Libvirt XML Schemas

This appendix covers the XML schemas used by libvirt. Each major section in the appendix describes a single libvirt domain. Everything needed to completely describe all the elements of a libvirt domain are contained in the schema.

The Domain Schema

The Domain schema completely describes a libvirt domain, i.e., a virtual machine. The domain can be any of the supported libvirt types including QEMU/KVM, , and so on. Obviously, some of the schema sections apply to only some of the supported domain types, so it makes sense that you need to include only the parts of the schema that apply to your domain. The same applies to devices and features. If your domain does not support or have certain devices or features, then simply do not include those sections. The Domain XML schema consists of a large number of XML elements (Listing A-1). The documentation for this schema is quite extensive, but in most cases the uses of the elements in the schema are obvious. If you need documentation, refer to for more specific information about each element and attribute.

© W. David Ashley 2019 257 W. D. Ashley, Foundations of Libvirt Development, Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

Listing A-1. The Domain Schema

MyGuest 4dea22b3-1d52-d8f3-2516-782e98ab3fa0 43dc0cf8-809b-4adb-9bea-a9abb5f3d90e A short description - title - of the domain Some human readable description .. .. /usr/bin/pygrub --append single

hvm /usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader /var/lib/libvirt/nvram/guest_VARS.fd

258 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

/usr/bin/pygrub --append single

hvm /usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader /root/f8--vmlinuz /root/f8-i386-initrd console=ttyS0 ks= /root/ppc.dtb


exe /bin/systemd --unit emergency.service some value /my/custom/cwd tester 1000

259 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

LENOVO Fedora Virt-Manager 0.9.4 LENOVO 20BE0061MC 0B98401 Pro W1KS427111E Dell Inc. 2.12 65X0XF2 40000101 Type3Sku1

260 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

myappname:some arbitrary data otherappname:more arbitrary data



261 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

2048 1000000 -1 1000000 -1 1000000 -1 1000000 -1

1524288 524288 524288

262 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

1 128 2 67108864


263 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

/dev/sda 1000 /dev/sdb 500 10000 10000 20000 20000


core2duo Intel

264 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas


265 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

destroy restart restart poweroff

266 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas


267 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas


268 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

/usr/lib/xen/bin/-dm ...

269 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

10000000 400000 100000 ... ...

270 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

271 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas


272 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas


273 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

274 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

275 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

276 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

... somearea somekey ...

277 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas


278 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

/dev/sdf1 /dev/input/event3

279 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas


cert1 cert2 cert3 /etc/pki/nssdb/

280 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas


281 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas

... ... ...

282 Appendix A Libvirt XML Schemas


