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Ly . • V a il ay E r;: LynliiUi'it, M inut-ed Cents Actor Tony (nrtis has courageously lent his glamor and p r e s tig e u, the antU igarette drive. Curtis L» sacrificing many I o lars tin oil};h his generous action. But It is worthwhile. 10 How about I'a rent Teacher organizations starting a “quit \ i i : \ w ! I \ Mitokjng” campaign? The best way to kill the habit is to (Eonnm ncial Ifca& Ler s . a r t k illin g I: in tlie* h o m e s w h e re a ll to o m a n y c h ild re n are Id to Ixiirve smoking fine—because their parents >■<1 SOUTH BKRCEN REVIEW s m o k e . Vol. 48 No.—33 LYNDHURST, N. j-.MARCII 13. 1969 Secend tin * pottig* paid at Ru<n«rford. N. WHO DID IT? ASKS ARMY ENGINEERS The U. S. Corps of Army En There were two immediate It is understood that such gineers has questioned the man the Erie Lackawanna Bridge u t oth the Bogie and Curcio pro i.nd then asked the Army Ccrps objections: permission is needed so that ni‘:es fortunate endugh to he nor in which Public Works G»rn plot has been owned by the es perties would be entitled to in of Engineers to investigate thi located on rivers. The land is 1. Lyndhurst has encroached the water-line established by tate of the late Horace R. Bo missioner Peter J. Curcio has on the river channel. filled out to the point when' dumping. i .istomarily reserved for parks the engineers is not violated. gle for many .wars dumped thousands of cubic the Lyndhurst land ends. and playgrounds. 2. The debris floats loose at The plot of land is one of the The next step is up to th' yards of debris on township The Town of Kearny has high tide and adds to the river few Lyndhurst owns beyond the Thus, by coincidence. t h e Residents in the Lake Ave engineers. Whether the debri > property bordering the Passaic been a leader in developing Tilth to which the Arm y Corps county park property property owned by Lyndhurst r.ue area became interested must be moved back or out of River at Lake Avenue. splendid parks on what once of Engineers has long objected separates other plots in which when the truckloads of fill be the river area entirely will ! <* The engineers recently sent and for which various remedies Curcio himself recently ac local officials are interested. was barren riverfront wastes. gan to be dumped into the ri decided by the engineers men to Lyndhurst to measure have been proposed. quired land north of the Lynd Mayor Horace R. Bogle Jr. ver. I yndburst and North Arling the depth penetration’ of the ri hurst property. According to ton have profited heavilv be There has also been interest is one of. the heirs to the Bogle So far as could be ascertain ver caused by the dumping. expressed in the project be records in Hackensack the own estate. Questions were asked and fi cause the county developed nally came to the attention ot < d Township Engineer Michael On an initial survey last cause the Army Corps of En ership of the adjacent property parks along major areas of ti e According to the engineers week the engineers found that gineers were not notified be was transferred to Curcio's Edward Roeschke and Anthony t\egna was not consulted on the Passaic Riverbank in both con: no dumping was done on either Mangini. two men who have Lyndhurst’s dumping has ap fore Lyndhurst began its dump ownership last year. project when the filling began munities. the Bogle or the Curcio prnner been active critics of local a? parently extended beyond the ing operations — and was not On the south side of the Lynd Lyndhurst. however. has township’s rights ty. However, if the new river fail's. Roeschke and Man^.u I!i'. trb an k property has he asked for permission. hurst land, directly north ot mar.e no effort to utilize river bank line is allowed to stand made a study of -he situation c< me a major issue in commit t. ont property on its own Will It Be Checki Versus Russo For Assembly In November Test? A Lyndhurst donneybrook in hurst Board of Education anti the November general election served a term as assistant in shaped up today when it was ti.e county counsel’s office. ciiscolsed th a t Assistant Prose It is expected that Checki will cutor James Checki, Lyndhurst give up his post in the prosecu lawyer who now lives in Has tor’s office when the campaign brouck Heights, has been tap ing begins. ped by the Bergen County De mocratic organization to run The area in which the elec lor assemblyman in the south uon is to be held extends from uest district. Garfield through North Arling There are two assembly-seats ton to Ridgefield Park. in the district. One of them is Russo is expected to run for held by Commissioner Peter J. reelection to the Lyndhurst Russo of Lyndhurst, Board of Commissioners. He Russo is expected to be the has notified the Bergen 'Coun candidate for reelection- which ty Republican leadership that will throw him into direct can he feels he can handle b u i <i flict with Checki. campaigns and is set to do so. The other Republican assem In the last assembly election blyman is Harold Hollenbeck former Mayor Rigolosi and the ot East Rutherford. He. too, is then Freeholder Doris Mahalick ^ixfiected to be a candidate for PETER RUSSO JAMES D. CHECKI were run by the Democrats a reflection. gainst the Republicans ^t one time assemblymen pei.iblymen. Checki’s selection was made Selection of a Lyndhurst law were elected at large through after prospective candidates In the first such contest two ver to make the run (his year were heard. He received 21 of Ihe entire county. However, ut) , -ars ago Russo and Hollen-' is evidence of the Democratic the necessary votes for t h e dor the Supreme Court ruling beck ran away with the elec strategy. They feel that they post. :hdt there shou.c be more di tion. can short circuit the South Another Lyndhurst figure. rod representation the county Checki will be making h i s Bergen strength of Russo and Gabriel Ambrosio, was a close was divided into five areas, i’rst bid for public office. He hulk nbeck with such a candi runner up with 19 votes each of them electing two as has been counsel for the Lynd date -OAi mi’s" l yndhur Junior Women's Club recently went all out In holdliij; a dinner dam* for their Mental tlealth Pro ject. Looking - they pull a name to M* who won the OnUld Prize are, lift to right: Mrs lob Senese special Rift'., Mrs. Jfohs Vforraele, tickets Mrs. Kocco Conzo, decoration. Sirs. Glen W ershlnf, <Jiuilor State Chairman), Mrs. Melvin Pern* (8th District Adviser), and Mrs. Anthony Becker, Chairman. Not pictured, Mrs. Michael Franglpane prizes Helstoski's In Dem's Heated Gubernatorial Wob O Neill Breaks Up Hi-Jack Rep. Henry Helstoski of East R utherford did it. Two would be truck hi-jackers s .tt r:g in his automobile on they yanked open the door and the men took off. O’Neill fired The Ninth District congress were foiled in Lyndhurst s goard on Terminal Road, site tried to dislodge the bulky after them. man tossed his hat into the gu (Girl Scout Week is being ob life. The new Girl Scout prom She is capped by a m em ber of meadowland Sunday night when o» several trucking companies O'Neill. bernatonal ring on Tuesday. served throughout the nation. ises to Honor and Respect God the troop she joins. She is leav they ran afoul Walter “Wob” As the men approached In Hackensack Hospital the In South Bergen scouting has and our country; to help other When O'Neill went for his Helstoski did it on the steps ing old friends and old ex p er O'Neill, noted as one of th e 0 Neill thought they were ask bullet was rem oved. O'Neill aided many girls to successful people; and to obey the Girl of Newark Library. It was win ience to make new friends and toughest cops I yndhurst evei ing for directions. gun one of the men fired a was reported in good condition, careers in many fields. A part- Scout Laws. The Girl Scout dy and cold. But Helstoski said to start to explore new ideas hed. They were startled when he bullet, hitting O'Neill in the O'Neill, who was a star nth time worker at The Leader is Laws set ideal goals in hones he was accustomed to starting and dreams. She is still grow aftei them. lete in his youth, was a pro Gail Souza, a senior at Lynd ty, self-respect and helpfulness. O'Neill, now 70 and head of shoulder. campaigns under adverse con ing. lowered the window of his car fessional boxer, football, base hurst High School. Galt h as Girl Scouts strive to follow When a girl leaves Girl his own detective agency, was in which he was sitting Then ditions. O’Neill got his gun. With that ball and basketball player been a girl scout for 10 years. these laws, not only when wear Scouting, she cries.