Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar

The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper

Spring 4-23-2018

Volume 53 - Issue 23 - Monday, April 23, 2018

Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected]

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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspaper at Rose-Hulman Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rose Thorn Archive by an authorized administrator of Rose-Hulman Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY • THEROSETHORN.COM • MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2018 • VOLUME 53 • ISSUE 23

Jared Gibson “belts” that one can achieve by demon- Subway. strating their understanding of the Six Sig- A very important part of Six Sigma is News Editor ma process. One way to do this is through that you improve whatever process you are projects. Dr. Evans class starts the quarter dealing with, and in the next few weeks, You may have noticed in the past by picking some process to improve. the students will collect and analyze data few weeks signs and posters popping up all In the past, the processes selected on the usage of biodegradable straws and over the school with the fun little play on have included things like paper towel compare that to the usage of plastic straws words: straws suck. waste and food waste which, as one could using data collected in the first five weeks At first glance, it may just seem like imagine, are terribly messy. of the quarter to see if there has been any the effort of one of the environmentally- So when Dr. Evans began to read significant improvement in straw waste on friendly student organizations on campus about what straws were doing to the envi- campus. to discourage the use of environmentally- ronment, she came up with a less messy This, however, is where the class harmful plastics, but do not be fooled. idea: counting straws. leaves off, and what happens next is uncer- This is actually a class project for an Not only is this less messy and helps tain. If their data indicates an overall im- engineering management course called Six to improve something on campus, but it is provement in straw waste on campus, Sigma in Practice. also a nice project to try and fit in to 10 there is nothing that says our food services Six Sigma is a way to describe how weeks. will switch to biodegradable straws. well some process is performing, and it has The students in the class broke up This task could, of course, be adopted been used by many companies to create a into teams and began to do a little research by any of the student organizations on methodology for improving the quality of into straw usage and its effect on the envi- campus whose objective includes making their products and services. ronment. Rose-Hulman a more environmentally- Some of these companies include According to Dr. Evans, this seemed friendly place or even just a group of stu- Motorola and General Electric. to be what really sparked their interest. dents who are passionate about waste pro- According to, a pro- They made posters displaying a little bit of duction here on campus. cess achieves Six Sigma when it does not information about straw waste, and posted So, those buckets of straws with pa- produce more than 3.4 defects per million them around campus. per rappers that say “Straw Made From opportunities. Next, the class researched the alter- Plants” on them? You know what I’m talk- Essentially, if a process has achieved natives to plastic straws. There are straws ing about. Six Sigma, it means we have a nearly per- Posters like this can be seen made of metal, hay, bamboo, paper, and The ones that you would expect to fect process, and this saves companies a lot even plants. open up and find a green-tinted plastic-like of money. around campus. While most of these alternatives are tube that you might think would make This class, however, is taking Six Sig- biodegradable, the plant-based straws your water taste funny. ma, giving it a little environmental twist, Photo by Jared Gibson seemed to have the best chance of being Give them a try. After all, it’s for a and applying it to straws. used by the students and faculty, and are good cause and the water at Chauncey’s It all started when Dr. Diane Evans and wanted to teach a course called “Six now available for use in dining locations tastes like blue Powerade anyway. switched over to engineering management Sigma in Practice.” In Six Sigma, there are around campus such as Chauncey’s and

Page 4: Chappaquiddick and Wars The Rose Thorn Page 5: A Purse that Outperformed the Stock Market Page 6: Distracted Driving Meets Tuesdays Page 7: Sports! O259 5:15pm

Jared Gibson GLSEN stands for Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network and is an or- News Editor ganization that came to be the official spon- sor of the GLSEN Day of Silence in 2001. It all started with a homework assign- It was founded in 1990 by a small ment. Yes, that’s right: a homework assign- group of teachers in Massachusetts whose ment. goal was to improve the school system and I’m sure that all of us are quite famil- to discourage bullying or discrimination Evë Maquelin Hulman curriculums, the re- iar with those, and so were the students at against LGBT students and anti-LGBTQ sponsibility of realizing BIC University of Virginia in 1996 who were behavior of any kind. Editor in Chief use is key to personal develop- responsible for the creation of Day of Si- According to, it is now “... ment is left to the individual. lence. the leading national education organization Last year’s announcement All of the amazing things Unlike the typical homework assign- focused on ensuring safe and affirming of a new academic building in that happen in the BIC are due ment here, this one was about non-violent schools for LGBTQ students.” place of the Rotz lab was noth- to people voluntarily devoting protests, and the students’ response was Their goal is to make sure that every ing short of exciting. Every de- their time and effort, and more what is now known as the Day of Silence. student is treated with respect, no matter partment had ideas for what and more students are seeing The following year, there was an ef- their sexual orientation, gender identity, or they wanted with it, from new the value and getting involved. fort to make the Day of Silence a national gender expression. labs to additional study spaces. With all the exciting pro- event, and over 100 colleges participated. They work with the Department of This week President Con- jects and initiatives circling The GLSEN Day of Silence is a na- Education and K-12 schools, doing re- well announced another infor- campus, it’s no secret that tionwide event that happens in middle search, providing “developmentally appro- mation session for the new aca- workspaces are getting harder schools, high schools, and colleges across priate resources for educators…”, and sup- demic building, which may in- and harder to come by. the country, including our very own Rose- porting efforts led by students in order to clude discussion of a potential This year the BIC launched Hulman Institute of Technology. carry out this goal. expansion to the Branam Inno- a new area called the ‘X-Space’ On Friday, April 27 students across As mentioned previously, they do vation Center. where individuals who wanted the country will take a vow of silence in sponsor events at the college-level, and one One of Rose-Hulman’s a work space and storage for order to demonstrate the silencing effect these will be coming to campuses all greatest treasures is the BIC. their projects could share re- that bullying and discrimination has on around the country this week, including Home to a bevy of competition sources. students of all sexual orientations. Rose-Hulman, and if you would like to teams, capstone projects, and Though it certainly allevi- It has reached all 50 states, the Dis- learn more, visit machining resources, hundreds ated the strain on space re- trict of Columbia, and some foreign coun- of students go through its quirements for the BIC and My- tries such as New Zealand and Russia. doors each week. ers workrooms, students have Its reputation of producing recently been feeling effects of students with significant hands the space constraints through a -on experience with industry series of crackdowns from skills makes it a popular stop higher levels of management. for companies, some of whom From the removal or tem- are so impressed with the work porary bans of machining re- Rose-Hulman students are do- sources to an emphasis on the ing that they freely hand out organization and cleanliness of interviews and job offers. a team over its productivity, Under former Rose -Hulman the spirit of the BIC has President Matt Branam, the vi- changed over the past few sion was clear: give students a years. place to, as the name suggests, As such, an expansion or innovate. extension of the BIC is being Part of the mission of the proposed. This would provide BIC is to foster experiences and additional room for new pro- provide opportunities for stu- jects and capstone teams, but dents to explore and gain new also allow existing teams that skills. With the increasing pop- have outgrown their spaces a ularity of the BIC, maintaining fresh start. this vision has become increas- For more information on ingly difficult, even dangerous this potential project, a session to some. will be held Wednesday, April As an engineering school, a 25 during 10th hour in Hatfield critical part of the educational Hall. experience is significant in- This meeting will be an op- GLSEN Day of Silence will take place this Friday on college cam- volvement in projects and de- portunity to present the future puses around the country. sign challenges. changes to Rose -Hulman’s cam- Since use of the BIC is not pus to the community before Photo Courtesy of a formal part of most Rose - presenting it to the board. Classifieds 2 Events of the Week Monday, April 23 Professor Quotes Wanted!!!  Environmental Photo Session - Quad: 10-12  Does your prof say outrageous  Multidisciplinary Capstone Design Information Ses- things? Does your prof say outrageous things? sion -G222: 3:25 - 4:15  BIC Welding 2 - BIC: 5:30-7:30  Have their quotes featured on page  Open Mic Meeting - White Chapel: 7:30-9 9, the Flipside! Tuesday, April 24  Blood Drive - SRC: 11-5  Q&A Lunch Series - Accessibility RSVP Required - A202: 11:45 - 12:35  Mindfulness Meditation - HMU262: 11:45 - 12:35 Submit quotes to  Environmental Photo Session - Hadley Hall: 1-3 [email protected]  Association for Women in Mathematics Students Chapter Informational Meeting - G219: 4:20 - 5:20

 BIC Shop Practices - Mill - BIC: 4:30 - 6:30  BIC Shop Practices - Lathe - BIC: 4:30 - 6:30 Advertise with The Rose Thorn  BIC Shop Practices - Bench - BIC: 4:30 - 6:30  HERD Giveaway: Softball: 5:30 - 6:30 Contact : [email protected]  SGA Senate - Lake Room: 5:30 - 7  Anderson, Softball - Home: 5:30 - 9:30 Submit your completed puzzle Wednesday, April 25  St. Mary of the Woods, Men’s Golf - Home: 12 - 2 for a chance to win a  Key Training: Skype for Buisness - L307: 9:55 - 10:45 $10 AMAZON GIFT CARD  Blood Drive - SRC: 11-5  Take a break Fika - 2nd Floor Meyers: 3 - 3:20  New Academic Building Information Session - Hatfield Hall: 4:20—5:10  Safe Zone Advanced Training - O231: 4:20 - 5:20  BIC TIG Welding - BIC: 5:30 - 7:30  DePauw, Baseball - Home: 6:30 - 8:30 Thursday, April 26  St. Mary of the Woods, Men’s Golf - Home: 12 - 2  Mindfulness Meditation - HMU262: 11:45 - 12:35  Exponential Technologies - Innovation Chair Presentation - M137: 4:20 - 5:10  LEAD Org Track: Dynamic Recruitment - Preparing for next Fall - Lake Room: 4:20 - 5:10  BIC Intro to Shop Practices - BIC: 4:30 - 6:30  Learn a Language - O167: 5:30 - 7  Greenville, Baseball - Away: 7 - 9 Across Down Friday, April 27 1 A place where garbage is hauled and burned 2 Polluted precipitation that can damage the environment (two words)  Day of Silence: All Day 4 Many people plant these on Earth Day 3 Poisonous; capable of causing serious harm or death  HCAC Track Championship - Away: 12 - 2 8 April 22 (two words) 5 The study of the relationship between organisms and 10 Turns fruit and vegetable waste into rich soil for gar- their environment  HEARD Giveaway: Track & Field - Cook Stadium: 5 - 7 dening 6 _____ pollution is a build-up in the earth’s surface of  Legally Blonde the Musical - Hatfield: 7:30 - 10 11 A place where garbage is hauled and buried toxins, chemicals, salt, a nd other substances that adverse- 13 Using a resource in such a way that it is not depleted or ly affect plant life. Saturday, April 28 damaged 7 Raw materials supplied by nature (two words) 16 To use less  HCAC Track Championship - Away: 12 - 2 9 Planned management of natural resources to prevent 18 To contaminate the environment with man-made waste waste, exploitation, or destruction  HCAC Men’s Golf Championship - Away: 12 - 2 19 Chemicals, industrial waste, and sewage are often al- 12 To process waste in such a way as to reclaim raw mate- lowed streams, rivers, or oceans, polluting this rials for future use  Mount St. Joseph, Women’s Golf - Away: 12 - 2 21 Please put your trash in the trash can. Don’t ______14 The physical conditions that surrounded and create a home for all living things  Baseball, Bluffton - Away: 12 - 5 22 A popular color on Earth Day 15 To use again 23 Resources that can be replenished or replaced through  Softball, Bluffton - Away: 1 - 5 careful management 17 Gaylord Nelson, a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, is con- sidered the _____ of Earth Day 24 Turning off lights helps conserve ______ Men’s Tennis, Earlham - Away: 12 - 2 20 Polluted by smoke and exhaust fumes 25 The destruction of earth’s trees  Legally Blonde the Musical - Hatfield: 7:30 - 10

ROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 5500 Wabash Ave, CM 5037, Terre Haute, IN 47803-3920 • [email protected]

WEEKLY MEETINGS occur at 5:15 p.m. on the first through ninth Our Mission Statement: Tuesdays of each academic quarter. All members of the Rose-Hulman We are Rose-Hulman’s independent student newspaper. We keep the Rose- community are welcome to attend. Hulman community informed by providing an accurate and dependable SUBMISSION of articles, photographs, art, and letters to the editor is source for news and information. encouraged. Submission may be made by email to thorn@rose- Evelyne Maquelin • Editor-in-Chief Derek Hufferd • Staff Writer or in person to Percopo room 031. The submission dead- William Kemp • Business Manager Mason Diebold • Staff Writer line is 5:00 p.m. Friday. Jared Gibson • News Editor Joseph Lee • Staff Writer THE RIGHTS to accept submissions or changes made after the dead- line, to edit submissions in so far as the original intent of the submis- Dara Nafiu • News Editor Andrew Henderson • Staff Writer sion remains unaltered, and to reject submissions deemed inappropri- Dalal Bima • Entertainment Editor Thomas Hall • Staff Writer ate for print are reserved by the editors. Seun Ladipo • Lifestyle Editor Morgan McDonald • Staff Writer LETTERS TO THE EDITOR should be no longer than 600 words in Thaddeus Hughes • Opinions Editor Timothy Wynia • Staff Writer length and must contain the writer’s (electronic) signature. Hailey Hoover • Sports Editor Lauren Wiseman • Staff Writer THE VIEWS EXPRESSED herein are those of their respective authors Emma Oswood • Flipside Editor Marc Schmitt • Staff Writer and with the exception of the Staff View do not necessarily represent the views of the staff or the Rose-Hulman community. Dr. Thomas Adams • Faculty Advisor News 3

Marc Schmitt Staff Writer North Korea made several an- in the demilitarized zone on April nouncements this past week in ad- 27. Negotiators for South Korea vance of proposed direct talks with have stated the focus of the sum- the United States. mit will be the “denuclearization of The headline announcement the Korean Peninsula”. was the suspension of nuclear tests The summit is the first meeting and long-range missile tests while in a series as both nations talks are underway. North Korean acknowledged the need for more leader Kim Jong Un delivered this talks to set the agenda and re- message on Friday, April 20. solved complex issues. The United Additionally, Mr. Kim prom- States is also using the talks to ised to not share any of the prepare for the meeting between regime’s research on nuclear Mr. Kim and President Trump. weapons with other states and The direct talks between the would only use nuclear weapons two leaders are set to begin the unless it was provoked. process of resolving long standing Earlier in the week South Ko- disputes with the North Korean rea announced that it had estab- regime. lished a direct telephone line with United States diplomats have Mr. Kim. The move is intended to placed the elimination of North help build trust between the two Korea’s nuclear arsenal as the nations and reduce tensions. There highest priority of negotiations. has previously been a military tele- Officials have been quick to point phone line between the two coun- out the obstacles that stand in the tries, but it was severed in 2016 way of achieving this goal: Mr. after diplomatic tensions flared. Kim’s reluctance to cede all his U.S. Intelligence indicates that the North Korean arsenal includes The military connection was reac- nuclear weapons and securing a tivated earlier this year. deal that withstands domestic missiles with ranges upwards of 11,000 kilometers. South Korean President Moon scrutiny. Jae-in and Mr. Kim are set to meet Photo Courtesy of BBC News

“This marks the second time pro- Marc Schmitt Staff Writer duction was shutdown this year.” Electric automotive company wants to increase its production Tesla has temporarily suspended rate to 5,000 cars per week in the production of its Model 3 vehicle. next several months and is cur- The move comes after continued rently producing about 2,000 cars difficulty ramping up production per week, which is short of its of the company’s first mass market 2,500 cars per week goal. car. Musk has acknowledged the Tesla released a statement on company is in “production hell” Monday, April 16 stating that the and that “excessive automation” is shutdown is meant to address pro- to blame for the slow production duction bottlenecks and “to im- progress. prove automation”. The statement The automaker’s stock price added that a planned shutdown is has been under assault over con- “not unusual and is in fact com- cerns that Musk will not be able to mon in production ramps like his production targets and of fac- this.” ing a cash squeeze by the end of This marks the second time the year. Musk has maintained production was shutdown this that production rates are set to year, with the Fremont, California significantly increase and that the factory temporarily halting pro- company will not have to borrow Tesla’s revolving debt seems to be spiraling out of control—and it duction in late February. before the end of the year. just keeps climbing. Tesla has been struggling with According to Bloomberg, Tesla production issues that have forced spends about $8,000 every minute Photo Courtesy of Bloomberg the company to consistently miss and to have to borrow more money production targets. The company by August to continue to operate.

Unrest in Kentucky William Kemp Business Manager Teachers in Arizona, West Vir- ernor Bevin’s statements are as ginia, Oklahoma, and Kentucky hypocritical as they are false, yet have been organizing protests de- it does not stop there. Many manding higher pay and retire- teachers and parents have sent “Governor Bevin’s statements are ment funds. In Kentucky in par- emails and quotes to newspapers ticular, teachers had signed a con- saying, “He’s a disgrace to our as hypocritical as they are false.” tract with the state to be paid a state.” more reasonable salary and for a Being the son of two teachers portion of that salary to be a re- who happen to work in Kentucky, tirement fund. The state’s board I couldn’t agree more. How Bevin of education recently announced is a father to 10 children, yet that it was not willing to follow blames sexual assault and drug through on the wage increases or use on teachers who teach his kids the retirement fund, essentially is mind boggling to me. Imagine if illegally breaking the contract. you signed a contract with a com- Matt Bevin, the governor of Ken- pany saying they would pay you a tucky, retaliated against the pro- full salary then that company tests by saying kids will be sexual- coming back to you saying, actual- ly assaulted and do drugs if teach- ly, we don’t really want to do that ers protest. Bevin said, “I guaran- anymore. And when you try to do tee you somewhere today, a child something about it, the CEO was physically harmed or ingested blames you for sexual assault and poison because they were left getting kids hooked on drugs. alone because a single parent did- Teachers just want to do their n’t have any money to take care of jobs. They went to college to learn them.” There were no sexual as- how to become educators. Cutting sault or drug cases found. It is their salary only hurts the future Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin is the fourth worst U.S. governor, utterly ridiculous to cut funding generations—Matt Bevin’s chil- for teachers, who have children, dren! Teacher protests will most according to a mid-2016 Morning Consult survey. then say that parents cannot take likely continue until people like care of their children because they Bevin realize how much harm they Photo Courtesy of INQUISITIR do not have enough money. Gov- are doing in the community. Entertainment 4

Lauren Wiseman Staff Editor

America went to the moon on July 20, 1969. It was a pretty big story, nearly big enough to over- shadow a different incident that occurred two days before. The Chappaquiddick incident of July 18 fol- lowed Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy for the rest of his life, with many speculating it ended any chance he had of running for president. To this day, the events remain shrouded in mystery, as both oc- cupants of the car are now dead; and even when Kennedy was still alive, it would be difficult to ask the “Lion of the Senate” about that dark, devastat- ing day. Directed by John Curran, it follows the week of events following the crash and the cover-up that ensued to save Ted Kennedy’s political career and the Kennedy family name. Supposedly Byron Allen, the CEO of the company distributing the film, was pressured not to release the movie, which made me want to see it even more. So how did Chappaquid- dick measure up? All in all, the movie was good. It had all the right elements, starting with the cast. Fronting the film as Senator Ted Kennedy is Jason Clarke. The Australian actor disappeared into the role and kept the film moving forward with his complex, engaging performance. And having never heard a Boston ac- cent, it took a couple tries to get the hang of distin- guishing words like “staffer” (which sounded like Jason Clarke stars as the “other” Kennedy in Chappaquiddick “stawffer”), but it was never so distracting it took me out of the movie. Photo courtesy of In order to talk about Kennedy, it is also neces- sary to talk about Mary Jo Kopechne, portrayed by timeline of events by burying it inside Kennedy’s The other negative element was the dialogue. Kate Mara. Even with a short amount of screen statement, leaving a lot of it up to speculation…but Some of lines were very clearly written for the trail- time, Mara captured how warm and bright Kopech- clearly indicating he was lying about portions of it. er, and sounded obviously scripted in the context of ne was. She used her striking gaze to great effect, The film had the difficult responsibility of bal- the scene. conveying the hurt of losing Robert F. Kennedy, the ancing guilt with pure despicability. I spent the last Even with those problems, it still is a worth- conflict of returning to Washington or remaining in third of the film watching through my fingers as any while film to see. It is an interesting look at how New Jersey, and the concern for Ted Kennedy in sympathy I had for Kennedy fizzled out with every politicians are protected, especially those who are the face of political challenges. Their chemistry was poor decision he made. It took a significant amount well-connected. The film asks us to evaluate our palpable, and so much of their relationship was left of restraint not to yell at the screen, “Just call the own responses to situations like these, as we see unsaid, with only lingering glances to leave a trail of police! You’re making it worse!” We see him belit- citizen after citizen emphatically say they will vote breadcrumbs. tled by his father (played with frightening, quiet for Kennedy, even after Chappaquiddick. How Comedian Jim Gaffigan gave a surprising turn power by Bruce Dern), and we can genuinely sym- many politicians could be sitting in Washington as Paul F. Markham, United States Attorney for the pathize with the fact he would never be the war he- today with their own Chappaquiddicks, so well- District of Massachusetts. Gaffigan is relatively new ro, the beloved president, or the brilliant senator. hidden we haven’t even heard about them? to the dramatic acting scene, but he gives a good How-ev-er, the movie does not shy away from the Some people have called this a hit job as sitting performance here. Even more impressive is Ed fact he left the scene of an accident, that he tried to Senator Joe Kennedy III rises to prominence. I Helms as Joe Gargan, a lawyer and the adopted tailor the accident in his favor, that he tried to don’t think that’s the case. This is just another polit- brother of Ted Kennedy. Helms is primarily known paint himself as the helpless victim, and that he ical drama, one that does not have to indulge in for his comedy work; I wasn’t really aware of any- waited ten hours to call—hours that Mary Jo spent conspiracy to be compelling. One of the most en- thing he had done outside the Hangover movies, suffocating at the bottom of a lake. gaging aspects of the movie is the fact we still know but he was remarkable. He did a fantastic job For a film that had all the right elements, a cou- very little about the incident. This movie doesn’t showing Gargan’s disillusionment with the Kenne- ple were out of place and hampered the execution. really answer any questions, but it does leave you dys and the whole situation surrounding Chap- One of these was the score. Garth Stevenson’s score curious to find out for yourself. paquiddick. was slow, melodramatic, and unfortunately dragged The storytelling was smartly done, too. The down the film’s pacing. Sure, the idyllic, mournful opening frames spectacularly set up how Ted was piano is great, but as soon as the cover-up starts, the “other” Kennedy. The film cleverly disguised the the score should change to reflect that.

Andrew Henderson Shipping Wars too far. Staff Writer , one of the hallmarks of anime, which heavily influenced Darling One of this year’s most popular new anime has in the Franxx, also went through a similar. been the series “Darling in the Franxx”, a series Shipping War with death threats sent to pro- about a group of children living in a post- ducer and voice actors alike. That “war” funnily apocalyptic world where they must find monsters in enough is still not over, with fans still fighting over dual piloted (one female, one male) giant to which Evangelion pairing should be canon, over 22 protect their homes. The series focuses heavily on years after the final episode aired. I understand that the relationships between different characters and wanting certain character pairings to occur can cre- their pasts, as it slowly unravels the mystery of what ate strong emotions (I’m a big supporter of Hiro X is really happening in this apocalyptic world. How- , and had a deep dislike of Ichigo after epi- ever, because the series’ main character has two sode 14), however fans of anime need to remember different girls romantically interested in him, a dif- that while the characters we are fighting over do not ferent kind of battle has erupted in the fandom, a exist, the producers and voice actors very much do. “Shipping War”. Hideaki Anno (the creator of Evangelion) saw a lot “It hurts the people who make the anime we love, and heavily taints how the fandom is viewed overall“

This fight between fans has mostly been be- of brutal criticism from fans after the controversial tween the camps for Hiro (the main character) and last episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion, and has Ichigo, and the camps for Hiro and Zero Two. The reported he was put into a deep depression because Shipping War went hot though after the controver- of it. This is the reason Anno gives for why it took so sial 14th episode. To keep this spoiler free, Ichigo long to finish the sequel series to Evangelion. made a decision in that episode that greatly angered The Shipping Wars can be incredibly fun to take the Hiro X Zero Two camp and many supporters for part in, and meme culture has really grabbed on to Goro, another character. This has led to a lot of an- these proverbial fights; however we have to be care- ger and vitriol thrown at Ichigo online; however ful that we do not let things get so bad that more many feel it may have gone too far. There have been death threats, like what was seen this year, happens The Anime behind the buzz, Darling in the Franxx reports that the voice actor for Ichigo in the show again. Anger builds on anger, and can quickly grow (Kana Ichinose) has been given death threats over out of control, so be careful that you do not push Photo courtesy of .com the episode and the Darling in the Franxx anima- things too far. It hurts the people who make the tion producer Yuichi Fukushima has also seen death anime we love, and heavily taints how the fandom is threats. This is sadly not an uncommon occurrence viewed overall. Nevertheless, the most important within anime fandoms; many other shows have seen thing is that Goro is best boy, he deserves better. similar vitriol and death threats, where fans take

Welcome back to the entertainment page. How was your spring break? Feel free to send any question or comments about the content of this page to [email protected] Lifestyle 5 A Look Into: The Birkin Bag Am Iconic Shape Turned Fashion Centerpiece

The Birkin might be the most the mark of powerful women eve- famous bag of all time. Somehow, rywhere. The bag is said to radi- this purse has been able to keep ate to everyone that sees it that its status as the “it” bag since its you are not someone to mess inception in 1983- a feat that has with. never been accomplished by any Knowing this, you probably other article of fashion. The bag are guessing that Birkin bags are was originally made for actress not cheap. You’re right; they and singer Jane Birkin by the aren't. With starting prices head of Hermès after the two around twenty thousand and shared a flight. In fact, the the some models nearing six figures, original sketch for the bag was Birkin bags are some of the most created on the back of a throw up expensive in the world. This price bag from the plane. is partially do to the fact that it Since then, the Birkin bag has takes specially trained leather become the must have bag for artisans over 48 hours to make a women in power. Birkin owners single bag. Although that does not include: Michelle Obama, worry any of the owners. They Kim Kardashian surely is turning heads with her Birkin Melania Trump, Hillary Clinton, can afford it and Birkins are Victoria Beckham, Angela Merkel, viewed as an investment. They Photos Courtesy of Margaret Thatcher, etc. The list is have consistently outperformed endless. The Birkin has become on the stock market since their inception. and tricks to get one sooner. Ap- Let’s say you want a Birkin parently, it has been found that, and you are at a point in your life as sexist as this sounds, appar- where you could afford to go into ently it helps if your husband is a Hermès boutique and throw trying to buy the bag for you. down tens of thousands of dollars Other people claim that if you go on a purse. You would think it into the store and buy a whole would be that easy right? You bunch of Hermès’ other items, would majorly wrong. In fact, then, at the very end, while you many people believe that the are checking out, ask if they have scarcity of the Birkins is what has any Birkins. They might just allowed them to keep their status bring one out of the back. If you over the past 35 years. If you are going this route I suggest were to walk into a store, the bulking up on their scarfs. I have odds of them selling you one is heard nothing but good things basically a million to one. Most about them. likely, they would ask you to join If you or anyone you know has the waiting list to get on the wait- a Birkin and they would allow me ing list. This means you could to touch it please reach out. I Victoria Beckham is strutting in the streets with her bags probably expect the wait to be have never had the opportunity over 5 years. and would really like to see the Photos Courtesy of Of course this means that quality personally. people have tried to develop tips Music Corner: Goldlink DC Rapper turned Hip-Hop Superstar

audio clips of ex-lovers, Goldlink ing narrative with well-produced really adds a different electronic uses this alternative style in an beats. His previous album, ‘The aspect to his music that is not album that embodies the feelings God Complex’, is his only other seen in many other Artists that DC Rapper Goldlink has risen of lost love and all the challenges mainstream release album, as make music in this genre truly to prominence in the musical in- that come when people put their well as his first, and laid down diversifying himself form the dustry after the release of his lat- dreams first. the prototype for the experience group. At the same time his mu- est album, ‘And after That, We Goldlink uses alternative desired from his latest album. sic has a level of rawness to it channels of musical release Goldlink’s Latest album “At with imperfect kicks and actual What Cost” has really switched instruments that rally gives it a up his style and brought out a wholesome realness to it. I feel new rawer side of his music. We that he really gets inspiration can see this in songs such as Ko- from the Gogo music scene that komoe Freestyle while he also has taken over The District of Co- revisits his much lighter side with lumbia for so long and he is one Some Girl with popular R&B art- of the first rappers to be this suc- ist . He also shows his cessful to do such. funkier side with songs such as If you’re looking for new mu- Have You seen that girl on this sic full of joy, substance, and album. emotion, look no further than In all I feel that Goldlink has Goldlink. You’ll find his music on definitely set himself into a type- your playlist whether you’re at a cast of Rappers that have tragic party, working out, or at home love stories and affairs with mul- doing work. He is a great young tiple women of whom they have rapper who will make you recon- fallen into and out of love with sider your take on the Hip-Hop but this does not necessarily genre. mean that his music is bad. He

The Album art for “At What Cost “ Photos Courtesy of Spotify

Didn’t Talk’. Given the recent success of established artists like through internet streaming and Kanye West and Chance the Rap- promotions to more effectively per, who initially released their spread his work. Goldlink takes music to media outlets other than advantage of the internet to Apple and Spotify, Goldlink com- spread an alternative style that posed his most recent album as a may not reach Billboard’s Top series of audio recordings in a Charts, but can reach people who’ve looked through main- long tape. Opening tracks like Artists (Left) and Goldlink(Right). ‘Late Night’ with radio DJ intro- stream media, yet still want to hear more music with an interest- ductions, or ending songs with Photos Courtesy of Opinions 6

“There’s this hourly rat race of on- campus and off-campus people fighting for legal parking spots.

If your car isn’t driving itself completely, this probably isn’t safe. Photo via: Lifetime Stock/Shutterstock

“some drivers see an opportunity to be on their phones, relying on the car to keep them safe.” Sports 7 RHIT SPORTS BOX SCORES

RHIT Baseball RHIT Softball Hailey Hoover Hailey Hoover Sports Editor Sports Editor In a shutout against Defiance The Rose-Hulman Baseball team added another The Lady Engineers found themselves at a loss on the 19th in their game win under their belt. Thanks to the pitching of Sophomore Luke Buehler, who against Eureka. In their second game of the double header the team held strong threw the complete game shutout, the Engineers were able to get the victory. This with the final being 6—3 in favor of Eureka. Here’s to the next game for the team was the first game in a doubleheader against Defiance with this win earning a to pull out a win. split.

BASEBALL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FINAL SOFTBALL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FINAL

ROSE-HULMAN 1 0 2 2 0 0 2 1 X 8 ROSE-HULMAN 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 3 DEFIANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EUREKA 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 6 Standout Performers Standout Performers Luke Buehler : allowed only seven singles and one walk. C assidy Yeomans: two-run double Davis Robeson: three hits with two RBIs. Maddie Struble: two-run double

Photo from Rose –Hulman Athletics Photo from Rose –Hulman Athletics IM Leagues Sponsors Sports Pun Of The Week: Their First Ever Video “My tennis opponent was not Game Tournament happy with my serve. He kept returning it” Hailey Hoover Sports Editor Photo from @RHIT_SRC In recent events, the IM Leagues organized a tournament for both Madden Football and FIFA Soccer. The event was open to eve- Overall Highlights: ryone and the players played head to head in a number of games  before being seated in a bracket for the finals. The finals games were Women’s Golf: 4th after day 1 held in the Lake room in the Union. The contestants had the oppor-  Boys Tennis wins over Mount St. tunity to play on the large screen held in the room. There were four Joseph with a score of 9-0 different games played to determine the places of first, second, third and fourth place. The winner of both the FIFA and Madden winners were able to pick any video game they desired and it will be pur- chased for them. Overall the event was a huge success and a lot of fun and hopefully they will continue to put it on in the years to come. Pictured below are the two winners— Jason Meyer (left) for Madden and Michael Boye for FIFA (right).

Photo from @RHIT_SRC Intramural Standings Ultimate Frisbee Softball


Legends of Speed 3 0 1 - W1 1st Sigma Nu 4 0 0 - W4 1st Combined B

Pike Gold 2 2 0 2 W1 3rd Pike A 3 1 0 .67 W2 3rd ATO B 2 2 0 2 L1 3rd ATO A 1 3 0 2.67 L1 4th FAST 3 1 0 1 W3 2nd Phi Gamma Hamma 2 0 1 0.5 — 2nd Greek A A Greek Delta Sig 0 3 0 3.5 L3 4th

Triangle 0 5 0 4.17 L5 5th Fiji Ball Batters 0 3 0 3.5 L3 4th

Hurrikanes 3 0 0 0.5 W4 2nd

STAND- Triangle 0 4 0 4 L4 4th Isc ItTEAM NAME W L T GB STREAK


Beasts of Weast 4 1 0 1 W2 2nd TEAM NAME W L T GB STREAK STANDING ResidenceB Becky Look at that Bunt 2 2 0 2 L2 3rd Soccer Moms 5 0 0 - W5 1st Deming Dimes 3 1 0 1 W2 2nd BSBackhand 4 1 0 1 L1 2nd The Empire 4 0 0 - W4 1st

Flickin’ Dangs 2 3 0 3 L1 4th Schoftballs 1 3 0 3 L2 4th

Residence B2 Residence Don’t Bunt 0 4 0 4 L4 5th Ultimate Flying Objects 3 2 0 2 W2 3rd Flippin’ Dingers 2 2 0 2 W2 2nd Bop It Pull It Disc It 2 3 0 3 W1 5th

Aggressively Average 0 5 0 5 L5 6th

Handiball Shrieks Joy 0 5 0 5 L5 6th Flipside 8

National National National National National National National Cherry 23 Pigs in a 24 DNA Day 25 Audubon 26 Devil 27 Kiss of 28 Peace 29 Cheesecake Day Blanket Day Day Dog Day Hope Day Rose Day National East National Lost Dogs National Teach Meets West Day National Help a National Babe National National Shrimp Awareness Day Children to Save Horse Day Ruth Day Blueberry Pie Day Scampi Day Day National Hug a National Picnic Plumber Day National Kids and National Prime Rib National National Zipper Day Pets Day Day BraveHearts Day Day National National Take a Telephone Day National Pretzel National Tell a National Great National Pet Chance Day Day Story Day Poetry Reading Parents Day National Zucchini Day National Talk Like Bread Day National Richter National Arbor Shakespeare Day Scale Day Day National National Superhero Day Administrative National Poem in National Hairball Professionals Day Your Pocket Day Awareness Day National Rebuilding Day National National Day of Dissertation Day Silence National Sense of Smell Day

National Pool Opening Day

1. Start a banana gun Mexican standoff against members of an opposing res hall. 2. Scream “Get out!” 3. Pretend to give your friends a tour and spread misinformation. 4. Walk backwards with the tour guide in solidarity. Peter Quince 5. Hold up desperate signs in the res hall windows. Bumbler 6. Add all the high school students on Fortnite so they have to come here. “Bless me, what a fry of fornication is at the door.” 7. Assimilate and join the tour. Bonus points if you can get a professor to be your This witty insult is one of many written by the great stand-in parent. William Shakespeare, queer icon and playwright. The line, from Henry VIII, is said to have been a burn so 8. Hug the tour guide for an uncomfortably long amount of time and then just sick the Globe Theatre burst into flames at its utter- walk away. ance. Of course, Shakespeare was no one-hit wonder. 9. Give them a stack of textbooks, smack the books out of their hands, and call After they rebuilt the theatre to be slightly more fire- them a nerd. Ooooh got ‘em. proof, Shakespeare went on to have his creations sling 10. Ask them for directions. more zings such as "Your virginity breeds mites, much 11. Be the token hippy. Love yourself. Accept yourself. like a cheese,” and “Your abilities are too infant-like for doing much alone.” 12. Stalk them like the wild animals they are. Record their movement, narrate the film an Australian accent, and win an award as a breakthrough film producer. In honor of National Talk like Shakespeare Day, here are three easy steps you can use to create insults that 13. Give them coupons for the RHIT Gentlemen’s Club. the Great Bard himself would give a standing ovation. 14. Give them a pop quiz on derivatives. If they get it right, call them a nerd. 1. Start with something basic like “Your momma looks 15. Walk out in tattered clothes. Whisper, “Is this what the sun looks like!?” like a cheese puff.” 16. “FRESH MEAT!!!” 2. it up with some old-English flair. The previous line now becomes “Thy mother dost look like a puff 17. Walk up to them and promise to put in a good word for them if they give you of cheese.” $5. 3. (Optional) Maybe throw in a bit of elaboration. 18. Give them a black box. Stare them directly in the eyes and whisper, “Don’t do Something that really builds on the idea you’re try- it.” ing to convey. Now, my insult becomes “Thy mother 19. Start a game of tag. dost look like a puff of cheese, dry and tasteless.” 20. Walk up to one of the parents and reenact a touching reunion with them. Now depart and start making thine enemies weep!

WACKY PROFESSOR QUOTES Slams door shut: “Try not to hallucinate in front of the class. It looks weird.” “Sorry, Buffalo is standing out in the hallway.” -Dr. Bill Butske -Professor Amanda Stouder "Just like in Warhammer, we like to kill the mutants... brutally “I went to college for a decade for this. To be surrounded by smart murder actually" asses.” -Dr. Mark Hays -Dr. Caroline Carvill "If you die in the bathroom then nobody else will be able to use it. Student: “How many questions will be on tomorrow's exam?” That's a bad deal." Dr. Hudson: “I have no idea.” -Dr. J.P. Mellor -Dr. Tina Hudson Looking at ads for generic beer: “This was my childhood” “It’s not like you have to pull out a protractor and communicate -Dr. Thom with the Gods” -Dr. Renee Rogge “Birth is bloody and horrible. I think” -Dr. Stephanie Hill

Did your prof say something hilarious or just great out of context? Did you hear something amusing on your jaunt about the fine halls of this institution? We want to hear about it! Send your quotes with who said it to: [email protected] or fill out this nifty google form: This week was a kicker. I kept forgetting which day of the week it was, which class I was going to, and which backpack was mine. If you are missing a pink Twinkle- toes backpack with football gear in it, let me know. I didn’t mean to take it with me. Please send an email with questions, concerns, or content to the Thorn Flipside Editor Disclaimer: The Flipside is purely for fun! Any uncredited work above can be attributed to me, Emma Oswood.