‘Sister Strike’ Catholic Youth La fe sostiene a Nominated for Group Involved in esposa Best Viral Sports Fatal Bus Moment Page 10 Crash Page 12 Página 19 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC The Newspaper of the Diocese of Santa Rosa • www.srdiocese.org • JULY 2019

Noticias en español, pgs. 18-20 A Community’s Soul-Thirst Fulfilled —Building Church and Holy Family Congratulations to Rev. Mr. John Plass and Rev. Mr. Thomas Stuart who were both ordained to the transitional diaconate on June 21st at St. Eugene’s Cathedral by the Most Reverend Robert Vasa. Catholic Parish What’s going to bring the By Arlene Q.M. Collins, Parishioner “Keep asking God for the grace to help us keep going”, Fr. Fred Kutubebi, the current pastor of Holy Family Parish, exhorts his parishioners at every single Eucha- ‘nones’ back to the Church? ristic celebration. By Matt Hadro Several years later, the grace prayed for is fulfilled. The Holy Family Catholic Parish (HFCP), indeed, Baltimore, Md., June 14 (CNA). As the U.S. bishops Angeles and chairman of the USCCB’s Committee “keeps going” for good. It continues to be known gathered in Baltimore this week, primarily to vote on Evangelization and , delivered a pre- far and wide as the “Friendliest Little Parish in Napa on proposals to respond to the clergy abuse crisis, sentation on Tuesday morning at the annual spring Valley”. It continues to draw more people to Christ another crisis loomed large with no easy solutions— meeting of the U.S. bishops on “this massive attrition while it serves its community. It has received its how to evangelize the “nones,” or people with no of our own people, particularly the young” from the canonical designation as a “parish” The Holy Family religious affiliation. Church. He exhorted fellow bishops “to look at this Catholic Parish. Further, the community’s soul-thirst Bishop Robert Barron, auxiliary bishop of Los (see Back to Church, page 4) journey of 25 years is now quenched. Benedict XVI: The Church’s Unity is Stronger Than Internal Conflicts By Courtney Grogan Vatican City, Jun 28 (CNA) - Emeritus Benedict XVI said in an article published Friday that the unity of the Church has always prevailed over internal struggles The Filipino children’s dance interpretation of and affirmed that there is currently only one pope. Bulaklakan, Fr Fred the servant leader and Pastor of “The Pope is one, it is Francis,” Pope Emeritus Bene- the Parish, the Hispanic CCD students’ rendition of dict XVI said in an interview with an Italian magazine Mexican dance-Danza, the 25th Anniversary celebration published by Corriere Della Sera June 28. committee of which Arlene Collins was president. “The unity of the Church has always been in danger, “The Pope is one, it is Fran- cis,” Pope Emeritus Benedict for centuries,” Benedict said. “It has been for all its his- As if this was not enough, in God’s generosity which XVI said in an interview tory. Wars, internal conflicts, centrifugal forces, threats is never outdone, Holy Family Catholic Parish finds with an Italian magazine of schisms.” itself now in one location, one place of worship, where published by Corriere Della “In the end the awareness that the Church is and everyone is welcome at any time or daily at the week- Sera June 28. (see Church Unity, page 8) (see Community, page 8) Where is Your ‘Island of Spiritual Concentration’?

In 1986 Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, then Cardinal they were. They went there, not because they were the case for you. This island is not intended as isola- Ratzinger, recommended the establishment of ‘islands afraid but because they were prudent. They under- tion from the world but a prudent protection from an of spiritual concentration’. In recent years, with the stood that the world was hostile to the Spirit especially excessive worldliness. The communal aspect of our seemingly relentless increase of secularity, there is the spirit of truth and so they gathered aware of their parishes is often quite strong. At the same time it is an ever increasing need to these islands of spiritual own weakness and the Spirit’s strength. They gath- possible, and probably necessary, for greater efforts to concentration. ered for the breaking of the bread, be expended so that our Parishes can also be spaces, In the Book of the Acts of the the , for in that action they relatively undisturbed by a very confused world, Apostles we find the description remembered what the Lord had done where silence in the Presence of the living God can of the coming of the . in their midst and they remembered be experienced more deeply and appreciated more There we are told that the apostles that He had conquered sin and death. profoundly. It is necessary for each of us to strive to and disciples gathered in one place. They gathered to hear the truth pro- foster within ourselves a deeply rooted conviction of They gathered to await the promised claimed by the Apostles recognizing our ongoing need to be a part of or even to establish Holy Spirit. They gathered in prayer that they could not long be exposed other ‘islands of spiritual concentration’ where, like and anticipation of the great things to the errors of the world without the disciples of , we can meet constantly “to hear that God would do in their midst. being infected and contaminated, at the apostles teach, to share the common life, to break They gathered in a kind of ‘island of least to some degree, by that exposure. the bread of Eucharist, and to pray”. spiritual concentration’ to await the From the Bishop They came frequently to their ‘island Such islands begin with the domestic Church, the coming of the Spirit and when the of spiritual concentration’ to discuss family home. In fact, each Catholic family is to be the Spirit came, He came in wind and Bishop Robert F. Vasa is their experiences and interpret them first island of spiritual refuge. Summer is a great time fire. They then took the Gospel mes- the sixth bishop of the in the light of the Spirit and Scripture to spend more time with family and it also affords sage to the streets. That part of the Diocese of Santa Rosa. and faith. And they came together to an opportunity to recommit to those things which narrative is well known. However, pray, not only occasionally but con- help assure that the family maintains its own tran- even after their initial Spirit filled foray into the world stantly. quility. Old radio programs, sponsored by Christian the disciples did not abandon the safety of their com- It is essential that each of us finds our own island of groups, would often repeat the phrase, which was munity, their island of spiritual concentration. As we spiritual concentration where we not only hear and very common, that “the family that prays together read later in Acts: “They met constantly to hear the practice the gifts and virtues needed in our chaotically stays together”. The value of family prayer, led by the apostles teach, and to share the common life, to break relativistic world but where we also come to under- father, needs to be recognized again. Establishing a the bread, and to pray” (Acts 2:42). stand and appreciate the need to meet “constantly to pattern of family prayer is not necessarily easy but in This was their island of spiritual concentration, hear the apostles teach, and to share the common life, our present circumstances it is no longer optional. their faith community. Here was a place and a com- to break the bread, and to pray”. Imitate the Apostles who: “met constantly to hear the munity to which they went to remember who their For many, the parish community is just such an apostles teach, and to share the common life, to break Lord is, who their brothers and sisters were and who ‘island of spiritual concentration’. I pray that this is the bread, and to pray” (Acts 2:42). ❖





NORTH COAST CATHOLIC 985 Airway Ct. Send all subscription information and address changes The newspaper of the Diocese of Santa Rosa Santa Rosa, CA 95403 to: North Coast Catholic, Diocese of Santa Rosa, 707.545.7610 985 Airway Court, Santa Rosa, CA 95403; 707.566.3302 or Most Rev. Robert F. Vasa Fax: 707.542.9702 Email: [email protected] http://srdiocese.org/news_and_events/north_coast_catholic PUBLISHER Periodicals postage pending at Santa Rosa, CA or additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Christopher Lyford North Coast Catholic is a membership publication of the North Coast Catholic, Diocese of Santa Rosa, 985 Airway Diocese of Santa Rosa, 985 Airway Court, Santa Rosa, CA EDITOR Court, Santa Rosa, CA 95403. 95403. Published 12 times a year. Subscriptions are free for July 2019 donors of $50 or more to the Annual Ministries Appeal. © North Coast Catholic, Diocese of Santa Rosa. Volume 10: Issue 7 st. francis de sales, pray for us! (USPS 1880) July 6: St. Maria Goretti

2 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 7/1 St. Junipero Serra ❖ 7/2 St. Otto ❖ 7/3 St. Thomas the Apostle ❖ 7/4 St. Elizabeth of Portugal California Bishops Call Catholics to ‘Ecological Spirituality’

Sacramento, Calif., June 19 (CNA) - On the fourth anniversary of Laudato Si’, the bishops of California challenged the community to grow in an “ecological conversion” that respects God, man, and creation. The California Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a June 18 pastoral statement reflecting on ’ 2015 , “Laudato Si’: On care for our common home.” The bishops reflected on the call to stewardship of the environment and how concrete actions are necessary to exercise this stewardship in preserving the natural beauty of California. “The astonishing diversity of landscapes across Cal- ifornia - formed by the dynamic interplay of diverse natural forces - moves us to recognize God’s artistry in creation,” the bishops said. “We propose a practical application of the Laudato Si’ message of ecological spirituality—that the eco- logical well-being of California is meant to be deeply embedded in a spirituality that unites all creatures and all creation in praising God.” In recent years, California has faced significant drought, as well as the largest fire in state history, which took place last year, when more than 400,000 acres were burned in and around Mendocino County. The state’s four hottest years on record occurred from 2014-2018.

PRIESTLY Man is responsible for caring for creation, the bish- protection,” they said. ORDINATION ops said in their message. They encouraged people to In recent years, California has faced significant find ways to prevent waste and ensure sustainability. drought, as well as the largest fire in state history, ANNIVERSARY They suggested Catholics invest in energy efficient which took place last year, when more than 400,000 appliances, residences, and vehicles. In two examples, acres were burned in and around Mendocino County. Rev. James McSweeney, the bishops said families may consider adding solar The state’s four hottest years on record occurred from July 6, 1974 panels to their homes, and businesses may reflect 2014-2018. Rev. Valentine Ibeh, on the environmental impact of the products they To respond to these climate crises, the bishops said, July 13, 1991 produce. it is important to ensure that people have access to Rev. Lawrence Mutiso, In addition, the bishops highlighted the importance clean, affordable water and to provide proper fire July 18, 1992 of dialogue about environmental issues and the devel- education and prevention measures. Rev. Oscar Diaz, opment of educational materials to further awareness They also called for efforts to strengthen aque- July 14, 1994 on the topic. They called for works of art that reflect ducts and water ways to withstand drought, as well as Rev. Christopher La Rocca OCD, the beauty of creation in order to “inspire a culture of greater investment in attempts to better understand July 12, 1997 ecological and human care in the light of the moral the effects of climate change on water systems. Rev. Fredrick Kutubebi, applications of the Pope’s encyclical.” “The Laudato Si’ call to live integral ecology means July 27, 1997 The California bishops said climate change harms listening to creation and observing what is happening Rev. Ismael Mora, both the environment and people, especially the most in it,” the bishops said. “To live out a spirituality of July 6, 2002 vulnerable. They noted that Pope Francis has included the common good, we must recommit ourselves to Rev. Raul Lemus, the issue in his admonitions of a “throwaway culture,” fostering greater harmony in our relationship with July 6, 2002 which also includes consumeristic excess, abortion, the earth.” Rev. Abel Mena , and euthanasia. The state bishops promised to work with pastoral July 6, 2002 “The disruption of the earth’s climate is one of the leaders to spread the message of Laudato Si’. They principal challenges facing humanity today, with challenged parishioners and communities to undergo Prayer for Priests grave implications for the poor, many of whom live a spiritual conversion and grow in virtues which will Gracious and loving God, we thank your for the gift of our priests. Through them, we experience your presence in areas particularly affected by environmental deg- positively affect the environment. in the sacraments. Help our priests to be strong in radation and who also subsist largely on access to “At the heart of all spirituality is conversion. We their vocation. Set their souls on fire with love for your natural resources for housing, food, and income,” all need to change for the better. Conversion is not people. Grant them the wisdom, understanding, and they said. just turning back to God, but always embraces new strength they need to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. It is the responsibility of the local community to thinking and new decisions—a new way of life as we Inspire them with the vision of your Kingdom. Give them the words they need to spread the Gospel. Allow work together to overcome climate change, the bish- move into the future,” they said. them to experience joy in their ministry. Help them ops stressed, calling particularly on young people, “Ecological conversion challenges us to advance in to become instruments of your divine grace. We ask businesses, and public officials to be involved. culture, to grow spiritually, and to be better educated this through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns as our “Subsidiarity presents an opportunity for all of about the world entrusted by God to our care. The Eternal Priest. Amen. us to act locally, but with an eye to broader social heavens and the earth belong to God, but we have transformation to advance sustainability and climate been called to be good stewards.” ❖

7/5 St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria ❖ 7/6 St. Maria Goretti ❖ 7/7 Blessed Roger Dickenson, Ralph Milner and Lawrence Humphrey NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 3 (Back to Church. from page 1) issue of who are the unaffiliated, why are they leaving, and how do we get them back.” He presented some sobering statistics: for every one person joining the Church today, 6.45 are leaving. Almost eight in ten leave by the age of 23, and the median age for leaving the Church is just 13 years old. Where are they going? While roughly one quarter are becoming Evangelical, and another 25 percent are joining another religion or denomination of Christi- anity, half are simply atheist, agnostic, or without any religious affiliation, Barron said. “Most are ambivalent about religion rather than hostile to it,” he noted. They are leaving Catholicism primarily because “they don’t believe it,” he told CNA in an interview on Thursday. Regarding “the questions about God and about Jesus and about eternal life and about the soul,” he said, “they don’t believe it. They think religion’s at odds with science. That comes through all the time.” Regarding “the questions about God and about Jesus and about eternal life and about the soul,” he said, “they don’t Bishop Christopher Coyne of Burlington, Vt., believe it. They think religion’s at odds with science. agreed with the assessment that a primary reason for young people leaving the Church is a lack of belief. However, he challenged the assumption that there sion of the Bible as an example of young people still “I would say if we’re going to try and help people are clear-cut intellectual reasons why teenagers as showing interest in religion despite having no official raise children in the faith so as to make a good choice young as 13 are leaving the Church. “The question affiliation. to stay in the faith, then they have to be disciples,” that popped into my head was were they really believ- However, the mere mention of the controversial Coyne said. “I’m seeing that in a lot of our fami- ing (in the first place)?” he said of the statistic. best-selling author of “12 Rules for Life” at the meet- lies that stay in the Church, the parents are disciples According to Barron, some of the other common ing of the bishops provoked backlash and claims that because they choose to stay in the .” reasons given for lack of religious affiliation are a per- the conference had endorsed Peterson’s treatment of “It’s not a matter of cultural Catholicism, it’s ceived intolerance of revealed religion, opposition to the Bible as a “model” for evangelization. Catholicism by choice,” he added. being told what to do, a belief in a personal relationship On Thursday Barron clarified that he brought up For adults who are religiously unaffiliated and with God outside of revealed religion, and a perception Peterson not to cast him as a model for evangelization, living apart from their families, there’s also network- that religion is anti-science or anti-rational. but rather to draw attention to his online appeal and ing, he said. Lay Catholics in Burlington have begun Some of the reasons Barron gave for the migration evoke questions as to why he is so popular. to form Catholic business associations and medical of young people away from the Church are secular- “It really wasn’t about the content at all, except that associations not unlike the guilds from centuries ago, ism, and with it, a culture of relativism “which gives he is talking about the Bible, which I think is really and in the process have been able to form relation- rise to the self-invention culture (of)…I decide who interesting, and getting millions of views with learned ships and support each other in the faith. I am. I decide what I believe.” talks about the Bible, which aren’t bad,” Barron told “It’s the Holy Spirit, it’s incredible,” Coyne said. Thus, when the Church makes objective claims and CNA. “From a psychological perspective, they’re “The evangelization part is really being picked up by preaches dogmas and doctrines, “that meets with a pretty good I think.” lay men and lay women, and they understand that lot of resistance,” particularly teachings on sexuality He brought up Peterson “to look at the phenome- evangelization is relational.” and morality which are a “stumbling block for a lot non and say maybe we’ve been underplaying what our “They come together, they pray, they support each of people,” Barron added. young people are capable of. Maybe we can address other, and they also talk about the struggles of being However, despite recent revelations of clerical sex these issues at a high level too.” a Catholic in the medical profession or being Catholic abuse and misconduct and cover-up by bishops and However, in addition to paying attention to intel- in the business community.” , the abuse crisis has not played a primary lectual currents among the religiously unaffiliated, For example, a local doctor started a Catholic medi- role in young people departing the Church, both cultural and sociological currents need to be consid- cal association group and “they had their first meet- bishops said. ered as well, Coyne insisted. For example, there are ing at my house, they had about 40 people come who “It’s not been certainly one of the top reasons. It’s trends showing that Millennials do not join parishes are all in the medical profession, who are all Catholics there, but certainly not a top reason,” Barron said. or social clubs at nearly the same rates as previous who are looking to network,” Coyne said. “All of the surveys that I’ve seen around people generations once did—and thus may be harder to Meanwhile, regarding evangelization on the intel- who have turned 18 since 2000,” Coyne said, “the reach within the traditional boundaries of parish life. lectual level, Barron pointed to the Catholics who are abuse crisis is way, way down on the list of why they Furthermore, approaches to evangelization cannot prolific in their evangelization through social media left the Church, and why they’re not affiliated with be “too high-altitude,” he cautioned, because in addi- and in person such as his Word on Fire Ministries, the Church.” tion to young people who are invested in intellectual FOCUS, St. Paul Street Evangelization, and figures According to a survey of the religiously unaffiliated debates about religion such as online forums about such as Scott Hahn and Peter Kreeft. by the Pew Research Center conducted in December atheism or Jordan Peterson’s discussion of the Bible, He also admitted to other paths to the faith than of 2017, 25 percent of respondents said that “I ques- there are many other Millennials without a college edu- through purely intellectual arguments, such as the tion a lot of religious teachings” is the most important cation who don’t partake in any of these discussions. “way of beauty” and the “way of justice.” reason they do not identify with a religion, the leading Vermont has one of the highest graduation rates “Young people respond very much to the call to reason among the “Nones” for their lack of affiliation. for high school students, Coyne said, but one of the social justice,” he said. “There’s a huge part of our “I think we’ve underplayed the intellectual side. lowest rates of graduates who enter college; instead tradition around that, from John Chrysostom to We’ve undervalued what kids are capable of, intel- of tertiary education, they pursue careers in small and Pope Francis. That’s a wonderful lectually,” Barron said, noting that young people are business, the military or other occupations that don’t tradition.” leaving the Church “more and more consciously. require a college degree. If there was one thing he could tell a lay Catholic at They are making a conscious decision—not just drift- “A 22 year-old in a -wide in rural Vermont is a parish about evangelization to others, Barron said, ing away, but they are deciding to go. And that’s often not going to put the YouTube of the psychologist from “don’t be afraid to tell them about your relationship on intellectual grounds.” Toronto on who talks about faith,” he said. with the Lord.” During his presentation to the bishops, Barron So what is working for evangelization in his dio- “Don’t be afraid to share your faith, and talk about brought up University of Toronto psychology profes- cese? Ideally, the faith is learned at home, practiced your faith and what it means to you. And people will sor Jordan Peterson and his popular online discus- by the parents, and passed on to the children, he said. respond to that, even if they don’t seem to at first.” ❖

4 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 7/8 Blessed Eugene III ❖ 7/9 The Martyrs of Orange ❖ 7/10 St. Felicity and Her Seven Sons In Responding to Gender Theory, ‘Forming The Formators’ Is Key, Educators Say By Jonah McKeown

Washington D.C., June 24 (CNA) - Amid a flurry of headlines denouncing the Vatican for releasing a document condemning “gender theory,” theology professors and Catholic educators told CNA that the document will be helpful in setting priorities for Catholic educators going forward, as Catholic schools respond to questions about LGBT issues. “I love the emphasis on ‘forming the formators’...It’s important for teachers to realize that they’ve got to be able to answer their students’ questions, whether in religious education or teaching in a Catholic school,” Dr. Theresa Farnan, a professor of philosophy at St. Paul Seminary, the minor seminary of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, told CNA. “You’ve got to be able to answer your students’ ques- tions. Because you might get one shot to answer that question, and that may be it.” Published at the beginning of “Pride Month,” during which many cities and corporations mark the cam- paign of LGBT advocacy, the document says that the Church teaches an essential difference between men and woman, ordered in the natural law and essential to the family and human flourishing. “There is a need to reaffirm the metaphysical roots For Christians working in schools, both religious and secular, the radical individualism of gender theory should be avoided in favor of teaching children “to overcome their individualism and discover, in the light of faith, their specific vocation to of sexual difference, as an anthropological refuta- live responsibly in a community.” tion of attempts to negate the male-female duality of human nature, from which the family is generated,” the Congregation for Catholic Education wrote June even dictating how children should be raised,’ and ideology] is bankrupt,” she said. 10, in a document entitled “Male and Female He then that cuts off dialogue...That’s not real dialogue. “I really liked the model that [the document] used: Created Them.” That’s just people shouting at each other. It’s not a way listen, reason, and propose,” Farnan said. “The denial of this duality not only erases the vision to go forward and to help people to live well.” Farnan said she just finished a three-day workshop of human beings as the fruit of an act of creation True dialogue, she said, is not just “dropping with members of the “iGen” generation, who have but creates the idea of the human person as a sort of knowledge” on people, but rather inviting them into never known a time before the internet. She said the abstraction who ‘chooses for himself what his nature a conversation in order to be able to propose reasons way to connect with members of the iGen is to be is to be’,” the document states. to support your of view. able to back claims up with science and to “be able to For Christians working in schools, both religious “I would caution people not to dismiss dialogue carefully distinguish between ideology and genuine and secular, the radical individualism of gender as something that always leads to compromise. It scientific contribution.” theory should be avoided in favor of teaching children shouldn’t. It should lead us to journey together “The final part of it, which I think is the most “to overcome their individualism and discover, in the towards the one who is Truth,” she said. important, is to propose Christian anthropology as light of faith, their specific vocation to live responsibly Much of the document is a reiteration of exist- a way of life,” Farnan explained. in a community.” ing Church teaching on gender, but Farnan said she “And honestly, if there’s anything that over the last Dr. Susan Selner-Wright, who holds the Archbish- appreciated the document’s points of emphasis on four decades, five decades, we’ve been failing at as op Chaput Chair in Philosophy at St. John Vianney formation of teachers. a Church is that we’re not going out and presenting Seminary in , told CNA that “dialogue” does “I will say the gamechanger...is the absolute insis- a confidant vision of how Christianity differs from not, as some may believe, mean the same thing as tence that they have to form all of their teachers, culture. And this is an opportunity to present a pretty “compromise” when it comes to talking about these so that every teacher who is in a classroom with a stark difference. I think it’s really important.” kinds of issues. kid can articulate the Church’s teaching on gender,” “What this document reminds us is that, as edu- “‘Dialogue’ right now, in the culture, basically means Farnan said. cators, we have to make sure that they’re getting a everybody’s got a right to their opinion, all opinions The document says that “school managers, teach- complete understanding of what Christianity has to are equal, and ‘dialogue’ is just basically cover for ing staff and personnel all share the responsibility of offer in a very positive way...the authentic way to live never having to disagree with each other. And I think both guaranteeing delivery of a high-quality service a life of fulfillment of the human being.” the congregation was just brilliant in explaining what coherent with the Christian principles.” Farnan said she will watch with interest as indi- dialogue really is,” Selner-Wright said. “The other brilliant thing about the document, vidual dioceses work to implement the contents of the The document also states that many efforts to I think, is that it shows the utter continuity from document. She highlighted Fort Wayne-South Bend implement “gender theory” into society shut down John Paul II through Benedict XVI to Francis on this as an example of a diocese that has been proactive any possibility of dialogue from the Christian per- specific issue,” Selner-Wright said. in holding workshops for their teachers, educators, spective. “People want to say ‘Oh Francis is my guy,’ well, he’s and priests to form them in Christian anthropology “[Pope] Francis says that the ideologues just want really not if what you’re talking about is transgender- so they can answer their students’ questions about to ‘assert themselves as absolute and unquestionable, ism. He’s been completely clear that [transgender (see Gender Theory, page 6)

7/11 St. Benedict ❖ 7/12 St. John Gaulbert ❖ 7/13 St. Henry II ❖ 7/14 Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, St. Francis Solano NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 5 Through the Fire of Purification By Chris Lyford

The purification of the Church that is represented One email came in regarding the recent news about her way through a small hole in the wall only to find by the 6.8 Million dollar settlement against Hanna Hanna this past week that asked: “What incentive herself crawling across the dry grass trying to escape Boys Center, as well as by the exodus of young is there to continue to put money in the collection the flames. people and newly married from the church, the per- envelops?” I immediately thought, well maybe the In her own words: “I awakened from a sound sleep vasive negative public perception of priests, bishops, answer is in the question here; if no money is put as I was thrown across our motor home. Dishes and catholic church workers, is a purification that is in the collection envelopes, then we may have to crashed all around me. In an instant, a wall of flames not going to be halted by creating a new model for go all the way back to the way the Gospel came to separated me from my husband Rusty, who was driv- communication in the workplace, or implementing California in the first place; just a bell to ring, and ing, and our twenty-seven-year-old daughter, Nikki, methods for discerning and clarifying organizational an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe as an icon of the in the passenger seat. identity, mission, vision, focus and planning that will Gospel message, both hung over a tree branch. Ring Intense heat chased me away from them. I pleaded maximize and sustain our efforts. Nor will this puri- the bell to invite the locals, and hang the image over with God to save us all or none of us. As I spotted a fication be completed by creating a new program of the branch and you are all set to preach. Or, maybe the gash in the side of the aluminum wall of the motor evangelization at the parish and diocesan level that is incentive would be to bring us all the way back to the home I kicked my way through. Even though I wasn’t coordinated with each other ministry, and enforcing beginning; all the believers “were together and had on fire, I could see my skin melting. Blood ran down a zero tolerance policy for those who do not comply all things in common; they would sell their property my forehead and into my eyes, blurring my vision as with the safe environment protocols. and possessions and divide them among all accord- I tired to escape. This is the Catholic Church, it’s 1986 years old. ing to each one’s need.” How much money would The grass in the gully where I landed was on fire. It started with Pentecost in the year 33, and your parish have if everyone sold all their assets and As I crawled away from the motor home, flames continued next as a community that “devoted divided them among all your parishioners according pursued me. I crawled to a wire fence and tried to themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the to each one’s need? By the way the bank balance is not climb it, but fell back because my feet were burned communal life, to the breaking of the bread and the the point. The point is, it takes everything to live the and raw. As I was racing from the menacing flames prayers…All who believed were together and had all Gospel authentically and nothing less. If anything less I was screaming, “Save my family! Save my family!” things in common; they would sell their property than everything is given, it isn’t the Gospel. Billowing black smoke blinded me as our motor home and possessions and divide them among all Perhaps sometimes God takes everything, or at incinerated. according to each one’s need.” (Acts 2: 42, 45). least a significant amount, to remind us of our stated After months in the hospital and the incredible That is from our original handbook; our manual; priorities, in order to purify us; bring us back to the pain from their burns, Sue, Rusty, and Nikki made it our mission statement; our strategic plan. beginning. When and if He does, be thankful if it’s home. Their life has never been the same, as Sue said: The purification will be complete when we return spread out over time, rather than all at once. If, God “I clung onto my faith like never before”. to our roots and live out what our handbook says. forbid, it’s all at once, the phrase “you don’t know When we pray with all our hearts minds and souls When you hear about another multi-million-dollar what you got till it’s gone” comes to mind. Either way, prayer like; “save my family!”, God answers. We can all settlement payout amount that has been reached in a there is pain in purification. pray this without having to go through any fire except lawsuit against a ‘catholic’ institution in our Diocese, Think of Coffey Park, October 9th 2017. When the fire of love that will grow in our hearts meant to be do you consider that as a payment that will come from it happens very fast it’s called a ‘wake-up call’. How shared with the people in our lives in order to create ‘your’ community, because you ‘hold all things in about this wake-up call that happened to my good the world anew one heart at a time. ❖ common’? Or do you start to reconsider your regular friend Sue; She woke up from a nap and the RV has donations to the Church as a way of punishing the crashed, a ball of fire is billowing toward her from Chris Lyford is the Communications Director leadership? the front of the cab, her back is broken, she kicks for the Diocese of Santa Rosa, California

(Gender Theory. from page 5) this important,” she explained. gender theory. “It’s also important for our teachers to under- Mary Pat Donoghue, executive director of the Sec- stand that the Church’s teaching contains the full- Letters Policy retariat of Catholic Education for the U.S. Conference ness of truth, therefore it’s always going to be the of Catholic Bishops, told CNA in an interview that she most charitable and the most loving answer. Pair- Email: [email protected] also thinks the document will be useful for ongoing ing that with a compassionate person-to-person Write: Letters to the Editor formation of Catholic educators. response I think is the best way forward.” North Coast Catholic “It’s a call for all of us to enter more deeply into an Bishop Michael Barber of Oakland is the 985 Airway Ct., Santa Rosa, CA 95403 understanding of the Church’s teaching. I think that chairman of the Committee on Catholic Educa- the document serves that purpose very, very beauti- tion for the U.S. bishops’ conference, and Dono- Name, hometown, and daytime phone fully,” Donoghue said. ghue said she believes Barber would describe number for verification required. Short let- “It also, though, has an element encouraging the document as a means to better understand ters only, no more than 150 words. Letters compassionate pastoral response, and I think that Church teaching about the nature of the human may be edited for clarity or space. is important as well. So on a local level, diocesan person. level, finding ways to respond and to help schools to “All human people struggle and bear crosses in NOTE: Views of correspondents do not nec- respond should these types of situations arise.” many, many different forms, and a person suffer- essarily reflect those of this publication. Donoghue echoed Farnan’s point about the impor- ing from gender dysphoria bears a very painful tance of “forming the formators.” Individual situ- cross, and so we certainly don’t stand to condemn www.srdioceses.org ations will always vary, she said, but schools faced or to judge, but to offer care and to bring about with challenging situations related to gender theory the fullness of the teaching to help to liberate that should always be able to look to the diocesan level person,” Donoghue said. for guidance. “It’s important for our schools to have clear and Bea Cuasay and Michelle McDaniel consistent teaching, certainly around something that’s contributed to this report.

6 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 7/15 St. Bonaventure ❖ 7/16 Our Lady of Mount Carmel ❖ 7/17 St. Leo IV ❖ 7/18 St. Frederick You are the Light of the World By Julie Sparacio

In their June meeting, the US Bishops covered several According to the USCCB website, the Bishops voted The action item commits to activating the system no issues, but the one that was of particular interest to for these things at their June meeting: later than May 31, 2020. me was the conversation about what to do when a The first - Protocol Regarding Available Non- bishop is accused of sexual misconduct. Since all Penal Restrictions on Bishops. This form of account- There was a lot of conversation about the involve- bishops are priests first, it always ability provides protocols for impos- ment of laity. If you read the articles, the victim advo- seemed obvious to me that the rules ing limitations on former bishops cates do not think there is enough lay involvement, of the Charter for the Protection of who were removed from office for others think there is enough. Even the various bishops Children and Young People would grave reasons. It also empowers the disagreed on how much involvement the laity should apply to them. I’ve discovered that USCCB president to restrict bish- have. There will definitely be involvement by the wasn’t actually the case! ops removed or resigned for reasons laity, but it remains to be seen what that will actually In May Pope Francis issued an related to sexual abuse or abuse of look like. edict, a Moto Proprio and this is what power. When I first started, many people told me that Cardinal DiNardo, the President of things move very slowly in the Church. Bishop Walsh the USCCB ( Catholic The second - Acknowledging Our told me the work I was doing was changing a culture. Conference of Bishops) had to say Guarding the Vulnerable Episcopal Commitments. This I can’t tell you how often I think of those days and about it: accountability measure implements laugh at how naïve I was! The Church does move “Today, Pope Francis ordered a a bishop code of conduct, including slowly, and it does take time to change a culture. We worldwide response to the evil of Julie Sparacio is Diocesan the affirmation that the Charter for have made great strides, seriously! This is another sexual abuse. It calls for the estab- Director of Child and the Protection of Children and Young example, while it feels slow, a long time coming, it is lishment of easily accessible report- Youth Protection. People is expanded to include bish- actually a huge step forward. I feel very encouraged at ing systems, clear standards for the ops as well as priests and deacons. how many of the bishops really; truly do understand pastoral support of victims and the seriousness and the absolute need for change. their families, timeliness and thoroughness of inves- The third - Directives for the Implementation of the Some of you are no doubt thinking—finally! What tigations, whistleblower protection for those making Provisions of Concerning Bish- took them so long? I get it. I say, instead, let’s focus allegations, and active involvement of the laity. It ops and their Equivalents, presents a plan for opti- on the fact that they are here, today. I am thankful. I also leaves latitude for national bishops’ conferences, mal implementation of Pope Francis’s recent Motu think this is a good start. It will be reviewed in three such as the USCCB, to specify still more to account proprio in the United States, including an outline for years, and modified. Having worked with the docu- for their local circumstances. We receive the Motu lay involvement. ment—the Charter for the Protection of Children Proprio Vos estis lux mundi (‘You are the light of the and Young People for 16 years, I can say that I have world’) as a blessing that will empower the Church In addition, the body of bishops passed another learned this is how it works—you put something out everywhere to bring predators to justice, no matter bishop accountability reform, voting for the establish- there, work with it, and continue to improve it. This what rank they hold in the Church. It also permits the ment of a Third-Party Reporting System for receiv- is a good thing, a very good thing. Is it perfect? No. Church the time and opportunity to bring spiritual ing confidentially, by phone and online, reports of Is it enough? No. But the people of the Church—we healing.” possible violations by bishops of Vos estis lux mundi. need to feel encouraged by this. It is action! ❖

Families Are a Radical Witness to Hope in Modern Society, Archbishop Gomez Says

South Bend, Ind., Jun 19 (CNA) - The Christian abandoned. family must become a “radical” sign against a climate “Many young people are debating whether it is ‘ethi- of despair and isolation Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los cal’ to have kids in an age of global warming. There is Angeles said Tuesday. an even larger conversation going on among millenni- Gomez, who serves as the vice president of the als about the ‘value’ of starting a family,” Gomez said. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, deliv- Just Google that simple question: ‘Should I have ered the speech June 18 as part of a four-day conference kids?’ It is sad, the results that come back. Not only on Liturgy and the Domestic Church at the University that. It is sad how many people are asking these kinds of Notre Dame in South Bend. of questions.” “Our society has rejected what twenty centuries of “The truth is this: for whatever reasons, people have Christian civilization considered a basic fact of nature— already stopped having children.” that most men and women will find their life’s purpose Gomez said that the decline of birth rates, and the in forming loving marriages, working together, sharing rejection of the concept and worth of family, is a sign of their lives, and raising children,” Gomez said. more than just selfishness: it is an indication of despair. The archbishop explained that in previous decades Without minimizing the importance of climate change, preserving and promoting the family involved a cluster “The question for us is: how are we going to live as Gomez said, a cultural narrative of coming dystopia of issues, including divorce, cohabitation, contracep- Christians in this culture, and how are we going to raise has emerged, in which children are considered to be tion and abortion, same-sex relationships, and the our children and evangelize this culture? In these times, better off having never been born. sexual confusion of society. Now, he argued, the basic what case can we make for marriage, for the family, for “These same kinds of bleak scenarios are being spun human imperative to marry and have children is being children?” (see Hope in Modern Society, page 9)

7/19 St. Macrina ❖ 7/20 St. Apollinaris ❖ 7/21 St. Lawrence of Brindisi ❖ 7/22 St. Mary Magdalene NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 7 (Community, cont. from page 1) evant administrative practices for the survival of the visitors. There will be a business center as a resource day celebration of Eucharist, on Sundays and holidays church. The place of worship was moved from the for both parish and community and will help offset of obligation. American Canyon Community Center to its present the construction loan. The low income senior housing Through a new leadership and the generous shar- location at 101 Antonina Way. The new location fit which will be built in the periphery of the church, is ing of Time, Talent and Treasure by parishioners, more to a typical church. A permanent place of wor- a critical timely response to Christ’s pastoral care of donors, sponsors and even guests, there emerges the ship with permanent altar and a tabernacle. Best of the elderly and a city’s most welcomed answer to its visible beginnings of the first phase of its planned all, mass services included Saturday vigil mass, two urgent moral need. design: the construction of a permanent church on Sundays, Spanish mass on First Saturdays of the center. month and daily weekday mass. Aforementioned HFCP Looks to the Future The church community of American Canyon, the saw the rise in the number of enrollees to the cat- In Hope, the parishioners, parish leaders, deacons citizens of the City of Napa and neighboring cities echetical program, reception of the sacraments of and the Pastor, Fr. Fred forge ahead on this quest: a have a significant reason to celebrate. In full regalia, confirmation, reconciliation and Eucharist. A new sacred pilgrimage to be Church. What has been there a colorfully diverse community and parishioners leadership team was created in Pastoral Council all these 25 years behind the arduous struggles is-the participated in the recent celebration of the 25th and in various ministries. The number of parish- grace of God and His generosity—plus the burning anniversary of the Holy Family Catholic Parish. ioners increased from 300 to 900 and the number desire to love and serve Him. Fran Fanelli, one of the church pianists, composed kept growing. As the community grew, so was the It only makes sense to support the Holy Family a special anniversary song, children wrote articles donations. Dedicated volunteers started aggressive Parish in their need and the need of the people of on what the church mean to them, and certificates fund raising programs for much needed church God in the building of a permanent church. And so of appreciation were given to early parishioners. construction money. Fr. Fred’s mandate to keep we pray. Amen. Music, singing and dancing filled the air. And cel- asking God to “help us keep going” didn’t exempt ebrate they did! him. He and other parishioners collected recyclable Holy Family Catholic Church, 101 Antonina Ave., cans, bottles, plastic or glass and turned them in American Canyon, ca 94503 707-645-9331 HFCP - Its Beginnings, A Story to Tell for cash towards church building fund. When he AQMC ❖ The Holy Family Catholic Parish is located in filled his van with bags full of recyclable, he can be American Canyon located between the cities of mistaken for a homeless man. From the pastor to Napa and Vallejo. It is a city “Where your Napa the youngest CCD students, everyone’s effort was Valley Experience Begins”. Its parishioners have outstanding. With the groundbreaking and start of had their share of challenges and opportunities of the construction of the Church, the parishioners grace from where it started. Deacon Michael Sim- saw a bright future! mons and some dedicated volunteers sought the need to celebrate church services in their own area. Outreached Hands The first mass was celebrated on January 9,1994 HFCP’s Outreach Program included Cardinal Mau- with about 85 attendees. Parishioners welcomed all rice Otunga Empowerment Center for Girls in Nai- (Church Unity, cont. from page 1) people no matter what their color, age, education robi Kenya, community blood drives, Mexico Youth must remain united has always prevailed. Its unity or ethnic background. Their culture of friendli- Mission, Mother Teresa Sunday (support Christian has always been stronger than internal struggles and ness and hospitality, earned them the name “The Help Center), Prison ministries, Get on the Bus, Sup- wars,” the pope emeritus explained. Friendliest Little Parish in the Napa Valley”. As port American Canyon Food Bank, Support Global Italian journalist Massimo Franco interviewed people heard about the local gathering, attendance Holiday Faire, Birth Right, visit the sick and home- Benedict XVI in the Vatican gardens on the feast at mass swelled tremendously. Fr Patrick Stephen- bound. In additional HFC served as emergency vol- of Corpus Cristi June 23, but only published a few son became the first pastor in March 1994. In the unteer coordination center, the Napa County Food direct quotes in his five-page magazine article about course of months and years that followed, believe Distribution center every first Friday of the month. the meeting. it or not, the Holy Family Catholic Church has The church also started and is responsible for the Franco claimed that “when the history of these held mass at thirteen locations. School cafeterias, Relay for Life in American Canyon. secret years” of Pope Emeritus Benedict will be writ- multipurpose rooms, community Center, gymna- ten, “it will not be possible to disregard the highly siums, hotel rooms, rectory, McIntyre Ranch and Reflections reserved cardinals and bishops who have come to his former Napa tourist information Center were some The gifts of this current lived reality inspire lead- door looking for reassurances, and expressing their of the places of worship. The present construction ers and parishioners to hold on to a deeper truth. criticisms and their perplexity towards the current site at Antonina Way will be the permanent church Everyone is “church”, that is each one has a share pontificate.” location. The challenges of the church survival in responsibility as regards Time, Talent and Trea- Concerns which the Italian journalist implied were came. The number of parishioners dwindled to a sure. The desire or thirst to seek a lasting place of met with answers that emphasized the importance precious few because of the feeling that the “place worship is a signpost that parishioners are ready of Church unity, noting “Benedict’s obsession with of worship did not look like a typical church”—no to make their gathering not only as an obligation, the unity of the Church … is more acute than ever.” stained glass windows, no pews, no statues, no as it is an experience of God’s Real Presence in In Feb. 2013 Benedict shocked the world with a permanent altar and tabernacle. Funds were low community. Experience or encounter of the sacred -language announcement of his resignation. due to the purchase of the five-acre piece of land is permeating and permanent. The parish church, He cited his advanced age and his lack of strength as (the site of the present church construction) and after all, offers a place of silence, solitude—Pres- unsuitable to the exercise of his office. Benedict XVI the pastor’s home which served as the parish office ence in the midst of all the chaos of life and daily was the first Roman Pontiff to resign from office in as well. There also was the formal announcement living. almost 600 years. of the retirement of the pastor Fr. Pat Stephenson. This is the true essence behind all these church Benedict has led a life of prayer after the election The future of the Holy Family Catholic Church building activities. It entails commitment. It is also of Pope Francis, occasionally consulting with and looked bleak. what “homesickness” one writer wrote about laying meeting with his successor. down roots that “we cannot shake off”, a homesick- “Italy has always been a beautiful country, but a bit New Leadership, New Gifts ness to draw closer to God. At the Eucharistic prayer chaotic,” Benedict said softly and slowly, according God answered the prayers for help. In 2010, Fr. Fred we thank God for making us worthy to be in His to Franco, who noted that 92 year-old former pontiff Kutubebi, from Shana, Ghana became the Parochial presence. He gifts us with His Beloved Son, Jesus. showed “an enviable speed of thought.” Administrator of Holy Family Catholic Church. He We gift God by returning our very selves, who we June 29 will mark the 68th ordination anni- eventually became the pastor in 2017 after going are, essentially, to Him. versary of Pope Benedict, then Joseph Ratzinger, through the process of being incardinated into the to the priesthood. The pope emeritus plans to Diocese of Santa Rosa. What is the church building saying about us? spend the summer peacefully with the usual visit With the help of Deacons Mike Simmons and The plan and design of the church building includes of his brother Georg and few private meetings Victor Leach, and other parish leaders, Fr. Fred cre- a parish center which values connections with people with guests for breakfast or lunch, according to ated emergent changes to the old and no longer rel- in ministry, families, young people, the elderly and ACI Stampa. ❖

8 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 7/23 St. Bridget of Sweden ❖ 7/24 St. Boris and St. Gleb ❖ 7/25 St. James the Greater Marriage & Family Life Office: More Marriage Preparation!

Summer greetings! What a wonderful blessing that Catholic Church and how to live a faithful, life-time parishes that do hold their own formation programs. we live in such a beautiful and unique place—the commitment in your marriage. Sessions like God’s The new program that is to be used is God’s Plan for north coast of California. A scenic coastline to expe- plan for marriage and Jesus’ teachings on marriage, a Joy-Filled Marriage. It is published by Ascension rience, ancient redwood forests to explore, lakes how to effectively communicate as a couple, handling Press and also is a thorough marriage preparation and rivers to enjoy, plenty of hiking opportunities, finances, intimacy in marriage, raising children in program. Using this program would give a parish and a fascinating bit of California history to dis- the faith, and many more practical aspects of living the great opportunity to develop their own marriage cover, all within the bounds of the as a married couple are covered in preparation team. Go to: www.ascensionpress.com Diocese of Santa Rosa! Hope you these formation programs. Most then to Sacramental Preparation Study Programs. have a chance to enjoy a summer couples married in the Church may In our next month’s article we will wrap up the experience in the grandeur of God’s recall this aspect of their marriage final discussion on the newly updated Marriage creation. preparation process. Marriage for- Preparation Policy. We have taken the opportunity in mation programs are a very impor- our past couple of articles to briefly tant part of the whole preparation And now for Ask FLO: discuss with you the newly updated process and the updated policy gives Marriage Preparation Policy recent- pastors a variety of options for their Dear FLO: My parents are celebrating their 50th ly approved by Bishop Vasa. It is engaged couples. wedding anniversary and I would like to get them important to get the message out to Many pastors have expressed an a Papal Blessing in celebration of such a wonderful all of the members of the Diocese Marriage & Family Life Office on-line formation option for a vari- achievement. How do I do that? of Santa Rosa that there are some ety of reasons. The one selected for Signed: A Grateful and Thoughtful Child. exciting changes as to how marriage the Diocese of Santa Rosa is Mar- Deacon Dave, and Carlin preparation is now to be conducted Gould are Directors of the riagePrep.com, a program man- Dear Grateful: That is a great question and what a within the diocese. Santa Rosa Diocesan Office aged by Agape Catholic Ministries. wonderful gift this will be! The main of course is to help of Marriage and Family Life It is quite thorough and gives the The Holy Father offers blessings for Catholics guide and form engaged couples engaged couple the opportunity to for special occasions such as , Confirma- so that they have a sound under- complete the program at their own tions, marriages, birthdays, and anniversaries. A standing of marriage as a Sacrament in the Catholic pace. And, if the engaged couple live far apart from general blessing from the Pope for no specific occa- Church. Marriage in our culture has undergone each other, they can still successfully complete the sion may also be requested. Papal blessings come many transformations in the recent past and society formation program. It has been very beneficial in the form of printed certificates or parchment has certainly taken an altered view of what mar- where one or both of the engaged persons is serv- with the name(s) of the recipient(s) and the occa- riage signifies. So this updated Marriage Preparation ing in the military. For specific info go to: www. sion inscribed on them. Many people treasure these Policy endeavors to educate engaged couples (and catholicmarriageprep.com certificates as important symbols of sacraments and others as well) as to the beauty, goodness, and truth Another formation option is Catholic Engaged other special occasions. of the Sacrament of Marriage. Encounter. This is a weekend program (Friday eve- In this day and age of the internet, it’s actually Last month we shared with you the initial com- ning to Sunday afternoon) held at a retreat center or pretty easy to apply for a Papal Blessing. Simply ponents of the marriage preparation process, spe- hotel/conference site. The closest Engaged Encoun- go to: https://www.elemosineria.va/papal-blessing- cifically meeting with your pastor, then completing ter locations for us in the Diocese of Santa Rosa are parchments/ and follow the directions. the FOCCUS prenuptial inventory. We also told in Sacramento or San Francisco in English or San They will walk you through the process. It gener- you about an exciting new element in the process, Jose in Spanish. We are very familiar with Engaged ally takes about 20 days to receive the official docu- Witness to Love, the marriage mentorship program. Encounter as we were a presenting couple for many ment. The cost is about $20 plus the shipping by Now we’d like to share a couple more of the compo- years with this formation program. For more info DHL. All the proceeds go to the pope’s charitable nents of this updated preparation process. go to: www.engagedencounter.org causes in . Enjoy your summer! ❖ Most marriage preparation programs involve mar- And one more option for the formation compo- riage “formation.” That is, classes or some sort of nent is an opportunity if a pastor wants to hold class- —Pax Christi, Carlin & Deacon Dave Gould, education in what the vocation of marriage is in the es in his own parish. There have been a couple of Family Life Office Co-Directors

(Hope in Modern Society, cont. from page 7) It is vital, he said, to discover and promoted the Gospel message is once more seen as antithetical to out daily in newspapers and magazines, in books, in “Domestic Church” of the family, rooted in a parish the culture. the media, in classrooms,” Gomez said, and it is the able to sustain and support them. “We need to rediscover the radical ‘newness’ of the mission of the Church, expressed through the witness “In my opinion, forming small faith communities is Christian message about the family,” he said. of the Christian family, to respond. crucial,” Gomez said, while insisting that continuous “Before Christianity, no one had ever spoken about “The question for us is: how are we going to live as sacramental and faith formation was essential to the marriage in terms of a love that lasts a lifetime, or as a Christians in this culture, and how are we going to raise life and mission of the Church. calling from God, or as a path that can lead to holiness our children and evangelize this culture? In these times, “When we marry a couple or baptize a child—we and salvation. It was a new and thrilling idea to speak of what case can we make for marriage, for the family, for need to see that as the beginning of a relationship. We man and woman becoming ‘one flesh’ and participating children?” need to find ways to nurture that relationship, to sup- in God’s own act of creating new life.” In the archdiocese, he said, a commu- port that child and that couple, to help them grow in The simplicity of the family, mirroring the hidden nity of more than five million Catholics was baptizing their love of Jesus and their commitment to living the life of Christ in the Holy Family of Nazareth, offers the 50,000 infants every year. “These are not just numbers,” Gospel in their families.” opportunity to evangelize by a witness to hope and to Gomez said, “these are souls, entrusted by God to our Formation of families in the faith is, Gomez said, authentic human happiness—something which society care. As a pastor, I do not want a single one to be lost.” central to the Church’s mission at a time when the (see Hope in Modern Society, page 10)

7/26 St. Joachim and St. Anne ❖ 7/27 St. Pantaleon ❖ 7/28 St. Botvid ❖ 7/29 St. Martha NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 9 ‘Sister Strike’ Nominated for Best Viral Sports Moment By Mary Farrow

Chicago, Ill., Jun 26 (CNA) - Maybe it’s the signature bump of the off her bicep before pitching the perfect curve ball. Maybe it’s that she does it all in a full black and white habit with a beaming smile on her face. Whatever it is, the pitch of baseball whiz Sister Mary Jo Sobieck, OP, that captured the hearts of many over the past year inspired a baseball card, a bobble head, and now a nomination for a national sports award. “Sister Strike,” as the Dominican sister has been called, has been nominated for an ESPY award in the category “Best Viral Sports Moment.” The ESPYs (Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly) are an annual sports awards ceremony honoring memorable people and moments in sports. This year’s ceremony will be hosted by Tracy Morgan in Los Angeles July 10. The moment for which Sister is nominated? It’s called “Don’t Sleep on Sister Mary Jo’s curveball”, and it’s the moment when she threw a curveball strike to Lucas Giolito at the ceremonial opening of a White Sox game in August 2018. Sister Mary Jo said “It’s transitioned to what happens The fans went wild and the moment went viral, on the field of life. I try my best and sometimes I fail catching the attention of baseball fans and casual miserably and I get back up and try again. You get up observers on social media and national media. Her the next day and try again.” strike also aired on ESPN’s Sportscenter highlight reel. out for those shy kids who just want to blend into The National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and the bricks. She will learn something about them, so Museum now sells a Sister Mary Joe bobblehead someone knows something about them.” for $25. She stands in a pitching stance, wearing a Since the viral moment, Sr. Mary Jo has been invited baseball jersey pulled over her habit, and a baseball to various sporting events and speaking engagements. mitt. Her right hand is cocked back with a baseball, She wants to use the attention to lead others to God, Follow us on ready to strike. she told the Chicago Catholic. In April, Topps announced that they would be pre- “The best gift I can give now is to give a good exam- Facebook & Twitter! miering a Sister Mary Jo baseball card this summer. ple of what it means to be virtuous,” Sister Mary Jo Patrick O’Sullivan, Topps Associate Brand Man- said. “It’s transitioned to what happens on the field of Catholic Diocese of Santa Rosa facebook.com/DioceseOf ager, told CNA in April that Sister is a good reminder life. I try my best and sometimes I fail miserably and SantaRosa that: “Baseball is for everyone from every walk of life. I get back up and try again. You get up the next day That’s what makes it so special and fun to be a fan.” and try again.” ❖ Diocese of Santa Rosa There’s a reason Sr. Mary Jo, a member of the @CatholicRosa Dominican Sisters of Springfield and a teacher at Marian Catholic High School, seems so comfortable on the pitching mound. She played starting in elementary school and through college and has (Hope in Modern Society, cont. from page 9) coached high school sports. is losing along with the will to have children. She told the Chicago Catholic in December that “The first Christians evangelized by the way they she wasn’t about to “get ripped” by past coaches and lived. And the way they lived was to be in this world teammates for a lousy pitch, so she gave the White but not of this world. They lived the same lives as their Sox throw her all. But then again, that’s how she lives neighbors, but in a different way,” Gomez said. her whole life. “They rejected birth control and abortion and wel- For Advertising Information, “Before (the pitch), she was just kind of like that comed children in joy as a gift from God and treated loud nun,” Jen Pasyk, a fellow Marian Catholic teach- them as precious persons to be loved and nurtured and Please contact Patty Brooks er, told the Chicago Catholic. “She’s kind of gregari- brought up in the ways of the Lord.” [email protected] ous and outgoing. There’s this image that sisters are “The first Christian families changed the world— kind of quiet and reserved, and that was never her. simply by living the teachings of Jesus and his Church. (714) 323-9972 She is very popular, because she makes it a point to And my friends, we can change the world again, by meet the students wherever they are. She really goes following the same path.” ❖

10 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 7/30 St. Peter Chrysologus ❖ 7/31 St. Ignatius of Loyola ❖ 8/1 St. Alphonsus Liguori Trump Administration Officials Promise Action for Global Religious Liberty

Washington D.C., June 25 (CNA) - With the latest U.S. report on global persecution of individuals and groups based on their religious beliefs, the Trump administration promised action to counter the human rights violations of the countries and groups listed in the U.S. State Department’s 2018 Report on Interna- tional Religious Freedom. “As in previous years, our report exposes a chilling array of abuses committed by oppressive regimes, violent extremist groups, and individual citizens. For all those that roughshod over religious freedom, I’ll say this: The United States is watching and you will be held to account,” said U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Pompeo released the report at a June 21 briefing with U.S. Ambassador-at-large for Religious Freedom Samuel Brownback. The Secretary of State summarized the situation in the worst countries: “People are persecuted – hand- “Go into any mosque, any church, any temple in America, and you’ll hear the same thing: Americans believe that kind cuffed, thrown in jail, even killed – for their decision of intolerance is deeply wrong,” said Pompeo, who said it is “a distinctly American responsibility to stand up for faith in to believe, or not to believe. For worshipping accord- every nation’s public square.” ing to their conscience. For teaching their children about their faith. For speaking about their beliefs in public. For gathering in private, as so many of us have Pompeo opposed what he said was Iran’s “crack- Brownback went into more detail on problems in done, to study the Bible, the Torah, or the Qu’ran,” down” on Baha’is, Christians and others. other countries. He objected to Eritrean authorities’ he said. Brownback expanded on this, saying Iranian reli- continued house arrest of Eritrean Orthodox Patri- “Go into any mosque, any church, any temple in gious minorities, including Baha’is, Christians, , arch Antonios, detained since 2006, and the detention America, and you’ll hear the same thing: Americans Zoroastrians, and Sunni and Sufi Muslims, “face dis- of hundreds of other “prisoners of conscience.” The believe that kind of intolerance is deeply wrong,” said crimination, harassment, and unjust imprisonment Turkish government continues to keep closed the Pompeo, who said it is “a distinctly American respon- because of their beliefs.” Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople’s Theological sibility to stand up for faith in every nation’s public “Their religious books are banned. They are denied School of Halki, he said. s qu are .” access to education. Their cemeteries are desecrated. According to Brownback, religious leaders in Nica- The State Department has 90 days to designate Blasphemy and proselytization of Muslims is punish- ragua report “constant surveillance, intimidation and “countries of particular concern” and to choose which able by death,” he said. threats.” countries to put on a special watch list. It can also Pompeo criticized Russia’s categorization of Jeho- “The national police assault priests in full daylight, designate non-state actors as “entities of particular vah’s Witnesses as “terrorists,” the confiscation of revealing the government’s contempt for any religious concern.” The designations can have significant legal their property, and the threats to their families. He leaders they view as a threat to their authority,” he consequences spoke against the Burmese military’s violence against said. Pompeo cited the “good news” that Uzbekistan is Rohingya Muslims, saying hundreds of thousands In Brownback’s view, the Trump administration has no longer listed as a country of particular concern, of people have been forced to flee or to live in over- made religious freedom a top priority and fought “for for the first time in 13 years. Though the secretary crowded refugee camps. people of all faiths.” said “much work remains,” the country has created China also drew criticism from Pompeo, who “We will not stop until we see the iron curtain of a “religious freedom roadmap.” It has released about said, “The Chinese Communist Party has exhibited religious persecution come down; until governments 1,500 religious prisoners and ended a blacklist that extreme hostility to all religious faiths since its found- no longer detain and torture people for simply being banned about 16,000 people from travel due to their ing. The party demands that it alone be called God.” of a particular faith or associated with it; until people religious affiliations. Brownback added: “China has declared war on are no longer charged and prosecuted on specious Pompeo said the State Department looks forward faith. We’ve seen increasing Chinese Government charges of blasphemy; until the world no longer to legal reforms on registration requirements so that abuse of believers of nearly all faiths and from all believes it can get away with persecuting anyone of more religious groups may worship freely and so that parts of the mainland.” any faith without consequences,” he said. “We will children may pray at mosques with their parents. “They’ve increased their repression of Christians, not stop.” He credited President Donald Trump for leading a shutting down churches and arresting adherents for Pompeo noted the upcoming second annual Min- government-wide effort to secure the release of U.S. their peaceful religious practices,” said Brownback, isterial to Advance Religious Freedom, to be held in Pastor Andrew Brunson from Turkey, saying he had predicting this will affect China’s standing domesti- mid-July, expected to draw up to 1,000 people. been wrongly imprisoned for his faith. cally and around the world. He said the first ministerial was “truly a stunning The briefing also turned critical. China’s government has made “intense persecu- show of unity—people of all faiths standing up for the While Pakistan’s Supreme Court acquitted the tion” normal for many religious believers, including most basic of all human rights.” It inspired follow-up Catholic woman Asia Bibi of blasphemy and spared Falun Gong practitioners, Christians, and Tibetan conferences in the United Arab Emirates and . her from execution after almost a decade in prison, Buddhists, Pompeo said. The State Department’s International Religious over 40 people are serving a life sentence or face exe- The State Department added a special section to Freedom Fund, launched to support victims of per- cution for the same charge. Pompeo called for these its report on China to discuss the country’s treat- secution and to “give groups the tools to respond,” has captives’ release and for the government to appoint an ment of its Uyghur Muslim population in Xinjiang received millions of dollars, he reported. envoy to address various religious freedom concerns. autonomous region. (see Global Religious Liberty, page 22)

8/2 Our Lady of Angels ❖ 8/3 St. Peter Julian Eymard ❖ 8/4 St. John Vianney • 8/5 Blessed Frederic Janssoone NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 11 Catholic Youth Group Involved in Fatal Colorado Bus Crash

By Jonah McKeown

Pueblo, Colo., June 24 (CNA) - A charter bus carry- cal issue” that contributed to the crash, but the cause ing members of a Catholic group from New Mexico of the accident is still under investigation. crashed Sunday in southern Colorado, killing at least Archbishop John Wester of Santa Fe will be cel- two people including the driver and injuring more ebrating a Mass of Healing June 26 at the Newman than a dozen others. Center for the victims of the crash. A call from CNA The group, high schoolers from Aquinas Newman to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe on Monday morning Center at the University of New Mexico in Albuquer- went unanswered as of press time. que, had been in Denver for the weekend attending Around 30 remaining members of the Newman Steubenville of the Rockies, an annual Catholic youth Center group were able to attend Mass Sunday eve- conference. ning at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Among the dead is Jason Paul Marshall, a semi- Conception in Denver. Father Robert Fisher offered narian of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Marshall was prayers for the victims of the crash during Mass. studying theology at the Pontifical College Josephi- “Please pray tonight for a Catholic group from num in Columbus, . New Mexico who were involved in a tragic bus acci- The crash occurred on Interstate 25 around 2:30 Among the dead is Jason Paul Marshall, a seminarian dent this afternoon in Pueblo,” the Archdiocese of pm June 23 about ten miles north of Pueblo. The of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Marshall was studying Denver said on Facebook. theology at the Pontifical College Josephinum in bus struck part of a bridge structure and went off “The group had attended the Steubenville of the Columbus, Ohio. the highway into a ditch. Rockies Youth Conference in Denver and was on its Colorado State Patrol reported that the driver was named the driver as 22-year-old Anthony Padilla. way home. We send our prayers and deepest condo- ejected from the bus and died. Thirteen other pas- A total of 14 ambulances and three medical heli- lences to the families and friends of those who were sengers sustained injuries ranging from minor to criti- copters were called to the scene to assist. Authorities killed, and our prayers for healing and comfort for cal, CSP reported. The Archdiocese of Santa Fe later said the driver may have had an “unspecified medi- those who were injured.” ❖

People Not Politics: Pro-Life Groups Unite to Send Aid to the Border Brownsville, TX June 28 (CNA) Reports of children with matted hair, inadequate sleep and no access to showers or clean clothes. A published photo of a father and his toddler daughter who drowned trying to reach the United States. Media reports in the last week painted a bleak picture of the unsafe and unsani- tary conditions at the U.S.-Mexico border, worsened by overcrowding and underfunding. The crisis spurred New Wave Feminists, a secular pro-life group, to take action in collaboration with And Then There Were None (ATTWN), a support group for former abortion clinic workers. In just three days, New Wave Feminists has col- lected more than $16,900 in monetary donations, while ATTWN has collected more than $12,800 worth of donated goods through a wish list registry on Amazon—so many toiletries, diapers, and other basic items that the group is renting a U-Haul truck to deliver their donations. “The thing we keep hearing is, ‘Oh, pro-lifers don’t care about life outside the womb. Where are they at the border?’” Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa, founder of New Wave Feminists, told CNA. “It’s not a political issue, it’s a people issue. And so if we care about the human dignity of the child in the womb, The sentiment is inaccurate, she said, citing a border then we also care about the human dignity of the migrant. We care about the human dignity of all people, and that’s donation drive by New Wave Feminists last year, to because we subscribe to the consistent life ethic.” which pro-life people from various groups throughout (see Hope in People Not Politics, page 13)

12 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 8/6 The Transfiguration (People Not Politics, cont. from page 12) the country donated. This year, they are listing those groups as sponsors. Democratic Candidates More than 40 different pro-life groups have supported the border drive already this week. So many groups joined so quickly that Herndon-De La Rosa had to redesign a flyer that listed the sponsors. Some of those Tout Abortion Credentials sponsors include Loyola Catholic, Libertarian Light, FemCatholic, Latinos for Life, and Mercy Missions, among many others. “It’s been amazing to see how many other groups are getting involved and how those donations have in First Debate multiplied because it isn’t just one pro-life group, it’s truly the pro-life movement that is getting behind this Washington D.C., Jun 27 (CNA) - Taxpayer funding effort,” she said. for abortions is a matter of “justice” for men and The success of the campaign and the broad list of women Democratic presidential candidate Julian sponsors from throughout the pro-life movement Castro said during the first Democratic primary makes the pro-life message all the more authentic, debate Wednesday. Herndon-De La Rosa said, because it shows that the Castro’s comments were echoed by Sen. Elizabeth pro-life issue does not belong to one political party or Warren (D-MA), who said that she does not support religion, and that it cares about all human life. any restrictions on abortion, and wants to see the Roe “It’s not a political issue, it’s a people issue. And so v. Wade decision codified into federal law. if we care about the human dignity of the child in the After acknowledging that every Democratic can- womb, then we also care about the human dignity of didate on the debate stage June 26 was in favor of the migrant. We care about the human dignity of all abortion rights, debate moderator Lester Holt asked “Americans overwhelmingly oppose the use of tax people, and that’s because we subscribe to the consis- Castro if, were he elected, abortion would be covered dollars to pay for abortions, and yet Democrats are tent life ethic,” she said. under a government-funded healthcare plan. actively and aggressively working to undo legal barriers One of the focuses of the New Wave Feminist group “Yes, it would,” said the former Department of like the Hyde Amendment.” are the systemic issues that make people believe abor- Housing and Urban Development secretary. tion is their only option, Herndon-De La Rosa noted, Ashley McGuire, a senior fellow for The Catholic would appoint federal judges who will “understand “and obviously poverty and instability are some of Association, an organization that promotes religious the precedent of Roe v. Wade and will respect it.” those, and access to healthcare and basic living neces- liberty, life, and the Church in the public square, was After this question, Holt then asked Warren if she sities.” critical of Castro’s enthusiasm for taxpayer-funded would put any limits on abortion. Warren said she Abby Johnson, founder and CEO of ATTWN, said abortion, and said it was a sign the party has been would not. in a Facebook post about the campaign, “Let’s be a overrun by “abortion extremism.” “I would make certain that every woman has access movement that reaches out to those who need our “By equating ‘reproductive justice’ with taxpayer to the full range of reproductive health care services, physical and emotional assistance...whether those funding of abortion, he reveals the party’s fundamen- and that includes birth control, it includes abortion, it people are walking into an abortion clinic, at the tal schism with Americans writ large on the issue,” includes everything for a woman,” she said. border, or are homeless.” said McGuire. Warren accused states of working to “undermine On Thursday, a group of attorneys who interviewed “Americans overwhelmingly oppose the use of tax Roe” by passing restrictions on abortion, and that “it’s migrant children about the detention center condi- dollars to pay for abortions, and yet Democrats are not enough to expect the courts to protect us.” tions asked a federal judge to issue an emergency actively and aggressively working to undo legal bar- “We now have an America where most people sup- order that the centers be inspected immediately and riers like the Hyde Amendment.” port Roe v. Wade,” said Warren. “We need to make that the conditions be improved, the Washington Post McGuire believes that this election will result in “a that a federal law.” reported. Late Thursday, the House passed a Senate- competition between the candidates as to who can be Massachusetts, which Warren represents in the approved emergency relief bill that would give $4.6 most extreme on abortion” and that “Castro was just Senate, passed the “Negating Archaic Statutes Target- billion in aid for the humanitarian crisis on the border. the first one out of the gate.” ing Young Women Act” or “NASTY Women” Act in The bill now goes to President Donald Trump. Castro has made his Catholic identity a hallmark 2018. The NASTY Women Act codified Roe v. Wade One of the biggest needs on the border is legal aid to of his campaign, initially announcing his presidential into law and overturned a dormant Massachusetts law help children reunite with their families, Herndon-De ambitions in front of an image of Our Lady of Gua- that criminalized abortion. La Rosa said. That is why part of the donations from dalupe on December 12, her feast day. Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for the drive will go to Immigrant Families Together, a “I don’t believe only in reproductive freedom, I Life of America, said after the deabte that “the abor- legal group dedicated to reuniting families. believe in reproductive justice,” Castro said Wednes- tion lobby has too much power within the Democratic One of the challenges for pro-life people who want day night. He further elaborated that “just because a Party and is successfully alienating Democratic voters to help with the border crisis, Herndon-De La Rosa woman—or let’s also not forget someone in the trans with the pressure for all candidates to take an abortion added, is that some of the larger corporations doing community, a trans female, is poor, doesn’t mean extremisim approach.” good work at the border also have ties to abortion they shouldn’t have the right to exercise that right to Day told CNA that she hopes the issue of pro-life funding. The groups that New Wave Feminists chose choose. And so I absolutely would cover the right to support is raised on Thursday, the second night of for their donations, including the legal group as well as have an abortion.” Democratic primary debates. That debate will feature two humanitarian respite centers, were vetted accord- The comment caused some confusion among LGBT Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), who has said that she ingly. One of the chosen respite centers—which is activists. A “trans female” is a man who identifies and does not believe there is a place for pro-life Democrats where families are reunited after detainment—is presents himself as a woman, but cannot get pregnant in the party. run by Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of as they do not possess a uterus. Castro later clarified “Tonight, we would like to see one of the modera- Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley. on Twitter that he intended to refer to “trans males,” tors ask, by show of hands, if anyone wants pro-life “We should be able to stand with the vulnerable or women who identify and present themselves as Democrats to vote for them,” said Day. wherever they are,” Herndon-De La Rosa said, “and men, who can and do bear children. Day believes that the focus on abortion will end up that extends beyond the womb.” “Last night I misspoke—it’s trans men, trans mas- harming the Democratic Party in their effort to win New Wave Feminists is collecting donations, 100% culine, and non-binary folks who need full access to the presidency in 2020. of which will be used for border aid, through July 13 abortion and repro healthcare,” he said. “An abortion extremist cannot defeat President on their website www.newwavefeminists.com/sup- Castro, who pointed out the Catholic church where Trump, because the independents and Democrats port .A few items also remain to be purchased on the he was baptized during the announcment of his presi- who oppose abortion will simply stay home or vote Amazon border aid registry. ❖ dential campaign, pledged that if he were elected, he third party,” she said. ❖

NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 13 Save the Date Historic Mission Bell Guarde este fecha Santa Rosa Religious Education Congress Removed from California Congreso de Educación Religiosa de Santa Rosa College Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2019 Santa Cruz, California, Jun 25 (CNA) - A university in California removed a bell last week after a Native Cardinal Newman High School American group claimed the historic piece was dis- Santa Rosa respectful to their heritage. The El Camino Real Bell, named for the California • Registrations begins August 2019. route connecting the 21 Franciscan missions, was • Mailings go out in August. removed by the University of California, Santa Cruz • If you wish to receive the brochure, on Friday. The bell has been on UCSC’s campus since please send us your name, email & the 1990s. It is one of a series of bells placed along mailing address. the route. • El registro comienza agosto de 2019. The Amah Mutsun Tribal Band issued an objection • Folletos salen en agosto. to the bell during the last school year. The group said • Si desea recibir el folleto, por favor the bell symbolized the enslavement and humiliation envíenos su nombre, dirección de correo of their ancestors. electrónico y dirección postal. “It is shameful that these places where our ancestors Pope Francis canonized Serra in 2015. He praised the were enslaved, whipped, raped, tortured and exposed saint for seeking “to defend the dignity of the native Contact: Carmen Perez Aanenson to fatal diseases have been whitewashed and con- community, to protect it from those who had mistreated Diocese of Santa Rosa verted into tourist attractions,” said Valentine Lopez, and abused it.” Department of Religious Education chair of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, according to (707) 566-3366 Fax (707)791-7495 Fox News. colonialism and characterize the missions as engaged [email protected] Sarah Latham, the university’s vice chancellor of in the forced labor of Native Americans. administrative services, said the move was “in sup- However, their defenders vigorously dispute these port of efforts to be more inclusive,” the Associated claims, noting that participation in mission life, while Press reported. strict, was voluntary, as well as the efforts by the mis- A decision regarding the bell’s transfer or destruc- sionaries to feed, clothe, and house those who came tion has not been announced yet. Amah Mutsun to them. Child & Youth Protection suggested it should either be placed in a museum or Pope Francis canonized Serra in 2015. He praised melted down. the saint for seeking “to defend the dignity of the If you or someone you know has been The bell is one of the hundreds of others placed native community, to protect it from those who had harmed by sexual misconduct by clergy, around California in 1906. According to the Fox mistreated and abused it.” a Church employee, or volunteer, News, a press release from UCSC claimed that these Serra, the pope said, “was excited about blazing please contact: bells has been meant to honor California’s “Hispanic trails, going forth to meet many people, learning and past” and “expand tourism.” valuing their particular customs and ways of life. He Julie Sparacio, Director “The bell marker, which memorializes the Califor- learned how to bring to birth and nurture God’s life Child and Youth Protection nia Missions and an imagined route of travel that once in the faces of everyone he met; he made them his (707) 566-3308 connected them, is viewed by the Amah Mutsun and brothers and sisters.” ❖ [email protected] many other California indigenous people as a racist symbol that glorifies the domination and dehuman- ization of their ancestors,” the release continued. The removal of the bell follows other outcries against historical monuments in recent years. Califor- nia legislators attempted in 2015 to replace a statue of St. Junipero Serra with Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, at the National Statuary Hall in Washington D.C. Last year, a bronze statue titled “Early Days” was removed from San Francisco City Hall. It involved three figures - a Native American, the seafarer Francis Drake, and St. Junipero Serra. Critics argued that the statue was degrading to Native Americans and used visual stereotypes that were racist. Serra played a key role in the evangelization of 18th- century California. The missions he founded took in thousands of Native American converts to Christian- ity and taught them technological development skills. Serra and other missionaries have drawn criticism from those who see them as a symbol of European July 15: St. Bonaventure

14 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org Catholicism until his death in 1979. five years, 40% involved an attempt of suicide. The Peoria diocese opened the cause for Sheen’s As jails seek to curb prison drug abuse, inmates canonization in 2002, after the Archdiocese of New often lack access to medication for their pre-existing York said it would not explore the case. Jenky had mental health conditions, the AP reported. About News suspended the beatification cause in September 2014 one-third of prison suicides occur after the prisoner on the grounds that the expected Sheen’s requested prescription medication and was denied, remains to be in the Peoria diocese. A lengthy legal it found. battle followed. According to the AP, prison experts believe these Sheen’s will had declared his wish to be buried in deaths are largely avoidable by either providing Briefs the Archdiocese of New York’s Calvary Cemetery. inmates with better suicide prevention or ensuring Soon after Sheen died, Cardinal Terence Cooke offenders are placed in psychiatric hospitals rather National of New York asked Joan Sheen Cunningham if his than prisons. remains could be placed in the crypt of St. Patrick’s “The vast majority are foreseeable and preventable,” Fulton Sheen’s Remains Arrive in Peoria; Sainthood Cathedral in , and she consented. said Lori Rifkin, a prisoners’ rights attorney in Cali- Cause Resumes However, Cunningham has since said that Sheen fornia. “But they continue to happen because, overall, Peoria, Ill., Jun 27 (CNA) - Venerable Archbishop would have wanted to have been interred in Peoria if I think there is a cultural dismissiveness toward both Fulton Sheen’s remains have been transferred from he knew that he would be considered for sainthood. the signs that help us predict suicide—and toward the the Archdiocese of New York to Peoria, Illinois, after In 2016, she filed a legal complaint seeking to have steps necessary to prevent them.” three years of litigation, clearing the way for the her uncle’s remains moved to the Cathedral of St. “We have decided that as a society let’s just ware- former archbishop’s sainthood cause to go forward. Mary in Peoria. house the mentally ill in a jai ... which is neither Bishop Daniel Jenky of Peoria announced today An initial court ruling had sided with Cunning- equipped for, trained to handle or able to be most that Sheen’s remains had been transferred from St. ham, but a state appeals court overturned that ruling, efficient and effective at solving the problem,” said Patrick Cathedral, New York, to the Cathedral of St. saying it had failed to give sufficient attention to a Jonathan Thompson, head of the National Sheriffs’ Mary of the Immaculate Conception in Peoria. sworn statement from a colleague of Archbishop Association. “Church law requires that the transfer of the Sheen, Hilary C. Franco, a witness for the “The failure here isn’t just what a deputy or an offi- remains of one considered for beatification must...be New York archdiocese. cer in a jail does or doesn’t do. The failure is that these done without any solemnity,” a June 27 release from Msgr. Franco had said that Sheen told him he people are being put in a criminal environment for the diocese explained. wanted to be buried in New York and that Cardinal mental illness.” “As a result, the transfer could not be publicized in Cooke had offered him a space in the crypt of St. Some states have initiated suicide prevention and advance. Also, no liturgical ceremony or public gath- Patrick’s Cathedral. The appeals court ordered “a full mental health awareness programs, including the ering could be held during the transfer. Therefore, exploration” of the archbishop’s desires. Sandra Bland Act passed in Texas in 2017. The law the transfer of the remains was done without prior The Superior Court of New York ruled in June requires law enforcement to undergo mental health public notice.” 2018 that Sheen’s remains be transferred to Peoria. training. According to the diocese, Joan Sheen Cunning- The New York Court of Appeals unanimously agreed Numerous county jails have also stepped up suicide ham—Venerable Sheen’s niece and closest living rela- during March 2019. prevention methods. In Lake Country, California, the tive—and Patricia Gibson, chancellor and attorney for The appeals court dismissed New York’s appeal jail installed a better surveillance system to monitor the Diocese of Peoria, along with funeral home and of the decision in May 2019, and again earlier this at-risk prisoners. It also added a registered nurse and cemetery personnel, gathered early in the morning month. The New York Archdiocese ultimately agreed four additional of suicide prevention training. June 27 at St. Patrick Cathedral in New York, where to cooperate with the transfer after all its civil law In Harris County, Texas, a suicide hotline has been Sheen’s remains were taken out of the cathedral to options were exhausted. made available to the inmates. LaGuardia airport and flown to Chicago O’Hare. “Although the date of Beatification is not known Throughout his pontificate, Pope Francis has The diocese also announced that Sheen’s Cause for at this time, Bishop Jenky hopes and prays that these expressed significant concern for the proper treat- Beatification, the next step on the road to sainthood, decrees from Rome will be issued in the coming ment of prisoners. On Holy Thursday this year, had resumed. weeks,” the release continued. the Pope celebrated the Mass of the Lord’s Supper “Bishop Jenky has notified the Vatican indicating “Bishop Jenky continues to be hopeful that Ven- with the prisoners in Velletri, about 30 miles from that civil litigation has ended and that Sheen’s remains erable Archbishop Fulton Sheen will be Beatified Rome. have been transferred. The Vatican has confirmed during this 100th anniversary year of his ordination In February, he challenged prison personnel to pro- that the Cause for Beatification has now resumed,” to the priesthood in Peoria.” mote hope among inmates. He said prisons need to the release continues. “Everyone is encouraged to continue offering be humanized, preventing offenses against the human The next step will be for the Congregation of the prayers for the Beatification of Venerable Archbishop person, and inmates need to be treated with love. Causes of Saints in Rome to present the alleged mira- Fulton Sheen. Bishop Jenky invites everyone to visit “I have much closeness with prisoners and the cle attributed to Sheen’s intercession—the miraculous the new tomb [in Peoria],” the release concluded. people that work in prisons,” he said. “[I give] my healing of an infant declared to be stillborn—to Pope affection and my prayer, so that you can contrib- Francis for his decree authenticating it. Suicide Rate in Prisons Raises Alarm, Calls for ute with your work to making the prison, a place of Sheen’s remains will be encased into a marble Change pain and suffering, also a workshop of humanity and monument inside the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Washington D.C., Jun 27 (CNA) - With suicide rates hope,” he said. Immaculate Conception, located at the side altar remaining high in the United States’ prison system, “This attitude of closeness, which finds its root in dedicated to the Blessed Mother Mary, Our Lady civil advocates are raising concerns regarding the the love of Christ, can foster in many prisoners the of Perpetual Help—on whose feast day, June 27, the treatment of inmates. trust, the awareness, and the certainty of being loved.” archbishop’s disinterment took place. Suicide is the leading cause of death in prison. Venerable Sheen was born in 1895 in Illinois and According to recent data from the U.S. Department was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Peoria at the of Justice, 372 suicides occurred in 3,000 federal International age of 24. He was appointed auxiliary bishop of New prisons in 2014. This number is 2.5 times higher than York in 1951, and he remained there until his appoint- suicide rates in state prisons and 3.5 times higher Pope Gives Chaplains of Sailors Same Faculties as ment as Bishop of Rochester in 1966. than in general society. Missionaries of Mercy Sheen served as host of the “Catholic ” radio The Associated Press conducted a recent investiga- Vatican City, VA June 28 (CNA) In a meeting with show and the television show “Life is Worth Living”. tion into suicide rates in prisons, finding that more the Apostleship of the Sea on Thursday, Pope Francis In addition to his pioneering radio and television than 300 suicides occurred in local prisons through- emphasized the importance of mercy, and said he was shows, Archbishop Sheen authored many books, with out nine states from 2015 to 2017. giving sea chaplains the same expansive faculties he proceeds supporting foreign missions. He headed the Many lawsuits regarding prison mistreatment have had given to the Missionaries of Mercy. Society for the Propagation of the Faith at one point to do with self-immolation and attempted suicide, “I would like to say a word about peace of heart. in his life, and continued to be a leading figure in U.S. according to the AP. Out of 400 lawsuits in the last (see News Briefs, page 16)

NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 15 (News Briefs, cont. from page 15) Pope Could See Final Draft of New Curial Constitu- able to pinpoint a cause of the fire but have found Many sailors approach or come to see chaplains and tion by September no evidence that it was deliberate, the BBC reported. priests with problems of conscience that make them By Courtney Grogan “Deeper investigations” will be carried out, he said. suffer greatly, problems that they have never had a Vatican City, Jun 27 (CNA) - Pope Francis could Officials conducted 100 witness hearings in the chance to bring up in those circumstances, so far from receive a final draft of a new constitution for the initial stage of their investigation, according to CNN. home, far from their native land,” the Pope said June as soon as September, according to the They will now consider the possibility of negligence 27 in the Vatican’s Clementine Hall to participants in secretary of the pope’s Council of Cardinal Advisors. - including electrical malfunction or a poorly extin- a meeting for chaplains and volunteers of the Apostle- Bishop said Thursday that the guished cigarette - as a cause for the fire. ship of the Sea. group was in the final stages of drafting the new con- Shortly before 7 p.m. on April 15, a fire broke out “Dialogue with a chaplain may well open up new stitution, titled Praedicate Evangelium, or “Proclaim in the iconic Gothic cathedral in Paris. The roof horizons of hope. So I would say to you: be merciful, the Gospel,” marking the near completion of a key and the spire, which dated to the 19th century, were be merciful. And to favour that mercy, I grant to all reform project which began with the establishment destroyed. Shortly after midnight April 16, firefighters chaplains of sailors the same faculties I have gave to of the Council of Cardinals in 2013, one month after announced that the cathedral’s main structure had the Missionaries of Mercy. In this way, you will be Francis was elected. Since that time, the group has been preserved from collapse. able to bring peace to so many hearts.” worked to advise the pope on Church governance Major religious and artistic treasures of the cathe- During the Jubilee of Mercy, the Missionaries of and reform, with the drafting of a new constitution dral were removed as the fire began, including a relic Mercy had no limits on where they could validly and a key priority. of the crown of thorns. licitly hear confessions, and they were able to absolve The draft text is expected to place renewed empha- Originally built between the twelfth through four- sins otherwise reserved to the Holy See: profaning the sis on evangelization as the structural priority of the teenth centuries, the landmark cathedral in the French Eucharistic species by taking them away or keeping Church’s mission, with some predicting the merger capital is one of the most recognizable churches in the them for a sacrilegious purpose; the use of physical of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Evangelization world, receiving more than 12 million visitors each force against the Roman Pontiff; the absolution of an of Peoples and the Pontifical Council for the Promo- year. accomplice in a sin against the Sixth Commandment; tion of the New Evangelization into a single larger The cathedral was undergoing some restorative and a direct violation against the sacramental seal by department. work at the time the fire broke out. Officials had a confessor. “We must realize that we are no longer in a world been in the process of a massive fundraising effort Pope Francis noted the importance of maritime that has a structure of Christianity in which it is to renovate the cathedral against centuries of decay, industry, and thus the chaplains who minister to enough to pay attention to doctrine. Particular atten- pollution, and an inundation of visitors. French con- seamen. tion must be paid to proclamation. An announce- servationists and the archdiocese announced in 2017 “Without sailors, the global economy would come ment that brings joy,” Council of Cardinals Secretary that the renovations needed for the building’s struc- to a standstill; and without fishermen, many parts of Bishop Marcello Semeraro said at a Vatican press tural integrity could cost as much as $112 million to the world would starve. I would ask you to convey conference June 27. complete. my esteem and encouragement to the sailors and Semeraro said the text of the constitution must Last month the French Senate passed a bill man- fishermen whom you meet, many of whom work for take into consideration “a changing world,” and that dating that Notre-Dame be rebuilt as it was before lengthy periods of time, thousands of miles away from the reforming efforts drew inspiration from Evangelii the fire. President Emmanuel Macron had previ- their native land and their families,” he said. Gaudium, Pope Francis’ on the ously called for “an inventive reconstruction” of the The pope noted that in addition to isolation and proclamation of the Gospel in today’s world. cathedral. distance, sailors and fishermen can face injustice, Praedicate Evangelium will replace , Since the adoption of the 1905 law on separation trafficking, forced labor, and piracy. the current promulgated by of church and state, which formalized laïcité (a strict “As chaplains and volunteers of Stella Maris, you Pope John Paul II on June 28, 1988, and subsequently form of public secularism), religious buildings in have been entrusted with the mission of presence, modified by both Benedict and Francis. France have been considered property of the state. bringing the Good News of the Lord Jesus to the Pope Francis and his Council of Cardinals met More than one billion dollars has been raised for complex and varied world of seafaring,” he told his June 25-27 to discuss the comments and suggestions the restoration effort. audience. received on the draft text after it was sent to the presi- The first Mass since the fire was celebrated at the “Your daily visits to the ships enable you to encoun- dents of national bishops’ conferences, of cathedral June 15. ❖ ter people in concrete situations, at times serene, at the Roman Curia, Synods of the Eastern churches, other times anxious or even deeply troubled. With conferences of major superiors, and a few pontifical compassion and discretion, you give them a chance universities. to pour out their hearts. This is the first and most Bishop Semeraro called it “an intense process of precious service that you provide, above all to those listening.” who have few similar opportunities. Your ministry to The six members of the council, Cardinals Pietro sailors and fishermen is above all one of listening to Parolin, Oscar Andrés Rodriguez Maradiaga, Rein- them and to their material and spiritual needs.” hard Marx, Sean Patrick O’Malley, , This listening can lead to action, he advised, and , all participated in the meetings encouraging them to confront “human trafficking, with Pope Francis. forced labour and violations of the human and labour The Council of Cardinals is often referred to infor- rights of so many men and women who live and work mally as the “C9,” although there are now only six on the seas.” memebrs. In December, three of the original members “Through your service, you can help restore to of the council, Cardinals , Francisco Javier these persons their sense of dignity,” he said. Errazuriz, and Laurent Monsengwo were removed The pope added that “thanks to you, those who from the council, ostensibly for reasons of age. are most vulnerable can find hope for a better future. The next meeting of the Council of Cardinals will Your efforts can help them not to give up in the face take place September 17-19. of a life that is precarious and at times marked by exploitation. Your presence in the ports, large and No Evidence That Notre-Dame Fire Was Inten- small, is already a sign of God’s fatherhood and the tional, Investigators Say fact that, in his eyes, we are all children, brothers and Paris, France, Jun 27 (CNA) - An initial investiga- sisters to one another.” tion into the devastating fire that consumed much of He said that “your presence is also a sign of the Notre-Dame cathedral in April has found no signs primordial worth of the human person, prior to and of criminal action behind the blaze, French officials above every other interest, and an incentive for every- said Wednesday. one, starting with the poorest, to work for justice and Chief Prosecutor of Paris Remy Heitz said in a state- respect for fundamental rights.” ment that the investigations so far have not been July 14: Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, St. Francis Solano

16 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org Religious Freedom Laws ‘More Necessary Than Ever,’ Congress Hears By Matt Hadro

Washington D.C., Jun 26 (CNA) - The House Com- of small minority groups are important for us to pro- legal rights exist only in absence of a neighbor’s legal mittee on Education and Labor heard testimony June tect,” Johnson said. “RFRA supporters understood objection” then they’re not rights, he said. 25 on the Do No Harm Act, a proposed measure to that one day, it could be their own religious beliefs and Rachel Laser, CEO of Americans United for limit the application of landmark religious freedom practices that would be unpopular and face govern- Separation of Church and State said that the pro- legislation. ment scorn and restriction.” posed legislation would prevent RFRA from being The Do No Harm Act proposes to limit the appli- “All RFRA provides is a fair hearing,” Rep. John- “misused for something that it wasn’t originally cation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act son said. “[It] was created to provide a very rea- intended to do.” (RFRA). Critics of the measure warned Tuesday that sonable balancing test” between sincerely-held Against these arguments, Sharp and Congress- tampering with the law could hurt religious minori- religious beliefs and the government’s interest in men Johnson both testified that RFRA does not ties who need its protections the most. federal law. disproportionately benefit Christians at the expense Matt Sharp, senior counsel with Alliance Defend- Supporters of the Do No Harm Act argued that, of other groups. ing Freedom, said during his testimony that at a since its passage, application of RFRA has been In 25 years, Sharp argued in his written tes- time when certain religious freedom protections broadened to allow religious groups to avoid com- timony, only 16.3% of appellate court religious are unpopular, “RFRA is more urgent and neces- plying with equality and employment laws. freedom cases under RFRA were successful—“in sary to ensure that the political whims don’t dictate In 2014, RFRA was at the center of the Supreme other words, the government almost always wins,” whether an individual or an organization’s faith is Court case Hobby Lobby v. Burwell, in the Chris- Johnson said. respected.” tian owners of the closely-held for-profit company “Critics of the Hobby Lobby decision insisted Sharp said that the Do No Harm Act would with- objected on religious grounds to the Obama adminis- that the decision would ‘open the floodgates’ to all draw the “opportunity for relief” available to religious tration’s mandate of provision of coverage for certain sorts of new claims under RFRA and to ‘impose groups, “shutting the doors of a courthouse to a lot drugs that can cause abortions. Christian values in America and use religious free- of individuals and organizations if their claims fall The Court ruled that Hobby Lobby was exempt dom as a license to discriminate.’ That simply has out of disfavor.” from the mandate, which was not the least-restrictive not happened,” Johnson said, citing a Becket Fund Tuesday’s hearing on Capitol Hill also heard testi- means for furthering the government’s compelling study showing that Christians were actually under- mony from several witnesses for and against Do No interest of providing contraceptive coverage. represented among the religious groups making Harm, including Reps. Joe Kennedy (D-MA) and After that decision, critics claimed it violated wom- claims under RFRA. Mike Johnson (R-LA), and Rachel Laser, President en’s right to obtain healthcare coverage—including The bill, if enacted, “would eviscerate one of the and CEO of Americans United for Separation of contraceptives, sterilizations, and abortifacient drugs. most important and widely-regarded laws that’s ever Church and State. Legislation was introduced in Congress to limit the been passed by the Congress,” Rep. Johnson said. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act was passed use of RFRA in religious freedom cases. Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) dismissed the argu- by Congress and enacted into law in 1993, receiving In 2019, Reps. Bobby Scott (D-VA) and Joe Ken- ment that RFRA was being used to protect unfair unanimous bipartisan support in the House and pass- nedy (D-MA) reintroduced the “Do No Harm Act” discrimination in health care, “that is not what ing the Senate by a vote of 97-3. President Bill Clinton to forbid the use of RFRA against “equal opportunity RFRA is about,” she said. signed the legislation. and protection against discriminatory laws, protec- “RFRA is not about denying anything to anybody RFRA was supported by leaders in both parties tions in the workplace and against child abuse, and except the freedom of religion—the Do No Harm as a response to the 1990 Supreme Court decision health care access, coverage and services. bill will deny that.” ❖ Employment Division v. Smith, in which the Court “Over the years,” Rep. Kennedy explained in his upheld the government in a case involving two Native member testimony on Tuesday, “RFRA has morphed Americans fired after testing positive for the drug from a shield of protection to a sword of infringe- peyote, which they argued they had ingested as part ment.” of a religious ritual. “Religion has played a vital role in our nation’s The law prevents the federal government from history,” stated Rep. Scott in his opening remarks imposing a substantial burden on the sincerely-held at Tuesday’s hearing, helping fuel social justice religious beliefs of a person, unless it can establish a causes such as the civil rights movement and child compelling government interest in passing the law labor movement. Yet, he said, it has been used as and the legislation is the least-restrictive means of a “pawn” to justify segregation and discriminatory furthering that interest. attacks. At the time of its passage, RFRA enjoyed broad New conscience protections, introduced by the support from both parties and from advocacy groups Trump administration for health care workers across the political spectrum. opposed to procedures such as abortions, were “The reason all those diverse groups came together cited as a discriminatory practice that was pro- was because the Smith decision caused great alarm tected by RFRA but against the original spirit of around the country,” stated Rep. Johnson in his the law. member testimony at the hearing. Opposition to the contraceptive mandate, notably Prior to his time in Congress, Johnson served for by groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor, was also nearly 20 years as a constitutional law attorney and a argued by supporters of the Do No Harm Act to be defense litigator in religious freedom cases. an unreasonable religious exemption under RFRA, The consensus behind RFRA’s passage was not, he along with religious adoption agencies only plac- said, a reflection of support for the men in the Smith ing children with opposite-sex couples—or even case, but “the personal views of the lawmakers was with couples from a certain church or Christian not the point.” denomination. “Everyone, both liberal and conservative, recog- The Do No Harm Act would “restore RFRA to its nized that even the sincerely-held religious beliefs original purpose,” Kennedy said. “If civil liberties and July 29: St. Martha

NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 17 ¿Dónde está tu ‘ Isla de Concentración Espiritual ‘?

En 1986 el Papa Emérito Benedicto XVI, entonces miedo, sino porque eran prudentes. Entendían que tección contra una excesiva mundanidad. El aspecto Cardenal Ratzinger, recomien-da el establecimiento el mundo era hostil al Espíritu sobre todo el espíritu comunitario de nuestras parroquias es a menudo muy de ‘islas de concentración espiritual’. En los últimos de la verdad y así se reunieron conscientes de sus fuerte. Al mismo tiempo es posible, y probablemente años, con el incesante aumento de laicos, hay una propias debilidades y de la fortaleza del Espíritu. Se necesario, mayores esfuerzos para acrecentar en nues- necesidad cada vez mayor de estas islas de concen- reunían para la fracción del pan, la Eucaristía, porque tra Parroquias espacios, que relativamente no sean tración espiritual. con esa acción se acordaban de lo que el Señor había perturbados por un mundo tan confuso, en donde el En el libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles encontra- hecho en medio de ellos y recordaban que Él había silencio en la Presencia del Dios vivo puede experi- mos la descripción de la venida del Espíritu Santo. Allí se conquistado el pecado y la muerte. Se reunían para oír mentarse mas profundamentey sea apreciado. Es nece- nos dice que los apóstoles y discípulos la verdad proclamada por los Apósto- sario que nos esforcemos en fomentar en cada uno se reunie-ron en un solo lugar. Se reuni- les, reconociendo que ellos no podían nosotros una convicción profundamente arraigada de eron para esperar el prometido Espíritu estar mucho tiempo expuestos a los nuestra constante necesidad de ser parte de o incluso Santo. Se reunieron en oración y antici- errores del mundo sin ser infectados establecer otras ‘islas de concentración espiritual’, y pación de las grandes cosas que Dios y contaminados, por lo menos hasta asi como los discípulos de Jesús, podamos reunirnos haría en medio de ellos. Se reunieron en cierto punto, por estar expuestos. constantemente “para escuchar la enseñanza de los una especie de “isla de concentración Llegaron con frecuencia a su ‘isla de apóstoles, compartir la vida en común, la fraccion del espiritual” para es-perar la venida del concentración espiritual’ a discutir pan en la Eucaristía y orar”. Espíritu y cuando el Espíritu llegó, sus expe-riencias y a interpretarlos a Tales islas comienzan con la Iglesia doméstica, el El llegó en forma de viento y fuego. la luz del Espíritu y las Escrituras y la hogar. De hecho, cada familia Católica debe ser la Luego llevaron el mensaje del Evan- fe. Y se junta-ban a orar, no sólo oca- primera isla de refugio espiritual. El verano es un Desde el Obispo gelio a las calles. Esta parte narrativa sionalmente, sino constantemente. buen momento para pasar más tiempo con la familia es muy conocida. Sin embargo, aun Es esencial que cada uno de y también ofrece una oportunidad a nuestro compro- después de su inicial experiencia con Mons. Robert F. Vasa es el nosotros encuentre su propia isla de miso a aquellas cosas que ayudan a asegurar que la el Espíritu que lleno de incursión en el sexto obispo de la Diócesis concentra-ción espiritual, en donde familia mantenga su propia tranquilidad. Viejos pro- de Santa Rosa en California. mundo, los discípulos no abandonaron no sólo escuchemos y practiquemos gramas de radio, patrocinados por grupos cristianos, la seguridad de su comunidad, su isla los dones y virtudes necesarias en a menudo repetían la frase, que era muy común, que de concentración espiritual. Como leemos en Hechos: nuestro mundo caótico relativista pero donde tam- “la familia que reza unida permanece unida”. El valor “se reunían constantemente a escuchar a los apóstoles bién lleguemos a comprender y apreciar la necesidad de la oración familiar, dirigido por el padre, necesita enseñar y compartir la vida en común, para la fracción de encontrarnos “constantemente para escuchar la ser reconocido otra vez. El establecimiento de un del pan, y a orar” (Hechos 2:42). enseñanza de los apóstoles y a compartir la vida en patrón de oración familiar no es necesariamente Esta era su isla de concentración espiritual, su común, a la fracción del pan, y a orar”. fácil, pero en nuestras circunstancias actuales ya no comunidad de fe. Esto era un lugar y una comu- Para muchos, la comunidad parroquial es justa- es opcional. Imitar a los apóstoles que: “se reunían nidad en la que ellos recordaban quien era el Señor, mente una ‘isla de concentración espiritual’. Ruego que constantemente a escuchar a los apóstoles enseñar y quienes eran sus hermanos y hermanas y quienes este sea el caso para usted. Esta isla no está diseñada compartir la vida en común, para la fracción, del pan eran ellos mismos. Ellos iban allí, no porque tuvieran como aislamiento del mundo pero una prudente pro- y orar” (Hechos 2:42). ❖

Declaración Pastoral de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de California

Resumen de ella, a que respondan. En el contexto de nuestra prójimo y con la creación, reconociendo la doctrina católica respecto a la teología de la creación, correlación de nuestra existencia con todas las California ha sido bendecida con una gran belleza. invitamos al pueblo de California a reflexionar sobre dimensiones ambientales, económicas, sociales Dios se revela a través de toda la creación. La encí- las formas en que podríamos cuidar la creación de y culturales; y clica del Papa Francisco, Laudato Si’ nos llama a manera más fiel y eficaz como una forma de agradecer • el bien común, el cual es “el conjunto de condi- redescubrir con admiración y asombro la belleza de a Dios este gran regalo. ciones de la vida social que hacen posible a las la creación. A su vez, debemos también responder El título de la encíclica, Laudato Si’, proviene del asociaciones y a cada uno de sus miembros el al clamor de la tierra en su sufrimiento por nuestro himno de San Francisco del Siglo XIII, “El Cántico logro más pleno y más fácil de la propia perfec- maltrato del mundo natural. de las Criaturas”, el cual utiliza la imagen católica ción”. (LS 156) En el cuarto aniversario de Laudato Si’ nosotros, tradicional de una relación armoniosa entre la familia los Obispos de California, publicamos esta Declara- de Dios, personificando a nuestro Creador y a todas La encíclica señala que nuestra fe nos permite ver ción Pastoral con un enfoque doble: para animar y las creaturas de Dios. El Papa Francisco entrelaza los la increíble belleza del universo como algo abierto a vigorizar la implementación del llamado que hemos dos siguientes temas a lo largo de la encíclica: la trascendencia de Dios (LS 79). San Junípero Serra, recibido para afrontar la crisis actual en California y a entre los primeros en catalogar la hermosura silvestre ofrecer una herramienta de enseñanza dinámica que • La ecología integral—comunicando cómo hemos de California, captó bien el sentir de nuestra Declara- evangelice a nuestra comunidad de fe católica y fuera de vivir en esta armoniosa relación con nuestro (vea Declaración Pastoral, página 20)

18 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org el cuarto lugar. de México y un medallón con la Virgen y San Juan Noticias en Reynosa, uno de los municipios que forma parte de Diego, instalado en el atrio de la Catedral de México. la Diócesis de Matamoros, se encuentra en el puesto El P. José de Jesús Aguilar, director de Arte Sacro 42. de la Arquidiócesis de México, fue el responsable de Español Mons. Lira destacó que, a pesar de la violencia, los llevar en junio de este año las esculturas al Monte fieles de la diócesis, laicos y sacerdotes, no han dejado Tabor, donde se levanta la Basílica de la Transfigura- de manifestar su solidaridad con los migrantes. ción, al cuidado de frailes franciscanos. El Prelado agradeció el “buen ejemplo y testimonio En diálogo con ACI Prensa, el P. Aguilar destacó de gente buena, que incluso en los momentos más que “la Sagrada Escritura menciona varias montañas difíciles de violencia en esta zona arriesgó su vida, como lugar de encuentro con Dios. Quizás porque tendió la mano a los migrantes y lo sigue haciendo. parecen alcanzar el cielo o, porque hay que hacer un Gracias a Dios ha disminuido la violencia, no tanto esfuerzo y ser constantes para llegar a su cima, o bien, en Reynosa, pero sí en los otros ocho municipios que porque desde sus alturas se tiene una mejor y más conforman la diócesis de Matamoros”. amplia visión de las cosas”. El Obispo de Matamoros dijo que la muerte de “En el Monte Moira, Abraham iba a sacrificar a Óscar y su pequeña hija, así como de tantos otros su hijo Isaac, en el Monte Sinaí se presentó Dios a migrantes fallecidos, “tiene que llevarnos a todos a Moisés y le dio las tablas de la ley, en el Monte Car- reflexionar: estamos hablando de vidas humanas, de melo Dios se mostró al profeta Elías. En una montaña personas, no de números. De gente con su historia, Jesús enseñó las bienaventuranzas, en el Monte de los con sus sueños, sus ilusiones”. Olivos, Jesús, mediante la oración, se preparó para su “Esto nos muestra el rostro humano del migran- pasión y muerte. En el Calvario, entregó su vida por te”, precisó. nosotros, y en el Tabor se transfiguró para mostrar “Algo bien importante es descubrir en el fenó- a sus discípulos que la pasión era el camino para su meno de la migración rostros y nombres, como nos resurrección”. ha invitado a hacer el Papa Francisco, porque si no, El sacerdote mexicano explicó que “el Monte a veces podemos caer en quedarnos solamente en Tabor se encuentra en la zona de Galilea y, en su estadísticas, en números fríos. Y en realidad se trata cima, desde el siglo IV se erigió un monumento para de personas, cada una con su propia identidad, sus recordar la transfiguración de Cristo. El peregrinaje Noticias necesidades”, señaló. constante de los fieles hizo que para el siglo ya se Los migrantes, explicó, son personas que tratan “de hubieran construido tres basílicas, en alusión a las La fe sostiene a esposa y madre migrantes ahogados buscar algo mejor para sí mismas o para su familia. Y tres tiendas de campaña que Pedro le propuso a al cruzar a Estados Unidos que son capaces de dejar su tierra, su casa, y lanzarse Jesús y en el siglo VII comenzara a ser habitado por CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (ACI Prensa) - En medio a una aventura bastante peligrosa”. m o n j e s”. del dolor por la muerte de su esposo Óscar y de su Como un mensaje a los migrantes, Mons. Lira les “Lamentablemente, en el año 1212, el Sultán Malek pequeña Valeria de casi dos años, Tania ha encon- alentó a descubrir “que en el trayecto que han seguido al-Adel destruyó los santuarios y, aunque se pudieron trado fuerza en la fe y en la oración. Así lo indicó a desde que han salido de sus hogares hasta el presente, reconstruir poco después, en 1263 el Sultán Bibars, ACI Prensa el Obispo de Matamoros (México), Mons. al igual que el resto de su vida, Dios siempre ha cami- volvió a destruir todo”. Eugenio Lira. nado con ellos. Él siempre camina con nosotros, no Recién en 1921, bajo el cuidado de los frailes fran- Óscar y Valeria murieron este 23 de junio cuando nos deja solos. Y en los momentos más difíciles nos ciscanos, que se comenzó la construcción de la actual intentaban cruzar el Río Bravo a la altura de las ciu- tiende una mano, incluso a través de las personas que basílica. dades de Matamoros (México), y Brownsville (Esta- nos rodean”. Para el P. Aguilar, la finalidad de llevar las imágenes dos Unidos). “Yo les invitaría a tener siempre esa mirada de fe, mexicanas a ese lugar de Tierra Santa fue “hermanar Sus cuerpos fueron encontrados a dos kilómetros la esperanza que no defrauda, sobre todo la gran el Monte del Tepeyac con el Tabor”. de distancia y las imágenes de ambos, casi abrazados esperanza de la eternidad que nos aguarda”, dijo. “Los custodios del lugar recibieron y agradecier- a orillas del Río Bravo, han conmovido a miles, entre Al resto de la sociedad, los invitó a “tomar concien- on los obsequios que serán colocados en un lugar ellos al Papa Francisco. cia de qué mundo estamos construyendo, y a tratar especial en el que se reúnen los peregrinos para Tania presenció todo y fue ella quien avisó por de que cada uno pongamos nuestro granito de arena orar y celebrar la Santa Misa, recordando que todo teléfono a la madre de Óscar de la tragedia, entre para edificar una cultura y una sociedad que sea capaz peregrino debe tratar de transfigurar su vida en el lágrimas, esa misma tarde. de reconocer, respetar, promover y defender la vida, amor siguiendo el ejemplo de la Virgen María y las Actualmente, la mujer de 21 años se encuentra en la dignidad y los derechos y también los deberes de enseñanzas de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo”, indicó el una de las dos casas de migrantes que tiene la Diócesis todas las personas, sin excluir a nadie”. sacerdote. de Matamoros. “Necesitamos eso para que nadie se vea obligado a En diálogo con ACI Prensa, Mons. Eugenio Lira dejar su tierra por necesidades económicas o por la señaló que “he tenido la oportunidad de platicar per- violencia o por daños ecológicos, y que pueda encon- “Sacerdote advierte sobre “falsos profetas” que no sonalmente con ella y puedo decir que he quedado trar en su lugar lo necesario para desarrollarse. Y en denuncian el pecado edificado por su testimonio”. el caso que tome la decisión de migrar, pueda hacerlo CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (ACI Prensa) - El P. Samuel “Es una mujer de fe y que precisamente da tes- con todas las condiciones que su dignidad humana y Bonilla, conocido en redes sociales como Padre Sam, timonio de que esa fe le está permitiendo enfrentar sus derechos merecen”, indicó. advirtió recientemente sobre los “falsos profetas” que esto con esperanza cristiana”, dijo. “solo te hablan de la misericordia de Dios pero nunca “Ella me comenta los momentos difíciles que ha de su justicia”. vivido, de muchísimo dolor. Pero cómo, gracias a Esculturas de Virgen de Guadalupe y San Juan En un video titulado “Respetar no es ser cobardes”, Dios, ella ha buscado en la oración el consuelo, la Diego van de México al Monte Tabor el Padre Sam señaló que “no es que sea mentira lo que luz, la fuerza y le digo que para mí platicar con ella ha CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (ACI Prensa) - Esculturas prediquen, el problema es que son medias verdades. sido un gran testimonio, un testimonio de fe”, añadió. de la Virgen de Guadalupe, San Juan Diego y de un Y eso es mucho más peligroso”. Matamoros, en el estado mexicano de Tamauli- franciscano bautizando fueron llevadas desde México Recordando las palabras de Jesús en el Evangelio pas, es una de las zonas habituales de paso para los para quedarse en el Monte Tabor, en Tierra Santa, de San Mateo, el sacerdote señaló que los falsos pro- migrantes que buscan ingresar a Estados Unidos. donde Jesús se transfiguró ante los apóstoles Pedro, fetas “se acercan con piel de oveja pero por dentro Tamaulipas es también uno de los estados más Santiago y Juan. son lobos rapaces. ¿Cómo es la piel de una oveja? violentos de México. En el listado de las 50 ciudades Las esculturas fueron realizadas por Antonio Cas- Es suave, agradable, segura, protectora, etc. Y así más violentas del mundo en 2018, realizado por el tellanos Basich, artista que hizo, entre otras obras, son las palabras de este tipo de personas: suaves y Consejo Ciudadano para la Seguridad Pública y la la Cruz Monumental ubicada donde inician las per- agradables”. Justicia Penal A.C., su capital, Ciudad Victoria, ocupó egrinaciones a la Basílica de Guadalupe en Ciudad (vea Noticias en Español, página 20)

NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 19 (Noticias en Español, cont. de página 19) para la Religión y Sociedad de la Universidad de Saint (Declaración Pastoral, cont. de página 18) “Nunca van a decirte algo que te incomode, algo Mary en Inglaterra, indicó que mientras el Hijo tiene ción cuando escribió: “Bendito sea Él quien los creó”, que te haga sentir mal, algo que no te guste. Van a un cuerpo humano glorificado, “el Padre es incor- refiriéndose a las bellezas naturales del medio ambi- endulzarte el oído. Y eso es muy peligroso”, dijo. p ó r e o”. ente en California. El Padre Sam indicó que “cuando nos referimos Por lo tanto, “no tiene manos ni lados para que el Podemos ver los dones de Dios en los diversos a falsos profetas, no solo me refiero a sacerdotes, a Hijo se siente a su lado literalmente. Así que estamos aspectos de la vida aquí en California: la biodiversidad predicadores, a conferencistas”, sino que “también hablando de algo simbólico”. de las plantas y animales; la rica historia del estado, la esto está referido a padres de familia, a amigos, a cual incluye a sus pueblos indígenas y su reverencia compañeros”. 3. La expresión indica el poder y la autoridad de por la tierra; el descubrimiento de oro en nuestras “Porque también podemos ser esos falsos profetas Dios montañas; las maravillas de la belleza de nuestros que solo endulzamos el oído a los demás, y no les Bullivant señaló que en varios pasajes de la Biblia Parques Nacionales; la productividad de nuestras corregimos, no les decimos que están mal”, dijo. esta frase se utiliza para expresar la “intimidad con tierras agrícolas; y los avances en la tecnología que El sacerdote criticó también la “famosa diplomacia”, el poder y autoridad de Dios”. han tenido efectos positivos en nuestras vidas. pues “a veces para no quedar mal ante una persona, Por ejemplo, en el Evangelio según San Mateo Sin embargo, California también ha encontrado tre- ante un gobernante, ante un amigo, entonces suavizo Jesús recuerda que el Salmo 110 indica: “Dijo el mendos desafíos debido a los efectos destructivos de el discurso, suavizo la prédica. Eso es convertirse en Señor o a mi Señor: ‘Siéntate a mi derecha, mientras los incendios, las inundaciones, el cambio climático un falso profeta”. yo pongo a tus enemigos como estrado de tus pies’” y la rápida urbanización. “No confundas respeto con cobardía”, añadió, pues (Mt. 22,44). Tristemente, no siempre hemos sido buenos “el mejor acto de amor hacia alguien es decirle la En su Carta a los Efesios, San Pablo dice lo siguien- administradores de nuestras bendiciones, muchas verdad. Verdad que muchas veces va a doler. Verdad te: “La extraordinaria grandeza del poder con que Él veces utilizando los dones de Dios sin cumplir con que muchas veces va a incomodar. Pero si alguien obra en nosotros, los creyentes, por la eficacia de su nuestras obligaciones morales de conservar y prote- está en pecado, sea tu hijo, sea tu amigo, sea tu com- fuerza. Este es el mismo poder que Dios manifestó ger nuestro medio ambiente o de atender el bienestar pañero o sea un gobernante, dile que está mal. Ese en Cristo, cuando lo resucitó de entre los muertos y la dignidad de todas las personas. La encíclica deja es el primer acto de bondad que podemos hacer con y lo hizo sentar a su derecha en el cielo, elevándolo claro que hemos recibido el llamado para renovar alguien”. por encima de todo Principado, Potestad, Poder y nuestra humanidad común en respuesta a la crisis “También seremos juzgados por callar ante las Dominación, y de cualquier otra dignidad que pueda ecológica que enfrentamos en nuestras comunidades injusticias, por callar ante el pecado”, dijo. mencionarse tanto en este mundo como en el futuro”. y medio ambiente (LS 9). Estamos llamados a una El Padre Sam subrayó que los fieles “necesitamos (Ef. 1, 19-21). conversión ecológica para proteger la obra de Dios. por supuesto que se nos predique sobre la misericor- Al respecto, Bullivant aclaró que San Pablo no El Papa Francisco nos llama a ver la relación vital dia de Dios, pero también necesitamos que se nos considera a “la derecha” como una especie de lugar entre la ecología del mundo natural y la ecología predique sobre la conversión”. subordinado en el podio divino. “Más bien, afirma humana, para que los humanos y la naturaleza “Ese es el verdadero profeta, aquel que no busca que Cristo comparte precisamente el mismo poder y tengan una buena relación. endulzar el oído”, sino que “anuncia la Buena Nueva autoridad que el Padre”. Nosotros los Obispo, tenemos el compromiso de pero denuncia con todas sus fuerzas el pecado”, ayudar a que se cumplan las enseñanzas del Papa expresó. 4. Tener en cuenta que Cristo es verdaderamente Francisco en Laudato Si’—haciendo un llamado a los Dios, como lo es el Padre fieles para que se comprometan con la solidaridad, En tercer lugar, Bullivant indica que Cristo no se la responsabilidad y el cuidado compasivo de toda ¿Qué significa en el Credo que el Hijo está sentado “sienta” a la derecha de Dios, Padre Todopoderoso; la humanidad. En colaboración con nuestros líderes a la derecha de Dios Padre? como lo haría un niño en salón de clase frente al pastorales e instituciones católicas, en comunión con Redacción Central (ACI Prensa) - Si alguna vez te has profesor. Él se sienta como lo que es: un Juez y un Cristo y unos con otros en la Eucaristía, nos hemos preguntado qué significa la frase del Credo “subió a Rey. comprometido a llevar el mensaje del Papa a las per- los cielos y está sentado a la derecha de Dios, Padre “Él está ‘sentado’ en el sentido de que está instalado sonas, por toda California. Para inspirar el cuidado Todopoderoso”, este artículo te ayudará a disipar la en una posición de supremo honor y autoridad”. de nuestra casa común, invitamos a todos los cali- duda. Como señala Santo Tomás de Aquino en la Suma fornianos a contemplar lo que cada uno de nosotros Aquí presentamos cinco puntos a tener en cuenta Teológica, citando a San Juan Damasceno, “no puede hacer mediante nuestras diversas ‘vocaciones de los doctores de la Iglesia, San Agustín y Santo llamamos diestra del Padre a una realidad local. ecológicas’: Tomás de Aquino; y de un especialista inglés en temas ¿Cómo conseguiría una derecha local el que no eclesiales. puede ser circunscrito? La derecha y la izquierda • Líderes pastorales e instituciones católicas. son propias de los que están circunscritos. Llama- Alienten a los fieles a que hagan la Promesa 1. Estar sentado quiere decir “habitar” mos derecha del Padre a la gloria y el honor de la de San Francisco de orar, actuar, y abogar por En su sermón a los catecúmenos sobre el Símbolo de divinidad”. las soluciones a las perturbaciones climáticas. los Apóstoles, San Agustín explica que la expresión Por ello, Cristo está entronizado como un igual al Integren los mensajes de Laudato Si’ en nuestro “estar sentado” significa “residir o habitar”. Padre porque es “es plenamente y verdaderamente culto y compartan las herramientas prácticas “Y donde se tienen las residencias, ¿se está siempre Dios como lo es el Padre”. de la enseñanza que proclamen los temas de sentado? ¿Acaso uno no se levanta, no pasea, no se la encíclica. Estudien las oportunidades para acuesta? Y, sin embargo, se las llama residencias. Pues 5. Cristo hecho hombre muestra que viviremos en adoptar prácticas que promuevan la energía creed así que Cristo habita a la derecha de Dios Padre”, la bienaventuranza divina renovable, la desinversión en los combustibles señala el santo. Bullivant destacó que Jesús está sentado a la derecha fósiles, la conservación del agua, la salud ambi- En ese sentido, San Agustín afirma que en esa del Padre como Dios hecho hombre. ental y las iniciativas sociales prestando atención condición Jesús “es feliz y de esa felicidad, que se Indicó que los Padres de la Iglesia como San Ata- especial a las necesidades de las personas pobres llama la derecha del Padre, viene el nombre mismo nasio y San Gregorio Nacianceno repetían constante- y excluidas. de felicidad, que es la derecha del Padre”. mente que “Dios se hizo hombre, para que el hombre “En efecto, si lo entendemos según la carne: que se haga Dios”. • Jóvenes y jóvenes adultos. Busquen las opor- está sentado a la derecha del Padre, el Padre estará a En ese sentido, recordó lo que dice San Pablo en su tunidades para orar en entornos naturales; inicien su izquierda. ¿Acaso es justo que los coloquemos al carta a los Romanos: “Si somos hijos, también somos conversaciones con adultos mayores sobre la Hijo a la derecha y al Padre a la izquierda? Pero allí herederos, herederos de Dios y coherederos de Cristo, protección ambiental y una sociedad más inclu- todo es derecha, porque no hay allí miseria alguna”, porque sufrimos con él para ser glorificados con él. siva. Consideren cómo la carrera profesional añade el Doctor de la Iglesia. (Rom.8, 17)”. propia podría cuadrarse con el llamado para que “Como tal, entonces en nuestro legítimo hogar que cuidemos de nuestra casa común e involucrar a 2. Tener en cuenta que Dios Padre es “incorpóreo” es el cielo, viviremos en la bienaventuranza divina, otros de forma que pudieran ayudar a sanar la En un artículo publicado en el Catholic Herald, Ste- es decir, a la derecha del Padre, junto con nuestro tierra. phen Bullivant, director del Centro Benedicto XVI prójimo Jesucristo”, resaltó. ❖ (vea Declaración Pastoral, página 21)

20 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org (Declaración Pastoral, cont. de página 20) • Padres de familia, maestros y catequistas. Ayuden a concientizar y a desarrollar cono- Chinese Priests Do Not cimientos en torno al medio ambiente que pro- muevan los principios de Laudato Si’ en el estilo de vida de todas las familias—incluyendo la pro- Need to Register with tección de la naturaleza, la lucha en contra de la pobreza y la restauración de la dignidad de los excluidos. Asegúrense que la educación acerca del medio ambiente en nuestras instituciones Government, Vatican Says de aprendizaje se basen en principios que sean auténticamente científicos así como éticos (LS 209-215). Amplíen las oportunidades para la Vatican City, Jun 28 educación medioambiental al aire libre. Integren (CNA) - The Vatican temas de Laudato Si’ en todos los ministerios y issued new guidance programas educativos católicos. for priests and bishops in mainland China on • Funcionarios públicos. Aborden las cuestiones Friday, addressing gov- medioambientales con un planteamiento integral ernment requirements que se interese en todas las dimensiones ecológi- that clergy register with cas, sociales, culturales y económicas de la cre- the Communist govern- ación. Promulguen políticas que mejoren la cali- ment. dad del aire, disminuyan los gases contaminantes, The document, issued refuercen los sistemas del agua, protejan los eco- by the Vatican June 28, sistemas valiosos y apoyen la salud de nuestros provides “pastoral guide- habitantes. Asegúrense que la transición de una lines of the Holy See con- economía derivada de combustibles fósiles no cerning the civil registra- sobrecargue a los pobres. tion of clergy in China.” While recognizing the • Líderes empresariales. Reflexionen concienzuda- need to continue efforts mente sobre su vocación a la luz del mensaje de to normalize relations Religious persecution in China has “never been worse than it is right now. Under Laudato Si respecto a la economía, las finanzas between the Catholic ‘sinicization,’ all religions and believers must comport with and aggressively promote y las prácticas comerciales. Evalúen cómo sus community and govern- communist ideology—or else.” empresas apoyan una transición hacia la sos- ment authorities, the tenibilidad, el desarrollo humano auténtico, así document “respects the choice” of priests who refuse between the underground Catholic Church, which como el impacto del comercio en los pobres. Con- to register. is persecuted and whose episcopal appointments are sideren hasta qué grado sus iniciativas empresari- “For some time, requests have been received by typically unacknowledged by Chinese authorities, and ales, productos y comercialización hacen frente a the Holy See from Bishops in mainland China for a the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, which is las necesidades humanas genuinas y promueven concrete indication of the approach to be adopted in government-sanctioned. el bien común. relation to the obligation of presenting an application In September 2018 the Holy See and Beijing reached for civil registration,” the document begins. an agreement meant to normalize the situation of • Personas que trabajan la tierra y cuidan de ella. Priests in China are required to register with the China’s Catholics and to unify the underground Reflexionen sobre cómo su trabajo puede compagi- government in order to be able to minister openly. Church and the CPCA. nar mejor la producción económica y la protección In the process of doing so, they are expected to Despite Vatican support, that agreement has been medioambiental prestando atención a una mayor acknowledge the government’s policy of “siniciza- roundly criticized by human rights groups and some sostenibilidad. Conjuntamente con otras personas, tion.” Church leaders, including Cardinal promuevan economías agropecuarias que sean “Many pastors remain deeply disturbed [at] the Zekiun, Bishop Emeritus of . socialmente inclusivas y que resuelvan las necesi- modality of such registration,” the Vatican document The new guidelines acknowledge that the situation dades de los que pasan hambre. Protejan y eduquen states. in China remains “complex,” and that registration al público acerca del valor de los ecosistemas y cómo The Holy See also notes that the act of registra- requirements are not necessarily enforced in the podemos vivir en una relación armónica óptima tion “requires, almost invariably, the signing of a same way in all places throughout the mainland. con la naturaleza en vista de las perturbaciones document in which, notwithstanding the commit- There is, the Vatican says, a need to balance the climáticas, los incendios y las sequías. ment assumed by the Chinese authorities to respect legitimate concerns of some clergy with the broader also Catholic doctrine, one must declare acceptance, aim of regularizing the status of the underground • Artistas e innovadores. Descubran nuevas formas among other things, of the principle of indepen- Church. de resaltar la belleza de la creación e inspirar una dence, autonomy and self-administration of the “On the one hand, the Holy See does not intend cultura de atención humana y ecológica a la luz Church in China.” to force anyone’s conscience. On the other hand, it de las aplicaciones morales de la encíclica del If, the document says, “the text of the declaration considers that the experience of clandestinity is not Papa. Evalúen cómo su arte, diseño e innovación required for the registration does not appear respect- a normal feature of the Church’s life and that history moldean la cultura humana. Inviten la inicia- ful of the Catholic faith,” priests should specify - in has shown that pastors and faithful have recourse to tiva empresarial en el desarrollo tecnológico que writing if possible, or else in front of witnesses – that it only amid suffering, in the desire to maintain the renueve la cultura humana y el bien común. the declaration is made only to the extent it is “faithful integrity of their faith.” to the principles of Catholic doctrine.” “Until such time as a modality for the civil registra- Los Obispos esperan que esta reflexión sobre cómo “At the same time, the Holy See understands and tion of the clergy that is more respectful of Catho- las vías de Laudato Si’ se relacionan a nuestras vidas respects the choice of those who, in conscience, decide lic doctrine, and thus of the consciences of those personales inspiren a los fieles y a toda persona de that they are unable to register under the current involved, is established,” the Vatican document states, buena voluntad a procurar respuestas al llamado del conditions.” “no intimidatory pressures [may] be applied to the Papa Francisco a una renovación espiritual y que “The Holy See remains close to them and asks the ‘non-official’ Catholic communities, as, unfortu- respondamos con medidas que dan vida al hacer Lord to help them to safeguard the communion with nately, has already happened.” frente a los desafíos que enfrentamos en el siglo XXI. their brothers and sisters in the faith, even in the face In April of this year, government officials offered a ELEMENTOS ADICIONALES Conferencia Católi- of those trials that each one will have to face.” bounty for information leading to the arrest of under- ca de California www.cacatholic.org ❖ The Catholic Church in China has long been split (see Chinese Priests, page 22)

NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 21 (Chinese Priests, cont. from page 21) ground religious leaders. Since the signing of the provisional agreement in September, 2018, several Catholic bishops and priests have been either arrested or detained by state authorities. At a Congressional hearing held in Washington CALENDAR on June 27, Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), co-chair of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, said that July 26th - 28th July 8th - 12th religious persecution in China has “never been worse Steubenville NorCal Little Flower Diocese Youth Camp Participants must have completed 8th grade. than it is right now.” Participants between 9-16year old. parent More information: https://lifeteen.com/events/ “Under ‘sinicization,’ all religions and believers permission slip needed. For more information steubenville-norcal/ must comport with and aggressively promote com- e-mail: [email protected]. phone: 707-566-3371 munist ideology—or else,” Smith said. “Religious believers of every persuasion are Ongoing in Santa Rosa July 13th harassed, arrested, jailed, or tortured. Only the com- Catholic Charities’ Senior Transportation Program Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa BBQ pliant are left relatively unscathed. Bibles are burned, is a free service for seniors 60+ living in Santa Rosa. Please join us for an afternoon of fun, family, and Our dedicated and trained volunteer drivers take churches are destroyed, crosses set ablaze atop church fellowship! This fun-filled day features: Barbecue Tri- seniors to medical appointments, grocery shopping steeples.” Tip or Chicken Chili, Salads, and all the trimmings, and other similar errands. Medical appointments Noting that article 36 of the Chinese constitution Fine Napa Valley Wines, Great Desserts Sparkling are given priority. Our program operates Monday conversation, Elegant surroundings, Games for the explicitly guarantees religious freedom, the new through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. To Children/petting zoo Raffle Items from the Sisters Vatican guidelines reference the 2018 provisional schedule a ride, call 707-528-2063 and leave a Raffle (Courtesy of Ignatius Press) Instant Wine agreement’s recognition of the “independence” of the message with your ride request the week before Cellar Raffle, 3 cases of the finest Napa Valley Wines. you need your scheduled ride. Church in China. Cost: In advance: $50/person and $90/family At This independence should in no way be interpreted the door is $60/person and $110/family Special as an independence from the authority of the pope, Reserved Tables for 8: $500 Raffle Tickets: $25/ticket Ongoing or 5 for $100. Please make plans to stop by the the guidelines say, and the term is only to be under- Thursdays 5:30pm BBQ on July 13th, or offer an online donation! The stood “relative to the political sphere, as happens “Pray for Priests” Prayer Group favor of your reply is requested - R.S.V.P. to Carole everywhere in the world in the relations between the St. Sebastian Parish Duncan at [email protected] Universal Church and the particular Churches.” Is God calling you to enrich your prayer life in the very meaningful way? If so, you are welcome to As the situation develops, the Vatican document July 20th come to our parish “Pray for Priests” prayer group urges the faithful in China to take an understanding All invited to July Ultreya on Thursdays, 7-8pm in St. Sebastian’s church. approach to different decisions made in good con- The Catholic Movement of the Diocese of Weekly attendance is not a requirement, join us Santa Rosa invites all Catholics to attend a Ultreya science by their leaders. when you can. on Saturday, July 20, from 2 – 4 p.m. at St. Elizabeth “It is important,” the document says, “that the lay Seton Church, 4595 Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park. faithful not only understand the complexity of the Ultreya means “moving forward,” and Ultreya situation but in addition accept with an open heart gatherings teach more about our faith and how Youth and Young Adults the anguished decision taken by their pastors, what- to walk more closely with Jesus Christ and other Stay current on Youth & Young Adult ministry ever it may be. The local Catholic community should Christians. Those who want to know more about events in the diocese: www.sryouth.org & www. accompany them in a spirit of faith, with prayer and the Catholic Cursillo Movement and those who catholicya.org. Humboldt State Newman Center affection, refraining from any judgement of the have already lived a Cursillo weekend are invited to events: attend. For further information call Molly Touchette Regina - [email protected] choices of others, maintaining the bond of unity and at 707-292-8389 or Olga Dorado at 707-755-0022. http://www.hsunewmancenter.com demonstrating mercy towards all.” ❖

July 24th Renowned papal biographer and Catholic scholar George Weigel Will speak on “My Unexpected Life with Pope St To have your calendar event listed John Paul II”, Wednesday, July 24, 7 PM, at Kolbe Academy- Prep, 2055 Redwood Rd, Napa. For please email us! more information call 707-258-9030. [email protected]

(Global Religious Liberty, cont. from page 11) The U.S. itself has been a focus of concerns for reli- Pompeo said the State Department is elevating its gious freedom. While freedom of religion is guaran- Office of International Religious Freedom and its teed by the U.S. Constitution and state constitutions, Office of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat anti-discrimination laws and policies have forced Anti-Semitism, effective immediately. These offices Catholic adoption agencies to close, while Christians will now report directly to the undersecretary for in the wedding industry face pressure to serve same- civilian security, democracy and human rights. sex wedding ceremonies or face lawsuits. Tony Perkins, chair of the U.S. Commission on The House of Representatives recently passed the International Religious Freedom, welcomed the Equality Act, which would strip religious freedom report. He said the State Department should not use protections against many discrimination lawsuits. pre-existing sanctions or indefinite wavers because The Little Sisters of the Poor continue a legal fight to these “provide little or no incentive for govern- secure their protections from mandatory health care ments of CPC-designated countries to reduce or coverage of drugs and procedures barred by Catholic halt egregious religious freedom violations.” ethics. The commission was established by Congress to The Trump administration’s ban against travelers from monitor and report on threats to religious freedom several predominantly Muslim countries, characterized abroad. It makes policy recommendations to the during his campaign as a “Muslim ban,” was among President, to the Secretary of State and to Congress. other actions that prompted strong concern. It was It released its own report in April. upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision. ❖ July 20: St. Apollinaris

22 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org How ‘Hosanna-Tabor’ Is Shaping Employment at Catholic Schools

Washington D.C. June who work for religious institutions, and who have a bishop to not renew the contract of a teacher who is 30th (CNA) In the role in the religious mission of these institutions.” in a civil same-sex marriage, opting to keep him on wake of recent con- The effects of Hosanna-Tabor may be seen in the staff. The other high school decided not to renew the troversies over teach- coming years, as the exercise of religious liberty in contract of one of their teachers who is in a same-sex er hiring, and firing, schools becomes a bigger and bigger problem. marriage, who is, coincidentally, married to the other at religious schools, “One place where this is coming up a fair bit and teacher. CNA spoke with pro- creating some controversy is when you have religious Other religious liberty issues are beginning to arise fessor Rick Garnett schools that are firing teachers who enter into a civil over school vouchers. The Maryland Department from Notre Dame same-sex marriage,” said Garnett. of Education last year disqualified Bethel Christian Law School to discuss “That’s happened at a number of Catholic schools Academy from participating in the state’s Broaden- the future of religious around the country. And in a number of these cases ing Options and Opportunities for Students Today A minister, said Garnett “is liberty. In 2012 the US have been lawsuits saying the firing was illegal, on the voucher program, which benefits low-income stu- broader than just, you know, Supreme Court ruled ground that it was discrimination.” dents in the area. an ordained priest or pastor. unanimously in the The schools, Garnett said, have responded to the The department had previously requested to see the It includes people who work case Hosanna-Tabor claims of discrimination that these teachers are teach- student handbooks of schools in the program. Bethel’s for religious institutions, Evangelical Lutheran ing at Catholic schools, and therefore are ministers. handbook includes a statement of Christian beliefs and who have a role in the Church and School v. “So far, there’s been some disagreement about how about marriage and sexuality. religious mission of these institutions.” EEOC that the Free to handle these cases in the Supreme Court,” said Garnett told CNA that does not think schools Exercise Clause of the Garnett. should be forced to give up the ministerial exemp- First Amendment prevents the government from Recently, two Jesuit high schools in tion to get vouchers, and that “every school [should] interfering with the hiring or firing of ministers. The were in the news. One defied orders from the arch- get some sort of public support.” ❖ case also determined what can be considered under the ministerial exception. A woman named Cheryl Perich was a religion teacher at Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran School for five years, before she went on disability in 2004. When she was cleared to work the following year, she was not offered her job back, and the school said they had hired someone else to teach religion. Perich then sued for unlawful dismissal, stating that her firing was a violation of the Americans with Dis- abilities Act. The court said that her firing was in fact not unlaw- ful, due to the religious component of her job, which the Supreme Court said likened her to a minister. The government cannot be involved with the employment of ministers, which would be a violation of the First Amendment. The Establishment Clause would prevent “a situ- ation like in England, where the queen picks the bishop,” explained Garnett. “The idea behind the ministerial exception is that our Constitution doesn’t permit stuff like that.” A minister, said Garnett “is broader than just, you know, an ordained priest or pastor. It includes people

July 1: St. Junipero Serra

NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org 23 How A Search for A Church, and for Truth, Led This Protestant Family to Catholicism

Atlanta, GA June 29th (CNA) Allison DeVine’s con- DeVine noted that the pregnancy itself had been ‘Well, I guess we’re in the Catholic Church now.’” version began in a preschool classroom. another seed planted in the family’s life that pointed DeVine joked that “my husband read his way into There, she met another woman named Allison - a them towards Catholicism. The couple had used the Church, but I birthed my way in.” Catholic. The two women started talking because IUDs for contraception, until Allison found out they The DeVines started regularly attending Mass their daughters had become playmates. Both girls had were abortifacients. They switched to Natural Family once their son was discharged from the hospital. strong personalities, and neither Allison believed the Planning, and became pregnant during what seemed They enrolled in RCIA, and they formally entered preschool friendship would stick. like an “impossible time,” based on their charts. Even the Catholic Church this past Easter, in April of But it did. The Allisons laughed about the improb- before their conversion, God was calling the couple 2019. able friendship of their strong-willed daughters. to trust him more deeply through the unexpected The switch to Catholicism had its rocky moments, “It was one of those moments we knew that we had pregnancy, DeVine noted. including the loss of several of the family’s Protestant to be friends. Our daughters intimidate everybody, As DeVine’s husband continued his church search, friends, who disagreed with some social teachings of but they got along fine. We were astonished that “one night he woke me up in bed and said ‘I have to the Catholic Church. they didn’t intimidate each other,” DeVine told CNA. talk to Allison,” DeVine recalled. “I was like, ‘Okay... “God has really provided, though, because that core “We began talking, our friendship grew deeper, you can have her number,’” DeVine told her husband, group of women, the four of us, we’re still very close, and we found ourselves having more and more con- “and he was like, ‘No, I think we’re going to become and there is so much respect,” DeVine said. versations that came back around to faith,” DeVine Catholic.’” Becoming Catholic in 2019, however, is not a move said. Devine remembered rolling back over and telling for the faint of heart. Soon the circled widened to include other him: “I’m going back to bed.” DeVine acknowledged that while she and Jason women. Devine, a mother of three, describes the But for Jason DeVine, a fire was lit. He started read- were aware of the scandals in the Church surrounding small group as “A Catholic, a Protestant, an agnos- ing “everything he could get his hands on” about the former cardinal Theodore McCarrick, and other tic, and a Mormon…it sounds like the set up to a Catholicism. It was during that same week that the serious abuse allegations against prelates at various good joke, but we had very in depth conversations family went to Catholic Mass on Sunday for the first levels in the hierarchy, they “weren’t fazed by it.” about what we believed; we respected each other time ever. “When you work in the church as I did, in vari- completely.” “We were totally lost, didn’t know when to stand ous Christian denominations all my life, you already As DeVine and her Catholic friend - the other Alli- or sit,” Allison DeVine said. “And at the end of the know about everything that goes on behind closed son - grew closer, their conversations always seemed Mass, my husband looked over and was like, ‘Yes, I doors,” she said. “Nothing shocked us. The difference to come back around to spirituality and belief, and think this is it.”’ is, though, these other churches aren’t big enough, eventually focused on the differences between Prot- At that first Mass, the parish announced that later aren’t institutionally organized in the same way. So estantism and Catholicism. that day, they would be beginning a series of talks some of them may break news for about five minutes, “One Halloween, we were all out in a group, trick or on Catholicism. Allison’s husband told her: “We’re but nothing seems to capture the headlines the way treating. The kids were running around, going crazy, coming back tonight.” Catholic scandals do,” she added. and in the middle of it all, my friend looks over at “I am so pregnant at this point, and I am exhausted, “It’s actually amazing to me, because Jesus says me and my husband and goes: ‘Y’all will eventually I was almost in tears at his suggestion, just because ‘you will be persecuted for my sake,’ and we can see become Catholic.”’ I was so tired,” she recalled, “but I agreed to come that in the way the Catholic Church is constantly in “My husband Jason and I were both like, ‘whatever’,” back.” the news, constantly under media scrutiny. For us DeVine recalled. DeVine said the very first night of the parish mis- it was truly a mark that this was the true Church,” At the time, Protestantism was home for the sion answered “almost all of my questions” about DeVine said. DeVines. DeVine and her husband were small Catholicism. Still, they decided to return for a second “Every one of us are sinners, we all have our issues,” group leaders at their Protestant church, and night. said DeVine. “He [Jesus] is the only one of us that’s DeVine had worked in Protestant churches for During that second session, DeVine got up from perfect.” most of her career. the pew to stretch her legs and walk out some of her The DeVine’s chose Sts. Gianna and Simon the “But slowly, God began taking everything apart,” pregnancy discomfort. Zealot, respectively, as their confirmation saints. As a Devine said. Their small group fell apart. Things at “(A) little old man in the back of the church stopped mother herself who experienced complications in her their church “just weren’t right.” me to ask when I was due,” she said. “I told him, ‘Not first pregnancy, DeVine feels very close to St. Gianna. “We started looking for another church. And what for seven weeks,’ and he said, ‘Oh, no, that’s not right, Inspired by their pro-life convictions, the DeVines we found during I guess what Protestants would call you’re having that baby any day now.”’ have also founded a nonprofit to benefit the unborn, ‘church shopping’ was that nobody was grounded in DeVine returned to her pew and shared his predic- called the The Bespoke Foundation. truth. And that’s where it all started for my husband,” tion, laughing about it with her husband. She joked “We’re not good at going down and sitting in front she said. that “maybe we should take him at his word since we of abortion clinics and talking to people, but we can As things further deteriorated in their current are in a Catholic church, and they do seem to know sure raise money. So we started a foundation to ben- church environment, the new year found DeVine their pregnant women.” efit the crisis pregnancy clinics around the greater and her husband church shopping on New Year’s day, By the end of that second night, DeVine said, “All Atlanta area.” looking for somewhere to worship. of my questions were answered. It was as if that little DeVine cited the rosary, the Eucharist, and the “All the churches were closed in observance of New priest who came to preach was actually speaking reality of there being “church everywhere, always, Year’s Day. Which was just baffling to us. It was the directly to our family. Every single question. Every- anywhere we go in the world” as some of the biggest first day of the year, but we couldn’t find a place to thing we were wrestling with.” gifts of becoming Catholic. begin our year in worship,” DeVine recalled. As it turned out, they wouldn’t have been able to And Allison’s friend, the other Allison? She is now Their frustration over shuttered churches set off a return for that third night anyway, because Allison the godmother to one of the DeVine’s children. “chain reaction” in DeVine’s husband. went into labor that night and their tiny son was born “God had all the details worked out ahead of time. “He started reading about every single different the next morning—seven weeks early, but “perfectly He really thought of everything, it really is amazing.” denomination, going through every single Protestant healthy, defying every odd.” Allison’s husband, Jason, blogged about the denomination. I am pretty pregnant at this point and “We had a priest come and bless him that night, at family’s journey into Catholicism at his blog, basically was just asking him for cliffs notes,” she said. the hospital, and we looked at each other and said, www.397totheLamb.com. ❖

24 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2019 / www.srdiocese.org