Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16609-7 — the Cambridge History of Science Fiction Edited by Gerry Canavan , Eric Carl Link Index More Information

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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16609-7 — the Cambridge History of Science Fiction Edited by Gerry Canavan , Eric Carl Link Index More Information Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16609-7 — The Cambridge History of Science Fiction Edited by Gerry Canavan , Eric Carl Link Index More Information Index 28 Days Later, 704 contemporary SF, 565–6, 578–9 3%, 712 criticism, 569 334, 134 definition, 101 2001: A Space Odyssey, 355, 493, 634, 703 early twentieth century, 106–8 film, 117, 403–5 Aâma, 628 genre SF, 409–13 Abar, the First Black Superman, 404 mainstream literature and, 113–15 Abbey, Edward, 436, 443 music, 400–3, 566 Abbott, E. A, 65 New Wave SF, 396–400 Abernethy, John, 41 as niche genre, 108–13 Abnett, Dan, 618 science fiction community and, 115–18 Abrams, J. J., 501, 599, 739 theory and historicism, 566–70 Abrams, Pete, 626 Afronauts, 565 Abrashkin, Raymond, 267 AfroSF, 682, 688 academic work and courses, 460–2, see also Again, Dangerous Visions, 332 criticism Aglietta, Michel, 510 on fan culture, 737–8 Air Wonder Stories, 142 teaching, 473–7 Akira, 533 Acker, Kathy, 508 film, 533–4, 540 Ackerman, Forrest J., 299 manga, 629 Action Comics, 196 Alas, Leopoldo, 66 Actor-Network Theory, 743 Albert, Prince Consort, 80 Adams, Henry, 121 Aldebaran, 628 Adorno, Theodore, 173, 223, 506, 687, 748 Aldini, Giovanni, 41 Advent Press, 312 Aldiss, Brian, 35, 50, 138, 313, 314–15, 328, 330, Adventure, 141 347, 428 Adventures of Luther Arkwright, The, 627 Earthworks, 439 advertising, 254, 255, 262 Alf, 543, 545 Aelita, 133, 282 Alien Nation, 497 novel, 179 Alien series, 153, 453, 485, 500, 537, 541, 544, 634 Africa, 680 video games, 638 African SF, 687–95 Alien Worlds, 622 anthologies, 688 Allain, Marcel, 177 Afrika Bambaataa, 365 Allen, Grant, 48 Afrofuturism, 754 Allen, Irving, 491 African SF, 691–2 Allen, Marshall, 400 anthologies, 567 All-Story, 141 comics, 405–9 al-Marashi, Ibrahim, 685 772 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16609-7 — The Cambridge History of Science Fiction Edited by Gerry Canavan , Eric Carl Link Index More Information Index Almost Human, 704 Arcelin, Adrien, 55 Alonso, Alejandro, 677 architecture, 131 Alonso, Axel, 499 Arendt, Hannah, 422 Alphaville, 354 Argentine SF, 665 Altered States, 542 Argosy, 135, 141 alternate history, 5, 58, 175, 328, 398, 693 Aristophanes, 15 Alvaro, Corrado, 184 Aristotle, 15 amateur press associations (APA), 298 Armageddon, 542 Amazing Stories, 36, 137, 138, 144, 147, 149, 297 Armstrong, Tim, 132 American Flagg!, 622 Arnason, Eleanor, 376 American Graffiti, 494 Arnold, Mathew, 70, 78 American National Exhibition, 247 Arreola, Juan José, 665 Amis, Kingsley, 249, 312, 468 Arrival, 634 Amis, Martin, 508 artificial intelligence (AI), 703–4, see also Amphibious Man, 394 cyborgs; robots Amulet, 631 Ash, Fenton, 266 Anderson, Brent, 620 Ashley, Al and Abby Lou, 186, 188 Anderson, Gerry, 360 Ashley, Mike, 142 Anderson, Jeffrey, 106 Ashoka, 20 Anderson, M. T., 721–2 Asimov, Isaac, 98, 145, 146, 149, 153, 187, 199, Anderson, Michael, 357, 455 201, 290, 313, 359, 464, 650 Anderson, Poul, 115, 162, 219, 270, 277, 331, 333, 386 children’s fiction, 268 Anderson, Reynaldo, 568 Foundation series, 157, 164, 201–2, 208 Anderson, Sylvia, 360 Galactic Empire series, 215 Andromeda Nebula, 394 Gods Themselves, The, 453 Anestin, Victor, 171 Our Angry Earth, 587 Angenot, Marc, 470 robot stories, 155, 210–12 Angry Brigade, The, 350 short stories, 152, 155, 163 Animal Man, 621 Astonishing Stories, 142, 163 animation, 263 Astounding Stories, 135–6, 144, 149, 159–63, Anoud, 684 164–5, 187, 234, 290 anthologies, 308, 317, 329, 332, 438, 522 second-wave writers, 152–8 African SF, 688 Astro City, 620 Afrofuturist, 567, 754 Asturias, Miguel Ángel, 666 cyberpunk, 522, 531, 534 Atheling, William, Jr., 310 Dangerous Visions, 330–2 Attack of the Crab Monsters!, 284 England Swings SF, 329–30 Attack of the Giant Leeches!, 284 Iraqi SF, 683–4 Attack on Titan, 629 Latin American SF, 666 Attack the Block, 699 Anthropocene, 583, 688, 749 Attebery, Brian, 137, 192 anticonsumerist SF, 248, 259–60 Atwood, Margaret, 263, 532, 593 Antiphanes of Berge, 17 Handmaid’s Tale, The, 555, 708 Antique period, 11–15 Austin, Jane, 728 Ant-Man, 706 Authority, The, 620 apocalypse, 21 Automata, 703, see also cyborgs; robots Apollinaire, Guillaume, 120, 125 in Sanskrit epics, 20 Apollo 18, 702 medieval accounts, 18 Applebaum, Noga, 277 Automata, 703 Arabic writing avant-garde art and writing, 124–9 medieval, 23–4 Avatar, 699 Arakawa, Hiromu, 629 Avila, Eric, 285 Araki, Gregg, 708 Azevedo, Aluísio, 674 Araquistain, Luis, 182 Aziz, Basma Abdel, 683, 685 773 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16609-7 — The Cambridge History of Science Fiction Edited by Gerry Canavan , Eric Carl Link Index More Information Index B, Khari, 565 Battlestar Galactica, 361, 498, 599, 600, 608–9, Bá, Gabriel, 624 697–8, 701 Babits, Mihaly, 183 Baudelaire, Charles, 122 Babylon 5, 482, 497, 498 Baudrillard, Jean, 503, 510, 604, 749 Bacigalupi, Paolo, 531, 581, 593, 724 Bauhaus School, 131 Back to Africa movement, 112 Bava, Mario, 153 Back to the Future, 548 Bay, Michael, 542, 700, 707 Bacon, Francis, 27 Beacon publishing, 142 Bacon-Smith, Camille, 302 Beatles, the, 349 Baddock, Barry, 475, 476 Beaumont, Matthew, 81 Bader, Ali, 685 Beauvoir, Simone de, 557 Badham, John, 543 Beidler, Phil, 422 Bailey, Barrington, 342 Belcampo, 169 Bailey, J. O., 467 Bell, Andrea, 668 Baird, Stuart, 706 Bell, Pedro, 401 Bajram, Denis, 628 Bellamy, Edward, 74, 75, 104, 140, 685 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 653 Belov, Mikhail, 382 Baldwin, James, 408, 409 Belyaev, Alexander, 178, 381 Balibar, Etienne, 746 Benford, Gregory, 273, 476 Ballard, J. G., 260, 262, 313, 314, 318, 324, 325, Benham, Frederick, 212 326, 327, 328, 335, 336, 341, 342, 343, 353, Benoît, Pierre, 168, 176 397, 428, 503, 745 Berger, Karen, 623 Crash, 132, 503 Berkley Books, 314 natural disaster novels, 441 Berman, Marshall, 70 on death of Golden Age, 338 Berthet, Élie, 56 short stories, 439 Besant, Walter, 61 Balmer, Edwin, 147 Besson, Luc, 628 Balsamo, Anne, 752 Bester, Alfred, 116, 248, 312, 324, 336, 468, 507 Balzac, Honoré de, 51 bestiaries, 19 Banham, Reyner, 131 Bethke, Bruce, 519 Banks, Iain, 508, 518, 563 Beukes, Lauren, 263, 556, 690 Banneker, Benjamin, 106 Beyond, 325 Barad, Karen, 551 Bierce, Ambrose, 109, 127 Baradit, Jorge, 677 Bigelow, Kathryn, 528, 544 Barbarella, 354 Bignell, Jonathan, 280 Barjavel, René, 175, 184 Bikini atoll, 284 Barnes, Julian, 508 Bilderdijk, Willem, 63 Barnes, Steven, 410, 575 Billion Year Spree, 314 Aubry Knight trilogy, 575 Bionic Woman, The, 431, 494 Insh’Allah series, 576 biopolitics, 753 Barnouw, Dagmar, 472 biopunk, 532 Barr, Marleen S., 374, 376, 568 BioShock, 638 Barron, Neil, 466, 471, 474, 475 biotechnology, 704–5 Barry, Max, 263 Bioware, 635 Bartel, Paul, 356 Bioy Casares, Adolfo, 127, 665 Barthes, Roland, 120, 317 Birth of a Nation, 103 Bass, T. J., 440 Bisson, Terry, 518 Basu, Balaka, 721 Bitch Planet, 624 Bates, Harry, 144, 149 Black America, 709 Batman, 196, 482 Black Hole, 625 comic books, 487, 620 Black Lightning, 409 films, 546, 599 Black Mirror, 702 Battlefield Earth, 698 Black Panther, 406–7 774 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16609-7 — The Cambridge History of Science Fiction Edited by Gerry Canavan , Eric Carl Link Index More Information Index Black Samurai, 404 Bradley, David, 115 Blackenstein, 405 Bradley, Marion Zimmer, 334 Blackmore, Tim, 427 Bradshaw, Jamie, 710 Blade Runner, 134, 523, 530, 542, 545, 634 Braindead, 698 Blake et Mortimer, 627 Branded, 710 Blake, Victoria, 532 Braxton, Anthony, 403 Blake, William, 30 Bretonne, Nicolas-Edme Restif de la, 32 Blake’s 7, 361 Breuer, Miles J., 145 Blasim, Hassan, 683, 684 Brin, David, 581, 585–6, 588 blaxploitation, 404, 413 British Medical Association, 44 Blaylock, James P., 526 Brittle Paper, 688 Bleiler, E. F., 90, 98, 141, 143, 145, 146, 467, 741 Brjusov, Valerij, 181 Bleunard, Albert, 62 Brookfield, Arthur Montagu, 56 Blish, James, 163, 164, 187, 215, 309, 310, 314, Brooklyn Science Fiction League, 295, 296 440, 467 Brown, Alan, 541 Bloch, Robert, 187, 290, 312 Brown, Bill, 88 blogging, 303 Brown, Charles Brockden, 87 Blomkamp, Neill, 598, 692, 699, 703, 710 Brown, Dena Benatan, 460 Bobyr, Zinaida, 386 Brown, Fredric, 162, 259 Boccioni, Umberto, 132 Brown, Rosel George, 237 Bodin, Felix, 71 Brunner, John, 331, 439, 451, 520, 587 Bodomo, Frances, 565 Buck Rogers, 148, 206, 234, 235, 486, 626 Bogdanov, Alexander, 128–9, 167, 179 radio adaptation, 289 Boggs, Redd, 310 television versions, 361 Bohm, David, 621 Buckell, Tobias S., 593 Bois, William Pène Du, 267 Buckner, M. M., 581, 588, 591–2 Boitard, Pierre, 55 Budrys, Algis, 164 Bolter, Jay David, 604 Budz, Mark, 588 bomb shelter, 222 Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 547 Bond, Nelson, 153 Bukatman, Scott, 523 Bonfiglioni, Kyril, 325 Bulgakov, Mikhail, 174 Bong, Joon-ho, 710 Bulme, Kenneth, 325 Booker, M. Keith, 218 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 47, 65, 85 Boorman, John, 356 Bunch, David R., 343 Borderlands series, 639 Burgess, Anthony, 327, 439 Bordewijk, Ferdinand, 183 Burke, Edmund, 37 Borges, Jorge Luis, 392, 665, 666 Burling, William J., 250 Born on the Fourth of July, 421 Burns, Charles, 625 Bould, Mark, 104, 207, 214, 215, 249, 250, 281, Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 125, 140, 141, 426, 358, 680, 686, 743 486, 699 Boulle, Pierre, 354 Burroughs, William S., 128, 262, 327, 336, Bourke-White, Margaret, 252 344, 362 Boussenard, Louis Henri, 57 Burton, Tim, 545, 546, 707 Bova, Ben, 270, 319, 473, 592, 593 Busiek, Kurt, 620 Bowie, David, 365–6 Busse, Kristina, 302 Boy and His Dog, A, 336, 355 Butler, Andrew, 375, 420 Boye, Karin, 184 Butler, Judith, 238, 239, 550, 551, 557 Boyle, Danny, 702, 704 Undoing Gender, 563 Boyle, T.

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    80SK0NIAN #44 November, 1998 3 Table of Contents The Editor Speaks Writes 4 The Game (Terry Hickman) 5 Space*Time Buccaneers (Ian Gunn) 13 Boskone XXXV (Evelyn Leeper) 17 Bears in Space (Joe Mayhew) 30 Orbita Dicta (Bob Devney) 31 TAFF Race Announcement 39 N3F Short Story Contest Announcement 41 Letters of Comment 42 Contributors 50 Front Cover art by Leigh Kimmel; Back Cover art by Patricia Pierce Phillips Interior illustrations by Sheryl Birkhead, Brad Foster, Teddy Harvia, Anna Hillier, Joe Mayhew, Patricia Pierce Phillips, Gene Stewart, and Karl Winkler. Official Notices Proper Boskonian is still trying to catch up to being a quarterly (or semi-annual) genzine of the New England Science Fiction Association. Send contributions (writing, art, and/or letters) to: Proper Boskonian NESFA PO Box 809 Framingham, MA 01701 ore-mail: All opinions expressed herein are those of the individual contributors, and may not represent the views of NESFA. All articles and artwork are copyrighted 1998 by their creators, and reprinted here by their permission. One copy of Proper Boskonian is free to each NESFA member and contributor; additional copies are available through NESFA for $3.00 each, unless you’re nice to me, in which case it’s free. Back issues are also available. Legalese “Boskone” is a registered service mark of the New England Science Fiction Association, Inc. (NESFA), PO Box 809, Framingham, MA 01701, USA, a Massachusetts 501(c)3 non-profit literary organization. “Worldcon”, “World Science Fiction Convention”, “WSFS”, “World Science Fiction Society” and “Hugo Award” are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS), an unincorporated literary society.
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