Aberdeen City Planning Committee
555 ABERDEEN CITY PLANNING COMMITTEE ABERDEEN, 24th July, 2003. - Minute of Meeting of the ABERDEEN CITY PLANNING COMMITTEE. Present:- Councillor Cassie, Convener; Councillor Delaney, Vice-Convener; and Councillors Clark, Collie, Cormack, Dempsey, Duncan (substituting for Councillor Stephen), Greig (substituting for Councillor Dean), Hunter, Jaffrey, James Lamond, June Lamond, Leslie, Pamela MacDonald, May and Webster (substituting for Councillor Clyne). ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. At the commencement of the meeting, the Convener announced that the following applications had been withdrawn from the agenda, viz:- East Middlefield, Kingswells (Item 2.2), 7 Holburn Street, Aberdeen (Item 3.4), 2 Cairnside, Cults (Item 3.6) and West Lasts Farmhouse, Malcolm Road, Peterculter (Item 4.12). The Convener also sought the Committee’s approval to deal with the late item on Grandholm Village residential development in confidence and this was agreed. VISITS 2. (A) PLANNING (VISITING) SUB-COMMITTEE - MINUTE OF MEETING. The Committee had under consideration the Minute of Meeting of the Planning (Visiting) Sub-Committee on 19th June, 2003, the terms of which are reproduced in full as Appendix A to this Minute. (B) 119 VICTORIA ROAD, TORRY, ABERDEEN. Reference was made to Article 1 of the Sub-Committee Minute and the application (A3/0676) seeking change of use of the vacant retail unit at 119 Victoria Road, Torry, Aberdeen to form a hot food take-away outlet, in respect of which the Sub-Committee had recommended approval subject to appropriate conditions to be determined by the Head of Physical Development. The Committee resolved:- that the application be approved, on the following conditions:- (1) That the premises shall not be brought into use as a hot food take away unless a bulk refuse store has been provided in accordance with a scheme that has been approved in writing by the planning authority.
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