HOBART WALKING CLUB INC. Circular 782 June 2013 ___________________________________________________________ Club General Meeting Friday 7 June at Philip Smith Centre 7.30 pm Entertainment: Margaret Williams visited Yunnan, China in 2011 Website: www.hobartwalkingclub.org.au Email:
[email protected] Postal Address:GPO Box 753, Hobart TAS 7001 Facebook: hobart walking club Proudly printed by 2 JUNE 2013 Club Aims The Club encourages walking, skiing and similar outdoor activities, and promotes interest in the preservation of flora, fauna and natural scenery. Joining the Club Persons aged 16 years and over can apply for prospective membership. To become a full member, three qualifying walks and an Essential Skills Day have to be completed within 12 months of joining. For further details visit the Club website or contact the Membership Officer, Geoff O’Hara (03 6272 1225). Risk The Club is a group of people who enjoy bushwalks and similar activities, with trips organised on a voluntary basis by and for Club members. Every trip coordinator is an unpaid volunteer who organises the walk for fellow Club members. They are not paid professionals with commensurate training and responsibility. Thus each trip member is responsible for their own safety, suitability of equipment and personal skills. Members and visitors take part in Club organised activities at their own risk. The Club does not offer qualified first aid. Club activities involve inherent risks and dangers. The published Walk Previews grade the level of difficulty and distance, and may indicate some risks. However, unanticipated and unavoidable hazards can occur which result in serious injury or property loss/damage.