Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994 / Apr. 7

The President. If anybody has any questions NOTE: The town meeting began at 7:05 p.m. in that weren’t answered tonight, write us, and the KCTV television studios. we’ll answer them.

Statement on the Attacks on Israeli Civilians , 1994

On behalf of the American people, I condemn I call upon all those committed to the cause in the strongest possible terms the murders of of peace to redouble their efforts and to con- Israeli citizens on April 6 and 7 and offer condo- demn unequivocally these crimes. The negoti- lences to their families. These brutal slayings ating process holds the promise of a better fu- of innocent civilians are, like the massacre in ture for Israelis and Arabs alike. Prompt agree- Hebron, acts of terrorism aimed at stopping the ment and early implementation of the Israel- peace negotiations now underway. The enemies Palestinian Declaration of Principles and of peace have not hesitated to use violence to progress on the bilateral negotiating tracks are achieve their goal. They must not be allowed the best means to realize this goal. to succeed.

Statement on the Deaths of Leaders of and April 7, 1994

I was shocked and deeply saddened to learn I am equally horrified that elements of the of the tragic deaths of President Juvenal Rwandan security forces have sought out and Habyarimana of Rwanda and President Cyprien murdered Rwandan officials, including the Nyaryamira of Burundi last night in a plane Prime Minister, Agathe Uwilingiyimana. crash outside , Rwanda. The two Presi- On behalf of the people of the United States, dents were returning from a regional summit I extend my condolences to the families of the in Arusha, Tanzania, intended to bring an end deceased Presidents and the Prime Minister as to the civil wars that have plagued their two well as to the peoples of the two nations. countries for more than three decades. I strongly condemn these actions and I call Both Presidents were seeking means to end on all parties to cease any such actions imme- the bloodshed in their troubled countries and diately. These tragedies must not derail Rwanda facilitate a movement toward peace and democ- racy. Their deaths are a tragic blow to the long- and Burundi from pursuing national reconcili- suffering Rwandan and Burundian people. ation and democracy.

Statement on the District Court Decision on Chicago’s ‘‘Operation Clean Sweep’’ April 7, 1994

Just hours ago, a Federal District Court for I am ordering Attorney General Reno and the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Divi- Secretary Cisneros to develop promptly a search sion, declared the Chicago Housing Authority’s policy for public housing that is both constitu- (CHA) search policy in violation of the fourth tionally permissible and effective and that can amendment. be implemented on a nationwide basis. We must