JOURNAL of SCIENCE Published on the First Day of October, January, April, and July
IOWA STATE COLLEGE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Published on the first day of October, January, April, and July EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, Joseph c. Gilman. AssISTANT EDITOR, H. E. Ingle. CONSULTING EDITORS: R. E. Buchanan, C. J. Drake, I. E. Melhus, E. A. Benbrook, P. Mabel Nelson, V. E. Nelson, C. H. Brown, Jay W. Woodrow. From Sigma Xi: E. W. Lindstrom, D. L. Holl, B. W. Hammer. All manuscripts submitted should be addressed to J. C. Gilman, Botany Hall, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. All remittances should be addressed to Collegiate Press, Inc., Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Single Copies: One Dollar. Annual Subscription: Three Dollars; in Can ada, Three Dollars and Twenty-Five Cents; Foreign, Three Dollars and Fifty Cents. Entered as second-class .:me«Eir '~~~ 1~;. :t935.- Qt. the postoffice at Ames, Iowa, under the,..... ae,t . .df. ?,JEO:'cn 3, 11119.: :. .',: . .:. .: ..: ... .. .... .... .. ... .. .. : .. ·... ···.. ·.. · .. ::·::··.. .. ·. .. .. ·: . .· .: .. .. .. :. ·.... · .. .. :. : : .: : . .. : .. ·: .: ·. ..·... ··::.:: .. : ·:·.·.: ....... THE NUMBER OF STEREOISOMERIC ALCOHOLS EDWARD s. ALLEN AND HARVEY DIEHL From the Departments of Mathematics and Chemistry, Iowa State College Received February 10, 1941 The problem of establishing the number of possible isomers of the alcohols of increasing carbon content has attracted the attention of var ious workers during the past sixty-five years. No general solution of the problem appears to be possible, but the brilliant attack by Henze and Blair1 makes the calculation of the number of isomeric alcohols of any given carbon content from the number of those of fewer carbon atoms a not too arduous task. Going further and with a similar approach, Henze and Blair2 devised formulas for calculating the number of stereoisomeric and non-stereoisomeric alcohols of a given carbon content, again, of course, presupposing such a knowledge for the alcohols of one less carbon content.
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