- THE WASHINGTON TIMES. THURSDAY,' MAY 6,- 1915. 18 Manual Trainers Favored Holy Name Society Plans Forming Baseball League

TECH FAVORED 10 uHO E PARALYZES Big League Biffers HOLY E TEAMS Greggand Wood Must MINCE PIE Of a Day. ' NI "LITTLE OF EVERYTHING" A.B.H.T.B.Pct. By "BUGS" BAER. EFFORTS FORM WIN' FOURTH GAME Get Into Form Soon GRIFFIN Weaver, White S. 2 2 2 1.000 1Y LEAGUE Groh, Reds 2 2 2 1.000 Judging from his rejuvenated Wingo, Reds 1.000 playing, that youngster Honus Wag- If Red Sox Expect To Be in Race For Pennant and Bresnahan, Cubs. 4Ill3 4 .750 ner is in fits second childhood. Clever Boston Is OF SCHOOL SERB Twirler Real 3 4 Summer Camp and Baseball Keep Series in Boston, Pitchers Should Shotten, Browns. 4 .750 UMP IUaiJJ3R IS SHUTTING HIS Cause of Downfall of Wash; Cobb, Tigers 4 3 3 .760 Circuit Are Embodied in OPPONENTS OUT WITH ONE . , Strike Top Form Immediately. Lewis, Red Sox.. 3 2 4 .667 r ington Club. Plans of Society. Eastern's Defeat at Hands of Although Paul Swan Is conceded to bo Kavana'gh, Tigers 5 3 3 .600 tho most beautiful man In tho world, a Lobert, Giants... 5 3 3 .600 of Play- By LOUIS A. DOUGHER. homely atevodore who can cook, scrub ft Business and Loss and niako Ms own frocks shouldn't despair Jacobson, Tigers. 6 3 3 .500 In Benntown seem to think that By LOUIS A. DOUGHER. A baseball league and a camp for boys PHILADELPHIA, May 6. If the Bubs altogether. Meyers, Giants.. 4 2 3 .500 OrlfT'fl lads hnvc an excellent chance BOSTON, May 6. Grlff-me- n aro planned by tho Washington branch ers Disastrous. to become a fac- eonip out tho top of tho heap. Whenever the are to at I begin to support their pitchers with Doyle, Giants.... 4 2 2 .500 of tho Holy Name Society. Plans for tor in 1915 pennant race, they Tho same thing Is true of New ork J the league the faiiH. though In both cities the Qrlffnicn b.iso hits they may win a few ball and the camp were mode at will have to get started soon. This failed to play up to tho'.r beat form. the Russians aren't too busy KtimoB. They failed yesterday In Boston a meeting of the Junior committee last being defeated along that sixty-mil- o night IS IN LAST PLACE NOW is general GrifTmon. becauso Ernlo Bhoro paralyzed their at the homo of Frank Wissncr. the belief of the Is "done" In Bos- front, Walter Johnson 1312 Thlrty-ilr- at Hal Janvrln about would like to hire sixty every effort. Throe hits scat street northwest. The The return of Joe Wood and Vean ton, ll ho Is traded or sold by UIH feet of is martyr 10 tered through nlno frames is committee composed of Frank Wiss- (.'urrlsun, lie will have been a Box JIM COFFEY KNOCKS ncr. Capt. Gregg to midseason form, it is tho "local boy" stutf. Seldom Is a play- tho teal tale of how tho Red Harry Walsh. N. J, McGee. .Washington Scholastic Athletes agreed, will put Carrigan's clan in er a success In nls own homo town, no won that getaway battle, 1 to 0. Sure matter what the populfti sons or story Boohling wild pitched Speaker across S!?1'.," w' cKan- - Michael D. a most formidable condition, but if uniii. .tnnvrlii all tno earmarks game, Schacffor, president of fhe Diocesan Honors hnvn lias - with the lone of the hut Union, Make Strong Bid for high-price- but Uoa- and President John Hadlcy these two d pitchers insist ot belna a major league slur, made difference; without Doyle inn tnlifl rrfllKfl to uem:u 11. nv3 QUCCXPH that little OUT REICH IN THIRD of the Washington branch, also on waiting for hot weather before rirW him nil the- - time uiid CurrlKati that tally, some 2,000 fans would have attended. at Tome. - pitchers' battle end with no Cant. Eugene C. Edwards, who was testing wings, the opportunity j ha seen a their wanted to get score because a team scooted to head tho now may be gone for the Red Sox to horn calls upsetting tho youngster. joo early Instead of a late one ganization, baseball or- h.nge uceuplcH a similar position In "What the Na- an train and Georgo E. Lone was into the fray. equally good for all purposes. As it made official umpire. All games By BRYAN MORSE. wnvhinL'tmi. Hn is never given credit Skffi tionals need is Jabs Followed By Swings, and be Played will "Ban Johnson savs the race Xtuubality he undoubtedly was, the homo boys grabbed both on the old Olympic grounds In get to- that tor having the thirty-fift- Technical and Eastern v.: oen i ft,;. mi u ! uosscshcs. It the laim of cither city more hitting. In frames from the hltless Grlffmen. Wicon.ln n.ut h street and .....a wwyj.i ...... io,in .. uu ... pluy-o- Irish Giant Finally Lands avenue. gether tomorrow afternoon at Amer- .Uv. w(Ud boost thc)r nomc talent, the f the game, Joo Boohllng never looked bettor. the best in years. He's right, Icrs would how it In their impioved not H1b speod was excellent, his curve onlnJ'mbfr ? the church societies hav League for the fourth In tllO CUStOm. UCVC1' signified their ican Park too," says Griffith. "No wnrlc Hilt thnt not outside it." hall puzzling, and his slow one most Victim, in Stomach. Intention of of the high school champion hus been nnd probably never will be. tantalizing. Ho gave tho Red Sox IcaKu. Including Holy frame one team has enough on all the oth- Humors arc rite In the Hub that Janvrln flvo hits, but his own teammates could oflntJL?f. St. Stephen's. ship baseball series and indications Is to be trudtd. Bill Carngan denies collect onlv three. Shore proved con- - Si' ,,""n,la Sl: Vincent de Paul, and ers to make it a runaway thing. I It, the trade or salo will bo torced ..1....I....1.. .!. l.r. tin tIMA Of an fi' A,1?ys,UsJ J1 ,s Probable that St. Tech victory. A detent but NEW May 6. B point to a can't see the Athletics without on the manager of the Ked So. emerv ball to win. He has a line, fast YORK. Rich Irish nd also St. Mary'a of of several I brogue predominated ln- - by Business and the loss with Fifteen hundred athlete are to run In ti,nrn nil. but It Is good in the cheeis fSh cm, Th latter team Frank Baker, but him back in a .,i,vv. of 10,000 persons new is"'"J" by Sylvester Breen, robbed Eastern of con- Harry Lord, who makes his home In New YArk marathon, Europe enough to stop the best effort ino.w mat greeted a manager good players has line the Athletics will be strong hoinE tint enemy. eamo mu mum v.oney, or - f V Alexandrla Cardinals, ex- Portland, Ale., epects to square his haa no monopoly on tho horrors of war. Tlie victory in iifuk iicro in oim itoscom- pected and is flrood chance at the title while the tenders. with Charlie Comlskey and ftnor a nniuo bizziuik immiutu iwicn inio bud to have a strong team. All a showing uccouius McNally really robbed Jectlon"" In less thanji three rnnni1 Players must be v over Central has "The Yankees are more class then Wivcst In the Portland New England fielding. Mike nf members of tho Holv f victory of Western than was expected of them. I am not Leaguers, playing third bate for mom. The Yanks have a turtle back dia- tl, Vnllnnnls nf 1holr chanCO to Win fighting In Madison Square Garden last f;ame&0S,et and the nc ln"t has given Tech a new lease 01 me. with those who say they are playing Hughuy Duffy, tormer manager of the mond, but is when ho leaped over, seized Rondeau's night. Just how good Coffey Is could ?,? .at nineteen, with the pro- - this the first year it to get the run- not be gathered en- ,W spring a sur- beyond their speed. Malsel may como White Sox, is principal owner of the hard smash In time from last night's luGT?. nm,y bc two Players Eastern is likely to back a bit in his hitting, but who is says will wel- started snapping. ner. Ray Morgan was on second with counter, for Reich was never able to V,J this limit, whose ages together de- Portland flub and he lie hopes of do not prise, as the Capitol Hill team ablo to say that Plpp, Cook and llarl-ze- ll come Lord llko a long lost son. two out at the time and all withstand the steady Jabs of tho Irish aggregate forty years. The or High can't tetaln their present If it gets much worse, rain will soon a vlctorv for the Old Fox vanished. lad which paved the way for a series of be Bve"ned by the appoint- feated St. Albans 7 to 1 on Tuesday Zeb Milan woke tho slumbering right and left swings which edeguiofficials hitting standard? HartzMl hns always Georgo McBrldo escorted a party of bo regarded as a moral victory by Man- raced left Reich and a board of managers line-u- p. good while othor three Engel, cheers In tho seventh when he at the mercy of his opponent Smash- composed of the managers and presented a formidable been a hitter, tho playera consisting of Joe Jim ager Griffith. across, took McNally's liner at his ing body blows completed ous of the vari- are new to the league. They may go Shaw. Nick Altiock and Chick Gandll on the trick, and teams. They will meet next Eastern has refused to lose heart in along more .3oO. ace shoe tops and then tumniea in neleh doublod up with hands on tho at the nome of right and hit for than to tho Atlas A. A., in Boston to o!-..i-a n running J'r. Wissner. may be up The Nationals couldn't reach Shore it tvm remarkable ground. The referee had counted him the face of adverse circumstances If they do, the Yanks around Charlie White dispose of Eddie Murphy r.ntf.1) anri iin win) lriiifllv ADrjlauded. out. no was p.i!nn!.iw Vie Pp"nanent summer tho top when the season enas. in seven rounds. Now tho whole gang yesterday. pes irum, not helpless, but ha pre- tho purchase of all neces- - and Coach Kimbel is determined to Is getting govl pitching. as Boehllng caUFht a return ferred to quit rather than take any hrn?,,i,Cq,ilp.men,t, Washington "Detroit Is practicing to hit with the left Hcnrv on tho end of his middle finger more Of the medicine whtnh fnrrnv ,bj,th0 come through. That's all it needed. The hitting of Whlto does. "Perduke" Fowler and Once good thing about rain is that on his pitching hand In the seventh and handed out "hi?f tn? Il.oiy Name Society and Cobb, Crawford and Veach is sure to Fcrdy wont along as a body prevents quit. so forcefully. tho of time at the camp to Shields or Dyer will perform on the Martin it Umpire Chill. It looked as If he might have to xne unisn nearly came in second each of the parish organizations. keep that team in the race. If T guard for the athletes and nil they dis- work, however, and In the Cap- mound for tho Capitol Hill lads, while Ho resumed his round, which Coffey, after being stag- tain Walsh and Mr. Wissner were ap- Cobb Is not hint or otherwise baned cuss now are the relutlvc merits of pitched high-clas- s ball to the very cr.d. gered by pointed Btowers or Hird will be given a chance from playing, you can pin your money Freddie Welsh and Charlie White. a Reich's right early in tho a committee to arrange a bene- along Speaker opened the ninth with round, went after his man and landed a fit performance to be held ono tor Tech. As Stowers is getting on the Tigers' being In tho race all the GENERALSBATfLE to right, his second bincle, Lewis right sent at of tho is delivering in way season. is this that Reich to the floor. It local theaters to obtain funds. first, and Hird to the end of tho Chick Gandll's health better I wna purposely passed to let Gainer vns nicely at i .1 i rtH., near time for the boll, which saved The camp Idea is tho outgrowth shape right along, the choice ot "I don't know what to think of the ajirnm until lli. uua i...... uccu buii:o .1..utc uioi. come up. Duff stole as Boehllng tossed Reich, and he was camp of a fine pitching Is as good of Nationals. taken to his corner conducted by Mr. Wissner at Hird for box honors seems logical. White Sox. Their became a member the out the former Tiger. Tho battle threat- at the count of seven. Colonial Beach fortwo weeks last vear will pull the team as anybody would want and, with Eddlo t Th big tlrst baseman say that ho la ened to end with a run when Boehllng Reich was not able to dlsplav for the bova of Trinity A win for Eastern nave t hitting anv of parish. Thirty for Tech (Jolllns in tne mucin, tney onoiBOnB finish the campaign with a pulled a wild heave, the ball liH boasted cleverness in the face of the boys attended the camp, and year out of the cellar, while a win sweet quartet. The Sox may upset a. ,300 batting average, and all his team C. U. TWELVE INNINGS in of the plate and moro this Central. The the ground fiont aggressive attack of the Irishman. In than a hundred boys are clamor- will even honors with lot of us mates are pulling for him to succeed. In bounding high to the stand. It wis the early part of tho fray ho looked for ing to co. playera believe they have a chance "Boston was doped to get away to a the flrld ho Is putting up a wonderful easy for Speaker to score and take an- an opening to get over Arrangements were Tech Grlff- his right and did also made at the despite the loss to Cential flvlng ffait this year, but bad weather game. One of his one-hand- catches other hard luck contest from the lnnd to Corfev'a discomfort nt tii meeting last night for monthly mass at the title camp and thon some ii. meetings In the opening game. at the training In Boston brought a storm of cheeis men. ginnlnu of the (.econd round. Then came of the Juniors of the city, as more at home has put an awful crimp from the fans. Though Speaker singled In the opening me vicious ."wing wnicn put Reich to a preliminary to the big parade and in the hopes of Carrigan's followers. Error and Two Singles Give frame, there were two down and Trls the mnt for the demonstration by tho Archdiocesan ftom Tome Institute, Boeh-llng- llrst time and the Irish "Word comes But Boston haB a good team. If It hap- Immediately after Saturday's game died stealing almost Immediately. 's favorite had his number. I nlon orgaulzaton in Washington nest Washington athletes will 111 aph.r h pens to get some good weather In the here the Grlffmen w pile aboard thefr Washington real test came In the second when October. gather Saturday in the fifth annual meet West and the pitchers round Into shape, special ears and hlkn for rtrolt. They and Lee Close Duffy Lewis led off with a triple over there that waaningion bchuuib oio..-ln- g the Red Sox may start something none are scheduled to meet tho Tigers next Moeller's head to tho fence Gainer, Peace! "Not Much," the strongest bid for honors. Cen- of us will like." Sunday in a single contest. That same Game Over Brooklanders. trvlng for a long fly. merely popped to AMUSEMENTS tral has entered a team of eighteen Boston fans have been fed on cham- night they will go to Chicago. The rest Gandll. Scott sought to work the Rich- Reiterates Ban Johnson athletes. Tech is sending nine, St. Al- pionship dope all winter. It was said of the Detroit series will be played at mond lad for a pass but fanned. Eddie events, while of 191B would end of the swing through the West. I.'nRter rnded tlm frame with a mag- - bans, has put twelve In tho that the world's series the NEW May 6. will have five. be played In tho Hub. The Braves are nlflclent stop of McNally's bounce. Tho YORK. Ban Johnson, Western ' An error and two singles in the president Tome I. doping St. Albans to repeat living up to the dope, but the Red Spx Howard Shanks Is a bit disappointed unteh.Rhnrm kid had to dive for tho of tho , who Saturday's victories. The nou the fans In New Eng- at his being shelved In favor of Henri twelfth lost a. tight game for Catholic bull, but he came up with it In botn arrived here earlv yesterday morning, a win of last comes have not and room Tome people say that if Brewer land are beginning to fall away from Rondeau, but he continues to practice University yesterday, and Washington hands and got tho runner with declared again today he had been mis- ALL THIS WEEK same way that he l good baseball every day with tho team, doing his best to spare. TWICE DAILT-2:- 20. 8:20. through in the to.did them. Boston such a and Lee went homo with a 3 to 1 score quoted In tho report from Boston Tues- at M. A. C there will be nothing it city, though, that a winning streak on to overcome hla batting weakness. Not Fahey Shore tan along like trolley car In THE NEW rOLI PLAYERS White. It Is thought will bring out thou- a moment dors he think he is Frank allowed the Generals but tho country for three frames, never day that he favored withdrawing all In but the Blue and schoolboys will the part of tho Sox for five hits, and two of theso counted that the Washington sands of fans who havo been staying through in the big league. Ho says he heavily. allowing anything savoring of a hit. baseball suits now pending from the capture the majority of tho events. av.ay from the hall park. will provo that befoie long. "When He passed Mocller to open the game, courts. NEARLY MARRIED Washington follow ei a of the track Griff puts mo back In there, you'll see ChceveR' error in the twelfth Inning, the next three wero helpless before The ue-:.- ?. but "Several ago Next Week Seven Kevs to Raldrate. no chance to look at wer ho did It," says Hank, con- singles by Jennings and Youngs, fol- speed Not until two were dead In weeks I met Phil Ball. While In Boston the Grlffmen whv with a lowed bv pinglcn his one of the .1. weiKht athlete of and two runs were directors of the HL lly-2:- " .....ntlnnnl visited dally by fans at tho hotel. fident air. rthe fourth did the Grlffmen register a Louis 158:ll Uome' Saturday, as he competed at shoved ni'toss Washington and Lee blngle. Then Gandll poled a high ono Federal League club. In Chicago and IfFITU'Q last . during M.I III O Sun. 3:00(8:1 S Lexington, va in uio v m'u" counted in tho first Inning, nnd Catholic up the bank In left centei. Lewis our talk we agreed that base- DP Lee meet. He Is counted upon to take University came back for a tally In tho made a hravo attempt for it. falling up ball and law courts do not mix. I Phoucn Main 44S4 44Si hurdles, and broad third For eight Innings neither side never mentioned to Mr. Wmm11.3 and the shot put. high I tho Incline and losing the pill. It went Ball that the Mata aSa. Rrcalars. Z6 t ! Jump, which Is expected to counteract BENEFIT IS LATE STARTS scored. Score by Innings. for two cushions. It was useless, for baseball suits now pending 6hould be "Numerous Curtain Calls." Star. Brewer's work for St. Albans. PECK iKE It. H. E. Morgan merely rolled to Mc.Nally. withdrawn from the courts for the best L 000 (XM nre 3 5 " - W. & If) 3 McBrldo' s brains weie. In evidence In interest of baseball, he said. Gonzaga failed to put In an appear- C. I." (Kl Oft) ooit 0001 3 5 "On arriving ln Boston, I told sev- the Red Sox half, saving Boehllng a eral baseball NAZI MOV A ance at Georgetown yesterday and the Batteries Washington and Lee. Hast- lot of trouble. Speaker whiffed and writers that I had met In Marlon CYalgWentworth'a "War Briaet" Prepa are claiming the battle by de- ings, Jennings, and Sneet'and. Catholic lieuis singled to left. Henry's hish Mr. Ball in Chicago, and that we both Nine Supporting Comedy Features. fault. There seems to have been some FOR University, Fahey and Smith. neg gave Gainer agreed that baseball and law courts Bunday Mat.. Electrical Scoreboard tho game as DRAWING INTEREST SHORT CONTESTS Lewis a stolen sack was not a very good I Game cf mlHunderstandlng about I ono dandy mixture. said at Detroit. Gonzaga. smashed at McBrlde. Tho nothing more. Next Week The Gorgeous J50.000 the Preps maintain that the capiain inauu h. prcii iwp nun muicw players were chary about taking them Easy For Dartmouth. tossing to Foster, chased Ixswis back tho season. of Spring Fashion Show on this late.in HANOVER. Mav fi. Dartmouth toward second and tagged him. Gainer, Wins Eighth Straight. WITH PIIETTV PEGGY HOPKINS swamped Norwich I'nlvorsltv heie of course, hnd to May at llrst. Again and Twenty Mannequin Beauties In a Central and St. Albans are playing box, SOUTH Superb Stjle Display today in what is Wrestling Fans Looking For- Umpires May Be Instructed to af tei noon, 13 to 2. in a medlocro Foster dashed ovor toward the BETHLEHEM. Pa., May with Nine Added at Satterlee Field exhibition of baseball that was featured picked up a nasty hop and smashed tho won Its eighth straight game on Vaudeville Noveltlee. Order Seat Now. expected to bo a closely contested hopes home bovs. St. Albans" players have Start Battles Earlier in bv heavy hitting by tho Green batters of the the home grounds by defeating Ursinus battle. The ward to Final Mat Contests K handicapped by injuries to and loose fielding on the part of the The ical Faduesa hns already been yesterday. to 4. It was a game full been losers. Kent, on the slab for Dart- ou lvive the proof: BELASG0--I5- O, Holmes and March. Holmes is expect- told down heie of sensational hitting and fielding. iiiS 20o, 300 up St. Albans", of the Season." Amateur Circuits. mouth, was never forced, securing thir- Nati AB H O A E Hoston. ABHOAE Twomhly, with two home runs and three ed to serve them for strike-out- s, allowing safe- 0 WITH THE FIGHTING Is expected to pitch teen but two Moellcr.rf. 2 10 0 HooDer.rf.. .10 10 0 singles, was responsible for six of Le- FORCES while Gottlieb ties. Mllun.ef .. 4 0 2 0 0 Wngncr.ib. 3 0 3 4 0 high's runs. OF ErrtOPB In Klnemacolor. Cor Central. roster.Sh... 4 0 i 4 0 Spcuktr.cf. 4 2 3 0 0 4 Gandll.lb... 4 1 10 1 0 InwlB.lf. .. S 2 1 0 0 Frank Johnson, who caught four Keen interest Is being manifested in Instructions will probably be sent Let Out Two. MorKdn,:h 4 1 J 1 0 G.ilner.lb.. 4 014 3 1 games for Central last year, is at out from the various league headquai-ter- s nomloaujf 4 1 'J 0 0 . 3 0 2 S 1 AMUSEMENTS - wrestling circles In the main attraction BOSTON. May fi. Outfielder Rehg 2 0 0 2 C 3 0 4 VPuuuUE Ivesleyan this year and Is making and Henry.o... McNally.Jb 0 0 RAWm mi - which will be to the umpires in the amateur cir- Haley havo been Fold by the 3 0 0 Cady.c 3 I'! nriitvr good with a will. Johnson played of the wrestling carnival Catcher Mcnrldr.as 10 14 10 gamen Gayety Theater next cuits to get the plavers In action a bit Red Sox to Providence. Publication of Bohllne,p 3 0 13 0 Miore.p... aii mMih but four championship baseball furnished at the report Rehg had on the .30140 NATIONAL SummirPrlois and will In past few days, as a that water 01 while In tho high school could Wednesday, when a farewell affair earlier than the brain enabled President Lannln to get Totals . ?0 3'M It Totals . 23 6 27 IS HARRY HASTINGS' not beat out the Wesleyan first string Peck. but few of tho scheduled contest ere One winning run His hitting kept him on the be tendered Manager George waivers on him Paul Lannln, son of out whtn scored. Aborn Opera Company catcher. man going over the route Ivttnnln, nt 0 iw ono--0 squad and he figured in tho 1 to 0 de- These annual testimonials to the President wuh elected WoFhtngton BIG SHOW Many leagues to of the Red Sox today. Hoston 0C0 W) 001- -1 In the Perennial Favorite, AMth DAN roi.EMAN. of Columbia University in New who icstored wrestling to Its proper of the scheduled Special feat 5 Run Speaker To-b- a hit Gandll I'ady reatures Friday Nlcht York on Saturday. Washington are becoming to bo start pin at o'clock fall to get action 10c. basis in Three-baa- e hltn-L- el. Speaker. Stolen bates Matinee. bj the throng before C o clock, with tho result that Baseball Results. Lenta, Itondeau, Morgan on baje ROBIN HOOD Wrestling Wednfday Night. May U. Wlngate. of Central, seems to have looked upon with favor Ift Turn, VU 1 Waahlngton. Boston Mat. nnd Thur. Seats 25c. making of a good high Jumper. still keeps Interest in the Hport barely five Innings are squeezed Ward L.. 3. C. U. (i: innings). l"irt base on the which 7, Pittsburgh. 2. error vVanhlnKion. J. Plrat base on balla Mat. Sat. Seats 2Cc nnd 50c. Is ear should ar- through before a halt has to be called Nnv.v, 3. Jle In his fourth and alive, and the card which has been 2. Oft Iloehllng . off Shore. Bit by pitcher Next Week THE HED THE TROJAN WOMEN into a first rate Jumper in on Williams. 3. Yale. By Boehllng 1. by Hhore, 1. fitruck WIDOW Great Cast. develop Is to be Vo excep proceedings 1 out OF EURIPIDES college as he has all the requisites. ranged for next week Brown. 6; Amherst, n FoehllnR. S bv Shore. 3. Wild pitch 3. 4 -- Con-no- tion as compared with past jears. any West Point. Penn State, Boehllnc. Umpires Mesarn Chill and ll TONIGHT Presented by of en- There were number of players Princeton, 3. Lawrenceville, 0. Time of game 1 hour and 41 minutes. The atirceasful TUB CHICAGO LITTLE THHATER CO. Of course the greatest amount L'nder the Auspices of who had perfect das at the hat In and funniest of nil T11K thusiasm centers around the Joe games 500 Seata at 25c mueicai comedies. WOMAN'S l'KACE PARTY. Is to tho various jesterday. Gasklns, 450 00c Turncr-l'-rit- z Hanson affair, which Beat at COLUMBIA THEATER Among the Minors cf tho Staff teum of the lnterurban 2Q0 Seats nt 75c ho a finish match, and which promises 'Bright Eyes' Friday, Mm 7. 1913, at 4.30 P. M. League, hit safely three tlme3 up. Cut- Two Matlneea Only. POc $1 ono tho best contested of any PrtK'KS. to 10. to be of ting, of Union Printers, got two In Thursda & Satur- Feats Now on Sale at Columbia Theater Texas League. staged the Gayety hits day. 1,100 Singing and Dan- of the matches at Ills trips to reati at Houston. 9; Dallas, 0. (Came con- the plate, while Dodge, of J6c. A few at JOc. cing Chorus of 30. this soason. Hanson "and Turner are wceka In tested last half nfth inning, Dallas Congress Heights, and r'alrall. of Fair- - CIGARETTES tale tno Orchestra of IS same class In their re adanee nAY'vMondi'-Tussd- 1)' contesting decision). much In the lawn, sot the same number 0 MAV'o n of safeties U A I 1 ,th at IliM I Fort Worth-Sa- Antonio, wet grounds. spective countries, and each is more Next Week "NnuKlity .Marietta" I O Cromidaat 1 11. Finn Beaumont, 'i; Waco, to establish his superiority The Drlllcry ' i cum n, Galveston, 11. Hhreveport, 4 (S in- than anxious Business College was nings, darkness). over tho other. granted the vacant franchise in the Po- arc an expert blend of EXCURSIONS One of the curtain raisers will be a tomac League at a meeting of the cir- Lt North Carolina League. finish go between Humps Turner and cuit last night and will start play Im- choice quality Turkish and Winston-Sale- both lightweights. Put mediately. l Fleet Greensboro, f, 1. Sailor Noakeo. The Drlllcry tearn has cor- Atlantic of Battleships Durham, 6; Ashcvllle. 3. O'Connor la tho popular choice for ralled i number nf promising plaera Domestic tobaccos, a smoke Raleigh. 9. Charlotte, 3. refeiee of both bouts Althourh he 1ms and is expecting to make a fine show- not ben oftlclally named, his ileslr-abill- H ing. pleasing than either Hampton Roads League. an Influence on Man- more South Atlantic will have Congress Heights daii.v Minvicn TO Columbus, 3; Savannah, 1. ager Peck, who will in all probability got away with n 1 smoked straight. Quality is 0. man on the mat. to 3 score from Fnirlawn Po- Macon. 1; Charleston, name him for third tomac League in the Norfolk and Old Point Comfort Jacksonville, 3; Augusta, 2 (11 In- yesterday. Hunt Dodgo Camel Cigarettes' greatest nings). mini jjuiiiiiuu i irniii'u mo team to a win. Special Ticket lnrlinlluu Stateroom Albany, 11; Columbia, 5 Fordham Star Is s why you nnd Accommodation at The Marines continue to win in the inducement; thaf H Lcngue. 1 Government Foresters went i Wi 1 ii American Association. Wanted By Connie down to a 4 to 3 score Quality! find premiums or CHAMBERLIN HOTEL f'i liulsville, 6; "lo eland, 4. before tho won't vesterday beforo h 1 Milwaukee. 8; St l'aul, 7 banner crowd. Friday o fundny May 6 -- Connie Mark's The (.overnment league outdraws all Premiums coupons in th package. Mundny j $8.00 Indianapolis, S, Columbus, 3 NEW YORK, of tho on tho Not !nturduy to Kordham-Hol- y Cross otheis Monument Grounds 1 Kansas (rain). Interest In the and Is presenting fine rrlrtur to Monilny a article of base- Turadnjr J $12.50 baoehnll game, wnicu nr "um " ball every day. delight- uturday to Southern Association. triiliy nt Kordhuiu Field, was ronren-tnit- Money can't buy a more Friday to Turailuj 917.00 New Orleann, ". Mobile, 2. on Carroll, the Maioon thlnl-rmk- er tongue-stin- g Suturdny to Wrrinradny 018.00 Birmingham. 4. 1. Playground ful cigarette. There's no tlantn, eon-firen- Results. Mm k and Chi roll h.id a nr City Th-Ue- t Office, J Chattanooga. 1, .Nashvlllo, ; Hirst The se-o- nd Literature & the g.nne, and Pitcher Bill division to comp'cte the nor unpleasant, cigaretty 731 .N. V. game). after schools game.. Is lr.lh 8t. , fi to th Ruseditle. Chattanooga, Nashville, ireionit vVnlsh miJ'H Muck offeied h contract whole after-tast- e. 10 cents. me or iwent;-on- e 20 for game). iho Milioou star to take effect June 1. msi ine gnmn Pel ie.s Norfolk and Washington 1 was pln.ved :f$L Little Rock, 6, Memphis, the closing of Kordhitm's season esterdav. Whootlev Srhno'l M liU.yi after team won tlu dlv sion tmnln ,.-- ... If your dealer can't 'aPPb 3oa. Steamboat Co. 'h In Carroll's fourth ye.ir on the h.i or Western League. This and w.is nffnin ruiccosFful. Tho stand- - send 10c for on package j'00 .Maroon varsitv at third base He lends nm u The of City. P, Omaha, S per- i.t ioiiqwh: for a carton of ten packages 200 Circus Sioux th varilt.v lenin In hatting with a Won. RESORTS 1 Des Moines, :'; St Joseph, 1. centage' of 41J. and is a third- - ear Lost. Pel cigarettes), sent postage prepaid. If O O ley i; 1 d Wneoln-Topok- a rain. Wheat 0 you medical student The of 11 A K f smoking one package art WO N 1 l after D Denver- - Wichita aln. Is ilh'T E R 3 the AthletUs at piesent Kopf, who Madison ( delighted with CAMELS, return for the Maionu varnit J I,i7 not THE LOG INN Parade At 10 o'clock A, M. played Ploiec s :i r.i . I and u wtU Virginia LenRue. the other nine package tm ftrntf two ear ago, and captained Ford ham's Blow ;i v. tln Int. BtctiMt rireiwwci !. i . your dollar and postage. nti OOONS OPCN kr i AND T P M Portsmouth, reterphin. basketball team. Mtttirv j refund Located on Chesapeake 4 Newport News, ji, Hecky Mount, 2. 5 ;no Hu, ii ii off HtHlo from Dalti-moi- e Norfolk, a; Suffolk. 0. Webb i, hi milei load ONE 50c TICKET ADMITS TO ALL League. to Sea CMiiOMN unpen Ntir International Otlirr Kanip.s rsierilay woio At l,H R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. iiii.ioIIr. food it vtnf ,1- - and bj 1, Providence, flrltl tliimcrH sui'l'df Hoard I t i Pacific Coast League. P.ochester, . Urnl Sniu'.lwootl, t At How ouiito ii N m r t 'ii n a 3. Winston-Sale- N. C. .lay or n cok. l'hoiie Annatiolls i a c 2 1 Montreal, ll, Richmond, ard LaiiK5ton. jo. Militsn Koncl i IniK Si io, loih h l a lne Krniielsro. 1S31-K-- 3. Portland. -- 3 City, i Write for booklet. nmp lio 10 i I ' . TmoPto Jersey, At Now York Am'iiup-- Hlm'ke, J Ai as at Rroumt loklord. Butfiilo-Newar- k ' . ii iwet grounds). thui, .', Scaton, ;, 1. I.i A Ui I r, Abbutt,