- THE WASHINGTON TIMES. THURSDAY,' MAY 6,- 1915. 18 Manual Trainers Favored Holy Name Society Plans Forming Baseball League TECH FAVORED 10 uHO E PARALYZES Big League Biffers HOLY E TEAMS Greggand Wood Must MINCE PIE Of a Day. ' NI "LITTLE OF EVERYTHING" A.B.H.T.B.Pct. By "BUGS" BAER. EFFORTS FORM WIN' FOURTH GAME Get Into Form Soon GRIFFIN Weaver, White S. 2 2 2 1.000 1Y LEAGUE Groh, Reds 2 2 2 1.000 Judging from his rejuvenated Wingo, Reds 1.000 playing, that youngster Honus Wag- If Red Sox Expect To Be in Race For Pennant and Bresnahan, Cubs. 4Ill3 4 .750 ner is in fits second childhood. Clever Boston Is OF SCHOOL SERB Twirler Real 3 4 Summer Camp and Baseball Keep Series in Boston, Pitchers Should Shotten, Browns. 4 .750 UMP IUaiJJ3R IS SHUTTING HIS Cause of Downfall of Wash; Cobb, Tigers 4 3 3 .760 Circuit Are Embodied in OPPONENTS OUT WITH ONE HIT. , Strike Top Form Immediately. Lewis, Red Sox.. 3 2 4 .667 r ington Club. Plans of Society. Eastern's Defeat at Hands of Although Paul Swan Is conceded to bo Kavana'gh, Tigers 5 3 3 .600 tho most beautiful man In tho world, a Lobert, Giants... 5 3 3 .600 of Play- By LOUIS A. DOUGHER. homely atevodore who can cook, scrub ft Business and Loss and niako Ms own frocks shouldn't despair Jacobson, Tigers. 6 3 3 .500 In Benntown seem to think that By LOUIS A. DOUGHER. A baseball league and a camp for boys PHILADELPHIA, May 6. If the Bubs altogether. Meyers, Giants.. 4 2 3 .500 OrlfT'fl lads hnvc an excellent chance BOSTON, May 6. Grlff-me- n aro planned by tho Washington branch ers Disastrous. Boston Red Sox to become a fac- eonip out tho top of tho heap. Whenever the are to at I begin to support their pitchers with Doyle, Giants.... 4 2 2 .500 of tho Holy Name Society. Plans for tor in 1915 pennant race, they Tho same thing Is true of New ork J the league the faiiH. though In both cities the Qrlffnicn b.iso hits they may win a few ball and the camp were mode at will have to get started soon. This failed to play up to tho'.r beat form. the Russians aren't too busy KtimoB. They failed yesterday In Boston a meeting of the Junior committee last being defeated along that sixty-mil- o night IS IN LAST PLACE NOW is general GrifTmon. becauso Ernlo Bhoro paralyzed their at the homo of Frank Wissncr. the belief of the Is "done" In Bos- front, Walter Johnson 1312 Thlrty-ilr- at Hal Janvrln about would like to hire sixty every effort. Throe hits scat street northwest. The The return of Joe Wood and Vean ton, ll ho Is traded or sold by UIH feet of is martyr 10 tered through nlno frames is committee composed of Frank Wiss- (.'urrlsun, lie will have been a Box JIM COFFEY KNOCKS ncr. Capt. Gregg to midseason form, it is tho "local boy" stutf. Seldom Is a play- tho teal tale of how tho Red Harry Walsh. N. J, McGee. .Washington Scholastic Athletes agreed, will put Carrigan's clan in er a success In nls own homo town, no won that getaway battle, 1 to 0. Sure matter what the populfti sons or story Boohling wild pitched Speaker across S!?1'.," w' cKan- - Michael D. a most formidable condition, but if uniii. .tnnvrlii all tno earmarks game, Schacffor, president of fhe Diocesan Honors hnvn lias - with the lone run of the hut Union, Make Strong Bid for high-price- but Uoa- and President John Hadlcy these two d pitchers insist ot belna a major league slur, made difference; without Doyle inn tnlifl rrfllKfl to uem:u 11. nv3 QUCCXPH that little OUT REICH IN THIRD of the Washington branch, also on waiting for hot weather before rirW him nil the- - time uiid CurrlKati that tally, some 2,000 fans would have attended. at Tome. - pitchers' battle end with no Cant. Eugene C. Edwards, who was testing wings, the opportunity j ha seen a their wanted to get score because a team scooted to head tho now may be gone for the Red Sox to horn calls upsetting tho youngster. joo early Instead of a late one ganization, baseball or- h.nge uceuplcH a similar position In "What the Na- an train and Georgo E. Lone was into the fray. equally good for all purposes. As it made official umpire. All games By BRYAN MORSE. wnvhinL'tmi. Hn is never given credit Skffi tionals need is Jabs Followed By Swings, and be Played will "Ban Johnson savs the race Xtuubality he undoubtedly was, the homo boys grabbed both on the old Olympic grounds In get to- that tor having the thirty-fift- Technical and Eastern v.: oen i ft,;. mi u ! uosscshcs. It the laim of cither city more hitting. In frames from the hltless Grlffmen. Wicon.ln n.ut h street and .....a wwyj.i ... ... io,in .. uu ... pluy-o- Irish Giant Finally Lands avenue. gether tomorrow afternoon at Amer- .Uv. w(Ud boost thc)r nomc talent, the f the game, Joo Boohllng never looked bettor. the best in years. He's right, Icrs would how it In their impioved not H1b speod was excellent, his curve onlnJ'mbfr ? the church societies hav League for the fourth In tllO CUStOm. UCVC1' signified their ican Park too," says Manager Griffith. "No wnrlc Hilt thnt not outside it." hall puzzling, and his slow one most Victim, in Stomach. Intention of of the high school champion hus been nnd probably never will be. tantalizing. Ho gave tho Red Sox IcaKu. Including Holy frame one team has enough on all the oth- Humors arc rite In the Hub that Janvrln flvo hits, but his own teammates could oflntJL?f. St. Stephen's. ship baseball series and indications Is to be trudtd. Bill Carngan denies collect onlv three. Shore proved con- - Si' ,,""n,la Sl: Vincent de Paul, and ers to make it a runaway thing. I It, the trade or salo will bo torced ..1....I....1.. .!. l.r. tin tIMA Of an fi' A,1?ys,UsJ J1 ,s Probable that St. Tech victory. A detent but NEW May 6. B point to a can't see the Athletics without on the manager of the Ked So. emerv ball to win. He has a line, fast YORK. Rich Irish nd also St. Mary'a of of several I brogue predominated ln- - by Business and the loss with Fifteen hundred athlete are to run In ti,nrn nil. but It Is good in the cheeis fSh cm, Th latter team Frank Baker, but him back in a .,i,vv. of 10,000 persons new is"'"J" by Sylvester Breen, robbed Eastern of con- Harry Lord, who makes his home In New YArk marathon, Europe enough to stop the best effort ino.w mat greeted a manager good players has line the Athletics will be strong hoinE tint enemy. eamo mu mum v.oney, or - f V Alexandrla Cardinals, ex- Portland, Ale., epects to square his haa no monopoly on tho horrors of war. Tlie victory in iifuk iicro in oim itoscom- pected and is flrood chance at the title while the tenders. with Charlie Comlskey and ftnor a nniuo bizziuik immiutu iwicn inio bud to have a strong team. All a showing uccouius McNally really robbed Jectlon"" In less thanji three rnnni1 Players must be v over Central has "The Yankees are more class then Wivcst In the Portland New England fielding. Mike nf members of tho Holv f victory of Western than was expected of them. I am not Leaguers, playing third bate for mom. The Yanks have a turtle back dia- tl, Vnllnnnls nf 1holr chanCO to Win fighting In Madison Square Garden last f;ame&0S,et and the nc ln"t has given Tech a new lease 01 me. with those who say they are playing Hughuy Duffy, tormer manager of the mond, but is when ho leaped over, seized Rondeau's night. Just how good Coffey Is could ?,? .at nineteen, with the pro- - this the first year it to get the run- not be gathered en- ,W spring a sur- beyond their speed. Malsel may como White Sox, is principal owner of the hard smash In time from last night's luGT?. nm,y bc two Players Eastern is likely to back a bit in his hitting, but who is says will wel- started snapping. ner. Ray Morgan was on second with counter, for Reich was never able to V,J this limit, whose ages together de- Portland flub and he lie hopes of do not prise, as the Capitol Hill team ablo to say that Plpp, Cook and llarl-ze- ll come Lord llko a long lost son. two out at the time and all withstand the steady Jabs of tho Irish aggregate forty years. The or High can't tetaln their present If it gets much worse, rain will soon a vlctorv for the Old Fox vanished. lad which paved the way for a series of be Bve"ned by the appoint- feated St. Albans 7 to 1 on Tuesday Zeb Milan woke tho slumbering right and left swings which edeguiofficials hitting standard? HartzMl hns always Georgo McBrldo escorted a party of bo regarded as a moral victory by Man- raced left Reich and a board of managers line-u- p.
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