The Clan Grant Society - USA is a member of ,w"SCOTTISH CLANS The Gouncil of Scottish Clans and Associations, Inc. AND ASSOCIATIONS. INC Everyone in February March and April 20211 Greetings to all ourmembers, and Sir James Gmnt give a hug! "Just hoping!" Chiefof Clan Gmnt. Welcome to all our new members. Many thanks to William Grant and Sons Dis- We are blessed to have tillery for again sponsoring had such an awesome $toup Craigellachie. of board members, both The pandemic has re- elected and appointed. With- duced our membership re- out their guidance and ideas, cruiting. When the games hard work and planning, begin again we will be ask- Clan Crrant would not be. ing our members to contrib- To our Games Commis- ute to help fund Crrant Tents. sioners, thank you for attend- As an aside, Lena and ing faitlfully all the games in I are now fu1l time Texans. your areas the past three years. Our new address is 3102 You are our front line! Santa l-ydia St, Mission TX Covid 19 has squashed all 78572.I canslill be reached of the games for the year byphone at757 617 1652 2020,.and perhaps 202I, ay ar or email at which none ofus shall forget. <
[email protected]>. With lots of prayers and great Until we meet again, I hope, may we all meet aganal am wishing you health and the games inthe fall of2021. We might even be able to happiness. Stand Fast! Dr. Bill Grant lFutlet -?tr ffirites f or Cra igellach ie W int er 2O2t Thonk you to the following oword-winning folks who come to the Craigellafchie ?escue by sending orticles, stories ond lots of things for the new issue of the Clan Grant Society - USA publicotionr Dr.