USDA - United States Department of Agriculture Sawtooth National Forest Sawtooth National Recreation Area Outfitter and Guide Management Plan Scoping Proposed Action Forest Service Sawtooth National Forest April 2021 For More Information Contact: Susan James Recreation Program Manager Sawtooth National Recreation Area Email:
[email protected] Cover Image: Mark Lisk Sawtooth National Recreation Area Outfitter and Guide Management Plan Introduction Providing recreational opportunities and facilities is central to the mission of the US Forest Service (Forest Service). For a variety of reasons, Forest visitors may desire, or need, facilitation to fully experience the array of recreation opportunities available. A recreational commercial service, also known as an outfitter and guide service, can help further the agency’s mission by providing escorted recreational experiences, specialized equipment, or both, to Forest visitors. While recreational commercial services constitute a relatively small segment of overall visitor days to National Forests, these services can achieve an important purpose for the visitor, the agency, the resources, and the economy. To be authorized to provide their services, federal regulations require that commercial outfitters and guides on National Forest lands obtain a Special Use Permit (SUP) (36 CFR 251.50). In 2020, the Sawtooth National Recreation Area (NRA) completed an outfitter and guide needs assessment to assess the level of public and agency need for authorized outfitting or guiding activities. The needs assessment provides a framework for managers to prioritize expansion and authorization of outfitting and guiding where there is competitive interest and high demand. This prioritization ensures that both public and agency need are being met while continuing to provide a quality experience for guided and unguided visitors.