City of Albany 200 Henry Johnson Boulevard Albany, NY 12210


Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

566 Washington Avenue


September 2011

Report Prepared By: ARCADIS US 855 Route 146, Suite 210 Clifton Park, New York 4279011 518-250-7300

Table of Contents


Limitations L-1

Certifications C-1

1. Introduction 1-1 1.1. Purpose of ESA ...... 1-1 1.2. General Site Description ...... 1-1 1.3. General Vicinity Description ...... 1-2 1.4. Physical Environmental Setting ...... 1-2 1.4.1. General Topography ...... 1-2 1.4.2. Geology and Soils ...... 1-2 1.4.3. Surface Water and Wetlands ...... 1-3 1.4.4. Hydrogeology ...... 1-3

2. Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26) 2-1 2.1. Site Contact Information ...... 2-1 2.2. Site Chain of Title/Environmental Clean-Up Liens (40 CFR §312.25) ...... 2-1 2.3. Regulatory Agency Records (40 CFR §312.26) ...... 2-2 2.4. Databases of Environmental Enforcement Records (40 CFR §312.26) ...... 2-3 2.5. Area Radon Information (40 CFR §312.24(a)) ...... 2-13 2.6. Publicly Available Maps (40 CFR §312.24(a)) ...... 2-13 2.7. Historical Aerial Photographs (40 CFR §312.24(a)) ...... 2-13 2.8. Historical Topographic Maps (40 CFR §312.24(a)) ...... 2-13 2.9. Historical City Directories (40 CFR §312.24(a)) ...... 2-14 2.10. Fire Insurance Maps (40 CFR §312.24(a)) ...... 2-14

3. Site Reconnaissance (40 CFR §312.27) 3-1 3.1. Observations of Exterior and Interior Portions of Property (40 CFR §312.27(1)) ...... 3-1 3.1.1. Roads, Parking Areas, and Site Access ...... 3-2 3.1.2. Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products Storage Areas ...... 3-2 3.1.3. Underground/Aboveground Storage Tanks (USTs/ASTs) ...... 3-2 3.1.4. Solid Waste and Waste Disposal Areas ...... 3-2 3.1.5. Odors ...... 3-2 3.1.6. Stained Soil, Stained Pavement, and Stressed Vegetation ...... 3-2 3.1.7. Pools of Liquid ...... 3-2 3.1.8. Stormwater and Wastewater ...... 3-3 3.1.9. Pits, Ponds or Lagoons ...... 3-3 3.1.10. Wells ...... 3-3 3.1.11. PCBs and Asbestos ...... 3-3

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Table of Contents

3.2. Site Photographs ...... 3-3 3.3. Observations of Adjoining Properties (40 CFR §312.27(2)) ...... 3-3

4. Information from Interviews (40 CFR §312.23) 4-1 4.1. Interviews with Current Owners and Occupants of the Subject Property (40 CFR §312.23 (A) & (B)) ...... 4-1 4.2. Interviews with Parties other than the Current Owner and Occupant (40 CFR §312.23 (C) & (D)) ...... 4-1

5. Findings and Conclusions 5-1 5.1. Property Data Gaps (40 CFR §312.10) ...... 5-1 5.2. Findings ...... 5-1 5.3. Recommendations (40 CFR §312.31(b)) ...... 5-1

6. References 6-1


1. USGS Topographic Map 2. Aerial Photograph 3. Surficial Geologic Map 4. Bedrock Geologic Map


A. Chain of Title and Environmental Lien Search B. Environmental Database Report C. Historical Aerial Photographs D. Historical Topographic Maps E. Historical City Directories F. Fire Insurance Maps G. Site Photographs

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This Environmental Site Assessment Report [Report] has been prepared for the sole use of ARCADIS-US’s (ARCADIS) Client, the City of Albany, New York [Client]. The purpose of this Report is to provide information to the Client on the environmental conditions of the subject site, which consists of one parcel totaling approximately 0.08 acres which consists of one building on Washington Avenue in the City of Albany, Albany County, New York. The City of Albany will use this information in prioritizing further environmental investigation at this site.

The use of and reliance on this Report by any person or entity other than the Client is not authorized unless the user enters a secondary user agreement with ARCADIS. At the time this report was written there were no authorized users identified. It is the responsibility of the unauthorized user to assure itself that information contained herein is accurate and complete. Any reliance on the contents shall be solely at the unauthorized user’s risk.

ARCADIS’ work presented in this Report was performed pursuant to its agreement to implement the City’s grant under the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA’s) Brownfields Hazardous Substances Assessment Grant. Any modifications, deviations or exceptions to the services proposed or limitations in the scope of the Phase I ESA arising out of Site access issues and the actual availability of data and information related to the Site are as follows: None.

This Report may not address all the requirements that may be required in the Client’s or other user’s due diligence assessment of risks associated with this property, including but not limited to an evaluation of the relationship of the purchase price to the fair market value considering site contamination, if any.

An Environmental Site Assessment can reduce but not wholly eliminate uncertainty regarding the potential for recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Site. The conclusions in this Report have been based, in part, on information obtained from third parties including historical aerial photographs, environmental agency records, and other public records regarding the Site obtained from various sources. Unless noted, ARCADIS has not independently evaluated or verified the accuracy or completeness of such third party information. Visual observations related to hazardous materials or waste on the Site only represent conditions at the time of the site visit. ARCADIS makes no warranties that the on-site observations made during the Environmental Site Assessment are representative of historical or future conditions at the Site. ARCADIS performed its

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services and prepared this Report at the level customary for other prudent and competent professional engineers performing such services at the time and place where the services are provided. ARCADIS makes no other warranty, expressed or implied.

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1. Introduction

Subject to the limitations presented in this Report, this Report presents the results of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of one parcel totaling approximately 0.08 acres, located in the City of Albany, Albany County, New York. The ESA was commissioned by the City of Albany [Client] and was conducted by ARCADIS (formerly Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.) pursuant to its agreement to implement the City’s grant under the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA’s) Brownfields Hazardous Substances Assessment Program (Grant No. BF-97249507-0). 1.1. Purpose of ESA The purpose of an Environmental Site Assessment is to identify recognized environmental conditions1 on a property, as the term is defined by the American Society of Testing Materials in ASTM E 1527-05. This Report is based on ASTM E 1527-05 which provides a procedure for satisfying, in part, the requirements of 40 CFR §312, Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries. However, this Report is one aspect of the Client's environmental due diligence assessment under 40 CFR §312 into the previous ownership and uses of the property consistent with good commercial or customary practices. The Report may not address all the requirements that may be required in the Client’s or other user’s due diligence assessment of risks associated with this property, including but not limited to an evaluation of the relationship of the purchase price to the fair market value considering site contamination, if any. Disclosures to Client by the property seller and the Client's own specialized knowledge and experience may also be factors in determining the extent of a due diligence effort. 1.2. General Site Description

The Site property is located at 566 Washington Avenue in the City of Albany, Albany County, New York, as shown on Figures 1 through 4. The Site consists of a one-story brick and concrete block building and was most recently used as a dry cleaning business. According to tax parcel documents, the basement (which was not accessible during the Site visit) is not full-size.

1 Recognized Environmental Conditions: The presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, ground water, or surface water of the property. The term includes hazardous substances or petroleum products even under conditions in compliance with laws. The term is not intended to include de minimis conditions that generally do not present a threat to human health or the environment and that generally would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies. Conditions determined to be de minimis are not recognized environmental conditions.

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Section 1 Introduction

According to parcel information, the perimeter of the building is 228 feet, while the perimeter of the basement is 88 feet. The Site is on the corner of Washington Avenue and Ontario Street and is located in a mixed commercial/residential area of Albany. The Site is currently owned by Louis Lettsome and Sekyung Jeon. 1.3. General Vicinity Description The subject property is located within a mixed commercial/residential area. The following are descriptions of land and land uses immediately adjacent to the Site:

North: The Site is bordered to the north by the intersection of Washington Avenue and Ontario Street. There is a 3-story apartment building located diagonally across Washington Avenue from the Site which includes a hair salon currently operating on the first floor. Directly across Washington Avenue there is an Exxon/Mobil gas station and convenience store currently under development.

South: The Site is bordered to the south by a large apartment complex with a small tavern operating in the basement floor.

East: The Site is bordered to the east on Washington Avenue by 2-story apartment buildings.

West: Beverwyck Park is located across Ontario Street from the Site. It is an open, grassy park with a baseball field. 1.4. Physical Environmental Setting 1.4.1. General Topography The United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map (Figure 1) indicates the Site is at an elevation of approximately 220 feet above mean sea level (AMSL). The Site is generally flat, and the slope of the surrounding area is generally south-southwest, according to the elevation profiles provided in the EDR radius map report.

1.4.2. Geology and Soils Surficial geology on the Site is mapped as lacustrine sand (Cadwell et al., 1986). These deposits are associated with large bodies of water, generally a near-shore deposit or near a sand source. They are generally well sorted, stratified, quartz sand. The thickness of these deposits generally ranges up to 65 feet. Figure 3 shows the location of the Site on the Surficial Geologic Map of the Hudson-Mohawk Region, New York. Based on the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service and the

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Section 1 Introduction

National Cooperative Soil Service (NCSS) soil survey for Albany County, New York, the soils within the general vicinity of the Site are urban land and udorthents.

Bedrock outcrops were not observed at the Site. Based upon regional mapping, the Site is underlain by Normanskill Shale (Fisher et al., 1970). Figure 4 provides the location of the Site on a Geologic Map of the Hudson-Mohawk Region, New York. Note that both the surficial and bedrock geologic maps were created at a scale of 1:250,000, while the maps in Figures 3 and 4 are plotted at a scale of 1:2,750. Use of these data at a scale larger than that of their creation scale does not provide greater accuracy.

1.4.3. Surface Water and Wetlands The Site is located approximately 2.5 miles west of the . There was no evidence of natural surface water including active streams and wetlands observed on the subject property.

1.4.4. Hydrogeology Based on a review of the topography of the Site, the general groundwater flow would be expected to follow surface topography and flow toward the east, toward the Hudson River, a regional groundwater discharge zone. However, site specific hydrogeologic conditions can only be determined from detailed subsurface investigation.

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2. Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26)

ARCADIS reviewed records from reasonably ascertainable sources to obtain information regarding the Site's recognized environmental conditions. A description of the source and the information obtained is provided in the following subsections. 2.1. Site Contact Information

ARCADIS reviewed the following information obtained from the City of Albany:

Verbal information from Mary Mullis, City of Albany Department of Development and Planning, regarding the Site’s history;

Tax parcel data from 2008; and

Recent photographs of the property taken by the City of Albany Fire Department. 2.2. Site Chain of Title/Environmental Clean-Up Liens (40 CFR §312.25)

Chain of title information for the subject property was obtained by ARCADIS for this Report, in addition to a search of environmental liens for the parcel. A private database management firm, Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) of Milford, Connecticut, was contracted to provide this information. This information is summarized below and is included in Appendix B:

John Peters and Amanda Peters: Acquired ownership of the property in May 1912 from John V. Stine.

W. Ray Batchelor, Anna Batchelor, and Amanda Peters: Acquired ownership of the property in June 1935 from Amanda Peters.

Amanda Peters: Acquired ownership of the property in May 1947 from W. Ray Batchelor and Anna Batchelor.

Floyd F. Sorrentino: Acquired ownership of the property in January 1959 from Mary O. Schuh and Elaine Anne Kirby, executrives of Ella M. Primmer, heir of Amanda Peters.

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26)

Charles and Rose Odabashian: Acquired ownership of the property in February 1960 from Floyd F. Sorrentino.

Deluxe Tailors, Inc.: Acquired ownership of the property in June 1967 from Charles and Rose Odabashian.

Alec and Lubov Polishchuk: Acquired ownership of the property in June 1983 from RKO Cleaners and Tailors, Inc., formerly known as Deluxe Tailors, Inc.

Wei J. Huang, Sam S. Mo, Mamie Wing and Bin Mo, as tenants in common: Acquired ownership of the property in December 1987 from Alec and Lubov Polishchuk.

Wei J. Huang and Mamie Wing: Acquired ownership of the property in June 1988 from Sam S. Mo and Bin Mo.

Wei J. Huang: Acquired ownership of the property in July 1990 from Mamie Wing.

Ralph Kussmaul: Acquired ownership of the property in October 1990 from Wei J. Huang.

Wei J. Huang: Acquired ownership of the property in March 1991 from Ralph Kussmaul.

Wei J. Huang, Shirley Huang, and Florence Sheehan dba FSW Associates: Acquired ownership of the property in November 1991 from Wei J. Huang.

Wei J. Huang: Acquired ownership of the property in December 1996 from Wei J. Huang, Shirley Huang, and Florence Sheehan dba FSW Associates.

FSW Associates: Acquired ownership of the property in May 1997 from Wei J. Huang.

Louis Lettsome and Sekyung Jeon: Acquired ownership of the property in May 1997 from FSW Associates.

No environmental liens or activity and use limitations (AULs) were found during the search. The EDR Report is provided in Appendix A. 2.3. Regulatory Agency Records (40 CFR §312.26)

For the purpose of obtaining information on potential recognized environmental conditions for the Site through the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), the following regulatory agency was contacted:

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26)

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), Region 4 Ms. Toni Galluzo FOIL Coordinator (518) 357-2046 1130 North Westcott Road Schenectady, NY 12306-2014

FOIL requests were made for 566 Washington Avenue. The FOIL request has been received. Pertinent information has been included elsewhere in this Report as appropriate.

City of Albany Captain of Fire Prevention/Fire Investigation Mr. Loren LaJoy (518) 447-7879 Fire Investigation U nit 26 Broad Street Albany, NY 12202

ARCADIS spoke with the City of Albany Captain of the Fire Investigation Unit, Loren LaJoy. Captain LaJoy recalled the fire that occurred at the Site in December 2000. This incident is discussed in the next section of this Report. Other than this incident, Captain LaJoy did not recall any other spills, fires, or other emergency response calls at the Site or adjacent properties. 2.4. Databases of Environmental Enforcement Records (40 CFR §312.26) ARCADIS obtained a listing of Federal and State environmental databases identifying sites located in the vicinity of the subject Site. EDR was contracted to provide this information. The Federal and State databases included in the EDR Database Report are compiled from government agency sources and presented in a consolidated format. A list of databases searched, geographic areas included in the search, and acronyms used are provided in the report.

Based on information obtained during the database search, the Site itself appeared on Federal and on State lists reviewed.

Twenty orphan sites were listed in the EDR Database Report. Orphan sites are defined as sites that cannot be mapped due to poor or inadequate address information. None of the orphan sites were listed in the NY SPILLS Database.

One orphan site was listed in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) – No Further Remedial

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26)

Action Planned (NFRAP) database. This site, The Colonie Sanitary Landfill, is not considered to be a REC because it is approximately ten miles from the Site.

Twelve orphan sites were listed in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) database, eleven as non-generators, and one as a large quantity generator (LQG). Of the eleven non-generators sites, two had violations listed in the EDR database; however, these sites appear to be over one mile from the Site and are not considered to be RECs. The orphan site listed as a LQG had no violations listed in the EDR database.

None of the orphan sites identified in the EDR database search are considered to be a REC.

The following summarizes the findings of the EDR database review, with a focus on sites that are located within one-quarter mile of the assessment property. Due to their proximity to the Site, they represent an increased potential for off-site impacts to the Site, if located in the apparent hydraulically up-gradient direction.

CERCLIS Database

There was one site listed in the CERCLIS database, which is a database of potential and confirmed hazardous waste sites at which the US EPA Superfund program has some involvement. However, the property, Major J O’Donovan Air Force Reserves (AFR) Center is located at 90 North Main Avenue, approximately 0.45 miles west- northwest of and likely cross-gradient to the Site, and therefore is not considered a REC.

SHWS Database

There was one site listed in the State Hazardous Waste Sites records, which are the states’ equivalent to CERCLIS. The property, Axelrod Institute DOH is located at 120 New Scotland Avenue, approximately 0.8 miles south of the Site. This site was also listed in the NY SPILLS, NY HIST SPILLS, and Vapor Reopened databases. This site was the former location of a New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) clinical microbiology and virology lab. The database reports that until 1976, solvents were dumped into an open pit on the property and allowed to infiltrate and/or evaporate. A remedial investigation (RI) was performed in 1992 and groundwater and soil contamination were confirmed. A geo-composite cap was constructed over the site, and a portion of the site was paved and used as a parking lot. Contaminant migration is listed as limited due to dense soil conditions. The site is listed as properly closed with continued management (monitoring). This site is not considered a REC because it is presumably cross-gradient to the Site.

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26)

RCRA Generators Database

One site was identified in the RCRA Small Quantity Generators (SQG) database and on Manifest lists (MANIFEST), as well as in underground storage tank/aboveground storage tank (UST/AST) and Historic UST/AST databases. SQGs generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kgs of hazardous waste per month. A manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through the transporter to a treatment, storage, or disposal (TSD) facility. The property, Albany High School, is located at 700 Washington Avenue, approximately 0.2 miles northwest of the Site. There were 2 generator violations (general and records/reporting) listed in the database in January 2007. The facility was considered to be in compliance upon completion of two on-site inspections in January and February 2007, and therefore is not considered to be a REC.

One site was identified in the RCRA conditionally exempt (CE) SQGs. CESQGs generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste per month, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. This site was also identified in the MANIFEST lists, as well as the Facility Index System/Facility Registry System (FINDS), which is a facility regulated by the US EPA. The facility identified in the EDR database search, located less than one-quarter mile from the Site, is not considered to be a REC and is summarized below:

College of Saint Rose – Brubacher Hall – Located at 750 State Street, less than one-quarter mile and potentially up-gradient from the Site, was listed in the RCRA-CESQGs database, on the MANIFEST lists, and in FINDS. There were no violations listed for this facility and therefore it is not considered a REC.

RCRA-NonGen List

Five sites were identified on the RCRA non-generator list and in the FINDS database. Four of these sites were also identified on MANIFEST lists. Facilities listed as RCRA non-generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. These sites are summarized below:

Watkins Spring – Located at 368 Central Avenue, less than one-quarter mile northeast of the Site, was identified in the RCRA non-generator list, on the MANIFEST lists, and in FINDS. In February 1991, this property was listed

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26)

as a SQG, but changed to a non-generator in July 1999. This property is not considered a REC because there were no violations listed in the EDR Database Report. Additionally, the property is likely cross-gradient to the Site.

Little Motors – Located at 363 Central Avenue, less than one-quarter east- northeast of the Site, was identified in the RCRA non-generator list, as well as the MANIFEST lists, and in FINDS. In September 1993, this property was listed as a SQG, but changed to a non-generator in July 1999. This property is not considered a REC because there were no violations listed. Additionally, the property is likely cross-gradient to the Site.

Charles Freihofer Baking Company Inc. – Located at 522 Washington Avenue, less than one-quarter mile from the Site, this property was identified in the RCRA-non generator list, in FINDS, and in the UST and historic UST databases. In November 1986, this property was listed as a SQG. In July 1999, the property was changed to a non-generator. There were no violations listed in the database, therefore this site is not considered to be a REC. Also, the property is presumably down-gradient of the Site.

University at Albany Alumni – Located at 221 Ontario Street (Pierce Hall), this property was identified in the RCRA-non generator list, in the FINDS and on MANIFEST lists. In June 1998, this property was identified as a CESQG, and then in January 2001 was listed as a LQG. In January 2006, the property’s status was changed to non-generator. Manifests listed for this property include non-listed ignitable wastes, lead, cadmium, non-listed corrosive wastes, and PCB transformers (500 ppm or less of PCBs). This property is not considered a REC because there were no violations listed in the EDR database, and also because this property is likely down-gradient of the Site.

Consolidated Edison Inc. – No local address is listed in the database report; however, the database shows the location on the map to be less than one- quarter mile south of the Site. This property is listed in the RCRA-generator list, as well as the MANIFEST lists. In February 1998, this property was identified as a large-quantity generator (LQG), but in the same month was changed to a non-generator. Manifests listed for this property included lead and miscellaneous PCB wastes. This property is not considered to be a REC because no violations were listed. Additionally, the property is likely cross- gradient to the Site.

Leaking Storage Tank (LTANK) Database

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26)

Twenty-eight cases were identified in the LTANK database within a half-mile radius of the Site. Eight of these cases are located less than one-quarter mile of the Site. Five of the eight cases were also identified in historical leaking tanks (HIST LTANK) database. Cases within a quarter-mile of the Site are summarized below:

587 Washington Avenue – Located less than one-eighth of a mile from the Site, this property was identified in the LTANK and HIST LTANK databases. On December 4, 1987 there was a tank failure of approximately 15 gallons of #2 fuel oil. Speedy-dry was used to clean up the spill and the tank was replaced. The spill was listed as closed on the same day. This property is likely up-gradient to the Site; however, because the case is listed as closed, and due to the small quantity of material spilled, this property is not considered a REC.

SUNY Albany Sales Dorm – Located on O’Leary Boulevard with no specific address listed, but placed less than one-quarter mile west northwest of the Site on the map in the EDR database report. This property was listed in the LTANKS and HIST LTANKS databases. On April 22, 1993, a 2,000-gallon UST storing #4 fuel oil failed a tank tightness test. There are no other details listed for this failure. On June 10, 1994, the system was listed as passing the tank tightness test, and the case was closed on June 28, 1994. This property is not considered a REC due to its unconfirmed address and likely cross-gradient proximity to the Site.

Capital District Ambulance Services – Located at 89 West Street, less than one-quarter mile east southeast of the Site, this property is listed in the LTANKS and UST databases. On December 16, 2004, there was a tank failure from a tank of an undocumented size. On December 31, 2004 the tank was removed. Concentrations of methyl tert-butyl ethyl (MTBE) from soil samples were slightly higher than NYSDEC TAGMs 4046 standards. The incident was closed on June 2005 with no other details listed in the EDR database. This property is not considered to be a REC due to its location presumably down-gradient of the Site.

Getty Gas Station – Located at 409 Central Avenue, less than one-quarter mile north-northeast of the Site, this property is listed in the LTANKS, HIST LTANKS, NY SPILLS and UST databases. On April 17, 2007, a gasoline spill occurred due to a tank overfill. Tanks onsite were pulled and found to contain holes. The database reports that the case was closed on July 2007, but not to standards. On December 8, 1998, a tank failure of #2 fuel oil occurred at this property. The tank failure was discovered during a 500-gallon tank removal. Holes in the tank were noted, as well as contamination in the tank

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26) pit soil. The case was closed on September 29, 2006, with no further information. In the EDR database report memo, gasoline contamination in groundwater was reported. Quarterly groundwater monitoring was requested using previously installed monitoring wells. This property is not considered a REC because of its distance from the Site.

Central Towers Apartments – Located at 400 Central Avenue, less than one- quarter mile north-northeast of the Site, this property is listed in the LTANKS, HIST LTANKS, UST and HIST UST databases. On July 10, 1998, there was a #2 fuel oil spill due to a tank overfill. In March 2000, the tank was closed in place, meeting standards. Soil around the tank was tested and did show contamination, according to remarks in the EDR database report. This property is not considered a REC because of its distance from the Site.

Screamin’ Products – Located at 27-29 Benson Street, less than one-eighth mile east of the Site, this property was listed in the LTANKS and HIST LTANKS databases. On November 11, 1999, there was a gasoline tank failure. Contamination was found in the soil around the tank. The tank was confirmed closed in place on August 2, 2000 and the case was closed on October 4, 2000. This property is not considered a REC because it is likely down-gradient of the Site.

Cowan Associates – Located at 498 Central Avenue, less than one-half mile north of the Site, this property was listed in the LTANKS and HIST LTANKS databases. On February 27, 1998, there was a #2 fuel oil tank failure that released several thousand gallons of oil to the soil and tank pit. A total of 2,692 gallons of liquid waste was disposed of at Luzon Oil Recovery in Harriman, NY, and approximately 180 tons of contaminated soil was disposed of at the Albany Landfill. The tank was removed and the case was closed on March 1, 2001; however, the cleanup did not meet standards. This property is not considered a REC because of its distance from the Site.

Army Reserve Center – Located at 90 North Main Avenue, less than one-half mile northwest of the Site, this property was listed in the LTANKS and HIST LTANKS databases. On May 17, 1991, contaminated soil was discovered in a tank pit while a #2 fuel oil tank was being removed. The soil was stockpiled at the site until analytical results and landfill approval were received. The soil has since been removed and the case was closed to standards on April 23, 1991. This property is not considered a REC because the spill was cleaned up to meet standards.

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26)

DPW N. Manning Boulevard – Located less than one-half mile north of the Site, this case involved the Department of Public Works and a tank failure and spill of approximately 15 gallons of gasoline. The report notes that the nearby sewer was affected. There were no further details listed in the database report; however the case was closed the same day and was reported as meeting cleanup standards. Therefore this property is not considered to be a REC.

Registered Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank (UST/AST) Database

Seven sites were identified in the UST and the historic UST (HIST UST) databases that are within one-quarter mile of the Site. Three sites within one-quarter mile of the Site were identified in the AST and historical AST (HIST AST) databases. These sites are summarized below:

Albany High School – Located at 700 Washington Avenue, less than one- quarter mile northwest of the Site, this property was listed in the UST/AST databases, as well as in the HIST UST/AST, RCRA-SQG, and MANIFEST databases. There were two steel/iron 20,000-gallon USTs on this property that stored #1, #2, or #4 fuel oil; however, both tanks were closed prior to April 1, 1991. There is one 275-gallon AST storing kerosene on the property. There were no spills or violations reported at this property; therefore this property is not considered to be a REC.

Capital District Ambulance Services – Located at 89 West Street, less than one-quarter mile east-southeast of the Site, this property was listed in the UST database, as well as in the LTANKS database. There is one 1,000-gallon steel/carbon steel double-walled UST located at this property currently in use (installed in December 2004). This property is likely down-gradient of the Site and is therefore not considered a REC.

Getty Gas Station – Located at 409 Central Avenue, less than one-quarter mile north-northeast of the Site, this property was listed in the UST/AST databases, as well as in the LTANKS, HIST LTANKS, and NY SPILLS databases. Two 550-gallon steel/carbon steel USTs at this site were closed and removed on December 1, 1998. Three 8,000-gallon USTs at this site were closed and removed on April 20, 2007 (see listing above in LTANKS database discussion for spills information). Two 240-gallon ASTs were installed at this property

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26) in December 1998 and are presumably still in use. This property is not considered a REC because of its distance from the Site.

Central Towers Apartments – Located at 400 Central Avenue, less than one- quarter mile north-northeast of the Site, this property is listed in the UST and HIST UST databases, as well as the LTANKS and HIST LTANKS databases. There was one 25,000-gallon steel/carbon steel UST onsite that contained #1, #2, or #4 fuel oil. This tank was listed in the LTANKS database for a tank failure in July 1998, with a comment regarding soil contamination around the tank pit. This tank was closed in place in August 1998. A letter of No Further Action was issued in 2005. This property is not considered a REC because of its distance from the Site.

Fleet Bank – Located at 339 Central Avenue, less than one-quarter mile east- northeast of the Site, this property is listed in the UST and HIST UST databases. This property is not considered a REC because there were no violations listed in any of the EDR databases.

Charles Freihofer Baking Company – Located at 522 Washington Avenue, less than one-quarter mile southeast of the Site, this property is listed in the UST and HIST UST databases, as well as in the FINDS and RCRA-non generators databases. There was a 2,000-gallon steel/carbon steel UST installed at this property in December 1956 that stored leaded gasoline. This tank was closed prior to March 1991. There was also a 5,000-gallon steel/carbon steel UST installed in December 1946 that stored kerosene. This tank was closed prior to March 1991 as well. This property is not considered a REC because there were no violations listed in the EDR database report. Additionally, this property is likely down-gradient of the Site.

First Lutheran Church – Located at 646 State Street, less than one-quarter mile south-southeast of the Site, this property is listed in the UST database. There was one 6,000-gallon steel/carbon steel UST at this property until may 2006, when it was closed and removed. This property is not considered a REC because there were no violations listed in the EDR databases. Also, this property is likely down-gradient of the Site.

ALTX, Inc – Located at 201 Spring Street, located less than one-quarter mile southwest of the Site, this property is listed in the AST database. One 1,000- gallon AST was installed in March 1987, one 5,000-gallon AST was installed in January 1988, and two 3,000-gallon ASTs were installed in February 1988. All four ASTs were closed in April 2008. The two 3,000-gallon tanks were

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26)

removed. This property is not considered a REC because there were no violations listed in the database report.

Spills Database

Four spill cases were identified in the NY SPILLS database within one-quarter mile of the property. The Site was also listed in the database, as well as in the historic spills (HIST SPILLS) database. These spill cases are summarized below:

566 Washington Avenue – The Site was listed in the NY SPILLS and HIST SPILLS database twice. In February 2000, two abandoned 55-gallon drums were discovered in the alley. The drums were uncovered and leaking what was apparently cooking grease. The owner was ordered to clean up the drums and area. The case was closed in March 2000. In December 2000, a large fire occurred at the Site. Captain LaJoy was at the scene and recalled that the fire was extensive. The NY Spills database lists dry cleaning fluids as the presumed cause of the fire.

Former Gas Station – Located at 553 Washington Avenue, less than one- eighth mile north of the Site, this property is listed in the NY SPILLS database. On April 28, 2009, the NYSDEC spoke with the property contact and was informed that a Phase II investigation was planned. The property was a former gas station and the onsite USTs were removed in 1985. Contamination had been found in the tank pits and monitoring wells were installed and sampled. Onsite excavation began on November 30, 2009 and a closure report was issued in March 2010. Analytical results continue to show groundwater contamination above NYS standards. This property is considered a REC due to its close proximity to the Site (it is located across the street) and its listing in the NY SPILLS database.

542 Washington Avenue – Located less than one-eighth mile southeast of the Site, this 8-unit apartment complex is listed in the NY SPILLS database. On June 27, 2007 a 500-gallon #2 fuel oil tank was reported as having a very small amount of contaminated soil around it, possibly from an overfill. This case was closed in January 2008 with no other information reported. This property is not considered a REC due to the small quantity of contamination reported.

1 Kent Street – Located less than one-eighth mile north-northeast of the Site, this is the location of a transformer failure. On July 6, 2007, approximately 5 gallons of transformer oil was spilled on the street. A HAZMAT team was called in to perform the cleanup and samples were sent to a laboratory for

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26)

PCB concentrations. On November 21, 2007, National Grid reported that the laboratory results were less than 1 ppm for PCBs. The case was closed on the same day. This is not considered a REC because of the small amount of contamination reported. Additionally, this location is presumably cross- gradient to the Site.

Getty Gas Station – Located at 409 Central Avenue, less than one-quarter mile north-northeast of the Site, this property was listed in the NY SPILLS database. This property was also listed in the UST/AST, HIST UST, LTANKS, and HIST LTANKS databases. On February 5, 2004 a 5-gallon spill occurred while a product line test was being conducted. The 5-gallons of gasoline were unaccounted for. This case was closed in August 2004. On March 18, 2004, a customer spilled approximately one-half pint of transmission oil on the property. The spill was cleaned up and the case was closed in April 2004. On March 23, 2004, a customer spilled approximately 1 quart of gasoline on the property. The spill was cleaned up and the case was closed the same day. On March 31, 2004, a car hit a gas dispenser (pump), causing a leak in the line. The leak was repaired in May 2004 and the case was closed in June 2004. This property is not considered a REC because of its distance from the Site.

Vapor Reopened Database

One Vapor Reopened case was listed in the database within one mile of the Site. Improvements in analytical techniques and knowledge gained from site investigations in New York and other states has led to an increased awareness of soil vapor as a medium of concern and of the potential for exposures from the soil vapor intrusion pathway. Based on this additional information, New York is currently re-evaluating previous assumptions and decisions regarding the potential for soil vapor intrusion exposures at sites. The facility listed in the EDR database is not considered to be a REC and is summarized below.

Axelrod Institute DOH – Located at 120 New Scotland Avenue, less than one mile south of the Site, this property is listed in the Vapor Reopened database. It is also listed in the SHWS, NY SPILLS, and HIST NYSPILLS databases as well, and is discussed elsewhere in this report. In the Vapor Reopened database, the facility status is listed as complete with no further action required. This property is not considered a REC because it is presumably cross-gradient to the Site.

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26)

2.5. Area Radon Information (40 CFR §312.24(a)) The EDR Database Report included a New York State radon summary which indicated that 100 percent of the 22 homes tested within the 12206 zip code had radon concentrations less than 4 pico curies per liter (pCi/L). A federal radon summary indicated that 92 percent of the 141 homes tested within Albany County had radon concentrations less than 4 pCi/L in the living area. Five percent of these homes had concentrations between 4 and 20 pCi/L, and three percent had concentrations greater than 20 pCi/L. The US EPA’s recommended action level is 4 pCi/L. The Site is listed as a Zone 1 area in the EPA Federal Radon Database, which divides the United States into three zones base on radon potential. Zone 1 is classified as having a predicted average indoor radon screening level greater than 4 pCi/L.

According to the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), the estimated percent of homes with long-term living area radon levels greater than 4 pCi/L in the City of Albany is 1.2 percent. 2.6. Publicly Available Maps (40 CFR §312.24(a))

The following government-published maps of the Site and the surrounding areas were reviewed for information related to the Site's recognized environmental conditions.

United States Geological Survey Topographic Map

ARCADIS reviewed the U.S. Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle of the Site to assess regional topographic characteristics. These characteristics are described, as appropriate, elsewhere in this Report. 2.7. Historical Aerial Photographs (40 CFR §312.24(a))

Historical aerial photographs from 1952, 1973, 1978, 1984, 1986, 1994, and 2006 were obtained from EDR and are provided in Appendix C. Conditions at the Site in these aerial photographs appear to be similar to those observed during the site reconnaissance. Since 1952, the Site and properties in the vicinity of the Site do not appear significantly changed. 2.8. Historical Topographic Maps (40 CFR §312.24(a))

The 1898, 1927, and 1950 U.S. Geological Survey 15 Minute Topographic maps of the Troy Quadrangle, and the 1953, 1980, and 1994 U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 Minute Topographic maps for the area were obtained, and are provided in Appendix D. There are no notable differences between the topographic maps in the immediate vicinity of the Site. and are first present on the 1980 topographic map.

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26)

2.9. Historical City Directories (40 CFR §312.24(a)) A City Directories search was conducted by EDR and is provided in Appendix E. The search lists the occupied properties in the vicinity of the Site from applicable Directories for the years 1938, 1944, 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010.

The EDR report lists the Site property use as residential between 1938 and 1954. In 1959, the report lists the Site as vacant. Between 1964 and 2005, the report lists the Site as occupied by RKO Dry Cleaners and Tailors. Lee’s Market is also listed as an occupant in 1995. There was no current listing for the Site.

The years where information was available for adjoining parcels indicates that surrounding properties were primarily occupied as residences, with two exceptions. In 1985, 564 Washington Avenue’s use is listed as Dun Rite Floors. In all other years it is listed as residential. In 2010, 565 Washington Avenue’s use is listed as WKP Laboratories. In all other years it is listed as residential. 2.10. Fire Insurance Maps (40 CFR §312.24(a))

Sanborn® maps for properties in the vicinity of the Site were requested from EDR, and are included in Appendix F. Maps are provided for the years 1909, 1934, 1950, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1997.

During this span of time, the area properties were mixed residential and commercial establishments. The structure at 566 Washington Avenue appears on the 1909 Sanborn® map and is listed as a dwelling. The park to the west of the Site is apparent in all maps. In 1934 the Site structure is labeled as a store, with an addition (labeled as a dwelling) and a garage in the rear. The 1909 Sanborn map does not include the north side of the Washington Avenue; however, the 1934 map shows a filling station across the street (to the north) of the Site. The 1950 map appears similar to the 1934 map, with no significant changes. Between 1989 and 1997, the Site is shown as a dry cleaning business. During this time, RKO Cleaners and Tailors owned the building. The structure across Washington Avenue from the Site appears as a commercial property in 1989, owned by Weigel Beverage Corporation. The 1990 through 1997 maps do not show any significant changes.

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Section 2 Records Review (40 CFR §312.24, 312.25 & 312.26)

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3. Site Reconnaissance (40 CFR §312.27)

ARCADIS performed a site reconnaissance to obtain information indicating the likelihood of recognized environmental conditions in connection with the Site. Observations made during the site reconnaissance are presented below. ARCADIS also visually observed properties surrounding the Site and the general area. Observations made during the site reconnaissance and general area are incorporated into area descriptions provided in preceding parts of this Report. The site reconnaissance and general area observation was performed by Danielle Giroux and Jeff Redfield on August 4, 2011. Mary Millus and Captain Loren LaJoy were present at the site reconnaissance. 3.1. Observations of Exterior and Interior Portions of Property (40 CFR §312.27(1))

As shown in the Site photographs in Appendix G, the Site consists of a one-story building (Photo 1). According to tax parcel information, the building was built in 1950. In 2000, there was a fire in the building that destroyed the interior. The building has been vacant and the windows and doors have been boarded up since the fire. There is a small alley between the Site and the adjacent building on Ontario Street. Several tires and other debris are located in the alley, as is the exhaust vent for a large fan attached to the building (Photo 3). Along the southeastern side of the building there appears to be a tank vent pipe (Photos 5 and 6). There is a basement access point along the side of the building on Ontario Street (Photo 7). Captain LaJoy unlocked and opened the metal doors of the access point. There appeared to be a sump pump immediately below the doors in the basement, as well as a 55-gallon drum under water (Photo 8).

The building’s interior was accessed through a boarded up rear entryway in the alley. Captain LaJoy opened the building and advised ARCADIS and the City of Albany not to walk beyond a 5-foot piece of plywood that had been laid down just inside the entryway. The floors were rotted and unsafe for walking due to the fire and subsequent water damage. Because the windows and doors were boarded up, there was little natural light inside. The interior was empty (Photo 9), with the exception of an old washing machine, several 55-gallon drums and 5-gallon buckets (Photo 10), and debris such as beer and soda cans, an outboard motor, and wall and ceiling materials. There were stairs leading down to the basement, but they were unsafe and therefore the basement was not accessible. The basement was also flooded with several feet of water (Photo 11).

Beverwyck Park is located to the west of the Site, across Ontario Street (Photo 12). There is a gas station/convenient store currently under construction across Washington

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Section 3 Site Reconnaissance (40 CFR §312.27)

Avenue (Photo 13). There are residences to the southeast adjacent to the Site on Washington Avenue (Photo 14), as well as to the southwest along Ontario Street. A small tavern (The Abbott Tavern) is also located in the basement of the apartment complex adjacent to the Site on Ontario Street (Photo 15).

The area surrounding the building is generally flat, and consists of concrete sidewalks. The building is connected to the City’s sewer system and water and is heated by natural gas.

3.1.1. Roads, Parking Areas, and Site Access The Site is located on the corner of Washington Avenue and Ontario Street. There is a small concrete area adjacent to the building on Washington Avenue that was possibly used as a parking stall.

3.1.2. Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products Storage Areas Several rusted drums were observed on the main floor of the building, as were several 5- gallon buckets. There appeared to be at least one submerged drum in the basement of the building near the assumed sump pump; however, access to the basement was not available for further investigation.

3.1.3. Underground/Aboveground Storage Tanks (USTs/ASTs) An apparent tank fill/vent pipe was observed on the exterior of the building. No tanks were observed on the main floor; however, the basement was not able to be accessed.

3.1.4. Solid Waste and Waste Disposal Areas No waste disposal areas were noted inside the building. There were several tires piled in the alley behind the building.

3.1.5. Odors No odors were detected at the Site during the inspection.

3.1.6. Stained Soil, Stained Pavement, and Stressed Vegetation There was no stained pavement, stained soil, or stressed vegetation noticed at the Site inspection.

3.1.7. Pools of Liquid No pools of known hazardous or petroleum-related liquids were observed during the Site inspection; however, the basement was flooded with several feet of water. The contents of the basement are unknown.

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Section 3 Site Reconnaissance (40 CFR §312.27)

3.1.8. Stormwater and Wastewater Stormwater conveyances were not observed during the Site inspection.

3.1.9. Pits, Ponds or Lagoons No pits, ponds or lagoons were observed within the subject property during the on-site inspection.

3.1.10. Wells Neither groundwater monitoring wells nor piezometers were observed on the Site during the Site inspection. There are monitoring wells located across the street at 553 Washington Avenue.

3.1.11. PCBs and Asbestos No transformers were observed on the subject property. Three pole-mounted transformers were observed adjacent to the subject property along Ontario Street. National Grid was contacted to determine if PCBs are present in the transformer. ARCADIS is currently awaiting a response.

Potential asbestos-containing material was not observed at the subject property building. 3.2. Site Photographs

Photographs taken during the site reconnaissance are provided in Appendix G. 3.3. Observations of Adjoining Properties (40 CFR §312.27(2))

The Site is bordered to the north by the intersection of Ontario Street and Washington Avenue. A gas station/convenient store is currently under construction across Washington Avenue. Based on a review of City Directories and Sanborn® maps, this property has been a gas station in the past, from as early as 1934. The Site is bordered to the west by Ontario Street and Beverwyck Park, an open grassy area with a baseball field. To the east, the Site is bordered by two-story residences. To the south, the Site is bordered by an apartment complex that also includes a small tavern on the basement floor.

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4. Information from Interviews (40 CFR §312.23)

As part of this ESA, ARCADIS contacted individuals thought to have knowledge about the Site, to request an interview about the Site’s recognized environmental conditions. The following summarizes information obtained during the interviews: 4.1. Interviews with Current Owners and Occupants of the Subject Property (40 CFR §312.23 (A) & (B))

The owner of the property was not able to be reached for this report. 4.2. Interviews with Parties other than the Current Owner and Occupant (40 CFR §312.23 (C) & (D)) City of Albany Fire Prevention and Fire Investigation Captain Mr. Loren LaJoy (518) 447-7879 26 Broad Street Albany, NY 12202

As discussed in Section 2, Captain Loren LaJoy of the City of Albany Fire Department provided information regarding emergency response calls to the Site or adjacent properties.

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5. Findings and Conclusions

ARCADIS has performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in general conformance with the scope and limitations described in this report. Any exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in the Limitations section of this Report. 5.1. Property Data Gaps (40 CFR §312.10) The basement of the Site property could not be accessed for purposes of this Phase I due to structural and water damage that occurred during the 2000 fire. The content of the basement is unknown. 5.2. Findings

This assessment has revealed evidence of two recognized environmental conditions associated with the Site, as defined in Section 3.0 of this Report. The Site itself is considered a REC due to the historical use as a dry cleaning facility, and also because of the fire that occurred in December 2000 with spilled dry cleaning fluids listed as the cause. The property at 553 Washington Avenue (directly across Washington Avenue from the Site) is considered a REC because of the historical use as a gas station, the listing in the NY SPILLS database for equipment failure, as well as known groundwater and soil contamination on the property. 5.3. Recommendations (40 CFR §312.31(b))

Based on evidence of four RECs (including the Site) associated with this property, ARCADIS recommends completion of a Phase II ESA at 566 Washington Avenue. The Phase II ESA should include soil, groundwater and soil vapor sampling for VOCs.

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6. References

Cadwell, D.H. et. al., 1986, Ed. By Cadwell, D.H. and Dineen, R.J., 1987. Surficial Geologic Map of New York, Hudson-Mohawk Sheet, New York State Museum and Science Service Map and Chart Series No.40.

Fisher, Isachsen, and Rickard, 1970, Geologic Map of New York, Hudson-Mohawk Sheet, New York State Museum and Science Service Map and Chart Series No. 15.

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City of Albany Phase I Environmental Site Assessment


4279011 / ALB

M:\GISMOD\4279011\Topo.mxd ³


0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 Miles 1 inch = 3,347 feet

Source: ESRI US Topographic Maps.

City of Albany, New York MALCOLM PIRNIE, INC. USEPA Brownfields Hazardous Substances Assessment Grant SEPTEMBER 2011 ASSISTANCE ID No. BF-97249507-0 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP PHASE I SITE ASSESSMENT FIGURE 1 M:\GISMOD\4279011\aerial.mxd ³


0 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Miles Source: ESRI US Imagery.

ARCADIS-US City of Albany, New York USEPA Brownfields Hazardous Substances Assessment Grant SEPTEMBER 2011 ASSISTANCE ID No. BF-97249507-0 AERIAL MAP PHASE I SITE ASSESSMENT FIGURE 2 M:\GISMOD\4279011\surficial_geo.mxd

t k d ³


lsc ^_ ls

al Legend ^_ Site Surficial Soils al - Recent deposits d - Dunes k - Kame deposits ls - Lacustrine sand lsc - Lacustrine silt and clay lsc 0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 Miles 1 inch = 2,890 feet

SOURCE: NYS Museum & Science Service Map Chart Series No. 40, Hudson-Mohawk Sheet, Cadwell, D.H., et al., 1986. Surficial geology maps were created at a scale of 1:250,000. Use of these data at a larger scale does not provide greater accuracy and may introduce errors.

City of Albany, New York MALCOLM PIRNIE, INC. USEPA Brownfields Hazardous Substances Assessment Grant ASSISTANCE ID No. BF-97249507-0 SURFICIAL GEOLOGY SEPTEMBER 2011 PHASE I SITE ASSESSMENT FIGURE 3 M:\GISMOD\4279011\bedrock_geo.mxd ³

On ^_ Oc

Legend ^_ Site Bedrock Geology Oc No data Oc - Ordovician Canajoharie Shale On - Ordovician Normanskill Shale

0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 1 inch = 2,897 feet Miles

SOURCE: NYS Museum & Science Service Map Chart Series No. 15, Hudson-Mohawk Sheet, Fisher, Isachsen, and Rickard, 1970. Bedrock geology maps were created at a scale of 1:250,000. Use of these data at a larger scale does not provide greater accuracy and may introduce errors.

City of Albany, New York ARCADIS-US USEPA Brownfields Hazardous Substances Assessment Grant SEPTEMBER 2011 ASSISTANCE ID No. BF-97249507-0 BEDROCK GEOLOGY PHASE I SITE ASSESSMENT FIGURE 4 City of Albany Phase I Environmental Site Assessment


4279011 / ALB

City of Albany Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

Appendix A Chain of Title and Environmental Lien Search

4279011 / ALB

566 Washington Ave. 566 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12206

Inquiry Number: 2861036.7 September 03, 2010

The EDR Environmental LienSearch™ Report

440 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, CT 06461 800.352.0050 Environmental Data Resources Inc The EDR Environmental LienSearch™ Report

The EDR Environmental LienSearch Report provides results from a search of available current land title records for environmental cleanup liens and other activity and use limitations, such as engineering controls and institutional controls.

A network of professional, trained researchers, following established procedures, uses client supplied address information to: • search for parcel information and/or legal description; • search for ownership information; • research official land title documents recorded at jurisdictional agencies such as recorders' offices, registries of deeds, county clerks' offices, etc.; • access a copy of the deed; • search for environmental encumbering instrument(s) associated with the deed; • provide a copy of any environmental encumbrance(s) based upon a review of key words in the instrument(s) (title, parties involved, and description); and • provide a copy of the deed or cite documents reviewed.

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice

This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction orforecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2010 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. The EDR Environmental LienSearch™ Report


ADDRESS 566 Washington Ave. 566 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12206

RESEARCH SOURCE Source 1: Albany County Register of Deeds Albany, NY


Deed 1: Type of Deed: Deed Title is vested in: LETTSOME, LOUIS etal Title received from: FSW Associates Deed Dated 5/19/1997 Deed Recorded: 5/22/1997 Book: 2579 Page: 863 Volume: NA Instrument: 5658740 Docket: NA Land Record Comments: NA Miscellaneous Comments: NA

Legal Description: See Exhibit

Legal Current Owner: LETTSOME, LOUIS etal

Property Identifiers: APN 65.54-3-1

Comments: See Exhibit

ENVIRONMENTAL LIEN Environmental Lien: Found  Not Found 


2861036.7 Page 1 Deed Exhibit 1

City of Albany Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

Appendix B Environmental Database Report

4279011 / ALB

566 Washington Ave. 566 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12206

Inquiry Number: 2861036.2s September 02, 2010

®kcehCoeG htiw tropeR ™paM suidaR RDE ehT RDE suidaR ™paM tropeR htiw ®kcehCoeG

440 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, CT 06461 Toll Free: 800.352.0050



Executive Summary ES1 Overview Map 2 Detail Map 3 Map Findings Summary 4 Map Findings 7 Orphan Summary 291 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking GR-1


Physical Setting Source Addendum A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary A-2 Physical Setting SSURGO Soil Map A-5 Physical Setting Source Map A-10 Physical Setting Source Map Findings A-12 Physical Setting Source Records Searched A-14

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2010 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.


A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA’s Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527-05) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate.





Latitude (North): 42.664800 - 42˚ 39’ 53.3’’ Longitude (West): 73.777400 - 73˚ 46’ 38.6’’ Universal Tranverse Mercator: Zone 18 UTM X (Meters): 600195.6 UTM Y (Meters): 4724102.5 Elevation: 220 ft. above sea level


Target Property Map: 42073-F7 ALBANY, NY Most Recent Revision: 1994


Portions of Photo from: 2006, 2008 Source: USDA

TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was identified in the following records. For more information on this property see page 7 of the attached EDR Radius Map report:

Site Database(s) EPA ID

IN ALLEY BY DRUMS NY Spills N/A 566 WASHINGTON AVE Date Closed: 3/3/2000 ALBANY, NY NY Hist Spills

RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS RCRA-NonGen NYD981563612 566 WASHINGTON AVE FINDS ALBANY, NY 12203 MANIFEST NY Spills Date Closed: 12/21/2000 NY Hist Spills


DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR’s search of available ("reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the search radius around the target property for the following databases:


Federal NPL site list NPL National Priority List Proposed NPL Proposed National Priority List Sites NPL LIENS Federal Superfund Liens

Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions

Federal CERCLIS list FEDERAL FACILITY Federal Facility Site Information listing

Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERC-NFRAP CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned

Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS Corrective Action Report

Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal

Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG RCRA - Large Quantity Generators

Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS Engineering Controls Sites List US INST CONTROL Sites with Institutional Controls

Federal ERNS list ERNS Emergency Response Notification System

State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF Facility Register

State and tribal leaking storage tank lists INDIAN LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land


State and tribal registered storage tank lists CBS UST Chemical Bulk Storage Database MOSF UST Major Oil Storage Facilities Database CBS AST Chemical Bulk Storage Database MOSF AST Major Oil Storage Facilities Database CBS Chemical Bulk Storage Site Listing MOSF Major Oil Storage Facility Site Listing INDIAN UST Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land FEMA UST Underground Storage Tank Listing

State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries ENG CONTROLS Registry of Engineering Controls INST CONTROL Registry of Institutional Controls RES DECL Restrictive Declarations Listing

State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites VCP Voluntary Cleanup Agreements INDIAN VCP Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing

State and tribal Brownfields sites ERP Environmental Restoration Program Listing BROWNFIELDS Brownfields Site List


Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS A Listing of Brownfields Sites

Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites ODI Open Dump Inventory DEBRIS REGION 9 Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations SWTIRE Registered Waste Tire Storage & Facility List SWRCY Registered Recycling Facility List INDIAN ODI Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands

Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US CDL Clandestine Drug Labs DEL SHWS Delisted Registry Sites US HIST CDL National Clandestine Laboratory Register

Local Lists of Registered Storage Tanks HIST AST Historical Petroleum Bulk Storage Database

Local Land Records LIENS 2 CERCLA Lien Information


LUCIS Land Use Control Information System

Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System

Other Ascertainable Records DOT OPS Incident and Accident Data DOD Department of Defense Sites FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites CONSENT Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees ROD Records Of Decision UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Sites MINES Mines Master Index File TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act FTTS FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) HIST FTTS FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing SSTS Section 7 Tracking Systems ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System PADS PCB Activity Database System MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System RADINFO Radiation Information Database RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System HSWDS Hazardous Substance Waste Disposal Site Inventory NPDES State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System AIRS Air Emissions Data E DESIGNATION E DESIGNATION SITE LISTING INDIAN RESERV Indian Reservations SCRD DRYCLEANERS State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing COAL ASH EPA Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List PCB TRANSFORMER PCB Transformer Registration Database COAL ASH DOE Sleam-Electric Plan Operation Data FINANCIAL ASSURANCE Financial Assurance Information Listing COAL ASH Coal Ash Disposal Site Listing


EDR Proprietary Records Manufactured Gas Plants EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants

SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified in the following databases.

Elevations have been determined from the USGS Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property. Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed.

Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases.

Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis.



Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS: The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL.

A review of the CERCLIS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 01/29/2010 has revealed that there is 1 CERCLIS site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property.

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER 90 N MAIN AVE WNW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.453 mi.) 55 247

Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-SQG: RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators (SQGs) generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month.

A review of the RCRA-SQG list, as provided by EDR, and dated 02/17/2010 has revealed that there is 1 RCRA-SQG site within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property.

______Equal/Higher Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL 700 WASHINGTON AVE NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.151 mi.) 15 53

RCRA-CESQG: RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month.

A review of the RCRA-CESQG list, as provided by EDR, and dated 02/17/2010 has revealed that there is 1 RCRA-CESQG site within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property.

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE - BRUBAC 750 STATE ST WSW 0 - 1/8 (0.090 mi.) B7 35


State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS: The State Hazardous Waste Sites records are the states’ equivalent to CERCLIS. These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCLIS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. The data come from the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Inactive Hazardous waste Disposal Sites in New York State.

A review of the SHWS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 05/24/2010 has revealed that there is 1 SHWS site within approximately 1 mile of the target property.

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ AXELROD INSTITUTE DOH 120 NEW SCOTLAND AVE S 1/2 - 1 (0.844 mi.) 63 285 Class Code: Site is properly closed - requires continued management.

VAPOR REOPENED: "Vapor intrusion" refers to the process by which volatile chemicals move from a subsurface source into the indoor air of overlying or adjacent buildings. The subsurface source can either be contaminated groundwater or contaminated soil which releases vapors into the pore spaces in the soil.Improvements in analytical techniques and knowledge gained from site investigations in New York and other states has led to an increased awareness of soil vapor as a medium of concern and of the potential for exposures from the soil vapor intrusion pathway. Based on this additional information, New York is currently re-evaluating previous assumptions and decisions regarding the potential for soil vapor intrusion exposures at sites. As a result, all past, current, and future contaminated sites will be evaluated to determine whether these sites have the potential for exposures related to soil vapor intrusion.

A review of the VAPOR REOPENED list, as provided by EDR, and dated 02/02/2010 has revealed that there is 1 VAPOR REOPENED site within approximately 1 mile of the target property.

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ AXELROD INSTITUTE DOH 120 NEW SCOTLAND AVE S 1/2 - 1 (0.844 mi.) 63 285

State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LTANKS: Leaking Storage Tank Incident Reports. These records contain an inventory of reported leaking storage tank incidents reported from 4/1/86 through the most recent update. They can be either leaking underground storage tanks or leaking aboveground storage tanks. The causes of the incidents are tank test failures, tank failures or tank overfills

A review of the LTANKS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 05/24/2010 has revealed that there are 28 LTANKS sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property.

______Equal/Higher Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ SHEA RES WASHINGTON AVE 587 WASHINGTON AVE NW 0 - 1/8 (0.108 mi.) 11 40 Date Closed: 12/4/1987 SUNYA SALES DORM O’LEARY O’LEARY BLVD SUNYA SAL WNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.151 mi.) 14 50 Date Closed: 6/28/1994 CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANC 89 WEST ST ESE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.198 mi.) E22 101 Date Closed: 6/7/2005 GETTY CENTRAL AVE 409 CENTRAL AVE RT 5 NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.200 mi.) F25 119 Date Closed: 7/20/2007


______Equal/Higher Elevation Address ______Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ GETTY FACILITY #58524 409 CENTRAL AVE NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.200 mi.) F26 120 Date Closed: 9/29/2006 CENTRAL TOWERS APTS 400 CENTRAL AVE NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.203 mi.) F29 143 Date Closed: 3/31/2000 SCHOOL #21 CLINTON AVE 666 CLINTON AVE NE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.287 mi.) 35 165 Date Closed: 1/27/2000 OFFICE BLDG N. LAKE 116 N. LAKE AVE SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.290 mi.) 36 168 Date Closed: 3/16/2006 ALBANY CITY SCHOOL MAINT 270 CENTRAL AVE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.299 mi.) 37 169 Date Closed: 9/26/1988 PHILIP SCHUYLER ELEMENTAR 141 WESTERN AVE SSE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.313 mi.) 38 172 Date Closed: 10/17/1988 Date Closed: 3/9/1993 SUNYA RICHARDS CARMAN 436 WASHINGTON AVE SUN SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.336 mi.) 40 179 Date Closed: 6/15/1988 MOBIL CLINTON AVE 615 CLINTON AVE ENE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.339 mi.) 41 182 Date Closed: 8/7/1986 COWAN ASSOC CENTRAL AVE 498 CENTRAL AVE N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.365 mi.) 44 192 Date Closed: 3/1/2001 M. SCHER & SON INC. 136 N. LAKE AVE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.419 mi.) G48 201 Date Closed: 8/10/1990 M. SHERER & SONS(SCHEAR?) 136 N. LAKE AVE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.419 mi.) G49 210 Date Closed: 8/10/1990 ARMY RESERVE CTR. N. MAIN N. MAIN AVE @ WASHINGTO NW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.451 mi.) 54 244 Date Closed: 4/23/1991 HERZOG PROPERTY WESTERN 76 WESTERN AVE SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.463 mi.) 57 266 Date Closed: 2/21/1997 DPW N. MANNING BLVD 14 N. MANNING BLVD N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.487 mi.) 60 272 Date Closed: 5/27/1987

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ SCREAMIN’ PRODUCTS 27-29 BENSON ST E 0 - 1/8 (0.080 mi.) 6 32 Date Closed: 10/4/2000 SUNYA PIERCE HALL ONTARIO WESTERN @ ONTARIO SUN WSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.214 mi.) 31 155 Date Closed: 1/6/1992 LASALLE INSTITUTE 319 WESTERN AVE WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.254 mi.) 33 160 Date Closed: 9/28/1987 MILDRED ELLY BUS SCHOOL 227 QUAIL ST S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.271 mi.) 34 162 Date Closed: 4/12/1995 FREEDMAN RES HUDSON AVE 414 HUDSON AVE S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.323 mi.) 39 178 Date Closed: 12/7/2004 750 MADISON LLC 750 MADISON AVE SW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.372 mi.) 45 195 Date Closed: 10/16/2003 MIRKOFF PROP S. LAKE APT 55 S. LAKE AVE SSE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.374 mi.) 46 196 Date Closed: 4/30/1993 OFFICE BUILDING MADISON AVE 747 MADISON AVE S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.422 mi.) H50 213 Date Closed: 12/20/2005


______Lower Elevation Address ______Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ 747 MADISON AV ASSOCIATES 747 MADISON AV S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.426 mi.) H51 214 Date Closed: 12/24/1997 WILSON RES MADISON KANSAS 731 MADISON AVE S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.446 mi.) I52 217 Date Closed: 1/12/2006

HIST LTANKS: A listing of leaking underground and aboveground storage tanks. The causes of the incidents are tank test failures, tank failures or tank overfills. In 2002, the Department of Environmental Conservation stopped providing updates to its original Spills Information Database. This database includes fields that are no longer available from the NYDEC as of January 1, 2002. Current information may be found in the NY LTANKS database.

A review of the HIST LTANKS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 01/01/2002 has revealed that there are 31 HIST LTANKS sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property.

______Equal/Higher Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ SHEA RES WASHINGTON AVE 587 WASHINGTON AVE NW 0 - 1/8 (0.108 mi.) 11 40 Date Closed: 12/04/87 SUNYA SALES DORM O’LEARY O’LEARY BLVD SUNYA SAL WNW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.151 mi.) 14 50 Date Closed: 06/28/94 GETTY FACILITY #58524 409 CENTRAL AVE NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.200 mi.) F26 120 Date Closed: / / CENTRAL TOWERS APTS 400 CENTRAL AVE NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.203 mi.) F29 143 Date Closed: 03/31/00 SCHOOL #21 CLINTON AVE 666 CLINTON AVE NE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.287 mi.) 35 165 Date Closed: 01/27/00 ALBANY CITY SCHOOL MAINT 270 CENTRAL AVE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.299 mi.) 37 169 Date Closed: 09/26/88 PHILIP SCHUYLER ELEMENTAR 141 WESTERN AVE SSE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.313 mi.) 38 172 Date Closed: 10/17/88 Date Closed: 03/09/93 *Additional key fields are available in the Map Findings section SUNYA RICHARDS CARMAN 436 WASHINGTON AVE SUN SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.336 mi.) 40 179 Date Closed: 06/15/88 MOBIL CLINTON AVE 615 CLINTON AVE ENE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.339 mi.) 41 182 Date Closed: 08/07/86 ALBANY SUNOCO STATION CLINTON AVE ENE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.346 mi.) 42 189 Date Closed: 07/03/96 FREIHOFER BAKING WASHINGTON @ QUAIL ESE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.352 mi.) 43 191 Date Closed: 11/14/90 COWAN ASSOC CENTRAL AVE 498 CENTRAL AVE N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.365 mi.) 44 192 Date Closed: 03/01/01 ROSENS DEPT STORE CENTRAL 241 CENTRAL AVE ESE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.378 mi.) 47 199 Date Closed: 10/21/91 M. SCHER & SON INC. 136 N. LAKE AVE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.419 mi.) G48 201 Date Closed: 08/10/90 M. SHERER & SONS(SCHEAR?) 136 N. LAKE AVE E 1/4 - 1/2 (0.419 mi.) G49 210 Date Closed: 08/10/90


______Equal/Higher Elevation Address ______Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE 993 MADISON AVENUE W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.446 mi.) 53 221 Date Closed: 03/22/89 ARMY RESERVE CTR. N. MAIN N. MAIN AVE @ WASHINGTO NW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.451 mi.) 54 244 Date Closed: 04/23/91 HERZOG PROPERTY WESTERN 76 WESTERN AVE SE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.463 mi.) 57 266 Date Closed: 02/21/97 CAP AREA ENERGY CENTRAL 184 CENTRAL AVE ESE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.481 mi.) 58 269 Date Closed: 01/10/97 HINES RES SECOND ST 621 SECOND (2ND) ST N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.485 mi.) 59 270 Date Closed: 10/21/94 DPW N. MANNING BLVD 14 N. MANNING BLVD N 1/4 - 1/2 (0.487 mi.) 60 272 Date Closed: 05/27/87 ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC 30 ONTARIO ST NE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.491 mi.) 61 274 Date Closed: 05/24/95 ST JOSEPHS RESIDENCE CSR 458 WESTERN AVE W 1/4 - 1/2 (0.498 mi.) 62 284 Date Closed: 04/04/00

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ SCREAMIN’ PRODUCTS 27-29 BENSON ST E 0 - 1/8 (0.080 mi.) 6 32 Date Closed: 10/04/00 SABATINOS QUAIL @ WESTERN QUAIL / WESTERN S 1/8 - 1/4 (0.203 mi.) 28 141 Date Closed: 08/12/88 SUNYA PIERCE HALL ONTARIO WESTERN @ ONTARIO SUN WSW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.214 mi.) 31 155 Date Closed: 01/06/92 LASALLE INSTITUTE 319 WESTERN AVE WSW 1/4 - 1/2 (0.254 mi.) 33 160 Date Closed: 09/28/87 MILDRED ELLY BUS SCHOOL 227 QUAIL ST S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.271 mi.) 34 162 Date Closed: 04/12/95 MIRKOFF PROP S. LAKE APT 55 S. LAKE AVE SSE 1/4 - 1/2 (0.374 mi.) 46 196 Date Closed: 04/30/93 747 MADISON AV ASSOCIATES 747 MADISON AV S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.426 mi.) H51 214 Date Closed: 12/24/97 NORTHEAST ORTHOPEDICS 721 MADISON AVE S 1/4 - 1/2 (0.460 mi.) I56 264 Date Closed: 11/20/97

State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST: The Underground Storage Tank database contains registered USTs. USTs are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The data come from the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) Database

A review of the UST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/17/2010 has revealed that there are 7 UST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property.


______Equal/Higher Elevation ______Address Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL 700 WASHINGTON AVE NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.151 mi.) 15 53 CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANCE 89 WEST ST ESE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.198 mi.) E23 102 GETTY STATION NO. 58254 409 CENTRAL AVENUE NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.200 mi.) F24 106 CENTRAL TOWERS APTS 400 CENTRAL AVE NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.203 mi.) F29 143 FLEET BANK 339 CENTRAL AVE ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.211 mi.) 30 150

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO 522 WASHINGTON AVE SE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.143 mi.) C13 44 FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 646 STATE ST SSE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.186 mi.) 19 93

AST: The Aboveground Storage Tank database contains registered ASTs. The data come from the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) Database.

A review of the AST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 06/17/2010 has revealed that there are 3 AST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property.

______Equal/Higher Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL 700 WASHINGTON AVE NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.151 mi.) 15 53 GETTY #58254 409 CENTRAL AVE NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.200 mi.) F27 123

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ ALTX, INC. 201 SPRING STREET SW 0 - 1/8 (0.035 mi.) 4 23


Local Lists of Registered Storage Tanks HIST UST: The Underground Storage Tank database contains registered USTs. USTs are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The data come from the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) Database

A review of the HIST UST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 01/01/2002 has revealed that there are 5 HIST UST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property.

______Equal/Higher Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL 700 WASHINGTON AVE NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.151 mi.) 15 53 GETTY #58254 409 CENTRAL AVE NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.200 mi.) F27 123 CENTRAL TOWERS APTS 400 CENTRAL AVE NNE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.203 mi.) F29 143 FLEET BANK 339 CENTRAL AVE ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.211 mi.) 30 150

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO 522 WASHINGTON AVE SE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.143 mi.) C13 44


Records of Emergency Release Reports NY Spills: Data collected on spills reported to NYSDEC. is required by one or more of the following: Article 12 of the Navigation Law, 6 NYCRR Section 613.8 (from PBS regs), or 6 NYCRR Section 595.2 (from CBS regs). It includes spills active as of April 1, 1986, as well as spills occurring since this date.

A review of the NY Spills list, as provided by EDR, and dated 05/24/2010 has revealed that there are 3 NY Spills sites within approximately 0.125 miles of the target property.

______Equal/Higher Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ FORMER GAS STATION WASHINGTON 553 WASHINGTON AVE (@ O N 0 - 1/8 (0.008 mi.) A3 21 Date Closed: 3/26/2010

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ APT HOUSE WASHINGTON AVE 542 WASHINGTON AVE SE 0 - 1/8 (0.102 mi.) 9 37 Date Closed: 1/16/2008 NIMO TRANSFORMER 1 KENT STREET NNE 0 - 1/8 (0.102 mi.) 10 38 Date Closed: 11/21/2007

Other Ascertainable Records RCRA-NonGen: RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste.

A review of the RCRA-NonGen list, as provided by EDR, and dated 02/17/2010 has revealed that there are 5 RCRA-NonGen sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property.

______Equal/Higher Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ WATKINS SPRING 368 CENTRAL AVE NE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.188 mi.) 20 97 LITTLE MOTORS 363 CENTRAL AVE ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.194 mi.) 21 99

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ CHAS FREIHOFER BAKING CO INC 522 WASHINGTON AVE SE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.143 mi.) C12 42 UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI 221 ONTARIO ST PIERCE H SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.155 mi.) D17 81 CON ED - MH 4635 NOSTRAND AVE & EASTERN S 1/8 - 1/4 (0.230 mi.) 32 157

MANIFEST: Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a TSD facility.

A review of the MANIFEST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 04/30/2010 has revealed that there are 6 MANIFEST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property.

______Equal/Higher Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL 700 WASHINGTON AVE NW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.151 mi.) 15 53 WATKINS SPRING 368 CENTRAL AVE NE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.188 mi.) 20 97 LITTLE MOTORS 363 CENTRAL AVE ENE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.194 mi.) 21 99


______Lower Elevation Address ______Direction______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE - BRUBAC 750 STATE ST WSW 0 - 1/8 (0.090 mi.) B8 36 UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI 221 ONTARIO ST PIERCE H SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.155 mi.) D17 81 CON ED - MH 4635 NOSTRAND AVE & EASTERN S 1/8 - 1/4 (0.230 mi.) 32 157

DRYCLEANERS: A listing of all registered drycleaning facilities.

A review of the DRYCLEANERS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 03/23/2010 has revealed that there is 1 DRYCLEANERS site within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property.

______Equal/Higher Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ RKO DRY CLEANERS& TAILORS 565 WASHINGTON AVENUE NW 0 - 1/8 (0.040 mi.) 5 31


Due to poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapped:




0 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 8 4 0 0 2 2 4 0

0 0

80 2


4 0

2 2 0 0 2 0 0 8 2 0 2 0 0 4 0 2 4 0

2 4 0 2 0 0 160

2 4 0 115 kV

0 0 2 115 kV 0 0 2 0 2

115 kV

15 kV



2 00 16 2 0 2 0 0 0 200

1 1 6 2 115 kV 0 0

2 0 115 kV

0 0

0 2

115 kV

0 2 1

1 6

EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 115


Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted


Federal NPL site list NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Proposed NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 NPL LIENS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS 0.500 0 0 1 NR NR 1 FEDERAL FACILITY 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERC-NFRAP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRA-SQG 0.250 0 1 NR NR NR 1 RCRA-CESQG 0.250 1 0 NR NR NR 1 Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 US INST CONTROL 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal ERNS list ERNS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS 1.000 0 0 0 1 NR 1 VAPOR REOPENED 1.000 0 0 0 1 NR 1 State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LTANKS 0.500 2 6 20 NR NR 28 HIST LTANKS 0.500 2 5 24 NR NR 31 INDIAN LUST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST 0.250 0 7 NR NR NR 7


Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted

CBS UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 MOSF UST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 AST 0.250 1 2 NR NR NR 3 CBS AST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 MOSF AST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 CBS 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 MOSF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 FEMA UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries ENG CONTROLS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INST CONTROL 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 RES DECL 0.125 0 NR NR NR NR 0 State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites VCP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN VCP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal Brownfields sites ERP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 BROWNFIELDS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0


Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites ODI 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 DEBRIS REGION 9 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 SWTIRE 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 SWRCY 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN ODI 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US CDL TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 DEL SHWS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 US HIST CDL TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Local Lists of Registered Storage Tanks HIST UST 0.250 0 5 NR NR NR 5 HIST AST TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Local Land Records LIENS 2 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 LUCIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0


Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted

Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 NY Spills X 0.125 3 NR NR NR NR 3 NY Hist Spills X 0.125 0 NR NR NR NR 0 Other Ascertainable Records RCRA-NonGen X 0.250 0 5 NR NR NR 5 DOT OPS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 DOD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 FUDS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 CONSENT 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 ROD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 UMTRA 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 MINES 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 TRIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TSCA TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 FTTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 HIST FTTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 SSTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 ICIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 PADS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 MLTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RADINFO TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 FINDS X TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RAATS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 HSWDS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 MANIFEST X 0.250 1 7 NR NR NR 8 DRYCLEANERS 0.250 1 0 NR NR NR 1 NPDES TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 AIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 E DESIGNATION 0.125 0 NR NR NR NR 0 INDIAN RESERV 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 SCRD DRYCLEANERS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 COAL ASH EPA 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 PCB TRANSFORMER TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 COAL ASH DOE TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 FINANCIAL ASSURANCE TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 COAL ASH 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0


EDR Proprietary Records Manufactured Gas Plants 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0

NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database

TC2861036.2s Page 6 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

A1 IN ALLEY BY DRUMS NY Spills S104510301 Target 566 WASHINGTON AVE NY Hist Spills N/A Property ALBANY, NY

Site 1 of 3 in cluster A

Actual: NY Spills: 220 ft. Site ID: 222207 Facility Addr2: IN ALLEY BY 566 WASHINGTON AVE Facility ID: 9913459 Spill Number: 9913459 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 2/28/2000 Reported to Dept: 2/28/2000 CID: 270 Spill Cause: Abandoned Drums Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Unknown Spill Notifier: Citizen Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Std: False Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: False Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Minimal Occurrence) Spill Closed Dt: 3/3/2000 Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 2/28/2000 Spill Record Last Update: 2/18/2010 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: UNKNOWN Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: NY Spiller Company: 999 Contact Name: CALLER Contact Phone: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 183745 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" 3/3/00 - On 2/28/00 I checked the site and found 2 - 55gallon uncovered drums in the alley. These drums are leaking cooking greese. I refered it to ACHD, Ron Groves. He told me they would look into it. 3/3/00 - I spoke to MaryAnn Stone of the ACHD. She informed me that the she inspected the site and agreed it was cooking grease. The owner was ordered to clean up the area. 0010595 Remarks: caller states that drums are overflowing with an unknown material. caller req a call back from dec Material: Site ID: 222207 Operable Unit ID: 1092032 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 295306 Material Code: 0064A Material Name: UNKNOWN MATERIAL Case No.: Not reported

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IN ALLEY BY DRUMS (Continued) S104510301 Material FA: Other Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

NY Hist Spills: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9913459 Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Spill Date/Time: 02/28/2000 12:30 Reported to Dept Date/Time: 02/28/00 12:57 SWIS: 01 Spiller Name: UNKNOWN Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: ( ) - Spiller Contact: CALLER Spiller Phone: ( ) - Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spill Cause: Abandoned Drums Reported to Dept: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: 12 Spill Notifier: Citizen PBS Number: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Std: False Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Spiller Cleanup Dt: / / Enforcement Date: / / Invstgn Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken.

TC2861036.2s Page 8 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

IN ALLEY BY DRUMS (Continued) S104510301 Spill Closed Dt: 03/03/00 Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 02/28/00 Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Update Date: 12/28/00 Is Updated: False Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Raw Sewage Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: UNKNOWN MATERIAL Class Type: UNKNOWN MATERIAL Times Material Entry In File: 9140 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941109 DEC Remarks: 3/3/00 - On 2/28/00 I checked the site and found 2 - 55gallon uncovered drums in the alley. These drums are leaking cooking greese. I refered it to ACHD, Ron Groves. He told me they would look into it. 3/3/00 - I spoke to MaryAnn Stone of the ACHD. She informed me that the she inspected the site and agreed it was cooking grease. The owner was ordered to clean up the area. 0010595 Remark: caller states that drums are overflowing with an unknown material. caller req a call back from dec

A2 RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS RCRA-NonGen 1000107376 Target 566 WASHINGTON AVE FINDS NYD981563612 Property ALBANY, NY 12203 MANIFEST NY Spills Site 2 of 3 in cluster A NY Hist Spills

Actual: RCRA-NonGen: 220 ft. Date form received by agency: 01/01/2007 Facility name: RKO CLEANERS & TAILORS Facility address: 566 WASHINGTON AVE ALBANY, NY 122031337 EPA ID: NYD981563612 Mailing address: WASHINGTON AVE ALBANY, NY 12203 Contact: Not reported Contact address: WASHINGTON AVE ALBANY, NY 12203 Contact country: US Contact telephone: Not reported Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 02 Classification: Non-Generator Description: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste

TC2861036.2s Page 9 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS (Continued) 1000107376

Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: MO-WING CO Owner/operator address: NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED, WY 99999 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (212) 555-1212 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Owner/operator name: MO-WING CO Owner/operator address: NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED, WY 99999 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (212) 555-1212 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Handler accessibilty indicator: Transferred to the program or state equivalent. Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: Unknown Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Unknown Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: Unknown Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: Unknown Furnace exemption: Unknown Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 01/01/2006 Facility name: RKO CLEANERS & TAILORS Classification: Not a generator, verified

Date form received by agency: 07/08/1999 Facility name: RKO CLEANERS & TAILORS Classification: Not a generator, verified

Date form received by agency: 10/17/1986 Facility name: RKO CLEANERS & TAILORS Classification: Small Quantity Generator

Violation Status: No violations found FINDS:

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RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS (Continued) 1000107376 Registry ID: 110004409970

Environmental Interest/Information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA.

FIS (New York - Facility Information System) is New York’s Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) information system for tracking environmental facility information found across the State.

NY MANIFEST: EPA ID: NYD981563612 Country: USA Mailing Name: R K O CLEANERS & TAILORS Mailing Contact: R K O CLEANERS & TAILORS Mailing Address: 566 WASHINGTON AVE Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City: ALBANY Mailing State: NY Mailing Zip: 12203 Mailing Zip4: 1337 Mailing Country: USA Mailing Phone: 518-434-6212

Document ID: NYA9120036 Manifest Status: Completed copy Trans1 State ID: NYAC1985 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 881111 Trans1 Recv Date: 881111 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 881111 Part A Recv Date: 881115 Part B Recv Date: 881117 Generator EPA ID: NYD981563612 Trans1 EPA ID: ILD051060408 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD000708206 Waste Code: F002 - HALO SOLV + STILL BOTTOMS FM REC OF SOLV Quantity: 00240 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 003 Container Type: CF - Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00195 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material.

TC2861036.2s Page 11 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS (Continued) 1000107376 Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 88 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYA8948608 Manifest Status: Completed copy Trans1 State ID: NYAC1985 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 880921 Trans1 Recv Date: 880921 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 880921 Part A Recv Date: 880926 Part B Recv Date: 880927 Generator EPA ID: NYD981563612 Trans1 EPA ID: ILD051060408 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD000708206 Waste Code: F002 - HALO SOLV + STILL BOTTOMS FM REC OF SOLV Quantity: 00080 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: CF - Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 88 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYA8980119 Manifest Status: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DEC Trans1 State ID: NY-AC1985 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 880720

TC2861036.2s Page 12 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS (Continued) 1000107376 Trans1 Recv Date: 880720 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 880720 Part A Recv Date: 880823 Part B Recv Date: 880725 Generator EPA ID: NYD981563612 Trans1 EPA ID: ILD051060408 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD000708206 Waste Code: F002 - HALO SOLV + STILL BOTTOMS FM REC OF SOLV Quantity: 00080 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: CF - Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 88 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYA8825174 Manifest Status: Completed copy Trans1 State ID: NY-AC1985 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 880429 Trans1 Recv Date: 880429 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 880429 Part A Recv Date: 880502 Part B Recv Date: 880504 Generator EPA ID: NYD981563612 Trans1 EPA ID: ILD051060408 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD000708206 Waste Code: F002 - HALO SOLV + STILL BOTTOMS FM REC OF SOLV Quantity: 00080 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: CF - Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 88 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported

TC2861036.2s Page 13 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS (Continued) 1000107376 Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYA8885788 Manifest Status: Completed copy Trans1 State ID: NY-AC1985 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 880413 Trans1 Recv Date: 880413 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 880413 Part A Recv Date: 880415 Part B Recv Date: 880418 Generator EPA ID: NYD981563612 Trans1 EPA ID: ILD051060408 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD000708206 Waste Code: F002 - HALO SOLV + STILL BOTTOMS FM REC OF SOLV Quantity: 00195 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00080 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: CF - Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 88 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYA8908659 Manifest Status: Completed copy Trans1 State ID: NY-AC1985 Trans2 State ID: Not reported

TC2861036.2s Page 14 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS (Continued) 1000107376 Generator Ship Date: 880621 Trans1 Recv Date: 880621 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 880621 Part A Recv Date: 880624 Part B Recv Date: 880624 Generator EPA ID: NYD981563612 Trans1 EPA ID: ILD051060408 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD000708206 Waste Code: F002 - HALO SOLV + STILL BOTTOMS FM REC OF SOLV Quantity: 00080 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: CF - Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 88 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYC2383806 Manifest Status: Completed copy Trans1 State ID: JR8766 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 930914 Trans1 Recv Date: 930914 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 930914 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: 931001 Generator EPA ID: NYD981563612 Trans1 EPA ID: ILD984908202 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD986872869 Waste Code: F002 - HALO SOLV + STILL BOTTOMS FM REC OF SOLV Quantity: 00195 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 93 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported

TC2861036.2s Page 15 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS (Continued) 1000107376 Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYA8937369 Manifest Status: Completed copy Trans1 State ID: NYAC1985 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 880527 Trans1 Recv Date: 880527 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 880527 Part A Recv Date: 880531 Part B Recv Date: 880602 Generator EPA ID: NYD981563612 Trans1 EPA ID: ILD051060408 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD000708206 Waste Code: F002 - HALO SOLV + STILL BOTTOMS FM REC OF SOLV Quantity: 00080 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: CF - Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 88 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYA5238432 Manifest Status: Completed copy Trans1 State ID: NY-AC1985 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 880311 Trans1 Recv Date: 880311 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 880311 Part A Recv Date: 880315 Part B Recv Date: 880316

TC2861036.2s Page 16 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS (Continued) 1000107376 Generator EPA ID: NYD981563612 Trans1 EPA ID: ILD051060408 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD000708206 Waste Code: F002 - HALO SOLV + STILL BOTTOMS FM REC OF SOLV Quantity: 00195 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 88 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYA9216731 Manifest Status: Completed copy Trans1 State ID: NYAC1985 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 890112 Trans1 Recv Date: 890112 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 890112 Part A Recv Date: 890113 Part B Recv Date: 890118 Generator EPA ID: NYD981563612 Trans1 EPA ID: ILD051060408 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD000708206 Waste Code: F002 - HALO SOLV + STILL BOTTOMS FM REC OF SOLV Quantity: 00100 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 89 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported

TC2861036.2s Page 17 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS (Continued) 1000107376 Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYA9068859 Manifest Status: Completed copy Trans1 State ID: NYAC1985 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 881013 Trans1 Recv Date: 881013 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 881013 Part A Recv Date: 881017 Part B Recv Date: 881020 Generator EPA ID: NYD981563612 Trans1 EPA ID: ILD051060408 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD000708206 Waste Code: F002 - HALO SOLV + STILL BOTTOMS FM REC OF SOLV Quantity: 00080 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: CF - Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 88 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

NY Spills: Site ID: 222206 Facility Addr2: Not reported Facility ID: 0010595 Spill Number: 0010595 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 12/18/2000 Reported to Dept: 12/21/2000 CID: 205 Spill Cause: Other Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Notifier: Fire Department Cleanup Ceased: Not reported

TC2861036.2s Page 18 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS (Continued) 1000107376 Cleanup Meets Std: False Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: False Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Highly Improbable) Spill Closed Dt: 12/21/2000 Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 12/21/2000 Spill Record Last Update: 2/18/2010 Spiller Name: CALLER Spiller Company: RKO CLEANERS Spiller Address: 566 WASHINGTON AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller Company: 001 Contact Name: CALLER Contact Phone: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 292101 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" 12/20/2000 - Spoke to Fire Investigator from Albany Fire Department. No spill at the location, everything burned up. 9913459 Remarks: caller reports fire at above location. some chemicals spilled and burned. request call from dec rep. Material: Site ID: 222206 Operable Unit ID: 831730 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 544491 Material Code: 0899A Material Name: DRY CLEANING FLUIDS Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Other Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

NY Hist Spills: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 0010595

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RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS (Continued) 1000107376 Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Spill Date/Time: 12/18/2000 04:00 Reported to Dept Date/Time: 12/21/00 09:43 SWIS: 01 Spiller Name: RKO CLEANERS Spiller Contact: CALLER Spiller Phone: ( ) - Spiller Contact: CALLER Spiller Phone: ( ) - Spiller Address: 566 WASHINGTON AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spill Cause: Other Reported to Dept: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: 01 Spill Notifier: Fire Department PBS Number: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Std: False Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Spiller Cleanup Dt: / / Enforcement Date: / / Invstgn Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Highly Improbable) Spill Closed Dt: 12/20/00 Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 12/21/00 Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Update Date: 12/28/00 Is Updated: False Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Hazardous Material Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: DRY CLEANING FLUIDS Class Type: DRY CLEANING FLUIDS

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RKO DRY CLEANERS & TAILORS (Continued) 1000107376 Times Material Entry In File: 22 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: Not reported DEC Remarks: 12/20/2000 - Spoke to Fire Investigator from Albany Fire Department. No spill at the location, everything burned up. 9913459 Remark: caller reports fire at above location. some chemicals spilled and burned. request call from dec rep.

A3 FORMER GAS STATION WASHINGTON AVENY Spills S109582327 North 553 WASHINGTON AVE (@ ONTARIO) N/A < 1/8 ALBANY, NY 12203 0.008 mi. 45 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster A

Relative: NY Spills: Equal Site ID: 413080 Facility Addr2: FORMER GAS STATION 553 WASHINGTON AVE Actual: Facility ID: 0901114 220 ft. Spill Number: 0901114 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 4/28/2009 Reported to Dept: 4/28/2009 CID: Not reported Spill Cause: Equipment Failure Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Gasoline Station Spill Notifier: Other Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Std: False Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: False Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Highly Improbable) Spill Closed Dt: 3/26/2010 Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 4/28/2009 Spill Record Last Update: 3/26/2010 Spiller Name: GEORGE LONGWORTH Spiller Company: UNK FORMER GAS STATION Spiller Address: 553 WASHINGTON AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller Company: 999 Contact Name: GEORGE LONGWORTH Contact Phone: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 362230 DEC Memo: 4/28/09: Called George Longworth at 11:20 am. They appear to be completing a Phase Two. Soil boreholes/monitoring wells being installed in the former UST and dispenser locations. PID reading reaching 600+. RP is a Jim Vinci (439-7275) - Weigel Beverage. Site was a former gas station. USTs removed in 1985. Tank grave and dispenser area contaminated. No FP documented. Subsurface generally clay - tank grave backfilled with sand. The game plan is to install five monitoring wells, collect soil and groundwater samples and then

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FORMER GAS STATION WASHINGTON AVE (Continued) S109582327 meet with DEC to discuss options. (JY) 06/19/09 - Received Phase ll report from Longworth Environmental. Asked what the remedial plan was. wtc 06/25/09 - Did site visit on the 24th. Dry cleaner across the street. Took some pictures and entered them into e-doc. wtc 10/14/09 - E-mailed George Longworth for up date. His answer is as follows: My client (the RP) informed me recently that he is in negotiations with a potential buyer of the property and site remediation is one of the factors involved with the sale of the property. I do not have a signed contract yet to proceed with remediation of the site. A proposal and cost estimate for excavation of contaminated soil was given to my client on July 27, 2009. - George On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 2:44 PM, William Christensen wrote: RE: Subsurface Investigation 553 Washington Avenue; Albany, New York George, Any further update on what is being done at this site.? wtc 10/26/09 - MF returned call to Jerry Lawton, prospective purchaser. 463-1965. 01/12/10 - Excavation began November 30th. Closure report due soon. wtc 03/17/2010 - Received closure report from Longworth Environmental. Analytical results show groundwater contamination above NYS satndards at MW-2A and MW-4. wtc 03/18/2010 - Spoke with George Longworth about MW-4 and that well be resampled. Based on those results quarterly sampling may be required. wtc Remarks: Testing of former gas station shows soil contamination from the tanks, which have been removed. Material: Site ID: 413080 Operable Unit ID: 1169531 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 2161187 Material Code: 0009 Material Name: Gasoline Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: Not reported Units: Not reported Recovered: Not reported Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

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4 ALTX, INC. AST A100154055 SW 201 SPRING STREET N/A < 1/8 WATERVLIET, NY 12189 0.035 mi. 183 ft.

Relative: AST: Lower Region: STATE DEC Region: 4 Actual: Site Status: Unregulated 219 ft. Facility Id: 4-600673 Program Type: PBS UTM X: 604395 UTM Y: 4729834 Expiration Date: N/A

Tank Number: 4 Tank Id: 98047 Tank Location: 3 Tank Type: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 3/1/1987 Capacity Gallons: 1000 Tightness Test Method: NN Date Test: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 4/30/2008 Register: True Modified By: tesperbe Last Modified: 6/26/2008

Tank Number: 5 Tank Id: 98048 Tank Location: 3 Tank Type: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 1/1/1988 Capacity Gallons: 5000 Tightness Test Method: NN Date Test: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 4/30/2008 Register: True Modified By: tesperbe Last Modified: 6/26/2008

Tank Number: 8 Tank Id: 99258 Tank Location: 1 Tank Type: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported

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ALTX, INC. (Continued) A100154055 Install Date: 2/29/1988 Capacity Gallons: 3000 Tightness Test Method: NN Date Test: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 4/30/2008 Register: True Modified By: tesperbe Last Modified: 6/26/2008

Tank Number: 9 Tank Id: 99259 Tank Location: 1 Tank Type: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 2/29/1988 Capacity Gallons: 3000 Tightness Test Method: NN Date Test: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 4/30/2008 Register: True Modified By: tesperbe Last Modified: 6/26/2008

Affiliation Records: Site Id: 38006 Affiliation Type: On-Site Operator Company Name: ALTX, INC. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: YOGESH SHUKLA Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (724) 646-4301 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: KAKYER Date Last Modified: 8/14/2007

Site Id: 38006 Affiliation Type: Emergency Contact Company Name: ALTX, INC. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: JOHN GERN0N Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported

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ALTX, INC. (Continued) A100154055 Country Code: 999 Phone: (518) 274-4579 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: tesperbe Date Last Modified: 6/26/2008

Site Id: 38006 Affiliation Type: Mail Contact Company Name: SALEM TUBE INC. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: YOGESH SHUKLA Address1: 951 FOURTH ST Address2: Not reported City: GREENVILLE State: PA Zip Code: 16125 Country Code: 001 Phone: (724) 646-4301 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: [email protected] Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TESPERBE Date Last Modified: 8/13/2007

Site Id: 38006 Affiliation Type: Owner Company Name: ALTX, INC. Contact Type: MGR Contact Name: YOGESH SHUKLA Address1: 201 SPRING STREET RD Address2: Not reported City: WATERVLIET State: NY Zip Code: 12189 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 273-4110 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TESPERBE Date Last Modified: 8/13/2007

Equipment Records: Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98048 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98048 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: B01 Code Name: Painted/Asphalt Coating

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ALTX, INC. (Continued) A100154055 Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98048 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98048 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: L09 Code Name: Exempt Suction Piping Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98048 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: G01 Code Name: Diking (Aboveground) Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98048 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98048 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: H06 Code Name: Impervious Barrier/Concrete Pad (A/G) Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98048 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: E00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98048 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: I04 Code Name: Product Level Gauge (A/G) Type: Overfill

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98048 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: F01 Code Name: Painted/Asphalt Coating Type: Pipe External Protection

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ALTX, INC. (Continued) A100154055 Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98048 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: D11 Code Name: Flexible Piping Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98048 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: C01 Code Name: Aboveground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98047 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: E00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98047 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: B01 Code Name: Painted/Asphalt Coating Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99258 Tank Number: 8 Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98047 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: I04 Code Name: Product Level Gauge (A/G) Type: Overfill

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99259 Tank Number: 9 Equipment: I00 Code Name: None Type: Overfill

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98047 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: F01 Code Name: Painted/Asphalt Coating Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 38006

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ALTX, INC. (Continued) A100154055 Tank Id Number: 99258 Tank Number: 8 Equipment: C03 Code Name: Aboveground/Underground Combination Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99258 Tank Number: 8 Equipment: L09 Code Name: Exempt Suction Piping Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99259 Tank Number: 9 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99258 Tank Number: 8 Equipment: B01 Code Name: Painted/Asphalt Coating Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99258 Tank Number: 8 Equipment: D01 Code Name: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98047 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: L09 Code Name: Exempt Suction Piping Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99258 Tank Number: 8 Equipment: H06 Code Name: Impervious Barrier/Concrete Pad (A/G) Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99259 Tank Number: 9 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99259

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ALTX, INC. (Continued) A100154055 Tank Number: 9 Equipment: L09 Code Name: Exempt Suction Piping Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98047 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: G01 Code Name: Diking (Aboveground) Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99258 Tank Number: 8 Equipment: I00 Code Name: None Type: Overfill

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99258 Tank Number: 8 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99259 Tank Number: 9 Equipment: H06 Code Name: Impervious Barrier/Concrete Pad (A/G) Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98047 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: H06 Code Name: Impervious Barrier/Concrete Pad (A/G) Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99258 Tank Number: 8 Equipment: G01 Code Name: Diking (Aboveground) Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99258 Tank Number: 8 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99259 Tank Number: 9

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ALTX, INC. (Continued) A100154055 Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98047 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: C01 Code Name: Aboveground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98047 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99259 Tank Number: 9 Equipment: G01 Code Name: Diking (Aboveground) Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99259 Tank Number: 9 Equipment: B01 Code Name: Painted/Asphalt Coating Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98047 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: D11 Code Name: Flexible Piping Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99259 Tank Number: 9 Equipment: D01 Code Name: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98047 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99259 Tank Number: 9 Equipment: F00

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ALTX, INC. (Continued) A100154055 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 98047 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99259 Tank Number: 9 Equipment: C03 Code Name: Aboveground/Underground Combination Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99258 Tank Number: 8 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99258 Tank Number: 8 Equipment: E10 Code Name: Impervious Underlayment Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 38006 Tank Id Number: 99259 Tank Number: 9 Equipment: E10 Code Name: Impervious Underlayment Type: Piping Secondary Containment


Relative: DRYCLEANERS: Higher Facility ID: 4-0101-00346 Region: 4 Actual: Registration Effective Date: 5/17/2000 00:00:00 221 ft. Inspection Date: 01DEC3 Drop Shop: Not reported Shutdown: Y Alternate Solvent: Not reported Current Business: NOT A DRY CLEANER

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6 SCREAMIN’ PRODUCTS LTANKS S104516044 East 27-29 BENSON ST HIST LTANKS N/A < 1/8 ALBANY, NY 0.080 mi. 422 ft.

Relative: LTANKS: Lower Site ID: 295519 Spill No: 9909403 Actual: Spill Date: 11/2/1999 217 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 10/4/2000 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: False SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 11/2/1999 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: True Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 11/2/1999 Spill Record Last Update: 10/4/2000 Spiller Name: TOM MATJECK Spiller Company: SCREAMING PRODUCTS Spiller Address: 27-29 BENSON STREET Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: TOM MATJECK Spiller Phone: (518) 792-1151 Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 239149 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" 3/9/00 - Spoke to Mr. Matejek about closing the tank. He told me North American was to put it on their schedule and that it should be done sometime this month. He will notify me when he has a firm date. This conversation was in response to a letter I wrote to him. 8/2/00 - Jeff Wink left a phone message that the tank was closed in place like we discussed. Closure report will be sent soon. 10/04/00 - Final closure material received from Northeastern Technologies. Site closed on 10/04/00. Remarks: THEY FOUND CONTAMINATION IN THE GROUND AROUND THE TANK.THE BUSINESS IS BEING FORE CLOSED ON BY EVERGREEN BANK.BILL CHRISTENSEN FROM DEC ADVISED THEM TO CALL THIS SPILL IN TO DEC.

Material: Site ID: 295519 Operable Unit ID: 1088092 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 298491

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SCREAMIN’ PRODUCTS (Continued) S104516044 Material Code: 0009 Material Name: Gasoline Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9909403 Spill Date: 11/02/1999 Spill Time: 18:11 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 10/04/00 Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Standard: False Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 11/02/99 Reported to Department Time: 18:11 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: TOM MATJECK Spiller Phone: (518) 792-1151 Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: SCREAMING PRODUCTS Spiller Address: 27-29 BENSON STREET Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller Cleanup Date: / /

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SCREAMIN’ PRODUCTS (Continued) S104516044 Facility Contact: TOM MATJECK Facility Phone: (518) 792-1151 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: True Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 11/02/99 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 10/04/00 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: True Material: GASOLINE Class Type: GASOLINE Times Material Entry In File: 21329 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19940929 DEC Remarks: 3/9/00 - Spoke to Mr. Matejek about closing the tank. He told me North American was to put it on their schedule and that it should be done sometime this month. He will notify me when he has a firm date. This conversation was in response to a letterI wrote to him. 8/2/00 - Jeff Wink left a phone message that the tank was closed in place like we discussed. Closure report will be sent soon. 10/04/00 - Final closure material received from Northeastern Technologies. Site closed on 10/04/00. Spill Cause: THEY FOUND CONTAMINATION IN THE GROUND AROUND THE TANK.THE BUSINESS IS BEING FORE CLOSED ON BY EVERGREEN BANK.BILL CHRISTENSEN FROM DEC ADVISED THEM TO CALL THIS SPILL IN TO DEC.

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B7 COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE - BRUBACHER HALLRCRA-CESQG 1008404370 WSW 750 STATE ST NYN008014664 < 1/8 ALBANY, NY 12203 0.090 mi. 474 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster B

Relative: RCRA-CESQG: Lower Date form received by agency: 01/01/2007 Facility name: COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE - BRUBACHER HALL Actual: Facility address: 750 STATE ST 219 ft. ALBANY, NY 12203 EPA ID: NYN008014664 Mailing address: WESTERN AVE ALBANY, NY 12203 Contact: JOHN A PAVELOUK Contact address: WESTERN AVE ALBANY, NY 12203 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (518) 337-4879 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 02 Land type: Private Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Description: Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste

Handler accessibilty indicator: Transferred to the program or state equivalent. Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: Unknown Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Unknown Recycler of hazardous waste: Unknown Transporter of hazardous waste: Unknown Treater, storer or disposer of HW: Unknown Underground injection activity: Unknown On-site burner exemption: Unknown Furnace exemption: Unknown Used oil fuel burner: Unknown Used oil processor: Unknown User oil refiner: Unknown Used oil fuel marketer to burner: Unknown Used oil Specification marketer: Unknown Used oil transfer facility: Unknown Used oil transporter: Unknown Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Historical Generators:

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COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE - BRUBACHER HALL (Continued) 1008404370 Date form received by agency: 01/01/2006 Facility name: COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE - BRUBACHER HALL Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator

Date form received by agency: 07/11/2005 Facility name: COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE - BRUBACHER HALL Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator

Violation Status: No violations found

Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: 06/08/2005 Evaluation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Area of violation: Not reported Date achieved compliance: Not reported Evaluation lead agency: State

B8 COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE - BRUBACHER HALLFINDS 1008904165 WSW 750 STATE ST MANIFEST N/A < 1/8 ALBANY, NY 12203 0.090 mi. 474 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster B

Relative: FINDS: Lower Registry ID: 110022816611 Actual: 219 ft. Environmental Interest/Information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA.

NY MANIFEST: EPA ID: NYN008014664 Country: USA Mailing Name: COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE - BRUBACHER HALL Mailing Contact: JOHN PAVELOCK Mailing Address: 432 WESTERN AVE Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City: ALBANY Mailing State: NY Mailing Zip: 12203 Mailing Zip4: 1419 Mailing Country: USA Mailing Phone: 518-337-4879

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708211 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2009-09-21 Trans1 Recv Date: 2009-09-21 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported

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COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE - BRUBACHER HALL (Continued) 1008904165 TSD Site Recv Date: 2009-09-22 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYN008014664 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 10.0 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 09 Manifest Tracking Num: 005346925JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H061

9 APT HOUSE WASHINGTON AVE NY Spills S108639895 SE 542 WASHINGTON AVE N/A < 1/8 ALBANY, NY 0.102 mi. 536 ft.

Relative: NY Spills: Lower Site ID: 383531 Facility Addr2: 8 UNIT APARTMENT BUILD Actual: Facility ID: 0703563 216 ft. Spill Number: 0703563 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101 Investigator: wtchrist Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 6/27/2007 Reported to Dept: 6/27/2007 CID: 21 Spill Cause: Equipment Failure Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Notifier: Other Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Std: False Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: False Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Highly Improbable) Spill Closed Dt: 1/16/2008

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APT HOUSE WASHINGTON AVE (Continued) S108639895 Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 6/27/2007 Spill Record Last Update: 1/16/2008 Spiller Name: RICK LEV Spiller Company: 8 UNIT APARTMENT BUILD Spiller Address: 542 WASHINGTON AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller Company: 001 Contact Name: RICK LEV Contact Phone: (518) 339-9209 DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 332982 DEC Memo: 07/26/07 - Need closure report. wtc 01/16/08 - Closure report received. Closed wtc Remarks: 500 GALLON TANK HAD CONTAMINATED SOIL , COULD BE FROM OVERFILL, VERY SMALL AMOUNT Material: Site ID: 383531 Operable Unit ID: 1140873 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 2130985 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: Not reported Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

10 NIMO TRANSFORMER NY Spills S108638729 NNE 1 KENT STREET N/A < 1/8 ALBANY, NY 0.102 mi. 540 ft.

Relative: NY Spills: Lower Site ID: 383924 Facility Addr2: Not reported Actual: Facility ID: 0703884 218 ft. Spill Number: 0703884 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101

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NIMO TRANSFORMER (Continued) S108638729 Investigator: wtchrist Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 7/6/2007 Reported to Dept: 7/6/2007 CID: 444 Spill Cause: Equipment Failure Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Notifier: Responsible Party Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Std: False Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: False Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 11/21/2007 Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 7/6/2007 Spill Record Last Update: 11/21/2007 Spiller Name: BARBARASCHEURER Spiller Company: (NAT GRID NIMO) Spiller Address: 1 KENT STREET Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller Company: 999 Contact Name: BARBARASCHEURER [SP] Contact Phone: (518) 433-3696 DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 333344 DEC Memo: 07/27/07 - Will need PCB results fron National Grid. wtc 11/21/07 - National Grid reports laboratory tested at <1 ppm for pcb. wtc Remarks: OIL IS ON STREET AND LANDED ON CARS; HAZMAT CREW ON SCENE TO CLEAN UP: UNKNOWN PCB Material: Site ID: 383924 Operable Unit ID: 1141249 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 2131452 Material Code: 0020A Material Name: TRANSFORMER OIL Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 5 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported

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NIMO TRANSFORMER (Continued) S108638729 Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported


Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 118807 Spill No: 8707590 Actual: Spill Date: 12/4/1987 222 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Private Dwelling Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 12/4/1987 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 12/4/1987 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WEBLAIN Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 12/4/1987 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: 12/4/1987 Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 12/7/1987 Spill Record Last Update: 1/16/1998 Spiller Name: JOHN SHEA Spiller Company: JOHN SHEA Spiller Address: 587 WASHINGTON AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, ZZ Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: JOHN SHEA Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 103233 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "BLAIN" / / : BLAIN ON SCENE 12/4 3PM. CLEANUP COMPLETE. Remarks: REPLACED TANK. USED SPEEDY DRY TO CLEAN

Material: Site ID: 118807 Operable Unit ID: 913259 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 466531 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil

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SHEA RES WASHINGTON AVE (Continued) S100134904 Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 15 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 8707590 Spill Date: 12/04/1987 Spill Time: 12:30 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Private Dwelling Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 12/04/87 Cleanup Ceased: 12/04/87 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: BLAIN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 12/04/87 Reported to Department Time: 12:55 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: JOHN SHEA Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: JOHN SHEA Spiller Address: 587 WASHINGTON AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: JOHN SHEA Facility Phone: Not reported

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SHEA RES WASHINGTON AVE (Continued) S100134904 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: 12/04/87 Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 12/07/87 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 01/16/98 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 15 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: / / : BLAIN ON SCENE 12/4 3PM. CLEANUP COMPLETE. Spill Cause: REPLACED TANK. USED SPEEDY DRY TO CLEAN

C12 CHAS FREIHOFER BAKING CO INC RCRA-NonGen 1000376439 SE 522 WASHINGTON AVE FINDS NYD098354384 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12203 0.143 mi. 754 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster C

Relative: RCRA-NonGen: Lower Date form received by agency: 01/01/2007 Facility name: CHAS FREIHOFER BAKING CO INC Actual: Facility address: 522 WASHINGTON AVE 218 ft. ALBANY, NY 122031337 EPA ID: NYD098354384 Mailing address: WASHINGTON AVE ALBANY, NY 12206 Contact: Not reported Contact address: WASHINGTON AVE ALBANY, NY 12206 Contact country: US Contact telephone: Not reported Contact email: Not reported

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CHAS FREIHOFER BAKING CO INC (Continued) 1000376439 EPA Region: 02 Classification: Non-Generator Description: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste

Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: DAVID MCNIFF Owner/operator address: NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED, WY 99999 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (212) 555-1212 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Owner/operator name: DAVID MCNIFF Owner/operator address: NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED, WY 99999 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (212) 555-1212 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Handler accessibilty indicator: Transferred to the program or state equivalent. Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: Unknown Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Unknown Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: Unknown Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: Unknown Furnace exemption: Unknown Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 01/01/2006 Facility name: CHAS FREIHOFER BAKING CO INC Classification: Not a generator, verified

Date form received by agency: 07/08/1999 Facility name: CHAS FREIHOFER BAKING CO INC Classification: Not a generator, verified

Date form received by agency: 11/18/1986 Facility name: CHAS FREIHOFER BAKING CO INC Classification: Small Quantity Generator

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CHAS FREIHOFER BAKING CO INC (Continued) 1000376439 Violation Status: No violations found FINDS:

Registry ID: 110004376728

Environmental Interest/Information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA.

C13 CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO UST U001845233 SE 522 WASHINGTON AVE HIST UST N/A 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12206 0.143 mi. 754 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster C

Relative: UST: Lower Facility Id: 4-133191 Region: STATE Actual: DEC Region: 4 218 ft. Site Status: Unregulated Program Type: PBS Expiration Date: N/A UTM X: 600357 UTM Y: 4724210 Site ID: 35845

Tank Number: 001 Tank ID: 92962 Tank Status: Closed Prior to Micro Conversion, 03/91 Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 12/1/1956 Capacity Gallons: 2000 Tightness Test Method: NN Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: Not reported Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Date Test: Not reported Register: True Modified By: TRANSLAT Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Tank Number: 002 Tank ID: 92963 Tank Status: Closed Prior to Micro Conversion, 03/91 Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 12/1/1946 Capacity Gallons: 5000 Tightness Test Method: NN

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CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO (Continued) U001845233 Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: Not reported Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Date Test: Not reported Register: True Modified By: TRANSLAT Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Affiliation Records: Site Id: 35845 Affiliation Type: On-Site Operator Company Name: CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 993-3300 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 35845 Affiliation Type: Owner Company Name: CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: Not reported Address1: 126TH ST AND 2ND AVE Address2: Not reported City: TROY State: NY Zip Code: 12182 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 235-0710 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 35845 Affiliation Type: Mail Contact Company Name: CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: Not reported Address1: 126TH ST AND 2ND AVE Address2: Not reported City: TROY State: NY Zip Code: 12182 Country Code: 001

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CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO (Continued) U001845233 Phone: (518) 235-0710 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 35845 Affiliation Type: Emergency Contact Company Name: CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: DAVID MCNIFF Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 463-2221 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Equipment Records: Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92962 Tank Number: 001 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92962 Tank Number: 001 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92963 Tank Number: 002 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92963 Tank Number: 002 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92962 Tank Number: 001

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CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO (Continued) U001845233 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92963 Tank Number: 002 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92962 Tank Number: 001 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92962 Tank Number: 001 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92963 Tank Number: 002 Equipment: I04 Code Name: Product Level Gauge (A/G) Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92963 Tank Number: 002 Equipment: D01 Code Name: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92962 Tank Number: 001 Equipment: C00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92963 Tank Number: 002 Equipment: C00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92962 Tank Number: 001 Equipment: D01

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CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO (Continued) U001845233 Code Name: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92962 Tank Number: 001 Equipment: I00 Code Name: None Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92963 Tank Number: 002 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92963 Tank Number: 002 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92962 Tank Number: 001 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35845 Tank Id Number: 92963 Tank Number: 002 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

HIST UST: PBS Number: 4-133191 SPDES Number: Not reported Emergency Contact: DAVID MCNIFF Emergency Telephone: (518) 463-2221 Operator: CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO Operator Telephone: (518) 463-2221 Owner Name: CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO Owner Address: 126TH ST AND 2ND AVE Owner City,St,Zip: TROY, NY 12182 Owner Telephone: (518) 235-0710 Owner Type: Not reported Owner Subtype: Not reported Mailing Name: CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO Mailing Address: 126TH ST AND 2ND AVE Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City,St,Zip: TROY, NY 12182 Mailing Contact: Not reported Mailing Telephone: (518) 235-0710

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CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO (Continued) U001845233 Owner Mark: First Owner Facility Status: 2 - Unregulated by PBS (the total capacity is less than 1,101 gallons) and Subpart 360-14. Facility Addr2: Not reported SWIS ID: 0101 Old PBS Number: Not reported Facility Type: Not reported Inspected Date: Not reported Inspector: Not reported Inspection Result: Not reported Federal ID: Not reported Certification Flag: False Certification Date: 03/19/1987 Expiration Date: 03/19/1992 Renew Flag: False Renewal Date: Not reported Total Capacity: 0 FAMT: True Facility Screen: Minor Data Missing Owner Screen: Minor Data Missing Tank Screen: Minor Data Missing Dead Letter: False CBS Number: Not reported Town or City: ALBANY (C) County Code: 01 Town or City: 01 Region: 4

Tank Id: 001 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed Before April 1, 1991 Install Date: 19561201 Capacity (gals): 2000 Product Stored: LEADED GASOLINE Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: Not reported Tank External: Not reported Pipe Location: Not reported Pipe Type: STEEL/IRON Pipe Internal: Not reported Pipe External: Not reported Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: Not reported Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: Minor Data Missing Date Closed: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: False Lat/long: Not reported

Tank Id: 002 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND

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CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING CO (Continued) U001845233 Tank Status: Closed Before April 1, 1991 Install Date: 19461201 Capacity (gals): 5000 Product Stored: KEROSENE Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: Not reported Tank External: Not reported Pipe Location: Not reported Pipe Type: STEEL/IRON Pipe Internal: Not reported Pipe External: Not reported Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: Product Level Gauge Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: Minor Data Missing Date Closed: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: False Lat/long: Not reported


Relative: LTANKS: Equal Site ID: 85420 Spill No: 9301107 Actual: Spill Date: 4/22/1993 220 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Spill Source: Institutional, Educational, Gov., Other Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Minimal Occurrence) Spill Closed Dt: 6/28/1994 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 6/10/1994 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 4/22/1993 CID: Not reported Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 5/3/1993 Spill Record Last Update: 8/28/2002 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: SUNYA [SAYLES?] Spiller Address: O’LEARY BLVD SALES DORM

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SUNYA SALES DORM O’LEARY (Continued) S103939486 Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, ZZ Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 78488 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN/TS" 8808002, 8911680, 9000055, 9012627, 9107580, 9505163, 9801770, 0205580 Remarks: 2K UGT FAILED PETROTITE @ -.620GPH. SYSTEM PASSED RETEST ON 6/10/94.

Material: Site ID: 85420 Operable Unit ID: 983005 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 401837 Material Code: 0002 Material Name: #4 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: 85420 Spill Tank Test: 1541442 Tank Number: 3 Tank Size: 0 Test Method: 00 Leak Rate: 0 Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Spills Last Modified: 10/1/2004 Test Method: Unknown

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9301107 Spill Date: 04/22/1993 Spill Time: 19:30 Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Non Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Minimal Occurrence) Spill Closed Dt: 06/28/94 Cleanup Ceased: 06/10/94 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: CHRISTENSEN/TS Caller Name: Not reported

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SUNYA SALES DORM O’LEARY (Continued) S103939486 Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 04/22/93 Reported to Department Time: 21:51 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: SUNYA [SAYLES?] Spiller Address: O’LEARY BLVD SALES DORM Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (518) 442-3496 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester PBS Number: 4-143111 Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 05/03/93 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 06/14/99 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: 3 Tank Size: 0 Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: 0.00 Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: True Material: #4 FUEL OIL Class Type: #4 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 1751 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941205 DEC Remarks: 9012627, 9801770 Spill Cause: 2K UGT FAILED PETROTITE @ -.620GPH. SYSTEM PASSED RETEST ON 6/10/94.

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15 ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL RCRA-SQG 1001028262 NW 700 WASHINGTON AVE UST NYD100368513 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12208 HIST UST 0.151 mi. AST 796 ft. HIST AST MANIFEST Relative: Higher RCRA-SQG: Date form received by agency: 01/01/2007 Actual: Facility name: ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL 223 ft. Facility address: 700 WASHINGTON AVE ALBANY, NY 122031404 EPA ID: NYD100368513 Mailing address: CENTRAL AVE ALBANY, NY 12206 Contact: TONY CATALFAMO Contact address: CENTRAL AVE ALBANY, NY 12206 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (518) 462-7323 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 02 Land type: District Classification: Small Small Quantity Generator Description: Handler: generates more than 100 and less than 1000 kg of hazardous waste during any calendar month and accumulates less than 6000 kg of hazardous waste at any time; or generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates more than 1000 kg of hazardous waste at any time

Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Owner/operator address: CENTRAL AVE ALBANY, NY 12206 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (518) 462-7323 Legal status: District Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: 08/04/2005 Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Owner/operator name: NO NAME FOUND Owner/operator address: Not reported Not reported Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: District Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: 08/04/2005 Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Handler accessibilty indicator: Transferred to the program or state equivalent. Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: Unknown Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Unknown Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: Unknown Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: Unknown Furnace exemption: Unknown Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 01/01/2006 Facility name: ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator

Date form received by agency: 08/05/2005 Facility name: ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL Classification: Small Quantity Generator

Date form received by agency: 12/20/1996 Facility name: ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL Site name: ALBANY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Classification: Small Quantity Generator

Date form received by agency: 10/29/1993 Facility name: ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL Site name: ALBANY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Classification: Large Quantity Generator

Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: Regulation violated: Not reported Area of violation: Generators - General Date violation determined: 01/30/2007 Date achieved compliance: 01/31/2007 Violation lead agency: EPA Enforcement action: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported

Regulation violated: Not reported Area of violation: Generators - Records/Reporting Date violation determined: 01/30/2007 Date achieved compliance: 02/05/2007 Violation lead agency: EPA Enforcement action: Not reported Enforcement action date: Not reported Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: Not reported

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported

Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: 01/30/2007 Evaluation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Area of violation: Generators - General Date achieved compliance: 01/31/2007 Evaluation lead agency: EPA

Evaluation date: 01/30/2007 Evaluation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Area of violation: Generators - Records/Reporting Date achieved compliance: 02/05/2007 Evaluation lead agency: EPA UST: Facility Id: 4-162655 Region: STATE DEC Region: 4 Site Status: Unregulated Program Type: PBS Expiration Date: N/A UTM X: 599772 UTM Y: 4724662 Site ID: 36254

Tank Number: 1 Tank ID: 89137 Tank Status: Closed Prior to Micro Conversion, 03/91 Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: Not reported Capacity Gallons: 20000 Tightness Test Method: NN Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: Not reported Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Date Test: Not reported Register: True Modified By: TRANSLAT Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Tank Number: 2 Tank ID: 89138 Tank Status: Closed Prior to Micro Conversion, 03/91 Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: Not reported Capacity Gallons: 20000 Tightness Test Method: NN Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: Not reported Tank Location: 5

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Date Test: Not reported Register: True Modified By: TRANSLAT Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Affiliation Records: Site Id: 36254 Affiliation Type: Mail Contact Company Name: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: Not reported Address1: ACADEMY PARK - ELK STREET Address2: Not reported City: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code: 12207 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 462-7300 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 36254 Affiliation Type: Owner Company Name: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: Not reported Address1: ACADEMY PARK - ELK STREET Address2: Not reported City: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code: 12207 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 462-7300 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 36254 Affiliation Type: On-Site Operator Company Name: ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 454-3976 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 36254 Affiliation Type: Emergency Contact Company Name: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: JOSEPH A MCELROY Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 462-7324 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Equipment Records: Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: D01 Code Name: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: L09 Code Name: Exempt Suction Piping Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: C00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Location

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: A01 Code Name: Epoxy Liner Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: I04 Code Name: Product Level Gauge (A/G) Type: Overfill

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: D01 Code Name: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 36254

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: D01 Code Name: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: I04 Code Name: Product Level Gauge (A/G) Type: Overfill

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: C00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: C00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: I04 Code Name: Product Level Gauge (A/G) Type: Overfill

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

HIST UST: PBS Number: 4-162655 SPDES Number: Not reported Emergency Contact: JOSEPH A MCELROY Emergency Telephone: (518) 462-7324 Operator: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Operator Telephone: (518) 454-3976 Owner Name: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Owner Address: ACADEMY PARK - ELK STREET Owner City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12207

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Owner Telephone: (518) 462-7300 Owner Type: Not reported Owner Subtype: Not reported Mailing Name: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Mailing Address: ACADEMY PARK - ELK STREET Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12207 Mailing Contact: Not reported Mailing Telephone: (518) 462-7300 Owner Mark: First Owner Facility Status: 2 - Unregulated by PBS (the total capacity is less than 1,101 gallons) and Subpart 360-14. Facility Addr2: Not reported SWIS ID: 0101 Old PBS Number: Not reported Facility Type: Not reported Inspected Date: Not reported Inspector: Not reported Inspection Result: Not reported Federal ID: Not reported Certification Flag: False Certification Date: 03/24/1987 Expiration Date: 03/24/1992 Renew Flag: False Renewal Date: Not reported Total Capacity: 275 FAMT: True Facility Screen: Minor Data Missing Owner Screen: Minor Data Missing Tank Screen: Minor Data Missing Dead Letter: False CBS Number: Not reported Town or City: ALBANY (C) County Code: 01 Town or City: 01 Region: 4

Tank Id: 1 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed Before April 1, 1991 Install Date: Not reported Capacity (gals): 20000 Product Stored: NOS 1,2, OR 4 FUEL OIL Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: Not reported Tank External: Not reported Pipe Location: Not reported Pipe Type: STEEL/IRON Pipe Internal: Not reported Pipe External: Not reported Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: Product Level Gauge Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: Minor Data Missing

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Date Closed: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: False Lat/long: Not reported

Tank Id: 2 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed Before April 1, 1991 Install Date: Not reported Capacity (gals): 20000 Product Stored: NOS 1,2, OR 4 FUEL OIL Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: Not reported Tank External: Not reported Pipe Location: Not reported Pipe Type: STEEL/IRON Pipe Internal: Not reported Pipe External: Not reported Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: Product Level Gauge Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: Minor Data Missing Date Closed: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: False Lat/long: Not reported

AST: Region: STATE DEC Region: 4 Site Status: Unregulated Facility Id: 4-162655 Program Type: PBS UTM X: 599772 UTM Y: 4724662 Expiration Date: N/A

Tank Number: 3 Tank Id: 89139 Tank Location: 3 Tank Type: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Tank Status: In Service Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: Not reported Capacity Gallons: 275 Tightness Test Method: NN Date Test: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: Not reported Register: True

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Modified By: TRANSLAT Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Affiliation Records: Site Id: 36254 Affiliation Type: Mail Contact Company Name: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: Not reported Address1: ACADEMY PARK - ELK STREET Address2: Not reported City: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code: 12207 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 462-7300 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 36254 Affiliation Type: Owner Company Name: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: Not reported Address1: ACADEMY PARK - ELK STREET Address2: Not reported City: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code: 12207 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 462-7300 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 36254 Affiliation Type: On-Site Operator Company Name: ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 454-3976 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Site Id: 36254 Affiliation Type: Emergency Contact Company Name: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: JOSEPH A MCELROY Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 462-7324 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Equipment Records: Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: D01 Code Name: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: L09 Code Name: Exempt Suction Piping Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: C00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Equipment: A01 Code Name: Epoxy Liner Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: I04 Code Name: Product Level Gauge (A/G) Type: Overfill

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89139 Tank Number: 3 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: D01 Code Name: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: D01

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Code Name: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: I04 Code Name: Product Level Gauge (A/G) Type: Overfill

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: C00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: C00 Code Name: No Piping

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: I04 Code Name: Product Level Gauge (A/G) Type: Overfill

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89138 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 36254 Tank Id Number: 89137 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

HIST AST: PBS Number: 4-162655 SWIS Code: 0101 Operator: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Facility Phone: (518) 454-3976 Facility Addr2: Not reported Facility Type: Not reported Emergency: JOSEPH A MCELROY Emergency Tel: (518) 462-7324 Old PBSNO: Not reported Date Inspected: Not reported Inspector: Not reported Result of Inspection: Not reported

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Owner Name: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Owner Address: ACADEMY PARK - ELK STREET Owner City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12207 Federal ID: Not reported Owner Tel: (518) 462-7300 Owner Type: Not reported Owner Subtype: Not reported Mailing Contact: Not reported Mailing Name: CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ALBANY Mailing Address: ACADEMY PARK - ELK STREET Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12207 Mailing Telephone: (518) 462-7300 Owner Mark: First Owner Facility Status: 2 - Unregulated by PBS (the total capacity is less than 1,101 gallons) and Subpart 360-14. Certification Flag: False Certification Date: 03/24/1987 Expiration: 03/24/1992 Renew Flag: False Renew Date: Not reported Total Capacity: 275 FAMT: True Facility Screen: Minor Data Missing Owner Screen: Minor Data Missing Tank Screen: Minor Data Missing Dead Letter: False CBS Number: Not reported Town or City: ALBANY (C) County Code: 01 Town or City Code: 01 Region: 4

Tank ID: 3 Tank Location: ABOVEGROUND ON SADDLES LEGS, STILTS, RACK, OR CRADLE Tank Status: In Service Install Date: Not reported Capacity (Gal): 275 Product Stored: KEROSENE Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: 1 Tank External: Not reported Pipe Location: Not reported Pipe Type: STEEL/IRON Pipe Internal: Not reported Pipe External: Not reported Tank Containment: None Leak Detection: 0 Overfill Protection: 4 Dispenser Method: Suction Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: Minor Data Missing Date Closed: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: False

TC2861036.2s Page 68 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 SPDES Number: Not reported Lat/Long: Not reported

NY MANIFEST: EPA ID: NYD100368513 Country: USA Mailing Name: ALBANY CITY SCHOOLS Mailing Contact: ALBANY CITY SCHOOLS Mailing Address: 700 WASHINGTON AVE Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City: ALBANY Mailing State: NY Mailing Zip: 12207 Mailing Zip4: Not reported Mailing Country: USA Mailing Phone: 518-462-7302

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-03-07 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-03-07 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-03-11 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 9.0 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 003345229JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-06-23 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-06-23 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-06-25 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 450.0 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 3.0 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 003735441JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H061

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-09-05 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-09-05 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-09-09 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: ALD983167891 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 408.0 Units: K - Kilograms (2.2 pounds) Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 003735285JJK Import Ind: N

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H132

Document ID: NYA3229108 Manifest Status: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DEC Trans1 State ID: V31336(TN Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 860823 Trans1 Recv Date: 860823 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 860825 Part A Recv Date: 860926 Part B Recv Date: 860905 Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD980769947 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD067539940 Waste Code: B006 - PCB TRANSFORMERS WITH 500 PPM OR > PCB Quantity: 05350 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: TP - Tanks, portable Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 08000 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: TP - Tanks, portable Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 86 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG4832964 Manifest Status: Not reported

TC2861036.2s Page 71 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 08/18/2005 Trans1 Recv Date: 08/18/2005 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 08/22/2005 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: AK50864NY Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: D002 - NON-LISTED CORROSIVE WASTES Quantity: 00015 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D002 - NON-LISTED CORROSIVE WASTES Quantity: 00007 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: Not reported Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D009 - MERCURY 0.2 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00004 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D003 - NON-LISTED REACTIVE WASTES Quantity: 00002 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: Not reported Units: Not reported Number of Containers: Not reported Container Type: Not reported Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: Not reported Year: 2005 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG0194832 Manifest Status: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DEC Trans1 State ID: MA102 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 971119 Trans1 Recv Date: 971119 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 971124 Part A Recv Date: 971224 Part B Recv Date: 971218 Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: MA5000002394 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: AZ0000337360 Waste Code: D009 - MERCURY 0.2 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 01600 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 016 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 97 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-03-07 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-03-07 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-03-11 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 9.0

TC2861036.2s Page 73 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 003345229JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: NYG5342031 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 04/19/2006 Trans1 Recv Date: 04/19/2006 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 04/20/2006 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: 49691PANY Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: D003 - NON-LISTED REACTIVE WASTES Quantity: 00050 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D003 - NON-LISTED REACTIVE WASTES Quantity: 00020 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D003 - NON-LISTED REACTIVE WASTES Quantity: 00010 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 06 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG5342076 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 04/27/2006 Trans1 Recv Date: 04/27/2006 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 05/03/2006 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00098 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: U031 - N-BUTYL ALCOHOL(L) Quantity: 00014 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D002 - NON-LISTED CORROSIVE WASTES Quantity: 00002 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: P039 - DISULFOTON Quantity: 00104 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 06 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG4832964 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 08/18/2005 Trans1 Recv Date: 08/18/2005 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 08/22/2005 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: AK50864NY Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: D002 - NON-LISTED CORROSIVE WASTES Quantity: 00015 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D002 - NON-LISTED CORROSIVE WASTES Quantity: 00007 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: Not reported Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D009 - MERCURY 0.2 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00004 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D003 - NON-LISTED REACTIVE WASTES Quantity: 00002 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: Not reported

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Units: Not reported Number of Containers: Not reported Container Type: Not reported Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: Not reported Year: Not reported Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-09-05 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-09-05 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-09-09 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: ALD983167891 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 408.0 Units: K - Kilograms (2.2 pounds) Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 003735285JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H132

Document ID: Not reported

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-06-23 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-06-23 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-06-25 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 450.0 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 3.0 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 003735441JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H061

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-03-07 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-03-07 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-03-11 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 9.0 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08

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ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued) 1001028262 Manifest Tracking Num: 003345229JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: NYB7606026 Manifest Status: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DEC Trans1 State ID: MA102PTH7 Trans2 State ID: PTH7945 Generator Ship Date: 970423 Trans1 Recv Date: 970423 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 970429 Part A Recv Date: 970514 Part B Recv Date: 970521 Generator EPA ID: NYD100368513 Trans1 EPA ID: MA5000002394 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: AZ0000337360 Waste Code: D009 - MERCURY 0.2 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00300 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 003 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 97 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

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D16 SUNNY AT ALBANY MANIFEST S109787843 SW 221 ONTARIO ST PIERCE HALL N/A 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12203 0.155 mi. 817 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster D

Relative: CT MANIFEST: Lower Waste: Actual: Manifest No: CTF0891427 211 ft. Waste Occurence: 1 UNNA: 3077 Hazard Class: 9 US Dot Description: ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZ. SUBSTANCES,SOLID No of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM Quantity: 400 Weight/Volume: P Additional Description: Not reported Handling Code: Not reported Date Record Was Last Modified: 4/26/2004 DEO Who Last Modified Record: IG

Waste CD: Manifest No: CTF0891427 Waste Occurence: 1 EPA Waste Code: D008 Recycled Waste?: F Date Record Was Last Modified: 4/26/2004 DEO Who Last Modified Record: IG

Detail: Year: 1999 Manifest ID: CTF0891427 TSDF EPA ID: CTD000604488 TSDF Name: CLEAN HARBORS OF CONNECTICUT, INC. TSDF Address: 51 BRODERICK RD TSDF City,St,Zip: BRISTOL, CT 06010 TSDF Country: USA TSDF Telephone: Not reported Transport Date: 10/7/1999 Transporter EPA ID: MAD039322250 Transporter Name: CLEAN HARBORS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Transporter Country: USA Transporter Phone: Not reported Trans 2 Date: Not reported Trans 2 EPA ID: MAD039322250 Trans 2 Name: CLEAN HARBORS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Trans 2 Address: Not reported Trans 2 City,St,Zip: CT Trans 2 Country: USA Trans 2 Phone: Not reported EPA ID: NYR000056861 Generator Phone: Not reported Generator Mailing Addr: 221 ONTARIO ST. ALBANY Generator Mailing Town: Not reported Generator Mailing State: NY Generator Mailing Zip: 12203 Generator Mailing Country: USA

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SUNNY AT ALBANY (Continued) S109787843 Special Handling: Not reported Discrepancies: No Date Shipped: 10/7/1999 Date Received: 10/8/1999 Last modified date: 4/26/2004 Last modified by: IG Comments: Not reported

D17 UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI RCRA-NonGen 1004760686 SW 221 ONTARIO ST PIERCE HALL FINDS NYR000056861 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12203 MANIFEST 0.155 mi. 817 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster D

Relative: RCRA-NonGen: Lower Date form received by agency: 01/01/2007 Facility name: UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI Actual: Facility address: 221 ONTARIO ST PIERCE HALL 211 ft. ALBANY, NY 12203 EPA ID: NYR000056861 Mailing address: ONTARIO ST PIERCE HALL ALBANY, NY 12203 Contact: LISA ANNE DONOHUE Contact address: ONTARIO ST PIERCE HALL ALBANY, NY 12203 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (518) 442-3495 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 02 Land type: State Classification: Non-Generator Description: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste

Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY SUNY Owner/operator address: 1400 WASHINGTON AVE ALBANY, NY 12222 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (518) 442-3100 Legal status: State Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Owner/operator name: UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY SUNY Owner/operator address: 1400 WASHINGTON AVE ALBANY, NY 12222 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (518) 442-3100 Legal status: State Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Handler accessibilty indicator: Transferred to the program or state equivalent.

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UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI (Continued) 1004760686

Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: Unknown Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Unknown Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: Unknown Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: Unknown Furnace exemption: Unknown Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 01/01/2006 Facility name: UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI Classification: Not a generator, verified

Date form received by agency: 01/01/2001 Facility name: UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI Site name: SUNY AT ALBANY Classification: Large Quantity Generator

Date form received by agency: 06/17/1998 Facility name: UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator

Violation Status: No violations found

Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: 06/15/2001 Evaluation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Area of violation: Not reported Date achieved compliance: Not reported Evaluation lead agency: State FINDS:

Registry ID: 110004544397

Environmental Interest/Information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA.


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UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI (Continued) 1004760686 Country: USA Mailing Name: SUNY ALBANY Mailing Contact: LISA ANNE DONAHUE Mailing Address: 1400 WASHINGTON AVE - CHEM B15 Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City: ALBANY Mailing State: NY Mailing Zip: 12203 Mailing Zip4: 1393 Mailing Country: USA Mailing Phone: 518-442-3495

Document ID: NYG2293857 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: CTD021816889 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 03/02/2000 Trans1 Recv Date: 03/02/2000 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 03/03/2000 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD080469935 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: JZ4875 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00015 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 00 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG0621909 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: CTD021816889 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 07/22/1998 Trans1 Recv Date: 07/22/1998 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 07/28/1998

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UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI (Continued) 1004760686 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD080469935 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: Not reported Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00016 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 98 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG0622566 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: CTD021816889 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 11/10/1998 Trans1 Recv Date: 11/10/1998 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 11/10/1998 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD080469935 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: Not reported Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00015 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 98 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported

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UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI (Continued) 1004760686 Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG2913075 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: CTD021816889 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 05/30/2001 Trans1 Recv Date: 05/30/2001 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 05/30/2001 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD080469935 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: J24875 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00015 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 01 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG2616237 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: CTD021816889 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 01/30/2001 Trans1 Recv Date: 01/30/2001 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 01/30/2001 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD080469935 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: J66279

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UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI (Continued) 1004760686 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00015 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 01 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG1267272 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: CTD021816889 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 11/12/1999 Trans1 Recv Date: 11/12/1999 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 11/15/1999 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD080469935 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: J24875 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00015 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 99 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

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UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI (Continued) 1004760686 Document ID: CTF0378185 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: MAD039322250 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 08/24/1998 Trans1 Recv Date: 08/24/1998 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 08/25/1998 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: CTD000604488 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: M15621099 Waste Code: D008 - LEAD 5.0 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00020 Units: Y - Cubic yards* (.85 tons) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: CM - Metal boxes, cases, roll-offs Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 98 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: ILA7384311 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: MAD039322250 Trans2 State ID: OHD009865825 Generator Ship Date: 08/18/1998 Trans1 Recv Date: 08/18/1998 Trans2 Recv Date: 08/20/1998 TSD Site Recv Date: 08/26/1998 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: ILD000608471 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: 1478 Waste Code: D006 - CADMIUM 1.0 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00016 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00

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UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI (Continued) 1004760686 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00016 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D002 - NON-LISTED CORROSIVE WASTES Quantity: 01300 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 026 Container Type: CF - Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 98 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG3128049 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: CTD021816889 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 10/01/2001 Trans1 Recv Date: 10/01/2001 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 10/01/2001 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD080469935 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: J66279 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00015 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 01 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported

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UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI (Continued) 1004760686 Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: CTF0891427 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: MAD039322250 Trans2 State ID: MAD039322250 Generator Ship Date: 10/07/1999 Trans1 Recv Date: 10/07/1999 Trans2 Recv Date: 10/08/1999 TSD Site Recv Date: 10/08/1999 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: CTD000604488 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: MA13333 Waste Code: D008 - LEAD 5.0 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00400 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 99 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG0624987 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: CTD021816889 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 02/26/1999 Trans1 Recv Date: 02/26/1999 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 03/01/1999 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD080469935 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported

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UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI (Continued) 1004760686 TSDF ID: NY99449AP Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00016 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 99 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG1264356 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: CTD021816889 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 07/20/1999 Trans1 Recv Date: 07/20/1999 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 07/21/1999 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD080469935 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: CTJ24785 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00015 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 99 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

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UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI (Continued) 1004760686 Document ID: NYG1660455 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD986899912 Trans2 State ID: MOD095038998 Generator Ship Date: 08/20/1999 Trans1 Recv Date: 08/20/1999 Trans2 Recv Date: 08/26/1999 TSD Site Recv Date: 08/30/1999 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: ALD983167891 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: 68872DNY Waste Code: B006 - PCB TRANSFORMERS WITH 500 PPM OR > PCB Quantity: 02523 Units: K - Kilograms (2.2 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: TP - Tanks, portable Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: B003 - PETROLEUM OIL WITH 500 PPM OR > PCB Quantity: 01705 Units: K - Kilograms (2.2 pounds) Number of Containers: 006 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 99 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG2618622 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: CTD021816889 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 10/12/2000 Trans1 Recv Date: 10/12/2000 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 10/12/2000 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYR000056861 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD080469935 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NY99449AP

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UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY ALUMNI (Continued) 1004760686 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00015 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 00 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

D18 SUNY AT ALBANY MANIFEST S109787844 SW 221 ONTARIO ST PIERCE HALL N/A 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12203 0.155 mi. 817 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster D

Relative: CT MANIFEST: Lower Waste: Actual: Manifest No: CTF0378185 211 ft. Waste Occurence: 1 UNNA: 3077 Hazard Class: 9 US Dot Description: ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZ. SUBSTANCES,SOLID No of Containers: 001 Container Type: CM Quantity: 20 Weight/Volume: Y Additional Description: Not reported Handling Code: Not reported Date Record Was Last Modified: 4/26/2004 DEO Who Last Modified Record: IG

Waste CD: Manifest No: CTF0378185 Waste Occurence: 1 EPA Waste Code: D008 Recycled Waste?: F Date Record Was Last Modified: 4/26/2004 DEO Who Last Modified Record: IG

Detail: Year: 1998 Manifest ID: CTF0378185 TSDF EPA ID: CTD000604488 TSDF Name: CLEAN HARBORS OF CONNECTICUT, INC.

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SUNY AT ALBANY (Continued) S109787844 TSDF Address: 51 BRODERICK RD TSDF City,St,Zip: BRISTOL, CT 06010 TSDF Country: USA TSDF Telephone: Not reported Transport Date: 8/24/1998 Transporter EPA ID: MAD039322250 Transporter Name: CLEAN HARBORS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Transporter Country: USA Transporter Phone: Not reported Trans 2 Date: Not reported Trans 2 EPA ID: Not reported Trans 2 Name: Not reported Trans 2 Address: Not reported Trans 2 City,St,Zip: CT Trans 2 Country: USA Trans 2 Phone: Not reported EPA ID: NYR000056861 Generator Phone: 5184423499 Generator Mailing Addr: 1400 WASHINGTON AVE. ALBANY Generator Mailing Town: Not reported Generator Mailing State: NY Generator Mailing Zip: 12222 Generator Mailing Country: USA Special Handling: Not reported Discrepancies: No Date Shipped: 8/24/1998 Date Received: 8/25/1998 Last modified date: 4/26/2004 Last modified by: IG Comments: Not reported

19 FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH UST U004053210 SSE 646 STATE ST N/A 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12203 0.186 mi. 980 ft.

Relative: UST: Lower Facility Id: 4-601104 Region: STATE Actual: DEC Region: 4 219 ft. Site Status: Unregulated Program Type: PBS Expiration Date: N/A UTM X: Not reported UTM Y: Not reported Site ID: 364614

Tank Number: 1 Tank ID: 212031 Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: Not reported Capacity Gallons: 6000 Tightness Test Method: 00 Next Test Date: Not reported

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FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH (Continued) U004053210 Date Tank Closed: 5/16/2006 Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Date Test: Not reported Register: True Modified By: TESPERBE Last Modified: 5/30/2006

Affiliation Records: Site Id: 364614 Affiliation Type: On-Site Operator Company Name: FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: STEVE CARLSON Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 463-1326 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TESPERBE Date Last Modified: 5/30/2006

Site Id: 364614 Affiliation Type: Owner Company Name: FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Contact Type: PROPERTY CHAIRMAN Contact Name: STEVE CARLSON Address1: 646 STATE ST Address2: Not reported City: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code: 12203 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 463-1326 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TESPERBE Date Last Modified: 5/30/2006

Site Id: 364614 Affiliation Type: Emergency Contact Company Name: FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: STEVE CARLSON Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 275-2229

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FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH (Continued) U004053210 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TESPERBE Date Last Modified: 5/30/2006

Site Id: 364614 Affiliation Type: Mail Contact Company Name: FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Contact Type: PROPERTY CHAIRMAN Contact Name: STEVE CARLSON Address1: 646 STATE ST Address2: Not reported City: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code: 12203 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 463-1326 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TESPERBE Date Last Modified: 5/30/2006

Equipment Records: Site Id: 364614 Tank Id Number: 212031 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 364614 Tank Id Number: 212031 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: D01 Code Name: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 364614 Tank Id Number: 212031 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 364614 Tank Id Number: 212031 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 364614 Tank Id Number: 212031 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: I00

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FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH (Continued) U004053210 Code Name: None Type: Overfill

Site Id: 364614 Tank Id Number: 212031 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 364614 Tank Id Number: 212031 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 364614 Tank Id Number: 212031 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: C03 Code Name: Aboveground/Underground Combination Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 364614 Tank Id Number: 212031 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: E00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 364614 Tank Id Number: 212031 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: L00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 364614 Tank Id Number: 212031 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: K00 Code Name: None Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 364614 Tank Id Number: 212031 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

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20 WATKINS SPRING RCRA-NonGen 1000551832 NE 368 CENTRAL AVE FINDS NYD986941995 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12206 MANIFEST 0.188 mi. 995 ft.

Relative: RCRA-NonGen: Higher Date form received by agency: 01/01/2007 Facility name: WATKINS SPRING CO Actual: Facility address: 368 CENTRAL AVE 222 ft. ALBANY, NY 122062391 EPA ID: NYD986941995 Mailing address: CENTRAL AVE ALBANY, NY 12206 Contact: Not reported Contact address: CENTRAL AVE ALBANY, NY 12206 Contact country: US Contact telephone: Not reported Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 02 Classification: Non-Generator Description: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste

Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: OWEN WATKINS Owner/operator address: NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED, WY 99999 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (212) 555-1212 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Owner/operator name: OWEN WATKINS Owner/operator address: NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED, WY 99999 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (212) 555-1212 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Handler accessibilty indicator: Transferred to the program or state equivalent. Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: Unknown Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Unknown Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: Unknown Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: Unknown Furnace exemption: Unknown Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No

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WATKINS SPRING (Continued) 1000551832 Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 01/01/2006 Facility name: WATKINS SPRING CO Classification: Not a generator, verified

Date form received by agency: 07/08/1999 Facility name: WATKINS SPRING CO Classification: Not a generator, verified

Date form received by agency: 02/22/1991 Facility name: WATKINS SPRING CO Classification: Small Quantity Generator

Violation Status: No violations found FINDS:

Registry ID: 110004461109

Environmental Interest/Information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA.

NY MANIFEST: EPA ID: NYD986941995 Country: USA Mailing Name: WATKINS SPRING Mailing Contact: WATKINS SPRING Mailing Address: 368 CENTRAL AVENUE Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City: ALBANY Mailing State: NY Mailing Zip: 12206 Mailing Zip4: Not reported Mailing Country: USA Mailing Phone: 000-000-0000

Document ID: NJA1140838 Manifest Status: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DEC Trans1 State ID: NYPC7617 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 910531 Trans1 Recv Date: 910531 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 910610

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WATKINS SPRING (Continued) 1000551832 Part A Recv Date: 910607 Part B Recv Date: 910627 Generator EPA ID: NYD986941995 Trans1 EPA ID: ILD051060408 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NJD002182897 Waste Code: F001 - UNKNOWN Quantity: 00844 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 002 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 91 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

21 LITTLE MOTORS RCRA-NonGen 1000871210 ENE 363 CENTRAL AVE FINDS NY0000005082 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12206 MANIFEST 0.194 mi. 1024 ft.

Relative: RCRA-NonGen: Higher Date form received by agency: 01/01/2007 Facility name: LITTLE MOTORS Actual: Facility address: 363 CENTRAL AVE 224 ft. ALBANY, NY 122062314 EPA ID: NY0000005082 Mailing address: CENTRAL AVE ALBANY, NY 12206 Contact: Not reported Contact address: CENTRAL AVE ALBANY, NY 12206 Contact country: US Contact telephone: Not reported Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 02 Classification: Non-Generator Description: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste

Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: ALICE BAKER INC Owner/operator address: 369 CENTRAL AVE ALBANY, NY 12206 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (518) 462-1633

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LITTLE MOTORS (Continued) 1000871210 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Owner/operator name: ALICE BAKER INC Owner/operator address: 369 CENTRAL AVE ALBANY, NY 12206 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (518) 462-1633 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Handler accessibilty indicator: Transferred to the program or state equivalent. Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: Unknown Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Unknown Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: Unknown Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: Unknown Furnace exemption: Unknown Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 01/01/2006 Facility name: LITTLE MOTORS Classification: Not a generator, verified

Date form received by agency: 07/08/1999 Facility name: LITTLE MOTORS Classification: Not a generator, verified

Date form received by agency: 09/24/1993 Facility name: LITTLE MOTORS Classification: Small Quantity Generator

Violation Status: No violations found FINDS:

Registry ID: 110004307615

Environmental Interest/Information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport,

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LITTLE MOTORS (Continued) 1000871210 and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA.

NY MANIFEST: EPA ID: NYD000005082 Country: USA Mailing Name: LITTLE MOTORS Mailing Contact: ALICE BAKER Mailing Address: 363 CENTRAL AVE Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City: ALBANY Mailing State: NY Mailing Zip: 12206 Mailing Zip4: Not reported Mailing Country: USA Mailing Phone: 518-462-1515

NY MANIFEST: No Manifest Records Available

E22 CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANC LTANKS S106737591 ESE 89 WEST ST N/A 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12206 0.198 mi. 1048 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster E

Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 335335 Spill No: 0410281 Actual: Spill Date: 12/16/2004 222 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Institutional, Educational, Gov., Other Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Highly Improbable) Spill Closed Dt: 6/7/2005 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: False SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 12/16/2004 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: True Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 12/20/2004 Spill Record Last Update: 6/7/2005 Spiller Name: JAMES SMITH Spiller Company: CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANC Spiller Address: 89 WEST STREET Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY

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CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANC (Continued) S106737591 Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: JAMES SMITH Spiller Phone: (845) 561-1512 Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 270551 DEC Memo: 12/31/04 - Tank removed, waiting for closure report. wtc 06/07/2005 - Received closure report from Ira Conklin along with disposal receipts and analytical data. MTBE is slightly above TAGMs 4046 standards. Closed wtc see 0406127. Remarks: REMOVING A LEAKING GAS TANK AT THIS LOCATION: ANY CONTAMINATED SOIL AND WILL DO A COMPLETE CLOSURE

Material: Site ID: 335335 Operable Unit ID: 1097404 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 577389 Material Code: 0009 Material Name: Gasoline Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: Not reported Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

E23 CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANCE UST U004138414 ESE 89 WEST ST N/A 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12206 0.198 mi. 1048 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster E

Relative: UST: Higher Facility Id: 4-601282 Region: STATE Actual: DEC Region: 4 222 ft. Site Status: Active Program Type: PBS Expiration Date: 2014/08/17 UTM X: Not reported UTM Y: Not reported Site ID: 417513

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CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANCE (Continued) U004138414 Tank Number: 1 Tank ID: 229994 Tank Status: In Service Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 12/13/2004 Capacity Gallons: 1000 Tightness Test Method: NN Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: Not reported Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Date Test: Not reported Register: True Modified By: tesperbe Last Modified: 8/17/2009

Affiliation Records: Site Id: 417513 Affiliation Type: Emergency Contact Company Name: CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANCE INC Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: ROBERT DOW SHAFFER Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 999 Phone: (518) 434-4444 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: tesperbe Date Last Modified: 8/17/2009

Site Id: 417513 Affiliation Type: Mail Contact Company Name: CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANCE Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: ROBERT DOW SHAFFER Address1: 89 WEST ST Address2: Not reported City: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code: 12206 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 434-4444 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: [email protected] Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: tesperbe Date Last Modified: 8/17/2009

Site Id: 417513 Affiliation Type: On-Site Operator Company Name: CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANCE

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CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANCE (Continued) U004138414 Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: ROBERT DOW SHAFFER Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 434-4444 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: tesperbe Date Last Modified: 8/17/2009

Site Id: 417513 Affiliation Type: Owner Company Name: CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANCE INC Contact Type: VICE PRESIDENT Contact Name: ROBERT DOW SHAFFER Address1: 89 WEST ST Address2: Not reported City: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code: 12206 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 434-4444 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: tesperbe Date Last Modified: 8/17/2009

Equipment Records: Site Id: 417513 Tank Id Number: 229994 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: G04 Code Name: Double-Walled (Underground) Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 417513 Tank Id Number: 229994 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 417513 Tank Id Number: 229994 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: B01 Code Name: Painted/Asphalt Coating Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 417513 Tank Id Number: 229994

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CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANCE (Continued) U004138414 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 417513 Tank Id Number: 229994 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: D11 Code Name: Flexible Piping Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 417513 Tank Id Number: 229994 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: E04 Code Name: Double-Walled (Underground) Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 417513 Tank Id Number: 229994 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 417513 Tank Id Number: 229994 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: F05 Code Name: Jacketed Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 417513 Tank Id Number: 229994 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: H01 Code Name: Interstitial - Electronic Monitoring Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 417513 Tank Id Number: 229994 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 417513 Tank Id Number: 229994 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: L09 Code Name: Exempt Suction Piping Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 417513 Tank Id Number: 229994 Tank Number: 1

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CAPITAL DISTRICT AMBULANCE (Continued) U004138414 Equipment: B02 Code Name: Original Sacrificial Anode Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 417513 Tank Id Number: 229994 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: I02 Code Name: High Level Alarm Type: Overfill

F24 GETTY STATION NO. 58254 UST U004062869 NNE 409 CENTRAL AVENUE N/A 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12206 0.200 mi. 1057 ft. Site 1 of 5 in cluster F

Relative: UST: Higher Facility Id: 4-088293 Region: STATE Actual: DEC Region: 4 224 ft. Site Status: Active Program Type: PBS Expiration Date: 2012/03/24 UTM X: 600369 UTM Y: 4724599 Site ID: 35641

Tank Number: 1-A Tank ID: 87069 Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 5/1/1980 Capacity Gallons: 8000 Tightness Test Method: 21 Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 4/20/2007 Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Equivalent technology Date Test: 3/31/2004 Register: True Modified By: rjschowe Last Modified: 7/17/2008

Tank Number: 1-B Tank ID: 87070 Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 5/1/1980 Capacity Gallons: 8000 Tightness Test Method: 21 Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 4/20/2007 Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Equivalent technology

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GETTY STATION NO. 58254 (Continued) U004062869 Date Test: 3/31/2004 Register: True Modified By: rjschowe Last Modified: 7/17/2008

Tank Number: 2 Tank ID: 87071 Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 5/1/1980 Capacity Gallons: 8000 Tightness Test Method: 21 Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 4/20/2007 Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Equivalent technology Date Test: 3/31/2004 Register: True Modified By: rjschowe Last Modified: 7/17/2008

Tank Number: 4-A Tank ID: 87813 Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 5/1/1980 Capacity Gallons: 550 Tightness Test Method: NN Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 12/1/1998 Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Date Test: Not reported Register: True Modified By: TRANSLAT Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Tank Number: 5-A Tank ID: 87816 Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 10/1/1971 Capacity Gallons: 550 Tightness Test Method: NN Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 12/1/1998 Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Date Test: Not reported Register: True Modified By: TRANSLAT

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GETTY STATION NO. 58254 (Continued) U004062869 Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Affiliation Records: Site Id: 35641 Affiliation Type: Emergency Contact Company Name: GETTY PETROLEUM MARKETING INC Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: SCOTT HANLEY Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 999 Phone: (718) 324-5110 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: NRLOMBAR Date Last Modified: 3/2/2010

Site Id: 35641 Affiliation Type: Owner Company Name: GETTY PETROLEUM MARKETING INC Contact Type: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE FOR CLIENT Contact Name: MICHAEL CARR Address1: 1500 HEMPSTEAD TURNPIKE Address2: Not reported City: EAST MEADOW State: NY Zip Code: 11554 Country Code: 001 Phone: (516) 542-4900 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: LDGOMEZ Date Last Modified: 8/21/2009

Site Id: 35641 Affiliation Type: On-Site Operator Company Name: GETTY STATION NO. 58254 Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: JOHN SWEETER Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 371-4439 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: rjschowe Date Last Modified: 7/17/2008

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GETTY STATION NO. 58254 (Continued) U004062869 Site Id: 35641 Affiliation Type: Mail Contact Company Name: GETTY PETROLEUM MARKETING INC Contact Type: ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE MANAGER Contact Name: SCOTT HANLEY Address1: 1500 HEMPSTEAD TURNPIKE Address2: Not reported City: EAST MEADOW State: NY Zip Code: 11554 Country Code: 001 Phone: (516) 542-4900 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: [email protected] Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: rjschowe Date Last Modified: 6/8/2010

Equipment Records: Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: I03 Code Name: Automatic Shut-Off Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: E00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: I03 Code Name: Automatic Shut-Off Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B

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GETTY STATION NO. 58254 (Continued) U004062869 Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: E00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: B04 Code Name: Fiberglass Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: H99 Code Name: Other Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: F07 Code Name: Retrofitted Sacrificial Anode Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: L09 Code Name: Exempt Suction Piping Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: D00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: J00

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GETTY STATION NO. 58254 (Continued) U004062869 Code Name: None Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: D02 Code Name: Galvanized Steel Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: I04 Code Name: Product Level Gauge (A/G) Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: C00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: B01 Code Name: Painted/Asphalt Coating

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GETTY STATION NO. 58254 (Continued) U004062869 Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: L09 Code Name: Exempt Suction Piping Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: E00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: B04 Code Name: Fiberglass Type: Tank External Protection

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GETTY STATION NO. 58254 (Continued) U004062869 Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: H99 Code Name: Other Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: G04 Code Name: Double-Walled (Underground) Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: H02 Code Name: Interstitial - Manual Monitoring Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: D06 Code Name: Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: L00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: E00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641

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GETTY STATION NO. 58254 (Continued) U004062869 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: D00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: J00 Code Name: None Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: H02 Code Name: Interstitial - Manual Monitoring Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: B01 Code Name: Painted/Asphalt Coating Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: L00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: C00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564

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GETTY STATION NO. 58254 (Continued) U004062869 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: D02 Code Name: Galvanized Steel Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: I04 Code Name: Product Level Gauge (A/G) Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: I00 Code Name: None Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A

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GETTY STATION NO. 58254 (Continued) U004062869 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: I00 Code Name: None Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: E00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: B00

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GETTY STATION NO. 58254 (Continued) U004062869 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: L09 Code Name: Exempt Suction Piping Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: I03 Code Name: Automatic Shut-Off Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: B04 Code Name: Fiberglass

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GETTY STATION NO. 58254 (Continued) U004062869 Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: H99 Code Name: Other Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: G04 Code Name: Double-Walled (Underground) Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: D06 Code Name: Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: D06 Code Name: Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Type: Pipe Type

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F25 GETTY CENTRAL AVE LTANKS S108639397 NNE 409 CENTRAL AVE RT 5 N/A 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 0.200 mi. 1057 ft. Site 2 of 5 in cluster F

Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 380012 Spill No: 0700636 Actual: Spill Date: 4/17/2007 224 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Overfill Spill Source: Gasoline Station Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 7/20/2007 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: False SWIS: 0101 Investigator: jeyuchni Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 4/17/2007 CID: 444 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: True Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 4/17/2007 Spill Record Last Update: 12/28/2009 Spiller Name: DAVE BOWDISH Spiller Company: GETTY Spiller Address: 409 CENTRAL AVE. Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: DAVE BOWDISH Spiller Phone: (518) 786-3200 Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 331983 DEC Memo: PBS 4-088293 2008-02-21. Based on the information provided by the Feb. 12, 2008 UST Closure Report (see edoc), this spill project will be closed, does not meet standards. See 0612880 and other spills at this address. JY 12/28/09 - FOIL 09/456 Remarks: PULLED THE TANKS AND THEY ARE BOTH FULL OF HOLES

Material: Site ID: 380012 Operable Unit ID: 1137502 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 2127454 Material Code: 0009 Material Name: Gasoline Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No

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GETTY CENTRAL AVE (Continued) S108639397 Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False Site ID: 380012 Operable Unit ID: 1137502 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 2127455 Material Code: 0008 Material Name: Diesel Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

F26 GETTY FACILITY #58524 LTANKS S103558699 NNE 409 CENTRAL AVE HIST LTANKS N/A 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 0.200 mi. 1057 ft. Site 3 of 5 in cluster F

Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 273145 Spill No: 9811268 Actual: Spill Date: 12/8/1998 224 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Gasoline Station Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 9/29/2006 Facility Addr2: RT 5 -GETTY FACILITY #58524 Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: False SWIS: 0101 Investigator: KDGOERTZ Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 12/8/1998 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False

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Material: Site ID: 273145 Operable Unit ID: 1072132 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 315110 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported

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GETTY FACILITY #58524 (Continued) S103558699 Test Method: Not reported

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9811268 Spill Date: 12/08/1998 Spill Time: 09:49 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Gas Station Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: / / Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Standard: False Investigator: YUCHNIEWICZ Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 12/08/98 Reported to Department Time: 10:52 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: RANDY HOOSE Spiller Phone: (518) 786-3200 Spiller Extention: 205 Spiller Name: GETTY REALTY CORP Spiller Address: 125 JERICHO TIRNPIKE Spiller City,St,Zip: JERICHO, NY 11753- Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: SCOTT HANLEY Facility Phone: (516) 338-1421 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: 4-088293 Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 12/08/98 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 11/04/99 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported

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F27 GETTY #58254 HIST UST U003031108 NNE 409 CENTRAL AVE AST N/A 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12206 NY Spills 0.200 mi. 1057 ft. Site 4 of 5 in cluster F

Relative: HIST UST: Higher PBS Number: 4-088293 SPDES Number: Not reported Actual: Emergency Contact: SCOTT HANLEY 224 ft. Emergency Telephone: (718) 324-5110 Operator: NAEEM MALL Operator Telephone: (518) 463-9808 Owner Name: GETTY PETROLEUM MARKETING INC Owner Address: 125 JERICHO TURNPIKE Owner City,St,Zip: JERICHO, NY 11753 Owner Telephone: (516) 338-6000 Owner Type: Corporate/Commercial Owner Subtype: Not reported Mailing Name: GETTY PETROLEUM MARKETING INC Mailing Address: 125 JERICHO TURNPIKE Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City,St,Zip: JERICHO, NY 11753 Mailing Contact: SCOTT HANLEY Mailing Telephone: (516) 338-1421 Owner Mark: First Owner Facility Status: 1 - Active PBS facility, i.e. total capacity of the PBS tanks is greater than 1,100 gallons, regardless if Subpart 360-14 tanks exist or not at the facility.

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Facility Addr2: CENTRAL & ONTARIO SWIS ID: 0101 Old PBS Number: Not reported Facility Type: RETAIL GASOLINE SALES Inspected Date: Not reported Inspector: Not reported Inspection Result: Not reported Federal ID: Not reported Certification Flag: False Certification Date: 11/21/2001 Expiration Date: 03/24/2002 Renew Flag: False Renewal Date: 20011113 Total Capacity: 24000 FAMT: True Facility Screen: No Missing Data Owner Screen: No Missing Data Tank Screen: No Missing Data Dead Letter: False CBS Number: Not reported Town or City: ALBANY (C) County Code: 01 Town or City: 01 Region: 4

Tank Id: 1 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: In Service Install Date: 19800501 Capacity (gals): 8000 Product Stored: UNLEADED GASOLINE Tank Type: Fiberglass reinforced plastic [FRP] Tank Internal: None Tank External: None Pipe Location: Underground Pipe Type: STAINLESS STEEL ALLOY Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: None Leak Detection: 39 Overfill Prot: Automatic Shut-Off, Catch Basin Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: 03/01/1999 Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: Not reported Test Method: USTest 2000 Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: 42|40|02 / 73|46|30

Tank Id: 2 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: In Service Install Date: 19800501 Capacity (gals): 8000

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Product Stored: UNLEADED GASOLINE Tank Type: Fiberglass reinforced plastic [FRP] Tank Internal: None Tank External: None Pipe Location: Underground Pipe Type: STAINLESS STEEL ALLOY Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: None Leak Detection: 39 Overfill Prot: Automatic Shut-Off, Catch Basin Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: 03/01/1999 Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: Not reported Test Method: USTest 2000 Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: 42|40|02 / 73|46|30

Tank Id: 3 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: In Service Install Date: 19800501 Capacity (gals): 8000 Product Stored: UNLEADED GASOLINE Tank Type: Fiberglass reinforced plastic [FRP] Tank Internal: None Tank External: None Pipe Location: Underground Pipe Type: STAINLESS STEEL ALLOY Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: None Leak Detection: 39 Overfill Prot: Automatic Shut-Off, Catch Basin Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: 03/01/1999 Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: Not reported Test Method: USTest 2000 Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: 42|40|02 / 73|46|30

Tank Id: 4 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed-Removed Install Date: 19800501 Capacity (gals): 550 Product Stored: USED OIL Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: None

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Tank External: None Pipe Location: Underground Pipe Type: STAINLESS STEEL ALLOY Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: None Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: 12/01/1998 Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: 42|40|02 / 73|46|30

Tank Id: 5 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed-Removed Install Date: 19711001 Capacity (gals): 550 Product Stored: NOS 1,2, OR 4 FUEL OIL Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: None Tank External: None Pipe Location: Underground Pipe Type: GALVANIZED STEEL Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: None Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: 12/01/1998 Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: 42|40|02 / 73|46|30

AST: Region: STATE DEC Region: 4 Site Status: Active Facility Id: 4-088293 Program Type: PBS UTM X: 600369 UTM Y: 4724599 Expiration Date: 2012/03/24

Tank Number: 4 Tank Id: 50564

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Tank Location: 3 Tank Type: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Tank Status: In Service Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 12/1/1998 Capacity Gallons: 240 Tightness Test Method: NN Date Test: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: Not reported Register: True Modified By: rjschowe Last Modified: 7/17/2008

Tank Number: 5 Tank Id: 87814 Tank Location: 3 Tank Type: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Tank Status: In Service Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 12/1/1998 Capacity Gallons: 240 Tightness Test Method: NN Date Test: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: Not reported Register: True Modified By: rjschowe Last Modified: 7/17/2008

Affiliation Records: Site Id: 35641 Affiliation Type: Emergency Contact Company Name: GETTY PETROLEUM MARKETING INC Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: SCOTT HANLEY Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 999 Phone: (718) 324-5110 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: NRLOMBAR Date Last Modified: 3/2/2010

Site Id: 35641 Affiliation Type: Owner Company Name: GETTY PETROLEUM MARKETING INC Contact Type: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE FOR CLIENT Contact Name: MICHAEL CARR

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Address1: 1500 HEMPSTEAD TURNPIKE Address2: Not reported City: EAST MEADOW State: NY Zip Code: 11554 Country Code: 001 Phone: (516) 542-4900 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: LDGOMEZ Date Last Modified: 8/21/2009

Site Id: 35641 Affiliation Type: On-Site Operator Company Name: GETTY STATION NO. 58254 Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: JOHN SWEETER Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 371-4439 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: rjschowe Date Last Modified: 7/17/2008

Site Id: 35641 Affiliation Type: Mail Contact Company Name: GETTY PETROLEUM MARKETING INC Contact Type: ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE MANAGER Contact Name: SCOTT HANLEY Address1: 1500 HEMPSTEAD TURNPIKE Address2: Not reported City: EAST MEADOW State: NY Zip Code: 11554 Country Code: 001 Phone: (516) 542-4900 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: [email protected] Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: rjschowe Date Last Modified: 6/8/2010

Equipment Records: Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: I03 Code Name: Automatic Shut-Off Type: Overfill

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: E00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: I03 Code Name: Automatic Shut-Off Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: E00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: B04 Code Name: Fiberglass Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: H99 Code Name: Other Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: F07 Code Name: Retrofitted Sacrificial Anode Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: L09 Code Name: Exempt Suction Piping Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: D00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: J00 Code Name: None Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: D02 Code Name: Galvanized Steel Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: I04 Code Name: Product Level Gauge (A/G) Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: C00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: B01 Code Name: Painted/Asphalt Coating Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: L09 Code Name: Exempt Suction Piping Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: E00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: B04 Code Name: Fiberglass Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87070 Tank Number: 1-B Equipment: H99 Code Name: Other Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: G04 Code Name: Double-Walled (Underground) Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: H02

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Code Name: Interstitial - Manual Monitoring Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87071 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: D06 Code Name: Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87814 Tank Number: 5 Equipment: L00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: E00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: D00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: J00 Code Name: None Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: H02 Code Name: Interstitial - Manual Monitoring Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: B01 Code Name: Painted/Asphalt Coating Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: L00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: C00 Code Name: No Piping Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: D02 Code Name: Galvanized Steel Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4 Equipment: I04 Code Name: Product Level Gauge (A/G) Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: I00 Code Name: None Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: I00 Code Name: None Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: E00 Code Name: None Type: Piping Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87816 Tank Number: 5-A Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: L09 Code Name: Exempt Suction Piping Type: Piping Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: I03 Code Name: Automatic Shut-Off Type: Overfill

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: B04 Code Name: Fiberglass Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: H99 Code Name: Other Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: K01 Code Name: Catch Basin Type: Spill Prevention

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 50564 Tank Number: 4

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Equipment: G04 Code Name: Double-Walled (Underground) Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87069 Tank Number: 1-A Equipment: D06 Code Name: Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 35641 Tank Id Number: 87813 Tank Number: 4-A Equipment: D06 Code Name: Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Type: Pipe Type

NY Spills: Site ID: 273144 Facility Addr2: RT 5 Facility ID: 0314331 Spill Number: 0314331 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101 Investigator: jeyuchni Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 3/31/2004 Reported to Dept: 3/31/2004 CID: 21 Spill Cause: Equipment Failure Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Gasoline Station Spill Notifier: Other Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Std: False Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: True Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 6/9/2004 Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 3/31/2004 Spill Record Last Update: 3/14/2007 Spiller Name: MATTHEW DINAPOLI Spiller Company: METRO ENVIRONMENTAL GETTY Spiller Address: 4301 POST RD Spiller City,St,Zip: BRONX, NY 10466 Spiller Company: 001

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Contact Name: JOHN SWEETER Contact Phone: (518) 689-7611 DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 222287 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "YUCHNIEWICZ" PBS 4-088293; see 9811268, 0201680, 0201944, 0204397, 0312351, 0313822, 0313971, 0314331, 0408026, 0507661, 0511093, 0512494, 0515043, 0602241, 0602552, 0605474, 0612776, 0613369. 6/9/04 RECEIVED LETTER REPORT DETAILING THE SPILL AND THE REPAIRS MADE SHORTLY THEREAFTER. THE DISPENSERS 5 AND 6 WERE TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE SHORTAFTER BEING HIT BY A CAR ON FEBRUARY 5, 2004. LINE/TANK TESTING INDICATED LEAKS IN THE PRODUCT LINE. THE LINE WAS TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE AND REPAIRED ON MAY 17, 2004. ADDITIONALY, THE CHECK VALVE ASSOCIATED WITH THIS DISPENSER WAS REPAIRED. WORK TICKETS HAVE BEEN SUPPLIED BY TYREE. TYREE STATES THE GROUNDWATER WAS NOT IMPACTED BY THIS INCIDENT, HOWEVER, A VOC TREND ANALYSIS SHOWS DIFFERENTLY. THIS SPILL WILL BE CLOSED OUT AND HANDLED UNDER SPILL # 9811268. Remarks: Service order was reissued with Tyree Organization (maintenance company for all Getty Stations) due to problem on previous incident (refer to spill # 0312351). Mr. DiNapoli again did product line test and it failed. Material: Site ID: 273144 Operable Unit ID: 881135 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 495904 Material Code: 0009 Material Name: Gasoline Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

Site ID: 273143 Facility Addr2: RT 5 Facility ID: 0313971 Spill Number: 0313971 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101 Investigator: wtchrist

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 3/23/2004 Reported to Dept: 3/23/2004 CID: 21 Spill Cause: Human Error Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Gasoline Station Spill Notifier: Affected Persons Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Std: False Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: False Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 3/23/2004 Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 3/23/2004 Spill Record Last Update: 3/14/2007 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: GETTY #58254 Spiller Address: 409 CENTRAL AVE. Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, ZZ Spiller Company: 001 Contact Name: MIKE CARR Contact Phone: (518) 786-3200 223 DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 222287 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" 03/23/2004 - No DEC response. Minoe spill, clean up by station personal. Closed wtc PBS 4-088293; see 9811268, 0201680, 0201944, 0204397, 0312351, 0313822, 0313971, 0314331, 0408026, 0507661, 0511093, 0512494, 0515043, 0602241, 0602552, 0605474, 0612776, 0613369. Remarks: Customer drove off, spilling 1 quart of gasoline onto parking lot. Has since been cleaned up. Material: Site ID: 273143 Operable Unit ID: 880951 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 495559 Material Code: 0009 Material Name: Gasoline Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 1 Units: Gallons Recovered: Yes Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported

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GETTY #58254 (Continued) U003031108 Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access additional NY_SPILL: detail in the EDR Site Report.

28 SABATINOS QUAIL @ WESTERN HIST LTANKS S100132685 South QUAIL / WESTERN NY Spills N/A 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 0.203 mi. 1071 ft.

Relative: HIST LTANKS: Lower Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 8804204 Actual: Spill Date: 07/22/1988 203 ft. Spill Time: 12:00 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: Groundwater Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Not reported Spill Closed Dt: 08/12/88 Cleanup Ceased: 08/12/88 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: BLAIN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 07/22/88 Reported to Department Time: 12:01 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: TONY SABATINO Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (518) 436-7740 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: DEC PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / /

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SABATINOS QUAIL @ WESTERN (Continued) S100132685 UST Involvement: True Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: 08/30/88 Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 08/30/88 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 05/14/96 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 500 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: GASOLINE Class Type: GASOLINE Times Material Entry In File: 21329 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19940929 DEC Remarks: Not reported Spill Cause: OLD ABANDONED TANKS DISCOVERED WHEN EXCAVATING FOR NEW BLDG., RECOVERED MOST OF MATERIAL.

NY Spills: Site ID: 115070 Facility Addr2: Not reported Facility ID: 8804204 Spill Number: 8804204 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WEBLAIN Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 7/22/1988 Reported to Dept: 7/22/1988 CID: Not reported Spill Cause: Other Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Notifier: DEC Cleanup Ceased: 8/12/1988 Cleanup Meets Std: True Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: True Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 8/12/1988 Remediation Phase: 0

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SABATINOS QUAIL @ WESTERN (Continued) S100132685 Date Entered In Computer: 8/30/1988 Spill Record Last Update: 6/2/2008 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: TONY SABATINO Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: ZZ Spiller Company: 001 Contact Name: Not reported Contact Phone: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 100282 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "BLAIN" Remarks: OLD ABANDONED TANKS DISCOVERED WHEN EXCAVATING FOR NEW BLDG., RECOVERED MOST OF MATERIAL. Material: Site ID: 115070 Operable Unit ID: 921376 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 456156 Material Code: 0009 Material Name: Gasoline Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 500 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

F29 CENTRAL TOWERS APTS LTANKS U003312975 NNE 400 CENTRAL AVE HIST LTANKS N/A 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12206 UST 0.203 mi. HIST UST 1073 ft. Site 5 of 5 in cluster F

Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 75035 Spill No: 9804545 Actual: Spill Date: 7/10/1998 225 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Overfill Spill Source: Institutional, Educational, Gov., Other Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken.

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CENTRAL TOWERS APTS (Continued) U003312975 Spill Closed Dt: 3/31/2000 Facility Addr2: RT 5 Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 7/10/1998 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Responsible Party Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 7/10/1998 Spill Record Last Update: 8/4/2005 Spiller Name: DAVE STERN Spiller Company: CENTRAL TOWERS APTS Spiller Address: 400 CENTRAL AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: DAVE STERN Spiller Phone: (516) 732-0695 Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 70309 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" 3/31/00 - Received closure report from CentralTowers Apartments. Site meets standards.Tank was closed out by West Central Environmental on 3/4/98.Tank closed in place. wtc 08/04/05 - No further action letter sent July 19, 2005. wtc Remarks: soil around tank was tested and showed contaimination caller has spoken with tom sperbeck from dec tank is to be filled in

Material: Site ID: 75035 Operable Unit ID: 1062451 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 319265 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

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CENTRAL TOWERS APTS (Continued) U003312975 Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9804545 Spill Date: 07/10/1998 Spill Time: 09:00 Spill Cause: Tank Overfill Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Non Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 03/31/00 Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Standard: False Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 07/10/98 Reported to Department Time: 15:34 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: DAVE STERN Spiller Phone: (516) 732-0695 Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: CENTRAL TOWERS APTS Spiller Address: 400 CENTRAL AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: DAVE STERN Facility Phone: (516) 732-0695 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Responsible Party PBS Number: 4-600578 Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 07/10/98 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 03/31/00 Is Updated: False

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CENTRAL TOWERS APTS (Continued) U003312975

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: 3/31/00 - Received closure report from CentralTowers Apartments. Site meets standards.Tank was closed out be West Central Environmental on 3/4/98.Tank closed in place. Spill Cause: soil around tank was tested and showed contaimination caller has spoken with tom sperbeck from dec tank is to be filled in

UST: Facility Id: 4-600578 Region: STATE DEC Region: 4 Site Status: Unregulated Program Type: PBS Expiration Date: N/A UTM X: 600325 UTM Y: 4724649 Site ID: 37911

Tank Number: 1 Tank ID: 97470 Tank Status: Closed - In Place Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: Not reported Capacity Gallons: 25000 Tightness Test Method: NN Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 8/1/1998 Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Date Test: Not reported Register: True Modified By: TRANSLAT Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Affiliation Records: Site Id: 37911

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CENTRAL TOWERS APTS (Continued) U003312975 Affiliation Type: Owner Company Name: CENTRAL TOWERS CO. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: Not reported Address1: 400 CENTRAL AVE Address2: Not reported City: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code: 12206 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 438-6834 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 37911 Affiliation Type: Mail Contact Company Name: ESCO ASSOCIATES CORP. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: DAVE STERN Address1: P.O. BOX 145 Address2: Not reported City: CORAM State: NY Zip Code: 11727 Country Code: 001 Phone: (516) 732-0695 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 37911 Affiliation Type: On-Site Operator Company Name: CENTRAL TOWERS APTS Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: CHARLES GRESSLER Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 438-6834 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 37911 Affiliation Type: Emergency Contact Company Name: CENTRAL TOWERS CO. Contact Type: Not reported

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CENTRAL TOWERS APTS (Continued) U003312975 Contact Name: CHARLES GRESSLER Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 438-6834 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Equipment Records: Site Id: 37911 Tank Id Number: 97470 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 37911 Tank Id Number: 97470 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 37911 Tank Id Number: 97470 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 37911 Tank Id Number: 97470 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 37911 Tank Id Number: 97470 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 37911 Tank Id Number: 97470 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

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CENTRAL TOWERS APTS (Continued) U003312975 Site Id: 37911 Tank Id Number: 97470 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: D01 Code Name: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 37911 Tank Id Number: 97470 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 37911 Tank Id Number: 97470 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: I05 Code Name: Vent Whistle Type: Overfill

HIST UST: PBS Number: 4-600578 SPDES Number: Not reported Emergency Contact: CHARLES GRESSLER Emergency Telephone: (518) 438-6834 Operator: CHARLES GRESSLER Operator Telephone: (518) 438-6834 Owner Name: CENTRAL TOWERS CO. Owner Address: 400 CENTRAL AVE Owner City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12206 Owner Telephone: (518) 438-6834 Owner Type: Corporate/Commercial Owner Subtype: Not reported Mailing Name: ESCO ASSOCIATES CORP. Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 145 Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City,St,Zip: CORAM, NY 11727 Mailing Contact: DAVE STERN Mailing Telephone: (516) 732-0695 Owner Mark: First Owner Facility Status: 2 - Unregulated by PBS (the total capacity is less than 1,101 gallons) and Subpart 360-14. Facility Addr2: Not reported SWIS ID: 0101 Old PBS Number: Not reported Facility Type: APARTMENT BUILDING Inspected Date: Not reported Inspector: Not reported Inspection Result: Not reported Federal ID: Not reported Certification Flag: False Certification Date: 06/26/1998 Expiration Date: 06/26/2003 Renew Flag: False Renewal Date: Not reported Total Capacity: 0

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CENTRAL TOWERS APTS (Continued) U003312975 FAMT: True Facility Screen: No Missing Data Owner Screen: No Missing Data Tank Screen: 0 Dead Letter: False CBS Number: Not reported Town or City: ALBANY (C) County Code: 01 Town or City: 01 Region: 4

Tank Id: 1 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed-In Place Install Date: Not reported Capacity (gals): 25000 Product Stored: NOS 1,2, OR 4 FUEL OIL Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: None Tank External: None Pipe Location: Underground Pipe Type: STEEL/IRON Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: Vent Whistle Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: 08/01/1998 Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: Not reported

30 FLEET BANK UST U003178701 ENE 339 CENTRAL AVE HIST UST N/A 1/8-1/4 ALBANY, NY 12206 0.211 mi. 1114 ft.

Relative: UST: Higher Facility Id: 4-600488 Region: STATE Actual: DEC Region: 4 225 ft. Site Status: Unregulated Program Type: PBS Expiration Date: N/A UTM X: 600526 UTM Y: 4724424 Site ID: 37822

Tank Number: 1 Tank ID: 96695 Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported

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FLEET BANK (Continued) U003178701 Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: Not reported Capacity Gallons: 5000 Tightness Test Method: NN Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 7/1/1996 Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Date Test: Not reported Register: True Modified By: TRANSLAT Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Affiliation Records: Site Id: 37822 Affiliation Type: Mail Contact Company Name: FLEET FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: DAVID V. HOWE Address1: 1 FEDERAL STREET Address2: Not reported City: BOSTON State: MA Zip Code: 02211 Country Code: 001 Phone: (617) 346-0420 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 37822 Affiliation Type: Owner Company Name: FLEET FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: Not reported Address1: 1 FEDERAL STREET Address2: Not reported City: BOSTON State: MA Zip Code: 02211 Country Code: 001 Phone: (617) 346-0420 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 37822 Affiliation Type: Emergency Contact Company Name: FLEET FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: FLEET BANK Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported

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FLEET BANK (Continued) U003178701 City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (617) 346-0420 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 37822 Affiliation Type: On-Site Operator Company Name: FLEET BANK Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: FLEET BANK Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (617) 346-0420 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Equipment Records: Site Id: 37822 Tank Id Number: 96695 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 37822 Tank Id Number: 96695 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 37822 Tank Id Number: 96695 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: D01 Code Name: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 37822 Tank Id Number: 96695 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: I00 Code Name: None Type: Overfill

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FLEET BANK (Continued) U003178701 Site Id: 37822 Tank Id Number: 96695 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 37822 Tank Id Number: 96695 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 37822 Tank Id Number: 96695 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 37822 Tank Id Number: 96695 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 37822 Tank Id Number: 96695 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

HIST UST: PBS Number: 4-600488 SPDES Number: Not reported Emergency Contact: FLEET BANK Emergency Telephone: (617) 346-0420 Operator: FLEET BANK Operator Telephone: (617) 346-0420 Owner Name: FLEET FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. Owner Address: 1 FEDERAL STREET Owner City,St,Zip: BOSTON, MA 02211 Owner Telephone: (617) 346-0420 Owner Type: Corporate/Commercial Owner Subtype: Not reported Mailing Name: FLEET FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. Mailing Address: 1 FEDERAL STREET Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City,St,Zip: BOSTON, MA 02211 Mailing Contact: DAVID V. HOWE Mailing Telephone: (617) 346-0420 Owner Mark: First Owner Facility Status: 2 - Unregulated by PBS (the total capacity is less than 1,101 gallons) and Subpart 360-14.

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FLEET BANK (Continued) U003178701 Facility Addr2: Not reported SWIS ID: 0101 Old PBS Number: Not reported Facility Type: OTHER Inspected Date: Not reported Inspector: Not reported Inspection Result: Not reported Federal ID: Not reported Certification Flag: False Certification Date: 02/20/1997 Expiration Date: 02/20/2002 Renew Flag: False Renewal Date: Not reported Total Capacity: 0 FAMT: True Facility Screen: No Missing Data Owner Screen: Minor Data Missing Tank Screen: 0 Dead Letter: False CBS Number: Not reported Town or City: ALBANY (C) County Code: 01 Town or City: 01 Region: 4

Tank Id: 1 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed-Removed Install Date: Not reported Capacity (gals): 5000 Product Stored: NOS 1,2, OR 4 FUEL OIL Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: None Tank External: None Pipe Location: Underground Pipe Type: STEEL/IRON Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: None Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: 07/01/1996 Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: Not reported

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Relative: LTANKS: Lower Site ID: 117048 Spill No: 9107580 Actual: Spill Date: 10/16/1991 213 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Overfill Spill Source: Tank Truck Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 1/6/1992 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 1/6/1992 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 10/16/1991 CID: Not reported Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Affected Persons Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 10/21/1991 Spill Record Last Update: 8/28/2002 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: HESS @ SUNYA Spiller Address: PORT OF ALBANY Spiller City,St,Zip: ZZ Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 101830 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" 8808002, 8911680, 9000055, 9012627, 9301107, 9505163, 9801770, 0205580 ALUMNI QUAD, "224 ONTARIO St" Remarks: HESS OVERFILLED TANK, CLEAN HARBORS TO CLEAN. WTC ON SITE.

Material: Site ID: 117048 Operable Unit ID: 958027 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 419777 Material Code: 0002 Material Name: #4 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 100 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported

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SUNYA PIERCE HALL ONTARIO (Continued) S102675746 Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9107580 Spill Date: 10/16/1991 Spill Time: 05:00 Spill Cause: Tank Overfill Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Tank Truck Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 01/06/92 Cleanup Ceased: 01/06/92 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 10/16/91 Reported to Department Time: 07:49 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: HESS @ SUNYA Spiller Address: PORT OF ALBANY Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: Not reported Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Affected Persons PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / /

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SUNYA PIERCE HALL ONTARIO (Continued) S102675746 Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 10/21/91 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 06/14/99 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 100 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #4 FUEL OIL Class Type: #4 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 1751 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941205 DEC Remarks: 8911680 Spill Cause: HESS OVERFILLED TANK, CLEAN HARBORS TO CLEAN. WTC ON SITE.

32 CON ED - MH 4635 RCRA-NonGen 1007205270 South NOSTRAND AVE & EASTERN PKY MANIFEST NYP000928408 1/8-1/4 BROOKLYN, NY 11225 0.230 mi. 1217 ft.

Relative: RCRA-NonGen: Lower Date form received by agency: 02/28/1998 Facility name: CON ED - MH 4635 Actual: Facility address: NOSTRAND AVE & EASTERN PKY 204 ft. BROOKLYN, NY 112250000 EPA ID: NYP000928408 Mailing address: CONSOLIDATED EDISON INC 4 IRVING PL - ROOM 300 NEW YORK, NY 100030000 Contact: ANTHONY DRUMMINGS Contact address: CONSOLIDATED EDISON INC NEW YORK, NY 100030000 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (212) 460-3770 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 02 Classification: Non-Generator Description: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste

Handler accessibilty indicator: Transferred to the program or state equivalent.

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CON ED - MH 4635 (Continued) 1007205270

Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: Unknown Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Unknown Recycler of hazardous waste: Unknown Transporter of hazardous waste: Unknown Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: Unknown On-site burner exemption: Unknown Furnace exemption: Unknown Used oil fuel burner: Unknown Used oil processor: Unknown User oil refiner: Unknown Used oil fuel marketer to burner: Unknown Used oil Specification marketer: Unknown Used oil transfer facility: Unknown Used oil transporter: Unknown Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 02/27/1998 Facility name: CON ED - MH 4635 Classification: Not a generator, verified

Date form received by agency: 02/26/1998 Facility name: CON ED - MH 4635 Classification: Large Quantity Generator

Violation Status: No violations found NY MANIFEST: EPA ID: NYP000928408 Country: USA Mailing Name: NYNEX Mailing Contact: THOMAS R TOBIA Mailing Address: 221 EAST 37TH STREET 14TH FL Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City: NEW YORK Mailing State: NY Mailing Zip: 10016 Mailing Zip4: Not reported Mailing Country: USA Mailing Phone: 212-395-6740

Document ID: NJA2630925 Manifest Status: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DEC Trans1 State ID: S50060 Trans2 State ID: S50060 Generator Ship Date: 960905 Trans1 Recv Date: 960905 Trans2 Recv Date: 960910 TSD Site Recv Date: 960911 Part A Recv Date: 960916 Part B Recv Date: 961001 Generator EPA ID: NYP000928408 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD980761191 Trans2 EPA ID: NYD980761191

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CON ED - MH 4635 (Continued) 1007205270 TSDF ID: NJD002200046 Waste Code: D008 - LEAD 5.0 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00495 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 009 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 96 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG0123453 Manifest Status: Completed copy Trans1 State ID: 80680AE Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 970307 Trans1 Recv Date: 970307 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 970310 Part A Recv Date: 970324 Part B Recv Date: 970327 Generator EPA ID: NYP000928408 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD006982359 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD077444263 Waste Code: B007 - OTHER MISCELLANEOUS PCB WASTES Quantity: 00002 Units: Y - Cubic yards* (.85 tons) Number of Containers: 005 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 97 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

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33 LASALLE INSTITUTE LTANKS S100134650 WSW 319 WESTERN AVE HIST LTANKS N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.254 mi. 1341 ft.

Relative: LTANKS: Lower Site ID: 112698 Spill No: 8703402 Actual: Spill Date: 7/27/1987 215 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Spill Source: Institutional, Educational, Gov., Other Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 9/28/1987 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 9/28/1987 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WEBLAIN Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 7/27/1987 CID: Not reported Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 7/30/1987 Spill Record Last Update: 8/10/2009 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: LASALLE INSTITUTE Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: ZZ Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 98433 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "BLAIN" 9906426; PBS 4-163228? Remarks: 10K SYSTEM - UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST - HOLE IN TOP OF TANK. MAIN CARE WILL PUMP OUT TANK AND REPLACE

Material: Site ID: 112698 Operable Unit ID: 907290 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 469640 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported

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LASALLE INSTITUTE (Continued) S100134650 Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: 112698 Spill Tank Test: 1531202 Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: 00 Leak Rate: 0 Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Spills Last Modified: 10/1/2004 Test Method: Unknown

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 8703402 Spill Date: 07/27/1987 Spill Time: 10:30 Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Resource Affectd: Groundwater Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Non Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 09/28/87 Cleanup Ceased: 09/28/87 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: BLAIN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 07/27/87 Reported to Department Time: 11:00 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: LASALLE INSTITUTE Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (489) 473- Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester PBS Number: 4-163228 Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / /

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LASALLE INSTITUTE (Continued) S100134650 Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 07/30/87 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 08/31/99 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: 0.00 Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: 9906426 Spill Cause: 10K SYSTEM - UNABLE TO COMPLETE TEST - HOLE IN TOP OF TANK. MAIN CARE WILL PUMP OUT TANK AND REPLACE

34 MILDRED ELLY BUS SCHOOL LTANKS S101508674 South 227 QUAIL ST HIST LTANKS N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.271 mi. 1431 ft.

Relative: LTANKS: Lower Site ID: 128633 Spill No: 9416553 Actual: Spill Date: 2/1/1994 212 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Institutional, Educational, Gov., Other Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Highly Improbable) Spill Closed Dt: 4/12/1995 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 3/22/1995 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 3/22/1995 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other

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MILDRED ELLY BUS SCHOOL (Continued) S101508674 Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 12/2/2003 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: FAITH TAKES Spiller Address: 2 COMPUTER DR S Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12205 Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 110960 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" Remarks: 1K UGT TAKING ON WATER; EVENTUAL REPLACEMENT? TO BE TAKEN OUT OF SERV & REPLACED BY 275 CELLAR AGT, WTC ADVISED REMOVAL OF TANK.

Material: Site ID: 128633 Operable Unit ID: 1013711 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 371706 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Not reported Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9416553 Spill Date: 02/01/1994 Spill Time: 12:00 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land

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MILDRED ELLY BUS SCHOOL (Continued) S101508674 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Non Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Highly Improbable) Spill Closed Dt: 04/12/95 Cleanup Ceased: 03/22/95 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 03/22/95 Reported to Department Time: 13:27 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: FAITH TAKES Spiller Address: 2 COMPUTER DR S Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY 12205 Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (518) 446-0595 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 04/12/95 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: / / Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Not reported Quantity Recovered: 0

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MILDRED ELLY BUS SCHOOL (Continued) S101508674 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: True Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: Not reported Spill Cause: 1K UGT TAKING ON WATER; EVENTUAL REPLACEMENT? TO BE TAKEN OUT OF SERV REPLACED BY 275 CELLAR AGT, WTC ADVISED REMOVAL OF TANK.

35 SCHOOL #21 CLINTON AVE LTANKS S104191396 NE 666 CLINTON AVE HIST LTANKS N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.287 mi. 1514 ft.

Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 70624 Spill No: 9904063 Actual: Spill Date: 7/7/1999 235 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Overfill Spill Source: Institutional, Educational, Gov., Other Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 1/27/2000 Facility Addr2: SCHOOL#21 Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: False SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 7/7/1999 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 7/7/1999 Spill Record Last Update: 9/4/2003 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: ALBANY CITY SCHOOLS #21 Spiller Address: 666 CLINTON AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12207- Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 66990 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" 1/27/00 - 1 - 10k fuel oil tank removed. 300 cubic yards of contaminated soil removed to CWA. Some contaminated soil remains near building foundation. Site closed, does not meet standards, no further work required at this time. Remarks: CALLER REPORTING THAT THEY ARE PULLING TANKS AND FOUND CONTAMINATED SOIL. TANK HAS BEEN PUMPED OUT AND CLEAN UP TO OCCUR LATER THIS DATE.

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SCHOOL #21 CLINTON AVE (Continued) S104191396

Material: Site ID: 70624 Operable Unit ID: 1078493 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 303957 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9904063 Spill Date: 07/07/1999 Spill Time: 11:50 Spill Cause: Tank Overfill Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Non Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 01/27/00 Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Standard: False Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 07/07/99 Reported to Department Time: 12:58 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported

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SCHOOL #21 CLINTON AVE (Continued) S104191396 Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: ALBANY CITY SCHOOLS #21 Spiller Address: 666 CLINTON AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12207- Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: Not reported Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: 4-162760 Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 07/07/99 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 01/27/00 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: 1/27/00 - 1 - 10k fuel oil tank removed. 300 cubic yards of contaminated soil removed to CWA. Some contaminated soil remains near building foundation. Site closed, does not meet standards, no further work required at this time. Spill Cause: CALLER REPORTING THAT THEY ARE PULLING TANKS AND FOUND CONTAMINATED SOIL. TANK HAS BEEN PUMPED OUT AND CLEAN UP TO OCCUR LATER THIS DATE.

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36 OFFICE BLDG N. LAKE LTANKS S107658784 SE 116 N. LAKE AVE N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 12203 0.290 mi. 1530 ft.

Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 361066 Spill No: 0514364 Actual: Spill Date: 3/15/2006 224 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 3/16/2006 Facility Addr2: OFFICE BUILDING 116 NORTH LAKE AVE Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: False SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 3/15/2006 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 3/16/2006 Spill Record Last Update: 8/22/2006 Spiller Name: JIM MILLER Spiller Company: OFFICE BUILDING Spiller Address: 116 NORTH LAKE AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: JIM MILLER Spiller Phone: (518) 796-7298 Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 311263 DEC Memo: 03/16/06 - No Dec response. wtc 8/17/06 - Closure report received on 8/7/06. Site meets TAGMS 4046. Closed wtc Remarks: ABOUT 4 YARDS OF CONTAMINATED SOIL THAT HAS BEEN CLEANED UP.

Material: Site ID: 361066 Operable Unit ID: 1118165 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 2108682 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: Not reported Units: Gallons Recovered: Yes Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

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OFFICE BLDG N. LAKE (Continued) S107658784

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

37 ALBANY CITY SCHOOL MAINT LTANKS S100134946 East 270 CENTRAL AVE HIST LTANKS N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.299 mi. 1579 ft.

Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 285422 Spill No: 8708002 Actual: Spill Date: 12/15/1987 228 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Spill Source: Institutional, Educational, Gov., Other Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 9/26/1988 Facility Addr2: RT 5 Cleanup Ceased: 9/26/1988 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WEBLAIN Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 12/15/1987 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 12/24/1987 Spill Record Last Update: 11/17/2003 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: ALBANY CITY SCHOOL MAINT Spiller Address: 270 CENTRAL AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, ZZ Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 231445 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "BLAIN" 04/25/88: RETESTED 4/21, 2K UGT FAILED AGAIN. BLAIN & MCDONALD INVESTIGATORS.

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Material: Site ID: 285422 Operable Unit ID: 913589 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 463400 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: 285422 Spill Tank Test: 1532689 Tank Number: 001 Tank Size: 0 Test Method: 00 Leak Rate: 0 Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Spills Last Modified: 10/1/2004 Test Method: Unknown

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 8708002 Spill Date: 12/15/1987 Spill Time: 18:00 Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Resource Affectd: Groundwater Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Non Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 09/26/88 Cleanup Ceased: 09/26/88 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: BLAIN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 12/15/87

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ALBANY CITY SCHOOL MAINT (Continued) S100134946 Reported to Department Time: 21:19 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: ALBANY CITY SCHOOL MAINT Spiller Address: 270 CENTRAL AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: Not reported Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester PBS Number: 4-162701 Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 12/24/87 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 03/30/98 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: 001 Tank Size: 0 Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: 0.00 Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: 04/25/88: RETESTED 4/21, 2K UGT FAILED AGAIN. BLAIN MCDONALD INVESTIGATORS. Spill Cause: 2K UGT FAILED AT UNREADABLE RATE. WILL ISOLATE AND RETEST. 9/26/88 WANTS TO ABANDON PBS 162604. CONTAMINATION FOUND. SCHOOL HIRED DOMERMUTH TO DO CLEANUP, RECOVERY WELL.TO ABANDON TK IN PLACE 9/26/88

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Relative: LTANKS: Equal Site ID: 187223 Spill No: 8708119 Actual: Spill Date: 12/18/1987 220 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Spill Source: Institutional, Educational, Gov., Other Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Minimal Occurrence) Spill Closed Dt: 10/17/1988 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 4/14/1988 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WEBLAIN Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 12/18/1987 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester Last Inspection: 7/28/1988 Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 2/25/1988 Spill Record Last Update: 8/4/1999 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: ALBANY CITY SCHOOL SCHUYLER Spiller Address: 141 WESTERN AVE. Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller County: 999 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 156434 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "BLAIN" SEE 9212772, 9904764. Remarks: 20K FAILED AT -.1812GPH, RETEST, CONTACT JOE MCELROE. PASSED RETEST 4/14/88.

Material: Site ID: 187223 Operable Unit ID: 912613 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 463515 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported

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PHILIP SCHUYLER ELEMENTAR (Continued) S100494753 Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: 187223 Spill Tank Test: 1532749 Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: 00 Leak Rate: 0 Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Spills Last Modified: 10/1/2004 Test Method: Unknown

Site ID: 187224 Spill No: 9212772 Spill Date: 2/11/1993 Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Spill Source: Institutional, Educational, Gov., Other Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Minimal Occurrence) Spill Closed Dt: 3/9/1993 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 2/12/1993 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 2/11/1993 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 3/9/1993 Spill Record Last Update: 8/4/1999 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: ALBANY CITY SCHOOL SCHUYLER Spiller Address: 141 WESTERN AV Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, ZZ Spiller County: 999 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 156434 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN/SPERBECK" SEE 8708119, 9904764. Remarks: 15K UGT FAILED HORNER @ GROSS RATE. 2/12-REPAIRED LOOSE GAUGE LINE, PASSED RETEST.

Material: Site ID: 187224

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PHILIP SCHUYLER ELEMENTAR (Continued) S100494753 Operable Unit ID: 977169 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 402602 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: 187224 Spill Tank Test: 1541166 Tank Number: 0 Tank Size: 15000 Test Method: 03 Leak Rate: 0 Gross Fail: F Modified By: Spills Last Modified: 10/1/2004 Test Method: Horner EZ Check I or II

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 8708119 Spill Date: 12/18/1987 Spill Time: 13:00 Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Resource Affectd: Groundwater Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Non Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Minimal Occurrence) Spill Closed Dt: 10/17/88 Cleanup Ceased: 04/14/88 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: BLAIN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 12/18/87 Reported to Department Time: 22:40 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: ALBANY CITY SCHOOL SCHUYL

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PHILIP SCHUYLER ELEMENTAR (Continued) S100494753 Spiller Address: 141 WESTERN AVE. Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (518) 462-7324 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester PBS Number: 4-162612 Last Inspection: 07/28/88 Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 02/25/88 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 08/04/99 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: 0.00 Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: SEE 9212772, 9904764. Spill Cause: 20K FAILED AT -.1812GPH, RETEST, CONTACT JOE MCELROE. PASSED RETEST 4/14/88.

Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9904764 Spill Date: 07/21/1999 Spill Time: 13:30 Spill Cause: Tank Overfill Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Non Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 01/27/00 Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Standard: False Investigator: CHRISTENSEN

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PHILIP SCHUYLER ELEMENTAR (Continued) S100494753 Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 07/21/99 Reported to Department Time: 14:06 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: CALLER Spiller Phone: (518) 266-0542 Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: ALBANY CITY SCHOOL SCHUYL Spiller Address: 141 WESTERN AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: JOAN MCELROY Facility Phone: (518) 462-7324 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: 4-162612 Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 07/21/99 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 01/27/00 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: 8708119, 9212772 1/27/00 - 1 - 15k fuel oil tank removed. 150 cubic yards of contaminated soil removed to CWA. Soil samples meet NYS Stars Soil Standards.

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PHILIP SCHUYLER ELEMENTAR (Continued) S100494753 Spill Cause: caller reports they were there to pull the tank and found contamination from overfill.

Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9212772 Spill Date: 02/11/1993 Spill Time: 15:00 Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Non Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Minimal Occurrence) Spill Closed Dt: 03/09/93 Cleanup Ceased: 02/12/93 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: CHRISTENSEN/SPERBECK Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 02/11/93 Reported to Department Time: 15:20 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: ALBANY CITY SCHOOL SCHUYL Spiller Address: 141 WESTERN AV Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (518) 462-7312 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester PBS Number: 4-162612 Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 03/09/93 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 08/04/99 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: 0 Tank Size: 15000 Test Method: Horner EZ Check

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PHILIP SCHUYLER ELEMENTAR (Continued) S100494753 Leak Rate Failed Tank: 0.00 Gross Leak Rate: Gross Leak Rate Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: SEE 8708119, 9904764. Spill Cause: 15K UGT FAILED HORNER @ GROSS RATE. 2/12-REPAIRED LOOSE GAUGE LINE, PASSED RETEST.

39 FREEDMAN RES HUDSON AVE LTANKS S106971501 South 414 HUDSON AVE N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 12207 0.323 mi. 1707 ft.

Relative: LTANKS: Lower Site ID: 333296 Spill No: 0408539 Actual: Spill Date: 11/3/2004 207 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Private Dwelling Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Highly Improbable) Spill Closed Dt: 12/7/2004 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 11/3/2004 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 11/3/2004 Spill Record Last Update: 4/1/2005 Spiller Name: GLEN FREEDMAN Spiller Company: FREEDMAN RESIDENCE Spiller Address: 414 HUDSON AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: GLEN FREEDMAN Spiller Phone: (518) 229-6236 Spiller Extention: Not reported

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FREEDMAN RES HUDSON AVE (Continued) S106971501 DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 268539 DEC Memo: 12-07-2004 - Received closure report from Albany Tank Services. Analytical results show soil met TAGMs 4046. Closed wtc Remarks: SLIGHT ODOR IN THE SOIL UNDER THE TANK: BUT NO PRODUCT:

Material: Site ID: 333296 Operable Unit ID: 1095457 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 575594 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: Not reported Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported


Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 179546 Spill No: 8801280 Actual: Spill Date: 5/11/1988 226 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Overfill Spill Source: Tank Truck Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 6/15/1988 Facility Addr2: SUNYA Cleanup Ceased: 5/11/1988 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WEBLAIN Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 5/11/1988 CID: 21

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SUNYA RICHARDS CARMAN (Continued) S103939367 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Responsible Party Last Inspection: 5/11/1988 Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 6/15/1988 Spill Record Last Update: 8/28/2002 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: CARMAN @ SUNYA DOWNTOWN Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: ZZ Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 150681 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "BLAIN" ORIGINAL Rpt SAID "RICHARDS HALL", PROBABLY RICHARDSON AT DOWNTOWN CAMPUS (8/02 PNB) Remarks: CONTAINED ON BLACKTOP W/SORBENT & BOOM, SURFACE DRAIN W/I 30’, NO DEC RESPONSE.

Material: Site ID: 179546 Operable Unit ID: 916755 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 460427 Material Code: 0002 Material Name: #4 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 20 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 8801280 Spill Date: 05/11/1988

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SUNYA RICHARDS CARMAN (Continued) S103939367 Spill Time: 10:00 Spill Cause: Tank Overfill Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Tank Truck Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 06/15/88 Cleanup Ceased: 05/11/88 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: BLAIN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 05/11/88 Reported to Department Time: 10:37 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: CARMAN TRUCKING @ SUNYA Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: Not reported Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Responsible Party PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: 05/11/88 Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 06/15/88 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 06/14/99 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 20

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SUNYA RICHARDS CARMAN (Continued) S103939367 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #4 FUEL OIL Class Type: #4 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 1751 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941205 DEC Remarks: Not reported Spill Cause: CONTAINED ON BLACKTOP W/SORBENT BOOM, SURFACE DRAIN W/I 30 , NO DEC RESPONSE.

41 MOBIL CLINTON AVE LTANKS S103824535 ENE 615 CLINTON AVE HIST LTANKS N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY NY Spills 0.339 mi. NY Hist Spills 1790 ft.

Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 219597 Spill No: 8603044 Actual: Spill Date: 8/6/1986 230 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Spill Source: Gasoline Station Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Highly Improbable) Spill Closed Dt: 8/7/1986 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 8/7/1986 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: LENO Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 8/6/1986 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: True Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 8/8/1986 Spill Record Last Update: 3/18/2009 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: MOBIL OIL Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, ZZ Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 181612 DEC Memo: PBS 4-132446; SEE 8602781, 8603044, 8908882, 9203572, 0506449 3/11/09 - FOIL 09/064 (& duplicate 09/082) Remarks: SOURCE: TWO U/G TANKS; .1404 GAL/HR AND .1265 GAL/HR

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MOBIL CLINTON AVE (Continued) S103824535

Material: Site ID: 219597 Operable Unit ID: 899940 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 571073 Material Code: 0009 Material Name: Gasoline Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: 219597 Spill Tank Test: 1530109 Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: 00 Leak Rate: 0 Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Spills Last Modified: 10/1/2004 Test Method: Unknown

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 8603044 Spill Date: 08/06/1986 Spill Time: 17:15 Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Resource Affectd: Groundwater Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Gas Station Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Highly Improbable) Spill Closed Dt: 08/07/86 Cleanup Ceased: 08/07/86 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: LENO Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 08/06/86 Reported to Department Time: 19:01 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported

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MOBIL CLINTON AVE (Continued) S103824535 Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: MOBIL OIL Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (518) 462-4929 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: True Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 08/08/86 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 03/30/99 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: 0.00 Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: GASOLINE Class Type: GASOLINE Times Material Entry In File: 21329 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19940929 DEC Remarks: / / : WILL ISOLATE AND RETEST CALLER - BOB AZYNSKI/VALLEY EQUIP/518-374-6755-NO ACTION TAKEN BY REGION. Spill Cause: SOURCE: TWO U/G TANKS; .1404 GAL/HR AND .1265 GAL/HR

NY Spills: Site ID: 351671 Facility Addr2: EXXON MOBIL #13187 Facility ID: 0506449 Spill Number: 0506449 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101 Investigator: AJKOKOCK Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 8/25/2005 Reported to Dept: 8/25/2005

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MOBIL CLINTON AVE (Continued) S103824535 CID: 21 Spill Cause: Other Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Gasoline Station Spill Notifier: Other Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Std: False Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: False Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 2/5/2009 Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 8/25/2005 Spill Record Last Update: 3/18/2009 Spiller Name: KURT GOOD Spiller Company: EXXON MOBIL #13187 Spiller Address: 615 CLINTON AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller Company: 999 Contact Name: KURT GOOD Contact Phone: (610) 596-4790 DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 338670 DEC Memo: See Edocs; PBS 4-132446; SEE 8602781, 8603044, 8908882, 9203572. 9/27/06 - Edoc CD to Foil, 06/413. 2009-02-05 The Department received Site Status Report dated 2008-10-11. The report provided groundwater sampling data that indicated very low residual petroleum contamination remains on site. The off site down gradient well showed no off site impact had occurred. The entire site was ecavated and the existing petroleum bulk storage tanks were removed and upgraded. Based on the final report prepared by Klienfelder site remediation has been completed. No further action is required by the Department. 3/11/09 - FOIL 09/064 (& duplicate 09/082) Remarks: WHILE DRILLING FOR MONIYTORING WEEL DURING SITE ASSMENT Material: Site ID: 351671 Operable Unit ID: 1109170 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 2099160 Material Code: 0009 Material Name: Gasoline Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: Not reported Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported

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MOBIL CLINTON AVE (Continued) S103824535 Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

Site ID: 219599 Facility Addr2: Not reported Facility ID: 9203572 Spill Number: 9203572 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101 Investigator: MCCULLOUCH Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 6/25/1992 Reported to Dept: 6/25/1992 CID: 21 Spill Cause: Unknown Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Gasoline Station Spill Notifier: Other Cleanup Ceased: 4/5/1993 Cleanup Meets Std: True Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: False Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 4/5/1993 Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 6/30/1992 Spill Record Last Update: 3/18/2009 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: MOBIL ASLAM SHOHAD Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: ZZ Spiller Company: 001 Contact Name: Not reported Contact Phone: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 181612 DEC Memo: PBS 4-132446; SEE 8602781, 8603044, 8908882, 9203572, 0506449 3/11/09 - FOIL 09/064 (& duplicate 09/082) Remarks: FOUND CONT. SOIL WHILE REPLACING LIFTS; NOT HYD OIL, DIES OR KERO ODOR; STOCKPILING SOIL.9/16/92-SOIL EXCAVATED & STOCKPILED. SAMPLED FOR 624,625,METALS - NEGATIVE. Material: Site ID: 219599 Operable Unit ID: 967393 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 411363 Material Code: 0064A Material Name: UNKNOWN MATERIAL Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Other

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MOBIL CLINTON AVE (Continued) S103824535 Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access additional NY_SPILL: detail in the EDR Site Report.

NY Hist Spills: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 8908882 Investigator: SPERBECK Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Spill Date/Time: 12/06/1989 08:00 Reported to Dept Date/Time: 12/06/89 09:00 SWIS: 01 Spiller Name: MOBIL Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spill Cause: Unknown Reported to Dept: Groundwater Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: 05 Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: 4-132446 Cleanup Ceased: 01/09/90 Cleanup Meets Std: True Last Inspection: 01/09/90 Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Spiller Cleanup Dt: / / Enforcement Date: / / Invstgn Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken.

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MOBIL CLINTON AVE (Continued) S103824535 Spill Closed Dt: 01/11/90 Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 01/11/90 Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Update Date: 07/08/99 Is Updated: False Tank: PBS Number: 7-389544 Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: 0.00 Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: WASTE OIL Class Type: WASTE OIL Times Material Entry In File: 9509 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19940927 DEC Remarks: Not reported Remark: REMOVING TANK, FOUND CONT. SOIL. 12/8,15:00-SPERBECK ON SITE, PRODUCT ON GW. 12/11,9:00-WELL CHECKED, SHEEN ON WATER. 1/9-SPERBECK FOUND NO FREE PRODUCT IN WELL, CONT. SOIL REMOVED. CLEAN-UP COMPLET

Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9203572 Investigator: MCCULLOUCH Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Spill Date/Time: 06/25/1992 16:00 Reported to Dept Date/Time: 06/25/92 16:46 SWIS: 01 Spiller Name: MOBIL ASLAM SHOHAD Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: (518) 462-4929 Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spill Cause: Unknown Reported to Dept: On Land Water Affected: GROUNDWATER Spill Source: 05 Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 04/05/93 Cleanup Meets Std: True

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MOBIL CLINTON AVE (Continued) S103824535 Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Spiller Cleanup Dt: / / Enforcement Date: / / Invstgn Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 04/05/93 Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 06/30/92 Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Update Date: 07/08/99 Is Updated: False Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Raw Sewage Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: UNKNOWN MATERIAL Class Type: UNKNOWN MATERIAL Times Material Entry In File: 9140 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941109 DEC Remarks: Not reported Remark: FOUND CONT. SOIL WHILE REPLACING LIFTS; NOT HYD OIL, DIES OR KERO ODOR; STOCKPILING SOIL.9/16/92-SOIL EXCAVATED STOCKPILED. SAMPLED FOR 624,625,METALS - NEGATIVE.


Relative: HIST LTANKS: Higher Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9604441 Actual: Spill Date: 07/03/1996 230 ft. Spill Time: 09:45 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Gas Station Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 07/03/96

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ALBANY SUNOCO STATION (Continued) S102233776 Cleanup Ceased: 07/03/96 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 07/03/96 Reported to Department Time: 09:53 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: CALLER Spiller Phone: (518) 482-4494 Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: LA CARMAN TRUCKING [JA] Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: CALLER Facility Phone: (518) 482-4494 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Responsible Party PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: 07/03/96 UST Involvement: True Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 07/03/96 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 02/16/00 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 2 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 2 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: GASOLINE Class Type: GASOLINE Times Material Entry In File: 21329 CAS Number: Not reported

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ALBANY SUNOCO STATION (Continued) S102233776 Last Date: 19940929 DEC Remarks: Not reported Spill Cause: overfill of tank caused spill / spill pads used to clean up the spill


Relative: HIST LTANKS: Higher Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 8912120 Actual: Spill Date: 03/21/1990 227 ft. Spill Time: 13:00 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 11/14/90 Cleanup Ceased: 11/14/90 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: SPERBECK Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 03/21/90 Reported to Department Time: 15:15 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: CHARLES FREIHOFER BAKING Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (518) 438-6631 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: True Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 04/09/90 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 04/09/91

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FREIHOFER BAKING (Continued) S100134049 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Raw Sewage Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: UNKNOWN MATERIAL Class Type: UNKNOWN MATERIAL Times Material Entry In File: 9140 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941109 DEC Remarks: Not reported Spill Cause: SK TANK OUT OF SERVICE SEVERAL YRS., SITE ASSESS/BORING ADT TO BOTTOM OF TANK, LAB INDICATES TANK SHOULD BE PULLED. TANK CONT. SOIL REMOVED, SATISFACTORY.

44 COWAN ASSOC CENTRAL AVE LTANKS S103037886 North 498 CENTRAL AVE HIST LTANKS N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.365 mi. 1926 ft.

Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 176766 Spill No: 9713238 Actual: Spill Date: 2/27/1998 241 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 3/1/2001 Facility Addr2: RT 5 Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: False SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 2/27/1998 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 2/27/1998 Spill Record Last Update: 11/17/2003 Spiller Name: DOUG MOCKLER

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COWAN ASSOC CENTRAL AVE (Continued) S103037886 Spiller Company: COWAN ASSOC. Spiller Address: 498 CENTRAL AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: DOUG MOCKLER Spiller Phone: (518) 766-5500 Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 148554 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" 03/01/2001 - Closure report received from Valley Equipment. A total of 2,692 gallons of liquid waste was disposed of at Luzon Oil Recovery in Harriman, NY and 178.48 tons of contaminated soil was removed and disposed of at the Albany Landfill. Remarks: caller is removing tank and tank has a hole in it and they have comtaminated soil

Material: Site ID: 176766 Operable Unit ID: 1059280 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 324256 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9713238 Spill Date: 02/27/1998 Spill Time: 08:30 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken.

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COWAN ASSOC CENTRAL AVE (Continued) S103037886 Spill Closed Dt: 03/01/01 Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Standard: False Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 02/27/98 Reported to Department Time: 08:31 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: DOUG MOCKLER Spiller Phone: (518) 766-5500 Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: COWAN ASSOC. Spiller Address: 498 CENTRAL AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: DOUG MOCKLER Facility Phone: (518) 766-5500 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 02/27/98 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 03/01/01 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464

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COWAN ASSOC CENTRAL AVE (Continued) S103037886 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: 03/01/2001 - Closure report received from Valley Equipment. A total of 2,692 gallons of liquid waste was disposed of at Lu on Oil Recovery in Harriman, NY and 178.48 tons of contaminated soil was removed and disposed of at the Albany Landfill. Spill Cause: caller is removing tank and tank has a hole in it and they have comtaminated soil

45 750 MADISON LLC LTANKS S105999209 SW 750 MADISON AVE N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 12203 0.372 mi. 1966 ft.

Relative: LTANKS: Lower Site ID: 228041 Spill No: 0302786 Actual: Spill Date: 6/16/2003 218 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 10/16/2003 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 6/16/2003 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Responsible Party Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 6/16/2003 Spill Record Last Update: 10/16/2003 Spiller Name: CALLER [JEFFREY WITTMAN] Spiller Company: 750 MADISON LLC Spiller Address: 750 MADISON Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: CALLER Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 188099 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" 06/15/2003 - West Central Environmental cleaning tank and discovered holes in it. wtc 10/16/2003 - Follow up to closure of the tank is completed. Old residual oil has stoped coming in and tank has been closed in place. Tank was under a crawl space were an addition to the building was built on top of it. Closed wtc [NO MATCHES FOUND FOR ADDRESS OR CALLER IN COMPUTER SEARCH BUT "LLC" INDICATES LIMITED LIABILITY Co SO SHOULD BE Comm/Ind NOT "NON-Comm"

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Material: Site ID: 228041 Operable Unit ID: 869600 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 507237 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

46 MIRKOFF PROP S. LAKE APT LTANKS S100494913 SSE 55 S. LAKE AVE HIST LTANKS N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.374 mi. 1974 ft.

Relative: LTANKS: Lower Site ID: 218612 Spill No: 9214087 Actual: Spill Date: 3/24/1993 194 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 4/30/1993 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 4/30/1993 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 3/24/1993 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: Not reported

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MIRKOFF PROP S. LAKE APT (Continued) S100494913 Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 3/30/1993 Spill Record Last Update: 9/30/1999 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: ESTATE OF HANAH MIRKOFF Spiller Address: 121 STATE ST Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12207 Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 180857 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN/SPERBECK" Remarks: FOUND CONT. SOIL @ TANK PULL, APPEARS CONTAINED IN CLAY SOIL, TS NOTIFIED. TANK CLOSURE RPT RECD, SOIL DISPOSED @ CLEAN BERKSHIRES. RESIDUAL INFEASIBLE TO CLEAN, NO RECEPTORS.

Material: Site ID: 218612 Operable Unit ID: 981502 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 564569 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: 218612 Spill Tank Test: 1541305 Tank Number: 1 Tank Size: 0 Test Method: 00 Leak Rate: 0 Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Spills Last Modified: 10/1/2004 Test Method: Unknown

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9214087 Spill Date: 03/24/1993 Spill Time: 10:20 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land

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MIRKOFF PROP S. LAKE APT (Continued) S100494913 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 04/30/93 Cleanup Ceased: 04/30/93 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: CHRISTENSEN/SPERBECK Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 03/24/93 Reported to Department Time: 10:37 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: ESTATE OF HANAH MIRKOFF Spiller Address: 121 STATE ST Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY 12207 Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (518) 436-0751 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: 4-600156 Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 03/30/93 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 09/30/99 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: 1 Tank Size: 0 Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: 0.00 Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0

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MIRKOFF PROP S. LAKE APT (Continued) S100494913 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: Not reported Spill Cause: FOUND CONT. SOIL @ TANK PULL, APPEARS CONTAINED IN CLAY SOIL, TS NOTIFIED. TANK CLOSURE RPT RECD, SOIL DISPOSED @ CLEAN BERKSHIRES. RESIDUAL INFEASIBLE TO CLEAN, NO RECEPTORS.

47 ROSENS DEPT STORE CENTRAL HIST LTANKS S102675745 ESE 241 CENTRAL AVE NY Spills N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.378 mi. 1994 ft.

Relative: HIST LTANKS: Higher Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9107484 Actual: Spill Date: 10/11/1991 230 ft. Spill Time: 20:00 Spill Cause: Tank Overfill Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 10/21/91 Cleanup Ceased: 10/12/91 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 10/12/91 Reported to Department Time: 11:32 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: POLSINELLO FUELS Spiller Address: 41 RIVERSIDE AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: RENSSELAER Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: Not reported Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Responsible Party PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / /

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ROSENS DEPT STORE CENTRAL (Continued) S102675745 Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 10/21/91 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 07/17/98 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 1 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: Not reported Spill Cause: FUEL LEAKED FROM TOP VALVE OF TANK, SPEEDIDRY APPLIED, PICKED UP.

NY Spills: Site ID: 284822 Facility Addr2: Not reported Facility ID: 9107484 Spill Number: 9107484 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 10/11/1991 Reported to Dept: 10/12/1991 CID: Not reported Spill Cause: Equipment Failure Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Notifier: Responsible Party Cleanup Ceased: 10/12/1991 Cleanup Meets Std: True Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: False Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 10/21/1991 Remediation Phase: 0

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ROSENS DEPT STORE CENTRAL (Continued) S102675745 Date Entered In Computer: 10/21/1991 Spill Record Last Update: 10/1/2008 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: POLSINELLO FUELS @ ROSENS Spiller Address: 41 RIVERSIDE AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: RENSSELAER, ZZ Spiller Company: 999 Contact Name: Not reported Contact Phone: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 230955 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" Remarks: FUEL LEAKED FROM TOP VALVE OF TANK, SPEEDIDRY APPLIED, PICKED UP. Material: Site ID: 284822 Operable Unit ID: 957945 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 419686 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 1 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

G48 M. SCHER & SON INC. LTANKS U000383397 East 136 N. LAKE AVE HIST LTANKS N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 12206 UST 0.419 mi. HIST UST 2214 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster G

Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 133022 Spill No: 8708258 Actual: Spill Date: 12/23/1987 231 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Minimal Occurrence) Spill Closed Dt: 8/10/1990

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M. SCHER & SON INC. (Continued) U000383397 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 5/16/1988 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: tesperbe Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 12/23/1987 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: True Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 2/25/1988 Spill Record Last Update: 6/2/2008 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: M. SHEAR ELECTRIC Spiller Address: 136 N. LAKE AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, ZZ Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: (518) 462-5544 Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 114485 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "SPERBECK" 08/10/90: PASSED 5/88. SEE 8707545, 9508954. Remarks: 2K UGT FAILED (-.583 GPH), WILL PUMP, SEE #8707545.

Material: Site ID: 133022 Operable Unit ID: 913765 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 463653 Material Code: 0008 Material Name: Diesel Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: 133022 Spill Tank Test: 1532797 Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: 00 Leak Rate: 0 Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Spills Last Modified: 10/1/2004 Test Method: Unknown

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M. SCHER & SON INC. (Continued) U000383397

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 8708258 Spill Date: 12/23/1987 Spill Time: 14:00 Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Resource Affectd: Groundwater Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Not reported Spill Closed Dt: 08/10/90 Cleanup Ceased: 05/16/88 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: SPERBECK Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 12/23/87 Reported to Department Time: 14:25 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: (518) 462-5544 Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: M. SHEAR ELECTRIC Spiller Address: 136 N. LAKE AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (518) 462-5544 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: True Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 02/25/88 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 01/27/98 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: 0.00 Gross Leak Rate: Not reported

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M. SCHER & SON INC. (Continued) U000383397

Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: DIESEL Class Type: DIESEL Times Material Entry In File: 10625 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19940728 DEC Remarks: 08/10/90: PASSED 5/88. SEE 8707545, 9508954. Spill Cause: 2K UGT FAILED -.583 GPH), WILL PUMP, SEE 8707545.

UST: Facility Id: 4-435236 Region: STATE DEC Region: 4 Site Status: Unregulated Program Type: PBS Expiration Date: N/A UTM X: 600860 UTM Y: 4724345 Site ID: 36787

Tank Number: 1 Tank ID: 91016 Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 12/1/1975 Capacity Gallons: 4000 Tightness Test Method: 01 Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 11/1/1998 Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Date Test: 5/1/1988 Register: True Modified By: TRANSLAT Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Tank Number: 2 Tank ID: 91017 Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: 12/1/1980 Capacity Gallons: 6000 Tightness Test Method: NN Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 11/1/1998 Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel

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M. SCHER & SON INC. (Continued) U000383397 Date Test: Not reported Register: True Modified By: TRANSLAT Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Affiliation Records: Site Id: 36787 Affiliation Type: Owner Company Name: M. SCHER & SON INC. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: Not reported Address1: 136 N. LAKE AVE. Address2: Not reported City: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code: 12206 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 462-5544 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 36787 Affiliation Type: Mail Contact Company Name: M. SCHER & SON INC. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: Not reported Address1: 136 N. LAKE AVE. Address2: Not reported City: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code: 12206 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 462-5544 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 36787 Affiliation Type: Emergency Contact Company Name: M. SCHER & SON INC. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: M. SCHER & SON INC. Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 462-5544 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported

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M. SCHER & SON INC. (Continued) U000383397 Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 36787 Affiliation Type: On-Site Operator Company Name: M. SCHER & SON INC. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: M. SCHER & SON INC. Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 462-5544 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Equipment Records: Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91017 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: D02 Code Name: Galvanized Steel Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91016 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: I00 Code Name: None Type: Overfill

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91017 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91017 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91016 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: D02 Code Name: Galvanized Steel Type: Pipe Type

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M. SCHER & SON INC. (Continued) U000383397 Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91017 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91016 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91016 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: J02 Code Name: Suction Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91016 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91016 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91016 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: A01 Code Name: Epoxy Liner Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91017 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91017 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: I00 Code Name: None Type: Overfill

Site Id: 36787

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M. SCHER & SON INC. (Continued) U000383397 Tank Id Number: 91017 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91016 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91017 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91017 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 36787 Tank Id Number: 91016 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

HIST UST: PBS Number: 4-435236 SPDES Number: Not reported Emergency Contact: M. SCHER & SON INC. Emergency Telephone: (518) 462-5544 Operator: M. SCHER & SON INC. Operator Telephone: (518) 462-5544 Owner Name: M. SCHER & SON INC. Owner Address: 136 N. LAKE AVE. Owner City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12206 Owner Telephone: (518) 462-5544 Owner Type: Corporate/Commercial Owner Subtype: Not reported Mailing Name: M. SCHER & SON INC. Mailing Address: 136 N. LAKE AVE. Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12206 Mailing Contact: Not reported Mailing Telephone: (518) 462-5544 Owner Mark: First Owner Facility Status: 2 - Unregulated by PBS (the total capacity is less than 1,101 gallons) and Subpart 360-14. Facility Addr2: Not reported

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M. SCHER & SON INC. (Continued) U000383397 SWIS ID: 0101 Old PBS Number: Not reported Facility Type: OTHER Inspected Date: Not reported Inspector: Not reported Inspection Result: Not reported Federal ID: Not reported Certification Flag: False Certification Date: 05/22/1998 Expiration Date: 06/28/1998 Renew Flag: False Renewal Date: Not reported Total Capacity: 0 FAMT: True Facility Screen: No Missing Data Owner Screen: No Missing Data Tank Screen: 0 Dead Letter: False CBS Number: Not reported Town or City: ALBANY (C) County Code: 01 Town or City: 01 Region: 4

Tank Id: 1 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed-Removed Install Date: 19751201 Capacity (gals): 4000 Product Stored: DIESEL Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: Epoxy Liner Tank External: None Pipe Location: Underground Pipe Type: GALVANIZED STEEL Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: None Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: 05/01/1988 Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: 11/01/1998 Test Method: Petro-Tite Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: Not reported

Tank Id: 2 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed-Removed Install Date: 19801201 Capacity (gals): 6000 Product Stored: UNLEADED GASOLINE

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M. SCHER & SON INC. (Continued) U000383397 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: None Tank External: None Pipe Location: Underground Pipe Type: GALVANIZED STEEL Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: None Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: 11/01/1998 Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: Not reported

G49 M. SHERER & SONS(SCHEAR?) LTANKS S100135199 East 136 N. LAKE AVE HIST LTANKS N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.419 mi. 2214 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster G

Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 133021 Spill No: 8707545 Actual: Spill Date: 12/3/1987 231 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. (Minimal Occurrence) Spill Closed Dt: 8/10/1990 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 5/16/1988 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: tesperbe Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 12/3/1987 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: True Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 12/7/1987 Spill Record Last Update: 6/2/2008 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: M. SHERER & SONS SCHEAR? Spiller Address: SAME Spiller City,St,Zip: ZZ Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported

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M. SHERER & SONS(SCHEAR?) (Continued) S100135199 Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 114485 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "SPERBECK" 08/10/90: PASSED 5/88. SEE 8708258, 9508954. Remarks: 2K UGT FAILED @ .8 GPH. WILL EXCAVATE, ISOLATE AND RETEST

Material: Site ID: 133021 Operable Unit ID: 913223 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 466487 Material Code: 0008 Material Name: Diesel Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: 133021 Spill Tank Test: 1532510 Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: 00 Leak Rate: 0 Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Spills Last Modified: 10/1/2004 Test Method: Unknown

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 8707545 Spill Date: 12/03/1987 Spill Time: 09:30 Spill Cause: Tank Test Failure Resource Affectd: Groundwater Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Not reported Spill Closed Dt: 08/10/90 Cleanup Ceased: 05/16/88 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: SPERBECK Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported

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M. SHERER & SONS(SCHEAR?) (Continued) S100135199 Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 12/03/87 Reported to Department Time: 11:12 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: M. SHERER & SONS SCHEAR? Spiller Address: SAME Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (462) 554- Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Tank Tester PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: True Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 12/07/87 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 12/15/97 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: 0.00 Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: DIESEL Class Type: DIESEL Times Material Entry In File: 10625 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19940728 DEC Remarks: 08/10/90: PASSED 5/88. SEE 8708258, 9508954. Spill Cause: 2K UGT FAILED @ .8 GPH. WILL EXCAVATE, ISOLATE AND RETEST

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H50 OFFICE BUILDING MADISON AVE LTANKS S106737816 South 747 MADISON AVE N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 12203 0.422 mi. 2228 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster H

Relative: LTANKS: Lower Site ID: 336356 Spill No: 0411103 Actual: Spill Date: 1/13/2005 214 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates a file or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 12/20/2005 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 1/13/2005 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Police Department Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 1/18/2005 Spill Record Last Update: 12/20/2005 Spiller Name: LT. RICHARD COLEMAN Spiller Company: OFFICE BUILDING Spiller Address: 747 MADISON AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: LT. RICHARD COLEMAN Spiller Phone: (518) 858-6596 Spiller Extention: CELL DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 271689 DEC Memo: 01-18-2005 - Lt. Richard Coleman called in this spill and said that there were 2 fires in the boiler room of 747 Madison Avenue. The building was closed by the fire department until the cause was found and fixed. A 2,000 ust was next to the building and contained fuel oil and water. The sump in the boiler room was filled with oil and a drain under the boiler and connected to the sump was also full of oil. From discussions with the parties involved this tank was known to the parties involved. The tank was pumped out on Thursday the 13th and again on the 14th. The sump pit was also pumped out and underneath the boiler was washed using a power spray. The boiler was fired up on Saturday and again caught fire. Further work was done and the boiler was fired up again and seemed to work. A fire watch was set up in case anything else went wrong. Further work will be done on Wednesday the 19th. 02-04-2005 - Received analytical data from the property next door. Some minor hits at 6 1/2 and 8 foot depth along east wall of the excavation. Meets TAGMs 4046. wtc 06/24/05 - Spoke with Larry last week and soil has been disposed of. Receipts and final report will be sent. wtc 12/20/05 - Permission was granted to

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OFFICE BUILDING MADISON AVE (Continued) S106737816 remove holding tank and discharge water to sewer. Water sample met standards. spill number closed. wtc see 9509978 (0410529?), computer search finds offices listed at address. Remarks: THIS ADDRESS IS REMOVING OLD BOILERS, AND THERE IS HEAVY ODOR OF GAS, OIL IN DRAIN THERE ALSO HAVE HAD THREE FIRES THERE IN THE PAST 8 DAYS: HE IS CONCERNED, DUE TO PEOPLE WORK THERE HE IS CONCERNED FOR THERE [sp] SAFETY’ :

Material: Site ID: 336356 Operable Unit ID: 1098382 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 578552 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: Not reported Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

H51 747 MADISON AV ASSOCIATES LTANKS S102233697 South 747 MADISON AV HIST LTANKS N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.426 mi. 2249 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster H

Relative: LTANKS: Lower Site ID: 201812 Spill No: 9509978 Actual: Spill Date: 11/10/1995 214 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 12/24/1997 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: False SWIS: 0101 Investigator: TESPERBE Referred To: Not reported

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747 MADISON AV ASSOCIATES (Continued) S102233697 Reported to Dept: 11/10/1995 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: True Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 11/10/1995 Spill Record Last Update: 12/24/1997 Spiller Name: PETER SATTERLEY Spiller Company: 747 MADISON AV ASSOCIATES Spiller Address: 747 MADISON AV Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, ZZ Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: PETER SATTERLEY Spiller Phone: (518) 462-6441 Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 167915 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "SPERBECK" 11/13-~10yd CONT. SOIL STAGED ON POLY. BOTTOM SOIL SAMPLE WITHIN GUIDANCE LEVELS NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED.TS Remarks: CONTAMINATED SOIL FOUND DURING TANK EXCAVATION

Material: Site ID: 201812 Operable Unit ID: 1024297 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 360907 Material Code: 0009 Material Name: Gasoline Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9509978

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747 MADISON AV ASSOCIATES (Continued) S102233697 Spill Date: 11/10/1995 Spill Time: 16:00 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 12/24/97 Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Standard: False Investigator: SPERBECK Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 11/10/95 Reported to Department Time: 16:20 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: PETER SATTERLEY Spiller Phone: (518) 462-6441 Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: 747 MADISON AV ASSOCIATES Spiller Address: 747 MADISON AV Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: PETER SATTERLEY Facility Phone: (518) 462-6441 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: True Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 11/10/95 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 12/24/97 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum

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747 MADISON AV ASSOCIATES (Continued) S102233697 Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: GASOLINE Class Type: GASOLINE Times Material Entry In File: 21329 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19940929 DEC Remarks: 11/13- 10yd CONT. SOIL STAGED ON POLY. BOTTOM SOIL SAMPLE WITHIN GUIDANCE LEVELS NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED.TS Spill Cause: CONTAMINATED SOIL FOUND DURING TANK EXCAVATION

I52 WILSON RES MADISON KANSAS LTANKS S102156175 South 731 MADISON AVE NY Spills N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY NY Hist Spills 0.446 mi. 2354 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster I

Relative: LTANKS: Lower Site ID: 335504 Spill No: 0410529 Actual: Spill Date: 12/22/2004 212 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 1/12/2006 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 12/22/2004 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 12/22/2004 Spill Record Last Update: 3/14/2006 Spiller Name: DOUG SWARTZ Spiller Company: MADISON AVE ASSOC Spiller Address: 731 MADISON AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12208 Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: DOUG SWARTZ Spiller Phone: (518) 690-2015 Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 271476 DEC Memo: 06/27/05 - Spoke with Greg Lesniak of CPI and he will find out the info on what happened and get back to me. wtc 11-28-05 - Left message for lawyer (Craig Christ @ 463-7784) for a status of remediation. wtc

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WILSON RES MADISON KANSAS (Continued) S102156175 12/29/05 - Left message for Doug Swartz to call me on status of this spill number. wtc 12/29/05 - Doug Swartz office called back and gave me Chris Madalone (376-6980)as the contact person. He in turn gave me the name of the new owner, Larry Gruber (573-1564) I left a message for Larry to call me. Larry called me back and will get Precision Industrial to send closure 01/12/06 - Bill please reply to let me know if you received this and let me know if there is anything else you need. Thanks Larry Gruber -----Original Message----- From: Craig Corbett [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 12:53 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Emailing: 747 Madison Ave final removal of the tank <<747 maddison Ave final removal of the tank.doc>> Larry I looked into the work we did in the basement of 731 Madison. We removed loose dirt and debris, ranging in depth from 2 to 8 inches, from the area where the AST use to be located. It was a small amount less than a yard in total. The dirt was added to the stockpile on-site for disposal to Albany landfill. No analytical was done in this area by PIM. Call me with any questions 424-8445 The attached is an estimate for the removal of the clean water from the AST in basement of 747 Madison Thank You Craig based on this information I have closed this spill number. wtc 0411103? Remarks: Cleanup starts next week.

Material: Site ID: 335504 Operable Unit ID: 1097565 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 577545 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: Not reported Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

NY Spills: Site ID: 298564 Facility Addr2: Not reported Facility ID: 9112359 Spill Number: 9112359

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WILSON RES MADISON KANSAS (Continued) S102156175 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 8/1/1991 Reported to Dept: 3/4/1992 CID: 21 Spill Cause: Unknown Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Commercial/Industrial Spill Notifier: Affected Persons Cleanup Ceased: 3/15/1992 Cleanup Meets Std: True Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: False Spill Class: No spill occured. No DEC Response. No corrective action required. Spill Closed Dt: 3/17/1992 Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 3/6/1992 Spill Record Last Update: 5/23/2005 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: DRS KANSAS & ELLIOTT Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: ZZ Spiller Company: 001 Contact Name: Not reported Contact Phone: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 241539 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" SEE 9212297, 0410529. Remarks: TENANTS MOTHER RPTS ONGOING ODOR FROM SPILL LAST YR, TENANT NOT CONCER RNED. WTC INSP SHOWS NO SPILL. 10/21/92-MOTHER MAKES SAME RPT, STILL N O PROBLEM. Material: Site ID: 298564 Operable Unit ID: 962688 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 417339 Material Code: 0064A Material Name: UNKNOWN MATERIAL Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Other Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

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WILSON RES MADISON KANSAS (Continued) S102156175 Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

NY Hist Spills: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9112359 Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Spill Date/Time: 08/01/1991 12:00 Reported to Dept Date/Time: 03/04/92 13:46 SWIS: 01 Spiller Name: DRS KANSAS & ELLIOTT Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: (518) 462-6441 Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spill Cause: Unknown Reported to Dept: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: 01 Spill Notifier: Affected Persons PBS Number: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 03/15/92 Cleanup Meets Std: True Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Spiller Cleanup Dt: / / Enforcement Date: / / Invstgn Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Spill Class: No spill occured. No DEC Response. No corrective action required. Spill Closed Dt: 03/17/92 Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 03/06/92 Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Update Date: 04/15/98 Is Updated: False Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Raw Sewage

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WILSON RES MADISON KANSAS (Continued) S102156175 Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: UNKNOWN MATERIAL Class Type: UNKNOWN MATERIAL Times Material Entry In File: 9140 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941109 DEC Remarks: SEE 9212297. Remark: TENANTS MOTHER RPTS ONGOING ODOR FROM SPILL LAST YR, TENANT NOT CONCER RNED. WTC INSP SHOWS NO SPILL. 10/21/92-MOTHER MAKES SAME RPT, STILL N O PROBLEM.

53 THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE RCRA-SQG 1000108180 West 993 MADISON AVENUE PADS NYD080457955 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 12203 HIST LTANKS 0.446 mi. HIST UST 2356 ft. MANIFEST NY Spills Relative: NY Hist Spills Higher RCRA-SQG: Actual: Date form received by agency: 01/01/2007 222 ft. Facility name: THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE Facility address: 432 WESTERN AVENUE ST JOSEPH HALL, ROOM 428 ALBANY, NY 122031419 EPA ID: NYD080457955 Contact: JOHN A PAVELOCK Contact address: Not reported Not reported Contact country: US Contact telephone: (518) 337-4879 Telephone ext.: 4879 Contact email: [email protected] EPA Region: 02 Land type: Private Classification: Small Small Quantity Generator Description: Handler: generates more than 100 and less than 1000 kg of hazardous waste during any calendar month and accumulates less than 6000 kg of hazardous waste at any time; or generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates more than 1000 kg of hazardous waste at any time

Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: NO NAME FOUND Owner/operator address: Not reported Not reported Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: Not reported Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: 06/30/1920 Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Owner/operator name: THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Owner/operator address: 432 WESTERN AVE ALBANY, NY 12203 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (518) 458-5322 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: No Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): No Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: Unknown Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: No Furnace exemption: No Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 02/21/2006 Facility name: THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator

Date form received by agency: 02/20/2006 Facility name: THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE Classification: Small Quantity Generator

Date form received by agency: 07/08/1999 Facility name: THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE Site name: COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE THE Classification: Not a generator, verified

Date form received by agency: 01/29/1996 Facility name: THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE Site name: THE COLLOEGE OF SAINT ROSE Classification: Large Quantity Generator

Date form received by agency: 09/19/1991 Facility name: THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE Site name: COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE THE Classification: Small Quantity Generator

Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: Regulation violated: SR - 374-3.2(d)(4), (e)(5), (f)(3) Area of violation: Generators - General Date violation determined: 06/08/2005 Date achieved compliance: 07/08/2005

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Violation lead agency: State Enforcement action: WRITTEN INFORMAL Enforcement action date: 07/01/2005 Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: State Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported

Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: 06/08/2005 Evaluation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Area of violation: Generators - General Date achieved compliance: 07/08/2005 Evaluation lead agency: State

Evaluation date: 03/17/1989 Evaluation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Area of violation: Not reported Date achieved compliance: Not reported Evaluation lead agency: State PADS: EPAID: NYD080457955 Facility name: The College of Saint Rose Facility Address: 919A Madison Avenue Albany, NY 12203 Facility country: US Generator: Yes Storer: No Transporter: No Disposer: No Research facility: No Smelter: No Facility owner name: The College of Saint Rose Contact title: Not reported Contact name: John Metcalf Contact tel: (518)454-2800 Contact extension: Not reported Mailing address: 432 Western Avenue Albany, NY 12203 Mailing country: US Cert. title: Not reported Cert. name: Not reported Cert. date: 9/1/2004 Date received: 10/8/2004

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 8806345 Spill Date: 10/28/1988 Spill Time: 12:00 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: Groundwater Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Non Commercial/Industrial

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 03/22/89 Cleanup Ceased: 02/28/89 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: MCDONALD Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 10/28/88 Reported to Department Time: 14:17 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: COLLEGE OF ST ROSE CSR Spiller Address: 432 WESTERN AVENUE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12203 Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (518) 454-5139 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Responsible Party PBS Number: 4-388505 Last Inspection: 12/30/89 Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 11/21/88 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 08/28/01 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: 0.00 Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #6 FUEL OIL

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Class Type: #6 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 2190 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19940728 DEC Remarks: 03/22/89: TANKS CONT. SOIL REMOVED, FINAL INSPECTION SHOWS CLEAN-UP COMPLETE. SEE FOLDER. 8605611, 8806345 FOLDER), 8806725, 9104481, 9202598, 9610355, 9710140, 0104642, 0105696. Spill Cause: DOMERMUTH OBSERVED OIL COMING THROUGH WALL. 2-18,000 G TANKS FILLED WITH SAND 4 1/2 YEARS AGO. PLAN TO REMOVE TANKS FROM THE BOILER HOUSE AREA.

HIST UST: PBS Number: 4-388505 SPDES Number: Not reported Emergency Contact: ED MARTIN Emergency Telephone: (518) 458-5322 Operator: ED MARTIN Operator Telephone: (518) 454-5146 Owner Name: COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE Owner Address: 432 WESTERN AVE Owner City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12203 Owner Telephone: (518) 454-5146 Owner Type: Corporate/Commercial Owner Subtype: Not reported Mailing Name: COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE Mailing Address: 432 WESTERN AVE Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12203 Mailing Contact: DIR. PHYSICAL PLANT Mailing Telephone: (518) 454-5322 Owner Mark: First Owner Facility Status: 2 - Unregulated by PBS (the total capacity is less than 1,101 gallons) and Subpart 360-14. Facility Addr2: Not reported SWIS ID: 0101 Old PBS Number: Not reported Facility Type: SCHOOL Inspected Date: Not reported Inspector: Not reported Inspection Result: Not reported Federal ID: Not reported Certification Flag: False Certification Date: 04/23/1997 Expiration Date: 02/11/2002 Renew Flag: False Renewal Date: Not reported Total Capacity: 0 FAMT: True Facility Screen: No Missing Data Owner Screen: No Missing Data Tank Screen: 0 Dead Letter: False CBS Number: Not reported Town or City: ALBANY (C) County Code: 01 Town or City: 01 Region: 4

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Tank Id: 1 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed Before April 1, 1991 Install Date: Not reported Capacity (gals): 18000 Product Stored: Not reported Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: Not reported Tank External: Not reported Pipe Location: Not reported Pipe Type: STEEL/IRON Pipe Internal: Not reported Pipe External: Not reported Second Containment: Diking Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: Not reported Dispenser: Not reported Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: Major Data Missing (which is on the certificate) Date Closed: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: False Lat/long: Not reported

Tank Id: 2 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed Before April 1, 1991 Install Date: Not reported Capacity (gals): 18000 Product Stored: Not reported Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: Not reported Tank External: Not reported Pipe Location: Not reported Pipe Type: STEEL/IRON Pipe Internal: Not reported Pipe External: Not reported Second Containment: Diking Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: Not reported Dispenser: Not reported Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: Major Data Missing (which is on the certificate) Date Closed: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: False Lat/long: Not reported

Tank Id: 3 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND, VAULTED, WITH ACCESS Tank Status: Closed-Removed

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Install Date: Not reported Capacity (gals): 18000 Product Stored: NOS 1,2, OR 4 FUEL OIL Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: Epoxy Liner Tank External: None Pipe Location: Aboveground Pipe Type: STEEL/IRON Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: Diking Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: None Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: 05/01/1992 Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: Not reported

Tank Id: 4 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed Before April 1, 1991 Install Date: Not reported Capacity (gals): 2000 Product Stored: Not reported Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: Not reported Tank External: Not reported Pipe Location: Not reported Pipe Type: GALVANIZED STEEL Pipe Internal: Not reported Pipe External: Not reported Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: Not reported Dispenser: Not reported Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: Major Data Missing (which is on the certificate) Date Closed: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: False Lat/long: Not reported

Tank Id: 5 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Tank Converted To Non-Regulated Use Install Date: Not reported Capacity (gals): 1000 Product Stored: NOS 1,2, OR 4 FUEL OIL

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: None Tank External: None Pipe Location: Underground Pipe Type: GALVANIZED STEEL Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: None Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: 05/01/1992 Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: 08/01/1996 Test Method: Petro-Tite Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: Not reported

Tank Id: 6 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed-Removed Install Date: Not reported Capacity (gals): 3000 Product Stored: NOS 1,2, OR 4 FUEL OIL Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: None Tank External: None Pipe Location: Underground Pipe Type: STEEL/IRON Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: None Dispenser: Suction Date Tested: Not reported Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: 01/01/1998 Test Method: Not reported Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: Not reported

NY MANIFEST: EPA ID: NYD080457955 Country: USA Mailing Name: COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE Mailing Contact: JOHN PAVELOCK Mailing Address: WESTERN AVENUE Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City: ALBANY Mailing State: NY Mailing Zip: 12205

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Mailing Zip4: Not reported Mailing Country: USA Mailing Phone: 518-337-4879

Document ID: ILA7314864 Manifest Status: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DEC Trans1 State ID: 1478 Trans2 State ID: 1431 Generator Ship Date: 970606 Trans1 Recv Date: 970606 Trans2 Recv Date: 970617 TSD Site Recv Date: 970624 Part A Recv Date: 970811 Part B Recv Date: 970916 Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: MAD039322250 Trans2 EPA ID: OHD009865825 TSDF ID: ILD000608471 Waste Code: F003 - UNKNOWN Quantity: 00021 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00001 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00001 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00004 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 97 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: ILA7314865 Manifest Status: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DEC Trans1 State ID: 1478 Trans2 State ID: 1431 Generator Ship Date: 970606 Trans1 Recv Date: 970606 Trans2 Recv Date: 970617 TSD Site Recv Date: 970629 Part A Recv Date: 970811 Part B Recv Date: 970916 Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: MAD039322250 Trans2 EPA ID: OHD009865825 TSDF ID: ILD000608471 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00001 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00005 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00001 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 97 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG5344191 Manifest Status: Not reported

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 01/23/2006 Trans1 Recv Date: 01/23/2006 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 01/25/2006 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: NZ7765NY Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: D008 - LEAD 5.0 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00060 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 06 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-09-11 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-09-11 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-09-15 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 5.0 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 004324465JJK

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-09-11 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-09-11 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-09-15 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 5.0 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 004324465JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-09-11 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-09-11 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-09-15

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 5.0 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 004324465JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-08-08 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-08-08 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-08-12 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 15.0 Units: Y - Cubic yards* (.85 tons) Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: CM - Metal boxes, cases, roll-offs Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 004324371JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-09-11 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-09-11 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-09-15 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 50.0 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 004324465JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-09-11 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-09-11 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-09-15 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 50.0 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 004324465JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-03-07 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-03-07 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-03-11 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 2.0 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 001854530JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-03-07 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-03-07 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-03-11 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 1.0 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1.0 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 001854530JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 2008-09-11 Trans1 Recv Date: 2008-09-11 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 2008-09-15 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 50.0 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1.0 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 1.0

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Year: 08 Manifest Tracking Num: 004324465JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H061

Document ID: NYB1232190 Manifest Status: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DEC Trans1 State ID: HC6159 Trans2 State ID: NJT440LL Generator Ship Date: 910920 Trans1 Recv Date: 910920 Trans2 Recv Date: 910924 TSD Site Recv Date: 911002 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: 911016 Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD980761191 Trans2 EPA ID: NYD980761191 TSDF ID: VTD982766537 Waste Code: U037 - CHLOROBENZENE Quantity: 00800 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 003 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 91 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 11/21/2007 Trans1 Recv Date: 11/21/2007

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 11/28/2007 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 15 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 1 Year: 07 Manifest Tracking Num: 001854552JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H061

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 5/29/2007 Trans1 Recv Date: 5/29/2007 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 5/30/2007 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 2 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1 Year: 07 Manifest Tracking Num: 001858637JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 8/23/2007 Trans1 Recv Date: 8/23/2007 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 8/28/2007 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 300 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 3 Container Type: CF - Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1 Year: 07 Manifest Tracking Num: 003342263JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 6/27/2007 Trans1 Recv Date: 6/27/2007 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 7/2/2007 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 1 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1 Year: 07 Manifest Tracking Num: 003345257JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 6/27/2007 Trans1 Recv Date: 6/27/2007 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 7/2/2007 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 30 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1 Year: 07 Manifest Tracking Num: 003345257JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 6/27/2007 Trans1 Recv Date: 6/27/2007 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 7/2/2007 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 25 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1 Year: 07 Manifest Tracking Num: 003345257JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Document ID: Not reported Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NYD000708271 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 6/27/2007 Trans1 Recv Date: 6/27/2007 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 7/2/2007 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NYD080457955 Trans1 EPA ID: Not reported Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: OHD066060609 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 41 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 1

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: L Landfill. Specific Gravity: 1 Year: 07 Manifest Tracking Num: 003345257JJK Import Ind: N Export Ind: N Discr Quantity Ind: N Discr Type Ind: N Discr Residue Ind: N Discr Partial Reject Ind: N Discr Full Reject Ind: N Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: H141

Click this hyperlink while viewing on your computer to access 69 additional NY_MANIFEST: record(s) in the EDR Site Report.

NY Spills: Site ID: 154616 Facility Addr2: CSR Facility ID: 9710140 Spill Number: 9710140 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 11/26/1997 Reported to Dept: 12/3/1997 CID: 21 Spill Cause: Equipment Failure Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Institutional, Educational, Gov., Other Spill Notifier: Responsible Party Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Std: False Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: False Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 4/16/1999 Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 12/3/1997 Spill Record Last Update: 11/18/2005 Spiller Name: ABOVE CALLER Spiller Company: COLLEGE OF ST ROSE CSR Spiller Address: 432 WESTERN AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, ZZ Spiller Company: 001 Contact Name: ABOVE CALLER Contact Phone: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 131074 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 "CHRISTENSEN" SEE 8605611, 8806345 (FOLDER), 8806725, 9104481, 9202598; 9610355, 0104642, 0105696, 0110043, 0504749. 1/6/98 - Top of tank exposed, no sign of any contamination. Remarks: 3,000 i/g tank taking in water unk if any spill will be removing tank on 12/15/97 Material: Site ID: 154616 Operable Unit ID: 1056523 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 558149 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

NY Hist Spills: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9710140 Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Spill Date/Time: 11/26/1997 12:00 Reported to Dept Date/Time: 12/03/97 13:25 SWIS: 01 Spiller Name: COLLEGE OF ST ROSE CSR Spiller Contact: ABOVE CALLER Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Contact: ABOVE CALLER Spiller Address: 432 WESTERN AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY Spill Cause: Equipment Failure Reported to Dept: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: 02

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THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE (Continued) 1000108180 Spill Notifier: Responsible Party PBS Number: 4-388505 Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Std: False Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Spiller Cleanup Dt: / / Enforcement Date: / / Invstgn Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 04/16/99 Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 12/03/97 Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Update Date: 08/28/01 Is Updated: False Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: SEE 8605611, 8806345 FOLDER), 8806725, 9104481, 9202598; 9610355, 0104642, 0105696. 1/6/98 - Top of tank exposed, no sign of any contamination. Remark: 3,000 i/g tank taking in water unk if any spill will be removing tank on 12/15/97


Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 251079 Spill No: 9100658 Actual: Spill Date: 4/17/1991 226 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Institutional, Educational, Gov., Other Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken.

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ARMY RESERVE CTR. N. MAIN (Continued) S100136555 Spill Closed Dt: 4/23/1991 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 4/17/1991 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 4/17/1991 CID: Not reported Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: 4/17/1991 Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 4/17/1991 Spill Record Last Update: 12/5/2001 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: MAJ.J.J.ODONOVAN USAR CTR Spiller Address: 90 N. MAIN AV. CDR FTDRUM Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, ZZ Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 205778 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN/TS" SEE 9203174 Remarks: FOUND CONT. SOIL DURING TANK REMOVAL. 4/17-SOIL STOCKPILED PENDING TEST RESULTS & LANDFILL APPROVAL. SOIL REMOVED.

Material: Site ID: 251079 Operable Unit ID: 954191 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 426848 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 0 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: 251079 Spill Tank Test: 1538465 Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: 00 Leak Rate: 0 Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Spills

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ARMY RESERVE CTR. N. MAIN (Continued) S100136555 Last Modified: 10/1/2004 Test Method: Unknown

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9100658 Spill Date: 04/17/1991 Spill Time: 10:40 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Non Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 04/23/91 Cleanup Ceased: 04/17/91 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: CHRISTENSEN/TS Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 04/17/91 Reported to Department Time: 11:20 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: MAJ.J.J.ODONOVAN USAR CTR Spiller Address: 90 N. MAIN AV. CDR FTDRUM Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (518) 438-3546 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: 4-011002 Last Inspection: 04/17/91 Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 04/17/91 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 12/05/01 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported

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ARMY RESERVE CTR. N. MAIN (Continued) S100136555 Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: 0 Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: 0.00 Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: SEE 9203174 Spill Cause: FOUND CONT. SOIL DURING TANK REMOVAL. 4/17-SOIL STOCKPILED PENDING TEST RESULTS LANDFILL APPROVAL. SOIL REMOVED.

55 MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER CERCLIS 1000557280 WNW 90 N MAIN AVE RCRA-CESQG NY4210021412 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 12203 MANIFEST 0.453 mi. MANIFEST 2392 ft.

Relative: CERCLIS: Lower Site ID: 0204545 Federal Facility: Federal Facility Actual: NPL Status: Not on the NPL 219 ft. Non NPL Status: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information

CERCLIS Site Contact Name(s): Contact Name: HELEN SHANNON Contact Tel: (212) 637-4260 Contact Title: Site Assessment Manager (SAM)

Contact Name: ALIDA KARAS Contact Tel: (212) 637-4328 Contact Title: Site Assessment Manager (SAM)

CERCLIS Site Alias Name(s): Alias Name: MAJ J O’DONOVAN AFR CENTER Alias Address: 90 N MAIN AVE ALBANY, NY 12203 Site Description: Not reported CERCLIS Assessment History: Action: DISCOVERY Date Started: Not reported Date Completed: 07/01/02 Priority Level: Not reported

Action: FEDERAL FACILITY PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT REVIEW Date Started: Not reported Date Completed: 04/15/04

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Priority Level: Low priority for further assessment

Action: FEDERAL FACILITY SITE INSPECTION REVIEW Date Started: Not reported Date Completed: 02/22/06 Priority Level: NFRAP-Site does not qualify for the NPL based on existing information

RCRA-CESQG: Date form received by agency: 01/01/2007 Facility name: MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER Facility address: 90 N MAIN AVE ALBANY, NY 12203 EPA ID: NY4210021412 Mailing address: N MAIN AVE ALBANY, NY 12203 Contact: Not reported Contact address: N MAIN AVE ALBANY, NY 12203 Contact country: US Contact telephone: Not reported Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 02 Land type: Facility is not located on Indian land. Additional information is not known. Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Description: Handler: generates 100 kg or less of hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates 1000 kg or less of hazardous waste at any time; or generates 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste per calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste; or generates 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates at any time: 1 kg or less of acutely hazardous waste; or 100 kg or less of any residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of acutely hazardous waste

Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: US DEPT OF ARMY Owner/operator address: HQ 10TH MTN DIV AFZS - EH - E FORT DRUM, NY 13602 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (212) 555-1212 Legal status: Federal Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Owner/operator name: US DEPT OF ARMY Owner/operator address: HQ 10TH MTN DIV AFZS - EH - E FORT DRUM, NY 13602 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (212) 555-1212

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Legal status: Federal Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Handler accessibilty indicator: Transferred to the program or state equivalent. Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: Unknown Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Unknown Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: Unknown Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: Unknown Furnace exemption: Unknown Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 01/01/2006 Facility name: MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator

Date form received by agency: 07/21/1999 Facility name: MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER Classification: Large Quantity Generator

Date form received by agency: 02/25/1998 Facility name: MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER Site name: MAJ JAMES J. O’DONOVAN AFRC Classification: Large Quantity Generator

Date form received by agency: 05/31/1991 Facility name: MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER Classification: Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator

Violation Status: No violations found

Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: 02/02/1994 Evaluation: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION ON-SITE Area of violation: Not reported Date achieved compliance: Not reported Evaluation lead agency: State NJ MANIFEST: Manifest Code: NJA5015322 EPA ID: NY4210021412 Date Shipped: 20040312 TSDF EPA ID: NJD980536593

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Transporter EPA ID: NJD080631369 Transporter 2 EPA ID: NJD054126164 Transporter 3 EPA ID: Not reported Transporter 4 EPA ID: Not reported Transporter 5 EPA ID: Not reported Transporter 6 EPA ID: Not reported Transporter 7 EPA ID: Not reported Transporter 8 EPA ID: Not reported Transporter 10 EPA ID: Not reported Date Trans1 Transported Waste: 040312 Date Trans2 Transported Waste: 040319 Date Trans3 Transported Waste: Not reported Date Trans4 Transported Waste: Not reported Date Trans5 Transported Waste: Not reported Date Trans6 Transported Waste: Not reported Date Trans7 Transported Waste: Not reported Date Trans8 Transported Waste: Not reported Date Trans9 Transported Waste: Not reported Date Trans10 Transported Waste: Not reported Date TSDF Received Waste: 040319 Tranporter 1 Decal: Not reported Tranporter 2 Decal: Not reported Data Entry Number: 04280422 Reference Manifest Number: Not reported Was Load Rejected (Y/N): No Reason Load Was Rejected: Not reported Waste Code: Not reported Manifest Year: Not reported Quantity: Not reported Unit: Not reported Hand Code: Not reported

NY MANIFEST: EPA ID: NY4210021412 Country: USA Mailing Name: US MILITARY Mailing Contact: ATTN:AFKA-ACA-MC-GHA-LG Mailing Address: 90 N MAIN AV/ALBANY RESERV CTR Mailing Address 2: Not reported Mailing City: ALBANY Mailing State: NY Mailing Zip: 12223 Mailing Zip4: Not reported Mailing Country: USA Mailing Phone: 518-266-4112

Document ID: NJA2768139 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NJD080631369 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 10/28/1998 Trans1 Recv Date: 10/28/1998 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 10/30/1998

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NJD980536593 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: 50160 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00040 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00040 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00010 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: U103 - DIMETHYL SULFATE Quantity: 00005 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: CF - Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 98 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NJA2768139 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NJD080631369 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 10/28/1998 Trans1 Recv Date: 10/28/1998 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 10/30/1998

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NJD980536593 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: 50160 Waste Code: D002 - NON-LISTED CORROSIVE WASTES Quantity: 00040 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D002 - NON-LISTED CORROSIVE WASTES Quantity: 00010 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D002 - NON-LISTED CORROSIVE WASTES Quantity: 00010 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D009 - MERCURY 0.2 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00040 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 002 Container Type: CF - Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons Handling Method: R Material recovery of more than 75 percent of the total material. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 98 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NJA2768139 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NJD080631369 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 10/28/1998 Trans1 Recv Date: 10/28/1998 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 10/30/1998

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NJD980536593 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: 50160 Waste Code: D007 - CHROMIUM 5.0 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00040 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 98 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG1998423 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: 009865825 Trans2 State ID: IND058484114 Generator Ship Date: 12/20/2001 Trans1 Recv Date: 12/20/2001 Trans2 Recv Date: 01/04/2002 TSD Site Recv Date: 01/10/2002 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: IND093219012 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: Not reported Waste Code: D008 - LEAD 5.0 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00275 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 005 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 01 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NJA5015322 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: 50160 Trans2 State ID: S2265 Generator Ship Date: 03/12/2004 Trans1 Recv Date: 03/12/2004 Trans2 Recv Date: 03/19/2004 TSD Site Recv Date: 03/19/2004 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NJD080631369 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NJD980536 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00030 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00050 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: U002 - ACETONE Quantity: 00060 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00005 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 04 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NJA5015322 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: 50160 Trans2 State ID: S2265 Generator Ship Date: 03/12/2004 Trans1 Recv Date: 03/12/2004 Trans2 Recv Date: 03/19/2004 TSD Site Recv Date: 03/19/2004 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NJD080631369 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NJD980536 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00002 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D002 - NON-LISTED CORROSIVE WASTES Quantity: 00005 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D002 - NON-LISTED CORROSIVE WASTES Quantity: 00030 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D009 - MERCURY 0.2 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00010 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 04 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NJA1484832 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NJD080631369 Trans2 State ID: NJD054126164 Generator Ship Date: 10/12/2001 Trans1 Recv Date: 10/12/2001 Trans2 Recv Date: 10/16/2001 TSD Site Recv Date: 10/19/2001 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NJD980536593 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: P2066991I Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00018 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00036 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D039 - TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 0.73 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00012 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: U220 - TOLUENE Quantity: 00065 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 01 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NJA1484832 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NJD080631369 Trans2 State ID: NJD054126164 Generator Ship Date: 10/12/2001 Trans1 Recv Date: 10/12/2001 Trans2 Recv Date: 10/16/2001 TSD Site Recv Date: 10/19/2001 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NJD980536593 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: P2066991I Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00800 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: CF - Fiber or plastic boxes, cartons Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00275 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: U226 - 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE Quantity: 00015 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D002 - NON-LISTED CORROSIVE WASTES Quantity: 00013 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 01 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NJA1484832 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NJD080631369 Trans2 State ID: NJD054126164 Generator Ship Date: 10/12/2001 Trans1 Recv Date: 10/12/2001 Trans2 Recv Date: 10/16/2001 TSD Site Recv Date: 10/19/2001 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NJD980536593 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: P2066991I Waste Code: D002 - NON-LISTED CORROSIVE WASTES Quantity: 00007 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00350 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 01 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYB7721955 Manifest Status: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DEC Trans1 State ID: 80359VNY Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 961219 Trans1 Recv Date: 961219 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 TSD Site Recv Date: 961219 Part A Recv Date: 970113 Part B Recv Date: 970122 Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD982792814 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD057770109 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00300 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 005 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00400 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00024 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00030 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 96 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NJA3092270 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NJD080631369 Trans2 State ID: NJD054126164 Generator Ship Date: 11/21/2002 Trans1 Recv Date: 11/21/2002 Trans2 Recv Date: 11/27/2002

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 TSD Site Recv Date: 11/27/2002 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NJD980536593 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NJDEP5016 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00001 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00010 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00005 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 02 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG0273213 Manifest Status: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DEC Trans1 State ID: 14322HNY Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 970911 Trans1 Recv Date: 970911 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 970912 Part A Recv Date: 970918 Part B Recv Date: 971022 Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD057770109 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD057770109

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Waste Code: D008 - LEAD 5.0 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00204 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00010 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00040 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 002 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00034 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 002 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00096 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 002 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 100 Waste Code: Not reported Quantity: 00002 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 97 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Document ID: NYG0273213 Manifest Status: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DEC Trans1 State ID: 14322HNY Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 970911 Trans1 Recv Date: 970911 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 970912 Part A Recv Date: 970918 Part B Recv Date: 971022 Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD057770109 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD057770109 Waste Code: D007 - CHROMIUM 5.0 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 00002 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 97 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYG0275148 Manifest Status: Completed copy Trans1 State ID: 11878VNY Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 970415 Trans1 Recv Date: 970415 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 970415 Part A Recv Date: 970425 Part B Recv Date: 970502 Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NYD057770109 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NYD057770109 Waste Code: D008 - LEAD 5.0 MG/L TCLP Quantity: 02573 Units: G - Gallons (liquids only)* (8.3 pounds) Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: TT - Cargo tank, tank trucks Handling Method: T Chemical, physical, or biological treatment. Specific Gravity: 100

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Year: 97 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NYB2606463 Manifest Status: Completed after the designated time period for a TSDF to get a copy to the DEC Trans1 State ID: PTD5832 Trans2 State ID: Not reported Generator Ship Date: 910628 Trans1 Recv Date: 910628 Trans2 Recv Date: Not reported TSD Site Recv Date: 910710 Part A Recv Date: 910715 Part B Recv Date: 910726 Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: MND980791321 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: KSD981506025 Waste Code: B006 - PCB TRANSFORMERS WITH 500 PPM OR > PCB Quantity: 02255 Units: K - Kilograms (2.2 pounds) Number of Containers: 003 Container Type: CM - Metal boxes, cases, roll-offs Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 100 Year: 91 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

Document ID: NJA4073698 Manifest Status: Not reported Trans1 State ID: NJD080631369 Trans2 State ID: NJD054126164 Generator Ship Date: 03/13/2003 Trans1 Recv Date: 03/13/2003

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MAJ J ODONOVAN AFR CENTER (Continued) 1000557280 Trans2 Recv Date: 03/21/2003 TSD Site Recv Date: 03/21/2003 Part A Recv Date: Not reported Part B Recv Date: Not reported Generator EPA ID: NY4210021412 Trans1 EPA ID: NJD980536593 Trans2 EPA ID: Not reported TSDF ID: NJDEP5016 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00005 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00040 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DF - Fiberboard or plastic drums (glass) Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Waste Code: D001 - NON-LISTED IGNITABLE WASTES Quantity: 00350 Units: P - Pounds Number of Containers: 001 Container Type: DM - Metal drums, barrels Handling Method: B Incineration, heat recovery, burning. Specific Gravity: 01.00 Year: 03 Manifest Tracking Num: Not reported Import Ind: Not reported Export Ind: Not reported Discr Quantity Ind: Not reported Discr Type Ind: Not reported Discr Residue Ind: Not reported Discr Partial Reject Ind: Not reported Discr Full Reject Ind: Not reported Manifest Ref Num: Not reported Alt Fac RCRA Id: Not reported Alt Fac Sign Date: Not reported Mgmt Method Type Code: Not reported

I56 NORTHEAST ORTHOPEDICS HIST LTANKS S102960307 South 721 MADISON AVE N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.460 mi. 2427 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster I

Relative: HIST LTANKS: Lower Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9708951 Actual: Spill Date: 10/31/1997 212 ft. Spill Time: 11:00 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Commercial/Industrial

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NORTHEAST ORTHOPEDICS (Continued) S102960307 Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 11/20/97 Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Standard: False Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 10/31/97 Reported to Department Time: 11:09 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: NORTHEAST ORTHOPEDICS Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Address: 721 MADISON AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: NORTHEAST ORTHOPEDICS Facility Phone: Not reported Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 10/31/97 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 01/12/98 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: UNKNOWN PETROLEUM

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NORTHEAST ORTHOPEDICS (Continued) S102960307 Class Type: UNKNOWN PETROLEUM Times Material Entry In File: 16414 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19940929 DEC Remarks: 11/20/97 - RECEIVED CLOSURE REPORT. MINOR CONTAMINATION REMAINS BUT POSES NO ENVIEONMENTAL OR HEALTH CONCERNS. Spill Cause: during tank pull contaminated soil found


Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 64594 Spill No: 9613661 Actual: Spill Date: 2/20/1997 224 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Private Dwelling Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 2/21/1997 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: Not reported Cleanup Meets Standard: False SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 2/20/1997 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: False Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 2/20/1997 Spill Record Last Update: 5/27/1997 Spiller Name: JACOB HERZOG Spiller Company: JACOB HERZOG Spiller Address: 76 WESTERN AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: JACOB HERZOG Spiller Phone: (518) 436-4042 Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 62207 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" HOTLINE HAD Eq FAILURE, SHOULD BE TANK FAILURE, PINHOLE IN TANK (ONLY 5yrs OLD), MAINCARE EMPTYING TANK, WILL LEAVE Temp TANK TILL NEW TANK IS PUT IN 2/21, OIL IN FRENCH DRAIN BUT NO OUTSIDE RELEASE, CLEANING OIL IN CELLAR, JOE WILL BE @ SITE 2/21 am & WILL UPDATE WTC THEN. 2/21/97 - SPOKE WITH SERVICE TECH. SPILL CLEANED UP AND INSTALLLING NEW TANK. Remarks: MAIN CARE ON SCENE FOR CLEANUP-TANK THAT IS LEAKING IS BEING PUMPED OUT THIS EVENING AND A TEMPORARY TANK WILL BE INSTALLED AS WELL- NEW

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Material: Site ID: 64594 Operable Unit ID: 1041244 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 338767 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 5 Units: Gallons Recovered: 5 Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9613661 Spill Date: 02/20/1997 Spill Time: 18:30 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Private Dwelling Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 02/21/97 Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Standard: False Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 02/20/97 Reported to Department Time: 18:52 SWIS: 01

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HERZOG PROPERTY WESTERN (Continued) S102556082 Spiller Contact: JACOB HERZOG Spiller Phone: (518) 436-4042 Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: JACOB HERZOG Spiller Address: 76 WESTERN AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: JACOB HERZOG Facility Phone: (518) 436-4042 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 02/20/97 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 05/27/97 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 5 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 5 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: HOTLINE HAD Eq FAILURE, SHOULD BE TANK FAILURE, PINHOLE IN TANK ONLY 5yrs OLD), MAINCARE EMPTYING TANK, WILL LEAVE Temp TANK TILL NEW TANK IS PUT IN 2/21, OIL IN FRENCH DRAIN BUT NO OUTSIDE RELEASE, CLEANING OIL IN CELLAR, JOE WILL BE @ SITE 2/21 am WILL UPDATE WTC THEN. 2/21/97 - SPOKE WITH SERVICE TECH. SPILL CLEANED UP AND INSTALLLING NEW TANK. Spill Cause: MAIN CARE ON SCENE FOR CLEANUP-TANK THAT IS LEAKING IS BEING PUMPED OUT THIS EVENING AND A TEMPORARY TANK WILL BE INSTALLED AS WELL- NEW TANK TO BE INSTALLED TOMORROW

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58 CAP AREA ENERGY CENTRAL HIST LTANKS S102233718 ESE 184 CENTRAL AVE N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.481 mi. 2540 ft.

Relative: HIST LTANKS: Higher Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9512680 Actual: Spill Date: 01/11/1996 230 ft. Spill Time: 16:00 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Private Dwelling Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 01/10/97 Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Standard: False Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 01/11/96 Reported to Department Time: 16:33 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: UNK Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: Not reported Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 01/11/96 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 08/04/97 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported

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CAP AREA ENERGY CENTRAL (Continued) S102233718 Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 15 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 15 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: 1/11/96 MF SEAM SPLIT - SLIGHT DRIP ONTO FLOOR - LEAK NEAR TOP - NO SUMPS - OIL PUDDLED - OIL NOT SOAKING IN - NO ONE LIVING THERE - HEAT HAS NOT BEEN ON FOR SOME TIME. ZWACK AND SONS FUNERAL HOME. 1/12/96 TK ON SITE 9:00 AM NO ACTIVITY THE BUILDING IS CLOSED UP AND UNOCCUPIED. THE PLACE LOOKS KIND OF DEAD AT THIS TIME. 1/10/97 - SPOKE WITH FRED KEYS OF CAP. AREA ENERGY CORP. AND HE TOLD ME THEY REPLACED THE TANK. Spill Cause: tank was being filled at customers req tank was already full or near full oil being added cause tank to ruptiure do to no heat in building for some time entire spill will be cleaned and tank will be enptied

59 HINES RES SECOND ST HIST LTANKS S101341479 North 621 SECOND (2ND) ST N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.485 mi. 2562 ft.

Relative: HIST LTANKS: Higher Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9409459 Actual: Spill Date: 10/14/1994 244 ft. Spill Time: 19:30 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Private Dwelling Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 10/21/94 Cleanup Ceased: 10/15/94 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: CHRISTENSEN/DOB Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 10/14/94 Reported to Department Time: 22:10

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HINES RES SECOND ST (Continued) S101341479 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: HINES Spiller Address: 621 SECOND (2ND) ST Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (518) 489-6453 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 10/21/94 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 04/19/95 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 10 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: Not reported Spill Cause: PINHOLE LEAK IN CELLAR AGT, ON FLOOR, USED SPEEDIDRY, NO CALL-BACK REQ UESTED.

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60 DPW N. MANNING BLVD LTANKS S100134504 North 14 N. MANNING BLVD HIST LTANKS N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.487 mi. 2573 ft.

Relative: LTANKS: Higher Site ID: 208404 Spill No: 8701575 Actual: Spill Date: 5/27/1987 249 ft. Spill Cause: Tank Failure Spill Source: Institutional, Educational, Gov., Other Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 5/27/1987 Facility Addr2: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 5/27/1987 Cleanup Meets Standard: True SWIS: 0101 Investigator: WEBLAIN Referred To: Not reported Reported to Dept: 5/27/1987 CID: 21 Water Affected: Not reported Spill Notifier: Fire Department Last Inspection: 5/27/1987 Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Involvement: True Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 5/28/1987 Spill Record Last Update: 9/14/1999 Spiller Name: Not reported Spiller Company: ALBANY DPW Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY Spiller County: 001 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 172920 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "BLAIN" Remarks: FIRE DEPT. ON SCENE - LOOKING FOR DEC GUIDANCE F.D. HANDLED SPILL IN EXCELLENT MANNER

Material: Site ID: 208404 Operable Unit ID: 906052 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 471504 Material Code: 0009 Material Name: Gasoline Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 15 Units: Gallons Recovered: No Resource Affected: Not reported

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DPW N. MANNING BLVD (Continued) S100134504 Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 8701575 Spill Date: 05/27/1987 Spill Time: 14:00 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: In Sewer Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Non Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 05/27/87 Cleanup Ceased: 05/27/87 Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: BLAIN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 05/27/87 Reported to Department Time: 14:13 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: ALBANY DPW Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: Not reported Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Fire Department PBS Number: Not reported Last Inspection: 05/27/87 Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / /

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DPW N. MANNING BLVD (Continued) S100134504 Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: True Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 05/28/87 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 09/14/99 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 15 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: GASOLINE Class Type: GASOLINE Times Material Entry In File: 21329 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19940929 DEC Remarks: Not reported Spill Cause: FIRE DEPT. ON SCENE - LOOKING FOR DEC GUIDANCE F.D. HANDLED SPILL IN EXCELLENT MANNER

61 ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC RCRA-NonGen 1000155443 NE 30 ONTARIO ST FINDS NYD002621977 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 12206 HIST LTANKS 0.491 mi. UST 2591 ft. HIST UST

Relative: RCRA-NonGen: Higher Date form received by agency: 01/01/2007 Facility name: ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC Actual: Facility address: 30 ONTARIO ST 233 ft. ALBANY, NY 12206 EPA ID: NYD002621977 Mailing address: PO BOX 6120 ALBANY, NY 12206 Contact: PATRICK MARONEY Contact address: PO BOX 6120 ALBANY, NY 12206 Contact country: US Contact telephone: (518) 463-2213 Contact email: Not reported EPA Region: 02 Land type: Facility is not located on Indian land. Additional information is not known. Classification: Non-Generator Description: Handler: Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste

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ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC (Continued) 1000155443

Owner/Operator Summary: Owner/operator name: Not reported Owner/operator address: NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED, WY 99999 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (212) 555-1212 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Operator Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Owner/operator name: Not reported Owner/operator address: NOT REQUIRED NOT REQUIRED, WY 99999 Owner/operator country: US Owner/operator telephone: (212) 555-1212 Legal status: Private Owner/Operator Type: Owner Owner/Op start date: Not reported Owner/Op end date: Not reported

Handler accessibilty indicator: Transferred to the program or state equivalent. Handler Activities Summary: U.S. importer of hazardous waste: Unknown Mixed waste (haz. and radioactive): Unknown Recycler of hazardous waste: No Transporter of hazardous waste: Unknown Treater, storer or disposer of HW: No Underground injection activity: No On-site burner exemption: Unknown Furnace exemption: Unknown Used oil fuel burner: No Used oil processor: No User oil refiner: No Used oil fuel marketer to burner: No Used oil Specification marketer: No Used oil transfer facility: No Used oil transporter: No Off-site waste receiver: Commercial status unknown

Historical Generators: Date form received by agency: 01/01/2006 Facility name: ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC Classification: Not a generator, verified

Date form received by agency: 01/17/1984 Facility name: ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC Classification: Unverified

Facility Has Received Notices of Violations: Regulation violated: Not reported Area of violation: Generators - General Date violation determined: 03/25/1985 Date achieved compliance: 06/25/1985 Violation lead agency: State

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ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC (Continued) 1000155443 Enforcement action: FINAL 3008(A) COMPLIANCE ORDER Enforcement action date: 03/25/1985 Enf. disposition status: Not reported Enf. disp. status date: Not reported Enforcement lead agency: State Proposed penalty amount: Not reported Final penalty amount: Not reported Paid penalty amount: Not reported

Evaluation Action Summary: Evaluation date: 03/25/1985 Evaluation: NON-FINANCIAL RECORD REVIEW Area of violation: Generators - General Date achieved compliance: 06/25/1985 Evaluation lead agency: State FINDS:

Registry ID: 110004341800

Environmental Interest/Information System RCRAInfo is a national information system that supports the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program through the tracking of events and activities related to facilities that generate, transport, and treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. RCRAInfo allows RCRA program staff to track the notification, permit, compliance, and corrective action activities required under RCRA.

HIST LTANKS: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9412374 Spill Date: 10/10/1994 Spill Time: 12:00 Spill Cause: Tank Failure Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 05/24/95 Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Standard: True Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 12/09/94 Reported to Department Time: 12:00 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: Not reported Spiller Phone: Not reported

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ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC (Continued) 1000155443 Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: ONTARIO SCRAP METAL Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: Not reported Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: Not reported Facility Phone: (518) 463-2213 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: DEC PBS Number: 4-435139 Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 01/06/95 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 05/06/99 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: True Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 0 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: UNKNOWN PETROLEUM Class Type: UNKNOWN PETROLEUM Times Material Entry In File: 16414 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19940929 DEC Remarks: COMBINED FILE 9412374 9412260. Spill Cause: LAB RESULTS SHOW CONT. SOIL FROM 10/10 TANK PULL, SEE 9412260.

UST: Facility Id: 4-435139 Region: STATE DEC Region: 4 Site Status: Unregulated Program Type: PBS Expiration Date: N/A UTM X: 600667 UTM Y: 4724964 Site ID: 36779

Tank Number: 1

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ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC (Continued) 1000155443 Tank ID: 90934 Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: Not reported Capacity Gallons: 1500 Tightness Test Method: 01 Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 10/1/1989 Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Date Test: 9/1/1989 Register: True Modified By: TRANSLAT Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Tank Number: 2 Tank ID: 90935 Tank Status: Closed - Removed Tank Model: Not reported Pipe Model: Not reported Install Date: Not reported Capacity Gallons: 1500 Tightness Test Method: 01 Next Test Date: Not reported Date Tank Closed: 10/1/1994 Tank Location: 5 Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Date Test: 9/1/1989 Register: True Modified By: TRANSLAT Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Affiliation Records: Site Id: 36779 Affiliation Type: Emergency Contact Company Name: ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: BILL AHL Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 463-2213 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 36779 Affiliation Type: Mail Contact Company Name: ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC. Contact Type: Not reported

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ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC (Continued) 1000155443 Contact Name: BILL AHL Address1: 30 ONTARIO ST. Address2: P.O. BOX 6120 City: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code: 12206 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 463-2213 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 36779 Affiliation Type: Owner Company Name: ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: Not reported Address1: P.O. BOX 6120 Address2: Not reported City: ALBANY State: NY Zip Code: 12206 Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 463-2213 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Site Id: 36779 Affiliation Type: On-Site Operator Company Name: ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC. Contact Type: Not reported Contact Name: BILL AHL Address1: Not reported Address2: Not reported City: Not reported State: NN Zip Code: Not reported Country Code: 001 Phone: (518) 463-2213 Phone Ext: Not reported Email: Not reported Fax Number: Not reported Modified By: TRANSLAT Date Last Modified: 3/4/2004

Equipment Records: Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90935 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: D02 Code Name: Galvanized Steel Type: Pipe Type

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ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC (Continued) 1000155443 Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90935 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: I00 Code Name: None Type: Overfill

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90935 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: J01 Code Name: Submersible Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90935 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90935 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90935 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90935 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90935 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90934 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: C02 Code Name: Underground/On-ground Type: Pipe Location

Site Id: 36779

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ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC (Continued) 1000155443 Tank Id Number: 90934 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: D02 Code Name: Galvanized Steel Type: Pipe Type

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90934 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: G00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Secondary Containment

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90934 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: A00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Internal Protection

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90934 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: F00 Code Name: None Type: Pipe External Protection

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90935 Tank Number: 2 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90934 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: J01 Code Name: Submersible Type: Dispenser

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90934 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: H00 Code Name: None Type: Tank Leak Detection

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90934 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: I00 Code Name: None Type: Overfill

Site Id: 36779 Tank Id Number: 90934

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ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC (Continued) 1000155443 Tank Number: 1 Equipment: B00 Code Name: None Type: Tank External Protection

HIST UST: PBS Number: 4-435139 SPDES Number: Not reported Emergency Contact: BILL AHL Emergency Telephone: (518) 482-1708 Operator: BILL AHL Operator Telephone: (518) 463-2213 Owner Name: ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC. Owner Address: P.O. BOX 6120 Owner City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12206 Owner Telephone: (518) 463-2213 Owner Type: Corporate/Commercial Owner Subtype: Not reported Mailing Name: ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC. Mailing Address: 30 ONTARIO ST. Mailing Address 2: P.O. BOX 6120 Mailing City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12206 Mailing Contact: BILL AHL Mailing Telephone: (518) 463-2213 Owner Mark: First Owner Facility Status: 2 - Unregulated by PBS (the total capacity is less than 1,101 gallons) and Subpart 360-14. Facility Addr2: Not reported SWIS ID: 0101 Old PBS Number: Not reported Facility Type: TRUCKING/TRANSPORTATION Inspected Date: Not reported Inspector: Not reported Inspection Result: Not reported Federal ID: Not reported Certification Flag: False Certification Date: 03/08/1993 Expiration Date: 05/19/1998 Renew Flag: False Renewal Date: Not reported Total Capacity: 0 FAMT: True Facility Screen: No Missing Data Owner Screen: No Missing Data Tank Screen: 0 Dead Letter: False CBS Number: Not reported Town or City: ALBANY (C) County Code: 01 Town or City: 01 Region: 4

Tank Id: 1 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed-Removed Install Date: Not reported Capacity (gals): 1500

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ONTARIO SCRAP METAL INC (Continued) 1000155443 Product Stored: DIESEL Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: None Tank External: None Pipe Location: Underground Pipe Type: GALVANIZED STEEL Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: None Dispenser: Submersible Date Tested: 09/01/1989 Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: 10/01/1989 Test Method: Petro-Tite Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: Not reported

Tank Id: 2 Tank Location: UNDERGROUND Tank Status: Closed-Removed Install Date: Not reported Capacity (gals): 1500 Product Stored: DIESEL Tank Type: Steel/carbon steel Tank Internal: None Tank External: None Pipe Location: Underground Pipe Type: GALVANIZED STEEL Pipe Internal: None Pipe External: None Second Containment: None Leak Detection: None Overfill Prot: None Dispenser: Submersible Date Tested: 09/01/1989 Next Test Date: Not reported Missing Data for Tank: No Missing Data Date Closed: 10/01/1994 Test Method: Petro-Tite Deleted: False Updated: True Lat/long: Not reported

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62 ST JOSEPHS RESIDENCE CSR HIST LTANKS S102665288 West 458 WESTERN AVE N/A 1/4-1/2 ALBANY, NY 0.498 mi. 2627 ft.

Relative: HIST LTANKS: Higher Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9610355 Actual: Spill Date: 11/19/1996 223 ft. Spill Time: 08:20 Spill Cause: Tank Overfill Resource Affectd: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Other Commercial/Industrial Spill Class: Known release that creates potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 04/04/00 Cleanup Ceased: / / Cleanup Meets Standard: False Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Caller Extension: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Notifier Extension: Not reported Reported to Department Date: 11/19/96 Reported to Department Time: 08:49 SWIS: 01 Spiller Contact: SISTER JEAN KEATING Spiller Phone: (518) 783-3522 Spiller Extention: Not reported Spiller Name: SISTERS OF ST JOSEPH CSR Spiller Address: Not reported Spiller City,St,Zip: NY - Spiller Cleanup Date: / / Facility Contact: SR JEAN KEATING Facility Phone: (518) 783-3522 Facility Extention: Not reported Spill Notifier: Other PBS Number: 4-388505 Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Enforcement Date: / / Investigation Complete: / / UST Involvement: False Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 11/19/96 Time Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Spill Record Last Update: 08/28/01 Is Updated: False

Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported

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ST JOSEPHS RESIDENCE CSR (Continued) S102665288 Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported Material: Material Class Type: Not reported Quantity Spilled: Not reported Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: Not reported Units: Not reported Quantity Recovered: Not reported Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: Not reported Material: Not reported Class Type: Not reported Times Material Entry In File: Not reported CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: Not reported DEC Remarks: 4/4/00 - One yard of soil was removed. Soil properly disposed of. Other spill number to look at is 97-10140. Closed 4/4/2000. 8605611, 8806345 FOLDER), 8806725, 9104481, 9202598, 9610355, 9710140, 0104642, 0105696. Spill Cause: agency removing 500 gal tank and found approx 1 yard of soil contaminated from poss tank overfills. soil removed and is sitting on plastic now.

63 AXELROD INSTITUTE DOH SHWS S102242289 South 120 NEW SCOTLAND AVE VAPOR REOPENED N/A 1/2-1 ALBANY, NY NY Spills 0.844 mi. NY Hist Spills 4457 ft.

Relative: SHWS: Lower Program: HW Site Code: 57745 Actual: Classification: SITE IS PROPERLY CLOSED - REQUIRES CONTINUED MANAGEMENT 212 ft. Region: 4 Acres: 1.000 HW Code: 401031 Record Add: 11/18/1999 12:00:00 PM Record Upd: 6/25/2009 11:01:00 AM Updated By: JXRIDER Site Description: The NYSDOH operated this clinical microbiology and virology lab. The laboratory was used as a reference and proficiency testing facility for various diseases. Solvents were routinely used in the lab for various lab functions and also to clean glassware. From 1942 to 1958, the solvents (which included xylol, methanol, ethanol, ether, methyl ethyl ketone, mineral spirits, turpentine and chlorinated solvents) were burned in an open pit on the property. In 1958, the Albany County DOH mandated that open burning be discontinued. For the next 18 years, the solvents were dumped into the pit and allowed to infiltrate and/or evaporate. This practice was discontinued in 1976. It was estimated that about 100 gallons of solvents per year were disposed this way. A Remedial Investigation (RI) was completed in 1992. Sampling done as part of the RI revealed that there were high levels of solvents in the soil located in the disposal pit and in the groundwater near the former Christian Brothers Academy property which is adjacent to this site. Contaminants in this downgradient well included methylene chloride at 388 ppm, acetone at 75 ppm, chloroform at 15 ppm, toluene at 24 ppm, trichloroethylene at 6.1 ppm and benzene at 14 ppm. All of these chemicals, except methylene chloride,

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AXELROD INSTITUTE DOH (Continued) S102242289 were also detected in the soil boring samples from the disposal pit. Polyaromatic hydrocarbon compounds (PAHs) have also been detected throughout the site. Concentration levels of all these chemicals were far higher than the applicable Part 703 groundwater quality standards. Historic research revealed that the property was once used as a cemetery. During soil boring work activities, old human remains and fractured pieces of an old coffin were uncovered. All site remedial measures including construction of a groundwater pump and treat (p & t) system have been implemented according to a Record of Decision (ROD) signed in March 1992. A geo-composite cap was constructed over the site. Part of the property was paved with asphalt and is now being used as a parking lot. Sampling has been taking place quarterly, and analysis is showing that contaminant levels are dropping. The treatment plant has been shut down and removed and groundwater monitoring is continuing. A vapor intrusion evaluation is being done. Env Problem: Groundwater and soil contamination has been confirmed. Remedial work has been completed in accordance with the ROD of March 1992. Groundwater was being pumped and treated but was discontinued since the contaminate levels remained fairly constant and no migration has occurred. There are still elevated levels of some contaminants but the concentration levels have dropped due to natural attenuation. Groundwater monitoring is continuing. A soil vapor intrusion evaluation is being done. Health Problem: All waste is underground and there is little potential for direct contact. Contamination migration has been limited due to dense soil conditions. These soil conditions also limited the effectiveness of a groundwater treatment system which operated from 1992 to 2000. Groundwater is not used for drinking since the area is served by public water. The site is in a secure area and there are no current exposures. Dump: False Structure: False Lagoon: False Landfill: False Pond: False Disp Start: 1942 Disp Term: 1976 Lat/Long: 42:39:04:0 / 73:46:49:0 Dell: False Record Add: 11/18/1999 12:00:00 PM Record Upd: 11/18/1999 12:00:00 PM Updated By: INITIAL Own Op: Disp. Owner Sub Type: NNN Owner Name: Not reported Owner Company: NYSDOH-DIVISION OF LABS & RESEARCH Owner Address: Not reported Owner Addr2: Not reported Owner City,St,Zip: ZZ Owner Country: United States of America Own Op: Owner Sub Type: B99 Owner Name: Not reported Owner Company: NYSDOH-DIVISION OF LABS & RESEARCH Owner Address: TOWER BLDG., Owner Addr2: Not reported

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AXELROD INSTITUTE DOH (Continued) S102242289 Owner City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12257 Owner Country: United States of America Own Op: On-Site Operator Sub Type: B99 Owner Name: DR. JOHN MATUSZEK Owner Company: NYSDOH-DIVISION OF LABS & RESEARCH Owner Address: 170 NEW SCOTLAND AVE. Owner Addr2: Not reported Owner City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12208 Owner Country: United States of America Own Op: On-Site Operator Sub Type: NNN Owner Name: Not reported Owner Company: NYSDOH-Division of Labs and Research Owner Address: 120 New Scotland Avenue Owner Addr2: Not reported Owner City,St,Zip: Albany, NY 12208 Owner Country: United States of America Own Op: Owner Sub Type: NNN Owner Name: Not reported Owner Company: NYSDOH-Division of Labs and Research Owner Address: Tower Building - Empire State Plaza Owner Addr2: Not reported Owner City,St,Zip: Albany, NY 12257 Owner Country: United States of America HW Code: 401031 Waste Type: SOLVENTS (F002, F003 AND F005) Waste Quantity: SEVERAL THOUSAND GALLONS Waste Code: Not reported HW Code: 401031 Waste Type: SOLVENTS (F002, F003 AND F005) Waste Quantity: SEVERAL THOUSAND GALLONS Waste Code: Not reported HW Code: 401031 Waste Type: HALOGENATED AND NON-HALOGENATED Waste Quantity: UNKNOWN Waste Code: Not reported Crossref ID: NYD148615263 Cross Ref Type Code: 05 Cross Ref Type: EPA Site ID Record Added Date: 11/18/1999 12:00:00 PM Record Updated: 5/10/2001 4:31:00 PM Updated By: REGTRANS

VAPOR REOPENED: Site Code: 401031 Facility Status: Complete (No Further Action)

NY Spills: Site ID: 99948 Facility Addr2: DOH Facility ID: 9513913 Spill Number: 9513913 Facility Type: ER SWIS: 0101

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AXELROD INSTITUTE DOH (Continued) S102242289 Investigator: WTCHRIST Referred To: Not reported Spill Date: 2/1/1996 Reported to Dept: 2/1/1996 CID: 21 Spill Cause: Equipment Failure Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: Institutional, Educational, Gov., Other Spill Notifier: Responsible Party Cleanup Ceased: 2/1/1996 Cleanup Meets Std: True Last Inspection: Not reported Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended UST Trust: False Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 2/1/1996 Remediation Phase: 0 Date Entered In Computer: 2/1/1996 Spill Record Last Update: 4/15/2008 Spiller Name: BILL STUBBLEBINE Spiller Company: NYS HEALTH DEPT DOH Spiller Address: 120 NEW SCOTLAND AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12208- Spiller Company: 999 Contact Name: BILL STUBBLEBINE Contact Phone: (518) 474-4165 DEC Region: 4 DER Facility ID: 222063 DEC Memo: Prior to Sept, 2004 data translation this spill Lead_DEC Field was "CHRISTENSEN" DOH CLEANED. 4-387908; 9006144, 9416594, 9513913 Remarks: valve malfunctioned (tank switches by computer & defaulted back to original tank which was already pretty full) - spill contained by pigs, abosorbant added, and being picked up now. Material: Site ID: 99948 Operable Unit ID: 1024748 Operable Unit: 01 Material ID: 357622 Material Code: 0001 Material Name: #2 Fuel Oil Case No.: Not reported Material FA: Petroleum Quantity: 20 Units: Gallons Recovered: 20 Resource Affected: Not reported Oxygenate: False

Tank Test: Site ID: Not reported Spill Tank Test: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate: Not reported

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AXELROD INSTITUTE DOH (Continued) S102242289 Gross Fail: Not reported Modified By: Not reported Last Modified: Not reported Test Method: Not reported

NY Hist Spills: Region of Spill: 4 Spill Number: 9513913 Investigator: CHRISTENSEN Caller Name: Not reported Caller Agency: Not reported Caller Phone: Not reported Notifier Name: Not reported Notifier Agency: Not reported Notifier Phone: Not reported Spill Date/Time: 02/01/1996 01:00 Reported to Dept Date/Time: 02/01/96 03:19 SWIS: 01 Spiller Name: NYS HEALTH DEPT Spiller Contact: BILL STUBBLEBINE Spiller Phone: (518) 474-4165 Spiller Contact: BILL STUBBLEBINE Spiller Phone: (518) 474-4165 Spiller Address: 120 NEW SCOTLAND AVE Spiller City,St,Zip: ALBANY, NY 12208- Spill Cause: Equipment Failure Reported to Dept: On Land Water Affected: Not reported Spill Source: 02 Spill Notifier: Responsible Party PBS Number: Not reported Cleanup Ceased: 02/01/96 Cleanup Meets Std: True Last Inspection: / / Recommended Penalty: Penalty Not Recommended Spiller Cleanup Dt: / / Enforcement Date: / / Invstgn Complete: 02/01/96 UST Involvement: False Spill Class: Known release with minimal potential for fire or hazard. DEC Response. Willing Responsible Party. Corrective action taken. Spill Closed Dt: 02/01/96 Corrective Action Plan Submitted: / / Date Region Sent Summary to Central Office: / / Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: 02/01/96 Date Spill Entered In Computer Data File: Not reported Update Date: 07/22/99 Is Updated: False Tank: PBS Number: Not reported Tank Number: Not reported Tank Size: Not reported Test Method: Not reported Leak Rate Failed Tank: Not reported Gross Leak Rate: Not reported

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AXELROD INSTITUTE DOH (Continued) S102242289

Material: Material Class Type: Petroleum Quantity Spilled: 20 Unkonwn Quantity Spilled: False Units: Gallons Quantity Recovered: 20 Unkonwn Quantity Recovered: False Material: #2 FUEL OIL Class Type: #2 FUEL OIL Times Material Entry In File: 24464 CAS Number: Not reported Last Date: 19941207 DEC Remarks: DOH CLEANED. Remark: valve malfunctioned tank switches by computer defaulted back to original tank which was already pretty full) - spill contained by pigs, abosorbant added, and being picked up now.

TC2861036.2s Page 290 ORPHAN SUMMARY

City EDR ID Site Name Site Address Zip Database(s)



To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required.

Number of Days to Update: Provides confirmation that EDR is reporting records that have been updated within 90 days from the date the government agency made the information available to the public.


Federal NPL site list

NPL: National Priority List National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. Date of Government Version: 03/31/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/02/2010 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 10 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

NPL Site Boundaries Sources: EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) Telephone: 202-564-7333 EPA Region 1 EPA Region 6 Telephone 617-918-1143 Telephone: 214-655-6659 EPA Region 3 EPA Region 7 Telephone 215-814-5418 Telephone: 913-551-7247 EPA Region 4 EPA Region 8 Telephone 404-562-8033 Telephone: 303-312-6774 EPA Region 5 EPA Region 9 Telephone 312-886-6686 Telephone: 415-947-4246 EPA Region 10 Telephone 206-553-8665

Proposed NPL: Proposed National Priority List Sites A site that has been proposed for listing on the National Priorities List through the issuance of a proposed rule in the Federal Register. EPA then accepts public comments on the site, responds to the comments, and places on the NPL those sites that continue to meet the requirements for listing. Date of Government Version: 03/31/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/02/2010 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 10 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the USEPA by CERCLA of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner received notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. Date of Government Version: 10/15/1991 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/02/1994 Telephone: 202-564-4267 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/1994 Last EDR Contact: 08/16/2010 Number of Days to Update: 56 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/29/2010 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned


Federal Delisted NPL site list

DELISTED NPL: National Priority List Deletions The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Date of Government Version: 03/31/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/02/2010 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 10 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Federal CERCLIS list

CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System CERCLIS contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Date of Government Version: 01/29/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/09/2010 Telephone: 703-412-9810 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/11/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

FEDERAL FACILITY: Federal Facility Site Information listing A listing of National Priority List (NPL) and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites found in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Database where EPAa??s Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office is involved in cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 06/23/2009 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/15/2010 Telephone: 703-603-8704 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/21/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List

CERCLIS-NFRAP: CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned Archived sites are sites that have been removed and archived from the inventory of CERCLIS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA’s knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. Date of Government Version: 06/23/2009 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/02/2009 Telephone: 703-412-9810 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/21/2009 Last EDR Contact: 09/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 19 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/13/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list

CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity.


Date of Government Version: 03/25/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/31/2010 Telephone: 800-424-9346 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/16/2010 Number of Days to Update: 57 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/29/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list

RCRA-TSDF: RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Transporters are individuals or entities that move hazardous waste from the generator offsite to a facility that can recycle, treat, store, or dispose of the waste. TSDFs treat, store, or dispose of the waste. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: (212) 637-3660 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/19/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Federal RCRA generators list

RCRA-LQG: RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: (212) 637-3660 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/19/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

RCRA-SQG: RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators (SQGs) generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: (212) 637-3660 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/19/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

RCRA-CESQG: RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: (212) 637-3660 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/19/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies


Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries

US ENG CONTROLS: Engineering Controls Sites List A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. Engineering controls include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. Date of Government Version: 12/20/2009 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/20/2010 Telephone: 703-603-0695 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 82 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

US INST CONTROL: Sites with Institutional Controls A listing of sites with institutional controls in place. Institutional controls include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. Date of Government Version: 12/20/2009 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/20/2010 Telephone: 703-603-0695 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 82 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Federal ERNS list

ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 07/09/2010 Source: National Response Center, United States Coast Guard Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/09/2010 Telephone: 202-267-2180 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 39 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS

SHWS: Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites in New York State Referred to as the State Superfund Program, the Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Site Remedial Program is the cleanup program for inactive hazardous waste sites and now includes hazardous substance sites Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/26/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9622 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/21/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

VAPOR REOPENED: Vapor Intrustion Legacy Site List "Vapor intrusion" refers to the process by which volatile chemicals move from a subsurface source into the indoor air of overlying or adjacent buildings. The subsurface source can either be contaminated groundwater or contaminated soil which releases vapors into the pore spaces in the soil.Improvements in analytical techniques and knowledge gained from site investigations in New York and other states has led to an increased awareness of soil vapor as a medium of concern and of the potential for exposures from the soil vapor intrusion pathway. Based on this additional information, New York is currently re-evaluating previous assumptions and decisions regarding the potential for soil vapor intrusion exposures at sites. As a result, all past, current, and future contaminated sites will be evaluated to determine whether these sites have the potential for exposures related to soil vapor intrusion.


Date of Government Version: 02/02/2010 Source: Department of Environmenal Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/24/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9814 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 21 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists

SWF/LF: Facility Register Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites. SWF/LF type records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. Depending on the state, these may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Subtitle D Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 07/14/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/16/2010 Telephone: 518-457-2051 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

State and tribal leaking storage tank lists

LTANKS: Spills Information Database Leaking Storage Tank Incident Reports. These records contain an inventory of reported leaking storage tank incidents reported from 4/1/86 through the most recent update. They can be either leaking underground storage tanks or leaking aboveground storage tanks. The causes of the incidents are tank test failures, tank failures or tank overfills. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/26/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/21/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

HIST LTANKS: Listing of Leaking Storage Tanks A listing of leaking underground and aboveground storage tanks. The causes of the incidents are tank test failures, tank failures or tank overfills. In 2002, the Department of Environmental Conservation stopped providing updates to its original Spills Information Database. This database includes fields that are no longer available from the NYDEC as of January 1, 2002. Current information may be found in the NY LTANKS database. Department of Environmental Conservation. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2002 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/08/2005 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2005 Last EDR Contact: 07/07/2005 Number of Days to Update: 6 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

INDIAN LUST R4: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Florida, Mississippi and North Carolina. Date of Government Version: 05/19/2010 Source: EPA Region 4 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/21/2010 Telephone: 404-562-8677 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 80 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

INDIAN LUST R9: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Nevada Date of Government Version: 05/27/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/28/2010 Telephone: 415-972-3372 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 73 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly


INDIAN LUST R10: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Date of Government Version: 05/04/2010 Source: EPA Region 10 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2010 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 22 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN LUST R1: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land A listing of leaking underground storage tank locations on Indian Land. Date of Government Version: 02/19/2009 Source: EPA Region 1 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2009 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/16/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN LUST R6: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Date of Government Version: 05/03/2010 Source: EPA Region 6 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2010 Telephone: 214-665-6597 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 22 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN LUST R7: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska Date of Government Version: 11/04/2009 Source: EPA Region 7 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/04/2010 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/07/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2010 Number of Days to Update: 64 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN LUST R8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: EPA Region 8 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/27/2010 Telephone: 303-312-6271 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 74 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

State and tribal registered storage tank lists

UST: Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) Database Facilities that have petroleum storage capacities in excess of 1,100 gallons and less than 400,000 gallons. Date of Government Version: 06/17/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/18/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/18/2010 Number of Days to Update: 53 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

CBS UST: Chemical Bulk Storage Database Facilities that store regulated hazardous substances in underground tanks of any size Date of Government Version: 01/01/2002 Source: NYSDEC Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/20/2002 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/22/2002 Last EDR Contact: 10/24/2005 Number of Days to Update: 30 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/23/2006 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned


MOSF UST: Major Oil Storage Facilities Database Facilities that may be onshore facilities or vessels, with petroleum storage capacities of 400,000 gallons or greater. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2002 Source: NYSDEC Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/20/2002 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/22/2002 Last EDR Contact: 07/25/2005 Number of Days to Update: 30 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/24/2005 Data Release Frequency: Varies

AST: Petroleum Bulk Storage Registered Aboveground Storage Tanks. Date of Government Version: 06/17/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/18/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/18/2010 Number of Days to Update: 53 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

CBS AST: Chemical Bulk Storage Database Facilities that store regulated hazardous substances in aboveground tanks with capacities of 185 gallons or greater, and/or in underground tanks of any size. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2002 Source: NYSDEC Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/20/2002 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/22/2002 Last EDR Contact: 07/25/2005 Number of Days to Update: 30 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/24/2005 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

MOSF AST: Major Oil Storage Facilities Database Facilities that may be onshore facilities or vessels, with petroleum storage capacities of 400,000 gallons or greater. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2002 Source: NYSDEC Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/20/2002 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/22/2002 Last EDR Contact: 07/25/2005 Number of Days to Update: 30 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/24/2005 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

CBS: Chemical Bulk Storage Site Listing These facilities store regulated hazardous substances in aboveground tanks with capacities of 185 gallons or greater, and/or in underground tanks of any size Date of Government Version: 06/17/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/18/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/18/2010 Number of Days to Update: 53 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

MOSF: Major Oil Storage Facility Site Listing These facilities may be onshore facilities or vessels, with petroleum storage capacities of 400,000 gallons or greater. Date of Government Version: 06/17/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/18/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/18/2010 Number of Days to Update: 53 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly


INDIAN UST R6: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 6 (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and 65 Tribes). Date of Government Version: 05/03/2010 Source: EPA Region 6 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2010 Telephone: 214-665-7591 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 22 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

INDIAN UST R5: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 5 (Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/11/2010 Source: EPA Region 5 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/11/2010 Telephone: 312-886-6136 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 60 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN UST R4: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Tribal Nations) Date of Government Version: 05/19/2010 Source: EPA Region 4 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/21/2010 Telephone: 404-562-9424 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 80 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

INDIAN UST R9: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 05/27/2010 Source: EPA Region 9 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/28/2010 Telephone: 415-972-3368 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 73 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN UST R8: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: EPA Region 8 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/27/2010 Telephone: 303-312-6137 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 74 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN UST R7: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and 9 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/01/2008 Source: EPA Region 7 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/30/2008 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/16/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2010 Number of Days to Update: 76 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies


INDIAN UST R10: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 05/04/2010 Source: EPA Region 10 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/05/2010 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 22 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN UST R1: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and ten Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/19/2009 Source: EPA, Region 1 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2009 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/16/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

FEMA UST: Underground Storage Tank Listing A listing of all FEMA owned underground storage tanks. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2010 Source: FEMA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/16/2010 Telephone: 202-646-5797 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/19/2010 Number of Days to Update: 55 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries

ENG CONTROLS: Registry of Engineering Controls Environmental Remediation sites that have engineering controls in place. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/26/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9553 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/21/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INST CONTROL: Registry of Institutional Controls Environmental Remediation sites that have institutional controls in place. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/26/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9553 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/21/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

RES DECL: Restrictive Declarations Listing A restrictive declaration is a covenant running with the land which binds the present and future owners of the property. As a condition of certain special permits, the City Planning Commission may require an applicant to sign and record a restrictive declaration that places specified conditions on the future use and development of the property. Certain restrictive declarations are indicated by a D on zoning maps. Date of Government Version: 12/31/1992 Source: NYC Department of City Planning Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/31/2007 Telephone: 212-720-3401 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/19/2007 Last EDR Contact: 06/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 78 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/11/2010 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned


State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites

VCP: Voluntary Cleanup Agreements New York established its Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) to address the environmental, legal and financial barriers that often hinder the redevelopment and reuse of contaminated properties. The Voluntary Cleanup Program was developed to enhance private sector cleanup of brownfields by enabling parties to remediate sites using private rather than public funds and to reduce the development pressures on "greenfield" sites. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/26/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9711 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/21/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

INDIAN VCP R1: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 1. Date of Government Version: 04/02/2008 Source: EPA, Region 1 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2008 Telephone: 617-918-1102 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/19/2008 Last EDR Contact: 07/08/2010 Number of Days to Update: 27 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN VCP R7: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Lisitng A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 7. Date of Government Version: 03/20/2008 Source: EPA, Region 7 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2008 Telephone: 913-551-7365 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/19/2008 Last EDR Contact: 04/20/2009 Number of Days to Update: 27 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2009 Data Release Frequency: Varies

State and tribal Brownfields sites

ERP: Environmental Restoration Program Listing In an effort to spur the cleanup and redevelopment of brownfields, New Yorkers approved a $200 million Environmental Restoration or Brownfields Fund as part of the $1.75 billion Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act of 1996 (1996 Bond Act). Enhancements to the program were enacted on October 7, 2003. Under the Environmental Restoration Program, the State provides grants to municipalities to reimburse up to 90 percent of on-site eligible costs and 100% of off-site eligible costs for site investigation and remediation activities. Once remediated, the property may then be reused for commercial, industrial, residential or public use. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/26/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9622 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/21/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

BROWNFIELDS: Brownfields Site List A Brownfield is any real property where redevelopment or re-use may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous waste, petroleum, pollutant, or contaminant. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/26/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9764 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/21/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually



Local Brownfield lists

US BROWNFIELDS: A Listing of Brownfields Sites Included in the listing are brownfields properties addresses by Cooperative Agreement Recipients and brownfields properties addressed by Targeted Brownfields Assessments. Targeted Brownfields Assessments-EPA’s Targeted Brownfields Assessments (TBA) program is designed to help states, tribes, and municipalities--especially those without EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilots--minimize the uncertainties of contamination often associated with brownfields. Under the TBA program, EPA provides funding and/or technical assistance for environmental assessments at brownfields sites throughout the country. Targeted Brownfields Assessments supplement and work with other efforts under EPA’s Brownfields Initiative to promote cleanup and redevelopment of brownfields. Cooperative Agreement Recipients-States, political subdivisions, territories, and Indian tribes become Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund (BCRLF) cooperative agreement recipients when they enter into BCRLF cooperative agreements with the U.S. EPA. EPA selects BCRLF cooperative agreement recipients based on a proposal and application process. BCRLF cooperative agreement recipients must use EPA funds provided through BCRLF cooperative agreement for specified brownfields-related cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 06/24/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/25/2010 Telephone: 202-566-2777 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 53 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/11/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites

ODI: Open Dump Inventory An open dump is defined as a disposal facility that does not comply with one or more of the Part 257 or Part 258 Subtitle D Criteria. Date of Government Version: 06/30/1985 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/09/2004 Telephone: 800-424-9346 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/17/2004 Last EDR Contact: 06/09/2004 Number of Days to Update: 39 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

DEBRIS REGION 9: Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations A listing of illegal dump sites location on the Torres Martinez Indian Reservation located in eastern Riverside County and northern Imperial County, California. Date of Government Version: 01/12/2009 Source: EPA, Region 9 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2009 Telephone: 415-947-4219 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/21/2009 Last EDR Contact: 07/28/2010 Number of Days to Update: 137 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

SWTIRE: Registered Waste Tire Storage & Facility List A listing of facilities registered to accept waste tires. Date of Government Version: 08/01/2006 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/15/2006 Telephone: 518-402-8694 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/30/2006 Last EDR Contact: 07/30/2010 Number of Days to Update: 15 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/08/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

SWRCY: Registered Recycling Facility List A listing of recycling facilities. Date of Government Version: 07/14/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/16/2010 Telephone: 518-402-8705 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually


INDIAN ODI: Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Location of open dumps on Indian land. Date of Government Version: 12/31/1998 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/03/2007 Telephone: 703-308-8245 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/24/2008 Last EDR Contact: 08/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 52 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites

US CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 05/07/2010 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/18/2010 Telephone: 202-307-1000 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 03/08/2010 Number of Days to Update: 60 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

DEL SHWS: Delisted Registry Sites A database listing of sites delisted from the Registry of Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites. Date of Government Version: 03/26/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/26/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9622 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/28/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 33 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

US HIST CDL: National Clandestine Laboratory Register A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 09/01/2007 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/19/2008 Telephone: 202-307-1000 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/2009 Last EDR Contact: 03/23/2009 Number of Days to Update: 131 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2009 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

Local Lists of Registered Storage Tanks

HIST UST: Historical Petroleum Bulk Storage Database These facilities have petroleum storage capacities in excess of 1,100 gallons and less than 400,000 gallons. This database contains detailed information per site. It is no longer updated due to the sensitive nature of the information involved. See UST for more current data. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2002 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/02/2006 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2006 Last EDR Contact: 10/23/2006 Number of Days to Update: 48 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/22/2007 Data Release Frequency: Varies


HIST AST: Historical Petroleum Bulk Storage Database These facilities have petroleum storage capabilities in excess of 1,100 gallons and less than 400,000 gallons. This database contains detailed information per site. No longer updated due to the sensitive nature of the information involved. See AST for more current data. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2002 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/02/2006 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/20/2006 Last EDR Contact: 10/23/2006 Number of Days to Update: 48 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/22/2007 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

Local Land Records

LIENS 2: CERCLA Lien Information A Federal CERCLA (’Superfund’) lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. These monies are spent to investigate and address releases and threatened releases of contamination. CERCLIS provides information as to the identity of these sites and properties. Date of Government Version: 05/06/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/11/2010 Telephone: 202-564-6023 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 90 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

LUCIS: Land Use Control Information System LUCIS contains records of land use control information pertaining to the former Navy Base Realignment and Closure properties. Date of Government Version: 12/09/2005 Source: Department of the Navy Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/11/2006 Telephone: 843-820-7326 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Last EDR Contact: 08/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 31 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Records of Emergency Release Reports

HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 04/06/2010 Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/07/2010 Telephone: 202-366-4555 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 50 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

SPILLS: Spills Information Database Data collected on spills reported to NYSDEC as required by one or more of the following: Article 12 of the Navigation Law, 6 NYCRR Section 613.8 (from PBS regs), or 6 NYCRR Section 595.2 (from CBS regs). It includes spills active as of April 1, 1986, as well as spills occurring since this date. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/26/2010 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/21/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

HIST SPILLS: SPILLS Database This database contains records of chemical and petroleum spill incidents. Under State law, petroleum and hazardous chemical spills that can impact the waters of the state must be reported by the spiller (and, in some cases, by anyone who has knowledge of the spills). In 2002, the Department of Environmental Conservation stopped providing updates to its original Spills Information Database. This database includes fields that are no longer available from the NYDEC as of January 1, 2002. Current information may be found in the NY SPILLS database. Department of Environmental Conservation.


Date of Government Version: 01/01/2002 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/08/2005 Telephone: 518-402-9549 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2005 Last EDR Contact: 07/07/2005 Number of Days to Update: 6 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

Other Ascertainable Records

RCRA-NonGen: RCRA - Non Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: (212) 637-3660 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/19/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

DOT OPS: Incident and Accident Data Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Incident and Accident data. Date of Government Version: 01/12/2010 Source: Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/09/2010 Telephone: 202-366-4595 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

DOD: Department of Defense Sites This data set consists of federally owned or administered lands, administered by the Department of Defense, that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: USGS Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/10/2006 Telephone: 703-692-8801 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites The listing includes locations of Formerly Used Defense Sites properties where the US Army Corps of Engineers is actively working or will take necessary cleanup actions. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2008 Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/30/2009 Telephone: 202-528-4285 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/01/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Major legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. Date of Government Version: 04/11/2010 Source: Department of Justice, Consent Decree Library Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/19/2010 Telephone: Varies Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/08/2010 Number of Days to Update: 28 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/18/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies


ROD: Records Of Decision Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid in the cleanup. Date of Government Version: 06/01/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/16/2010 Telephone: 703-416-0223 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/16/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

UMTRA: Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Uranium ore was mined by private companies for federal government use in national defense programs. When the mills shut down, large piles of the sand-like material (mill tailings) remain after uranium has been extracted from the ore. Levels of human exposure to radioactive materials from the piles are low; however, in some cases tailings were used as construction materials before the potential health hazards of the tailings were recognized. Date of Government Version: 01/05/2009 Source: Department of Energy Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2009 Telephone: 505-845-0011 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/08/2009 Last EDR Contact: 09/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 1 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/13/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

MINES: Mines Master Index File Contains all mine identification numbers issued for mines active or opened since 1971. The data also includes violation information. Date of Government Version: 05/07/2010 Source: Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/09/2010 Telephone: 303-231-5959 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/30/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 82 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2008 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/13/2010 Telephone: 202-566-0250 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/18/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 36 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/13/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2002 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/14/2006 Telephone: 202-260-5521 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/30/2006 Last EDR Contact: 07/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 46 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/11/2010 Data Release Frequency: Every 4 Years

FTTS: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) FTTS tracks administrative cases and pesticide enforcement actions and compliance activities related to FIFRA, TSCA and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act). To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Source: EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Telephone: 202-566-1667 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/30/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/13/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly


FTTS INSP: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) A listing of FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) inspections and enforcements. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Telephone: 202-566-1667 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/30/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/13/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

HIST FTTS: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing A complete administrative case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Telephone: 202-564-2501 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

HIST FTTS INSP: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Inspection & Enforcement Case Listing A complete inspection and enforcement case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Telephone: 202-564-2501 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2008 Number of Days to Update: 40 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

SSTS: Section 7 Tracking Systems Section 7 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended (92 Stat. 829) requires all registered pesticide-producing establishments to submit a report to the Environmental Protection Agency by March 1st each year. Each establishment must report the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients and devices being produced, and those having been produced and sold or distributed in the past year. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2008 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/06/2010 Telephone: 202-564-4203 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/16/2010 Number of Days to Update: 35 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

ICIS: Integrated Compliance Information System The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) supports the information needs of the national enforcement and compliance program as well as the unique needs of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Date of Government Version: 04/24/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/29/2010 Telephone: 202-564-5088 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 18 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/11/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly


PADS: PCB Activity Database System PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB’s who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2010 Telephone: 202-566-0500 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/30/2010 Number of Days to Update: 109 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System MLTS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subject to NRC licensing requirements. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 03/18/2010 Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/06/2010 Telephone: 301-415-7169 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 51 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

RADINFO: Radiation Information Database The Radiation Information Database (RADINFO) contains information about facilities that are regulated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for radiation and radioactivity. Date of Government Version: 07/13/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/14/2010 Telephone: 202-343-9775 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Registry System Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and ’pointers’ to other sources that contain more detail. EDR includes the following FINDS databases in this report: PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C-DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws and Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System). Date of Government Version: 04/14/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2010 Telephone: (212) 637-3000 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 41 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data entry in the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to terminate RAATS because a decrease in agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the information contained in the database. Date of Government Version: 04/17/1995 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/03/1995 Telephone: 202-564-4104 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/07/1995 Last EDR Contact: 06/02/2008 Number of Days to Update: 35 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/01/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

BRS: Biennial Reporting System The Biennial Reporting System is a national system administered by the EPA that collects data on the generation and management of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data from two groups: Large Quantity Generators (LQG) and Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities.


Date of Government Version: 12/31/2007 Source: EPA/NTIS Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/25/2010 Telephone: 800-424-9346 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/24/2010 Number of Days to Update: 76 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Biennially

HSWDS: Hazardous Substance Waste Disposal Site Inventory The list includes any known or suspected hazardous substance waste disposal sites. Also included are sites delisted from the Registry of Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites and non-Registry sites that U.S. EPA Preliminary Assessment (PA) reports or Site Investigation (SI) reports were prepared. Hazardous Substance Waste Disposal Sites are eligible to be Superfund sites now that the New York State Superfund has been refinanced and changed. This means that the study inventory has served its purpose and will no longer be maintained as a separate entity. The last version of the study inventory is frozen in time. The sites on the study will not automatically be made Superfund sites, rather each site will be further evaluated for listing on the Registry. So overtime they will be added to the registry or not. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2003 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 10/20/2006 Telephone: 518-402-9564 Date Made Active in Reports: 11/30/2006 Last EDR Contact: 05/26/2009 Number of Days to Update: 41 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 08/24/2009 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

NY MANIFEST: Facility and Manifest Data Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a TSD facility. Date of Government Version: 04/30/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/13/2010 Telephone: 518-402-8651 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/21/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2010 Number of Days to Update: 39 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

DRYCLEANERS: Registered Drycleaners A listing of all registered drycleaning facilities. Date of Government Version: 03/23/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/25/2010 Telephone: 518-402-8403 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/06/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/21/2010 Number of Days to Update: 42 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

SPDES: State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System New York State has a state program which has been approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency for the control of wastewater and stormwater discharges in accordance with the Clean Water Act. Under New York State law the program is known as the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) and is broader in scope than that required by the Clean Water Act in that it controls point source discharges to groundwaters as well as surface waters. Date of Government Version: 07/19/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/19/2010 Telephone: 518-402-8233 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/19/2010 Number of Days to Update: 22 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

AIRS: Air Emissions Data Point source emissions inventory data. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/05/2007 Telephone: 518-402-8452 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/17/2007 Last EDR Contact: 08/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 42 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually


E DESIGNATION: E DESIGNATION SITE LISTING The (E (Environmental)) designation would ensure that sampling and remediation take place on the subject properties, and would avoid any significant impacts related to hazardous materials at these locations. The (E) designations would require that the fee owner of the sites conduct a testing and sampling protocol, and remediation where appropriate, to the satisfaction of the NYCDEP before the issuance of a building permit by the Department of Buildings pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-15 of the Zoning Resolution (Environmental Requirements). The (E) designations also include a mandatory construction-related health and safety plan which must be approved by NYCDEP. Date of Government Version: 05/25/2010 Source: Department of City Planning Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/06/2010 Telephone: 718-595-6658 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/24/2010 Number of Days to Update: 35 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/11/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN RESERV: Indian Reservations This map layer portrays Indian administered lands of the United States that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: USGS Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/08/2006 Telephone: 202-208-3710 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2010 Number of Days to Update: 34 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

SCRD DRYCLEANERS: State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. It is comprised of representatives of states with established drycleaner remediation programs. Currently the member states are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 05/12/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/13/2010 Telephone: 615-532-8599 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 96 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/08/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

COAL ASH EPA: Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List A listing of coal combustion residues surface impoundments with high hazard potential ratings. Date of Government Version: 11/09/2009 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/18/2009 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 02/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 54 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

FEDLAND: Federal and Indian Lands Federally and Indian administrated lands of the United States. Lands included are administrated by: Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, National Wild and Scenic River, National Wildlife Refuge, Public Domain Land, Wilderness, Wilderness Study Area, Wildlife Management Area, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Justice, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: U.S. Geological Survey Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2006 Telephone: 888-275-8747 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2010 Number of Days to Update: 339 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: N/A

COAL ASH DOE: Sleam-Electric Plan Operation Data A listing of power plants that store ash in surface ponds.


Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: Department of Energy Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2009 Telephone: 202-586-8719 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2009 Last EDR Contact: 07/21/2010 Number of Days to Update: 76 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

COAL ASH: Coal Ash Disposal Site Listing A listing of coal ash disposal site locations. Date of Government Version: 07/14/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/16/2010 Telephone: 518-402-8660 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

FINANCIAL ASSURANCE 2: Financial Assurance Information Listing A listing of financial assurance information for hazardous waste facilities. Financial assurance is intended to ensure that resources are available to pay for the cost of closure, post-closure care, and corrective measures if the owner or operator of a regulated facility is unable or unwilling to pay. Date of Government Version: 10/31/2008 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/25/2008 Telephone: 518-402-8712 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/11/2008 Last EDR Contact: 07/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 16 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

FINANCIAL ASSURANCE: Financial Assurance Information Listing Financial assurance information. Date of Government Version: 07/13/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/14/2010 Telephone: 518-402-8660 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 27 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

PCB TRANSFORMER: PCB Transformer Registration Database The database of PCB transformer registrations that includes all PCB registration submittals. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2008 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/18/2009 Telephone: 202-566-0517 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/29/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/10/2010 Number of Days to Update: 100 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/15/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies EDR PROPRIETARY RECORDS

EDR Proprietary Records

Manufactured Gas Plants: EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR’s researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800’s to 1950’s to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. Date of Government Version: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned




Cortland County Storage Tank Listing A listing of aboveground storage tank sites located in Cortland County. Date of Government Version: 04/22/2010 Source: Cortland County Health Department Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2010 Telephone: 607-753-5035 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 18 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Cortland County Storage Tank Listing A listing of underground storage tank sites located in Cortland County. Date of Government Version: 04/22/2010 Source: Cortland County Health Department Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2010 Telephone: 607-753-5035 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 18 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly


Registered Tank Database A listing of aboveground storage tank sites located in Nassau County. Date of Government Version: 05/21/2003 Source: Nassau County Health Department Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/27/2003 Telephone: 516-571-3314 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/09/2003 Last EDR Contact: 07/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 13 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

Storage Tank Database A listing of aboveground storage tank sites located in Nassau County. Date of Government Version: 04/13/2010 Source: Nassau County Office of the Fire Marshal Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/23/2010 Telephone: 516-572-1000 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/28/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 5 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Registered Tank Database A listing of underground storage tank sites located in Nassau County. Date of Government Version: 05/21/2003 Source: Nassau County Health Department Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/27/2003 Telephone: 516-571-3314 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/09/2003 Last EDR Contact: 07/12/2010 Number of Days to Update: 13 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/25/2010 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

Storage Tank Database A listing of underground storage tank sites located in Nassau County. Date of Government Version: 04/13/2010 Source: Nassau County Office of the Fire Marshal Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/23/2010 Telephone: 516-572-1000 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/28/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 5 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies



Petroleum Bulk Storage Database A listing of aboveground storage tank sites located in Rockland County. Date of Government Version: 06/25/2010 Source: Rockland County Health Department Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/25/2010 Telephone: 914-364-2605 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 46 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Petroleum Bulk Storage Database A listing of underground storage tank sites located in Rockland County. Date of Government Version: 06/25/2010 Source: Rockland County Health Department Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/25/2010 Telephone: 914-364-2605 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 46 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly


Storage Tank Database A listing of aboveground storage tank sites located in Suffolk County. Date of Government Version: 09/13/2006 Source: Suffolk County Department of Health Services Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/11/2007 Telephone: 631-854-2521 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/07/2007 Last EDR Contact: 08/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 27 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

Storage Tank Database A listing of underground storage tank sites located in Suffolk County. Date of Government Version: 09/13/2006 Source: Suffolk County Department of Health Services Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/11/2007 Telephone: 631-854-2521 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/07/2007 Last EDR Contact: 08/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 27 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually


Listing of Storage Tanks A listing of aboveground storage tank sites located in Westchester County. Date of Government Version: 05/05/2005 Source: Westchester County Department of Health Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/31/2005 Telephone: 914-813-5161 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/30/2005 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2010 Number of Days to Update: 30 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Listing of Storage Tanks A listing of underground storage tank sites located in Westchester County. Date of Government Version: 05/05/2005 Source: Westchester County Department of Health Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/31/2005 Telephone: 914-813-5161 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/30/2005 Last EDR Contact: 08/11/2010 Number of Days to Update: 30 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies



Depending on the geographic area covered by this report, the data provided in these specialty databases may or may not be complete. For example, the existence of wetlands information data in a specific report does not mean that all wetlands in the area covered by the report are included. Moreover, the absence of any reported wetlands information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report.

CT MANIFEST: Hazardous Waste Manifest Data Facility and manifest data. Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a tsd facility. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2007 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/26/2009 Telephone: 860-424-3375 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/11/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/25/2010 Number of Days to Update: 16 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

NJ MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/22/2010 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 08/26/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/22/2010 Number of Days to Update: 35 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

PA MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2008 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/01/2009 Telephone: 717-783-8990 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/14/2009 Last EDR Contact: 08/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 13 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/06/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

RI MANIFEST: Manifest information Hazardous waste manifest information Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Source: Department of Environmental Management Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/19/2010 Telephone: 401-222-2797 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/26/2010 Last EDR Contact: 08/30/2010 Number of Days to Update: 38 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/13/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

VT MANIFEST: Hazardous Waste Manifest Data Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 03/29/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/14/2010 Telephone: 802-241-3443 Date Made Active in Reports: 06/22/2010 Last EDR Contact: 07/26/2010 Number of Days to Update: 39 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 11/08/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

WI MANIFEST: Manifest Information Hazardous waste manifest information. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Source: Department of Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/06/2010 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 07/26/2010 Last EDR Contact: 06/21/2010 Number of Days to Update: 20 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually


Oil/Gas Pipelines: This data was obtained by EDR from the USGS in 1994. It is referred to by USGS as GeoData Digital Line Graphs from 1:100,000-Scale Maps. It was extracted from the transportation category including some oil, but primarily gas pipelines.

Electric Power Transmission Line Data Source: Rextag Strategies Corp. Telephone: (281) 769-2247 U.S. Electric Transmission and Power Plants Systems Digital GIS Data

Sensitive Receptors: There are individuals deemed sensitive receptors due to their fragile immune systems and special sensitivity to environmental discharges. These sensitive receptors typically include the elderly, the sick, and children. While the location of all sensitive receptors cannot be determined, EDR indicates those buildings and facilities - schools, daycares, hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes - where individuals who are sensitive receptors are likely to be located.

AHA Hospitals: Source: American Hospital Association, Inc. Telephone: 312-280-5991 The database includes a listing of hospitals based on the American Hospital Association’s annual survey of hospitals. Medical Centers: Provider of Services Listing Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Telephone: 410-786-3000 A listing of hospitals with Medicare provider number, produced by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nursing Homes Source: National Institutes of Health Telephone: 301-594-6248 Information on Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes in the United States. Public Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on elementary and secondary public education in the United States. It is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and school districts, which contains data that are comparable across all states. Private Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on private school locations in the United States. Daycare Centers: Day Care Providers Source: Department of Health Telephone: 212-676-2444

Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2009 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA.

NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002 and 2005 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

State Wetlands Data: Freshwater Wetlands Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Telephone: 518-402-8961

Scanned Digital USGS 7.5’ Topographic Map (DRG) Source: United States Geologic Survey A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey topographic map. The map images are made by scanning published paper maps on high-resolution scanners. The raster image is georeferenced and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection.



© 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material.





Latitude (North): 42.66480 - 42˚ 39’ 53.3’’ Longitude (West): 73.7774 - 73˚ 46’ 38.6’’ Universal Tranverse Mercator: Zone 18 UTM X (Meters): 600195.6 UTM Y (Meters): 4724102.5 Elevation: 220 ft. above sea level


Target Property Map: 42073-F7 ALBANY, NY Most Recent Revision: 1994

EDR’s GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration.

Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principle investigative components:

1. Groundwater flow direction, and 2. Groundwater flow velocity.

Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the geologic strata.


GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers).

TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted.

TARGET PROPERTY TOPOGRAPHY General Topographic Gradient: General SSW

SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY: ELEVATION PROFILES 247 247 244 237 230 227 222 220 211 211 211 211 210 210 205 203 199 192 187 Elevation (ft)

North South TP 231 229 229 226 224 223 222 222 221 220 220 220 220 220 219 219 217 214 211 Elevation (ft)

West East TP 0 1/2 1 Miles ✩Target Property Elevation: 220 ft.

Source: Topography has been determined from the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified.


HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted.

Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways and bodies of water).

FEMA FLOOD ZONE FEMA Flood Target Property County Electronic Data ALBANY, NY YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail Map

Flood Plain Panel at Target Property: 3600010007C - FEMA Q3 Flood data

Additional Panels in search area: 3600010003C - FEMA Q3 Flood data 3600010004C - FEMA Q3 Flood data 3600010006C - FEMA Q3 Flood data

NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Electronic NWI Quad at Target Property Data Coverage ALBANY YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail Map

HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted.

Site-Specific Hydrogeological Data*: Search Radius: 1.25 miles Status: Not found

AQUIFLOW® Search Radius: 1.000 Mile.

EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table.


* ©1996 Site−specific hydrogeological data gathered by CERCLIS Alerts, Inc., Bainbridge Island, WA. All rights reserved. All of the information and opinions presented are those of the cited EPA report(s), which were completed under a Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) investigation. TC2861036.2s Page A-3 GEOCHECK® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY

GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes move more quickly through sandy-gravelly types of soils than silty-clayey types of soils.

GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed at which contaminant migration may be occurring.


Era: Paleozoic Category: Stratified Sequence System: Ordovician Series: Middle Ordovician (Mohawkian) Code: O2 (decoded above as Era, System & Series)

Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994).

TC2861036.2s Page A-4 4

4 1




0 1/16 1/8 1/4 Miles



The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service SSURGO data.

Soil Map ID: 1

Soil Component Name: Urban land

Soil Surface Texture: variable

Hydrologic Group: Not reported

Soil Drainage Class: Hydric Status: Unknown

Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not Reported

Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches

Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches

Soil Layer Information Saturated Boundary Classification hydraulic Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil conductivity Soil Reaction micro m/sec (pH)

1 0 inches 5 inches variable Not reported Not reported Max: 0.0015 Max: Min: Min: 0

Soil Map ID: 2

Soil Component Name: Urban land

Soil Surface Texture: variable

Hydrologic Group: Not reported

Soil Drainage Class: Hydric Status: Unknown

Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not Reported

Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches

Depth to Watertable Min: > 137 inches


Soil Layer Information Saturated Boundary Classification hydraulic Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil conductivity Soil Reaction micro m/sec (pH)

1 0 inches 5 inches variable Not reported Not reported Max: 0.0015 Max: Min: Min: 0

Soil Map ID: 3

Soil Component Name: Udorthents

Soil Surface Texture: loam

Hydrologic Group: Class A/D - Drained/undrained hydrology class of soils that can be drained and are classified.

Soil Drainage Class: Moderately well drained

Hydric Status: Not hydric

Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Moderate

Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches

Depth to Watertable Min: > 137 inches

Soil Layer Information Saturated Boundary Classification hydraulic Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil conductivity Soil Reaction micro m/sec (pH)

1 0 inches 3 inches loam Silt-Clay FINE-GRAINED Max: 42 Max: 8.4 Materials (more SOILS, Silts and Min: 0.42 Min: 4.5 than 35 pct. Clays (liquid passing No. limit less than 200), Silty 50%), Lean Clay Soils. 2 3 inches 70 inches channery loam Silt-Clay FINE-GRAINED Max: 42 Max: 8.4 Materials (more SOILS, Silts and Min: 0.42 Min: 4.5 than 35 pct. Clays (liquid passing No. limit less than 200), Silty 50%), Lean Clay Soils.


Soil Map ID: 4

Soil Component Name: Urban land

Soil Surface Texture: variable

Hydrologic Group: Class A/D - Drained/undrained hydrology class of soils that can be drained and are classified.

Soil Drainage Class: Hydric Status: Unknown

Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Not Reported

Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches

Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches

Soil Layer Information Saturated Boundary Classification hydraulic Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil conductivity Soil Reaction micro m/sec (pH)

1 0 inches 5 inches variable Not reported Not reported Max: 0.0015 Max: Min: Min: 0

Soil Map ID: 5

Soil Component Name: Udorthents

Soil Surface Texture: silty clay

Hydrologic Group: Class C - Slow infiltration rates. Soils with layers impeding downward movement of water, or soils with moderately fine or fine textures.

Soil Drainage Class: Moderately well drained

Hydric Status: Unknown

Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: High

Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches

Depth to Watertable Min: > 31 inches


Soil Layer Information Saturated Boundary Classification hydraulic Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil conductivity Soil Reaction micro m/sec (pH)

1 0 inches 18 inches silty clay Silt-Clay FINE-GRAINED Max: 1.4 Max: 7.3 Materials (more SOILS, Silts and Min: 0.42 Min: 4.5 than 35 pct. Clays (liquid passing No. limit less than 200), Clayey 50%), Lean Clay Soils. 2 18 inches 72 inches stratified silt Silt-Clay FINE-GRAINED Max: 1.4 Max: 7.3 loam to clay Materials (more SOILS, Silts and Min: 0.42 Min: 4.5 than 35 pct. Clays (liquid passing No. limit less than 200), Clayey 50%), Lean Clay Soils.


EDR Local/Regional Water Agency records provide water well information to assist the environmental professional in assessing sources that may impact ground water flow direction, and in forming an opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells.


DATABASE SEARCH DISTANCE (miles) Federal USGS 1.000 Federal FRDS PWS Nearest PWS within 1 mile State Database 1.000



Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location.



TC2861036.2s Page A-10 4

0 3 2 6 4 0 0 320 2

4 0

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2 0

2 2

4 3 2 4 0 6 0 360 2 0 0 0

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0 2 0 2 0 1

1 NY

6 0

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Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Database EDR ID Number 1 NNE FED USGS USGS2130336 1/8 - 1/4 Mile Higher Agency cd: USGS Site no: 424003073463501 Site name: A 214 Latitude: 424003 EDR Site id: USGS2130336 Longitude: 0734635 Dec lat: 42.66757901 Dec lon: -73.77595436 Coor meth: M Coor accr: F Latlong datum: NAD27 Dec latlong datum: NAD83 District: 36 State: 36 County: 001 Country: US Land net: Not Reported Location map: ALBANY K-25-2 Map scale: 24000 Altitude: 240.00 Altitude method: Interpolated from topographic map Altitude accuracy: 5 Altitude datum: National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 Hydrologic: Middle Hudson. Massachusetts, New York. Area = 2390 sq.mi. Topographic: Flat surface Site type: Ground-water other than Spring Date construction: 19160101 Date inventoried: Not Reported Mean greenwich time offset: EST Local standard time flag: N Type of ground water site: Single well, other than collector or Ranney type Aquifer Type: Not Reported Aquifer: SNAKE HILL FORMATION Well depth: 374 Hole depth: 374 Source of depth data: Not Reported Project number: Not Reported Real time data flag: Not Reported Daily flow data begin date: Not Reported Daily flow data end date: Not Reported Daily flow data count: Not Reported Peak flow data begin date: Not Reported Peak flow data end date: Not Reported Peak flow data count: Not Reported Water quality data begin date: Not Reported Water quality data end date:Not Reported Water quality data count: Not Reported Ground water data begin date: Not Reported Ground water data end date: Not Reported Ground water data count: Not Reported

Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0



State Database: NY Radon

Radon Test Results

Zip Num Sites < 4 Pci/L >= 4 Pci/L >= 20 Pci/L Avg > 4 Pci/L Max Pci/L ______

12206 22 22 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1.23 3.7

Federal EPA Radon Zone for ALBANY County: 1 Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2 pCi/L and <= 4 pCi/L. : Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L.

Federal Area Radon Information for ALBANY COUNTY, NY Number of sites tested: 141 Area Average Activity % <4 pCi/L % 4-20 pCi/L % >20 pCi/L

Living Area 0.780 pCi/L 92% 5% 3% Basement 1.600 pCi/L 82% 17% 1%



USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5 minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000-scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection.

Scanned Digital USGS 7.5’ Topographic Map (DRG) Source: United States Geologic Survey A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey topographic map. The map images are made by scanning published paper maps on high-resolution scanners. The raster image is georeferenced and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection.


Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2009 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA.

NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002 and 2005 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

State Wetlands Data: Freshwater Wetlands Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Telephone: 518-402-8961


AQUIFLOW R Information System Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information.


Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994).

STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps.

SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) Telephone: 800-672-5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Services, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management.




PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources.

PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS).

USGS Water Wells: USGS National Water Inventory System (NWIS) This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater.


New York Public Water Wells Source: New York Department of Health Telephone: 518-458-6731


Oil and Gas Well Database Department of Environmental Conservation Telephone: 518-402-8056 These files contain records, in the database, of wells that have been drilled.


State Database: NY Radon Source: Department of Health Telephone: 518-402-7556 Radon Test Results

Area Radon Information Source: USGS Telephone: 703-356-4020 The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions.

EPA Radon Zones Source: EPA Telephone: 703-356-4020 Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels.


Airport Landing Facilities: Private and public use landing facilities Source: Federal Aviation Administration, 800-457-6656

Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration



© 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material.

TC2861036.2s Page A-16 City of Albany Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

Appendix C: Historical Aerial Photographs

4279011 / ALB

566 Washington Ave. 566 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12206

Inquiry Number: 2861036.5 September 02, 2010

The EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package

Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) Aerial Photo Decade Package is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR’s professional researchers provide digitally reproduced historical aerial photographs, and when available, provide one photo per decade.

When delivered electronically by EDR, the aerial photo images included with this report are for ONE TIME USE ONLY. Further reproduction of these aerial photo images is prohibited without permission from EDR. For more information contact your EDR Account Executive.

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice

This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report AS IS. Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice.

Copyright 2010 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission.

EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Date EDR Searched Historical Sources: Aerial PhotographySeptember 02, 2010

Target Property: 566 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12206

Year Scale Details Source

1952 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500' Panel #: 42073-F7, Albany, NY;/Flight Date: May 01, 1952 EDR

1973 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=500' Panel #: 42073-F7, Albany, NY;/Flight Date: June 16, 1973 EDR

1978 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=1000' Panel #: 42073-F7, Albany, NY;/Flight Date: May 11, 1978 EDR

1984 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=1000' Panel #: 42073-F7, Albany, NY;/Flight Date: March 16, 1984 EDR

1986 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=750' Panel #: 42073-F7, Albany, NY;/Flight Date: March 31, 1986 EDR

1994 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=750' Panel #: 42073-F7, Albany, NY;/Flight Date: April 20, 1994 EDR

2006 Aerial Photograph. Scale: 1"=604' Panel #: 42073-F7, Albany, NY;/Flight Date: January 01, EDR 2006

2861036.5 2 INQUIRY #: 2861036.5 YEAR: 1952 = 500' INQUIRY #: 2861036.5 YEAR: 1973 = 500' INQUIRY #: 2861036.5 YEAR: 1978 = 1000' INQUIRY #: 2861036.5 YEAR: 1984 = 1000' INQUIRY #: 2861036.5 YEAR: 1986 = 750' INQUIRY #: 2861036.5 YEAR: 1994 = 750' INQUIRY #: 2861036.5 YEAR: 2006 = 604'

City of Albany Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

Appendix D: Historical Topographic Maps

4279011 / ALB

566 Washington Ave. 566 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12206

Inquiry Number: 2861036.4 September 02, 2010

EDR Historical Topographic Map Report EDR Historical Topographic Map Report

Environmental Data Resources, Inc.s (EDR) Historical Topographic Map Report is designed to assist professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDRs Historical Topographic Map Report includes a search of a collection of public and private color historical topographic maps, dating back to the early 1900s.

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice

This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report AS IS. Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice.

Copyright 2010 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission.

EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: 566 Washington Ave. CLIENT: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. N NAME: ALBANY ADDRESS: 566 Washington Ave. CONTACT: Danielle Giroux MAP YEAR: 1898 Albany, NY 12206 INQUIRY#: 2861036.4 LAT/LONG: 42.6648 / -73.7774 RESEARCH DATE: 09/02/2010 → SERIES: 15 SCALE: 1:62500 Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: 566 Washington Ave. CLIENT: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. N NAME: ALBANY ADDRESS: 566 Washington Ave. CONTACT: Danielle Giroux MAP YEAR: 1927 Albany, NY 12206 INQUIRY#: 2861036.4 LAT/LONG: 42.6648 / -73.7774 RESEARCH DATE: 09/02/2010 → SERIES: 15 SCALE: 1:62500 Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: 566 Washington Ave. CLIENT: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. N NAME: ALBANY ADDRESS: 566 Washington Ave. CONTACT: Danielle Giroux MAP YEAR: 1950 Albany, NY 12206 INQUIRY#: 2861036.4 LAT/LONG: 42.6648 / -73.7774 RESEARCH DATE: 09/02/2010 → SERIES: 15 SCALE: 1:62500 Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: 566 Washington Ave. CLIENT: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. N NAME: ALBANY ADDRESS: 566 Washington Ave. CONTACT: Danielle Giroux MAP YEAR: 1953 Albany, NY 12206 INQUIRY#: 2861036.4 LAT/LONG: 42.6648 / -73.7774 RESEARCH DATE: 09/02/2010 → SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: 566 Washington Ave. CLIENT: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. N NAME: ALBANY ADDRESS: 566 Washington Ave. CONTACT: Danielle Giroux MAP YEAR: 1980 Albany, NY 12206 INQUIRY#: 2861036.4 PHOTOREVISED:1953 LAT/LONG: 42.6648 / -73.7774 RESEARCH DATE: 09/02/2010 → SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000 Historical Topographic Map

TARGET QUAD SITE NAME: 566 Washington Ave. CLIENT: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. N NAME: ALBANY ADDRESS: 566 Washington Ave. CONTACT: Danielle Giroux MAP YEAR: 1994 Albany, NY 12206 INQUIRY#: 2861036.4 LAT/LONG: 42.6648 / -73.7774 RESEARCH DATE: 09/02/2010 → SERIES: 7.5 SCALE: 1:24000

City of Albany Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

Appendix E: Historical City Directories

4279011 / ALB

566 Washington Ave. 566 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12206

Inquiry Number: 2861036.6 September 07, 2010

The EDR-City Directory Abstract

440 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, CT 06461 800.352.0050 Environmental Data Resources Inc TABLE OF CONTENTS


Executive Summary Findings

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction orforecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice.

Copyright 2009 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. 2009 Enhancements to EDR City Directory Abstract

New for 2009, the EDR City Directory Abstract has been enhanced with additional information and features. These enhancements will make your city directory research process more efficient, flexible, and insightful than ever before. The enhancements will improve the options for selecting adjoining properties, and will speed up your review of the report.

City Directory Report. Three important enhancements have been made to the EDR City Directory Abstract:

1. Executive Summary. The report begins with an Executive Summary that lists the sources consulted in the preparation of the report. Where available, a parcel map is also provided within the report, showing the locations of properties researched.

2. Page Images. Where available, the actual page source images will be included in the Appendix, so that you can review them for information that may provide additional insight. EDR has copyright permission to include these images.

3. Findings Listed by Location. Another useful enhancement is that findings are now grouped by address. This will significantly reduce the time you need to review your abstracts. Findings are provided under each property address, listed in reverse chronological order and referencing the source for each entry.

Options for Selecting Adjoining Properties. Ensuring that the right adjoining property addresses are searched is one of the biggest challenges that environmental professionals face when conducting city directory historical research. EDR's new enhancements make it easier for you to meet this challenge. Now, when you place an order for the EDR City Directory Abstract, you have the following choices for determining which addresses should be researched.

1. You Select Addresses and EDR Selects Addresses. Use the "Add Another Address" feature to specify the addresses you want researched. Your selections will be supplemented by addresses selected by EDR researchers using our established research methods. Where available, a digital map will be shown, indicating property lines overlaid on a color aerial photo and their corresponding addresses. Simply use the address list below the map to check off which properties shown on the map you want to include. You may also select other addresses using the "Add Another Address" feature at the bottom of the list.

2. EDR Selects Addresses. Choose this method if you want EDR's researchers to select the addresses to be researched for you, using our established research methods.

3. You Select Addresses. Use this method for research based solely on the addresses you select or enter into the system.

4. Hold City Directory Research Option. If you choose to select your own adjoining addresses, you may pause production of your EDR City Directory Abstract report until you have had a chance to look at your other EDR reports and sources. Sources for property addresses include: your Certified Sanborn Map Report may show you the location of property addresses; the new EDR Property Tax Map Report may show the location of property addresses; and your field research can supplement these sources with additional address information. To use this capability, simply click "Hold City Directory research" box under "Other Options" at the bottom of the page. Once you have determined what addresses you want researched, go to your EDR Order Status page, select the EDR City Directory Abstract, and enter the addresses and submit for production.

Questions? Contact your EDR representative at 800-352-0050. For more information about all of EDR's 2009 report and service enhancements, visit EXECUTIVE SUMMARY


Environmental Data Resources, Inc.’s (EDR) City Directory Abstract is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR’s City Directory Abstract includes a search and abstract of available city directory data. For each address, the directory lists the name of the corresponding occupant at five year intervals.


The following research sources were consulted in the preparation of this report. An "X" indicates where information was identified in the source and provided in this report.

Year Source TP Adjoining Text Abstract Source Image 2010 Polk's City Directory XX X - 2005 Polk's City Directory XX X - 2000 Polk's City Directory XX X - 1995 Polk's City Directory XX X - 1990 Polk's City Directory XX X - 1985 Polk's City Directory XX X - 1979 Polk's City Directory XX X - 1974 Polk's City Directory XX X - 1969 Polk's City Directory XX X - 1964 Polk's City Directory XX X - 1959 Polk's City Directory XX X - 1954 Polk's City Directory XX X - 1949 Polk's City Directory XX X - 1944 Polk's City Directory XX X - 1938 Polk's City Directory XX X -

2861036- 6 Page 1 FINDINGS


ADDRESS 566 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12206

FINDINGS DETAIL Target Property research detail.

Year Uses Source

2010 No current listing Polk's City Directory 2005 R K O Dry Cleaners & Tailors Polk's City Directory 2000 R K O Dry Cleaners & Tailors Polk's City Directory 1995 Lee's Market Polk's City Directory R K O Dry Cleaners & Tailors Polk's City Directory 1990 R K O Dry Cleaners & Tailors Polk's City Directory 1985 R K O Dry Cleaners & Tailors Polk's City Directory 1979 R K O Cleaners Polk's City Directory 1974 R K O Cleaners & Dyers Polk's City Directory 1969 R K O Cleaners & Dyers Polk's City Directory 1964 R K O Cleaners & Dyers Polk's City Directory 1959 Vacant Polk's City Directory 1954 Residential Polk's City Directory 1949 Residential Polk's City Directory 1944 Residential Polk's City Directory 1938 Residential Polk's City Directory

2861036- 6 Page 2 FINDINGS


The following Adjoining Property addresses were researched for this report. Detailed findings are provided for each address.

Washington Ave.

563 Washington Ave.

Year Uses Source

2010 Apartments Polk's City Directory 2005 Apartments Polk's City Directory 2000 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1995 Student Res Polk's City Directory 1990 Student Res Polk's City Directory 1985 Residential Polk's City Directory 1979 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1974 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1969 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1964 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1959 Residential Polk's City Directory 1954 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1949 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1944 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1938 Apartments Polk's City Directory

564 Washington Ave.

Year Uses Source

2010 Residential Polk's City Directory 2005 No current listing Polk's City Directory 2000 Residential Polk's City Directory 1995 Student Res Polk's City Directory 1990 Student Res Polk's City Directory 1985 Dun Rite Floors Polk's City Directory 1979 Residential Polk's City Directory 1974 Residential Polk's City Directory 1969 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1964 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1959 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1954 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1949 Apartments Polk's City Directory

2861036- 6 Page 3 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

Year Uses Source

1944 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1938 Apartments Polk's City Directory

565 Washington Ave.

Year Uses Source

2010 WKP Laboratories Polk's City Directory 2005 Residential Polk's City Directory 2000 Residential Polk's City Directory 1995 Residential Polk's City Directory 1990 Residential Polk's City Directory 1985 Residential Polk's City Directory 1979 Residential Polk's City Directory 1974 Residential Polk's City Directory 1969 Residential Polk's City Directory 1964 Residential Polk's City Directory 1959 Residential Polk's City Directory 1954 Residential Polk's City Directory 1949 Residential Polk's City Directory 1944 Residential Polk's City Directory 1938 Residential Polk's City Directory

567 Washington Ave.

Year Uses Source

2010 Residential Polk's City Directory 2005 Apartments Polk's City Directory 2000 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1995 Student Res Polk's City Directory 1990 Residential Polk's City Directory 1985 Residential Polk's City Directory 1979 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1974 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1969 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1964 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1959 Residential Polk's City Directory 1954 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1949 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1944 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1938 Apartments Polk's City Directory

2861036- 6 Page 4 Year Uses Source FINDINGS

569 Washington Ave.

Year Uses Source

2010 Residential Polk's City Directory 2005 Apartments Polk's City Directory 2000 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1995 Studen Res Polk's City Directory 1990 Residential Polk's City Directory 1985 Residential Polk's City Directory 1979 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1974 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1969 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1964 Residential Polk's City Directory 1959 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1954 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1949 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1944 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1938 Apartments Polk's City Directory

571 Washington Ave.

Year Uses Source

2010 No current listing Polk's City Directory 2000 Residential Polk's City Directory 1995 Vacant Polk's City Directory 1990 Residential Polk's City Directory 1985 Residential Polk's City Directory 1979 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1974 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1969 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1964 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1959 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1954 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1949 Residential Polk's City Directory 1944 Apartments Polk's City Directory 1938 Apartments Polk's City Directory

2861036- 6 Page 5 FINDINGS

ADJOINING PROPERTY: ADDRESSES NOT IDENTIFIED IN RESEARCH SOURCE The following Adjoining Property addresses were researched for this report, and the addresses were not identified in research source.

Address Researched Address Not Identified in Research Source 563 Washington Ave. No Years Found

564 Washington Ave. No Years Found

565 Washington Ave. No Years Found

567 Washington Ave. No Years Found

569 Washington Ave. No Years Found

571 Washington Ave. 2005

City of Albany Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

Appendix F: Fire Insurance Maps

4279011 / ALB

566 Washington Ave. 566 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12206

Inquiry Number: 2861036.3 September 02, 2010

Certified Sanborn® Map Report Certified Sanborn® Map Report 9/02/10

Site Name: Client Name: 566 Washington Ave. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 566 Washington Ave. 855 Route 146 Albany, NY 12206 Clifton Park, NY 12065

EDR Inquiry # 2861036.3 Contact: Danielle Giroux

The complete Sanborn Library collection has been searched by EDR, and fire insurance maps covering the target property location provided by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. were identified for the years listed below. The certified Sanborn Library search results in this report can be authenticated by visiting and entering the certification number. Only Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) is authorized to grant rights for commercial reproduction of maps by Sanborn Library LLC, the copyright holder for the collection.

Certified Sanborn Results:

Site Name: 566 Washington Ave. Address: 566 Washington Ave. City, State, Zip: Albany, NY 12206 Cross Street: P.O. # NA

Project: 4279011 Sanborn® Library search results Certification # E13C-48F5-B03C Certification # E13C-48F5-B03C

Maps Provided: The Sanborn Library includes more than 1.2 million Sanborn fire insurance maps, which track historical 1997 1989 property usage in approximately 12,000 American 1995 1950 cities and towns. Collections searched: 1994 1934 1993 1909 Library of Congress 1992 University Publications of America

1990 EDR Private Collection

The Sanborn Library LLC Since 1866™

Limited Permission To Make Copies Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. (the client) is permitted to make up to THREE photocopies of this Sanborn Map transmittal and each fire insurance map accompanying this report solely for the limited use of its customer. No one other than the client is authorized to make copies. Upon request made directly to an EDR Account Executive, the client may be permitted to make a limited number of additional photocopies. This permission is conditioned upon compliance by the client, its customer and their agents with EDR's copyright policy; a copy of which is available upon request.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice.

Copyright 2010 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission.

EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

2861036 - 3 page 2 Sanborn Sheet Thumbnails This Certified Sanborn Map Report is based upon the following Sanborn Fire Insurance map sheets.

1997 Source Sheets

Volume 1, Sheet 71 Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 3, Sheet 324 Volume 3, Sheet 318

1995 Source Sheets

Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71 Volume 3, Sheet 324 Volume 3, Sheet 318

1994 Source Sheets

Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71 Volume 3, Sheet 318 Volume 3, Sheet 324

1993 Source Sheets

Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71 Volume 3, Sheet 318 Volume 3, Sheet 324

2861036 - 3 page 3 1992 Source Sheets

Volume 3, Sheet 318 Volume 3, Sheet 324 Volume 1, Sheet 65

1990 Source Sheets

Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71

1989 Source Sheets

Volume 3, Sheet 318 Volume 3, Sheet 324 Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71

1950 Source Sheets

Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71

2861036 - 3 page 4 1934 Source Sheets

Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71

1909 Source Sheets

Volume 2, Sheet 155 Volume 2, Sheet 168

2861036 - 3 page 5 1997 Certified Sanborn Map E13C-48F5-B03C

Site Name: 566 Washington Ave. Address: 566 Washington Ave.

City, ST, ZIP: Albany NY 12206

Client: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2861036.3 Order Date: 9/2/2010 10:31:00 AM Certification # E13C-48F5-B03C

Copyright: 1997 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 1, Sheet 71 Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 3, Sheet 324 Volume 3, Sheet 318

2861036 - 3 page 6 1995 Certified Sanborn Map E13C-48F5-B03C

Site Name: 566 Washington Ave. Address: 566 Washington Ave.

City, ST, ZIP: Albany NY 12206

Client: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2861036.3 Order Date: 9/2/2010 10:31:00 AM Certification # E13C-48F5-B03C

Copyright: 1995 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71 Volume 3, Sheet 324 Volume 3, Sheet 318

2861036 - 3 page 7 1994 Certified Sanborn Map E13C-48F5-B03C

Site Name: 566 Washington Ave. Address: 566 Washington Ave.

City, ST, ZIP: Albany NY 12206

Client: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2861036.3 Order Date: 9/2/2010 10:31:00 AM Certification # E13C-48F5-B03C

Copyright: 1994 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71 Volume 3, Sheet 318 Volume 3, Sheet 324

2861036 - 3 page 8 1993 Certified Sanborn Map E13C-48F5-B03C

Site Name: 566 Washington Ave. Address: 566 Washington Ave.

City, ST, ZIP: Albany NY 12206

Client: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2861036.3 Order Date: 9/2/2010 10:31:00 AM Certification # E13C-48F5-B03C

Copyright: 1993 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71 Volume 3, Sheet 318 Volume 3, Sheet 324

2861036 - 3 page 9 1992 Certified Sanborn Map E13C-48F5-B03C

Site Name: 566 Washington Ave. Address: 566 Washington Ave.

City, ST, ZIP: Albany NY 12206

Client: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2861036.3 Order Date: 9/2/2010 10:31:00 AM Certification # E13C-48F5-B03C

Copyright: 1992 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 3, Sheet 318 Volume 3, Sheet 324 Volume 1, Sheet 65

2861036 - 3 page 10 1990 Certified Sanborn Map E13C-48F5-B03C

Site Name: 566 Washington Ave. Address: 566 Washington Ave.

City, ST, ZIP: Albany NY 12206

Client: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2861036.3 Order Date: 9/2/2010 10:31:00 AM Certification # E13C-48F5-B03C

Copyright: 1990 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71

2861036 - 3 page 11 1989 Certified Sanborn Map E13C-48F5-B03C

Site Name: 566 Washington Ave. Address: 566 Washington Ave.

City, ST, ZIP: Albany NY 12206

Client: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2861036.3 Order Date: 9/2/2010 10:31:00 AM Certification # E13C-48F5-B03C

Copyright: 1989 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 3, Sheet 318 Volume 3, Sheet 324 Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71

2861036 - 3 page 12 1950 Certified Sanborn Map E13C-48F5-B03C

Site Name: 566 Washington Ave. Address: 566 Washington Ave.

City, ST, ZIP: Albany NY 12206

Client: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2861036.3 Order Date: 9/2/2010 10:31:00 AM Certification # E13C-48F5-B03C

Copyright: 1950 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71

2861036 - 3 page 13 1934 Certified Sanborn Map E13C-48F5-B03C

Site Name: 566 Washington Ave. Address: 566 Washington Ave.

City, ST, ZIP: Albany NY 12206

Client: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2861036.3 Order Date: 9/2/2010 10:31:00 AM Certification # E13C-48F5-B03C

Copyright: 1934 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 1, Sheet 65 Volume 1, Sheet 71

2861036 - 3 page 14 1909 Certified Sanborn Map E13C-48F5-B03C

Site Name: 566 Washington Ave. Address: 566 Washington Ave.

City, ST, ZIP: Albany NY 12206

Client: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.

EDR Inquiry: 2861036.3 Order Date: 9/2/2010 10:31:00 AM Certification # E13C-48F5-B03C

Copyright: 1909 This Certified Sanborn Map combines the following sheets. Outlined areas indicate map sheets within the collection. 0 Feet 150 300 600

Volume 2, Sheet 155 Volume 2, Sheet 168

2861036 - 3 page 15

City of Albany Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

Appendix G: Site Photographs

4279011 / ALB

Photo 1. Southward view of property.

Photo 2. Southeastward view of property with Ontario Street in the foreground. 4279011 \FILE\566 Ave Washington Phase I\Photolog Appendix.ppt USEPA Brownfields Assessment Grant – Hazardous Substances SEPTEMBER 2011 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 566 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ALBANY, NEW YORK \PROJECT\ APPENDIX G H: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Access point for interior photos.

Photo 3. Alleyway behind property (on left), facing southeast from Ontario Street.

Photo 4. Facing west from Washington Avenue. 4279011 \FILE\566 Ave Washington Phase I\Photolog Appendix.ppt USEPA Brownfields Assessment Grant – Hazardous Substances SEPTEMBER 2011 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 566 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ALBANY, NEW YORK \PROJECT\ APPENDIX G H: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Photo 5. Apparent tank vent pipe on east side of building (see location on next photo).

Location of apparent tank vent pipe.

Photo 6. Facing southwest from Washington Avenue. 4279011 \FILE\566 Ave Washington Phase I\Photolog Appendix.ppt USEPA Brownfields Assessment Grant – Hazardous Substances SEPTEMBER 2011 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 566 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ALBANY, NEW YORK \PROJECT\ APPENDIX G H: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Photo 7. Access to basement of building on Ontario Street.

Photo 8. View inside basement access point (see photo 7). 4279011 \FILE\566 Ave Washington Phase I\Photolog Appendix.ppt USEPA Brownfields Assessment Grant – Hazardous Substances SEPTEMBER 2011 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 566 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ALBANY, NEW YORK \PROJECT\ APPENDIX G H: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Photo 9. Building interior, facing northeast toward Washington Avenue.

Photo 10. Building interior, facing southeast. Drums and buckets along back wall. 4279011 \FILE\566 Ave Washington Phase I\Photolog Appendix.ppt USEPA Brownfields Assessment Grant – Hazardous Substances SEPTEMBER 2011 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 566 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ALBANY, NEW YORK \PROJECT\ APPENDIX G H: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Photo 11. Building interior, facing north toward Ontario Street.

Photo 12. Building interior, facing east. 4279011 \FILE\566 Ave Washington Phase I\Photolog Appendix.ppt USEPA Brownfields Assessment Grant – Hazardous Substances SEPTEMBER 2011 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 566 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ALBANY, NEW YORK \PROJECT\ APPENDIX G H: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Photo 11. Interior stairs to basement.

Photo 12. Surrounding property, facing northwest across Ontario Street. 4279011 \FILE\566 Ave Washington Phase I\Photolog Appendix.ppt USEPA Brownfields Assessment Grant – Hazardous Substances SEPTEMBER 2011 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 566 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ALBANY, NEW YORK \PROJECT\ APPENDIX G H: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Photo 13. Surrounding property, facing northeast across Washington Avenue.

Photo 14. Surrounding property, facing southeast on Washington Avenue. 4279011 \FILE\566 Ave Washington Phase I\Photolog Appendix.ppt USEPA Brownfields Assessment Grant – Hazardous Substances SEPTEMBER 2011 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 566 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ALBANY, NEW YORK \PROJECT\ APPENDIX G H: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Photo 15. Surrounding property, facing southeast on Ontario Street.

Photo 16. Surrounding property, facing north across the Ontario Street / Washington Avenue intersection. 4279011 \FILE\566 Ave Washington Phase I\Photolog Appendix.ppt USEPA Brownfields Assessment Grant – Hazardous Substances SEPTEMBER 2011 PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 566 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ALBANY, NEW YORK \PROJECT\ APPENDIX G H: SITE PHOTOGRAPHS