Aberdeen City Bus Information Strategy
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ABERDEEN CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure DATE 15 March 2011 DIRECTOR Gordon McIntosh TITLE OF REPORT Aberdeen City Bus Information Strategy REPORT NUMBER: EPI/11/060 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 At its November 2010 meeting, the Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee agreed to the release of a Draft Bus Information Strategy for public and stakeholder consultation. The purpose of this report is to inform Members of the outcomes of this consultation period and to seek Member approval for the launch of a final Aberdeen City Bus Information Strategy. 2. RECOMMENDATION(S) 2.1 It is recommended that the Committee: a) Note the progress that has been made to date on the development of a Bus Information Strategy for the City of Aberdeen, particularly the two rounds of public and stakeholder consultation that were undertaken during 2010 and early 2011; b) Adopt the finalised Aberdeen City Bus Information Strategy; and c) Instruct officers to continue working with local bus operators and other partners on implementing the various actions and commitments outlined within the adopted Strategy. 3. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 3.1 The resources necessary to finalise and launch the Bus Information Strategy can be met from current provision as only staff time will be required. Any financial implications resulting from the implementation of the Strategy will largely be met by public transport operators. Any actions attributed to the Council which may have financial implications will be met within existing public transport budgets. Should any actions that cannot be met within existing budgets fall upon the Council, external funding will be sought in the first instance. Aberdeen City Council will continue to work with bus operators, Aberdeenshire Council and Nestrans on a shared approach to bus information provision in order to minimise costs to the Council. 4. OTHER IMPLICATIONS 4.1 There are no other implications associated with this report. 5. BACKGROUND/MAIN ISSUES 5.1 Under the Transport (Scotland) Act 2001, all local authorities have a statutory duty to determine what local bus information should be made available in their area and how this information should be made available. The adopted Aberdeen Local Transport Strategy 2008-2012 also identifies the need for a Public Transport Information Strategy. 5.2 Following a period of public engagement regarding the current standard of bus information available within the City, a draft Bus Information Strategy for Aberdeen was developed by Aberdeen City Council and was released for public and stakeholder engagement following instruction from the Council’s Enterprise, Planning and Infrastructure Committee in November 2010. 5.3 The consultation period ran from 15 November 2010 to 14 January 2011. During this period, a total of six responses were received. Four of these were from stakeholders: • Aberdeenshire Council • Grampian Fire and Rescue Service • Nestrans • Old Aberdeen Community Council The remaining two responses came from interested members of the public. A full breakdown of those comments relating to information that were received on the draft Strategy has been included in Appendix 1 of this report along with a response to each of the issues raised. 5.4 The comments received during this second round of consultation have been considered and the views expressed incorporated into the final draft Strategy where appropriate. The majority of comments related to very specific elements of the Strategy, where further detail or clarification was requested, or where additional actions were suggested as necessary. Some inaccuracies contained within the draft document were also drawn attention to. As a result, although some minor amendments have been made to the text of the draft Strategy, the overall tone, aims and objectives of the Strategy have not changed. 5.5 The purpose of the Strategy is to identify a series of actions to improve the quality and availability of bus information in the City which the Council and bus operators will work together to implement. 5.6 The Strategy calls, firstly, for a general improvement in the currency, accuracy and clarity of information on local bus services and, secondly, for this information to be accessible in as many locations and over as broad a range of media as possible. The Strategy encompasses, but is not limited to: • Improving information displays at bus stops • Ensuring more information is available on board buses themselves • Increasing the availability of paper timetable booklets • Improving web-based information • Raising awareness of other options for obtaining public transport information, such as over the telephone and via text message • Improving information for those who are unfamiliar with using public transport • Improving information for travelers with disabilities. 5.7 It is anticipated that, by improving public transport information in accordance with the Strategy, citizens of and visitors to Aberdeen will feel more confident and comfortable planning and executing a bus journey. Improving awareness of the available public transport options may also help combat social exclusion by increasing mobility amongst those without access to, or who chose not to use, the private car. 5.8 It is also hoped that by substantially improving the quality and availability of public transport information a number of journeys that would previously have been undertaken by private car can be transferred onto the bus, thus helping to limit the negative economic and environmental impacts of car use, in line with the objectives of the Local and Regional Transport Strategies. 5.9 A copy of the final draft Strategy has been included as Appendix 2 to this Report. 5.10 It is anticipated that the Strategy, if adopted, and subject to any further amendments by this Committee, will be visually enhanced and made available from the Council’s website in PDF format. Copies can also be printed off and supplied upon request. 6. IMPACT 6.1 The Aberdeen Local Transport Strategy 2008-2012 has a vision to develop “A sustainable transport system that is fit for the 21 st Century, accessible to all, supports a vibrant economy and minimises the impact on our environment”. The five high level aims of the Strategy are: 1. Support and contribute to a thriving economy for Aberdeen City and its region. 2. Ensure a safe and secure transport system. 3. Minimise the environmental impact of transport on our community and the wider world. 4. Ensure that the transport system is integrated and accessible to all. 5. Ensure that our transport policies integrate with and support sustainable development, health and social inclusion policies. 6.2 Nestrans’ Regional Transport Strategy 2021 outlines a series of measures to improve transport in the region, including four strategic objectives: 1. Economy - To enhance and exploit the North East’s competitive economic advantages, and reduce the impacts of peripherality. 2. Accessibility, Safety and Social Inclusion - To enhance choice, accessibility and safety of transport, particularly for disadvantaged and vulnerable members of society and those living in areas where transport options are limited. 3. Environment - To conserve and enhance the north east’s natural and built environment and heritage and reduce the effects of transport on climate and air quality. 4. Spatial Planning - To support transport integration and a strong, vibrant and dynamic city centre and town centres across the north east. 6.3 A key aim of the Community Plan is to ensure that all citizens have access to a range of transport options that reflect differing needs of age, gender, disability and income. Improve sustainable travel options is identified as a priority. 6.4 The Single Outcome Agreement also prioritises improving sustainable transport options for the City, particularly item 14, Minimise the environmental impact of transport on our community and the wider world. Increasing public transport usage and decreasing private car usage are explicitly identified as the means necessary to achieve this. 6.5 Vibrant, Dynamic & Forward Looking sets out a commitment to work to improve public transport within and to our city and to improve access. 6.6 The Interim 5 Year Business Plan lists transport improvements as a priority under both the Wealthier and Fairer and Greener categories, and identifies the outcome, to Reduce unnecessary carbon emissions and minimise the environmental impact of transport on our community and the wider world . 6.7 This report may be of interest to the public as the citizens of Aberdeen have a vested interest in the public transport network and have been involved in the development of the Strategy via two periods of public consultation which took place during January and February 2010 and from November 2010 to January 2011. 6.8 The Local Transport Strategy and the Regional Transport Strategy, of which this project is an integral part, have been subject to an Equalities & Human Rights Impact Assessment. 7. BACKGROUND PAPERS Community Plan Update 2008 Aberdeen City Council Draft Bus Information Strategy - available on request Aberdeen City Council Bus Information Strategy Consultation results – available on request, or via http://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/web/files/PublicTransport/bus_informat ion_strategy_consultation_results_may2010.pdf Aberdeen Local Transport Strategy 2008-2012 Nestrans Regional Transport Strategy 2021 8. REPORT AUTHOR DETAILS William Hekelaar Planner (Transportation Strategy and Programmes) [email protected] (01224) 523324 Appendix 1: Comments received on the Draft Aberdeen City Bus Information Strategy The following comments were received by Aberdeen City Council during the period of consultation undertaken on the Draft Aberdeen Bus Information Strategy (November 2010 – January 2011). A response to each of the issues raised has been provided. COMMENT RESPONSE 1 Can you clarify whose responsibility it This issue has hopefully been clarified is to actually put the information in by the rewording of Section 4.13. the display cases and to make sure that it is the correct information? 2 In Section 7.3, the phrase ‘wherever Noted.