
Opinion Integrating conservation and development: in search of long-term solutions L. J. Gorenflo1* and Dennis B. Warner2

Fresh water, a necessary for most on Earth, currently experiences impacts that reduce both and quantity. These impacts compromise human wellbeing and threaten the existence of many nonhuman species, the lat- ter including freshwater biodiversity as as other species requiring water to survive. In response, development and conservation professionals strive to ensure that adequate is available for people and other organisms. Here we examine the need to coordinate efforts in these two areas of interven- tion to ensure long-term success for both. We begin by discussing how places needing water development and biodiversity conservation tend to be located in the same parts of the world, suggesting that projects in each subject area may well co-occur. We then summarize briefly the current challenges facing water development and freshwater-related biodiversity conservation, as well as the main approaches to address those challenges. The study examines potential stra- tegies to provide improved access to water for both people and nature through integrated water management and less formal approaches to avoiding unintended impacts of one activity on the other. Example projects reveal several benefits of linking development and biodiversity conservation efforts to maintain . The study closes by arguing for the need to coordinate water development and biodiversity conservation activities in a manner that seeks practical synchronized solutions for particular project settings. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

How to cite this article: WIREs Water 2016, 3:301–311. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1142

INTRODUCTION there remain today 663 million who rely on unim- proved sources for the water they .1 Some 1.2 resh water is necessary for human survival and billion people live in areas where water is physically Fincreasingly a resource under stress. Although scarce, and nearly 2.0 billion face water shortages.2 roughly 2.6 billion people have gained access to An estimated 1.8 billion use water that is fecally con- improved sources of drinking water since 1990 and taminated, a major reason for continuing high levels 91% of the global population now uses such sources, of due to diarrheal diseases.3,4 As global population grows from the current total of 7.3 5 *Correspondence to: [email protected] billion to 9.7 billion by 2050, demand for water is 1Department of Architecture, The Pennsylvania State anticipated to increase by 55% to support domestic, University, University Park, PA, USA agricultural, and industrial uses.2 Meeting growing 2Millennium Water Alliance, Washington, DC, USA fresh water needs, and providing access to safe drink- Conflict of interest: The authors have declared no conflicts of inter- ing water amid rising human impacts, will be massive est for this article. challenges in the next few decades.

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Less well known, but no less dire, is the decline became a major focus of attention with the establish- of biological diversity in freshwater ecosystems, such ment of the International Drinking and as , streams, and .6 Comprising only Decade (1981–1990), which had the about 0.8% of the earth’s surface, freshwater ecosys- ambitious goal of supplying water and sanitation to tems contain much of the earth’s biodiversity.7,8 all people through replicable, self-reliant, and self- Unfortunately, the freshwater biome also is the most sustaining programs.15 The need for water develop- threatened, with as much as 71% of the world’s wet- ment usually reflects a broader need to address destroyed since 1900 and nearly 90% lost since poverty and economic inequality,1,2,16,17 as measured 1700.9 As a consequence, freshwater species experi- by income, such as gross domestic product, as well as enced the greatest decline of any biome between by composite measures, such as the ’ 1970 and 2010, with an average reduction of 76% human development index.18 However, it is possible in the size of monitored populations10—a global pat- to focus more specifically on indicators of need for – tern borne out for specific regions.11 13 The impacts water development, such as access to improved on freshwater biodiversity extend well beyond the sources of drinking water (the agreed-upon proxy for conservation of aquatic species, to the many terres- access to safe drinking water)—piped water on the trial and marine and animals that also rely on premises, public taps or standpipes, tube or fresh water and the biodiversity it supports for their , protected dug wells, protected springs, own survival, and, ultimately, to humans, who and rainwater collection.1 Although much of the depend on functioning aquatic ecosystems for , world now has access to improved water sources, as safe water, protection from floods, and other key noted more than 660 million continue to lack such ecosystem services.14 access, most living in rural portions of particular In the pages below, we argue that opportunities countries (Figure 1).1 often exist to coordinate water development and bio- Conservationists have devised a variety of tem- diversity conservation actions that can benefit both. plates to identify priority regions for maintaining bio- This study emerges from personal experience, trying diversity, including Biodiversity Hotspots, Centers of to provide rural communities in less developed coun- Diversity, Crisis Ecoregions, Endemic Bird tries with safe drinking water and working on efforts Areas, Frontier , Global 200 Ecoregions, High to conserve freshwater biodiversity in similar settings. Biodiversity Areas, Last of the Wild, and Although both fronts have enjoyed considerable suc- Megadiversity Countries.19 Most attempts to identify cess over the years, they also have witnessed failures, conservation priorities have focused on broadly and individually we have experienced the frustration defined taxa, and although freshwater species have of involvement in projects that were not fully success- been included in many prioritization efforts they have ful, at least in the long term. In response to what not received specific attention until relatively recently. water development and conservation professionals The Global Amphibian Assessment represented a sys- began to recognize as shared challenges, an informal tematic attempt to identify the geographic ranges of meeting convened in Washington, DC, in 2005 solic- amphibian species as well as conservation status,20 ited insights from organizations engaged in both while the definition of freshwater ecoregions included types of activity. Discussions at that and subsequent a geographic assessment of fish diversity.21 A recent gatherings began to explore integrated solutions that synthesis of data for nearly 7100 freshwater species could help achieve development and biodiversity con- of amphibians, crabs, crayfish, fishes, mammals, and servation goals, serving to guide certain projects over reptiles revealed geographic patterns of species rich- the ensuing decade. This paper discusses general ness and conservation status in the freshwater approaches to water development and freshwater biome.11 The geographic distributions for freshwater biodiversity conservation that complement one conservation data are broadly consistent with the another as a path to long-term solutions. arrangement of terrestrial species and of most of the priority regions for biodiversity conservation men- tioned (Figure 2).22,a A BROAD PATTERN Although selection of project sites for water OF OVERLAPPING REAL ESTATE development or biodiversity conservation ultimately considers local circumstances and practicalities, such Water development, through the planning and imple- as the availability of capable partners, access to mentation of water projects, has been a focus of funds, local and national government support, secu- modern international development since its onset in rity for project personnel, and policies of donor agen- the mid-20th century. This area of development cies, broad patterns reveal general cooccurrence

302 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. Volume3,May/June2016 WIREs Water Integrating biodiversity conservation and water development

(a) Percent of population with access to , 2015

Percent of population with improved water source Projection: Eckert IV No data 51 - 65 81 - 90 0 - 50 66 - 80 91 - 100

(b) UN human development index, 2013

Human development index Projection: Eckert IV No data 0.51 - 0.65 0.81 - 0.90 < 0.50 0.66 - 0.80 0.91 - 0.94

FIGURE 1 | Percent of population with access to improved drinking water, by country, 2015 (a) and United Nations Development Index, by country, 2013 (b). Geographic information system datasets developed by lead author. consistent with those identified in other studies.23 In certain needs that that enable these very different localities where conditions invite both water develop- types of endeavors to benefit through allied, comple- ment and biodiversity conservation actions, coordi- mentary actions. At a minimum, we feel that these nated efforts emerge as an opportunity to join forces two activities can consider one another’s efforts, to achieve greater success in both.24 In cases where allowing each to limit or entirely avoid impacts on activities in one area of intervention compromise the other. At a maximum, we envision integrated those in the other, coordination of efforts becomes a efforts on projects that seek related goals. The necessity. approach taken depends on particulars of any given project. Most current challenges in water development THE POTENTIAL OF COORDINATED are consequences of unsustainable activities and fail- DEVELOPMENT AND ures in governance.2 Increasing human population CONSERVATION EFFORTS ultimately drives much of the growing demand for water, with most of the demographic increase by This study rests on the premise that not only do 2050 anticipated to occur in less-developed countries water development and biodiversity conservation where lack of access to safe drinking water already is often share geographic space, but they also share a problem.5 Irrigated agriculture accounts for 70%

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(a) Number of amphibian species

Amphibian species (no.) Projection: Eckert IV 0 12 - 28 54 - 83 1 - 11 29 - 53 84 - 135

(b) Number of freshwater crab, crayfish and shrimp species

Crab, crayfish and shrimp species (no.) Projection: Eckert IV 0 6 - 15 26 - 30 1 - 5 16 - 25 31 - 60

(c) Number of mammal species

Mammal species (no.) Projection: Eckert IV 0 31 - 60 101 - 145 1 - 30 61 - 100 146 - 217

FIGURE 2 | Distribution of amphibian species (a), freshwater crab, crayfish, and shrimp species (b), and mammal species (c). Geographic information system datasets obtained from IUCN Redlist of Threatened Species, http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/spatial-data.

304 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. Volume3,May/June2016 WIREs Water Integrating biodiversity conservation and water development of freshwater withdrawals globally, and more than loss of species in general is a consequence of several 90% of withdrawals in less-developed countries.2 possible threats: habitat degradation or loss, exploi- production, in turn, currently accounts for tation of the species in question, climate change, 15% of water withdrawals, expected to witness a invasive species or genes, pollution, and disease.10,34 20% increase by 2030 with growth again anticipated Decline or loss of aquatic species, in particular, often to emphasize less-developed countries.25 Demands is due to habitat loss or fragmentation, invasive spe- for water for these and other uses place enormous cies, and pollution, with habitat degradation affect- pressure on the fresh water resources, yielding short- ing more than 80% of threatened freshwater falls in many places that are projected to reach a species.11 The primary causes of these threats all 40% global deficit beyond accessible surface and relate to use, including agriculture, urbaniza- subsurface sources by 2030.26 Population growth tion, development (particularly dams), and the expanding impacts that accompany it will and logging, all environmental in one form or affect water quality as well, helping to perpetuate the another.35 Threats often result from complex, inter- role of water-borne diseases as a leading cause of related processes; e.g., logging can precede agricul- death world-wide. tural development, with both leading to development projects that address inade- water contamination. Inherent connectivity of hydro- quate water quantity and quality typically fall into logical systems adds further complexity, as adverse one of three categories: community uses, primarily impacts on one location can affect other locations as involving drinking water and sanitation; productive well.36 uses, primarily involving for crop produc- Conservationists and their allies generally rely tion but also including commercial and industrial on some form of protection to help maintain biologi- uses; and environmental protection, consisting of cal diversity. Often this is achieved through the crea- watershed management and conservation activities.27 tion of protected areas: clearly delineated localities Much development activity since the definition of the created and managed for the long-term conservation Millennium Development Goals in 2000 has focused of nature along with associated ecosystem services on providing access to improved drinking water and and cultural values.37 Protected areas, such as .28 Water, sanitation, and national parks, exist in terrestrial, marine, and fresh- —or WASH—are seen as activities essential water settings and represent the cornerstones of for improved human wellbeing, particularly as a biodiversity conservation.38 As of 2014, protected means of reducing disease.29 Improving the water areas covered about 12.5% of Earth’s terrestrial sur- available for people often has involved providing face.39 This coverage includes freshwater protected simple water collection technologies, improved areas,36,40 though such reserves often extend to inter- springs, drilled wells, or protected dug wells.30 connected hydrological systems and associated terres- Efforts to address productive uses frequently focus trial areas beyond the borders of the specific locality on introducing irrigation to increase agricultural marked for conservation.24,32,37,41 yield and reduce risk, or improving irrigation To help address water challenges in both devel- through technologies such as drip irrigation which opment and conservation, approaches to managing greatly increase the efficiency of water delivery.31 water resources that combine requirements of Environmental protection has received much less humans and nature have emerged. Generally termed attention, focusing on maintaining certain types of integrated water resources management (IWRM), habitat.32 Water development has enjoyed considera- such an approach “… promotes the coordinated ble success over the past several decades, notably in development and management of water, land, and providing access to improved sources of drinking related resources, in order to maximize the resultant water, but there have been important shortcomings. economic and social welfare in an equitable manner Many water-related challenges—especially those without compromising the sustainability of vital eco- affecting , local economies, and the nat- systems.”42 Attempts to balance human demand for ural environments of watersheds—inherently are water with the capability of nature to provide it date long-term, but projects often involve short-term solu- back centuries, with early examples ranging as tions as they seek immediate results and clearly meas- broadly as Aztec management of in the urable outcomes. prehistoric Basin of Mexico during the 14th and Although the focus of this essay is on fresh 15th centuries and regional development of water water, because of the reliance of many plants and resources under the Tennessee Valley Authority animals on water any impacts on this resource beginning in the 1930s.43,44 But the concept of sys- extend well beyond aquatic species.33 The decline or tematic, multisector coordination of water resources

Volume3,May/June2016 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. 305 Opinion wires.wiley.com/water that integrate both human and natural systems limited human activity, IWRM obviously can help to remerged in 1977 with the Mar del Plata conference maintain water quality and quantity through main- in Argentina, and more formally in 1992 with two taining hydrologic systems and related terrestrial key conferences: the International Conference on resources. In areas that host multiple uses, IWRM Water and the Environment in Dublin, and the can help to integrate development and conservation United Nations Conference on Environment and through ensuring that the former focuses on environ- Development in Rio de Janeiro.27 Agenda 21 recom- mental considerations. For example, habitat conver- mendations for development adopted at the latter sion that avoids streams as well as riparian conference recognized water as a resource essential buffers serves to maintain the quality of surface for humans and other species, the importance of the hydrology and associated species. Harvesting fresh- hydrologic cycle in producing and maintaining fresh water fish and other resources at levels below those water resources, and the need for a holistic approach required to maintain species populations helps to to manage water that involves multiple stakeholders establish sustainable levels of use. Irrigation and and considers water as an economic good. Particu- other water uses that limit the amount withdrawn larly important criteria include the so-called three pil- and schedule off-takes consistent with natural fluc- lars of IWRM: achieve maximum economic tuations of water flow contribute to maintaining efficiency in water use, promote the basic right for all stream ecology. people to have access to water, and reach environ- IWRM emerges as a strategy for implementing mental and ecological sustainability. The belief that projects that accommodate the aims of both water an integrated approach can address current water development and biodiversity conservation. Moreo- problems in a sustainable manner has led to broad ver, its broad acceptance as a means of managing this acceptance of IWRM.2,27,45 key resource in a sustainable manner provides the For water development, IWRM can contribute basis for adoption in a range of development and to maintaining both water quantity and quality. The conservation contexts. But for all its appeal, IWRM essential component is water resource planning that presupposes levels of integration and information considers all potential effects on water sources flow, and consistent foundations of decision making, through broad investigations and soliciting input that make it particularly challenging to imple- from relevant stakeholders. Such input can be impor- ment.44,45 In many rural settings in the developing tant in avoiding overdrafts of water for one use at world, IWRM requires a high level of coordinated the expense of another, as well as in excluding activ- planning and formal stakeholder input that simply ities that are incompatible with long-term water are nonexistent. Areas that harbor natural and socio- resource sustainability. Prohibiting intensive agricul- cultural diversity add further complications, as heter- ture upstream from a rural village, for instance, ogeneous settings often require very different enables avoidance of excessive withdrawals that approaches to implement IWRM.26,45 Technical reduce amounts of water available for community requirements of thorough integration—e.g., surface use below acceptable levels, in addition to reducing and subsurface, agricultural and natural, water use impacts on villagers from agrochemicals. Restricting and waste treatment, government and private timber harvesting near a hydroelectric dam, in turn, sector—often are difficult to incorporate in particular reduces increased erosion and siltation that would project settings.42 Finally, some have criticized compromise electricity production. Implementing IWRM for not accommodating sufficient develop- wastewater recycling increases the supply of useable ment,46 for not including enough environmental con- water while reducing the discharge of contaminants. siderations and equity,17 and for having insufficient Using multisector decision-making that considers definition and guidelines to promote true integrated immediate and future impacts of water management management.47 helps to avoid unintended or undesirable impacts When water development and biodiversity con- from one or more uses. servation opportunities cooccur, coordination is both For biodiversity conservation, IWRM seeks to desirable and necessary. However, in many settings a safeguard aquatic habitat and species through envi- less refined, less systematic form of coordination ronmental actions that help to maintain the hydro- often is more feasible. One might present this as logic cycle. The focus on aquatic ecosystems must development of joint awareness and accommodation consider surface and subsurface systems; it also must for the sake of practicality and mutual benefit. The employ a broad geographic perspective that protects development project that is aware of local conserva- freshwater habitat from activities that can indirectly tion activities can avoid actions that undermine those degrade it. In protected areas that host no or very activities, and possibly introduce steps that serve to

306 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. Volume3,May/June2016 WIREs Water Integrating biodiversity conservation and water development conserve aquatic and terrestrial habitat that benefit water demands in a range of cities, including its own goals through maintaining water sources. New York City, USA; Quito, Ecuador; and Bogota, The conservation project that recognizes local efforts Colombia.50 Compilations of IWRM case studies in to improve the human condition can take steps to a range of geographic and problem settings indicate locate development restrictions solely in areas that broad adoption and general success of such pro- specifically need them, and possibly provide condi- jects,27,51,52 though lack of adequate data and a need tions that improve water resources used by local peo- for longer periods of observation often limit the ple. The desire to avoid conflicting actions, and the strength of project evaluations. Efforts that are need to consider trade-offs of different water man- focused specifically on coordinating water develop- agement strategies, both are extremely important and ment and biodiversity conservation are more recent ultimately have their roots in IWRM. Less formal and fewer in number, though examples do exist. In coordination of water-related activities is much less the Morogoro Region of central Tanzania, a project demanding than IWRM, generally embodying only a to provide safe drinking water to villages also incor- slight reorientation of secondary project goals and porates upland habitat protection. Overall, this proj- concerns such that water development accommodates ect shows early indications of success, along with the selected considerations of biodiversity conservation, potential for long-term impacts on both fronts.53 In and vice versa, while maintaining the primary focus Ethiopia, work with local governments and commu- of each (Figure 3). Development and conservation nity organizations has helped to restore eroded land- organizations have begun to coalesce around the scapes through management theme of WASH and freshwater ecosystem manage- interventions that include terracing, check dams, ment, agreeing to a “Joint Statement on Water, Sani- stone bunds, and hillside microbasins for collecting tation and Hygiene (WASH) and Freshwater rainfall runoff. In combination with multiple uses of Ecosystem Conservation” to promote integrated water for WASH, irrigation, and small crop produc- approaches.48 Guidelines for implementing these tion enterprises, these conservation efforts have led ideas provide a means of synchronizing development to improved quality of surface water as well as a dra- and conservation activities in places where project matic increase in agricultural productivity in five coordination and structured, integrated programs are Ethiopian woredas (districts), which now experience difficult to develop.49 two crop harvests annually instead of the previous Conscious efforts to coordinate water use for single harvest.54 In the Intibuca Region of Honduras, people and nature have been occurring in some form efforts have focused on organizing local committees for decades. There have been noteworthy success to oversee water use and watershed protection and stories, including impressive cost-savings from incor- management. Between 2009 and 2012, the popula- porating watershed maintenance to help meet urban tion in this region with access to improved water supply increased 50%, protected water pro- duction zones were legally established that help maintain aquatic habitat and water quality, and local (a) communities became effective managers of water resources.55 In Nairobi, Kenya, large users of water contribute to the Upper Tana Water Fund that helps to support environmental conservation in upstream villages along the Tana .48 Improved erosion control benefits rural communities while reducing (b) costs in Nairobi. Payments into a water trust fund by sugarcane producers in the East Cauca Valley of Colombia support reforestation as well as education and training, crop planting, and the construction of water and sanitation facilities in upland villages.56 This fund has conserved more than 120,000 hectares of the watershed, improving condi- Primary project focus Secondary project focus tions in local communities and for a variety of species FIGURE 3 | Conceptual diagram showing independent water while helping to maintain a reliable supply of water development and biodiversity conservation projects (a) and projects for sugarcane production. With the passage of time, that become partially integrated in the interest of seeking separate more projects integrating water development and solutions that consider impacts on the other area of engagement (b). environmental concerns will provide a stronger sense

Volume3,May/June2016 ©2016WileyPeriodicals,Inc. 307 Opinion wires.wiley.com/water of their potential, as well as possible shortcomings challenging. We propose IWRM as a logical means that inevitably emerge in challenging project settings. of coordinating development and conservation in set- tings that will accommodate it, a broadly accepted CONCLUSION idea but also often a difficult solution to implement. Less formal coordination, in turn, based on projects The realities for water provisioning and freshwater committed to maintaining awareness about efforts in biodiversity conservation, particularly in less- other water-related activities, and to exchanging developed countries, reveal a desperate need for suc- information among these activities as a basis of cess in both areas. With growing human population avoiding actions that may compromise their achieve- and demand bound to place further pressure on ments, may provide greater promise of success in set- water, maintaining quantity and quality of this essen- tings where IWRM is impractical. Development tial resource will only become more difficult in com- efforts have great potential to undermine biodiversity ing decades.57 In many settings—certainly the conservation; however, they can benefit through tropics, where much of the world’s biological diver- environmental maintenance that helps guarantee sity exists amid considerable human poverty— long-term supply of water of sufficient quality and development needs occur in close proximity to con- quantity. Conservation efforts have great potential to servation challenges. Development can have negative constrain development; however, often they can impacts on biodiversity conservation; indeed, habitat incorporate human use that supports attempts to degradation and loss, the introduction of invasive improve the human condition while maintaining suf- species, and pollution often are by-products of devel- ficient amounts of habitat and ecosystem function. opment as well as the main drivers of biodiversity Coordinating efforts may provide not only the foun- decline. Biodiversity conservation, in turn, can have dation for long-term success in both areas, but possi- an adverse effect on development, possibly restricting bly the sole chance for long-term success in a world development activities in important areas where the forced to accommodate enormous demands for potential to improve the human condition might be increasingly limited resources. greatest. And yet both types of actions have what appear to be enormous potential to profit from coor- dination that meets the goals of one while benefitting, or at least not undermining, the other. NOTE Of course as in most attempts to coordinate a Because global data on human development are available two or more different activities, success is easier said at a national level, they lack the geographic precision of than done. Complications include competing goals, species data that likely would reveal greater cooccurrence for as much as mutual benefits exist the ultimate aims with the latter. This is particularly the case in rural local- of development and conservation often are different. ities that normally have greater development needs as well Beyond such inherent problems, the challenge of as larger numbers of species. The general concentration of coordinating such activities can be great in places species in the tropics, and the similar concentration of where projects are small and where the potential for human need, establishes a broad pattern of cooccurrence defining mutual goals, exchanging information, and likely made stronger were more geographically precise data assessing and monitoring projects all are quite available.


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