Republican Journal: Vol. 60, No. 46
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The Republican Journal. Vu!niH (I(K BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1888. NUMBER 46. a River l<» Cross. Aiwa}' this immiinjx. M t* want to you come and live Maine Matters. gem of the sea. Our men are fishermen, with Ance's with us. You'll he welcome as “Devil” Work. What Gen. Butler Thinks. Free Trade in Education. ItKlTBI.iCAN JOIBSAL There’s a river to llowers in Max .** few England. always cross; ‘•Hut. exceptions. Adam. I've behaved awful had to von NEW S Always an dlort t<> make !" AND GOS8IP FROM \LL OVER T11E STATE. MElthKll 1M>ES NOT SPAKE INNOCENT WOMEN 1IE RICHARDS THE ELECTION AS A TRH Ml’H TIIK INIU STIMALCOMMTION OK I II K K.NOI.IMI * a ; ■ a a mokmn<; by niB faltered maim: mi:n on mi: iiay iian in all the a share of our at- •-1;: \i ;n If there's anythin** «*ood to win. Mrs. Dunlap. topics claiming IN KENTl'C'KY. FOR AMERICAS’ PRINCIPLES, AND CONSID- WOHKINO l'KOI’Li:. Any rich prize to take ; Adam cheerfully. The steamer 1 Kopubln. which makes tention at the present tlav, that of education is NEW S ol T1IE ItAIMtOAlES. laytiaii The of ERS THAT THE LAST HOPE OF THE DEMO- ’I ondcr's the fruit we crave. W e re all liable to mistakes at times." between New York ami the burning McCoy's house was an event Inder the title. Why We Lost Our Trade, monthly trips CRATIC PARTY IS HONE. the most While it is needful and Yonder the charming scene; And now During tin* session of the the that thrilled the entire nation with important. that 1 ain't rich anv more Legislature Island.of Hayti, the crew and boat being now horror, says the Weekly Bulletin of London, a j«•iirnal of Kill deep and wide, with a troubled tide, Maine Central ILtili<I will run a train from the Now York Herald, to tfcrfc was on right that political questions should he dis- I’.ut you are rich." said Adam. You’ve held the' government umh r a referring capture Gen. Butler interviewed Wednesday I the river that lies between. by llaytiau •• finance and investment, in a recent issue uoi Portland to to ho known as the oi 1 u nion" Mounts, one of the men concern- gav» a well d:.ncand>ou've ir„tme. And I'll guarantee Augusta. Leg- charge of violation of port customs, is a r> on the result of the election. cussed, disciplined mind is of the utmost :: i in and islative ed in t hi Here of I '.rcnSation City County. I "i the treasures of precious worth >ou plenty of clothes to wear and food train. It will leave Portland at 10 line steamer and is owned Posion and N \> outrage. is the picture this the following plain statement of the present to cat. by “What is as to the outcome of importance to render the discussion 'Ve niii'l dit: and di\c. It \ on had a oYloi-k in the and return late in the awl':d night in the wilderness which your opinion profitable. patiently million of money what more could morning York parties. Her chit f en-inrt r is M r. < ltari's Kentucky condition of as con- For the we to lilt w;e drawn the Fnglish working people Noman of observation will place- loiif* have than afternoon. Pre\ iou> to this time Portland has ( .1 the who election, General?” asked the ordinary attempt 11: i' :i! i- .f-i.tin a car; you that li. Malcolm of l’arker’s Head. Phipsburg by spceifil*correspondent, reporter. inti.-l and 1 nected with the free trade : tin* push -tnmyrlo and niw. And Mrs. had no convenient wav of roc a* over the mountains to the scene of the policy t<> the .t tin \piration «-t And Dunlap was forced to admit that reaching Augusta tie; tIk: first assistant engineer is William Pur- “Oh, we have beaten the English both in dispute advantages derived from dis- always and everywhere border war We week her son-in-law \va> not far from during the Legislative session*, not being as also of and one of the oil- bloody last February and talked to attempted last to give some answer " e’ll lied, on our onward course. riaht. Satur- ington. Phipsburg; their attack upon our manufactures and trade ciplining the mind, to of the in- i !• t.- I -1mu1 -•|iiajv, *‘i• i N Ldit. well favored as in that tin- Min ivoi : say nothing Thorns for the feet and trials to meet day Pangor particular. ers i> John Sprague of (.ardiner. These are to this serious question -the most serious which ,i. -! •*.. t«»r fill* week, ami _•'» The Di xter *V JL <'n. It wir Now Year's and our markets and our fisheries. Those formation a course of And a dillieult river to eros.-. Piscataquis It. organ- believed to be all tbe crew who are from Maine. night--a cold, blustery, upon gained bj proper applica- t tioii. A traction of ized at Dover Nov. > and elected the night -when the main of the can occupy the attention of all who, in any following On her last, trip but one to Hayti. Mr. .M.deolm moonlight body have been the issues of the campaign, and the tion. There arc many questions tin* import- F ii rougher the that w. tab.-. llatlield nu t at of way Fish ia Untold Numbers. ollieers: Clerk. I p. Kvaim: treasurer, F. A. remained at borne and was in on a gang Old Alice's house and station life, masters or workmen, employer* file Oardimr have been on the one led ance of wI. ch no one stouter tiie heart and the nerve: < marched across parties England side, would presume to doubt. Thoin|isi)n ; directors. .1. I1,. Mavo, S. ». Prawn. Mr. out as r in the Tug, up Pounding Mill of labor or 1 he -lone.- in our we visit, Purington goim: oigim by Cleveland and and the American employed, have to earn their daily i path break, I W. creek to a West, peo- Hut the tirst of man to ••Then* art* eau-ht Hill. W. Ii. li tcon. W. s. Tn by chanre. She left New 'i oi k on lit r little fork, up that fork and down bread object develop both \l'L!s' A’:) HOUStHOLlJ N"r e'er from our swerve, 70.000,000 eodii*h Maxcy, last trip on the other led Harrison and by the sweat of their brains or their impulse annually d-*hus«>n. A. Ceo. T. another to he main and ple side, by f or the we to win “IV Nt Abbott, Fisher■, F. about the last ot wh an- lilaekherry creek, brow, for il all comes to the sann* in the body ami mind, then he i- to till «:lory hope the wt'oundland roa*r.'‘ *>!•-• rw.l a September. People those who agreed with him. thing qualified any * f;v|| I Per. Dr. fi'mn there to the house of hir labors ue count no 1«-; "haw and d. P. Peaks. Voted to somewhat with Randolph McCoy, end. The mi aei|U-dnted laws, The outcome is grateful to subject has seemed to us of much in m ult in i-t the other da\ t » a * on particularly me, position devolving upon him. We find at "fi~ tollv to pau-c and murmur I «.m-e New York Mail stah!i>}| their ot business at this think tin- steamci ami crew -non be the lilaekherry fork of Pond creek. ~ ! from !mus. place place. will because it settles the of for importance and interest that we intend to pur- * M the I*i\ .1 W c la. a 1 Wild: the question protection the to CIO--. w riter. -Yu n.iiit think \t suI.m ijuent meeting of tIn* directors d. P. leased. The was at band* arrived at the two cabins .-ide sue if present day of almost every grade of intel- r'-il-lu !■'. A 'Mr<‘>S that would deplete liaytian Popuhlic built many years to come, and >till more it, possible, week by week, in this way. was elected i h the lights wen; out. Oldman grateful Mayo president.!.. P. Fvan*, clerk Hath in 1*K>. > McCoy We shall arrange interviews with tna: lectual in different of the llli I!' >'*, ready to .to .• I to d--re. the *earl* hatch. If so. vow would be mistak- because the questions between tin.* North and leading development parts ai. l F. A treasurer. dept iu on** with his wife, his eldest son, Cal- Should w e in .mi !. >1 ,| 11> en. It has Thompson, South are now settled forever. ufaeturers in different trades, an ! their I, Itcen ealeuiated tint, as jj>h 1HIIN ('Ul.I.I place world. •> pro- The linn tables, letter heads, and m >\v vin, an' hi- rim In the f li.lillin^ tin Ma-ter w ill. *.. envelope* nephew. connecting views before on readers. We do not *lu.e many ei--*. if vast numbers of the The South, taking advantage of the amount propose ■ all matter of tin* ■n his three Ade- liechild of a Fulliiliii" the i:.'« |' maud advertising Maim? Central Th«’ lias, bed pt daughters, Alifair, of to if down that free trade is. on the out barbarism is no more barbarian latter ami of t »e ti*h themselves were not eon- following Sophomores ap- power that they get, because of their negro lay s -J; M TP.