The Hustler introduces its TheThe HustlerHustler EditorialEditorial BoardBoard explainsexplains Focus section this issue, itsits decisiondecision toto expandexpand newsnews taking a closer look at coverage in Wednesday issues … Submit your events to the InsideVandy Vanderbilt stereotypes… ForFor more,more, seesee ‘Our‘Our View’View’ calendar by e-mailing
[email protected] For more, see Focus, page 8 Opinion, page 5 For more, see Calendar at THETHE VOICEVOICE OFOF VANDERBILTVANDERBILT SINCESINCE 18881888 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 2007 • 119 TH YEAR, NO. 10 THE WALL compiled by HARISH KRISHNAMOORTHI TODAY Bilotta and Gragg win VSG election Fulbright information session All students interested Ticket to lead first Vanderbilt Student in applying for the Fulbright Grant Government with 66 percent of vote. Program for study, research or teaching by KRISTEN CHMIELEWSKI grants, should attend Asst News Editor an information session in Sarratt 189 from 12 Cara Bilotta and Perry Gragg won the fi rst Vanderbilt p.m. to 1 p.m. Student Government general election yesterday with 66.4 percent of the vote. TODAY In all, 2,425 votes were cast. Krish Vigneswaran and Ashley Vanderbilt vs. Holmes received 29.9 percent of the votes and the write-in Florida viewing candidates Kevin McNish and Joe Hills received 2.6 percent party of the votes. Students and friends of the candidates gathered in Sarratt Promenade to await the results at 8 p.m. Student Government Association Attorney General at Elizabeth Scott was very pleased with the response to the election. Come watch the “It was a clean election and lots of people came out to vote,” Commodore men’s said Interhall Attorney General Chris Skene.