1 L Aboratory- 9 Directed Evelopment°$

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1 L Aboratory- 9 Directed Evelopment°$ LA-13278-PR Progress Report 1 L ABORATORY- 9 DIRECTED EVELOPMENT°$ Los Alamos NATIONAL LABORATORY Los Alamos Laboratory is operated the Unive States Department of Energy unde ontract W- ABSTRACT This report summarizes the FY 1996 goals and accomplishments of Laboratory-Directed Research and Development (LDRD) projects. It gives an overview of the LDRD program, summarizes work done on individual research projects, and provides an index to the projects' princi- pal investigators. Projects are grouped by their LDRD component: Indi- vidual Projects, Competency Development, and Program Development. Within each component, they are further divided into nine technical disciplines: (1) materials science, (2) engineering and base technologies, (3) plasmas, fluids, and particle beams, (4) chemistry, (5) mathematics and computational sciences, (6) atomic and molecular physics, (7) geo- science, space science, and astrophysics, (8) nuclear and particle physics, and (9) biosciences. FRONT COVER The background graphic is an atomic force microscope image of the slip bonds on a stressed iron- silicon-boron magnetic ribbon (M. Haw ley, "Scanning Probe Microscopy Competency Develop- ment"). The superimposed upper- left image shows the trajectory of a single deuterium-tritium fusion alpha particle through a magne- tized target plasma (R. Kirkpatrick, "Generation and Compression of a Target Plasma for Magnetized Target Fusion"). To the right are two scattered-light images showing the effect of a low-density plasma on a high-intensity laser probe (J. Cobble, "High-Intensity Matter Interaction Physics"). The equa- tion describes the transport of vorticity in turbulent fluid flow in two-dimensional Cartesian space. UC-900 Issued: May 1997 1 L ABORATORY- 9 D IRECTED 9 R ESEARCH AND 6 D EVELOPMENT '••>•'-s€;*" ,>, '<i '" •. FY1996 PROGRESS REPORT COMPILED BY JOHN VIGIL AND JUDY PRONO DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsi- bility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Refer- ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, MASTER manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recom- mendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED Los Alamos Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 Published by Los Alamos National Laboratory Laboratory Director: Sig Hecker Director for Science and Technology Base Programs: Al Sattelberger Office Leader for Laboratory-Directed Research and Development: Ed Heighway Scientific Editor: John Vigil LDRD Office Team: Shelly Cross, Jo McCarthy, and Leonard Salazar Managing Editor: Judy Prono (CIC-I) Editors: Deborah Bacon, lleana Buican, Marty DeLanoy, Anne Garnett, Jennifer Graham, Sheila Molony, Kathleen Park, Amy Reeves, and James Russell (CIC-I) Editorial Support: Eileen Patterson (CIC-I) Cover Design:Susan Carlson (CIC-I) Layout, Composition,and Production: Wendy Burditt (CIC-I) Printing Coordination: CIC-I 7 Printing Team The previous reports in this unclassified series are LA-12680-PR, LA-12880-PR, and LA-131 10-PR. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither The Regents of the University of California, the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employ- ees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, complete- ness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by The Regents of the University of California, the United States Government, or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of The Regents of the University of California, the United States Government, or any agency thereof. Los Alamos National Laboratory strongly supports academic freedom and a researcher's right to publish; as an institution, however, the Laboratory does not endorse the viewpoint of a publication or guarantee its technical correctness. iv Los Alamos FY1996 LDRD Progress Report DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document* Contents LDRD Program Overview—FY 1996 Individual Projects Materials Science 9 Origin of Radiation Damage in Potassium Titanyl 16 Innovative Composites through Reinforcement Phosphate Morphology Design—A Bone-Shaped Short-Fiber Composite 10 Development of a Fundamental Understanding of Chemical Bonding and Electronic Structure in 18 New Deposition Processes for the Growth of Oxide Spinel Compounds and Nitride Thin Films 11 Phase Stability of Transition Metals and Alloys 18 Texture Characterization for HE Design 12 Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on the 19 Interfacial Charge Transport in Organic Electronic Low-Temperature Properties of the NbCr2 Laves Materials: The Key to a New Electronics Phase Technology 14 Nanostructured Materials: Growth and Patterning 19 Thermodynamic and Electrodynamic Studies of Using Hyperthermal Materials Chemistry Unusual Narrow-Gap Semiconductors 14 Inorganic-Organic Composite Nanoengineered Films 20 A Molecular Architectural Approach to Novel Using Self-Assembled Monolayers for Directed Electrooptical Materials Zeolite Film Growth 21 Characterization and Manipulation of Broken- 15 Rigid Molecular Foams Symmetry Materials at Phase Boundaries 15 Materials Research for Optical Refrigeration Engineering and Base Technologies 23 Development of New and Efficient Hard-Rock 25 The Development of Fullerene-Based Hydrogen Mining Methods Using Pulsed-Laser Excavation Storage Systems 23 Virtual Reality and Telepresence Control of Robots 25 Optical Imaging through Turbid Media Using a Used in Hazardous Environments Degenerate, Four-Wave, Mixing Correlation Time Gate 24 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Hyperpolarized Noble Gases 26 High-Average-Power, Intense Ion Beam for Materials Modification and Other Applications Contents Individual Projects (cont.) Engineering and Base Technologies (cont.) 27 Multichip Module Technology Development 32 Application of Intense Surface Discharge VUV Light Sources to Photoresist Ashing in 27 Magnetic Resonance Force Microscope Semiconductor Manufacturing Development 33 All-Solid-State Four-Color Laser 28 Femtosecond Scanning Tunneling Microscope 34 Material Processing for Self-Assembling Machine 29 Exploration of Technologies for Improving Civil Systems Security 34 Diode Laser Development for Quantum 30 Fiber-Optic Communications Using Solitons Computation (FOCUS) 35 Designing a Micromechanical Transistor 30 New Applications for Zeeman Interferometry 35 High-Sensitivity, Solid-State Carbon Monoxide 31 A Comprehensive Monitoring System for Damage Sensor Development Identification and Location in Large Structural and Mechanical Systems 35 Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy 31 Quantum Cryptography for Secure 36 Liquid-Metal, Focused-Ion-Beam Etch Communications to Low-Earth-Orbit Satellites Sensitization and Related Data Transmission Processes 36 Experimental Validation of Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Sensors Plasmas, Fluids, and Particle Beams 37 High-Power, High-Frequency, Annular-Beam Free- 41 Turbulence and Turbulence Spectra in Complex Electron Maser Fluid Flows 38 Determination of Optical Field-Ionization 41 A Water-Filled, Radio-Frequency Accelerating Dynamics in Plasmas through Direct Measurement Cavity of the Optical-Phase Change 42 A Target Plasma Experiment for Magnetized Target 39 Delta-f and Hydrodynamic Methods for Fusion Semiconductor Transport 43 Developing Electron-Beam Bunching Technology 40 A Compact Compton-Backscattering X-Ray at Subpicosecond Pulse Lengths for Improving Source for Mammography and Coronary Photon Sources Angiography 44 High-Intensity Laser-Matter Interaction Physics 40 Equation of State of Dense Plasmas vi Los Alamos FY1996 LDRD Progress Report Individual Projects (cont.) Chemistry 45 New Fullerene-Based Mixed Materials: Synthesis 54 Binding of Hydrocarbons and Other Extremely and Characterization Weak Ligands to Transition-Metal Complexes that Coordinate Hydrogen: Investigation of Cis- 46 Uses of Novel Selenium-Containing Chiral Interactions and Delocalized Bonding Involving Derivatizing Agents: Potential Catalysis for the Sigma Bonds Chiral Oxidation of Simple Alkenes and Chiral- Promoted Aldol Reactions 55 Asymmetric Catalysis in Organic Synthesis 47 Metal-Ligand "Multiple" Bonding: Revelations in 56 Temperatures and Vibrational Frequencies of the Electronic Structure of Complexes of High- Liquid N2/O2 and CO/O2 Mixtures Shock- Valent f-Elements Compressed to 10 GPa and 2000 K 48 Chemistry and Catalysis in Supercritical
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