S A I N T P E T~" E R 'S C O L L E G E Special Special NIT NIT Issue PAlJ WOW Issue

Volume XXXVI March 6, 1968 Number 12 St. Peter's College Receives Fourlh National Invitation Tournament Bid PEACOCl(S AND LIU PICl(ED IN DRAMATIC ANNOUNCEMENT In one of the most dramatic invitations in the 31-year history of the National Invitation Tourna­ ment, both St. Peter's College and Long Island University received bids to the NIT before 7,012 paying customers and a metropolitan television audience just before the start of the second half of the SPC­ LIU game at the Jersey City Armory, Wednesday evening, February 28. The invitations were extended to the two teams by Coach John Bach of Fordham Univer­ sity, head of the NIT selection committee, who arrived at the game at halftime. Other schools invited to the tourney were Oklahoma City. Army, Fordham, Duquesne, Notre Dame, Dayton, and Mar­ shall, Wyoming, Temple and Vil­ Harry Laurie shows his picture-perfect form on this jump shot lanova. St. Peter's and LIU bring against Niagara. the number of invited teams to thirteen. The field will be in­ creased to sixteen, largest lin the tourney's history, before the first Kennedymen Break nine. The field will be increased to sixteen, largest in the tour, ney's history, before the first LIU Streak, 70-59 opening round double-header, which will be held on Thursday St. Peter's and Long Island University hooked-up in one of the evening, March 14, in the new best played and most crucial games ever in the Metropolitan area Center. last Wednesday with the Peacocks coming out on top wiith a 70-59 This year's appearance will victory to break LIU's winning streak at 20 and hand the Black­ mark the fourth time in the past birds their first loss this season. 11 years, and the second year in By virtue of the victory, St. from the locker-rooms to begin a row, that St. Peter's has ac­ Pete O'Dea drives behind the basket and sinks two points in Peter's took over first place in the second period, National In­ cepted an NIT bid. Of the first one of the Peacocks' bigger wins J!his season-against American the Metropolitan Collegiate Bas­ vitation Tournament Selection thirteen teams li.nvited the Pea­ U. earlier in the year. ketball Conference with a 6-0 Committee Chairman John Bach cocks, Marshall, and Villanova record. LIU's mark dropped to collared both coaches behind the are the only .repeaters. St. located on 49th Street and 8th sics in 1957 and '58, and again 7-1. student bleachers. Peter's record stood at 21 wins Avenue as its site. The tourney last year. Each time the Pea­ The game was televised over He asked LIU Coach Roy against only two losses prior was designed to bring top rank­ cocks were ousted in the open­ WPIX-TV and was played be­ Rubin and Peacock Coach Don to tonight's game with Fairleigh ing teams together under cham­ ing round, by Dayton, St. J os­ fore a record crowd Kennedy if they would accept in­ Dickinson at the Teaneck pionship conditions, and to prove eph's (Pa.), and Southern Il­ of 7,012 extremely vocal fans at vitations to the 31st Annual NIT. Armory. This maxk represents that basketball was a sport with linois, respectively. the Jersey City Armory. Bach received two spontaneous the best season ever for nation<.,;:;D."':,l!U - ~ to the araviq of the offenae, the punishment H.'1-by Elnardo Webster. Bill In Peacock NIT March i111aw.auspens'on or expiulsicm from the College. Smith bolds current record of (Cmt.inuecl from Page 1) have asked about the examination schedule. Smee Saint 24.8 in 1960-61. Ca1Ie1e students know now that our first NIT 1ame will Nod Pobds .._. (Team)• The Blackbirds opened the turn to spurt ahead. The Ken­ ----either on the evening ol Thursday, March 14th or on 2l~eaks record of 1924 scoring with a pair of baskets nedymen ran off with nine 1(.-ch 15th, there is enough advance notice to prepare set last year. by Cliff Culuko ~ a atral&llt ~ to • 5'14 Mlikllliit' .-mlnations scheduled for the morning after the game. Moat Vlc:tlDdn• Jumper b.Y St. Pater"s Elnardo advantaae with 8~:M left to play. on those days do not begin tmtil 10:00 A. 11. Thus, Breaks record of 20 set In In that spurt, Laurie netted five Webster. That eave LIU a 4-Z points and Webster scored the aa reuQD to .change the examination schedule. 1956-57. lettel-111 written with real regret. You, the students, bave ... Wlmdag Puc...... lead. other four• ~~~.. _ e:rrdoing 80 many wanderful things; YOU have 90 much .913--breaka record of .833 set By the time LIU scor-. its in 1958-6'1 season. Webster scored on another ,-..,.PtJ- al, so much that naakes us proud to be working with jmnper to tie the score, which 57th point, the Peacocks bad a a8k you to join us in the hopeful prayer that a word to Moat 100 Polat a.m..• WU followed by baskets from on their side of the 8COr'eboaril ....:- ·,.,....n be sufficient. 9-breaks record of 3 set last and there WU only 2:ffl remain• year. Tom MacMahon, Bob Leckie, Sincere)y; Pete and MacMahon a,ain 1n1. ...IIISCClllagA ...... • O'Dea VldwR. Ysalt1& • J. to pat the Peacocks ahead, 12-4...... 85.8-break, record of ICU set St. ~r's. JJOrinatl:, a fast­ 'Fdmeed G. Rpn. S. J. last year, St. Peter's remained in the scorinl team, took a page cut of DHa (•denotes recorda which may lead throu,t,. the ftrat half, but LIU'• book and stalled for the be broken durin1 tonilht's game LIU managed to keep wit.bin next two minutes. The Peacocks and in NIT play). reach. At the end ol the first stole the ball away from the period, St. Peter's held a slim Blaekbird8 and took the open STATISTICS 30-28 eqe. tbots GO the fast break wbm ECAC AU-East tbey could. however, ancl Olli­ The Peacock's, obvioua]y re­ scored LIU, 8-2, to cloae out the lieved b:, the NIT bid, scor..«1 game. Webster and lfadlabon •I iC • I f ! i l I t i E I For laclalaon the :fint five points of the last split the points in that last Senior capr Tmn llacMat,cm canto and stayed ahead until streak. .IJJ 111 lit .'Ill 'II became the follllth St. Peter' their mar,&i reached aeven 1M I .. IU MadMahon emerpd as the D lG JWI 10IS 1'11 ... 11.& 118 I •u.s player to earn a spot aa the points, at 48-39 with 13: 30 re­ • U8 178 .... M ltl 177 u N s maining in the 1ame. 1ame'• top_..., with 21 points, llO -.flll 101 - 15.7 J:utem Collele Albatic Confer­ ·-a n, -u I followed by Webster' 18, Lau­ - ... - lU ence AK·JDa• Division I weekly 19'1 •a -• •111 l I.I ... At that point, LIU cau,bt fire rie's 13 and O'Dea's 11 markerl. • • .. -ff• •• 1.8 this 21 • SQUBd ... 0 .. u baalretball yeu• and scored the next eight points • 11• • ...SN •IJ I.I • 0 u . ... -• Yes&erday's E.C.A.C. press re­ to take a 4'1-48 lead with 10:03 J'~ LllJ, cmb' three p1ay,ers ll II a• .Ill u 11 .TII II• 1 " ... u Jew cl.tea MacM.abon fw ICOl'­ ll I 11 .m t H .ta • N 18 • 1A to 10. The two teams matched dented. double f1lure column. • fn& 34 paints tn two ,.._, ln­ I • 11 .Ill I ., .. 10• t.t •111 1.9 the next baaketa and i.iu still Star JUald, Larry Newbold, u I II .JD s .IGO u 1.1 .,• • ., ..., cbUDc 21 8l9iut L.LU. Pete led, with 9: 10 left cm the paced .. B1ackbirda. with JS • ., .IITI , • 48-48 11 ... I u 1.5 O'Dea, Barry Laurie and El tnart,rs and Culuko and Luther • •1 11 .. 1 s I I • 111 sc:ortboardelock. u ' ...... • Webleer {twice) previour Green each netted 10 more •• 1• .m 1G11 "" • u nllll.l ---- 1"8 MO J7 MeecL Then lt w the Peatack's points.