Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Spring 4-23-2018 Volume 53 - Issue 23 - Monday, April 23, 2018 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn Recommended Citation Rose Thorn Staff, "Volume 53 - Issue 23 - Monday, April 23, 2018" (2018). The Rose Thorn Archive. 1187. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn/1187 THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. 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One way to do this is through that you improve whatever process you are projects. Dr. Evans class starts the quarter dealing with, and in the next few weeks, You may have noticed in the past by picking some process to improve. the students will collect and analyze data few weeks signs and posters popping up all In the past, the processes selected on the usage of biodegradable straws and over the school with the fun little play on have included things like paper towel compare that to the usage of plastic straws words: straws suck. waste and food waste which, as one could using data collected in the first five weeks At first glance, it may just seem like imagine, are terribly messy. of the quarter to see if there has been any the effort of one of the environmentally- So when Dr. Evans began to read significant improvement in straw waste on friendly student organizations on campus about what straws were doing to the envi- campus. to discourage the use of environmentally- ronment, she came up with a less messy This, however, is where the class harmful plastics, but do not be fooled. idea: counting straws. leaves off, and what happens next is uncer- This is actually a class project for an Not only is this less messy and helps tain. If their data indicates an overall im- engineering management course called Six to improve something on campus, but it is provement in straw waste on campus, Sigma in Practice. also a nice project to try and fit in to 10 there is nothing that says our food services Six Sigma is a way to describe how weeks. will switch to biodegradable straws. well some process is performing, and it has The students in the class broke up This task could, of course, be adopted been used by many companies to create a into teams and began to do a little research by any of the student organizations on methodology for improving the quality of into straw usage and its effect on the envi- campus whose objective includes making their products and services. ronment. Rose-Hulman a more environmentally- Some of these companies include According to Dr. Evans, this seemed friendly place or even just a group of stu- Motorola and General Electric. to be what really sparked their interest. dents who are passionate about waste pro- According to isixsigma.com, a pro- They made posters displaying a little bit of duction here on campus. cess achieves Six Sigma when it does not information about straw waste, and posted So, those buckets of straws with pa- produce more than 3.4 defects per million them around campus. per rappers that say “Straw Made From opportunities. Next, the class researched the alter- Plants” on them? You know what I’m talk- Essentially, if a process has achieved natives to plastic straws. There are straws ing about. Six Sigma, it means we have a nearly per- Posters like this can be seen made of metal, hay, bamboo, paper, and The ones that you would expect to fect process, and this saves companies a lot even plants. open up and find a green-tinted plastic-like of money. around campus. While most of these alternatives are tube that you might think would make This class, however, is taking Six Sig- biodegradable, the plant-based straws your water taste funny. ma, giving it a little environmental twist, Photo by Jared Gibson seemed to have the best chance of being Give them a try. After all, it’s for a and applying it to straws. used by the students and faculty, and are good cause and the water at Chauncey’s It all started when Dr. Diane Evans and wanted to teach a course called “Six now available for use in dining locations tastes like blue Powerade anyway. switched over to engineering management Sigma in Practice.” In Six Sigma, there are around campus such as Chauncey’s and Page 4: Chappaquiddick and Anime Wars The Rose Thorn Page 5: A Purse that Outperformed the Stock Market Page 6: Distracted Driving Meets Tuesdays Page 7: Sports! O259 5:15pm Jared Gibson GLSEN stands for Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network and is an or- News Editor ganization that came to be the official spon- sor of the GLSEN Day of Silence in 2001. It all started with a homework assign- It was founded in 1990 by a small ment. Yes, that’s right: a homework assign- group of teachers in Massachusetts whose ment. goal was to improve the school system and I’m sure that all of us are quite famil- to discourage bullying or discrimination Evë Maquelin Hulman curriculums, the re- iar with those, and so were the students at against LGBT students and anti-LGBTQ sponsibility of realizing BIC University of Virginia in 1996 who were behavior of any kind. Editor in Chief use is key to personal develop- responsible for the creation of Day of Si- According to glsen.org, it is now “... ment is left to the individual. lence. the leading national education organization Last year’s announcement All of the amazing things Unlike the typical homework assign- focused on ensuring safe and affirming of a new academic building in that happen in the BIC are due ment here, this one was about non-violent schools for LGBTQ students.” place of the Rotz lab was noth- to people voluntarily devoting protests, and the students’ response was Their goal is to make sure that every ing short of exciting. Every de- their time and effort, and more what is now known as the Day of Silence. student is treated with respect, no matter partment had ideas for what and more students are seeing The following year, there was an ef- their sexual orientation, gender identity, or they wanted with it, from new the value and getting involved. fort to make the Day of Silence a national gender expression. labs to additional study spaces. With all the exciting pro- event, and over 100 colleges participated. They work with the Department of This week President Con- jects and initiatives circling The GLSEN Day of Silence is a na- Education and K-12 schools, doing re- well announced another infor- campus, it’s no secret that tionwide event that happens in middle search, providing “developmentally appro- mation session for the new aca- workspaces are getting harder schools, high schools, and colleges across priate resources for educators…”, and sup- demic building, which may in- and harder to come by. the country, including our very own Rose- porting efforts led by students in order to clude discussion of a potential This year the BIC launched Hulman Institute of Technology. carry out this goal. expansion to the Branam Inno- a new area called the ‘X-Space’ On Friday, April 27 students across As mentioned previously, they do vation Center. where individuals who wanted the country will take a vow of silence in sponsor events at the college-level, and one One of Rose-Hulman’s a work space and storage for order to demonstrate the silencing effect these will be coming to campuses all greatest treasures is the BIC. their projects could share re- that bullying and discrimination has on around the country this week, including Home to a bevy of competition sources. students of all sexual orientations. Rose-Hulman, and if you would like to teams, capstone projects, and Though it certainly allevi- It has reached all 50 states, the Dis- learn more, visit www.glsen.org. machining resources, hundreds ated the strain on space re- trict of Columbia, and some foreign coun- of students go through its quirements for the BIC and My- tries such as New Zealand and Russia. doors each week. ers workrooms, students have Its reputation of producing recently been feeling effects of students with significant hands the space constraints through a -on experience with industry series of crackdowns from skills makes it a popular stop higher levels of management.
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