Ceritinib Enhances the Efficacy of Trametinib in BRAF/NRAS-Wild

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Ceritinib Enhances the Efficacy of Trametinib in BRAF/NRAS-Wild Published OnlineFirst November 13, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-17-0196 Small Molecule Therapeutics Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Ceritinib Enhances the Efficacy of Trametinib in BRAF/NRAS-Wild-Type Melanoma Cell Lines Daniel Verduzco1, Brent M. Kuenzi2, Fumi Kinose2, Vernon K. Sondak3, Zeynep Eroglu3, Uwe Rix2, and Keiran S.M. Smalley1,3 Abstract Targeted therapy options are currently lacking for the hetero- Mechanistic studies showed the ceritinib–trametinib combina- geneous population of patients whose melanomas lack BRAF tion to increase suppression of MAPK and TORC1 signaling. or NRAS mutations (35% of cases). We undertook a chemical Similar results were seen when BRAF/NRAS-WT melanoma biology screen to identify potential novel drug targets for this cells were treated with a combination of trametinib and the understudied group of tumors. Screening a panel of 8 BRAF/ TORC1/2 inhibitor INK128. We next used mass spectrometry– NRAS-WT melanoma cell lines against 240 targeted drugs iden- based chemical proteomics and identified known and new cer- tified ceritinib and trametinib as potential hits with single-agent itinib targets, such as IGF1R and ACK1, respectively. Validation activity. Ceritinib enhanced the efficacy of trametinib across the studies suggested that ceritinib could suppress mTORC1 signaling majority of the BRAF/NRAS-WT cell lines, and the combination inthepresenceoftrametinibthrough inhibition of IGF1R showed increased cytotoxicity in both three-dimensional spher- and/or ACK1 in a cell line–dependent manner. Together, our oid culture and long-term colony formation experiments. Coad- studies demonstrated that combining a specific inhibitor (tra- ministration of ceritinib and trametinib led to robust inhibition metinib) with a more broadly targeted agent (ceritinib) has of tumor growth in an in vivo xenograft BRAF/NRAS-WT mela- efficacy against tumors with heterogeneous mutational profiles. noma model; this was not due to ALK inhibition by ceritinib. Mol Cancer Ther; 17(1); 73–83. Ó2017 AACR. Introduction immunotherapy, with the combination of ipilimumab plus nivo- lumab being associated with response rates similar to that Major breakthroughs have been made in the development of achieved with targeted therapy in BRAF-mutant melanoma therapeutic strategies to treat advanced melanoma. At this time, (6, 7). Although highly effective, the immune-related adverse the choice of frontline therapy is determined both by the BRAF effects associated with this combination are frequently severe mutational status of the tumor and by the kinetics of disease with nearly 40% of those treated having to discontinue therapy. progression (1, 2). For the approximately 45% to 50% of patients Other therapeutic options, and in particular second-line thera- whose melanomas harbor activating position 600 mutations in pies, are urgently needed for patients with BRAF-WT melanoma. the serine–threonine kinase BRAF, the combination of a BRAF Melanoma is one of the most genetically diverse tumors and inhibitor (e.g., vemurafenib or dabrafenib) with an MEK inhibitor carries a high mutational burden (8). Approximately 15% to 20% (e.g., cobimetinib or trametinib) leads to high response rates, with of melanoma patients have tumors that are NRAS-mutant. Anoth- progression-free survival rates of close to a year and survival er recently identified group of melanomas are those with muta- durations approaching 2 years (3). The BRAF–MEK inhibitor tion/inactivation of the tumor suppressor NF1 (9, 10). These combination has the advantage of working relatively rapidly with mutations, which can also co-occur with BRAF and NRAS, are mild off-target effects (3, 4). This combination is thought to be found in approximately 13% of melanomas (9–11). ineffective, however, and may even be deleterious in individuals The goal of precision medicine is to identify genetic predictors whose melanomas are wild-type (WT) for BRAF (5). The current of response that will help guide therapy selection. Although there frontline treatment for patients with BRAF-WT melanoma is are numerous instances in which strong predictions can be made (e.g., EML4–ALK fusions and sensitivity to ALK inhibitors, TSC2 mutations, and sensitivity to rapalogs), tumor genetic profiles are 1The Department of Tumor Biology, The Moffitt Cancer Center and Research 2 fi complex and sensitivity predictions are often confounded by the Institute, Tampa, Florida. The Department of Drug Discovery, The Mof tt BRAF Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, Florida. 3The Department of presence of bypass pathways (e.g., EGFR signaling in - Cutaneous Oncology, The Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, mutant colorectal carcinoma; refs. 12–14). With this in mind, we Florida. have undertaken the first comprehensive screen of curated (FDA- Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Molecular Cancer approved or in clinical development) anticancer drugs to identify Therapeutics Online (http://mct.aacrjournals.org/). potential therapeutic strategies for BRAF/NRAS-WT melanoma. Corresponding Author: Keiran S.M. Smalley, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, 12902 Magnolia Drive, Tampa, FL 33612. Phone: 813-745- Materials and Methods fi 8725; Fax: 813-449-8260; E-mail: keiran.smalley@mof tt.org Cell lines doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-17-0196 M257 and M285 were a gift from Antoni Ribas (UCLA Medical Ó2017 American Association for Cancer Research. Center). 1205Lu, WM1366, WM209, WM1963, WM3438, www.aacrjournals.org 73 Downloaded from mct.aacrjournals.org on September 29, 2021. © 2018 American Association for Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst November 13, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-17-0196 Verduzco et al. WM3681, and WM3918 were acquired from the Wistar Institute. N-Hydroxysuccinimidyl-activated Sepharose for Fast Flow resin A375 and SK-MEL-23 were acquired from the ATCC. The iden- (GE Healthcare) and blocked with ethanolamine overnight. SK- tities of all cell lines were confirmed by STR fingerprinting MEL-23 cells were lysed and total cell lysate containing 5 mg of performed by Bio-synthesis Inc. All cell lines were grown in protein was added to the affinity matrix for 2 hours. Competition RPMI þ 5% FBS. Mycoplasma testing was performed using experiments were conducted by incubating total cell lysates with 20 Plasmotest every 3 months (Invivogen). Fresh cells were thawed mmol/L ceritinib or 20 mmol/L GSK1838705A for 30 minutes prior every 3 months. to affinity chromatography. Following affinity chromatography, SDS-PAGE and in-gel digestion with trypsin were performed. Western blotting Western blotting was performed as previously described in Mass spectrometry and bioinformatic analysis ref. 15. See Supplementary Materials for antibody details. A nanoflow ultra–high-performance liquid chromatograph (RSLC; Dionex) coupled to an electrospray bench top Orbitrap Cell proliferation assay mass spectrometer (Q-Exactive plus, Thermo) was used for tan- Cell proliferation was measured as previously described (15). dem mass spectrometry (MS) peptide-sequencing experiments. Sixteen tandem mass spectra were collected in a data-dependent Compounds manner following each survey scan. Both MS and MS/MS scans Compounds used included trametinib (Chemitek #CT- were performed in the Orbitrap to obtain accurate mass mea- GSK212), ceritinib (Selleck #S7083), INK128 (Cayman surement using 60-second exclusion for previously sampled pep- #11811; ref. 16), and AIM-100 (Bio-Techne #4946; ref. 17). tide peaks. Data were searched by Mascot (v2.4.1) using the Swiss- Prot human database (downloaded 9/2015). Following protein fi RNAi knockdown ID, the data were ltered (95% minimum peptide threshold, 95% RNAi was performed using Dharmacon Smartpools: IGF1R protein threshold; 0.3% peptide FDR, 0.0% protein FDR) using (Dharmacon #L-003012-00-0005), ALK (#L-003103-00-0005), Scaffold 4.6.1 (Proteome Software). A maximum of two missed and ACK (#L-003102-01-0005). cleavages were allowed. A minimum of two unique spectrum counts were required for protein identification. Three-dimensional spheroid assay Spheroids were grown as previously described (15). Spheroids In vitro kinase assays were treated for 24 hours prior to 2X washes with PBS and staining In vitro profiling of a panel of kinases selected from the chemical with calcein-AM and propidium iodide (20 ng/mL). Images were proteomic experiments was performed at Reaction Biology Cor- acquired with an AMG Evos FL system. poration using the "HotSpot" assay platform (22). Colony formation assay Statistical analysis Colony formation assays were performed as previously For all experiments in which P values are shown, the unpaired described (18). Student t test was used. A P value of 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Drug screening Cells were seeded in 384-well plates at 1,000 cells/well. All Results m compounds were diluted to 0.5 or 2.5 mol/L, and all cell lines Screening for small-molecule inhibitors with activity against were treated in duplicate. A total of 240 compounds from an in- BRAF/NRAS-WT melanoma house library were tested. Compounds were aliquoted by a Biotek We began by screening a panel of 8 BRAF/NRAS-WT melanoma Precision Pipetting robot. Cell viability was measured by Cell- cell lines against a customized library of 240 drugs. The screen Titer-Glo (Promega G7572) at 72 hours after treatment. involved treating the cells with two concentrations of each drug, with cell viability measured after 72 hours (Fig. 1A; raw data and Xenograft studies drug list in Supplementary Table S1). The library covered all major WM209 were virally transduced with eGFP-NanoLuc plasmid target classes, such as kinases, receptor tyrosine kinases, phospha- (19) and tumor xenografts generated following injection of 2.5 Â tases, receptor agonists, proteases/proteasome, PARP1, epigenetic 106 cells in Matrigel into each flank of NSG mice. Mice were enzymes, Hedgehog, HSP90, and Notch, and was chosen to reflect randomized at day 10 (n ¼ 5), and treatment was started. Each the current landscape of targeted agents approved for use or have mouse was dosed daily with vehicle, 25 mg/kg ceritinib, 1 mg/kg been considered for clinical development (Fig.
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    www.impactjournals.com/oncotarget/ Oncotarget, 2017, Vol. 8, (No. 1), pp: 583-595 Research Paper Acquired resistance to BRAF inhibition in BRAFV600E mutant gliomas Tsun-Wen Yao1, Jie Zhang1, Michael Prados1,2, William A. Weiss1,2,3, C. David James4,5, Theodore Nicolaides1,2 1Department of Pediatrics, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA 2Department of Neurological Surgery, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA 3Department of Neurology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA 4Department of Neurological Surgery, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA 5Northwestern Medicine Developmental Therapeutics Institute, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA Correspondence to: Tsun-Wen Yao, email: [email protected] Theodore Nicolaides, email: [email protected] Keywords: BRAFV600E, glioma, PLX4720, EGFR, Axl Received: October 09, 2015 Accepted: August 27, 2016 Published: September 07, 2016 ABSTRACT Activating mutation of BRAF is a common finding in pediatric gliomas. As many as 14% of high grade and up to 66% of certain subtypes of low grade pediatric glioma have the BRAFV600E mutation. Small molecule inhibitors that selectively target BRAFV600E are FDA approved for melanoma and have shown significant efficacy in treating BRAFV600E glioma in pre-clinical trials. Despite showing initial anti-tumor activity, acquired drug resistance significantly limits the benefit from being treated with BRAFV600E inhibitors. Here, we have identified molecular responses to BRAFV600E inhibitor treatment in human glioma models that have substantial clinical implications. Specifically, we show that BRAFV600E inhibitor resistant cells upregulate pro-survival mediators such as Wnt, and additionally increase receptor tyrosine kinase activity, including EGFR and Axl, promoting resistance to BRAFV600E inhibition.
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