Evaluation of Butanone, Carbon Dioxide, and I-Octen-3-Ol As Attractants for Mosquitoes Associated with North Central Florida Bay and Cypress Swamps

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Evaluation of Butanone, Carbon Dioxide, and I-Octen-3-Ol As Attractants for Mosquitoes Associated with North Central Florida Bay and Cypress Swamps Journal of the Amzican Mosquito Control Association, 14(3):289--297, 1998 Copyright @ 1998 by the American Mosquito Control Association, Inc. EVALUATION OF BUTANONE, CARBON DIOXIDE, AND I-OCTEN-3-OL AS ATTRACTANTS FOR MOSQUITOES ASSOCIATED WITH NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA BAY AND CYPRESS SWAMPS DANIEL L. KLINE' AND MICHAEL O. MANN, ABSTRACT, Field studies were conducted to determine the responses of mosquitoes found in north central Florida bay and cypress swamps to carbon dioxide (COr), light, butanone, and l-octen-3-ol (octenol), alone and COr in combination with each of the others. The response of these mosquito species to 5 CO, release rates (2, 20, 100, 200, and 2,000 mVmin) of CO, was also determined. The use of CO, resulted in a response in all the species studied; the pattern of response to increasing CO, levels varied from species to species. In general, collection size increased as CO, release rate increased; however, 5 species (Aedes dupreei, Anopheles perplexens, Culiseta melanura, Culex erraticus and Mansonia titillans) deviated from this pattern. Collection sizi of Ae. dupreei, Cs. melanura, and Cx. erraticus decreased at the 2,000 mVmin release rate. Collection size of An. perplexens and Ma. titillans remained constant at each CO, level to which these species responded. In the CO, and light studies, the general pattern for collection size was: CO, + light > CO, alone > tigtrt alone. The combination CO2 + octenol (2.2 mglh) resulted in a synergistic response (i.e., greater than the com-bined response obtained by COr and octenol alone) for all species except Cs. melnnura, Culix nigripalpus, and Culex restuans. Only 2 species (Aedes atlanticus and Aedes carutdensis) responded to octenol in reiatively large numbers (i.e., >5Vo response to octenol alone of that obtained by using CO, alone at the 200 mVmin release rate). Octenol at the release rate tested repelled Cs. melnnura. The butanone + CO, bait combination increased the responses compared to CO, alone of Aedes infirmatus, Culex salinarius, Coquillettidia perturbans, and Psorophoriferox, but decreased the response of Cs, melanura, KEY WORDS Surveillance, baited traps, olfaction, behavior, ecology, mosquitoes, control INTRODUCTION of incorporating attractants into a control program for these mosquito species. In an effort to find alternative control methods to ground and aerial applications of chemical insecti- cides for mosquito control, severalhost emanations MATERIALS AND METHODS (carbon dioxide [COr], l-octen-3-ol [octenol], and butanone) have been evaluated against mosquitoes Study sites associated with a variety of habitats including salt In 1991, most of the trials were conducted in or marshes, mangrove swamps, phosphate mining pits, around a predominantly red maple (Acer rubrutn rice fields, and livestock holding areas.Mosquitoes an0 sweet bay (Magrclia virginiana L.) swamp associatedwith these habitats greatly f-.) varied in their located in Union County, in north Florida (6.4 hn responsesto different release rates and combina- east of Lake Butler and 2.3 km north of Florida tions of these athactants(Kline 1994). highway SRl00 on Florida highway SR237). This Responsesof mosquitoes associated with bay site has had confirmed horse cases of EEE within and cypress swamps to these compounds have not the past decade (unpubtshed data). A variety of been reported. These mosquitoes are important in domesticated animals are kept at this site, including the epidemiology of eastern equine encephalitis cows, horses,goats, and chickens. (EEE) in north central Florida (Choate 1989. Mann In 1992 and 1993, the studies were conducted at 1993). Alternative control methods are needed for a site located in Alachua County (3.2 km NNW of these species becauseduring past the 2 decadesres- the intersection of U.S. highway 441 and Florida idential, housing developments have increasingly highway SR121 near the northwesternboundarv of encroached upon these wetland habitats. In many Gainesville, FL). Pond cypress (Taxodiurn osi"n- locations where thesehabitats occur, either no mos- dens Brongniart) is the predominant tree species, quito control program exists, or ifone does, current but red maple, swamp tupelo (Nyssa sylvatiia var. control methods of spraying with chemical insec- biflora [Walter] Sargent),and red bay (persea bor- ticides are ineffective due to the physical layout of bonia lL.l Sprengel) are also abundant. No domes- the housing development.This paper reportsthe re- ticated animals were kept at this site. sults of our initial efforts to evaluate the potential Traps I United _ States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Center for Medical, Agricultural and One Model 512, Communicable Disease Center Veterinary Entomology, PO Box 14565, Gainesville, FL (CDC)type, 6-V, battery-poweredtrap (John Hock 32604. Co., Gainesville, FL) was suspendedfrom a , metal NDVECC Detachment, 1050 NE Most Mark Streel pole ca. 1.5 m above ground level at each trap site. Suite 2lO, Poulsbo, WA 98370. Each trap was equipped with an attractant tesicom- Srprul,rsrn1998 EvAr-uafloN oF ArrRAcrANTs 293 Table 2. Mean (SE) response of the 4 most commonly collected mosquito species in Model 512 Communicable Disease Center (CDC)-type traps baited with carbon dioxide (COr), light, or CO, + light.' Bait Species co, CO, + light Light 't9.83 Aedes canadensis canadenus 40.50(8.38I (23.84)^ 3.83(1.011 0.0001 Anopheles crucians 318.83(144.30X 40r.67(r4r.r5)" 42.83(12.16)b 0.0001 Culex salinarius 24.17(8.O7)b 41.00(8.4sx 3.33(0.84). 0.0001 Culiseta melanura 21.50(3.96)b 40.67 (10.74)^ 16.67(5.80)b 0.005 'n : 6 trap-nights. Mems in the same row followed by the same letter tre not significantly different; Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsh multiple range test (SAS Institute, Inc., Cry, NC, 1985) applied to ranked data. OnIy Aedes canadensis (Theobald), Anopheles expected result suggests that surveys whose pri- crucians Wied., Culex salinarius Coq., and Cs. me- mary target is Cs. melanura covld be performed lanura were collected in sufficient numbers for sta- more quickly and cheaply with CDC light traps tistical analyses. Results of general linear model than with Cor-baited unlit traps, with little or no (GLM) and means comparisons analyses (means, decrease in sensitivity, and possibly with an in- standard errors, and signiflcant differences at each creasein specificity. treatment level) are shown for these species in Ta- ble 2. Although all 4 species followed the gener- Response to various CO, release rates alized response pattern, for Ae. canadensis and,Cx. salirwrius all treatments were highly significantly During 4 replicates (10O trap-nights) 13,001 different (P < 0.m01); for An. crucians the CO, * specimens(22 speciesin 8 genera)were collected. light and the CO, alone collections were not sig- Responsesof all species are shown in Table 3. nificantly different from each other, but they were Means, standard emors, and significant differences significantly different than the light alone collec- are shown in Table 4 for the 12 species that were tions (P < 0.0001). well represented.Both the number of mosquitoes For Cs. melanura, the CO, + light collections collected and speciesdiversity increasedwith each were significantly (P < 0.005) greater than either increase in CO, release rate (Table 3). The general the CO, alone or light alone collections,which were speciesresponse pattern was an increasein collec- not significantly different from each other. This un- tion size as the CO, releaserate was increased.Five Table 3. Speciescomposition and relative abundanceof mosquitoesresponding to increasingcarbon dioxide (COr) releaserates. CO, releaserate (mVmin) Species 200 2,OOO Aedes atlanticus 281 908 I,180 r,935 3,903 8,207 Aedes canadensis canadensis I I 3 8 660 673 Aedes dupreei 136 tt7 299 2t5 ll 778 Aedes fulvus pallens 0 0 o 0 1l Aedes infirmatus 5 69 98 rt2 289 Aedes sticticus 0 U 0 0 1l Aedes triseriatus 0 0 o o 99 Aedes vexans 0 0 0 0 ll Anopheles crucians 7 89 l0l 270 471 Anopheles perplexens n 0 2 0 1A Anop hele s punc tip ennis 0 0 0 0 88 Ano p heI es quadrimaculatus 0 0 0 I t2 Coquille ttidia perturbans 0 0 7 IJ 44 64 Culex erraticus I l1 15 837 Culex nigripalpus 22 65 101 155 228 571 Culex salinarius J t7 20 35 60 135 Culiseta melanura 89 375 3s9 474 228 1,525 Mansonia titillans o 2 0 2 26 Psorophora ciliata 0 0 I 2 58 Psorophora columbiae 0 9 26 103 142 Psorophora ferox 0 0 7 l8 43 68 U rano tae nia sapp hi rina 0 0 0 0 ll Total 540 r,505 2,757 3,098 5,701 13,001 294 JounN,qr oF THEAMERrc.u Mosquno Coxrnol Assocr,qnorq VoL. 14,No.3 tl fll 6 species,Aedes dupreei (Coquillett), Anophelesper- 'll plexens Ludlow, Cs, melanura, Culex erraticus F:* li i- ri !tl o tl VI PF,^PRR,^PP=POz Dyar and Knab, and Mansonia titillans (Walker) rEKrt88t8888 deviated from this generalized responsepattern. For Fll -i -i -i -t ,j -i:::::: ;tl O Ae. dupreei the collection size decreasedas the CO, .99 tl release rate increased from 2 to 20 mvmin and in- !ll creased as the CO, release rate increased to 100 my 6tl tr e min; thereafter collection size decreasedwith each 6 .4. -r).a.a.\\t-:-,a.\:.\ increasein CO, releaserate with the lowest number ;€\obc'l€r)oc.rc.r-o rll ..iciSqq--naoiq-1 of specimens collected at the 2,000 mymin release ui ll - c.) o c-.t<t - o.a - v.i - o otl rate. Specimens of An. perplexezs were only 6 tl an -ll! tl :8333R??89!! trapped at the 100 and 2,000 mVmin release rates o tl r;ddriFi6ioJdJr;6i O\6 o (2 specimens at each rate).
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    Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine Publications Medicine 11-13-2015 Management Factors Associated with Operation- Level Prevalence of Antibodies to Cache Valley Virus and Other Bunyamwera Serogroup Viruses in Sheep in the United States Matthew .T Meyers Iowa State University Charlie S. Bahnson Iowa State University Michael Hanlon Iowa State University CFohrlloiswtine thi Ks oprandal additional works at: http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/vdpam_pubs UnitPeda Srta oftes theDepaCrtmompent aofr aAtgivriceu altndure Laboratory Animal Medicine Commons, Large or Food Animal and Equine Medicine Commons, Sheep and Goat Science Commons, Veterinary Microbiology and ISmmaengchunoabnio Slorisinlgy Capommonaudoms, and the Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Epidemiology, and Public HIoweaalth Sta tCe Uommonniversitys TheSee nex tompc page forle addte bitioniblaiol agruthorapshic information for this item can be found at http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/ vdpam_pubs/101. For information on how to cite this item, please visit http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/ howtocite.html. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine Publications by an authorized administrator of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Management Factors Associated with Operation-Level Prevalence of Antibodies to Cache Valley Virus and Other Bunyamwera Serogroup Viruses in Sheep in the United States Abstract A cross-sectional study was performed to identify operation-level risk factors associated with prevalence of antibody to Bunyamwera (BUN) serogroup viruses in sheep in the United States.
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