Volume I, Issue 3/2015 ISSN: 2406-274X Analysis of the print media in Serbia July - September Quarterly MEDIAMETER 03|2015 QUARTERLY MEDIAMETER Analysis of the print media in Serbia QUARTERLY MEDIAMETER Editorial staff Analysis of the print media in Serbia Milana Brisić CONTENT Volume I, Issue 3/2015 Vladimir Abramović ISSN 2406-274X Aleksandra Milićević Marija Benke Published by Public Policy Institute Belgrade Cover design and prepress Kneza Miloša 68 Pavle Farčić E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.publicpolicyinstitute.eu Translation Nataša Smirnov - Veselinović For publisher Vladimir Popović Print grafoNiN d.o.o. Belgrade 1 Velimir Ćurgus Kazimir: Editors in Chief INTRODUCTION Nikola Samardžić Velimir Ćurgus Kazimir 2 Isidora Jarić, Danica Laban: SAMPLE 3 Isidora Jarić, Danica Laban: RESEARCH RESULTS 4 Dejan Vuk Stanković: DISCOURSE ANALYSIS 5 ABOUT AUTHORS CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 659.3 QUARTERLY mediameter : analysis of the print media in Serbia / editors in chief Nikola Samardžić, Velimir Ćurgus Kazimir. - Vol. 1, Issue 1 (2015)- . - Belgrade : Public Policy Institute (Belgrade : Grafonin). - 24 cm Tromesečno. - Ima izdanje na drugom jeziku: Kvartalni medijametar = ISSN 2406-2707 ISSN 2406-274X = Quarterly mediameter COBISS.SR-ID 215100940 4 5 QUARTERLY MEDIAMETER Analysis of the print media in Serbia Introduction 18 9 QUARTERLY MEDIAMETER Analysis of the print media in Serbia VELIMIR ĆURGUS KAZIMIR In terms of interpretation, in order to facilitate easier text organization, the analysis was, just like in the previous reports, divided into two segments, which relate to (a) an analysis of quantitative indicators collected in the process of content analysis, and (b) discursive analysis of the material from the texts selected to be the sample of this research.