! County League

2016 NEWSLETTER : WEEK 10 - JUNE 25 ! Alderley’s key win against Hyde

AFTER surrendering their unbeaten record to Chester seven days earlier, Alderley Edge re-established their ECB Premier League title credentials with a tense, 13-runs victory over champions Hyde at Werneth Low. This was a Tale of two Tails, Alderley’s wagging thanks a bright 39 from number 10 Chris Cook when he and Mark Currie, 28 took the score from 97-8 to 159-9 to set a final tally of 164, Jason Whittaker 4-39. Hyde on the other hand, reached 147-7 Dave Fitzsimmons 63) before Aussie paceman Aaron Smillie mopped up the tail to 151 all out with a 6-51 return. Bowdon leap-frogged into second spot with their sixth win, over fading Nantwich at South Downs Road, dismissing their visitors for 119, (number 9 batsman Ollie Griffiths 43, Matt Tully 5-58). Bowdon coasted home at 120-2. Pat Ashling, 68, Carl Hey, 45 both not out. Toft beat Neston by five at Booth’s Park in a rain-reduced game, their visitors reaching179-6 from 39 overs, Simon Stokes carrying his bat for a splendid 95, Pete Talbot 4-23. With 81 not out, Rob Jones was again in prime form for Toft, again aided by Aussie Morgan Clark, 67 in a second stand worth 136. Runs galore at Boughton Hall saw Bramhall total 257, Ifti Naseer 73, Dale McKay 56, Adam Wilde 57. Chester topped that with an imperious 261-1 with 24 overs to spare thanks to one of Warren Goodwin’s special . He scored 121 (10 fours and eight sixes) in an opening partnership worth 225 with Rick Moore (115 not out = 16 fours). Cheadle moved up-table with a 103-runs win against struggling Urmston at Kingsway after posting 203-9, Paul Sperring 68 not out, Elliott Bullock 67. Urmies were dismissed for 100, skipper Sperring 5-29. The Timperley v game was cancelled because of a partly flooded ground. Seventh win for Didsbury STILL no stopping Didsbury in Division One, their seventh win being by seven wickets at Marple, whom they restricted to 161-8, Paul Wood 59. The 37-points leaders replied with 163-3, Simon Normanton 68. Grappenhall moved up to second place with an impressive five wickets win at Weaverham, whom the inserted and held to 216-9 (Wilden Cornwall 71, Mike Dean 58). Grappers’ response was 220-5 (James McCoy 67, Adam Roylance 43, Cornwall 4-76). Oulton Park lie third after beating Tattenhall by four wickets at Little Budworth. Henry Dobson, aged 16, batted virtually through the visitors’ innings of 98 to post a quality 46 against influential Kiwi spinner Sam Blandford 4-52. Oulton replied with 99-6, Dobson 3-15. This was the sixth time Tattenhall had failed to reach triple figures. Oxton came a six wickets cropper at Warrington where they were routed for 93 by Ashley Scholes 6-34 and Huw Stone 4-21. Ty Lawrence was the star of Sale’s winning draw at home to Bollington. He top-scored with an unbeaten 60 in his side’s 212-4, then took 4-34 to help restrict Bolly to 207-7, Rick Hough’s 80 just failing to carry his side over the line. ! Davenham won by seven wickets at Cheadle Hulme, whom they dismissed for 76. Widnes clean up DIVISION Two leaders Widnes cleaned up Lindow in 12 overs with a reply of 69-1 (Dan Naughton 46 not out) after routing the homesters for 67, Fayaz Ughradar 5-29. Upton won by seven wickets at home to Mobberley, whom they dismissed for 81, Tom Maguire 6-16 Sam Stoneley hit the season’s highest divisional score with a stirring 136 in Northwich’s 286-9 declared at Alvanley, Robin Fisher 5-56. Alvanley got to 142-7, Andy Dufty 5-30. Barrow beat Stockport by nine wickets with Iro De Silva contributing 3-39 and 64 not out. Brooklands won by seven wickets at Congleton with an after-tea tally of 172-3, Dan Duke 63. Middlewich are now 35 points adrift at the foot of the table after losing a critical game at Christleton by 81 runs. Josh Joseph was the winners’ star turn with 34 and 6-29. JUNE 25 NEWSLETTER: p2 ! Saturday, June 25 scores in detail ! ECB PREMIER LEAGUE At South Downs Road: BOWDON (25 pts.) beat NANTWICH (won toss, 0 pts.) by 8 wickets: Nantwich 119 (35 overs: O. Griffiths 43, M Tully 5-58); ! Bowdon 120-2 (37 overs: P Ashling 68no, C Hey 45no). At Kingsway: CHEADLE (won toss, 25 pts.) beat URMSTON (4 pts.) by 103 runs: Cheadle 203-9 (55 overs: P. Sperring 68no, E. Bullock 67); ! Urmston 100 (38 overs: C Turner 44, P. Sperring 5-29). At Boughton Hall Avenue: CHESTER BOUGHTON HALL (won toss, 25 pts.) beat BRAMHALL (8 pts.) by 9 wickets: Bramhall 257 (55 overs:I Naseer 73, D McKay 62, A Wilde 57, D. Leach 5-55, A. Davis 3-64); ! Chester 261-1 (41 overs: W Goodwin 121, R Moore 115no = 2nd wicket partnership of 225). At Werneth Low: HYDE (5 pts.) lost to ALDERLEY EDGE (won toss, 25 pts.) by 13 runs: Alderley Edge 164 (44 overs: K Sawas 57, C Cook 39, J Whittaker 4-39, D Cranmer 3-26); ! Hyde 151 (40 overs: D Fitzsimmons 63, A Smillie 6-51). At Stockport Road: !TIMPERLEY v MACCLESFIELD: match cancelled, 7 pts. each At Booth’s Park: TOFT (won toss, 25 pts.) beat NESTON (10 pts.) by 5 wickets: Neston 179-6 (39 overs: S Stokes 95no = carried bat, P. Talbot 4-23); Toft 183-5 (29 overs: R Jones 81no, M Clark 67). ! Match reduced to 78 overs, DIVISION 1 At Grove Park: CHEADLE HULME (1 pt.) lost to DAVENHAM (won toss, 25 pts.) by 7 wickets: Cheadle Hulme 76 (40 overs): ! Davenham 77-3 (20 overs). No individual details available. At Bowden Lane: MARPLE (5 pts.) lost to DIDSBURY (won toss, 25 pts.) by 7 wickets: Marple 161-8 (50 overs: P. Wood 59, A. Hall 31, S. Normanton 3-34); ! Didsbury 163-3 (34 overs: S. Normanton 68, T Hughes 42,N Anderson 36no). At Little Budworth: OULTON PARK (won toss, 25 pts.) beat TATTENHALL (2 pts.) by 4 wickets: Tattenhall 98 (43 overs: H. Dobson 46, S. Blandford 4-52; ! Oulton Park 99-6 (28 overs: M East 27, H Dobson 3-15). At Dane Road: SALE (14 pts.) drew with BOLLINGTON (won toss, 6 pts.) Sale 212-4 (50 overs: T Lawrence 60no, B Guest 47, M Spells 42, I Dixon 41); Bollington 207-7 (50 overs: R Hough 80, F Kippie 47, T Lawrence 4-34). JUNE 25 NEWSLETTER: p3 Division 1 results contd … ! At Warrington Sports Club: WARRINGTON (won toss, 25 pts.) beat OXTON (1 pt.) by 6 wickets Oxton 93 (38 overs: A. Scholes 6-34, H Stone 4-21). ! Warrington 97-4 (34 overs: A. Green 36no). At Wallerscote Road: WEAVERHAM (10 pts.) lost to GRAPPENHALL (won toss, 25 pts.) by 5 wickets: Weaverham 216-9 (50 overs: W. Cornwall 71, M Dean 58, I Eaton 35, R Ninan 3-32); ! Grappenhall 220-5 (42 overs: J. McCoy 67, A. Roylance 43, R Ninan 41, P. Barnes 38, W.Cornwall 4-76). DIVISION 2 At Frodsham Road: ALVANLEY (7 pts.) drew with NORTHWICH (won toss, 14 pts.) Northwich 286-7 dec. (48 overs: S. Stoneley 136, M. Walker 34, R. Fisher 5-56); ! Alvanley 142-7 (52 overs: M Rowlands 35, A Bennion 33no, A Dufty 5-30). At The Croft: BARROW (won toss, 25 pts.) beat STOCKPORT (2 pts.) by 9 wickets: Stockport 114 (46 overs: A Metcalf 3-22, I. De Silva 3-30); ! Barrow 115-1 (31 overs: I. De Silva 64 no, A. Reid 46). At Brooklands Sports Club: BROOKLANDS (won toss, 25 pts.) beat CONGLETON (7 pts.) by 7 wickets: Congleton 171-9 (46 overs: B. Scowen 44, M Baxendale 32, M Law 3-34); Brooklands 172-3 (43 overs: D Duke 63, A. Edwards 32no, N Little 32). ! Match reduced to 92 overs. At Little Heath: CHRISTLETON (25 pts.) beat MIDDLEWICH (won toss, 3 pts.) by 81 runs: Christleton 202-6 (50 overs: T Norris 58, Z Butt 47, J Joseph 34no); ! Middlewich 121 (37 overs: A Donnelly 20, J Joseph 6-29). At Upcast Lane: LINDOW (won toss, 0 pts.) lost to WIDNES (25 pts.) by 9 wickets: Lindow 67 (36 overs: F. Ughradar 5-29); ! Widnes 69-1 (12 overs: D. Naughton 46no). At Old Greasby road: UPTON (won toss, 25 pts.) beat MOBBERLEY (1 pt.) by 7 wickets: Mobberley 81 (37 overs: M. Goodhardt 27, T Maguire 6-15); Upton 84-3 (23 overs: M. Ingram 36no, J Williams 35no, A. Aqeel 3-21).

PICK OF WEEK ECB Premiership : Warren Goodwin (Chester) 121 v Bramhall. : oAaron Smillie (Alderley Edge) 6-51 v Hyde. Division 1 batting: Rick Hough (Bollington) 80 v Sale. Bowling: Ashley Scholes (Warrington) 6-34 v Oxton. Division 2 batting: Sam Stoneley (Northwich) 134 v Alvanley. Bowling: Joshua Joseph (Christleton) 6-29 v Middlewich

! ! JUNE 25 NEWSLETTER: p4 ! Latest tables at Week 10 ! ECB PREMIER P W T WD RD LD C/AB L BAT BOWL PTS. !LEAGUE (25) (16) (3) (2) (1) (7) ALDERLEY EDGE 10 7 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 4 194 BOWDON 10 6 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 6 172 HYDE 10 5 0 1 0 0 2 2 10 11 163 TOFT 10 4 0 1 1 0 2 2 18 10 147 CHESTER BO. HALL 10 4 0 0 2 1 1 2 23 11 146 *TIMPERLEY 10 3 0 0 0 0 3 4 18 7 128 CHEADLE 10 3 0 1 0 0 3 3 7 9 115 BRAMHALL 10 2 0 0 0 2 2 4 27 11 104 NANTWICH 10 2 0 1 1 0 1 5 29 12 103 MACCLESFIELD 10 1 1 0 1 1 4 2 20 10 102 NESTON 10 1 0 1 0 1 2 5 31 18 92 URMSTON 10 1 0 0 0 0 2 7 18 19 76 * Timperley record includes 7 points gained from a defeat in game of less than 80 overs (reg. 7f)


DIDSBURY 10 7 0 0 0 1 2 7 5 194 GRAPPENHALL 10 5 0 0 0 2 3 11 7 157 OULTON PARK 10 4 1 1 1 0 3 25 16 147 WEAVERHAM 10 4 0 0 0 2 4 20 9 143 * DAVENHAM 10 4 0 1 0 1 4 13 9 138 BOLLINGTON 10 3 0 1 2 2 2 23 14 130 SALE 10 3 1 0 0 3 3 22 6 127 OXTON 10 3 2 0 1 2 2 17 12 125 WARRINGTON 10 3 0 1 1 2 3 16 14 122 MARPLE 10 2 0 0 0 4 4 14 7 99 CHEADLE HULME 10 1 2 0 1 3 3 24 12 89 TATTENHALL 10 1 0 0 0 2 7 8 16 63 ! *Davenham record includes 7 points gained from defeat in game of less than 80 overs (reg. 7f). !DIVISION 2 P W WD RD LD C/AB L BAT BOWL POINTS WIDNES 10 6 1 1 0 1 1 18 5 185 UPTON 10 6 1 0 0 0 3 11 12 176 BROOKLANDS 10 6 0 0 1 1 2 3 7 168 LINDOW 10 4 1 0 0 1 4 11 8 129 ALVANLEY 10 3 1 0 1 2 3 22 14 129 *STOCKPORT 10 3 1 0 0 2 4 12 7 118 CONGLETON 10 3 0 0 1 3 3 9 8 114 *CHRISTLETON 10 3 0 0 1 1 5 7 13 110 NORTHWICH 10 2 2 0 3 1 2 22 16 104 BARROW 10 2 1 0 0 1 6 24 19 103 MOBBERLEY (6) 10 1 2 1 0 2 4 37 18 96 MIDDLEWICH 10 1 0 0 3 3 3 12 10 71 Mobberley 6 points deducted for slow over rate v Northwich on May 14 ! * Stockport and Christleton records include 7 points gained from defeats in games of less than 80 overs (reg. 7 f). JUNE 25 NEWSLETTER: p5 !

LEAGUE FIXTURES & UMPIRES FOR SATURDAY, JULY 2 – WEEK 11 ! !ECB Premier League (12.30 p.m.) ALDERLEY EDGE v BOWDON Trevor Burnett & David Tate BRAMHALL v HYDE Martin Howe & Martin Roberts CHESTER BOUGHTON HALL v CHEADLE Darrin Clark & Ged Kinsey NANTWI CH v MACCLESFIELD Alistair Davies & Phil Prince NESTON v URMSTON David Gane & Gary Zimmer TIMPERLRY v TOFT ` Ian Greensmith & Paul Herring

!Division One (1 p.m.) BOLLINGTON v DIDSBURY Barrie Burns & Steve Duckers CHEADLE HULME v WEAVERHAM Graham Cookson & Steve Walton GRAPPENHALL v OXTON Tony Morris & John Williams MARPLE v DAVENHAM Peter Davies & Steve Wilkinson OULTON PARK v WARRINGTON Jon Hacking & Ray Prescott TATTENHALL v SALE Ankin Jain & John Lowe ! !Division Two (1 p.m.) CONGLETON v NORTHWICH Steve Kirkbright & *Jason Pawluk (tel. 07730 405 106) MIDDLEWICH v BROOKLANDS Stephen Jackson & Chris Rigg MOBBERLEY v BARROW Ron Bedson & Keith Warburton STOCKPORT v LINDOW John Lofthouse & Simon Smith UPTON v ALVANLEY Mark Turner & Geoff Young WIDNES v CHRISTLETON Brian Boys & James Emmerson All umpiring appointments notified by Geoff Young ! Royal London National club championship round 5: Sunday, July 10 (1 p.m.) CUCKNEY (Notts Premier League) v CHESTER BOUGHTON HALL

In the group final on Sunday, June 19 a Chester team weakened by county call-ups won on run rate away to Derbyshire Premier League leaders Swarkestone Swarkestone scored 183-9 from their 45 overs (Darren Leach 3-47, Dave Fisher 2-22, out-of-retirement Steve Wundke 2-25) and Chester replied with 109-4 from 25 overs when rain ended play, Nick James 22.

! ! JUNE 25 NEWSLETTER: p6 ! Joseph Holt Brewery T20 update THE last of the Joseph Holt Brewery T20 group games is to be played on Monday, June 27 this week, when Group 8 winners URMSTON host BRAMHALL who topped Group 9 (umpires Paul Herring & Martin Roberts, 6 p.m.) The winners at the UCG will take their place in the quarter-finals to be staged on Thursday, June 30 unless otherwise mutually agreed with Competition secretary Geoff Wellsteed). The draw is: NESTON v HYDE (postponed on Sunday, June 26 – to be re-arranged) URMSTON or BRAMHALL v TOFT TBA ALDERLEY EDGE v WIDNES John Potts & Simon Smith !NANTWICH v WEAVERHAM Chris Rigg & Steve Wilkinson FINALS DAY Finals Day is to be staged at Toft on Sunday, July 10, when the order of play will be: Match 1: NESTON or HYDE v URMSTON / BRAMHALL or TOFT (at 10.15 a m.) Match 2: ALDERLEY EDGE or WIDNES v NANTWICH or WEAVERHAM (at 1.30 p.m.) Match 3: Winners of Match 1 v winners of Match 2 (at 5.15 p.m.)

NEXT STAGE The victorious club at Toft will go through to represent the league in the ECB National T20 Area Finals on Sunday, August 7 on the ground of the North Wales Premier League T20 winners (reserve date Sunday, August 14). The winners in North Wales qualify to enter the North-West Regional Final on Sunday, August 21 (fall-back date Sunday, August 28). National Finals Day is at Derbyshire Club on a mid-week date in early September yet to be !confirmed. CHESHIRE CUP IS HIT BY RAIN VIRTUALLY every game in the second round of the Cheshire Cup on Sunday was affected by rain, with most abandoned or cancelled. The key clash between Hyde and holders Chester Boughton Hall has been re-arranged for Sunday, July 24. RESULTS Sale beat Oxton 3-2 on bowl out Bollington 127 lost to Grappenhall 180-8 (McCoy 57) Macclesfield 208-8 lost to Toft 119-4 on run rate Elworth v Stockport conceded by Stockport Warrington v Alderley Edge: provisionally re-arranged to Sunday, July 17 Bowdon v Didsbury: re-arranged to Sunday, July 3 Urmston 210-7 (Oldham 49, Turner 37, West 3-22) beat Bramhall 209-5 (McKay 70, Naseer 50): 25 overs each ! Same applies to Shield round 2: RAIN also marred the second round of the Cheshire Shield. Details: Congleton conceded to Northwich; Wilmslow Wayfarers v Great Budworth conceded by Great Budworth; Prestbury v Ashley conceded by Ashley; Weston 112-7 lost to Maritime 168; Disley 92 lost to Stockport Georgians 94-2; Romiley 98 lost to Lindow 148 (Park 50, Martin 50); Hale Barns v Hawk Green re-arranged to Thursday, June 30 (6 p.m. T20); !Barrow v Widnes re-arranged to Sunday, July 3. Information provided by Competitions organiser Peter Hayes who reminds clubs they should send all results to him ASAP after close of play. E-mail: [email protected]; tels. 01625 537 439; 07506 901 134 JUNE 25 NEWSLETTER: p7 ! Freebrey stars for Mobberley 40s BEST individual performance of the week in the Over 40s section was put on by Phil Freebrey, who took 5-18 then hit 32 not out in Mobberley’s nine wickets win against Ashley in the Central Division. Mobberley remain well behind unbeaten leaders Grappenhall, who won comfortably at Warrington. In the North-East Division Cheadle Hulme made it seven wins in eight games at Cheadle after switching the match from waterlogged Grove Park Without a game, Alderley Edge Wizards retained top spot in the South East zone, although Bollington Vets drew level with a 96- run win at Offerton. Neston went 10 points clear in the West zone with victory at Irby. REMINDERS: Quarter-final play-offs will take place on or before Sunday, August 14 between the two top-placed teams in each division (the draw is in the league handbook, page 306). Henceforth, if clubs are e-mailing results please use [email protected] NOT [email protected] The website remains the preferred method for reporting results, please note Ashton on Mersey and Bramhall. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 RESULTS !Central Division ASHTON on MERSEY v TOFT: no information DAVENHAM lost to TIMPERLEY (4 pts.) by 19 runs: Timperley 106-6; Davenham 87-6. MOBBERLEY (4 pts.) beat ASHLEY by 9 wickets: Ashley 102-7 (Busby 30, Freebrey 5-18); Mobberley 105-1 (Freebrey 32, Ali 30, Leech 30). WARRINGTON lost to GRAPPENHALL (4 pts.) by 113 runs: ! Grappenhall 178-5 (Anderson 33, Cussole 33, W. Sharp 31, Fairbrother 30, Wright 30); Warrington 65-4 (Green 30). !North-East Division BOWDON VALE VIKINGS (4 pts.) beat SALE SILVERBACKS by 29 runs: Bowdon Vale 99-7 (Almond 2-20, Bull 2-24); Sale 70 (Roberts 3-16, Hunter 3-22). BRAMHALL v BOWDON: no information CHEADLE HULME (4 pts.) beat CHEADLE by 8 wickets (played at Cheadle) Cheadle 97-7 (Oakes 23, Stringer 3-14); Cheadle Hulme 94-2 (Oldfield 37, Dare 20, Samarji 2-22) URMSTON TIGERS (4 pts.) beat BROOKLANDS by 6 wickets: ! Brooklands 90-5 (Willard 26, Wilson 2-29); Urmston 93-4 (Turner 33, Cartwright 31, Cutting 2-15. !South-East Division OFFERTON lost to BOLLINGTON VETERANS (4 pts.) by 96 runs: Bollington 142-4 (Gosling 34, Burns 30); Offerton 46-7 (Tarr 4-10). POYNTON LEGENDS lost to BREDBURY SAINTS (4 pts.) by 57 runs: Bredbury 100-6 (Clark 30, Fletcher 3-13); Poynton 43 (Barlow 2-6, Barton 2-9). WOODLEY lost to MACCLESFIELD (4 pts.) by 9 runs: Macclesfield 107-5 (Towle 31, Hughes 30, Hayes 3-17); Woodley 98 –5 (Walsh 235, Sculley 21, Letven 2-10). ! Open: Alderley Edge Wizards West Divison CALDY (4 pts.) beat TATTENHALL WRECKERS by 9 wickets: Tattenhall 112-1; Caldy 117-1. NESTON (4 pts.) beat IRBY by 7 wickets: ! Irby 130-6; Neston 131-3. ! ! JUNE 25 NEWSLETTER: p8 ! 40s results contd … UPTON (4 pts.) beat OXTON by 38 runs: ! Upton 94-6 (Hughes 25, Filer 2-16); Oxton 56 (Battersby 3-8). WEAVERHAM (4 pts.) beat CHESTER BOUGHTON HALL BLAZERS by 8 runs: !Weaverham 140-6 (Cornwall 34, Harrison 30, Shingler 30, Bennett 2-10); Chester 132. LATEST TABLES (* = missing results) Central Division P W C/A L Pts. GRAPPENHALL 8 5 3 0 26 TIMPERLEY 8 6 0 2 24 DAVENHAM 8 4 2 2 20 *TOFT 7 4 2 1 20 MOBBERLEY 8 2 2 4 12 *ASHTON on MERSEY 7 2 1 4 10 ASHLEY 8 1 2 5 8 !WARRINGTON 8 0 2 6 4 NE Division CHEADLE HULME 8 7 1 0 30 SALE SILVERBACKS 8 6 0 2 24 URMSTON TIGERS 8 5 2 1 24 BOWDON VALE VIKINGS 8 4 0 4 16 CHEADLE 8 2 2 4 12 BROOKLANDS 8 2 1 5 10 *BOWDON 7 1 2 4 8 *BRAMHALL 7 0 0 7 0


West Division NESTON 8 7 1 0 30 CHESTER BLAZERS 8 4 2 2 20 OXTON 8 4 2 2 20 UPTON 8 3 2 3 16 CALDY 8 3 1 4 14 TATTENHALL WRECKERS 8 2 2 4 12 WEAVERHAM 8 2 1 5 10 IRBY 8 1 1 6 6 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 FIXTURES (6.15 p.m.) CENTRAL DIVISION: Ashley v Warrington; Grappenhall v Davenham; Timperley v Ashton on Mereey; Toft v Mobberley. NORTH-EAST DIVISION: Bowdon v Urmston Tigers; Brooklands v Cheadle Hulme; Cheadle v Bowdon Vale Vikings; Sale Silverbacks v Bramhall SOUTH-EAST DIVISION: Bollington Veterans v Poynton; Bredbury Saints v Alderley Edge Wizards; Macclesfield v Offerton. Open date: Woodley. WEST DIVISION: Chester Boughton Hall Blazers v Caldy; Oxton v Neston; Tattenhall Wreckers v Upton; Oxton v Weaverham JUNE 25 NEWSLETTER: p9 ! Cheshire lose at Bournemouth CHESHIRE lost by eight wickets against Dorset at Bournemouth Sports Club in a Unicorns game severely curtailed by rain from Sunday – Tuesday last week. On an interrupted first day, Cheshire mustered 157, Lee Dixon 61, Rick Moore 43 and Dorset replied with 25-1. The second day was also reduced by rain, Dorset eventually taking their tally to 142-9 before declaring 15 runs short, Jack Williams taking 4-39 and Dan Woods 3-40. On the third morning, Cheshire skipper Lee Dixon decided that, rather than play safe and settle for four draw points, he would gamble on forcing victory and his side hit out to declare on 137-9 (Moore 41, Dixon 25) leaving Dorset to score 153 from a maximum 32 overs. They managed it comfortably at 155-2, thanks to a classy, unbeaten 69 from Masoor Khan. One of three debutants, Sale paceman Jack White turned his ankle and was unable to bowl. Cheshire are next in action when they visit Berkshire at Falklands CC, Newbury from Sunday – Tuesday, July 3-5.

Sixties beat Geordies CHESHIRE beat Durham & Northumberland by eight wickets in their latest National 60 plus county championship game, at Grappenhall on Wednesday last week. Scores: Durham & Northumberland 117; Cheshire 119-2 (Steve Yates 45, Nick Sharp 30). On Tuesday this week, Cheshire visit Yorkshire at New Rover, Leeds Cheshire 2nd stayed top of the group with an 82 runs win against Warwickshire at Harborne. Scores: Cheshire 192-7 (Ian Brown 70, Ken Smith 44); Warwicks 110 (David Cain and Chris Hind both 3 wickets). On Wednesday this week, the 2nd XI play Wales. ! CASH (135) TO RESCUE A BRILLIANT innings of 135 by Marple’s evergreen left-hander Garry Cash helped Cheshire beat Cumbria by 14 runs at Warton on Wednesday last week in the Over 50s county championship. Scores: Cheshire 222; Cumbria 208-8 (Bhauka Shulka 4-34). Cheshire meet Durham in a re-arranged game at Widnes on Wednesday this week (1.30 p .m.).

Ashton lead by 28 points in UKFAST Cheshire League ASHTON on Mersey set up a 28 points lead at the top of the UKFast Cheshire League First Division when they won !by six wickets at second-placed Romiley. SATURDAY’S RESULTS Barnton 144-9 drew with Hale Barns 179-9 Bredbury St. Mark’s 106-4 beat Poynton 105 Disley 96-9 drew with Runcorn 201-7 Heaton Mersey 127-8 drew with Irby 129-9 Lymm Oughtrington Park 118 beat Stockport Georgians 95. !Romiley 137-8 lost to Ashton on Mersey 138-4 STANDINGS after 10 games: 1. Ashton on Mersey 178 points; 2. Romiley 150; 3. Stockport Georgians 146; 4. Lymm OP 141; 5. Barnton 138; 6. Bredbury 132; !7. Runcorn 124; 8. Hale Barns 122; 9. Disley 107; 10. Heaton Mersey 91; 11. Poynton 68; 12. Irby 51. FIXTURES ON SATURDAY JULY 2 (1.30 p.m.): Ashton on Mersey v Bredbury St. Mark’s Hale Barns v Lymm Oughtrington Park Irby v Runcorn Poynton v Barnton Romiley v Disley Stockport Georgians v Heaton Mersey Information provided by Graham Coull JUNE 25 NEWSLETTER: p10 ! Pitch marks on Saturday, June 18 !THE following pitch and ground markings were given by panel umpires following games played on Saturday, June 18 ECB Premier League Alderley Edge v Chester: pitch 14; outfield 17 Bramhall v Cheadle 16 - 18 Nantwich v Hyde 16 - 19 Neston v Macclesfield 16 - 19 Timperley v Bowdon 14 - 17 !Urmston v Toft 18 - 19 Division 1 Bollington v Oulton Park 15 - 17 Cheadle Hulme v Didsbury 14 – 14 – below standard Grappenhall v Davenham 18 - 20 Oxton v Weaverham 18 - 20 Tattenhall v Warrington 14 - 18 !Marple v Sale was cancelled Division 2 Congleton v Christleton 17 - 18 Middlewich v Lindow 16 - 20 Mobberley v Alvanley 15 – 19 – electric scoreboard not functioning Northwich v Brooklands 17 – 18 Stockport v Upton 16 - 19 Widnes v Barrow 18 - 20 Information supplied by 1st XI match secretary Ian Sharrock. ! 6-wicket Lancs debut for Matt Parkinson URMSTON leg-spinner Matt Parkinson enjoyed a spectacular first-class debut playing for Lancashire against Warwickshire at Old Trafford last week. The 19 year-old Boltonian took 5-49 off 23 overs in the midlanders’ first innings, his first victim being former England Test batsman Jonathan Trott. Highly praised by Warwicks’ Director of Cricket Duggie Brown, Matt was unable to repeat the feat in the second dig with 1-75 off 31 overs as the visitors held out for a draw. Matt has been a Lancashire 2nd XI regular this season and has also played for Staffordshire. He is the first cricketer currently playing for Urmston to appear in the Lancashire first team and is a product of the club’s successful youth policy, reports proud chairman Rob Arnold. Former Nantwich batsman Liam Livingstone scored 106 not out in the same game vs Warwicks at Old Trafford. O ACCORDING to magazine, former Worcestershire spinner Shaaiq Choudhry, the Oxton all-rounder, is running a successful business in Rotherham making fashionable headgear for sportsmen and women and has many well-known clients. Shaaiq travels 250 miles every week-end from his Yorkshire home to play for Oxton. O THE League Umpires and Scorers Association’s planned mid-season meeting on June 6 was cancelled due to insufficient business O NEW President of Upton CC is Brian Shenton. He succeeds the late Harry Sharrock O SALE coach Chris Smith was recognised for outstanding service to grass roots cricket when he received the ECB North-West Coach of the Year award from former England Test batsman Mark Ramprakash. Joint junior chairman at Sale for the past six years, Chris spends many hours a week with the club’s age group teams. Sale’s Rick Halkon received a similar award in 2012. ! JUNE 25 NEWSLETTER: p11 ! Touring abroad: to West Indies in 1998 A long-awaited first trip to the West Indies arrived in 1998 at the instigation of Alan Farrow, then chairman of Bowdon, now sadly deceased, a man for whom we had great affection and respect. Alan believed that everyone should visit the lovely Caribbean island of Barbados before they shuffled off this mortal coil. We arranged to go to Barbados and Antigua through the Chester-based tour company ITC and set off in early March for Tests numbers 2 and 3, the first in Jamaica having been famously abandoned due to a dangerous pitch. Our tour party was based at the Hilton Hotel, on the beach a mile outside the capital Bridgetown. Mine Host was none other than the former great Essex and England all-rounder , a player I had admired since my youth. On the first morning we joined Trevor and his wife Greta for a stroll into Bridgetown and were horrified when she had her shoulder bag containing money and passports snatched in the street by an intruder, who cycled off in a flash, We notified the police, but were told there was little hope of tracing the culprit. Welcome to the Caribbean! Sadly Trevor was to die in a fire at his Westcliff home in 2011. Geoffrey Boycott: gentleman On Day Two at the Test match we found our reserved seats in the stand occupied by other ITC clients and went into the secretary’s office to complain. Sitting there was the oft-maligned Geoffrey Boycott, with a similar grumble about a poor view in the Press Box. Geoffrey was gracious enough to concede to us and we got on with our business. Highlight of the game was the maiden Test by Mark Ramprakash after many years’ trying. But the last day was washed out with the WIndies needing 325. Alan Farrow was on the island for a holiday and invited us to dinner at Sandals where we discovered for the first (and probably last) time what the top range of champagne tastes like. We talked about the increasing number of paid players entering the League - with Bowdon reportedly enjoying their fair share. Another pleasant evening was spent with fellow umpire David Tate. On another we invited the holidaying Chris Lees – of Marple fame - and his fiancee Christine to a celebrity dinner at which the speakers were Gary Sobers, Everton Weekes and Clyde Walcott. I had always considered Sobers just about the best all-round cricketer I had ever seen, but sadly his speaking ability was not of the same high quality. At the ground we pigeon-holed BBC ’s Jonathan Agnew for whom we had taken a League tie and handbook together with a promise that he would be warmly welcomed when he spoke at the Presentation Dinner in October. Aggers was looking forward to it, but unfortunately he cried off due to another booking and was to do the same again some years later, owing to illness. A fellow client at our hotel was the famous cricket artist Jocelyn Galsworthy, a delightful lady whose equipment we helped carry to the ground each morning. We have her beautifully illustrated book “White Hats and Cricket Bats”. True to Alan Farrow’s word, Barbados proved to be a truly wonderful island with superb beaches, a perfect climate, many places of colonial interest and a naturally warm welcome for visitors. Despite that mugging. Next: Antigua. LEAGUE WEBSITES THE website cheshirecountycl.play-cricket.com monitored by Darren Sutcliffe takes all 1st XI results with brief match details which must be posted by 10 p.m. Full scoreboards MUST be posted by 12 noon the following day and some clubs are not abiding by this regulation.

THE League’s Pitchero website administered by Richard Fennah, contains documents such as all issues of the Newsletter, is: www.cheshirecountycl.org.uk THE weekly Newsletter will normally be available on Monday mornings to the Press, League Officers, members of the Cricket !Committee and individual subscribers by special request. ooooooooooo [email protected]…..Monday, June 27 Readers and correspondents are warned that from June 30, the above e-mail address will change to [email protected]




