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ELLSWORTH AMERICAN a I * \ Rates ot Advrrtisirr. ■Ha lwk 3 wks. tmo*. 6 bw, 1 vr Cbr 'Ellsnmrtb ^rfritoi 3 inch. *100 *150 *400 *8*0 *10 »0 k inches. 3 00 4 50 »50 1*00 16 00 MOO IS AD 1 column, SOU 13 00 30 00 4SOO PUBLISH 4T 00 1 column, 14 00 »00 30 00 86 00 160 ■ — ——:——--- ■. '■ •mr-T—rr-r-Z.--- »: I. I. S W O It T 4 • ME. oo Special Notices, One square 3 weeks, $* Each additional week, 50 cents BY Till Administrator’s and Executor’* Noticfi, 1 5* Citation from Probate Court, Comoani Commissioner’s Notices, Hancock County Puling Messenger** and Asslgnee’9 M4ic€s, 2.00 Editorial Notices, perline, •}• Obituary Notices, per line, No charge less than ^ Terms of »«*bM-rl|»tlon. One inch space will ftoeelftute a equal*. Transient AdvertisfcmotiU to bepaiddo advaaod. o. One copy, 11 it >. ! w/nthree month..§s No advertisements reeoned less than a Square. ..* Ii not p\i 1 »ithint I*® Marriages and l>cath* aborted free. .... *; ll l ,b® rear... --i a advertisers to p.»: at-'i-en.t until Yearly pity^uartcrly. \ ..Jtacnntinue.l all arrear '■ «»« publuher-.onilo.- .- .w r?"1 JAJSTTT.AJRY Q5, 1877. bl> mm ME., THURSDAY, an 1 in ner.nn ^1"1* P*P*r »topped, ELLSWORTH, euPtnutoc of the tenr Jr- .,. ,Iw»'lb® 4 ii'ther i.rrr'ff 0(>bcc b** b®®° alren ornot. "*4 m mu. wif)i{¥iY46. No. l ■ J -I of to what be called his ter* stood. and that Susan was rather a slavish admiration for people gel rights;compensa- suspected ‘Well, yes, I have noticed that !u the whisper, ‘but if there l*‘ anything that which. I need not say. caosed him tion for his blighted hopes, damages. It of levity, he added' ‘Tell her that we are vrlne trade. If were to sell at ffarbs. quality, you cfder money can <1*. it •**»?>« dt/no.' iteiiuss swindled worse than the other fall- was not on this point, however, that he going to he marlied—that within the week a it would to be sdgbty shillings dozen, he con- ‘She is poor. Sir, ahd uruki In n*p4^<ff wanted Suaan's advice. He felt that even you will be Nathaniel Nokes.’ sidered uncommon *'• •*" joetrs. ing. Mf*. good tipple bv the cus- friends,’ said Susan. « she could be A new customer had recently been ad- not ot muoh service to him in Then Susan, who was quite certain tomer who brought it. Tell them Madeira found them lit ll.worth American that, ■Then yon have hefe," Kt*. our took his claims In a court ol the landlady would never believe tAuf, fn- has been twice to The Old ud th« dl'd to his list.when disagreement prosecuting justice | China.’ (aud here my ma'am.’ said ray uncle, (who, it muse be In the of Count Albert de but as his only guide,philosopher.he want- fonned her that my uncle was her father, uucie ’twice to China,' with An old man totter* on the road, person repeated great understood, had finished the whole Itottie. j £ Job If this ed her assistance for else—no- who had in her his ‘and how ^oh^arb printmc COfiBrr ltowed down w ith axe and can*; Sace,ontmorencl. young gentleman something suddenly recognize*! unction,) they smack their lipal •You are a fixture at The Tamarisk* for was will believe It w ho not know child. are white and float about was not a of wine, it not body did my long-lost And talking of Susan, that te- t. t. % »•• a n r n v k Hi* lock* good judge appearance, life, if it so pleases you.’ of tast- unele—to him a wile iu lieu ot the I do mittds to Like snow flake* in the air— because he had not the opportunity get •Milor, congratulate you.’ ;cried the to warn vou against another sort ‘You are most kind, sir,’said Clara, soft- The clouds are darkling round. the best—and a deal of it. He Mootraorenei. There were six ; ‘Susan, will to of a. ii. di:v gath’ring ing good only days landlady you never"forget appearances—the pretence and show of 'but 1 hare a busbajid and one little The -cm* faat, for him to do it six before the ly; night settling drank like a gold-fish, but Nokes X Co., In; only days reeomiupnd hotel.’ poverty. Vou mast learn to steal your child.' 1 The wind send* forth a sound. mourning never saw the color of his gold. He lived the twelve months were gone in which lie My hole kept his word; for before six tender heart against that. Since sjeriflf of Hancock The outlet* flutter my •Never mind, ma’am, he‘11 grow. There's County, pa*t. with his sister in fashionable in bad sworn to become a Benedict; and he were over Susan was Mrs. Nokes. wrote that lodgings days nephew's wUe you begging let- plenty of room for him ta do It at The Ta- I'IK worth. ^Ininr. Pall and had been introduced to ut was as much resolved to his word as There are of convenience, and ter—' The old man halts along the road. Mall, keep marriages marisks. Where are they? What? in the No. 4 Bulfinch St., of the French ever. there are there used to it was not a Boston, He scot* the gath'ring gl>>om— by the Secretary Embassy marriages tor be) *Oh, Sir, begging letter' garden? Call them In.’ the to to •How. Susan, cried •am I to of afl'eetion I she HUM TIM Opposite Hnm House. No hope lia* he power ftajr (‘under La Hose,* as n»r uuclt used say.) how,' he, ; hardly know under which wt interrupted. Then Clara went to the window and > rs Ills fast doom. well find a woman to these heads to •U was '. W !‘ -n. Rnck#|>ort. approaching so that the eennectiou promised res|>ectable young macr; place this particular union. Susan; why do you call me Sir?' called out forme and ami u him Chickabiddy; f I» i' Caotine. II*' *ec* the children pass by. to me so short a notice?' T did a manner enough ; indeed, the continued upon Neeessity eertaioly.ifi dictate ‘Because,' answered she,‘when look was it all. v » turns |Couot you this the most terrible moment of RlurtiiU. And sadlv his face; It was a most absurd un- and the bo N but uncle could never get his question am! It; circumstances under which It stern aud don’t seem to i;r > IlnK^ilin, THE SCIENCE OF LIFE; If*-knows ftill well that he must die— promise, ray severely, you When my nnels saw me lie ciieS, ‘You of reasonale, of course but then my uncle's took were ludicrous; but few be the 4>onMalH>rt>. Or. lEI.I-PREftERVATIOl. The New Year take* hi* place. money. At last, weary importuning place very good kind-hearted husband that I young scoundrel! how dare yon show your \ SJl I*. srrt. reminders as was absurd and of romance have turn- know arg; his debtor by such delicate position certainly without, Wtrriuges probably you I'll keep my promise not face in this house?' " Ii H **| G "'1. I»r**r 1 ale. THAR MIUIOR SOLO. lo an* the children their hands •It has doubtless reason—or at all events reason. It* ed out half so well. So far as t iara and I to hold out hand to MORE ORE CORIES lie dap escaped your lordship's good my your unfortunate •Because you have jnst sent for him,’ in- v i-’i.i i>t« to anv one ot the shout aloud for the honor bad no business to want to nc married at as And glee, recollection that in April we had Were concerned, he might just well have nephew, but please don’t let us talk about inv Jkt- t- "• :.\>i1\ au.l Gold Redsl A worried to th< Author terposed my wife. ‘Charles is husband, faithfullyat- by lb* mark- them hasten ou their way time our- all. married the ire it. It U lei t- to forward to you for the third Montmorend—us thought he makes me have lass reverence anJ and that is our Y'ou have the Callosal Redlcal Assort* The New ^ «*ar to see. Chickabiddy. » w i.tn :i*t. i»r3. glad uncle called In Susan took the bull '.he horns I had for, ot ice did not hear even less llttle account.’ray pyraon by (if done; course, gratitude toward you, since your to make your house our home, tlou," Ranh 31st. I*W And then h» hear* the midnight chime was promised in Pall Mall. He was rather fond of bav- uot his nephew and bound to rever- from him to the nor had he had has made me the King <*ut his fun’ral knell; contrary, very generosity instru- ami I know you are a mail of your word.' V. I 1 by the PKAHoDY MhldCAI. to take with eminent per- ence. I might have said the Ids the moral to inform his friends ment of \ tui-nham, published Hi- lit*- die- fast—he rest- a' la*t. iug this oaurse donkey by courage punishment and—as 1 feel—ol It was a stroke of to put the 1\"1 ITl' 1 I.. a neu e lition ! the celel-rat«d genius tbiDg Jl"T Year break* the since he flattered himself he made ears) at once.
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