WILLIAM ANASTASI Born in 1933 in Philadelphia
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WILLIAM ANASTASI Born in 1933 in Philadelphia (PA), lives and works in New York. An important exponent of American !oncept"al Art and Minimal Art, he st"died in Philadelphia at the $niversit% of Pennsylvania &efore movin' to New York in 19(). *n 19(+ he met ,ohn !age and was impressed &% his m"sical theories, and the omponent of so"nd &ecame a fre-"ent presence in his works. .tartin' in 1963 he anal%/ed the relationship &etween so"nd, time and the "nconscio"s in his Blind Drawings, works made with the e%es closed, lettin' the movements of the pencil on paper &e '"ided &% m"sic. 0he result of the operation is a drawin' with an essential form, rendered forcef"ll% d%nami &% the 'raphi si'n. A 'reat admirer of 1"champ, Anastasi often &"ilds on his work, espe iall% in terms of the random factors that intervene in the artisti operation. 0his theme re "rs fre-"entl% in Anastasi2s works, as in the case of the Subway Drawings made &% allowin' the arm and the pencil to &e freel% shaken &% the movements of the su&way, tracin' a contin"o"s, fl"id line on a &lank sheet of paper. 0he drawin' &ecomes the visual translation of the perception of that parti "lar movement. 0he automatic creation of the drawin' caused &% the movement of the &od% is also a factor in the Walking Drawings, prod"ced &% the motion of the artist in space, and the Pocket Drawings, created &% r"&&in' a small pencil against a piece of paper placed in the artist2s pocket. 3or Anastasi the 'raphic si'n &ecomes the imprint and memor% of the movement of his own &od%. 0he idea of the drawin' created thro"'h mnemoni automatism appears in the Donald Ducks, shown in his first exhi&ition in 1964 at 5ashin'ton .-"are Park in New York. Because as a child the artist always drew Donald 1"ck, this &ecame the most automati thin' he co"ld depi t. 0he su&6ect is placed against &ack'ro"nds of different kinds, which are often also made with some de'ree of randomness. *n 1971 he made his first work in which the word 8,ew9 appears, a word char'ed with historical and "lt"ral meanin'. Anastasi inserts it in the work paintin' it on its own, on a ne"tral &ack'ro"nd, or overlaid with other su&6ects such as his photo'raphi self:portrait ; tho"'h he was raised as a !atholic ; or the fi'"re of !hrist. 0he insertion of the word in the work of art is also fo"nd in the Bababad series &e'"n in 1976 and &ased on a neolo'ism of 10< letters that appears on the first page of ,o%ce2s Finnegans Wake. 0his "nprono"nceable word is the so"nd of the divine th"nder that marks the fall of man from paradise and his descent into hell. =ver% canvas in the series contains a small portion, painted with livel% olors applied in a partiall% random way. 1"rin' his career Anastasi has worked in vario"s media, makin' man% different t%pes of pieces: paintin's, sculpt"res, photo'raphs, so"nd works, installations, architect"ral works, works on the &od%, films, performances, lin'"isti and literar% works. ?is works are incl"ded in the ollections of the most important m"se"ms, incl"din' the Metropolitan #"se"m of Art, the Mo#A, the @"''enheim #"se"m and the 5hitne% #"se"m of New York, 5alker Art !enter in Minneapolis, the National @aller% of Art of 5ashin'ton and the Art *nstit"te of !hicago. ?e has had exhi&itions in man% international m"se"ms and instit"tions, incl"din' the 5hitne% #"se"m of American Art, the Metropolitan #"se"m of Art, #oMA and the @"''enheim #"se"m in New York, !astello di Aivoli in 0"rin, !entre Pompido" in Paris and the Philadelphia #"se"m of Art. SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2015 Puzzle, .andra @erin' *nc. New York (NY), $.A Continuum, @alerie 6ocel%n 5olff, Paris, 3rance William Anastasi, 0homas Aeh&ein @alerie, !olonia, @erman% 2013 William Anastasi: Sound Works, 1 !"#$%1", ?"nter !olle'e Art @alleries, New York (NY), $.A 2012 Jarry'Du Joy, ,ocel%n 5olff @aller%, Pari'i, 3rance 2010 DrawingsB @erin' C Dope/ @aller% New York (NY),$.AB traveled to *sabelle 1" #o"lin "nd Nils Borch ,ensen @alerie, Berlin, @erman% 2007 Raw, 0he Drawin' !enter, New York (NY), $.A Paintings and drawings, 0he Eran'e @ro"p, Dos An'eles (!A), $.A 2006 Works )rom the !%+s to the ,resent, B6orn Aessle @aller%, New York (NY), $.A You+re .*roug*, Baum'artner @aller%, New York (NY), $.A 2005 Drawings 1 /%#$%%0, .talke @aller%, !openha'en, Denmark Blind, Art A'ents @aller%, ?am&"r', @erman% 1*ne Titel, Aeh&ein @aller%, !olo'ne, @erman% 2004 .olway,ones, Dos An'eles (!A), $.A 2003 Blind, 0he Annex, New York (NY), $.A 2001 William Anastasi 1 !1#$%%%> A Aetrospe tive, Nikolaj !ontemporar% Art !enter, !openhagen, Denmark 2000 Werksc*au 1 !!#$%%%; Art A'ents @aller%, ?am&"r', @erman%B traveled to Niels Bor h ,ensen, Verlag "nd Dr"ck, Berlin, @erman%B 5hite Box @aller%, New York (NY), $.A 3nd Pa,ers: Drawings 14 %#1 %%, 1 %#$%%%, 0he Ne"&er'er #"se"m of Art, New York (NY), $.A 1999 Drawings, @ar% 0atintsian @aller%, New York (NY), $.A Per)ect, .talke @alleri and @alleri .pe ta, !openhagen, Denmark 5556or me*r als einem *alben Ja*r*undert, Dandes #"se"m, Din/, A"stria 1998 7 Am A &ew, 0he Philadelphia #"se"m of ,"daica, Philadelphia (PA), $.A 1997 .*e Painting of the Word JewB .andra @erin' @aller%, New York (NY), $.AB traveled to ?"&ert 5inter @aller%, Vienna, A"stria; Martin Dawrence @aller%, Dos An'eles (!A), $.AB .prin' Benefit Aeffle, . "lpt"re !enter, New York (NY), $.A 1995 Abandoned PaintingsB .andra @erin' @aller%, New York (NY), $.AB travelled to 0he Pier @aller%, Erkne%, .cotland Ten manuscri,t ,ages )rom me innerman monop*one: Jarry in Joyce, Aosen&ach #"se"m and Di&rar%, Philadelphia (PA), $.A William Anastasi: A (etros,ecti6e 81 !%# 09, Moore !olle'e of Art and Desi'n, Philadelphia (PA), $.A 1994 :e inner man monop*one, 3aculte de la .or&onne, Paris, 3rance 1993 Du Jarry and me inner man monop*one, , .andra @erin' @aller%, New York (NY), $.A Drawing Sounds> An *nstallation in ?onor of ,ohn !age, the Philadelphia #"se"m of Art, Philadelphia (PA), $.A 1992 Works 1 !"#1 $, Anders 0orn&er' @aller%, D"nd, .weden 1991 Sink, Tres,ass, 7ssue, 7ncision, .andra @erin' @aller%, New York (NY), $.A 1990 7ncidents and Coincidents> A Aetrospe tive, Ball .tate $niversit%, #"ncie (*N), $.A 1989 A Selection of Works )orm 1 !% to 1 4 ; 0he .cott ?anson @aller%, New York (NY), $.AB traveled to 0he Mattress 3actor%, Pittsb"r'h (PA), $.A 1982 Diary Paintings, =ricsonGs @aller%, Des Moines (*A), $.A 1981 Coincidents, 0he 5hitne% #"se"m of American Art, New York (NY), $.A Colla,se, Sculpture )or a Public S,ace, 0he 5hitne% #"se"m of American Art, New York (NY), $.A 1979 Re#6isions: Pers,ecti6es and Proposals in Film and ;ideo, 0he 5hitne% #"se"m of American Art, New York (NY), $.A Coincidents, H"nstm"se"m, 1"sseldorf, @erman% 1978 Terminus, 0he ?"dson Aiver #"se"m, New York (NY), $.A 1977 P5S5 1 :useum, 0he *nstit"te of Art and $r&an Aeso"rces, New York (NY), $.A 1973 E.K. ?arris @aller%, New York (NY), $.A 1970 Continuum, works from G(7, Dwan @aller%, New York (NY), $.A .*ree Conic Sections, 1wan @aller%, New York (NY), $.A 1967 Si< Sites, works from G66, 1wan @aller%, New York (NY), $.A 1966 Sound 1b=ects, 1wan @aller%, New York (NY), $.A 1965 5itherspoon @aller%, $niversit% of North !arolina (N!), $.A 1964 5ashin'ton .-"are @aller%, New York (NY), $.A GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2016 Drawing Dialogues: Selections )rom the Sol >eWitt Collection, 0he Drawin' !enter, New York (NY), $.A 2015 :irror 7mages, Berliner Medi/inhistorisches #"se"m der !harite, Berlin, @erman% 36ans 3ditions, 315 @aller%, New York (NY), $.A ?ray is the Color, 7) 7 @ad a @eart, Marc .tra"s @aller%, New York (NY), $.A Alfred Jarry Arc*i,elago: .*e Aing o) Comedy B Act 77, Da 3erme 1" B"isson, Noisiel, 3rance Rock, Pa,er, Scissors: Drawn )rom the Joann ?onzales @ickey Collection, Pennsylvania Academ% of the 3ine Arts, Philadelphia (PA), $.A 2014 @orror ;acui, @agosian @aller%, @eneva, .wit/erland 2013 A Stone >e)t Unturned, Yvon Dam&ert, Paris, 3rance 2012 Pencil Pus*ed, 3<,loring Process and Boundaries in Drawing, =win' @aller% of Art and Ar hitect"re, 0he $niversit% of 0ennesse, Hnoxville (0N), $.A Art D .e<t DArt, Zimmerli Art #"se"m, New Br"nswick, New ,erse% (N,), $.A 2011 Plot, Plan, Process: Works on Pa,er )rom the 1 !%s to Now, Deslie 0onkonow AA05EAH. + PAE,=!0., New York (NY), $.A Drawn ' Ta,ed ' Burned: Abstraction on Pa,er, Katonah #"se"m of Art, Katonah (NY), $.A Dance'DrawB 0he *nstit"te of !ontemporar% ArtKBoston, Boston (MA) $.AB travelled to @re% Art @aller%, New York $niversit%, New York (NY) $.AB 0an' 0eachin' #"se"m at .kidmore !olle'e, .arato'a .prin's (NY), $.A Artists Collect: Prints )rom the Collections o) Sol >eWitt, Aiki Smith, P*ili, Taa))e, Ric*ard Tuttle, *nternational Print !enter New York, (NY), $.A 2010 1N PAP3(, .talke @alleri, Kirke .onner"p, Denmark 2009 .*e .*ird :ind: American Artists Contem,late Asia, 14!% # 1 4 , 0he .olomon A.