Since 1957 Thur.dt . l'tI)ItIIry 2(104 Vol. 47 \o. 33 NilesBug(e.com ParkRidgeBugle.com MortonGroveBugle.com Dist. 63-plans referendum BY WENDY ELLIS [email protected] nearly $4 million dollar bridget slxatfall king East Maine Elementary Dist 63 could cost the district ils band pm- gzum increase class sises to as many as 30 students Ihr evesy teacher, and willeliminate a lsge number of jobs,chiding secoetanes, cnistpdi- ans, teaching assistants and hasch -- -s'_-- loom help.The cuts have bem The Chàñging Fácö of Uptown sulerdiscumion for some time, and The final Installmentofour running feature Above, cars are parked on the grass next to the Muslim Community Center (MCC) in the districtispismingitshopesonthé on Uptown addresses the Next Fifty passage of a tax nelinssxtunn on Years See page 10 Morton Grove last August. A federal mediator has been working with the Village,a neigh- borhood group and the MCC to try and resolve the dispute. MCC officials said a settlement March 16 that could ofliet many of may be near allowing them to build a mosque on the site. those cutbacks. The district will be asking voters to approve an increase of 40 cents in the education finid, fions the current rate of $1.81. The owner of a MCC settlementmaybenear$150,000 home would see an increase of$l30 in his tax bill, while Village may permit agreement," said Dr.-of homeowners surroundingthe owner of a $300,000 home Mohammed Kaiseruddin,the Muslim school. The MGOwould pay an additional $278 asrnu- construction of president of the MCC. "We'refiled suit. against the villageally.Superintendent Dr. Kathleen mosque on site hoping to sign on the dottedeven before the MCC, charg-Williams says if passed, the irico- line this coming -meeting."-ing the - villager with unfairdran would bring in just raider $4 BY WENDY ELLIS That meeting was expected- to- -enforcement of the village-millign to thè district; and many of [email protected] be held sometime this week.code regarding parking regu-the programs and personnel now on Wrestling Conférence Surprises Although details of the possi- lations and religious servicesthe cut list could be restored. "The Maine Sduths -Nick Fallico gets confini of out of court settle-ble agreement have not beenbeing held at the school with-parents that have been most vocal Michael-Poeta at the.Central Suburban League ment may be near forreleased, Kaiseruddin seemed out a permit. MGO Attorneyare the band parents," said Di; Champ onshlpsèttui. See pge 13. Anthe Village of Mortonhopeful a permit to build aDouglas Cannon says he hasWilliams, who said the district dis- GroveandtheMuslimmosque would be forthcorn-been contacted by the federalcarded the idea of a land file to pay Community Center (MCC).ing. The attorney representingmediator and expects to meetfor the program. t'The program isso I nd-ex WéekIy Vol. 47 No The two sides have beenthe Village in this lawsuit, Tedwith him this week. "I thinkexpensive that to have just Ihnilhes meeting under the watchfulHadley, was not as optimistic.this is just a meeting to get tobearthebrirden, they couldn't afford eye of a federal mediator in an "I am a little more reservedknowus,"saidCannon,it" Dr. Wrllianss says the probt-am -Police-Blotters 6 effort to reach an agreement inmy enthusiasm,"saidwhose clients have not beeninvolves under 400 of the district Calendar 8 that will settle a federal law-Hadley, who is representingincluded in any of the settle-3600 students,and costs over Park RidgO--.. 9 suit filed by the MCC againstthe village because former vil-ment talks between the village$156,500 toesate. the village last fall. The law-lage attorney Gabrieland thé MCC. The MGO is Anoimr program that would be Schools . 11 suit, asking $5 million in dam-Berrafato and several otheralso in the process of revis-cut Ihr st least osas year is the sims- pörts -: 13 ages, charges the village withvillage officials are named asingitslawsuit against themer school program. Dr. Williams Business .-:. 17. violating the civil rights of thedefendants in the suit. village to include monetarysays the longtime adrninistratc.w is Home.. 18 MCC in its refusal to allow Also hanging over any set-damages, something that wasretiring and the program neeristo be the construction of a mosquetlement the two sides mightnot included in the originalredesigned. Elirninathsg it forone Sönibrs- 19- next to a Muslim elementaryreach is a second lawsuit fileddocument. The MGO hasyear would be a cost savmgs and the Crossword 20 school at 8601 Menard. by the Morton Groveuntil Feb. 12 to file thatdistrict could explore makingsum- Classsitied 21 "We are coming close to anOrganization, (MGO) a groupamended lawsuit. mer school self supporting Parents, teachers voice oppositionto D64 budgetcuts BYANDREW SCHNEIDER cuts in order to bring their fluidDistrict should maintain a highnon-mandated services from rd Oiit 64 ' [email protected] balance up to 20 percent of their fund balance, historically, wetheir special educationprogram, Fib 17-18 yearly budget. Currently, thehaven't. Don't become overlysuch as Cutting fourteaching Ul,krtre D&rea 4lm4slon Marc Groe bout 250 residents andfUnd balance is about 14 per-competitive with other school assistants. s.l fo Fib. 24 parents of Parkcent. District officiais argue thatdistricts. 64's fund balance has "The services these'assis- Pa,k Flidge Police warn against home- dge/Niles Schoolthe -fund balance is a necessaryalways ranked low becausetants' ofihr," saidone parent," District64 attendedlasthedge against a variety of possi-we've always had a commit- aren't secondary. Theyprovide a Wednesday's meeting- in theble problems, including healthment to learning. vital linktomy son. For hirn and gymnasiWn of Carpenterinsurance claims and slowly - But parents of students justhis classmates,teaching assis- Elementary School to listen torefUnded tax revenues. entering thesystetospoke pas-tants are not'non-mandateij' the board and comment on pro-Teacher Union President Jerrysionately against what they sawservices. Fmhopeflilthat thIs posed budget cuts of $1.4 mil-Mulvahil argued that no fluidas deep cuts in special educa-Board will closelyexamine and lion. balance was necessary, however. tion, and gifted programs. The - Story Continues.. The District is considering the "There's no- reason why theDistrict is considering cutting 064 page 3. The Bugle Tburidaj, Febây 5, 2004 The Bugle Thursday Februasy 5, 2004 .. News News D64 II (Continued from page 1) 'a onehundred and first birthday protect our special needs." students to experience the benefitsbudget was not, ultimately, a solu- Man celebrates The Board is also considering aof the FLES program were justtion. Indulge totalelimination of "Primaryentering high school. "Budget cuts are ñot a solu- yourself BY WENDY ELLIS that Hartigan has passed thefuture wife, Francis, who Challenge," the gifted education "I've been fluent in Spanishtion,"saidParentKathy - [email protected] century mark. just happened to live in the programfor students from kinder-since age five," said Rodriguez,Jozwiak, "they're a bandage. witha Hartigan's journey startedsame hotel. The couple mar- garten through scQnd grade. "and I iily had 30 minutes ofAnd I don't think is just the in the late 1920'sin Cherokee, Iowa, not farned and spent their early "I feel like we're taking a stepmath. Students in the FLES pro-District that's bleeding, it's timeless whenEdFTartiganfrom Sioux City in 1903. Heydars together its Detroit But back here," said Jeffrey Huff, agram achieve at a higher level thenthe whole community. And I portrait Backwas a young man, helivedthere through highHartigan hasn't been sitting parent. "These children in Primarythey would otherwise. I can con-don't think we've skinned a would shed his day job atschool,anditwashisat home for the past 34 Challenge have special needs too,duct my middle school classes 90knee,we'rehitamajor at an the Royal Typewriter corn-healthy living and interest inyears. He is an avid bridge a need to be challenged." percent in the target language andartery." pany in Chicago and headsports that he credits for hisplayer, playing twice a week One solution many who spokethe students understand. And the In order to address its con- affordable down to the Aragonlongevity. and he is a self-described proposed,wasmakingmorestudents in high school that hadtinuing financial problems, the price. Ballroomtodance.Brand "WhenIwasinhigh"nut on sports", especially extensive cuts to the District's for-the benefit of FLES are alsoDistrict is creating a communi- new in 1926, the Aragon wasschool in Cherokee I playedfootball. He's lived through eign language program, "FLES." achieving at a higher level." ty committee to advise them the place to go for Ed andfootball and basketball andtwo world wars and many a "We should cut FLES," said one One cost saving measure theon ways to maintain their high II, thousands of other youngbaseball and track." saidminor conflict and has his parent. "Foreign language school-District is considering is consider-quality of edûcation by such as people just starting out. Hartigan. "I was the captinopinions on today's political Ing is available at other institu-ing is an increase in the maximum"enhancing"theirrevenue; 'a "Young people from allof the football team. When Iclimate. tions for parents who feel that it'sclass size.While parents andone possibility is going to ref- over the United States werewas a kid I was always try- "I wish we could get this important and want to pay for it." teachers aren't necessarily happyerendum and asking the com- flocking to the cities," saiding to stay in shape. I didn'tIraq situation settled," said While many argued that FLESabout the proposal,it was notmunity for more money. Original Hartigan, who celebrated hiseat pie or cake and t didn'tHartigan. "That's the main should be cut back, some arguedfiercely opposed at the meeting.
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