Thaw Is Maniac
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formation of the sediment does not harm. cyclopaedia explains that some families only necessary to stir it up W‘t_h English nobility as it is of the held their land the marking brush. When necessary wa- DOCTOR DECLARES on a tenure which forbade them to cut ink is ter may be added. Another ob- these being reserved #s the in down trees. by dissolving gum property of the Royal pavy. But any tained some damar ef- down oil of turpentine, which is quickly ~ _— ‘ree \ IS which fell without human as- by the application of a THAW MANIAC WIS, cistance they might keep, so that a hurri- fected ht?e,he:x_t.1s \ e EAGLE RIVER, In this weak varnish a black color ———————ee cane causing a great ‘“windfall” was ; —————eeeeee be very | _——— e | welcome. seems probable, stirred, which must finely fa’m““d- AT heartily It oil of rurpentine 1S vola- SUPERINTENDENT MATTEAWAN WILL APPCINT ONLY however, that the expression was simp- TROOPS ON MARCH HAVE ORDERS After use the - SPEARKER gum to ~ HE 1S DANGEROUS ©O. E. BOWEN, Publisher. ap tilized and the thet(‘“]“r BELIEVES T 0 ler in origin. Even apple that fell to TO REPRESS MERCILESSLY markingsecures ink “REGULARS” MEMBERS OF IM- the ground without the trouble of pick- the wood. This sHould willbe | HAVE AT LARGE. ————— often kept in well closed bottles, and it P PORTANT COMMITTEES. ing it, and which a passerby might ANY RESISTANCE. 1f the color annex without feeling that he was a then remain good for years. ; ee e e it can OF CONG RESS : thief, would be a lucky *“windfall.”— e has become too thick be reduced WORK it of turpentine. etelP London Chronicle. with oil OUT BY JUSTICE, . BROUGHT e ARE NEARING INSURGENTS. et e———— Senate. TO REWARD FAITHFULNESS. | Ul g ——— The Senate was not in session on the 27th. it Will LATEST MARKET REPORTS. [s Clearest Statement Yet Expressed he Senate spent half an hour on the Choice Selection of Assignments Wiil Don Jaime, Pretender to Throne, e—— et 'tl;l discussing tll)lee question whether a unan- August 3. on Stand During the Present agreement of the Senate cap Washington Some Not Take Up Arms Against MILWAUKEE, ous consent Be Announced in —_—— Proceedings. be abrogated by a unanimous consent agree- Fellow Countrymen. AND ment. The point was raised by the presen- Time This Week. TESTIMONY AT MURDER TRIAL E£GG DAIRY MARKETS. a request for —_————————me tation by Senator liaßey of _—————— MILWAUKEE—BUTTER—Extras,26¢;easicr: the cancellation of the agreement to trans- koo USED AGAINST HIM. Elgin price of extra creamery 18 195*}§ act no general legislation the confer- extra JEROME RECALLS PRISONER. while THE IN MOROCCO. creamery, ilgC;9c; pll)f)itféts'ivprocess, ence rpcert on th tariff bill was pnding, M. FOWLER WILL BE RETIRED. —_——————— SITUATION grice,rsts, 20@21c¢; seconds, 1%58@ féiidc¢. dairy, fancy, 20c; lines, 16@18c; packing et objection was made, and Mr. Bailey with- —_—————— the discussion ——— Almost Collapses as She Hears stock. 15@16c. drew his proposition. During Mother full PLAINS, N. Y, Aug. t appeared that one of the measures which MADRID, Aug. 3.—Tranquility now CHEESE--Steady: American cream. WHITE 3 up was an WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 2.—A Words Once Used to Defend pew make, twins, 14@14%c; Young Ameri- it was desired to have taken reigns throughout Spain, Justice Isaac N. Mills again stepped int omnibus bridge bill, which was being choice selection of committee assign- except in cer- cas, 16@15%c; daisies, 15@15%c; longhorns, Nelson Her Son. 156@15%c; limberger, make, 13@13%¢: the examiner’s case at today’s session of pressed by Senator I"‘rye. by Speaker tain isolated localities of Catalonia, ac- new asked whether, If Mr. Bailey’'sSenator request ments is to be handed out fancy brick, 14@14%c; new 91@ Thaw insanity hearing and from Dr, _——————— cording to an announcement made early block,%{rades, the ghould be granted, the bill known as Cannon this week. It is impossible to 10%¢; imported Swiss, §6c; new, |d’ Amos T. Baker, acting superintendent included.the today by the minister of the interior. Swiss, new, 16@16%c; old, of South Caro?na dam bill would be verify this statement by anything that WHITE PLAINS, N. Y., Aug. 2. ?15%0; round the Matteawan asylum, obtained tl Frye replied: *lt is very % Mr. lmportant A column of troops composed of artil- SB@2oc. £ statement yet tli that that dam bill should be passed.” The is said by those “prominently mentioned” The third week of the supreme court hear- EGGS—Firm: the produce board’s clearest expressed on came 80 lery, cavalry and infantry is today march- lald as re00- at the regur- remark of the senator from Maine for certain chairmanships, but the fact ing of K. Thaw’s habeas corpus ficial market for strictly fresh stand present proceedings unexpectedly that the Senate was convulsed Harry ing on Sabadell, ten miles from Barce- celved, cases returned, 21c; recandled ing the mental condition of the slayer of Senate remains that faithful service and fidelity proceedings to secure his release from and At 12:48 p. m. the lona, where the insurgents are still hold- fancy extras, 24@24%c; fresh seconds Stanford White. adjourned.with laugbter. to the speaker and the Republican the state hosgital for criminal insane dirties, 16c. ‘‘reg- out, to repress merciless- Advantage to Either Side. Senate met Friday Senator alars” is opened today. KExpectation that the Mat- ing with orders NEW YORK, Aug. B.—Butter—Unsettled: When the probably to be rewarded before may receipts, creamery specials to Hale, chairman of the committee on teawan prisoner or his wife might take ly any resistance that be encount- 20,481; The result of Justice Mills’ question. deficlencyaPpro- the special session adjourns. It is not the stand again at any packed firsts, é3@26c; process, firsts to specials, be prlat'ions, reported the urgent minute ered. 3 Cheese—Steady; receipts, 10,236. ing might claimed as an advantage appropriation bill, with amendments neces- likely that there will be any time for the courtroom. Thaw appeared refreshed Rl@24c. side. The witness said the The general strike at Madrid and Bil- Bggs—Firm; receipts, 17,074; state, Penn- by either that ary to carry out certain provisions pt speeches as to the merits of the speak- by the two days’ rest that had inter- and brown he did not consider the opportunities le tariff law. After five minutes’ open bao, announced for Monday, failed, ow- sylvania fancg' hennery, 28@2?c; :lew executive ses: er‘s assignments, not vened western extra flrsts, do firsts, 22% to examine the prisoner sufficient to Session the Senate went into but this does indi- measures taken 20@22c. had and few minutes later adjourned Attorney Jerome took up the ing to the precautionary @23%c; do seconds, 2%%.5%::; permit him to form a satisfactory conclu- sion, a cate that the members of the House are Districtof testimony UTICA, N. Y., Aug. 2.—Market un- until 12 o’clock Saturday. pot from the second by the authorities. - ; personally more interested in “Uncle trial where he left off last Friday. From thanged; sales, 870 large colored, 110 large sion. Proviston was made for the administration programme been re.admi Situation 726 small white; Nevertheless the witness declared his adoption bY Joe's” than they have the several bound volumes of in Morocco. white, 3135 small colored, of the new tariff law by the in the tariff. court: min- pll at 13%c. Curb settlements at 13%ec. belief that the prisoner was now insane the Senate of numerous amendments to the at his elbow, he selected that con- MADRID, Aug. 3.—Gen. Marina, the would be a which When certain Republicans waged war utes Bales of 190 packages of butter at 27@28c. and that Thaw menace to urgent deficlency appropriation bill, taining the evidence of Catherine O’Neil, Spanish military commander in Morocco, FOND DU LAC, Wis., Aag. 2.—Dairy public safety. was passed. on the rules which the ‘*‘regulars” want- a former in the Thaw house- salaries for judges and seamstress is awaiting reinforcements. As soon as board prices today for twius, 14@14%c; In addition to the ed adopted at the beginning of the ex- hold at Pittshurg. This related chiefly 16@15%ec. Recalls Thaw. other officials and employes of the new tra session “insurgents” advanced daisies, Jerome the the were fully to Thaw’s acts during his childhood, par- the necessary troeps arrive the PLYMOUTH, Wis.,, Aug. 2.—Twenty-one Jerome recalled Thaw. Jerome put in United States court of customs appeals aware that if the fight was lost, the ticularly of cheese, all Senate appropriated to aid the state his fits of Spanish positions at Mount Atalayou tactorles offered 2791 bexes evidence two letters written by Thaw, SIOO,OOO defeated to gsold 1778 boxes daisies, 15¥%c; department in making treatips, $25,000 for meinbers would not be likely Mr. Jerome explainedFassion.that this was and Sidiamet will be strengthened pre- as follows: one concerning KEvelyn Nesbit, and SIOO,OOU cet choice berths on the committees. the only means testi- 157 boxes twins, 14%c; 144 cases Americas, the President’s traveling expenses, of getting such paratory to an advance upon Zeluan, 310 horns, 15%c; couched in such romantic language that to p.y the expenses of the advisory board these “insurgents” will not be mony before the court and on the record.