The Clan Grant Society - USA is a member of ,w"SCOTTISH CLANS The Gouncil of Scottish Clans and Associations, Inc. AND ASSOCIATIONS. INC Everyone in February March and April 20211

Greetings to all ourmembers, and Sir James Gmnt give a hug! "Just hoping!" Chiefof Clan Gmnt. Welcome to all our new members. Many thanks to William Grant and Sons Dis- We are blessed to have tillery for again sponsoring had such an awesome $toup Craigellachie. of board members, both The pandemic has re- elected and appointed. With- duced our membership re- out their guidance and ideas, cruiting. When the games hard work and planning, begin again we will be ask- Clan Crrant would not be. ing our members to contrib- To our Games Commis- ute to help fund Crrant Tents. sioners, thank you for attend- As an aside, Lena and ing faitlfully all the games in I are now fu1l time Texans. your areas the past three years. Our new address is 3102 You are our front line! Santa l-ydia St, Mission TX Covid 19 has squashed all 78572.I canslill be reached of the games for the year byphone at757 617 1652 2020,.and perhaps 202I, ay ar or email at which none ofus shall forget. . With lots of prayers and great Until we meet again, I hope, may we all meet aganal am wishing you health and the games inthe fall of2021. We might even be able to happiness. Stand Fast! Dr. Bill Grant lFutlet -?tr ffirites f or Cra igellach ie W int er 2O2t

Thonk you to the following oword-winning folks who come to the Craigellafchie ?escue by sending orticles, stories ond lots of things for the new issue of the Clan Grant Society - USA publicotionr Dr. Bill Grant, Jeff Click, Dr. Caro Cowqn Wotts, Poul Dollos 6rant, Bob 6ront, Rond Allen, Dr. Phillip Smith ond Karen Cook.

0 a4a 2 Q qlr.chao, yrll;catan ol tla e b'n q,n &f S odrl4 - U S A W Lntol eozt oun clqn ChleF Clan Grant Societv Seeking an assistant g 7u webmaster! r-Q Clan Gra:nt Society - USA is looking for an ol individual interested in being the Assistant Webmaster to help maintain our society website ea as well as being a backup for the cunent webmaster. U, raa Our website is currently hosted by GoDaddy fi6 and is using Drupal open-source software as the 4; basis for our website. 60 We afe looking for a volunteer who has at least o,'1 some basic knowledge of websites as we do not EF yet have a manual written containing the informa- a tion necessary to train someone from scratch. However, this individual does al not require spe- cific knowledge ofDrupal or GoDaddy. Please send an email to [email protected] expressing your interest and listing yor"r experience.

Seeking a genealogy enthusiast This is a consultant-type volunteer position for someone with an interest in genealogy and does not require much in the way of experience or ex- pertise although a basic understanding is helpful. The j ob entails maintaining our members-only Clan database, adding new Clan family trees from mem- bers and fielding questions from members look- ing into their own Grant Clan genealogy. The da- tabase, which has been formatted using Family Tree (a genealogy database program), is privately main- tained on the Genealogist's personal computer; no public access is currently permitted. Lastly, the Genealogist should submit an anicle or two to the Craig during the year. The position is not onerous and rarely requires little more than an hour or two here and there throughout the year. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Bill Grant at [email protected]. ed7ilailrp, (rrlks"hsr4 oi il4p Cls4 q4u41 Socrrly - A SA Wi"dpr, 2o2l 0a4o 3 Tulsa Pier Drilling CEO and Principal Owner Recognized with National Elv S. Parker Award

Albuquerque, NM., . 29,2020 The tively impacted thousands of Indigenous youth." American Indiaa Science and Engineering- Soci- Dr. Cowan Watts is CEO and principal owner ety (AISES) has ofTulsaPier D-rilling (TPD), a privately held small named Dr. Cara business with operations in Oklahoma and Arkan- Cowan Watts sas. She built the company into an industry leader the 2020 Ely S. and today TPD is one of the fastest-growing 100 Parker Award percentNativeAmerican--owned companies. TPD winner. has a skilled workforce specializing in rough ter- Now in its rain, hard rock, and challenging drilling situations. 37th year, the "It is an honor to receive this recognition from Ely S. Parker AISES, an organization I deeply admire. AISES Award recog- helped me to embrace and develop my leadership nizes an Indig- skills as well as contributed to my personal enous pro fes- growth," said Cara. "AISES challenged me to set sional who has the bar high for myself and sparked my passion to achieved an ex- serve my communities when ald where that help ceptional career is most needed." whiie support- Kay Porteq who nominated Dr. Cowan Watts, ing education in STEM (science, technology, en- came to know her when she was a Fellow in the gineering, and mathematics) disciplines. National Science Foundation Louis Stokes Alliance Dr. Cowan Watts joins a distinguished com- for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Bridge to the munity of leaders who have provided exhaordi- Doctorate (BD) program in Oklahoma. nary lifelong suppofi, not only in their many dif- Dr. Cowan Watts was one of 12 fellows in ferent STEM fields, but also in advancing oppor- the first cohort ofthe BD program. tunities for others. Dr. Cowan Watts was selected LSAMP Scholars are selected from a national from an impressive national pool of nominees by pool of applicants and to be chosen is a distinct the AISES Board of Directors. honor. Porter said, "Cara has consistently been The Ely S . Parker Award is the highest profes- active in serving Native students in numerous ca- sional honor that AISES confers. Recipients follow pacities. From Cara's early involvement in STEM the example of Ely S. Parker, a 19d'-century Seneca programs to today's activities, she has never tired Nation Chief who broke multiple racial baniers of, promoting AISES and other programs to help while establishing an enduring legacy that. contin- improve the lives ofNative students. Cara is apro- 'fessional ues to inspire today's Indigenous leaders. others strive to be like and look up to." "We take great fride in selecting Dr. Cara Dr. Cowan Watts has dedicated her life to Cowan Watts as this year's E1y S. Parker Award leading by example in public service. She is a winner," said, Gary Bumette, AISES board chair. former Cherokee Nalion Tribal Courcilwoman "Cara demonstrates sustained contributions and (2003-2015) who helped start the Cherokee Na- outstanding leadership in STEM that have posi- Continued on page 5

Q aao + e,naqailnohip, yltltcalan ol tl,rz e hn q,rald Sactp4 - U S A W into o 2o2l Dr. Cara Cown Watts, continued from page 4

tion National Science and Engineering Fair to boost excitement about STEM. She supported the annual Cherokee Nation STEM summer camp and the Native Expiorers program at the University of Oklahoma. She was involved in bringing theAISES National American Indian Science and Engineer- ing Fair to Oklahoma State University. To get stu- dents interested in STEM disciplines, the Cowan Watts family created an a.nnual Excellence in En- gineering Award for students in grades five-I2. Dr. Cowan Watts is a ninth-generation resi- dent ofRogers County, Okiahoma, and a direct de- scendant of O1d Settler Cherokee Chief John Rogers, who lived in the Cooweescoowee District of the Cherokee Nation. In her tenure as a tribal councilwoman, Dr. Cowan Watts made significant contributions to the Cherokee Nation in education, economic development, sustainability, tribal sov- ereignty, health care, water quality, and water rights. Today, she is active in three Cherokee organiza- tions: Rogers County Cherokee Association, Vic- tory Cherokee Organization and Tulsa Cherokee C ommunity Org anizat\on. Dr. Cowan Watts told your editor via email, "I am part of the Cherokee Nation's Siol Sept and descended from Ludovick Grant. I used to be on the Cherokee Nation Tribal Council. I attended the Clan Grant Intemational Gathering about ten years ago. My malried last name is Cowan Watts." Dr. Watts is a Lifetime Member of the Clan Crant Sociew-USA!

/ a from all of the Clan Grant Society - USA'

Adqdlail)., 1*llrcc,tan ol tl'o e bt4 q rr"r'd 9odrl9 - U SA W ialpr, 2o2l 0o* 5 Clan Grant Notecards! Clan Grant The perfect Society-USA any occasion gift. member

lf you receive an email from "Clan Grant Society- USA'I marketing@

It is official and from your Clan. Most likely, it Help us build the Greg Grant Educational Fund by purchasing is the link to either 5 cards with envelopes for $10.00 or 10 cards with envelopes for open the latest $ 15.00. Al1 proceeds go to the Educational Fund. Craigellochie, Send your check to Clan Grant Society-USA, 6640 Arena Road our quarterly Oza* AR 72949. Include a note indicating the quantity ordered, your newsletter. name and the address to which you wish your order shipped. Thank you for supporting your Clan and those who need educa- We go through a tional assistance. lot of effort and expense to provide you this quarterly sco?cfi newsletter. MAIT nur,oo Pleose open the $rNcus email and click on the link! a Dr Bill Grant, Ph.D., THE R FSA Scot President Clan Grant Society- ory USA SCOTTAND

0ar1a 0 eugdlathao, plMattol4 ol il4p Ck 4 qr.,Al Sodq - tlrtsA Wiilltu aoll Thp Maryiage of Paul Dallas Grant, Jf,l *' f? Jennifer Marie Kirkpatfr.f. Paul Dallas Grant,""d Sr., writes my son, his fiancd, Jennifer, and Gilly, their dog, came to visit me in October for a week. They came from Kansas City, Missouri, to Woodbridge, Virginia, planning to visit for a week. A month before the drive, they. decided to have their wedding at my house. They wanted to use our family pastor, Pastor Tim, to perform the service at my home. Know- ing that my Church and Pastor needed 5-6 coun- selling sessions before a wedding, I got my son to directly discuss this with Pastor Tim. They liad the conversations and agreed to conduct counsel- ling session as a threesome using Zoom. They arrived on Saturday, October 3, to stafi a wonderfirl family gathering. We all attended Church on October 4 for a distanced outdoor service. On Monday, October 5, they had their final counseling session face-to-face in the Church. The wedding was at my home on Wednes- day, October 7 on a gorgeous, bright fall day. It was conducted on my deck. tF The couple had decorated an area under my f, wisteria canopy. The participants totaled seven which was a good number for COVID restrictions on a large deck. There were the marriage couple, Pastor Tim, me and tluee {E' very close family friends. Later, Gilly foundthe creek behind the house. E#sIE- :-== - flifil3filt*llElcfd-.!-.f,- J The parents of the r =------I O@)bhae, pAtUt"lrn-olt*teb,&q,nAlf-flr Sodq - USA WitierLzOAt 0ry7 - The 26th Annual Northeast Florida Scottish and Festival returns to Glay Gounty, Florida Fairgrounds on Saturday, February 27r 2O21

Admission is $12 in advance and $'15 at the gate the day of the games. Children under '10 are admitted free. 904-7 25-57 44 or < i nfo@nefl games. com>

A note from your editor: The above announcement just came in about 2:30 on Monday, February 1. The games state that all CDC guidelines will be followed. , Please, keep a close watch on other announcements.

Grant A new node: content type Qlan has been created on the Clan Website has Grant website. lt is entitled ttr "Ulysses S. Grant." Be sure and take a look! .*:'if new node!

I finolfy realized An old Glan Grant shield. people are reolly

prisoners of their phonas. This is why. they are colled

Qa.1a S enar/L*hae, @rh"r,lior4 c+ il4a Ck"4 qimf Souq - USA Wtntor aoet ,.l,ar pipes. *ntl ,.j llet\r .TRl. dritllL- i 'hayfri_e5t dilvs { $rE Strtl tb comc./ ,

Just send a $$$ contribution to Treasurer, Karen Cook, 6640 Arena Road, Ozark; AR 77949

Qry)h*,hae, @lraaho4"olil"oek"+qia'nf Socrrh - USA WitiRL2o2l Dqo9 Scottish goodies translated for us!

It is sometimes a puzz\e to pull out your * Greeseproof paper - parchment or wax paper favourite Scottish cookbook and find ingredients * Swedes - tumips that you can't figure out. Here are BritishL/Scottish * Icing Sugar - powdered sugar ingredients and their American equivalents + Gammon - ham * * Single Cream- light cream Joint - roast of meat * x Biaebenies - raspberries Bacon rasher - bacon slice * * Double Cream - whipping cream Kitchen paper - paper towels * * Bicarbonate of Soda - baking soda Streaky bacon - regular bacon * * Lyle's Golden Syrup - light Karo Syrup Bacon - Canadian bacon * * Biind pie case - baked pie shell Liquidizer/mixer - mixer/blender * * Tracle - molasses Baking tray - cookie sheets * * Blood heat - lukewarm Mince - ground'beef * * Castor sugar - super fine granulated sugar Nut ofbutter - pat of butter * * Demerara sugar - brown sugar Polyetheline - plastic wrap * * Broad beans - lima beans or fava beans Preserving sugar - white sugar * x Mixed Spice - Allspice Pudding cloth - cheesecloth x * Cake mixture - cake batter To sieve - sift x * Dark cooking chocolate - semi-sweet chocolate Soft brown sugar - light brown sugar * * Digestive biscuits - Graham Crackers Spring onion - scallion or green onion * x Case - pie shell Tarllet tin - muffin pan * * Plain flour - al1 purpose flour Wholemeal - wholewheat * * Chili - chili pepper Shong plain flour - unbleached white flour * * Strong Flour - bread flour Spurtle - wooden spoon * * Comflour - comstarch Pudding basin ' ovenproofbowl * x Sultanas - seedless white grapes or golden Ratafia biscuit - almond flavored cookies or raisins dried mushrooms x Beetroot - * Salt Beef- comed beefbrisket beet * Anchovy - paste * Crisps - potato chips essence anchor.y *Tomato puree - tomato paste * Essence - extract you * Courgettes - zucchini PS Though can use Graham Crackers for grannie * Fats - shortening digestive biscuits, my used anowroot found grocery * Aubergines - eggplant cookies in the baby section of the * Girdle - griddle siore. These are cookies you can give a baby .becausb so easilv. * haricot beans - thev melt

Tartan Day Parade 202l: Iconic New York celebration cancelled ... www.,/health/coronavirus/tartan-day... The iconic New York ceiebration of Scottish heritage, the Tartan Day Parade, has been cancelled again due to coronavirus. By Rachel Mackie. Wednesday, 27th lamary 2021,6:17 pm. Updated 10 hours... Parlz rc ev"afu*htq p^ll;cat aa. ol tlra ehn q,rald So4rph - A SA Wi.nloL 2o2l Celebrate your heritage and join your clansmen and clanswomen in celebrating National Tartan Day. Wear your tartan out to eat, to work, to the old ball game or anywhere else. Enjoy tatties and neeps, scones, shortbread or even haggis or whatever else puts you in the mood. Listen to Scottish music on your lpad, tablet or stereo or over Muzak at work. No matter what you do or how you do it, celebrate it!


Dr. Bill Grant. Ph.D. president of the Clan Grant Society - USA and the Clan Grant Society -USA Board #h 0 naq"hnhb, yrltl;t"n- ol tl.* e hh q Sodalg - U S A WiAleL2O2, Pa+,tl gnnQtn*SW-qKA Festival Gommissioners

Antonio Highland canes and Celtio Music Iestival


air I'Iill Scotlish Galnes Elktor MDI

SC Callabre Scottish Ga|1es

Fest Costa Mesa CA

. urunl Granl

,,ghland Catnes , r,eslival

-. drghland Callles onterey CA

ned iu m

cMin nville Scottish Games

anda Hazan-Sanchez

Mt Georgia Highland games

la rge SC iJighland Ganres 3 mediurn Mohab Celtic Festival, Scots on the Rocks

1.0 medium Salado Scoltisli Catherirg and Flighland Ganes

Pocla 12 9q)bhiq pllrs,lto* ol lJro Cln4 q,ranl Soa& - ASA Wil,rlerL 2021 Bob Grant, Chaplain Clan Grant Society -USA

Auld Lang Syne was sung with more than usual fervor this year, and, ofcourse, even more so by those ofus of Scottish descent. One of the highlights of our trip to Scot- Clan Grant Society - USA Chaplain Bob land my wife and I made in 2014 was a stop in Grant inside the Burns Memorial in Alloway Alloway to see the Burns Museum, birthplace and church. AuldLang Syne Robert Bums was the collector, author and composer of Auld Lang Syne. The custom of "Should o1d acquaintance be forgot, "l singing this song to usher in the new year has and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot. traveled the world. and old lang syne? On Jan. 25, we attended avifiual BumsNight Celebration broadcast from so we could CHORUS: hear songs and poems written by the bard. For auld lang syne, my dear, The museum held many items of interest, for auld lang syne, such asRobert Bums' manuscripts, portraits, we'll take a cup ofkindness yet, personal items and collectors' items themed on for auld lang syne. Auld Lang Syne. Because he was a great wordsmith, several And surely you'li buy your pint cup! of his tums of a phrase were incorporated into and surely I'11 buy mine! the decor and landscaping. You can investigate And we'll take a cup o' kindness yet, tlrc Robert Bums Birthplace Museum website. for auld lang syne. It CHORUS:' is a great way to see what is available until COVID-19 will let us visit in person. We two have run about the slopes, These accompanying photographs are and picked the daisies fine; from our time there. Enjoy!

Song, continued on page 18 Pictures, continued on page l8 Anirfu*hao, @th"r,hn4otril"tAb,,hqitnf Socr"l4 - USA Wialpro2021 Pryt! >oFI o- n9JH 9) fl o t-l'i

-A U)

Qat1a ta Q,&aq.olbhb, p^l'lrcc*m ol t*. ebtt q,*rrJ Sodrl9 - USA Wlr4toL 2o2l UlvssesU S. Grant War Memorial Plaque in California

Rand Allen, Clan Grant Society - USA Membership Secretary

By our home in La Jolla, California, tion. These plaques were mounted on the there is a nearby war memorial on Mt. walls for all people to view. Soledad, owned and managed by the Mt. There are now over 5,000 plaques hon- Soledad Memorial Association. oring servicemen from all branches of the In existence since 1954 as a war me- service and battlefields. morial to the soldiers of WWI, WWII and My wife's father, Walter Winters, was the Korean War, the waar memorial under- a WWII Bombadier Instructor. We pur- went a major reconstruction in 1988. Sev- chased a plaque for him several years ago. eral walls were erected around the central Recently, while visiting my father-in- cross. People were invited to purchase Iaw's plaque, we came across a plaque honor- plaques containing records of family mem- ing Ulysses S. Grant. He is one of six bers that served in all branches ofthe mili- pesidents honored at the site. tary and were veterans of any military ac- Continued on page 16

edqdlaghp, yrl*u*aa. olt tl"t Cl&4 q,w4f Socrrl'ry - U SA Wi'doL Pry 15 ''021 Mt. Sofedad War Memorial, LonrintkJ front lnyt' l5 ()9E ,ri EE.P i'r**"*i

E-- at={J(, sd Eg 'r'*i, **" !fiE= ! :**!=Gr_r

. members his The Old Print Gallery. ,f!$ _Gy.q1Ut-9.ryd .oJ ;t'ctmily. Qd'12tfi e@lr,chi'o, pil)riln'%olil*Ck-q4n441 Sodrh - USA WialpLeoll Cl,AN GRANl"S .I A II'IAN PAI{T'NEIIS

Y U!

COULD BE ONE OF U'! Allied Fomiliel & leptr of Clcn Gront Allan. Allen. Biret(t). Bwie Buie' Gilroy. MoccAllon M(o)cgihoy.M(chihoy McKeron. M(o)cKioron M(c)cl(eroch. Frqtt. tu$ie IT'' GREATTO BE A GRANT!

tll e,tnif)lehio, pilk&lru* o4 illp eb-t4 qi"ot4f Socreln - SA Wit4tprl AOA| paqp lI Burns Museum photos, c:onlinued nosc l J

Robert Burns ' writing desk and chair,

Song, continued.from page I 3

But we've wandered many a weary foot, since auld lang syne. CHORUS:

We two have paddlcd in the stream, from morning sun till dine; But seas between us broad have roared since auld lang syne. CHORUS:

And there's a hand my trusty friend! And give us a hand o' thine! And we'Il take a light good-will draught, for auld lang syne. CHORUS:

Read More: Wh], Do We Sins "Auld Lang Syne" At Midnight New Year's Eve? http!7

96 1,ne- at-midni ght-o n-new-)'ears-eve/ ?utm source:tsmclipt&!1q l|glljlrn:referral

tt".l" t s Ani4ilttlra, prl'ltxalren o+ il42 Cb4 qtnu) A Wialg,\ 2O2l ffi kEm

The Finest Shortbr:ead coines fxrm Scotlancl. 1rl1pp' uhll fru (?Alc I'tl"r/&cr"- d,td l'otr'11

120 years df liurily t{erlicttion to bakirtg pure butter shorftrt'earl is r,r,lmt trtrrkes V/itlken ac'I / 4,r1/),,Qht:'t/, l/t odiruutl

q g Qqhnhao, fr,ilth..'.tto4 o+ il4p e b'"4 raul Sodd4, U S A W i,u.lprL AOAi P aqp I February is not too late for New Year's Resolutions... ano rr you are a genealogist, you will moan and groan over the ones listed here! fr btte> (>oa yor4r e[i(o>,,

Neu, Yea/s Resohttioru fiowns5zWryA'K",^I times ge tgrarLdfadih*r,

If you work with genealogy, i1 doesn't take ment, fuesolve to give the appearance ofbeing exbefiely long for you to realize that your ances'tors wete well-educated in the.coming year, I will wiite my own jLrs- like us. They were not perfect. They were name in as many different ways as I can thjnk ol hurnan beings, rnostly doing the best they cou1d. Resolution Number TWo: I resolve to see to In my own papers, my three-gteat grandfa- it that all my children will be named the same ther Cone wrote to one of his cor.rsins, "Why in the names that my ancestors have used fot more than world won't you take tirne to take pen in hand and six generations in a row. I will roly heavily on write to me about your family?" I{e grumpily John, James and Williarn for the boys and Mary, writes for several paragaphs about how hls Cone Arur and Elizabeth tbr tho girls, relations just won't help hirn with the genealogy Resolution Number Three: My age is he is trying to create. nobody's buslness but my olv . I heteby resolve I really howled with iaughler when I first re' never ro lisl fne same age oL blrfh year rwice on ceived my copy ofhis letter. thad-nottfurtymin' any docurnent. I resolve to get younger as tilne utes before - written a letter pretty rruch like the passes, one that was written long ago, My ietter was Resolution Numlier tr'our: I resolve to have grunpy, too. each of ttry ihiidren baptized irr a different chureh So in addition to rny own Resolutions to "get - either jn a diI1'erent faith or in a diffcrent parish, sirinny," "be more mindful of keeping good Every tlird child will not be baptized at all or be records," " dust rnore often," will be the ones I baplized by ari itinorant minister who keeps no found fi'orn a fe1la back in 1852, I don't know for teeotds. sure if we are kin. I hope we are as he must have Resolution Numbsr Five: lresoive ro move had avisionof tho fiustrations all ofhis NewYear's to a new iowi1, netv county 0I new stale at least Resolutions would cause clown through the yeat's. onoe in every tcn years - just befote those pesky I think that he had a marvellous ald wicked seflse enumemtors ilom the Census come around asking of humour. silly questions, FIe is surely laughing at tre as I Lry to wade $esolution Number Six. I will make every through my orvn fanily who did about all he sug- afiempt to roside in oounties and towns where no ' gested for folks to do) vital recolds are maintained or where the courl- Resolution Number Onc: No man is truLy house bums down every {bw ygars. join weil-educated unless he learns to spell his name in Resolution Number Scvcnl I resolve to at least tltee different ways withirr the same docu" an obscure religious cult that does not bclieve in Continued on Page 2 ) Poga 20 pilkrnf;al4 of tl4a elon q4n,nf Soerrh - tl,,l94 lliltdpL AOZI Outlander (Outlander l/9) If you have not read this

series of booksn you have missed a real treat!

Diana Gabaldon, 1991 The year is 1945. Claire Randall, a fomer combat nurse, is just back from the war and reunited with her husband on a second honey- moon when she walks through a standing stone in one of the ancient circles that dot the British Isles. Suddenly she is a Sassenach-an "out- lander" in a Scotland tom by war and raiding border clans in the year ofOur Lord... 1743. Hurled back in time by forces she cannot understand, Claire is ' Continued on page 24

A letter from your editor, continued.from page 2 0 record-keeping or in pafiicipating in military ser- v1ce. Resolution Number Eight: When the tax col- lector comes to my door, I'll loan him my pen, which has been dipped in ink that fades away in a few weeks. Resolution Number Niner I resolve that.if my beloved wife, Mary, should die, I will marry alother lady called "Mary." If she should die, I will ccntinue with "Mary" so long as I live. Resolution Number Ten: I resolve not to make a will. wlro needs to spend money on a lawyer? Now that you've read this, ask yourself if your own anceston did the same as this? l'11 bet that some of them didl I dreamed ofthis fellow last nisht and he was laughing very hard! e'nt4il.'d,ip, frilhaha-o+ilrzehnq,,et4J Socra4 - USA WiA"r,2o2l Pry2l W',4/,, il* A,* furt olt'rtl an1cn' d WILLIAM CNNruT&SON5 Ii',1 n.:PiNrli!t1 Fof',rtly Ijt5lri! 9lli Slrtia rSst

In20l9, William Grant & Sons was once again named Distiller of the Year by the International Spirits Challenge. The company has received the highest acco- lade of Distiller of the Year from either the Inter- national Wine and Spirits Competition or the In- ternational Spirits Challenge 12 times in the last 13 years. These consistent wins demonstrate the excep- tional quality of liquidproduced by the company, which underpins all of its brands. l-el's allgo io this ausfion! More than 2,000 individual items will go up for sale at Bonhams auction in April after the attics and cellars ofDunrobin Castle in Sutherland were opened up for the first time in many years. Items were retrieved from attic spaces where ser- vants once slept ald fiom rooms that liad long been ignored. The 25th Earl of Sutherland prompted the auc- tion after inheriting Dunrobin following the death of liis mother, Elizabeth, in 2019.

Qnafbnhao, @kdtaa oi Urt eh". q,^nl Soci4 - USA Wirrbr" 2o2l \ap e3 Craigellachie in the snow With thanks to Dr. Phillio Smith.

Outlander, continuedfrom page 2l catapulted into the intrigues oflairds and spies that may threaten her life and shatter her hearl. For here James Fraser, a gallant young Scots warrior,- shows her a love so absolute that Claire becomes a woman tom between fidelity and desire-and between two vastly different men in two ireconcilable lives. This book has so many layers,.from Claire helping the Scots she meets to live betler lives through belter food and herbal cures, to the story of Scotlish history at Culloden and beyond.. It becomes a love story of such sweetness you will never forget it. I have read the complete series two or three times and am enthralled each time as I discover bits I have missed before. The books ARE big, but when you are reading them, you do // not wishfor them to end. * \-:

There is an error in the recent Craig. I live in Arkansas not Kansas as vou a mentioned in the mask article. Karen Cook. Sony, your editor

Qa.go 2a Qqh*hao, pfuxnll^14 o+ il42 eb,,n q4dd So.rrf'? - ASA Wtale.n zOzt officiaIc|anGrantsociety-UsA,Inc'Address:4l,4cal.rsbrookD|'CharlottesvilIe,VA22901


757-617-t652 President Dr, Bill Grant, Ph.D' asaqletllsdad @va hQg.!otrt t 3q9-51q-1!18: Vice President leff Click it:licl<&) m s t t, co n gIaI.!]E gm91!,.qo,ryI 757-617-0625 Secretary Lena Grant I rr ! E 479-466-3582 Treasurer Ka ren Cool( I{ir4?9-@ea,a,LLePl]] n rpl]]:. 609-864-461s Member at Large leniphr Gfant J_e ilql)llglff l-a !.-ca!Tl Member at Large Jim Grant !ll1q!!r.4|rcl!.@yAf i49n,ne! 302-378-9090 gta0 760-707-2389 Member at Large Steph en E. Grant 1ls-.!.t !-@! si{.l -s{


434-973-5449 Assistant secretary Judith Lyn Parsons iqdi@par$gllaee' ns! CraigellachieEditor BethGavFreeman be-thsqlbille@aqleqtl. 706-839-3881 cha[tain Robert c. Grant Bg,[email protected]:lt 7]0-380-4537 360-635-4312 Genealogist Ann Scherzinger se Ielal-?gllb.p-lllqil.lolr 858-454-3846 tvlembership secrerary Rand Allan lballafl @sla[,fr ,g!]l-"n webmaster Jeff click iclie-[@fluLsq-lrr 360-635'4312 731-363-5897 clan piper Edwarcl A Grant-smith [da::rniih1-9.QQ_@cl]a-r,t9l1l]q1 270-479-0082 Official Minstrel Coiin Grant-Aclams !s'[email protected](V'cpnr' 7 57'b17 -1652 Acting Quartermaster Dr. Bill Grant, Ph.D, acqclernit:d ild Glvilr-oqilqItr

& l-ucille 6rant' by the The Clan Grant Society .. USA was founded ln 1977 by George -1992), l"lonorable Lord strathspey, authorlty of sir Patrick Grant of Grant (191-2 - The Right the authority of trr"^"t i1"", Scotia, 32"d llereditary Chief of Clan Grant. lt continues under "f of Nova Scotia, 33,d Sir James Grant of Grant, The Right Honorary Lorcl Stfathspey, Hereditary Chief of Clan Grant' PastPresidents:HowarclParsons,lggS-2002;CDavidGrant'2002-2006;Dr'Christopher * Grant' 2013 2015' pratt, 2006 - 200B; Rand AIlan, 2oo& 20L3; Jen iph r -

Qnaqdlr*hao, @kdtan q ila ek& q4ald Soddg - A SA Wiadol J:ozt \of 25 Keep Tartan Day in your home aII year through! Lots of ideos here for you! "P

\qa 26 0mteVhhao, potllrral.4e& o+ il4o Ch4 qionf Socipfn - U SA %ioloo zozt Include your check and m-ail to

Clan Grant Society-USA 6640 Arena Road Ozark AR 72949

ITEM Price per Number of units Total unit

Clan Grant Center Fund 10.00 Clan Grant Games Support i50.00 Donate to our Society 10.00 Scholarship Fund 10.00

History of Clan Grant i35.00 The Birth of the Modern $30.00 Hiqhlands

Clan Grant Pin $7.00 Note Cards 5 10.00 Note Cards 10 $15.00 Total

* includes free shipping 'Enclosed. check for $ Name: Street Address: City/State/Zip Code: SCOTTISH SPIRilT, KENTUCKY SOUL, 14 YEAR OLD BOURBON BARREL RESERVE: THE ]DEAL SCOTCH FOR AMERICAN COCKTAILS

Glenfiddich 14 Year Bourbon Barrel Reserve is matured in bourbon casks for 14 Years before spending additionaLtirne in charred new oak barrets. This beautifutl! intense single malt begins with vaniLla sweetness and fresh oak that evolves into the cLassic Glenfiddich ftavors of ripe orchard fruit and light spice. 0ur charred new oak barrels receive an extra [ong toast. This helps them impart a rich arra! of flavors including baking spices and ripe summer fruit into the whiskU.

With its un iq ue combination of charred new oak sweetness and sin q le malt complexitu, Glenfiddich 14 Year lends itself wetI to ctassic American cocktaiLs such as the Nlint lulep and 0Ld Fashioned. GLenfiddich 14 Year works well with ihe foLlowing flavor profiles: Citrus Fotward The charred new oak finish adds structure to citrus forward cocktails such as the Whiskg Sour while the malt adds additional complexitg.

Sp[r[tuous and Camplex - In cocktails such as the Manhattan, C lenfiddich 14 Year rounds out and enriches this spirituous and aromatic cocktail. Sptce Forward -The summer fruit flavors of GLenfiddich 14 Year hetp soften the ftavors of this clqssic cocktail profile while lhe charred new oak adds additiona[ sweetness that pairs welIwith a spice forward character.

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SKI LLFULLY CRAFTED. ENIOY RESFONSIBLY. Clenfiddich Single MaltScotch Whisku.43% Alc /Vol 02016lmpodedbUWllhamGraft&Sons,lnc.NewYork.NY.