Bar and Bat Mitzvah Temple Israel Sanctuary
Temple Israel Sanctuary The Ark, which is the central focus of the sanctuary, houses the Torah scrolls. Its doors MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE are carved with the Burning Bush. This represents a particularly moving moment in the early history of our people, when Moses accepted God’s mission and led the Jewish people out of Egypt to Sinai. The brilliantly hued tapestry within the Ark represents Bar and Bat Mitzvah the form of the Ark doors. The Hebrew letter Shin,which signifies the word Shaddai, meaning God, is sculpted into the center of the Ark doors. The term bar/bat mitzvah means son/daughter of mitzvah. According to Judaism, at the age of 13 an individual can now take on additional religious The Ten Commandment Tablets appear above the doors of the Ark. They represent the privileges and responsibilities. Mitzvot, literally commandments, are the fulfillment of God’s promise to Moses at the Burning Bush and are the guiding precept responsibilities of a Jew. Before reaching the age of bar or bat mitzvah, for the daily life of every Jew. The Eternal Light, symbolic of the Jew’s ongoing spirit, is children voluntarily perform mitzvot. Followingbar/bat mitzvah, mitzvot placed above the Tablets. From its form, a torch, we infer light permeating darkness, become obligatory. In this regard, the idea of fulfilling the commandments just as the Torah has illuminated the life of every Jew throughout the ages. suggests accepting responsibility as an adult. This is sacred and deserving of The stone mosaic wall on either side of the Ark symbolizes the wings of an angel.
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