc to iiunicipal Builduigs). Choice Menu. Moderate Chargres. MONTROSE YEAR=BOOK . AND . DIRECTORY . FOB . I907. CONTAINS Local Almanac and Obituary Notices of Public Men, Reg-isters of Municipal and Parliamentary Voters, Datefj of Noteworthy Local Events, Directory of Trades and Professions, Salaries of Public Officials, General Directory, &e. .\l >J .-; 'r R o E : PRINTED AND ITBr.r.SHJSl. ir, ALI5X. OC'NN & CO., LTD., AT " KBVIEW " OmCE, 97 HIGH STREKT. QUEEN'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL Marriage and Social Parties catered for. Iiunoheon and Dinner Baskets Supplied to Picnic Parties. Reasonable Tettaa. \\)llllam n^oir 6i Sons, SEEDSJVIEN, 7 and 9 HIGH STREET, MONTROSE. Telephone No. ii. Telegrams—Moir, Montrose. BUSINESS HOURS, 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. SATURDAYS, 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. WEDNESDAYS, 2 pm. Price Lists on Application. (. /yv\-e<iA. 2_V cm Chemists, «^ Prescriptions. THIS MOST, IMPORTANT IT. 272 ^H ^ 'Jt Sight Testing Rooms. XHOS. BURRKIvIv, F.S.M.C. LONDON, March, 1899. Holder of the Diploma granted by the Worshipful Guild of Spectacle Makers for Proficiency in Sight Testing (1904). ADVERTISEMENTS. U. i). G.RA55, Fainter and Decorator, U and 24 NEW WYND (Opposite Star Hotel), MONTROSE. » w»wi ncat i All Departments of House and Hall Decoration carefully executed, at Moderate Charges. WILLIAM GIBSON, Junr., BUTCHKR, , U3 MURRAY STREET, M ONTROSE. ROUNDS, HAMS, AND TONG.UES. SAUSAGES AND MINCE. A. B. IVIORTOlSr. HAIRDRESSER, 105 Murray Street, Montrose. ALL REQUISITES FOR THE TOILET IN STOCK. ADVERTISEMENTS. Established 1848- Telephone 5x5. Telegrams— Duthie," Coachbuilrlcrs, ^^4B^m, Montrose.
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