Since 1957

Thur.dt . l'tI)ItIIry 2(104 Vol. 47 \o. 33 NilesBug( Dist. 63-plans referendum

BY WENDY ELLIS [email protected]

nearly $4 million dollar bridget slxatfall king East Maine Elementary Dist 63 could cost the district ils band pm- gzum increase class sises to as many as 30 students Ihr evesy teacher, and willeliminate a lsge number of jobs,chiding secoetanes, cnistpdi- ans, teaching assistants and hasch -- -s'_-- loom help.The cuts have bem The Chàñging Fácö of Uptown sulerdiscumion for some time, and The final Installmentofour running feature Above, cars are parked on the grass next to the Muslim Community Center (MCC) in the districtispismingitshopesonthé on Uptown addresses the Next Fifty passage of a tax nelinssxtunn on Years See page 10 Morton Grove last August. A federal mediator has been working with the Village,a neigh- borhood group and the MCC to try and resolve the dispute. MCC officials said a settlement March 16 that could ofliet many of may be near allowing them to build a mosque on the site. those cutbacks. The district will be asking voters to approve an increase of 40 cents in the education finid, fions the current rate of $1.81. The owner of a MCC settlementmaybenear$150,000 home would see an increase of$l30 in his tax bill, while Village may permit agreement," said Dr.-of homeowners surroundingthe owner of a $300,000 home Mohammed Kaiseruddin,the Muslim school. The MGOwould pay an additional $278 asrnu- construction of president of the MCC. "We'refiled suit. against the villageally.Superintendent Dr. Kathleen mosque on site hoping to sign on the dottedeven before the MCC, charg-Williams says if passed, the irico-

line this coming -meeting."-ing the - villager with unfairdran would bring in just raider $4 BY WENDY ELLIS That meeting was expected- to- -enforcement of the village-millign to thè district; and many of [email protected] be held sometime this week.code regarding parking regu-the programs and personnel now on Wrestling Conférence Surprises Although details of the possi- lations and religious servicesthe cut list could be restored. "The Maine Sduths -Nick Fallico gets confini of out of court settle-ble agreement have not beenbeing held at the school with-parents that have been most vocal Michael-Poeta at the. ment may be near forreleased, Kaiseruddin seemed out a permit. MGO Attorneyare the band parents," said Di; Champ onshlpsèttui. See pge 13. Anthe Village of Mortonhopeful a permit to build aDouglas Cannon says he hasWilliams, who said the district dis- GroveandtheMuslimmosque would be forthcorn-been contacted by the federalcarded the idea of a land file to pay Community Center (MCC).ing. The attorney representingmediator and expects to meetfor the program. t'The program isso I nd-ex WéekIy Vol. 47 No The two sides have beenthe Village in this lawsuit, Tedwith him this week. "I thinkexpensive that to have just Ihnilhes meeting under the watchfulHadley, was not as optimistic.this is just a meeting to get tobearthebrirden, they couldn't afford eye of a federal mediator in an "I am a little more reservedknowus,"saidCannon,it" Dr. Wrllianss says the probt-am -Police-Blotters 6 effort to reach an agreement inmy enthusiasm,"saidwhose clients have not beeninvolves under 400 of the district Calendar 8 that will settle a federal law-Hadley, who is representingincluded in any of the settle-3600 students,and costs over Park RidgO--.. 9 suit filed by the MCC againstthe village because former vil-ment talks between the village$156,500 toesate. the village last fall. The law-lage attorney Gabrieland thé MCC. The MGO is Anoimr program that would be Schools . 11 suit, asking $5 million in dam-Berrafato and several otheralso in the process of revis-cut Ihr st least osas year is the sims- pörts -: 13 ages, charges the village withvillage officials are named asingitslawsuit against themer school program. Dr. Williams Business .-:. 17. violating the civil rights of thedefendants in the suit. village to include monetarysays the longtime adrninistratc.w is Home.. 18 MCC in its refusal to allow Also hanging over any set-damages, something that wasretiring and the program neeristo be the construction of a mosquetlement the two sides mightnot included in the originalredesigned. Elirninathsg it forone Sönibrs- 19- next to a Muslim elementaryreach is a second lawsuit fileddocument. The MGO hasyear would be a cost savmgs and the Crossword 20 school at 8601 Menard. by the Morton Groveuntil Feb. 12 to file thatdistrict could explore makingsum- Classsitied 21 "We are coming close to anOrganization, (MGO) a groupamended lawsuit. mer school self supporting

Parents, teachers voice oppositionto D64 budgetcuts BYANDREW SCHNEIDER cuts in order to bring their fluidDistrict should maintain a highnon-mandated services from rd Oiit 64 ' [email protected] balance up to 20 percent of their fund balance, historically, wetheir special educationprogram, Fib 17-18 yearly budget. Currently, thehaven't. Don't become overlysuch as Cutting fourteaching Ul,krtre D&rea 4lm4slon Marc Groe bout 250 residents andfUnd balance is about 14 per-competitive with other school assistants. s.l fo Fib. 24 parents of Parkcent. District officiais argue thatdistricts. 64's fund balance has "The services these'assis- Pa,k Flidge Police warn against home- dge/Niles Schoolthe -fund balance is a necessaryalways ranked low becausetants' ofihr," saidone parent," District64 attendedlasthedge against a variety of possi-we've always had a commit- aren't secondary. Theyprovide a Wednesday's meeting- in theble problems, including healthment to learning. vital linktomy son. For hirn and

gymnasiWn of Carpenterinsurance claims and slowly - But parents of students justhis classmates,teaching assis- Elementary School to listen torefUnded tax revenues. entering thesystetospoke pas-tants are not'non-mandateij' the board and comment on pro-Teacher Union President Jerrysionately against what they sawservices. Fmhopeflilthat thIs posed budget cuts of $1.4 mil-Mulvahil argued that no fluidas deep cuts in special educa-Board will closelyexamine and lion. balance was necessary, however. tion, and gifted programs. The - Story Continues.. The District is considering the "There's no- reason why theDistrict is considering cutting 064 page 3. The Bugle Tburidaj, Febây 5, 2004 The Bugle Thursday Februasy 5, 2004 .. News News D64 II (Continued from page 1) 'a onehundred and first birthday protect our special needs." students to experience the benefitsbudget was not, ultimately, a solu- Man celebrates The Board is also considering aof the FLES program were justtion. Indulge totalelimination of "Primaryentering high school. "Budget cuts are ñot a solu- yourself BY WENDY ELLIS that Hartigan has passed thefuture wife, Francis, who Challenge," the gifted education "I've been fluent in Spanishtion,"saidParentKathy - [email protected] century mark. just happened to live in the programfor students from kinder-since age five," said Rodriguez,Jozwiak, "they're a bandage. witha Hartigan's journey startedsame hotel. The couple mar- garten through scQnd grade. "and I iily had 30 minutes ofAnd I don't think is just the in the late 1920'sin Cherokee, Iowa, not farned and spent their early "I feel like we're taking a stepmath. Students in the FLES pro-District that's bleeding, it's timeless whenEdFTartiganfrom Sioux City in 1903. Heydars together its Detroit But back here," said Jeffrey Huff, agram achieve at a higher level thenthe whole community. And I portrait Backwas a young man, helivedthere through highHartigan hasn't been sitting parent. "These children in Primarythey would otherwise. I can con-don't think we've skinned a would shed his day job atschool,anditwashisat home for the past 34 Challenge have special needs too,duct my middle school classes 90knee,we'rehitamajor at an the Royal Typewriter corn-healthy living and interest inyears. He is an avid bridge a need to be challenged." percent in the target language andartery." pany in and headsports that he credits for hisplayer, playing twice a week One solution many who spokethe students understand. And the In order to address its con- affordable down to the Aragonlongevity. and he is a self-described proposed,wasmakingmorestudents in high school that hadtinuing financial problems, the price. Ballroomtodance.Brand "WhenIwasinhigh"nut on sports", especially extensive cuts to the District's for-the benefit of FLES are alsoDistrict is creating a communi- new in 1926, the Aragon wasschool in Cherokee I playedfootball. He's lived through eign language program, "FLES." achieving at a higher level." ty committee to advise them the place to go for Ed andfootball and andtwo world wars and many a "We should cut FLES," said one One cost saving measure theon ways to maintain their high II, thousands of other youngbaseball and track." saidminor conflict and has his parent. "Foreign language school-District is considering is consider-quality of edûcation by such as people just starting out. Hartigan. "I was the captinopinions on today's political Ing is available at other institu-ing is an increase in the maximum"enhancing"theirrevenue; 'a "Young people from allof the football team. When Iclimate. tions for parents who feel that it'sclass size.While parents andone possibility is going to ref- over the United States werewas a kid I was always try- "I wish we could get this important and want to pay for it." teachers aren't necessarily happyerendum and asking the com- flocking to the cities," saiding to stay in shape. I didn'tIraq situation settled," said While many argued that FLESabout the proposal,it was notmunity for more money. Original Hartigan, who celebrated hiseat pie or cake and t didn'tHartigan. "That's the main should be cut back, some arguedfiercely opposed at the meeting. "This can't become an anuas- oil 101st birthday on Jan. 22. smoke. The rest of the guysthing." And what of the for its complete elimination, not- "I think that a slight increase inal sport," said Board Member "Sometimçs we'd go to thesmoked." Itwasthatpresident'sStateofthe ing that Dist. 64 spends lessclass size is a good proposal," saidJoe Baldi. "We have to find paintings dances even on Monday or - healthy start that kept himUnion Address, ofwhich instruction time on math thanAndrew Campbell, a parent. "It'sother ways to enhance finances from your Tuesday nights." Hartigan, agoing, he says. He headed tohe's heard many? "I thought many other districts in the areareversible and it spreads the painor go to referendum." memberoftheLeaningChicago after a couple yearsit was good, butIdidn't and that the time students spend inequally." The School Board has twó more favorite Tower YMCA Seniors Groupat the University of Iowathinkitwashis best foreign language would be better The District has made budgetscheduled meetings on the budget photograph. in Nues, for the past 34and got a job as a salesmanspeech." spent on the essentials. cuts in four ofthe last five years. cuts, Monday, Feb. 9 at 7:30 p.m. years,- wasfeted witha at Walkover's ShOe Store in But politics and war aside, However, Shannon Rodriguez,"This is a painful process," saidat Roosevelt Elementary School, birthday party at the Y lastthe Palmer House. A couplethe big question remained: one of theDistrict's ForeignBoard Member SueRunyon,and Monday, Feb. 23 at 7:30 p.m. For more informatión call Heather Dodge at week. Lunching with his two Who was going to win the years later he went to work Ed Hartigan turned 101 years old at Leaning Tower Language Curriculum Specialists, "both as a parent and as boardat Franklin Elementary School. (773) 301-3978 sons and many friends andselling Royal Typewriters. Superbowl? "I think New YMCA last week. said that the foreign language pro-members." On Feb. 23, the Board plans o well-wishers,onewould ItwasattheAragonEngland.They'vehada gram was vital, and that the first Parents agreed that cutting themake a final decision on the cuts. or e-mail never know to talk to himBallroom that he met hisgood team for years." [email protected] 1 r (OME IN ÀN XPRIEC T (UI1LJE AN (VI$IP WeareNOT going anywhere. Yes, r», I anofferwasmade to buyour rtheLL 'entire cOrner... we said NO! '. family .Himalayan L-1,-\t.f-s A Fine Dining Indian Restaurant Four Flaggs Csntsr, 265 GeK RO*d NUIS, IL 60714 (on GoS and MÍÑaaokeat No,d 10 the nana dna,s ldhiy. Our way of saying Adverti = . Mfe Phon: $47 324 4160, Faz: $47 324 4153 THANKS AGAIN! 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onaidReagan once said: "Allfmrn his paity and betrayed hisdemocmcy is not perfect and weyou for support. While our eIer- membership. It seems that we taustsometimés elect a "bonzo" intotoral system is unique ndd oeca- The Maine gràat change in Ameñca 7780 MIlwaukee Avenue, NUes SUB SANDWICHES gins at the dinner table."a person who shows promise;office but if that person tarnishessionally confusing, many other . HOURS (847) 965-1315 & PARTY TRAYS Coursé Inmy case meaningfùl discussions he/she geta elected, and then proves their office, they should be taken tocountries yearn for our freedoms. Mon. thru Frl. 8:30-6:00 P.M. task for this breach of the public'sThe best way to strengthen our - ÀESH- Saturday 8:30-5:00 P.M. are held over the hmch how whe unworthy of the trust placed in FRESH SALADS Sunday &30-2:OO P.M. SALE ENDS most recently I heard: "All polili-biin/het trust and removed from office at thecountry is to exercise your right to w, 1011800e the tIght te limIt qlentaloc WED., FEB ii 'RODUCTS LIQUORS and entrant pricIng etto,.. clans are crooks". I koked at Ernie Anyone elected to public officenext election. vote. DELI SANDWICHES and asked how he could make suchshould be given the respect for This month we honor our presi- Maine Township provides many a sweeping genelalizatiolL I ihit his doing a job most citizens shun. L dents, especially Georgeservicesincluding the Clerk's _n was unfowided becausehave found that most ofthe publicWashington, Abraham Lincoln andoffice where a person can register there are many good people whòservante L know share a deep corn-Ronald Reagan because they holdto vote. The deadline to register is MEATS- holdpublic office and have high eth- mitnient to serve their constituenta.a special place in our country's his-February 17th. Finally, even though we are often ical standards. While many people pursue corn-toIy. They set an ethical standard USDA GOVERNMENT INSPECTED - LEAN CUBE .MINELLI'S HOMEMADE Bob Dudycz He countered by pointing outfoitable activities after woilç elect-that we collectively admire andbombarded with the flotsam and _- Maine Township Supervisórinstances whale a polilician went toed officials are often working intoshould uy to emulate.Each ofjetsam oflocal and national politics LEG O LAMB STEAK jail for bribeianother who wasthe night to solve a problem for athem was a national figure yet theyrecent elections proved that every ITALIAN SAUSAGE Presidents'. Day gives convicted formisuse ofpublic findsresident This is especially evidentsil had strong local mots. vote counts. Make your voice heard or more secently, a local politicianin local government. Next month we have a primaryand vote March 16. George, Abe $'98 us time to reflect whoaflouslypurgedvolunteers I agreed with Ernie that ourelection where candidates count on and Ron would want you to. - LB -.5-9 MILDORHOT LB

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have proofofownership ofthe car.500 block of S. Busse through a The man agreed to a search of theloose panel on the overhead car. The man also said he was agarage door. A rotor and a caliper heroine user. The officer foundbrake were taken from a 2003 one hypodermic under the frontMitsubishi that was parked in the seat and another in a compartmentthe business's garage, Total value semoved a wallet fions the pxse of in the dashboard. ofthc enoyecs. The mmsaid of the parts was estimated at Ring missing from jeweler$1,585. hfriend w the who actsmlly lo ckwlkffde. The (olfMth) (nternational Market A one-carat diamond ring was.Burglary(1900 block of S. -Fairview) IL:Meats & menwag cha with felony thefL reported missing from a jeweler Unknown persons gained entry Bakery, Seafood ormarMuaua located in the Golf Mill Shoppingto the detached garage of a resi- .Poisea( O) Center, Moñday morning, Januarydance on the 1900 block of S. A 23.ycar-old Des Plaines man 26. Although the store managerFairview between the hours of I was airestçd ilirpossession of mari- discovered the ring missing nearlyp.m. and 9 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. juana Thursday night, Januasy 22 . two weeks earlier she did not25. Power tools were stolen. after police stepped the man fbr decide until January 26 to file an Burglary speeding sial found a bag with 2.8 incident report. (200 block of N. Home) grams of marijuana along with an Someone gained entry to a resi- ahmummi tube, in the console of the dence. under construction on the man's car. 300 block of S. Home sometime The following items were takenbetween Saturday, Jan. 24 and from official reports of the ParkMonday, Jan. 26. Power tools of . Ridge Police for the week endingunknown value were taken from The following items were taken Jan. 29, 2004. the propeity. from official reports of the Mies ---Criminal damage to pmpesly Police Departmenzfor the week end- Burglary w (l900block ofS Falrvlew) ingfan. 31, 2004. mAttempted(1600 block of S. Western) Unknown offender(s) damaged Unknown offenders attempt-a French-type door in the rear of a GolfClubs stolen ed to enter a residence by forcingresidence in the 1900 block of S. DELICATESSEN (5600 Thuhy) open the front door sometimeFairview. Damage was estimated Amandesciibedas 5 feet 10 inch- between Jan. 12 and Jan. 23. Theat $1,200. es tall and weighing about 200 door was damaged by the offend- Theft pounds made offwith $5,250 worth er(s) who did not gain entry. 16(1100 block ofS. Dee) of golf clubs from Galyans in the Burglary Unknown offendeis) forced open a Village Crossing Shopping center (500 block of S. Busse) locker in the boys' locker room of a Tuesday night, January 27. Sometime overnight Thursday,schoolinthe 100 blockofS. Dee.A According to police, witnesses said Jan. 23, an unknown offender orfleecejacked and a ceilniar phone esti- the manjust walked in, took an aim- offenders entered a business in the mated at a total of$380 were taken. fiji of clubs and walked out of the MEATS store into a red 90's Chevy Blazer. U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONE IN USD.A. CHOICE WHOLE CALL glasses stolen THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME? LAMBSTEW LEGOFLAMB aReading(9600 Milwaukee) A 45-year-old Des Plaines woman was charged with petite theft Sunday Vali DemosCRB, CRS night, Januaiy 25 when she placed a Certified Residential Real Estate pair ofreading glasses into her pock- et after removing them from a dis- Specialist with 25 years experience play in the CVS Drugstore in the servicing the Northwest Suburban areas. DAIRY 9600 block ofN. Milwaukee Ave. ALL 1/2 GALLON PRAIRIE FARMS used to decoy FREE MARKET EVALUATION UChildrenjacket theft (400 Golf Mill) Bilingual: English/German PRAIRIE FARMSORANGE JUICESOUR CREAM A 28-year-old Chicago man was arrested outside of the Sears store in Golf Mill, Sunday afternoon, 847-967-9320 Ext. li' 99 99 January 25 after store security EACH EACH 1/2 GALLON EACH PINT MORTON GROVE:withhis head resting on ablack gym28 after allegedly taking more thanGrove police after the 32-year-oldwatched the man place a $250 bag. The officer called for back up $9,000 in cash from the exchange by manager of the same currencyleather jacket under his children The following items were takenand when they searched the car theyshorting her cash drawer and adjust- exchange ìn the 6100 block of CoaJht GROCERY/FROZEN who were sitting in his shopping from official reports of the Morton found a plastic bag with maianaing her audit to cover the shortage. Dempster, who helped the 29-year-cart and then wheeled them out of FOREST VIEW 2 LB Grove Police Department for the DINICOLA ASSORTED PASTA DEI FRATELLI and a digital scale. According to the raport the short- old employee disguisea cash short- store. week ending Jan. 30, 2004. Pollee said abackground check on . 7735 NorthMilwaukee Avenue, Nues ASSORTED PASTA RYE BREAD ages began in August 2003 and theage, admitted to taking $40,000 inDtheNo comfort in comforter TOMATO JUICE the men showed the Wmfield manmanager, who workedthe same shiftcash on December 24. Themanagerscam (200 GolfMill Center) Caught with dope was wanted on an outstanding war- vith the woman, agreed to help her told the owner she needed themoney An a (9100 Waukegan) Evanston man and sant for possession ofdrug parapher- disguise theshortageuntilthe to repay someone who was threaten-Chicago woman were arrested rRESF.NTING A BANK WLTH A NAME YOU 2FOR 99' A 22-year-old Wmfield EACH ,IL man nahm woman could replace the money. Aing her children and family. PoliceSunday night, January 25 when EACH 46 OZ and a 22-year-old Glenviewman At the station the Wmfield manfew days latei; the manager said shesaidthey weré originally cailedto the they tried to return a comforter y h,dy p V- were charged with felony possesiontried to swallow a blue pill that was 5kom 'y' v noticed a shortage of $9,000 when'currency exchange on December 26 they never bought at the J.C. c.n SiAn PtTTED TALUS PINO NOIR PREMIUM GAME FRESH FRO of marijuana SaWrday morning,in his pocket while police asked himshe counted the employee's drawer. regarding the shortage but the keI,,h,, yOu, b.nk : ownerPenny store in GolfMill. Security ,'cI.,rin to,,)M Iøfln d SUd ,w no., ir OUVES CORNISHHEN MILKFISH. January 24 after Morton Grove WE UVE W5RrYOU IVE WINE. to empty his pockets. Police wereThe owner ofthe currency exchange chose not to makea report at thatsaid thcouple took a comforter hk, police found more than 35 . grains ofable to getthe manto spit outthe pillwas eventually informed of the time hoping the manager wouldpayfrom a display and attempted to manjuana in a gym bag in the man'sand it was placed into evidence. shortages. himback. As of the time of the 99Q ' $399 $599 car. Police did not know what the pifi it for credit onto a The report said the owner wasreport the owner still has not beenDreturnJ.C. Penny gift card. According to police, . . a Mortonwas. given a check for $6,500 from the paid. The manager was notairested. Hypo and needles lead to arrest CH6OZ EACH75OML,. .FOR224OZ Grove police officer watched the Both men were charged withemployee to begin paying off the Wallet stolen A- man's car speedthroughthe intersec- (7000 Dempater) felony possession of marijuana andshortage. The check bounced. (5600 Dempater) A Niles police officer found two 8800 WAUKEGAN ROAD tion at Dempster and Waukeganone countofpossessionof drug para- Assistant State's Attorneys origi- A 20-year-old Chicago man whohypodermic needlesinacar ignoring the sigaal. The officer saidphemalia. They bave a Feb.10 court sadly felt the case was a civil mattei described himself to MortonGrove Bill UJTCF MORTON GROVE, parked in front of business in the s,.,, F.,.AV (CORNER 01 WAUKEGAN & DEMPSTER) he stopped the car on in the 9100date at 1:30 pm üs room 106 at the ' butafterfurtherreviewthey police as a "gaycross dresser" was7000 block of Dempster Sunday block of Waukegan and when theSkokie Court House. approvedfelony arrested for theft Wednesday 847-967-5545 theftcharges after-morning, January 25. According to (847) 581-1029 ver exited he nortee a odor of alo- Qirrencyexcb*ngebyagainst the employee. The woman noon, Januaiy 21 after he and anoth- STATE FARM S TIIERE cohol on the man's breath and the officer he approached the car Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-9, Sat. 8-8, Sun. 8-7 a the en*Ve (61OODeuister) turned herself in to Morton Groveer man walked into sporting goods win- odor ofmarijuana after seeing it hada broken ,- SALE DATES GOOD 2/5/04 TO 2/11/04 commg from the A 29-year-old currency exchangepolice. . store in the 5600 block of Dempster, dow. The officer said thç 27-year- car. The officer also noticed anotheremployee was charged with felony Ironically, the owúer ofthe currency slipped into an area that isrestrictedold Des Plainesman behindthe man asleep in the back of the cartheft Wednesday morning, Januaiy to exchange filed a report with Morton employees, and allegedlywheel had no identification but did Thursday February 5, 2004 The Bugle I 1 T Opinion The Bugle __y_A Thursday February 5, 2004

CIVICS Dear Editor, -

. $23.3 million bond passed, Saturday, February 7 We are delighted to report to the community about the wonderful -Park Ridge voter registration, City Hall 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. outpouring of gifts to homebound residents during the holiday sea- water rates to increase May I Monday, February 9 son. The gifts were brought to the Center ofConcem's office for dis- -7 p.m. Village of Mortoñ Grove Board of Trustees regular - tribution by a corps of volunteers to the Center's grateful clients, Self-imposed 2.5 percent If the council hadn't 'voted to meeting. many of whom experience a deepening sense of isolation during hoI- bondinglimitalsoapprove the elimination of the -3p.m. Village ofNiles Fire & Police Commission Meeting iday periods. bonding limit, the new reservoir This year, the Center's transitional housing clients were added to eliminated bond would, itself, have pushed the COMMUNITY the list of recipients and the number of organizations donating gifts city over the 2.5 percent mark; cur- increased. We at the Center heartily thank Lutheran General Lunch BY ANDREW SCHNEIDER rently the city owes about $12 mil- Bunch, the Park Ride Rotary Club, Park Ridge 20th Century Club, [email protected] lion and the limit on bonding was Monday, February 9 - - about $30 million. -The Park Ridge Catholic Woman's Club will meet today at Park Ridge Juniors, Park Ridge Noon Kiwanis Club, and the Mother Teresa Guild at St. Paul of the Cross. The council's finance committee 12:15 at thè Park Ridge South Recreational Center, located at Park Ridge city councilhad been addressing the issue pre- 833 Taleott Rd., Park Ridge. The annual Games and Card passed on first reading a Mary A Schurder, viously. Aid. Don Crampton (Ist) Party is planned. Cake, coffee, and tea will be served. For The$23.3 million bond for thefeels that the elimination of the more information, contact Margaret McLean at (847) 647- Executive Director relocation of the reservoir from its The Center of Concern bonding limit will make the city 1935. - - current site in Uptown to a newcouncil more accountable, because Thursday, February 12 - location in Hinkley Park. At thethey'll have to be more open to the - presents a free community perform- Dear Editor, same meeting, the council voted to community, rather than only going ance of "The Rose Tatoo." It will be held in the Niles West eliminate a self-imposed bondingto referendum when a proposed Auditorium, 5701 W. Oakton, Skokie. 'We have to get people back n The Culver Junior High girls seventh grade basketball team did it limit of 2.5 percent of the city'sbonding issue exceeded the orbi- lobs.We have to be able to take -The Morton Grove Women's Club will hold their February care of our own homes first.' again. After completing their regular basketball season schedule total Equalized Assessed Valuation testy 2.5 percent limit. Luncheon/Program Meeeting today at the Evanston Golf Sue Friedman- Des Plaines against area junior high seventh grade girls' basketball teams, they (EA\T). Both ordinances have to be But the reservoir couldn't go to Club, 4401 Dempster., Skokie. The theme will be Valentine's played in a tournament at Nues North High School. The tournament approved on a second reading atreferendum, Crampton said, Park Ridge AId.- Mike linaglia (ist), left, and Chief of Police Day. The program will be a concert by celebrated vocalist was held on January 13th, 14th, and 15th. the next city council meeting,because the decision had already Jeff Caudill pose in front of a new gas/electric hybrid and recording artist Maureen Christine. For more informa- The girls drew a bye in the first round of play, due to their league Monday, Feb. 16 at 8 p.m. been made. tion, call Harriet at (847) 965-5498. record (8-0). They went on to win on Jan. 14, to put them in the Honda Civic. The car will replace the current parking The cost ofmoving the reservoir lfthe bond issue is approved, the Police turn green enforcement vehicle. Caudill said that -the both fuel say- Monday, February 16 - championship gaine on the 1 5th. The girls playeda very good scv- will be borne, ut part, by increasednext step is to break ground on the -A Birthday and Valentine's Day Party will be held at the enth grad opponent from Lincoln Junior High in Park Ridge. water rates. City Manager Tim ings and the environmentally-safe nature of the vehicle new Hinkley reservoir site, sched- with hybrid car made it an attractive - choice. Tingalia said that if the Leaning Tower YMCA in Nilea. Music for dancing will be It was a very lose game and the Culver girlscame out on top, to Schuenke said rates could go upuled for this fall. provided by Don Reitama's keyboard and accordion. take home a first place trophy. On béhaif of the parents, and grand- between 20 and 25 percent. The Once the new reservoir is corn- Parking Enforcement officers were happy with the car, it Refreshments will be served. Free for member, $5 for guests. parents who attended the games, we would like to thank Coach Petiti new rates go into effect May 1ifpleted, the old one Can be dernol- could also replace other municipal vehicles. The hybrid For more information, call (847) 647-8222. and the team members for a very exciting season. Congratulations the ordinance is passed on secondished and redevelopment can cost about $18,000. Tuesday, February 17 - - Jessica Ang, Jaclyn Gremley, Nicole Melfi, Samantha Parlich, Kelly reading. begin on the site. -The Morton Grove Historical Society will host Al Schafer, a Plach, Jessica Nieves, Anjeanette Mendez, Lauren Shimanovsky. beer steing collector of 35 years. He will speak about his , I wotdsaytaeaiw.Hashceb Cellphones use the airwaves, too,to eliminatethe expense and labor ofturn or miss an address in Park hobby today, at 7 p.m. at the Morton Grove Public Library, f June and Bob Wilczewski esoçs, pw3km sa - but they're optimized for human stringing wire to multiple computers Ridge again? - 6140 Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove. Schafer specializes in. and fasSi cale for al Amesira.' Nues Mary Ann Borucki- Skade voice. (Although you see mote and (and to extend computer high-speed Beginning to-see thepossibilities? glass steins produced between 1890 and 1919. The--glass more phone morphing into cameras,internet connectivity to the den orBeginning to see how you can even steins frequently advertised breweries, restaurants, hotels,or don't you?) the yard or the). save money ifthis were a public util-

beer gardens. For more information, contact the Historicäl . Letters Policy Now, -what if.. every schoolity (at, say, $50/year/household; to -Society at (847) 965-0203 WsFi relies on computer-based devices to send and receive data that room, eveti park, every business,replace alithose $50/month/unit fees every home in Pork Ridge had WiFiyou're paying now for cellphones, The Bugle encourages readers to submit lettersto the editor. To "Imagine"WiFi as almost. - can be transfonned into words,pic- PARKS be considered for publication, all letters must be signed with WiFi is upon us, literally. WiFi istures, or voice.A single deviceavailable, like we have water andlandline phones, cable TV subscrip- the writer's full name. An address and telephone number the next great thing the use of the airwaves to deliver could do everything, ifit were WiFisewer and electricity available, as adons,. ..) instead ofhaving to get content to suitably-equipped users. enabled. And you could park it at utility? a small part of those serviers, from Thursday, February 5 - (which will not be printed) must be provided for verification What if. . .eveiy police car,the private sector, and from different -7 p.m. Morton Grove Park District Recreation and Facility purposes. Letters exceeding 250 words may be edited for at if. . .you hsdthe Which means, ofeourse, ifyou don't home or carry it with youjust like a want any or some of these "fea- cellphone. ambulance, and firetruck had WiFiproviders? Program Committee meeting followed by a Parks and length or punctuation. No potentially libelous lettersor letters answer to any questionat Facility Maintenance Commmittee meeting. your fingertips,anywheretures", you can just tuns them off. WiFi must be getting ready forfor immediate - and visual - corn- -We in Park Ridge can have sil containing personal attacks will be printed. Writersare limited that. WiFi is a working, viable tech- . you WiFi is technically pretty compli- prime time because it can be foundmunication with public health and Thursday, February 12 to one letter per month. Deadline is 5 in Pailc Ridge? What if. . -7 p.m. Morton Grove Park District Administration and p.m. Fridays. could reach anyone, and anyonecated;but, for here, it's just a broad- inselect places in Pork Ridge safety professionals? nology. We gotas manypoorpecOle hem, y cast mechanism that fills the air with already. - What if. . .every toddler or To getit, send an email to, or cali, Finance Committee Meeting. - areesb*1gtast4Dpatthewholewodd.' could reach you, anytime, anywhere Tuesday, February 17 s_u s wwi wtaM Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, 7400 N. Waukegan, Niles, in ParkRidge? What if. . . youcould the internet, and more. lfyou haves The Libraiy has WiFi (free).dementia patient were able to beyour thvorite aldennan. Today. IL 60714 or fax to (847) 588-1911. what two-way portable radio that recog- Panera's in Uptown has WiFi (free located immediately and precisely? -7 p.m. Nues Park District Board meeting - choose to hear and see only you wanted fromall the available nizes WiFi, everything that you can with s purchase).Starbueks has What if. . .every car had the Imagine. - - - - WiFi ($30/month). equivalent ofLoJack or OnStar? Or u. I media in the world? What if . . . you do over a wire like a phone line or a k,t q0y 'ourd*ntàs* could have that for free? Well, TV cable you can do through the air. Many ParkRidge homes use WiFiif you could never make a. wrongChucklParkRidgeBueecom Meetings for governmental bodies ...u u MOBILE HEARING Introducing I Help Make the American Dream are held in the following locations: u u- =_ -- e Ile Come True! ....- MetLifeBank" Nibs DOMINIC'S "25 years of experience has taughtme to Village of Nues: Nues Civic Center KITC'HN - CertIfIcate of DeposIt - listen to the clients, meet their needs & 1000 Civic Center Dr., Nibs IL. STORE Items InYourcßasçì always be pleasant and cheerful." Nues Park District: Howard Leisure Center 'Cnn,tbe onbmnsd ,th 05e, nifes. Feb. 4, 2004 VictorAtanus (847) 696-0700 - APY* CoLDweu 6676Howard St.,-Nues, IL I. 2.55% Mstabrr Ntionl BANIÇCR D - (847) 696-1211 Fax Assocuatloil CIRealtors Park Ridge - !J(ow q0 Bui(i-J4-.Baskjt Can't Come ToUs- 7)384-7599DmEcr 24 months - tllinoit; Astociation RESIDENTIAL SROKSRAGE City of Park Ridge: City Hall,506Butler PI., Park Ridge, IL. We Come ToYou st-Realtors - - s Gadgets e Cookware Barware . Step 1: Cñoosea Bast 951WESTIÓUHYAVENUE-,R.nlaiI: Park Ridge Park District: Maine Park Leisure Center - For more information, visit Association . Utensile Cutlery Dinnerware - PARK RIDGE. LOOtS- - Ql asailors - 2701 - Step 2: Shop eZ Fiut'Your'Bast Sibley Ave., Park Ridge, IL Bakeware . SpecualtyFoods 847675-42O1 Graham Insurance Agency Inc. Morton Grove Step 3: Cfioose Youwvenvrapeßow Village of Morton Grove: VillageHáII, 6101Capulina Ursula T. Fromm,BC-HIS 411 5 Oakton St.Skokie, -IL-60076 Evcr:'Picture T'eUsa Story Step 4: Let Vs Put it Togetfier BC.HIS - Morton Grove,- IL. Joseph Groner, - orcall e&Vìcs Sken.."90%ofhomebuyess a,t theirsew-rJiogthe- Moiton Grove Park District: PrairieView Center Stané9fiç;rWow In Stoc& Hearing Aids 847-676-1 600. - Internvt" "PZnii' esthwwed ii.s1s are ¡(4e hg anopi hotos.. 24'7." 6834Dempster St., Morton Grove, IL - . Submit events to: [email protected] 8 S. NorthwestHwy.,ParkRidge,IL 60068847.69a-1255www.DongnicKjtchenSto,c Testing Services Ânm*i percenta. V,eld (APY) IsefteckseesJsn. 28,2504 and i&eee 24hour pre-approval by Coldwell Banker Mortgage BatterieS miprknum 5115,0. r.qdi,.d. Pasaftylw ee,ty wi1IrawaL may,eace ewAnge. L - Repairs tollfree (88X) 866-4301 Protection! Earmolds -- Ear MeILlie Baiik, N.A. www.coldwellbankeronline .cont/victorïaatanus h, N.iO4 Member FOtO L02123607 (exp. 2O5)MLB-I.D Io Thursday February 5, 2004 I The Bugle The Bugle Thursday Februasy 5, 2Ó04 11 PAiK RIDGE SCHOOLS Changingbelieve that the residents do notfilies result from the redevelop-am conscious how long construe-ment process involve full and The want thedecision-makers toment effort. tion projects take. Therefore, Icomplete disclosure of all the Nekritzencouragesstudents to applyfor scholarships "throw the baby out with the bathSue Beaumont (4th Ward): would anticipate that actual con-facts and circumstances.The Face of Uptown: Elaine Nelatz (D- cover one year oftuition atthe follow- Northern illinois University undergraduate, graduate, and prufes- be asked to release their siunmer water.' Forexample,ourThe feedback I get from the resi-struction would not begin on"process" must be above Uptown area has a certain charac- Northbmok)has aimounced thating state universities: University of NortheasternIllinoisUniversity, sional cunicuhims. The scholarships scholarship. The Next Fifty Years dents is they are hoping to fill theUptown Redevelopment until 4threproach. For inure infbnnatioíi or to receive. ter and ambience.I believe openempty stores as Uptown redevel Quarter 2004 or First QuarterRich DiPietro (2nd Ward): SRep.she will start accepting applica- Illinois (Urbana-Champaign, Southern Illinois University, and will be for tuition only; fees, books, fions for the 2004 General AssemblyChicago, and Springfield), Chicago Westem ifiinois University. room and boani will not becovered. an application, contactNekritz' con- space contributes to our City'sopment progresses.Parking is2005. Residents should be willing to tubent SeMcè offi at (g47) 257- character.Therefore, in redevel-an issue I hear about a lot, but I Scholarship pTogIBÍn. State Univemit Eastern Illinois Deadline for application will be Sinasmer tuition is also mcluded but Dawn Disher (5th Ward): bear the construction costs ofa recipients who are not attending the 0450 or e-mail your name and home opment we should maintain a cer-personally don't feel there is aTheUptownRedevelopment The scholamhips are offetwl to res- University, Governors State Apr. 30, 2004. Each scholarship will city owned garage as part of be awarded Io students enrolled in summersession at these schools will address to repnekñtziaoLcom. tain amount of open space inproblem.I don't hear about mul-should be in full swing over theUptown Redevelopment. They idenis of the 57th distsict andsifl University, Illinois State University, order to maintain the charactertiple housing from the residents,next 3-5 years. If we are suc-should also be willing to bear we äll cherish.I also believe thatbut I would most definitely seecessful, other parts of Uptownmoving the water reservoir. The Scholarships available for Italian AmericanStudents traffic patterns and flow are verythat as a positive in Uptown rede-will also redevelop. That rede- developer should purchaie the Deadline for application is Mar. 1. either ofthese areas. Deadline to apply is Apr. important.The best develop-velopment. velopment willlikely continueUptownRedevelopmentland pplications for college scholarship area scholarships: ment can falter if traffic access, availabletostudentsofItaliastThe Women's division will award several Two scholarships of$1,500 will be awarded 15. Mark Anderson (5th Ward):for at least the next 10 years. owned by the city. I would have Applications should be sent to the Joint exit and through passageis encan heritage from the offices of$1,500 scholarships to female students ofin memory ofJohn Fischern to male or female People want an Uptown that's not to be convinced why the residents Civic Comniittee of Italian Americans, 3800 impaired. a disgrace, and that fits the image the Joint Civic Committee of Italian AmericansItalian heritage who have been accepted into studentsmajoringinjounsalismorcommunica- UHow much of the cost ofshould bear any costs beyond the don. Applicants can be graduating from highDivisionSt.,StonePark,IL 60165. Don Crampton (Ist Ward): of Park Ridge as a quality com-Uptown Redevelopment shouldtwo that I have mentioned. (JCCIA). The JCCIA is a not-for-profit organi-college for the fall of2004. Students must have and have school this coming June orbe acollege studentApplications should include a self-addressed, Ridge's City CouncilOur citizens want to see an end tomunity. Most of my constituentsthe residents be willing to share? Sue Bell (3rd Ward): zation established over 50 yeais ago. a 3.75 grade point average or higher one panint who is at least 50 percentItalian. who has been acce as a graduate student us stampedenvelope. . will make the final deci- theunattractiveeyesore thathereinthe5th Ward view Residents will probably have to Applications arc available for the following pathsions on the nature andresulted from the demolition ofUptownsort of as their backMike Tinaglia (ist Ward): bear a water rate increase appearance of Uptown as part the former Bredemann property.yard; many ofthem walk to atoresIn some way shape or form, theofthe cost ofnew reservoir and to Redevelopment that will affectBut, I believe they're more inter-(at least when it's nice out); andresidents of Park Ridge bear all SHHHHH! THE NORTH SHORES' BEST KEPTSECRET HAS NEW 3 BEDROOM current and future residents for help cover the expected incresses ested in seeing development thatthey want something worth walk-thecostsof water rates announced by the "the next fifty years," accordingunderscoresthequalityandingto. Make no mistake, there is "no 2 BATH HOMES AVAILABLE FOR ASLITTLE AS $62,000 INCLUDING to some observers. Below, city City ofChicago. Most ofthe cost Central Air New Appliances, Stove, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Washer, Dryer 'LowInterest Financing and Long terms to Approved Credit .AIl Energy Efficient'Nicely Landscaped promise of our communit' as a free lunch."The new reservoirofredevelopment will come from council members answer ques-whole. This would includeWhat time-table doyou envi-will in all likelihood be funded in tiOfls and share their viewson the TIF funds, although there could maintaining the "feel" ofoursion for Uptown Redevelopment?part by increased water rates.Ifalso be some bondsissued. redevelopment process. existing Uptown, integratingnon- LUXURY LIVING FOR LESS NEWHOMES a developer gives an economicCommunitiesaroundusare institutional and high qualityRich Dipietro (2nd Ward):benefit to the City, What element do you think the that benefitupgrading their centers of town, retail facilities, and architectural-I would like to see a final devel-will be picked up or reimbursedand we will need to do likewise in $39,OOO* residentsconsiderthemostly interesting multi-family resi-oper or developers selected by I stby some I T Important in the redevelopment increasedcostsororder to compete. dential development.Further,Quarter, 2004. I am hopeflil thatcharges in some otherarea of of Uptown? Howard Frimark (4th Ward): T they rightfully expect that theseconstruction on moving the reser-redevelopment.The legitimateThe TIF package should handle core themes will be achieved atvoir site would begin 2nd Quarterhope is that in the final analysis,most of the expenses for the Mike Tinaglia (ist Ward): thesame timethatparking2004. Engineering is moving for- I believe our residents want rede- the tangible and intangible bene-Uptown Redevelopment, howev- improves, pedestrian access toward on that issue at this time.fits offset the costs.Because soer, an increase in water rates is velopment in the Uptownarea ofnew and existing retail improves Having recently purchased andmuch is at stake, it isparamountinevitable to assist in moving the ourCity. However,Ialsoand that more shopping opportu- re-habed a commercial building, Ithat eveiy step of the redevelop-reservoir to a permanent location. 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SKAJA STANLEYFUNERAL HOME Free FinancialPre-Qualification 3060 N. MilwaukeeAve. On SiteFinancing Assistance CAPITAL . SunsetVil Chicago, Illinois60618 New andPre-Owned 2 & 3 FIRST NUFACWRW HOME (. I II i I 773-342-3300 Bedroom Homes 2450 Waukegan Road REALTY Northfield, Illinois 60093-2723 i 0% DownPayment (incorporated wilt1 Olenview) Visit our websiteto applyon line: Call Linda Polasik or Kim Stark at: 20 N SKAlA BACHMMNFUNE&iHOME Low Interestrate and lip to INC. (847) 724-7957 CALL TOLL-FREE877-441-3039 7715 W. Route14 year.terms *Available at Sunsét Villagé Only 915 Harger Rd.,Suite 120Oakbrook, IL 60523 Crystal Lake,Illinois 60012 Payments basedon600%Interest rate & 6.25%APR(on approved Credit and equity). . 815-455-2233 NOWOPEN LAND LEASE COMMUNITIES 360month term. CALLFOR CURRENT RATES. . Rates subject ro change with credit approval some restrictions apply. tvtay e additional fees. Some restrìctions apply. cali for details. IL. Residential Moifoage Licensee. 12 . I Thursday February 5, 2004 The Bugle ,,,t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, TheBugle SPORTS Thursday February 5, 2004

.- I :THEMATCHES YOU CAN'T MISS! ..v Niles West, Maine East, and Notre Dame f I::*4z00 JBlueAngel° ,y CANDLELIGHT Regional Wrestling Meetat Maine South ,t $ OFF Join Us for Yoúr When: February 7 ,r\ Vskntjiie Dinfler! JR9 Where: Maine South High School, 1111 S: Dee Rd., VALENTINE SPECIAL , \ VH! RES?AURANT& COCKTAiLS Park Ridge, IL \ AvailableFeb. 14th OPEN 24 HOURS OFF ON ALL GOLD Outlook: Walking in with a record of 14-2 the Notre -- 5310 N. MILwAuxeg Ave. \ IN ThE OAK MILL MALL .2 Dame Dons appear to be the team to beat in this region- CIUCA0O IL 60630 al. The Dons have dominated in their wins and stayed V! N Iva.wi., J (773) 6314760 (841) 545OO \. b,2.l444 close in their two losses. Though the Dons are the early (flJ)3l4iø favorite there are a number of dangerous teams Out -, i there including Maine South. The Hawks had put together a fairly impresiive season until the conference J meet when it seemed everything went wrong. In posi- , tion to take their third CSL Conference crown, they let 7124 Touhy Ave. Maine Souths Nick Fallico(nght) takes down Highland Parks Michael Poeta in their i 52 pound MILLENNIUM 4%PJc4 f 8501W. it slip away to Highland Park. The Hawks could con- Nile, II 60714 championship match at the Central Suburban League Championships at Maine South, tinue to perform poorly at regionals, but that is unlike- OF MASSAGE 847.647.8800 _L4 Dempster st., NUes, IL 60714 Saturday afternoon January 31. Poeta won the much anticipated match 9-5.. ly to happen. This meet will be a verytough one as FLUKY' S (847) 692-2748 well as an opportunity for some to begin the road to thé .333 WlouhyAve. state meet. - Happy VaInfl,'Day! Local schools taken-down by HighlandPark Open 7 Deys Lincoinwood, IL 60712 Show someòneyou care a Week 6 am. Io 4pm. Maine South Gymnastic Rejionats - Daily Breakrsi & LunthSpecials place finish and three second-place an escape to pull ahead and keep his with the gift of massage Kid Friendly Children5Menu BY RYAN BISHOP finishes. Maine East closed out undefeated record, winning 9-5. Warm Friendly Samio. When: 6:30 PM, February 6 - - 847-677-7726 $14.00offa ihour [email protected] the meet in fourth p right behind Taking home medals forhe Hawks South and Nilo. West finished in were Kevin McMahon (27-7), losing Where: Prospect High School, 801 W Kensington Rd., Gift Certificate an, breakfast - in the finals 4-O to NOes West Mt. Prospect, IL . - - - - Ol!erexpkes 10th place but did havethree conkr- e Maine South wrestling wrestler Marc Klein in the 112 lb. Outlook:Maine South has had an excelleñt end to 2/2904 ad! ence champions, Lewis Hutchinson their season. They took first in the Maine Eatt Beach team was thinking revenge on at 160 lbs., and Marc Klein at 112match, Joe Oliver a 4-3 loser to Evanston last weekend after Shawn Bailey of Maine East in the Tournament in early January and have cóntinued to lbs, and Jack Gould, at 135 lbs. show promise since then. Senior Kirs Fedyniak leads they were defeated on their home The meet featured the two top 215 lb. match, and Rick Loera(28-2) mats. The Hawks not only had to the conference champ who won his the way, posting excellent scores in - all events, but wrestlers in the state in their weight especially the all around portion. The Hawks hope th . wony about the Wildldts but also North Subwbin class (152lbs.), senior Nick match convincingly, 12-5 over Louis , Highland Park and the state's top Gouletas of Highland Park in the make a good showing this Friday and advance somè - F SsMcis Fallico, came in with a record of3l- JADE ÄST wrestler in the 152 Ib. weight class, gymnasts to the next round. - - CH1N5EREsTAURANT k i and senior Poetathe returning 171 lb. final. .J ?)Omega Restaurant Mike Poeta and the upstart Gimats at Bring In this coupon tor 15% off state champion who came in with a Maine East's Yoani Martinez(l 19 vAwnIE,s $J999 & Pancake House the conference meet held at Maine , your next purchase record of 32-O. lbs.) and Shawn Bailey(215 iba.) MON00UANF DAY andB South. ORANGEOuaw A big crowd gathered around and achieved a first-place finish at the SPECIAL 9100 OeIl Road NIt.. Does your team whether high schoól, grade school, or ICifOWIIKS Highland Park took the confer- all eyes were focused on the mainmeet, as Martinez scored a 9-5 vic- s!!AtasiIcsaaçlIEbRIcE (847) 296.7777 ence crown away from the Hawks, park district, have an exciting game coming up? We want event It was the equivalent of atory over Michael Pevsalmovich, 7he ens Weddingacc.,.o.ln an$QI$wr Waukegan Rd. & Oakton St. Open 24 Hours Eveqiday winning 169to 160.5 overEvanston, heavyweight battle sa the wrestlers and Bailey's a 4-3 decision over to know about it! Email msantorobuglenewspapers.coús (IeSi.d.FImt Ameflea. Buek) 10% SenIor Discount they were helped in large part by the with details and contact information and your team could 9434 Waukegan Road 741 cede Cu.*ur 0th. went toe to toe for top honors in their South's Oliver.Austin Bautista KIdSAIWSyS Welcome ligjstwejght wrestlers. The Giants be featured in next week's Weekend Warfare! - - 847.9d6.1020 Nil., IL d0714 class. Fallico scored a takedown (21-7) could not get past Maine (GmdItd.Menu) (847) 9664616 waited 22 years to capture the con- on Poeta hathvay through the firstWest's Kyle Katz, losing a techni- ferenee championship. The Hawks petled. However, he lost his edge osi fsii.decision at 3:00.The finishedaclosethirdplacewith 158 after the refealled a second caution teams move on the sectionals points on the strength of one first- on him.Consequently, Poeta used next weekend. Thinking of selling you home? P111 FS flICCI !PJT(U ITI FT Call for a free market evaluation. Emily's Country ( TOBACCO Treasures & More 7746 N. MILWAUEE AVENUE, NILES.IL A Dozen FREE Roses dM . ( ofDoJl,) 847-965.9100 with a $100 Purchase vi STORE HOURS M.F SAM-7PM,SAT 9AM-6PM. SUN 9AM-5PM 9201 .Møwaukee Ave. NUes, II 60714 \\\ RUOU5 1 OL k5SiW S881aaN,neta1e« DREAMS, DUNHIU. Villager 847-966-1341 91 s io 41 & CAMEL EXOtiC 8 i BLENDS We Ie a luft eeTvlce Jeweler, 1ewe1iy ¿27%L* SaI exclude spedal arder. Items +tax +tax . +tax Repair, Watch Repair and Ceflifled 1il N. MILWAUKEE AVE. ¿ already marked down, and GeinolugkalAppralsiem. RIYERVODS, IL 60015 VICEROY BASIC Gonade CIgarettes: Cuetom made SALEM, NEWPORT MaVedck 01400W, e Toni Brens Jewelry for you. 847-465-9300 $I91 $2870+ vicemy dic v +tax27°+tax tax --,. Broker RegalaiClgarettes: Certified Residential Specialièt DOPAL MARLBORO CAMEL, WINSTON Medt,Tnie,TOIOØ3O, LJdYSW14, Kost. Bi-Lingual: English/Polish caed, Cadtail, Boema $3020+tax *3191+t 83241+tl &uledges 20 years experience ' , E-mail i 0 ToniBrens.ccm ; Be a MemberWith Us & Save. Card Now. Ask For Details! 1. FREE Pick Up Your DiscOunt direct: PrIces subJãct to change wIthoUtnotice. Not responsible for print errors. LI TE 847965 With Carton Purchase ;,,,,,,,,,,,, I. -I cell:847487 - The Bugle Thursday February 5, 2004 15 14. i Thursday Febrai,ary 5 20ú4 The Bugle I J t. SPORTS s I and pick one up. Those who purchase an- annual 9ga41taù Nues Family "WE TRAIN TO PLAY" membership on this evening will OUTDOOR TIPS Fitness Center The Niles Family Fitness Centerreceive $30.00 of the activation the Be sure to hear the 'sweet nothings" now offers IndividualT Sportsfee. No pre-registration is need- r Instruction. Whether your sported. Fee: Members: Free ScRAMBLE OVEk EASY Oli C being whispered in or ear this GET *ASTED SUNNYSIDE UP. IF1tVt) EXPECT IO. BE MONTHLY MEMBERSHIPisVolleyball, Basketball, orResidents: $3Non-Residents: I II ereastast, 002528 or Lunch WALI

,p, Classic Bowl: A 40-year tradition Business Briefs BY PATRICK FERREL and a person. That's the atmos-run by Classic Bowl are older i!": I CORESPONDENT phere that we try to create. folks who livein thearea, "If you walk in, we'll call youEsehette said. As corporations Máine South grad Cimilluca opens seems Classic Bowl is a fit-by name and ask you how thingsdisband their leagues, younger kitchen store in Park Ridge r/7' ting moniker for the bowlinghave been going." folks are more reluctant to join a Italley at 8530 Waukegan Road The bowling alleyis openleague, Esehette said. Dominic Cimilluca, a Park in Morton Grove. - seven dsys a week. It's mainAs a silver lining, however, inter- Ridgeresidentand Maine With Bowler's Edge Pro Shopfocus is on leagues, somethingest in junior leagues, those for South graduate has opened a having opened in the alley aboutthat many of the corporate bowl-children at least 7 years old, is specialty kitchenware store w w ''pw iz_ es three months ago, lessons anding centers sre now abandoningremainingconstant,ifnot around the corner from the learning clinics are now a regularin favor of the loud music, blackincreasing slightly, Eschette said. Pickwick Theatre, hisfirst occurrence at the 38-lane bowl-lights and flashy atmosphere"A lot ofthem have conflicts dur- employer. ing center. coveted by recreational bowlers. ing the bowling season with "Since I grew up here it just "lt's just created quite a stir," "We still cater to the 35-weekother activities and sports, but -Î/./ ì,cl11. ( V/ i hL CHICAGOIanIs Premiere . Monthly seemed like the most natural manager Mitzi Eschette said.bowling season," Eschette said.even if they can only make it out place to begin a business," he

'This is like it was I 5 years ago."We cater more towards the seri-for a few weeks, we certainly - - - I said. , L' I I IlL.I I IL I I .1 1NTI*LJ lE They're brining new excitementaus league bowler that wants towelcome them," Eachette said of The new store, "Dominic's Kitchen Store," provides cus- ;:Vîitaqe (JWI $le/JS WS1 oJHollywood ?deo) 8 CLLCrIBL to the place." come out week after week, bowlyou 'ers. tomers high-end cook-ware, bakeware, dinnerware, and ape- Fine Art, Crafts & Antiques a few good ganses and spend timeFor those recreational bowlers Art & Crsft Classes The pro shop is owned by cialty foods. All Ages Fl1KETS Eschette'slong-timefriends,with friends. League bowlers arecraving a classic bowling feel Call to Schedule Your Group "Basically, we provide the highest quality product with the Patty Ann and Cliff Tarpley. -Thethe mainstay of our business.without the flashing lights, don't We Buy & Sell of4orMoreforaday or best customer service for the professional chef, aspiring chef, evening class for: GRAYSLAKE.. WHEATON. shop is part of Classic Bowl, aThey keep us going financiallylet the league atmosphere put you or the home chef," said Cimilluca. 40-year-old institution in Mortonmore than the once-every-three-out. Open bowling is still offered Men's & Women's water colordecorative painting FEB. 7th & 8th FEB. 15th Besides basic cookware, Dominic's Kitchen Store offers a jewelry making. glass painting Grove owned by Erwin Korsenmonths recreational bowler." most nights after about 9:30 selection or hard-to-find gadgets and giamos, utensils, and rosary making mossiac tiles SAT. 1O-4SUN. 8-3/$5.00 SUNDAY 8-3/$4OO and Henry Barber. The duo also Unfortunately, bowling as sp.m., Eachette said. gourmet foods, such as species, sauces, and cooking oils. vintage Clothing fitsed glass beads on silverware owns Stardust bowl in Addisonwhole is becoming "more of aYou might even find that you'll one stroke painting EARLY BUYERS: Cimilluca, who has more than 10 years ofexperience in the EARLY BUYERS: and Hillside Bowl in Hillside. recreationalactivitythansacore better here than at other food service industry says his background is pivotal in pro- Jewelry& AccessorIes. /'Girls Night Out SAT. 8AM-IOAM/$15.00 MM-SAM! $15.00 Eschette simply describes thesport," ESchette believes.bowling alleys. viding his customers with fine service and products. - Childzens Birthday Pasties However, cultivating the league"We try to do an improvement I DuPagscFul bowling centers, particularly the "My culinary background has made me very -knowledge- I 1be&Thns-CmftDsys/Eses Lake County Fairgrounds every year," Eschette said. "Last \_to make you own gifts one in Morton Grove, as a "funatmosphere is s major step in able about the product that we will have in our store," he said. 1043 Chicago Ave. Evanston WHEATON, IL .GRAYSLAKE, ILtt 020 £45) neighborhood hangout." ensuring bowling-remains a seri-year, we installed synthetic lanes "My wife and I also understand the needs of chefs of all lev- Openat Noon Call for information & to register 250+ Ø 200+ DIe "We're a friendly neighbor-oua sport, she said. and approaches. They're more eIs and will be able to help educate the inexperienced chef." (847) 475-5025 .*'( k)ted Tuesday (847) 823-3773 hood bowling center," she said."That will promote the sport anddurable than the wood, and they ZURKO . 715-526-9769 "You're not a number. You're notkeep it going," she says simply. go a long way towards improving just another bowler. You're a faceMost of the players in leaguesyour score." Dance School educates and informs I nwirnuuuiiirnurnttnn The Bugie runs business profiles to highlight those businesses that support the publication. Edgebrook's Dance Academy is gearing up for another year ' June Hill's Hobby of dance instruction. - I IN. NHEIMRD. Free report answers common questions Moon & Collectors . _Ingwlth In an attempt to offer as much infonnation as possible on Estate Sales Shop L _'n111L I,InNO HAVE. having a positive experience in dance classes, Dance Academy N. înjsS Calendar has started offering free reports that give useful information and We conduct .New/OIdTRAINS&TOY5 E Ir' tips. School Director Gloria Camilli said, "over the years of ModelKlts-OIeCast . A wid.I- v.rI.ty rangIng '. from Thursday, Febru2ry 12 Thesday, February 24 teaching students, many people have had similar questions estate & house sales, I,_ j f4 YEND , rn- Antlqu.s to exotHc IIv birds! 1 O'RS about dance lessons. These reports are designed to help parents clean out attics CASH PAID The Morion Qrovr Chamber will host aThe Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce will , 20 minutes west of t:owntown Chicago make choices for their children that will give them long-term Old Trains & Toys BUÑnesAfter Hours" at BaIly Total Fitness, bQSits'Aj--tnua1 Dinner and lnstallaiton of and basements. 5 minutes south of O'Hare AirportRI¼GIN6 LO4 success. -- i O PrairiePark Ridge 6821 Dcmpter St.. MQrton Grove fron 5 p.Íi. 9ffleers" at the Park Ridge Cottony Club beglo- Are all dance studios the same? 847-292-1424 1g ._-I- to I p.m. For more wma1i, et*ct thesing with cocktails at 6:30 p.m EsL 198e (847) 823-4464 LO I.e T.1 0 pa The dance report prepares parents for what to expect in year. ToBuyorSell Chmberat (847 965-0349 end recitals and explains the main differences between dance Visit our new i bIk. S. otïouhy& studios. These reports are available for free a the school office. stole lbIb.WestoIC&NWRR everySa y&Sunda8am4pm New Programs - . JuneMoon Mon, Tues, Fri i I-6Thurs. I 1-8 Along with the great care taken to assure an excellent learn- Antiques Sat 10-5 Sun 12-4 . -= AntIe 1II Blelly hIIrI MDI ThIrl Fñ 11 143 S. VineAve. (closed Wednesdays) E m to ingenvironment, several new programs will be offered tisis fall. ParkRidge j4 Camilli said, "We are privileged to have some ofthe best teach- rnnirmiumrnmunm (847) 524-9590w- wwwwIffsm ing staff in the area. We are excited to have several new teach- Have you met Merlin yet?- era join our faculty this fall. All of our instructora have a bach- THE TIME EXPERTS .Eree inspuetlonn & estimates Esciunive 25-your - elor of arta degree in dance and have teaching experience, mak- M'# P44*4S øI1flSW CWW#. THE MIDWEST transferable warranty .vnilabln on CLOCKS & WATCHES NEW & ANTIQUE muffler brake pads & shoesVisit us online at ing them excellent resoùrces for students ofall ages. One of the Advertise roe otter specials We honor mont things we are still very excited about is our incredible dance GRANDFATHER CLOCkS SALES & REPAIRS Me:lin A1TIQU[ CLOThIhG. 4 coInputitoro' warranties and coupona Major credit MUFFLER &. BRAKE- floors, which are designed to prevent injury and fatigue?' MANTtE CLOCKS featuring: cards accepted Shuttle nervic. available Cth M E CL QCK$ I .. M) No appolatment. neèded Dance instruction is offered to students ages three throuos WESICLOX EL1Y. ThXTILI & SCKQOL000SE CLOCKS Here adtslt. All major styles of dance are offered, including ballet, ANTSUE WRISTWATCHESX XtDKIENZLE &IkJ APT ID[CO (847) 966-6350 pointe, jazz, tap, hip-hop, and Irish dance. New thisfall will be & POCKET WATCHES FOREST IMPORTS. SHOW & SALE vo8 w. 4UtIItQtYIILISAIl1M the pre-pointe class to help ballet students prepare for- this Monthly talion Muffler Exhaust Brake i- cisl demanding form of dance. Also, added to the Ml lineup are EXPERT CLOCK & 'CABINET ebxunxyr 7 & ! - pompom classes for ages 8-li and 12-17. - - WATCH REPAIR RESTORATION { : Moni ow,, li - lis und sWu. - siossunti. s FRIDAY: 5PM TO 10PM $10 good all weekend) . - , Mostews, t vues. ' Must caes, i .- ks und vans. , Adulta will also have a new option: Dance Academy intro . CUCKOO REPAIR MUSIC BOX REPAIR Call: Muffler ont - . Seil fur no : : Up to sq or towo: iwi,s tout . $2 oft Friday night If you dress In vintagel - - - /4 vehicle. -°° tong usy . mninroi -w titter. : duces a Stretch & Move class for adUlts only, This class offers SATURDAY: lOAM TO S PM Sat. onìy admission: $6 : , , : : "We Make HOusO Calls!' Rosine the benefits of increasing 'flexibility and developing long, lean HEMMENSCULTLJRALCENTER SLOtS, IWNOIE.. I-TOto KLo.T Sooth. muscles as well as a cardiovascular workout. - s utopligha to EtoÑil. t.tleft, Ove. btldgs toCwvo. lore tight to und of blook. The Timépiece, Inc. At: s 'Too Dance Academy is currently accepting registration and can be i - ¡ce) 4Pus 4016ChurCh Street s«.aI.oIn z:t.ztd:Hu FaKE ANTIQUE JEWISJIS AppeAlest FRIDAY :: (reg4ff'I. ' reached at (773) 763-5759. STQOEIlOU8 ----', Mundelsin & 847-58&i900 Alt cos4ons flot valid incombination with other coupons, discounts, epedals or warranty on the same service. IUES.Fm*5:à Skokie MCH.nry 5*TVRDAYII4:M 2FULLFLOORSOFTOPQUAÚTYDEALE We care aboutyou andyour car. t.c0ltpeamotp,oducI5nm.n.t 547/d.ß35 . LOSDSUtDMIONDAY (847) 775565 * Ext.39 Thursday February 5, 2004 18 -- f The Bugle - HOME- - - a the "BAR.F' diet "cm Owns Miar' by NOTI mwdIadeneF*(DIhK11eaiIeS25)Itfta- hvaiñandbooemea The East Maine School DistrIct 63 Board of Education health, andde is muth lesswa*to 5 .thideai - is conducting informational meeting, class registration. 23, 30, and April 13 in the Moflon The epIcaiyofgoodkb -Nues Senior - áes bk a 2.5 siicookedn regarding the March 16 tax referendum ACTIVITIES - - - - Morton-Grove - Grove Senior Center The fee is $31 Center News - iPaw's en this type of diet. Thank ym. - 1/3 O7 SWlili2dble meal The meetings will be heldou February 11, 2004 Book Discussion- Friday, March Senior Center News for Senior Center Members and $33 LaL*aD R.D» 5th, 10:00am for non-members. There is a mini- aoinail PincJsofiodbedsalt at 7:00 pni at: -11:00am. Sl 4-comerÀThanksjaia The raw food diet is i lsp.-simfiowccan oil Join us as we discuss Seabiscuit by muni of 10 and a maximum of 20 F e*ample ofamove bypet owius oktberi,booemeal, SaIt and Oil ai Apollo School -Sam -Mazzott THE NILES SENIOR CENTER Laura Hillenbrand. Refreshments INCOME TAX RETURNS studenti required for this class. Sign towani foeding flià pets fréa.twice the volume ofwtur 11a20 nun- 101OODeeRoad WILL BE CLOSED included. Income tax return assistance isup in person at the Senior Center. ibod istI than simple tablelles. Md fr duidcais and livai sun- Des Plaines, IL PRESIDENTS' DAY, MONDAY, Lite Lunch & Movie- Friday, March available free of charge for residents BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEING maiing fir aralthai 10 min Sla at least 60 years old, and who have RawFood Diels FEBRUARY 16TH 5th, 12:00pm-3:30pm. $3.50 Periodic blood pressure measure- 4e I eacanmmd owis food fl fi- Join us as we watch the 2003 hit,low or moderate incomes that can bement is helpful in determining if dog oc cat flesh, ligbtbj steamed meatThe secipe tices enough to !èed a Call (847) 299-1900 for meeting iflformation SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT reported on basic IRS forms. Call thehealth is threatened by high blood Q Ilcy leadycurafticle civege- and vegetables at least once a weelç I ty house cat fur tisse days and Seabiscuit (PU-13) starring Tobey taiiandiesfirdogscats. I agite thathave sane iesvaticsts about a diet des anice alteanative to thy food. Make your Tax Appointment now! Maquire. Ham, Turkey and CheeseMorton Grove Senior Hot Line atpressure (hypertension). doaixicatsshouldbe1Iketheiromni-foaturingrawmeat My cat's veteiinar-Saxi your tips, questions and cooì- Qualifying Niles Seniors may makeSandwiches, Chips, and Dessert will(847)470-5223forapersonalHypertension is a contributor toward ve Eeltors and eat mostly a meatian wame that law meals can tiansmitmente to Paws Comei e/o King -America's Neighborhood Lawn Cari Team. tax appointment by calling 847 588-be served prior to the movie. appointment at the Morton Grovestrokes, heart disease and kidney dia I am a legistd dietitian, and Ibactia, such as E coli, or even paia-Fealuiss \ekly Senice .P.O. Box 8420 or in person at the SeniorPinochle Tournament-Friday, Senior Center- on any Monday,failure. Unfortunately, hypertension believe the mine natumi a diet is, firsitestoapet So,beh switchtag your536475, Ojiando, FL 32853.6475, ur Center. For more information con-March 12th, 12:00pm- 4:00pm. $4- Wednesday,or Friday between Feb.usually has no symptoms so a person bcthhuinans and anima1 tJae bettet dog or cat to a saw diet do youre-mail them to SI1iJNEEN. tact MaryAnn. Participate in a 3-handed tourna-9 and April 14. - can feel great and not know they ImeiflyswitcbedmytoypoodIetoan iaseatth carefully and follow specificpawùnaiLcom Appointments -will begin Februaryment. Lunch, Refreshments, and Volunteers trained by the IRS willhave it. Free screenings are offered aIl.natwal diet ofiuw bonea meat and 4th and run through April 14th. Prizes are included. assist taxpayers completing Federalfrom 9 to i 1 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. vIet The dietis often eafèned toHe's a fissh lecipe for cats fiun the(c) 2004 King Featins Ssid., Iix. TREE CARE FEBRUARY REGISTRATION Poker Tournament-Friday, Marchand State returns. Bring in the W-2,10 in the Morton 'Grove Senior Social Security (SSA-1099), 1098 ,AVaIntine's gift idea: DEEP ROOT FEEDING Mail-in/Drop-off registration with26th, 12:00pm-3:00pm. $4 Center. The Tickets ti:, ar indoor p1art show! 'TREE SPRAYING check or credit card must be receivedP1y 7-Card Stud and 5-Card Draw. and 1099 forms received in the mail MORTON GROVE ADVISORY 4:'rq er - Va1cntineflay Celebration. Phipps Conservatory .FREE ESTIMATES nolaterthan5:00pm,Friday,Lunch, Refreshments, and Prizes are along with a copy of the 2002 tax COMMISSION ON AGING and Botartical Gardens, Pittsburgh, PA. February 6th. In-person registrationincluded. returns. The Morton Grove Advisory f,1)W CLASSES TAJ CHI Commission on Aging will hold, its - Southeastern Flower Show. Georgia Vorld Congress LAWN CARE begins 8:30am, Wednesday, MOWR$ Center. Atlanta. GA. February 11th. To mail in use regis-Computers This ancient form of exercise isnext monthly meeting at i p.m. on -FERTILIZING low-impact and focuses on balance (74 - I'4orthwest Flower and Garden Show. XVashington State .CRA8 GRASS & WEED CONTROL tration form in February ProgramIntroto Computers-Mondays & Tuesday, Feb. 10 in the Morton Cony. Ctr., Seattle, ViA. -INSECT & DISEASE CONTROL Guide-or pick up form at the Center.Wednesdays, March ist- April 7th,and breathing techniques that helpGrove Senior Center. The . Fascination of frchids IntL Shaw r Sale. Souti Coast -CORE CULTIVATiON Plaza, Costa Mesa. CA.Conv. Ctr.,Seattle. XVA. (Cash is only accepted during in-per-9:00-lO:3Oam. $20 maintain well-being. The class willCommission provides an arena for http://www.fascinatlonoforchids.corn FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL son registration.) Special accommo-Learn the fundamentals of Windowsfocus on reducing stress and increas-discussion and planning of 'services 1::==i' ) . Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition. Tulsa Garden dations needed? Be sure to let us98.Includes instruction, handoutsing intrinsic ' energy through move-and programs to benefit Morton Center, Tulsa, OK. (708) 863.6255 ment and visualization. The six-part C200. by King Features Sy,,dicate. Inc. Wolle flgflte r...rv.d. know when you register. Call 588-and lab time. Learn how to get your Grove 'ssenior citizen population. 8420 for more information includingcomputer working for you! This is aclass meets from 10:45 to 11:30 a.m.All interested residents are welcome L L questions on ticket availability &6 week class. on Tuesdays Feb. 10, 24, March 9,to attend. - and musical ability. BY JEFFREY CARDELLA PUBLIC SERVICE ADVERI'ISEMENT Maine Township Before the performance you Special to The Bugle Senior News willenjoy a luych featuring' Cream 'of Broccoli Soup, Edward Jones LondonBroilwithRed Maine Streamers AnnouncesPotatoes, Peas and Carrots with HEATING, VENTiLATING &AIR CONDITIONING CONIRACTOR How Should You Get Income From Investments? New Senior Activities and 1412 UNCOLS AVE. RTON GROVE, IL Dill anti Strawberry Cheese - WWW.OARINESHVAC.00M You can invest for at least two key reasons:to s new dimension: Which sources of retirement Classes Cake. Bingo will follow! Gfttfrrchfcag. Cg7RS bISA, MASIERCAJ1D, DISCOVER AMERICAII EXPRESS oeNTOROP THE YEAR" growth and income. If you're looking for growth,income should you tap first? - Listed below are January andCancellations and reservations Furnace, Air Conditioner you'll need to invest in stocks that have the potes- To answer this question, you'll have to take February programsforallmust be received by Monday, Or Boiler Installation liai for capital appreciation. But if you also wantstock on where your retirement income rs coming $200 OFF Cupo., E.p4r.. 2 - 25 - 04 Maine Township seniors. AllFebruary 9th. to get iñcome from your investments, you've gotfrom. You can probably anticipate drawing from activities and programs are The canier some choices to make. three main sources: tax-deferred accounts, such as ETHNIC DINNER OUTING $20 OFF ANY SERVICE CALL! held at Maine Town Hall, 1700Tuesday,Februasy 24 Weathrivaker W&thermaker Coupon epiro. 2 - 20 . 04 You can, of course, invett in fixed-income vehi- your traditional IRA and your 401(k) or other cies, such as bonds. Bonds typically pay regularemployer-sponsored plan; taxable savings and Ballard Rd., Park Ridge unless5:30 p.m. to8:00 p.m. air conditioner SOQOErS g ftrnace Pre-Season Special interest payments, and. as long as the bond is heldinvestments; and Social Security. otherwise indicated, White ' provides two-speed System Tune-Lip Eagle 6839 N. offers a ten-year I $69.95 Coupon Expies 2 - 20 - 04 until maturity, the principal amount is returned, The exact formula you choose for getting Men's Group Milwaukee, Niles provided the issuer doesn't defattit - a risk youincome from these three separate pools will compressor techm1oyto FREE Monday, February 9 Cost: $20.00 members/$22.00 improve sndocr air SaUNAIS 4'659645I 24M can greatly reduce by purchaaing only thosedepend on your individual needs and circum- warraMy and it LIC.n..dBond.d IfleUraid bonds that have received the highest grades fromstances. However, it may be a good idea to spend 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. guests was rated a circuWion and independent rating agencies. down your taxable savings before you touch your Cost:$3.00 includes Pizza Today's family style meal Lunch - Consumers overall comfort OLINDHAUS . ROYAL -SHARP - SANYO - RICCAR MICLE- SANATAIRE SEBO However, you can also get income by investing intax-deferred plans. By following this strategy, you will feature traditional e z stocks that have a history of paying dividends can keep these account earnings potentially grow-, Leonardo DiCaprio stars in Digest® Best while reducia wa o PolishCuisine.The menu operiona1 noise. I and now, since the tax rate on dividends has beening on s tax-deferred basis until you must start "Gang of "- an epicincludes 'Mushroom Barley w AAA VACUUM o cut, these investments may look even more atirac-taking withdrawals st age 70 t/2. tale of vengeance and survival C0 Soup, Salad, Golabki (stuffed w 8050 N. MILWAUKEE, HILES tive. - How about Social Security? and how corruption thrives in c&11 today to schedule a free estimate. z In the short term, most common stocks will typi- When should you start taking these payments? cabbage),Kluski,Pierogi, o cally offer lower income than bonds or CDt, ButAgain, there's no one right answer for everyone; lower Manhattan. A man'sPolish Sausage with - YES!! stocks have consistentlyyou'll have to weigh a variety of factors, includ- t) many high-quality movie! Along with viewing theSauerkraut, Potatoes, t) increased their annual dividends - which meanstng your other burees of income, your age at movie, pizza will be served. CO Vegetableand course, We now repair, installand I you have Ihe potential forrising income. retirement and your expected life span. Keep in of s/2ojuqJa2Ieí e4&, 9. Senior activities Kolacky for dessert! o z That's not to say you should abandon your bonds mind that, although you can start taking Social sell central 'V "VALENTINE" LUNCHEON Transportation z vacuum systems. in favor of dividend-paying stocks. No matterSecurity at age 62, your monthly checks will be on your own, 6310 W. Uncoin Ave., Morton Grove e C. how high the quality of the stocks, they will stilllarr if you wail until your full retirement age, Thursday, February 19 S.A.L.T. PROGL&j, (s z carry more investmentrisk - at least in lerms ofwhich can be anywhere from 65 to 67. For every Doors open: 1 1 :00 am. Tuesthy February 10 (847) 967-2200 a- For more infôrmation call: O potential loss of principal - than high-qualityyear past your nonnal retirement age that you Lunch: 12:00 noon 10:30 a.m. to ll:30a.m. e -bonds. So, when you'rc.inVeStiflg for income, you delay collecting benefits, you'll get "bonus" pay- EMERGENC Y SER VICE A VAIL ARL E I Crystal Palace, 2648 Dempster,' Presenter: Cook County (J, 847-292-8227 will likely want to choose Ihe mix of dividend- merits, which can be substantial. Once you reach C) Park Ridge Sheriffs NO OBLIGAJ1ON' FREEEI3T1MATEC,. F!NANCEJG AVAILABLE C) paying stocks and bonds that best fits your indi-70, you'll have earned the largest monthly pay- z vidual risk tolerance and long-term goals. ment you're going to get. Cost: $13.00 members /$14.00No Charge-Registration zo Income strategies during retliement Your financial professional can help you deter- guests 'f' $1.00 Fish Required - ,Family Onèd andOperated You'll always need to know how to get incomemine the appropriate strategies for drawingon February is best known for Cook County m from your investments.But it'sparticularlyyour investment income and retirement plans. Officers e m romance of Valentine's Day.Lazano and 'Maurá alongwith SERVING CHICAGOLAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS I important to make the right choices during yourMaintaining a sufficient level of income is obvi- TOday pur entertainers, Pat and o C'. retirement years. At this timeòf your life, you'llousl)/ essential to your financial well being so Katie Tennant ofthe Attorney SHOWROOM m Kathleen Gilhooly will per- VISIT OUR ENERGY CONSERVAI1ON oaRS StIiVIVNV9 rIiis w need to look beyond the issue of bonds vs. stocksyou Il want to make ali the right moves. General's Office willpresent a HV011t - OANVS d8ViS.1VAOII formsongsof loveandprogram JEFFREY CardeUrs can be reached iatEdward on "Child Jones, 8141 N. Milwaukee, NUes, 847-470-8953 romance. Along with singingExploitation"- sexual predators you will enjoy their dancing in chat rooms. ' - 20 Thursday February 5, 2004 The Bugle The Bugle Thursday February 5, 2004 21 I I

2 3 4 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 113 Be The First to Fax In Your 17 -:8 Completed Crossword and Get ìTHIîH "RKS! 22 23 : ADVERTISE 'ÉB" G't'E,ut R24 Your Name In The Paperi :: 27 29 Fax in your answers to: 31 32 33 3435 APPLE VACATIONS LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 30 . M$Lis1g ssarvlyrnc*tTa,at, IN ThE crROJrT COURT OF IN THE UNITED STATES IN THE cfROtJtT couRT 0F SB(TATh5 IN THE UNITED STATES Cook CorroIE,IIllaois Cosety cook cenete, Illinois Caen Ri. Kb Ist' Attention Mr. Schneider M1AORT Dist,ict Court for the Northern Dfst,'rct Court for the Northern OHW.& Ahpoi Departmeet - Cha000,y DIet- Districtof Illinois, Eastern Dei- Defla,tmnet - Chaecasy Die - District of Ilfinols, Eastern Divi. clon, ABN CIdRO Mo,tga5e sine.Benaflolalfflinafn,len, sien. Chase Mo,t5a8n Se,eicrn, G,orrp, leo., Plaineiff, us. Comlye sien. The Back of New Vorh, 39 4041 4243 44 45 46 47 48 49 Fax #: 847-588-1911 its capacity as !dtiø,weee&weeMrsj. p tnc., a Delaware Corporation, r14. AO osteter.,Defendant. actingsolely in f/hia Chase Maohaltan Mortgage Ne. 02th.1228. Trostee far EQCC Trust 2001- Prytikin, et at.. DefendanI Cane _*. fre,is*n,,& 5ESben& mrs& M PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY 1F, Plaintiff, vs. Leonardo Ou- No. O35h-647. 50 51 52 53 This Week's Winner! Crxporatioe,f/fda Chase Home GIVEN Brat puBuanl to a Jod - IFwr, S poir açrØed Rrb Mortgage Csrporatisn. Plaintiff. ment of Foreolosu,e and Sa e lierrez, et al., Defendants, Case PUBUC NOTICE IS HEREBY vs. Mar5a,et Fach. el al., Oefen- noIe,ed IoI heab000 eorirled Nu. 035-2088. GIVEN that pennant ta I .1848- s'oso on N000r'rbo, 17, 2003 ment of Foreclosure and safe 54 55 57 Leo Madura 101 NO.fl,tPOIBOdSV.d, Bk GIOV.%.IO7 dann. Case No. 035.5024. NOTICE OF SPECIAL entered in the abone cauw on lOtOec000tV JudIcial sales Carpo. COMMISSIONER'S SAIE 56 F.x: 147440.1940 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ration wIfE or, Tuosdap, Febma October 21, 2003, The Judicial I. COMMISSIONERS SALE 24. 2004 at the Sos, of 1 . - OUR FILE NO. 55057 Salan C ration Will at 10,30 58 59 0 61 62 OUR FILE NO. 56242 an,, lo their offlea at 120 W. (IT IS ADVISED THAT INTER- u-m- oe rebmare 10 2004, in Last weeks Answers. - ccin lIT IS ADVISED THAT INTER- Madiom St., SolIo 7155, ChIca- ESTED PARTIES CONSULT its atibe at 33 N, Dearborn St., GOBS TSAPIAIR AS RUNUP ICPI$Ot'ECALLS REA . Er OxaturItyEnipI, MIFMD ESTED PARTIES CONSULT IL. sell OtaSIlO auction to THEIR OWN ATTORNEYS BE- 10th FloOr, Chicago, IL 63 65 66 67 -. THEIR OWN ATtORNEYS BE- I,o highest bI do, or cash. on FORE BIDDING AT FORECLO- 60602-3100. seIt at paSSO ase- ALOT -IOLEL INGO ARISE sat foro, below. Iba toflowieg de- lion te the highest bfdder tsr FORE 9IOOING AT FORECLO. nurfbed reorfgaBnd ,eat ontafe: SURE SALES) cash, as net farts below, the 68 69 71 72 WEARHOUSE LONEOFF ICER LABEUPRINTING SURE SALES) Commonlynowe an: 8501 Public Notice is hereby glees following descrIbed real enfote, MISC Public Ffstice is hereby given W. Gaff Read. Unit 2F. hIres, IL KOREA POKE I DNA E pursoant lo a Judgment entered Crnnmenfy letame as, 9737 MANUFACTURER pursuant tu a Judgment entered 50714. in the aboee entitled casse on Fon Glen Drive. Unit 3D, Nifes, ER C A TEa ,rrnrt5agod roOt enlato is 73 74 75 76 77 79 SHE EMBE WOLF TANNING BEDS Iv the above enfitled cause un imp,oued wrlh a coednmloiorn 12/09/2003. IL 60714 CAP TOLGA NS_R E L Y AFFORDABLE CONVENIENT Nosember 12. 2003. resi dance .Tels inlormatioo lo I,Fred 1-ferzop, Special Cam- The reef estatnIsiarprn004 I, Edward Grossman, Speclol ceonidorod reliable bot Is .001 with a condOmInium, C H O N E AUS O G Tan AI Home misSione, toe thrs cortA will on The Judgment ameurlf was 80 81 82 83 84 SiUS Commissioner br this court will wa,,aerod. March 11, 2004 at the floor of DRESSE RGREASE Payments From $25 I month on Ma,ch 3, 2004 at the hour TheurO m netameue s was $111,739.71. of 4,00 p.m. al Southwest co'- $73,255.00, I 13O am. at NW, corner lab- Sale terms, 25% down by 85 86 87 8889 ATIE SMART MTN FREE Color Catalog sale terms, 10% down by by, Damp Cooler, Chicago,IL. eeWffed foodstira balance, by Call Today 1-800-842-1305 ne, of foley Center, imnrediately Certitled fonds. baranon. by carrr- selllothehighest bidder lo, cortified foods, is daB mithin soio HODSOME RUES outside building near ClarIs A tied fanas, o,irhio 24 hsu,s. ThiS Imnoty-four 1241 bourn. The huh- real cash, the lollowiog described 90 91 92 LAPPTOP RESAIT Washington, Chicago, IL, soit to saloissrrblnct ro uopaid lent pmperty is sablerA te general the highest bidder fer cash, the octale races. assasseenots, cose. premises: real estate taoen, special assess- LCOS ARLo oiG BELL WANTED following described premises: oasis.000dilisns. oasemeeln C/AlA: 8037 W. Lake St., meets a, special taoes leulod and ens leur tons el record. The Niles, IL g0714, 93 94 95 96.97 98 99 100 101i 02I 03 OAR ATEOP ENOLA MESTA C/K/A:7855 N.Oconto. sale is rurtlrn, sobiost le corre,- a alest said real enlate aod is TO BUY Miles, IL 60714. maCleo by toe soars. The impraoements on the offered lar sale witkoot any toro --- OCTANE PARKLE MAYHEM reseotallon as to quality or Sean- This ploadlog Is aoownruni- peope,ty Consist o! single family, The improvemeels on the lily nf litIo aod Without msoarse i 04 105 i 06 107 s HA R I H O R AF AK EUSA WANTED property consist of single family cause fer the purpose of colIWl- separate garage. iou leo moscase debt. uodnr the Sale terms: 10% dowO by to plaiohR and le "as Is" candi- M tJAjLs FjgjS WIJRLITZERS residence. Fa i, 0055 C011nclis,r F,aetloos clue, The suIs Is lodhor sablect Sale terms: 10% down by act.ltyou railtu dispute, io certified funds. balance within to ceehrmatlon by the Court, isa i 09 112113 114 S ois 1IIL EN A N O JOKE BOXES 24 flours, certihed tlfndo. Nu e- REAL ESTATE ALSO ce,titied lands, balance within wrihirru, sfra ealidiry ut this doss Upon payeront in tufI of tiro s SiT TIR A SEAND IAI NT 24 hours, cn,lilind foods. No re- wilhiO thirty will 50 05 funds. Tire sale shall be sab)ect anneant bid, Co pun,hase, shall 5101 Machines funds. The sale shall be sobiecl semed ro be ualid. Finallp, ovy tu general tanes and te special receive a Qerlitleatn of Sate, t 15 116 117 118 N tTF R O MALEO ROIEIR o, Cdw lnto,masiOO you p,Ouide Will ho FLLA APARTMENT tu garrotal tares and to special aced tor lire purpose cl colloc- assessments. whiuh will entitle the parchasen ADE'L E LE[MFA T IV ESEL IlE 1430-950.2742 assessments. The property will NOT be Io a Deed to the rouf ostato alten FOR RENT The property will NOT So ceorirmalion of the naln, 119 120 121 22 EMÒfRY NYSE DELlE Faa: 1430-990.5151 Onupu'r nayrrraef. et Saul,po'- opEn for inspectiso. - GTijOS I BecSoani & 2 B&acm at $103 open lo, iospnctioe. lis,, of Irla amourll Oid, Irre cae- The judgmenl omoolrt Was The praporly will NOT be The iudcmont amount was crraser slroll ,nceieo a 000eipt cl open Ren iospectioe and PfaiOlig u 7626 N MilwaukeeAve. - Free PH5 NOVENA TO ST. THERESE Sale. Upon pacmOnt ivfullst $280,S85.75. makes oo reprnsCelatioo as ta 0132,265.53. rho purciraser Upolr Ihn sole being made the the coeditinoelrho 773-557-1315-Page 847-216-1174 Upon Ihn sale being made the rho amount bid, Isroperty. 55SImer Hughes 114TV's"Mad-You" 3Claire or Balm 74 Fireworks reaction SI Therese of Ihe Child Jesus Shall '0 COiueace.,sficore el Sale purchaser will monino a Certifi- Prospectiva bidders o,e admoo- A ROMANCE pu,chasnr will receive a Cerlili- wl,lelr Will enrirla the purelrasor cate of Sale which willerrtitle luhed lo shone .ti,e Caa,t Ele lo E,a, Pad, . 1 Br. Fed, Appthnces. and the Holy Face, I come 56 Come out ofone's shell 115 Celebrity 32 Big revotver? 75 Kimono cummerbund cate st Safe which will enhIlo ro a Deed ro rho ererteagad ccl the purchaser lu a Deed orr a onnity all info,matiuv. roidng s, capeted, 2nd Floor beforeloyes looffer Ihm Irle pu,c005er IO a Deed on a ,s telealrnrcurrfirnr orlorr st tIro For lerormation coetaer Ploin. 57 Dutch export 116 Mispickel and galana 33 Lost 76 Peeper protector sa i. syeCitied date unless the proper- bY's Atlorony: COLIILIS A ASSO- ACROSS No Pets $600 Ms 773-774-1911 Novena and beg you Io answer specihnd dale unless the proper- 58 Sharif role .117 Costa- 34 "The Ramayana" heroine 77 Senator from ly is redeemed accO,diot fo law. proporlywill NOT bu 'y is redeemed accur-dilrt lu law. SlATES,P.C.,I 5W035 N. i Tower town the reqaesl I now place before sportfori voyou nov. nucopi by For information call Ihn Sales F,o,rtage Road, Sore 100, Ear, 60 22 Across feature I18 Rampal's instrument For infu,metion calllIra Sales r hoarroeuu,ve nr red oernemnet 5 Ditch 35 Barbie's boyfriend Delaware Nilerr - Bright Spacious 1 Br you (state request). Say 24 Plainlitl's orth oeur,ov Isweeror cocu- 011ìcer at Plaintiff's Allsrney, Ridge, IL uO:27, 16301 61 Interact acronym 011içer at Atlsenny, Fisirer and Fisher, 120 N. La- 245-4300. PInasretar tofile 9 Married Mite. 119 - apso 39 Austrian city 78 Humorist George Garden Apartment. $690 Mo. Glory Be's' each followed by Fisher and Fisher, 120 N. La- Fe,'1. rombo, 54.02-01. Heal incladed 47.0353597 Salle Street, Suite 2h20, Chica- For h,furmaUse: Jaros, 111110 Salle Street, Sollo 2520, Chica- 12 "-Life" ('66 hit) 63 Riddle: Part 2 120 Drafi agcy. 40 Solemn statement 81 Stowe gear 51. Therese of the Child Jesus. A 05001e. Ltd.,valerie's AtIne. tu, IL 60602, f3121 372-4754, NOTE: P5,500: Io the Fair 68 Permit 121 Dentist's directive 41 "Wait - Dark" ('67 film) 82 Bisect pray for us." Say thiS Novena go, IL 00h02, 13121 372-4754, ems, 25 N. Clark. 511110 510, Debt Collection P, ces Act yea 17Acted like grandma HOUSE front 1:00 p.m. lo 3:00 p.m., ChiCago,IL 60600. 3121750- from t:S0 pm, to 3:00 p.m.. ara adeised 1h01 rhO's AttuI- 18 Sills solo 69 Grows light 122 French bean? 42 Ballet company 83 Sported each day for 9 days otartag an under Illinois law, Ihn Sales OSi- 1000. FIr on000llsWiIltO laknlr ueder Illinois law, tile Sales OPi- cep is deemed be n debt 70 Studio FOR RENT the BA day of the month ánd ce,isnot required lu provide crrly helwato rrro hours cl 5,00 Coris nOI required tuprovide collobto, atloropti, 'o collect a 19 Tam material 43 Santa -, CA 86 Civil War initials addilíorrSflelo,malioe other than the, 1 1 :00 AM. Who,, eaIlirrg. addilionil'ruformalion 001e, than debt and oopil-. vallon ob- 3 Br-FurnisHed bail. 3-Car Garage ending on the 17th day of the rotrIn nomber 73 Word with camp or tree DOWN 44 Smith or Page 87 Pixie and Dixie lIraI set tcrth in Ibis Notice. pl e1ruc,efer Ihat set forlh in this Notice, taieed will be use. at that pur- 20 Sit in on a class Near Niles West High -$1375 Mo. month and prorrse lo spread 03-21161, pose. - 76 "- Rolling Stone" ('65 hit) 208951C 2OaIOOC 20S442C 21 Actor Alex iDoggy 45 Like Machu Picchu 88 Charge 847-966-0840 or 547-409-7930 word of it so others may offer-it. 206t25C 22 "Aida" river 77 Groundwork 2 Restless 46 Utmost 89 Vile . 23 "Meter" leader 79 Before, to Byron 3 Left the Union 47 Bizarre 91 Road curves -I 80 MacIde or Macicy 4 Fuss and feathers 48 Nest egg 92 Luxury car k L 'a 24 Actress Rivera , t- w e 81 Wobble 1 k 25 Throb 5 A Lennon sister 49 Zombie base 93 Veronica of"Hill Street Blues" 94 1' Ii 1$- 26 Loser to DDE 83 Add a lane 6 - setter 5 I Debra of "Love Me Tender" Maestro Leinsdorf ¡ ¡X 1- i9: 'iÇ 84 It may be white 7 West's "Diamond 52 Fountain treats 27 Author Christie 95 Novelist Cather a 29 Stirrup Site 85 Titmouse kin 8 - kwon do 55 Use coupons 96 St. - fire I s s s - ¿ - ial. 87 Emulate Elle 9 Drilling site? 56 Shampoo ingredient 97 Savanna sounds 30 Riddle: Part i - e I . s 88-Castro IO Clubcreed 57 Middle Eastern airline 98 Startled cry .. 36Gridiron position 37Z-zebra 90 "- vous plait" t t Yale or Root 59 Electrical measure 99 Vestige 91 Joyce's land l2Tic---toe 60 Librarian Melvil 38 Present for pop I 00 Dubuque denizen Inc. TO ADVERTISE FOR 39 Dutch export 92 Implore 13 "What?" 61 "The Addams Family" actor lot Game fish STOP PAINTING! RICK'S YOUR BUSINESS IN THE 93 Answer to riddle 14 "Farewell, Francois!" - Amex Builders 42 Ms. Silkwood 62 Pindaric poetry 102 Intense AFamily,Contractors Cover Your Eases With POWERWASHING BUGLE'S SERVICE 44 Wine variety 104 "Exodus" protagonist 15 Big guy 64 Stop on - 103 Behind schedule AlumInum SoffitlFascia los Plaza Hotel kid 16 Austere 65 Delibes opera REMODELING DIRECTORY: 50 Sought office 109 Mil. base We Find Water Leaks Vinyl/Aluminum SIding Decks, Walls, Siding, 106 Get a galley going 17 Close the curtains 66 Blackboard support I 10 Homeric 51 Famed caravel And Repair Them Baths . Kitchens Darmers Vinyl Windows . 52 0m, for instance 107 Marineland perftirmer 19 Cart 67 Cry uncle character Fences, Concrete, 108 K.anga'a creator 26 Postfix 71 Cleveland's lake Additions Decks Porclres Stonu Windows & 53 Aclress Joanne 112- -Magnon Professional Windows Washed..,. 54 ABA member t 1 1Construct 27 Exiled dictator 72 Stagger 113 Back talk Doors ll2Crow'stoe 28 Mary of"Dodsworth" 73 English channel? I 14 Slernward Handyman ServIce 773-767-9296 . Aluminum AwnIngs Gutters Cleaned QualIty Work For All 5682M MILWAUKLEJVE COICAGO lesurenl...Depeedable...Reliable ' Generai Repairs Coli lar Free Eslimalrn Noodles :L1I' I' I' i'I'.&' LONE TREE MANOR FREE ESTIMATES WE 00 IT ALL Call ROSINE Restaurant WE GOT IT ALL I -800-303-5688 Call ROSINE Call Rick 773-775-6846, a. i BREAKtuST-LUNCH.DINNER 7730 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE interior And ExterIor FULLS INSURED Pager 312-232-9678 847-588-1900 GREAT FOOD-LOW PRICES SENIOR CITIZENS! American 847-588-1900. DINING-DANCING NILES ILLINOIS 60714 "CALL TO TELL US LICENSED S SONDEO ext 139 Shampoò PHONE: (847) 97-0966 FAX: 847-967-0979 Home Exteriors .extl39 : ::: .-2_y; ;4' WHAT YOU NEED" & Set... .$2.50 & Up ,, SMORGASBORD BANQUETS Hawcut.. .$3.00 & Up /6r9ez.w, POLISH & AMERICAN HOME COOKING .ROOFING.FOUNDATION TO ADVERTISE FOR I;:;::TYOUR SWEET ON FEB. 14 TO OUR EVERYDAY EXCEPT SUNDAYt PLUMBING & SEWER CRACKS ' TUCKPOINTING YOUR.BUSINESS IN THE ROY THE MIKE NITTI Sr. Men's Clper Styling $3.01 S Up TrditIonI & DIlajaus VALENTINE DAY SPECIALS s BRICKWORKCEMENT SERVICES Men's Reg. Hair Sti419 $5.00 & Up Polish AmrIcn BUGLE'S 1ER VICE HANDYMAN CEMENT CONTRACTOR V LOBSTERTAILS, CRAB LEGS, t auffot . CARPENTRY .GUTTERS Sr, cIlIos, dlscetatt- tlyrI.eIIIeletIce We specialize in Banquets DIRECTORY: 'YOU NAME IT - WE DO IV FILET MIGNON, PRIME RIB, for Weddings, . DOORS WINDOWS ANY UNE ROUDED $55.00 . Patio Deck q :5 HOMEÎ IiANICURE Paintìng-lnter/Exterior q SURF N TURF AND MORE! IN PEDICUREt Anniversaries, Showers, PORCHES BATHS a Driveways I & Business, SiNKS eTUBS 'TOIlETS WallpaperingCarpentry Many other Great Specials. Make your reservations today! HAIR SHOWERS . DRYWALL IT00ETHER Club Meetings Parties,After Funeral Electrical . Plumbing PSOZENWAIER UNESOURSPECIAL03 . Sidewalks Thursday Night 7-11: Fridays & Saturdays: t TOSLETS VANITY'S . Water heaters Installed Sundays: $16.00 & UP CARE prices start at $7.50per person, Family DrswatlRepairs - FLOOR I WALL TILING Catchbastas cleaned/repeited FREE ESTIMATES style $6.50 for 9 .PLASTERING PAINTING Floor & Wall TIling a Sump Pumpe JERRY RITE CHRIS COLL.ETII ,FREDERICK'St items Licensed CHANCE Remodeling SHOW Senior Discounts FLOORING WCAMERASLWER INSPECIIOR Fully Insured L COIFFURES (lunch only) Call ROSINE Ca$OSINE - FREE ESTIMATES You willlove this guy! He DUO I1EEE$11MATE. He does Sinatra, Tony k 5391 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. 4 . Hot Deliveryand Pickup - (773)631.4038 does it all... Elvis tool CHICAOO, IL. eFREE ESTIMATES' 847-588-1900 I47aì5ßS1 900 Bennet and others! ru We acCept events from (847) 965-6415 AccsptAllMCrsdlt Cards (847) 965-6606 : P 50 to 500 persons! 5956W. hIGGINS 773-7757525 MON-SUNSAM (773)631.0574 773-282-0000 ext 139 -ij-:i39. S- SPECIAL LOW PRICEFOR FRIDAYBANQUETS 22 The Bugle Thursday, &brua!y 5, 2004 23 I Thursday Fe 'y 5,2004 Theßugle I

I S s s S - . -s Is s : :; .i - I B S: * I I I I R CHICAGO TO ADVERTISE FOR EUROPEAN .YOUR BUSINESS IN THE Amex Builders APPLIANCE BUGLeS SERVICE DIRECTORY: -Remodeling t New Cnrrvtructian REMODELING & REFRIGERATOR CarpentTy REPAIR CO. - Obst Etch F.tndosm Bat lis -II i lcheris - Donners - BridCryOds I Tudepointing Aildilions - Decks - Fon cile', LET US SOLVE YOUR ALL MAKES ALL MODELS - Cernent Wails - Roo9ng E Sding PROBLEMS . GufiRs & Downspouts s FREE ESTIMATE WITH JOB 4 '-I . INTERIOR & EROR: FREE ESTIMATES 773-467-9296 , call now Deal Weh Owner E Save (847) 696-3311 5682 0 inlILGAUKEE IVE CHICG0 -ROOFING (847) 803-2414 -CEMENT (773) 631-5151 FREE ESTIMATES - WE 50 IT FLL . Call ROSINE Or Cell Call ROSINE -BRICKWORK Serving Your Neighborhood 847-588-1900 FULLF INSURED -CARPENTRY Daily Since 1957 (847) 6501935 847-588-1900 ext 139 LICENSED & BONDED -CHIMNEYS ext 139 00 -PORCHES u ear u FOUNDATION I- CRACKS FIREWOOD TO ADVERTISE FOR -PAINTING & Ml YOUR BUSINESS IN THE MIKWAY 'sss er month! UNLIMITED iT Tuck p011511 19 A BrIc kwork .4.893% PLASTERING ACTIVE HANDYMAN BUGLES SERVICE Fixed 4.875% 0 -WINDOW Fast Free Delivegy DIRECTORY: EredltCardsOk HARDWOOD . Masonry - Concrete REPLACEMENT SERVICE AND REMODELING reDoWNapìn the -WOOD FLOORING lAnced Hardwoods $90 FC FLOORS - Chimneys Rebuilt & Repaired Cherry BAth, Ffldo M $100 FC General Home Repairs . .4.625% 4.687% & STAINING InstallIng New & Renewing Chimney Liners 15Year 0 OaIç-100%- S1I5FC Free Estimates erws!. Glass Block Installahon REPAIRING 100% Chen 8mb, Floors & Sta!rs ROOF LEAKS Hìckory snppb $130 FC Insured Pindves CaulkingBoilding Cleaning IS OUR SPECIALTY! Discount On 2 Or More Fully Bonded A Insured Residertiat.Cnrmnercial.lndustrial Fixed 4.000% 0. 4.013% Phone- DodingAvalabh-In Busthens 30 Years 847-647-2344 Call 'ROSINE 773-685-4800 - Fatty Insured - Free Estimate "WE 00 SMALL JOBS" (847) 888-9999 773-671-1653 Cell-847-791-2344 847-588-1900 ext 139 (847) 965-2146 lo Year 3.625% 0 3.678% -

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