Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16609-7 — the Cambridge History of Science Fiction Edited by Gerry Canavan , Eric Carl Link Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16609-7 — The Cambridge History of Science Fiction Edited by Gerry Canavan , Eric Carl Link Index More Information Index 28 Days Later, 704 contemporary SF, 565–6, 578–9 3%, 712 criticism, 569 334, 134 definition, 101 2001: A Space Odyssey, 355, 493, 634, 703 early twentieth century, 106–8 film, 117, 403–5 Aâma, 628 genre SF, 409–13 Abar, the First Black Superman, 404 mainstream literature and, 113–15 Abbey, Edward, 436, 443 music, 400–3, 566 Abbott, E. A, 65 New Wave SF, 396–400 Abernethy, John, 41 as niche genre, 108–13 Abnett, Dan, 618 science fiction community and, 115–18 Abrams, J. J., 501, 599, 739 theory and historicism, 566–70 Abrams, Pete, 626 Afronauts, 565 Abrashkin, Raymond, 267 AfroSF, 682, 688 academic work and courses, 460–2, see also Again, Dangerous Visions, 332 criticism Aglietta, Michel, 510 on fan culture, 737–8 Air Wonder Stories, 142 teaching, 473–7 Akira, 533 Acker, Kathy, 508 film, 533–4, 540 Ackerman, Forrest J., 299 manga, 629 Action Comics, 196 Alas, Leopoldo, 66 Actor-Network Theory, 743 Albert, Prince Consort, 80 Adams, Henry, 121 Aldebaran, 628 Adorno, Theodore, 173, 223, 506, 687, 748 Aldini, Giovanni, 41 Advent Press, 312 Aldiss, Brian, 35, 50, 138, 313, 314–15, 328, 330, Adventure, 141 347, 428 Adventures of Luther Arkwright, The, 627 Earthworks, 439 advertising, 254, 255, 262 Alf, 543, 545 Aelita, 133, 282 Alien Nation, 497 novel, 179 Alien series, 153, 453, 485, 500, 537, 541, 544, 634 Africa, 680 video games, 638 African SF, 687–95 Alien Worlds, 622 anthologies, 688 Allain,
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