40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition) § 63.2291
§ 63.2291 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition) § 63.2291 Who implements and en- ess units associated with the manufac- forces this subpart? turing of plywood and composite wood (a) This subpart can be implemented products. The affected source includes, and enforced by the U.S. EPA or a dele- but is not limited to, green end oper- gated authority such as your State, ations, refining, drying operations (in- local, or tribal agency. If the EPA Ad- cluding any combustion unit exhaust ministrator has delegated authority to stream routinely used to direct fire your State, local, or tribal agency, process unit(s)), resin preparation, then that agency has the authority to blending and forming operations, press- implement and enforce this subpart. ing and board cooling operations, and You should contact your EPA Regional miscellaneous finishing operations Office to find out if this subpart is dele- (such as sanding, sawing, patching, gated to your State, local, or tribal edge sealing, and other finishing oper- agency. ations not subject to other NESHAP). (b) In delegating implementation and The affected source also includes on- enforcement authority of this subpart site storage of raw materials used in to a State, local, or tribal agency the manufacture of plywood and/or under 40 CFR part 63, subpart E, the composite wood products, such as res- authorities contained in paragraph (c) ins; onsite wastewater treatment oper- of this section are retained by the EPA ations specifically associated with ply- Administrator and are not transferred wood and composite wood products to the State, local, or tribal agency.
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