Ultrastructural Changes of the Basal Lamina During the Hair Growth Cycle
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Downloaded from http://rupress.org/jcb/article-pdf/40/2/561/1385012/561.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 ULTRASTRUCTURAL CHANGES OF THE BASAL LAMINA DURING THE HAIR GROWTH CYCLE PAUL F. PARAKKAL. From the Department of Electron Microscopy, Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, Beaverton, Oregon 97006 INTRODUCTION scope. The details of these ultrastructural changes are reported below. The "hyaline membrane" (glassy or vitreous mem- brane), the noncellular layer that invests the entire MATERIALS AND METHODS hair follicle, is visible with the light microscope. During hair growth cycles (5), this membrane Small pieces of back skin from 19- to 22-day-old albino mice were excised and immersed in ice-cold undergoes characteristic morphological modifica- 1% osmium tetroxide buffered to pH 7.4-7.6 with tions. Under the light microscope, the hyaline either veronal acetate or phosphate (4, 6). The tissues membrane appears thin and inconspicuous around were fixed for 2 hr and then dehydrated in an ascend- the follicle during anagen and telogen (growing ing series of ethanol and embedded in Araldite (3). and resting phases of the hair follicle). At the 1 -1 sections were stained in azure blue B for ori- onset of catagen (the transitional phase between entation purposes. Thin sections were successively anagen and telogen), the PAS-positive membrane stained in aqueous uranyl acetate and lead citrate around the lower part of the follicle becomes (8) and then examined in an RCA EMU 3 F or hypertrophied. In the later stages of catagen, this Phillips EM 200 electron microscope. lower section of the follicle atrophies and the sur- RESULTS rounding hyaline membrane appears like a thick wrinkled sac (2, 5, 13). In anagen hair follicles, the three components of Under the electron microscope, the hyaline the hyaline membrane are interposed between the membrane of anagen follicles consists of an inner cells of the outer root sheath and the connective basal lamina and two outer layers of orthogonally tissue sheath (Fig. 1). The amorphous, or occa- arranged collagen fibers (7, 9). The ultrastructure sionally finely fibrillar, basal lamina is about 800 A of the thickened hyaline membrane of the catagen thick and conforms to the smooth contours of the follicle, however, has not been described. In this plasma membrane of the outer root sheath at a study, I have observed that during catagen the distance of about 1000 A. The inner layer of colla- basal lamina undergoes an extensive pleating proc- gen fibers lies parallel to the long axis of the hair, ess that causes the hyaline membrane to resemble whereas the outer layer is at right angles to the the thick wrinkled sac seen under the light micro- inner one (Fig. 1). This orthogonal arrangement B R I E F N O T E S 561 Downloaded from http://rupress.org/jcb/article-pdf/40/2/561/1385012/561.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 FIGRuE 1 Electron miclograph showing the hyaline membrane in the anagen follicle. The basal lan- ina (BL) and the two layers of collagen fibers (LF) and (CF) are interposed between the outer root sheath (ORS) and the connective tissue sheath (CT). Note that the basal lamina follows the smooth contours of the outer root sheath cells. X 24,000. FIGURE Electron micrograph of the highly pleated basal lamina (BL) of the catagen follicle. Note the disintegrating cells (DC) enclosed by the folded basal lamina. X 10,000. Downloaded from http://rupress.org/jcb/article-pdf/40/2/561/1385012/561.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 FIGURE 3 Portions of the outer root sheath cells from an early catagen follicle showing the large number of lysosomes (LY). The plasma membrane and the basal lamina (BL) have undergone some infoldings. X 11,000. of collagen fibers resembles somewhat that of the lamina is completely resorbed, and simultaneously basement lamella of amphibian tadpole skin (12). the two layers of collagen fibers lose their ortho- At the onset of catagen, the cells in the lower gonal arrangement and seem to blend into the part of the hair follicle begin to form large numbers surrounding connective tissue. of membrane-bounded dense bodies, presumably lysosomes (Fig. 3). Simultaneously with the DISCUSSION appearance of dense bodies, the plasma mem- The present study has demonstrated an extensively branes of these cells undergo invagination and the pleated basal lamina around the entire lower part basal lamina follows most of these infoldings (Fig. of the catagen follicle. Since there are no appreci- 3). At a later stage, when some of cells have under- able changes in the two layers of collagen fibers, gone resorption, the basal lamina appears highly the unusual thickening of the hyaline membrane pleated (Fig. 2), with remnants of degenerating reported in previous studies (2, 9, 13) must be due cells often trapped in the infoldings (Fig. 2). Dur- to the pleatings of the basal lamina. ing the last stages of catagen, the now highly It is pertinent here to speculate on the origin of pleated basal lamina encloses the atrophic cells of the pleated basal lamina. 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