Katie Gentile, Ph.D., NYS Psychology License Professor, Gender Studies and Interdisciplinary Studies John Jay College of Criminal Justice 524 W. 59th Street, NY, NY 10019 (212) 237-8110 [email protected] Education

2003 Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy Postdoctoral Certificate in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

2000 New York University, School of Education Doctorate of Philosophy, Counseling Psychology

1991 New York University, School of Education Master of Arts, Counselor Education

1988 University of Michigan Bachelor of Arts, Psychology

Positions Held

2015-present Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and Gender Studies 2017-present Faculty, Critical and Social Psychology, CUNY Graduate Center 4/2010-present Associate Adjunct Clinical Faculty, New York University postdoctoral program in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy 2008 – 2015 Associate Professor of Counseling and Gender Studies 2003 – 2007 Assistant Professor of Counseling and Gender Studies 2013-present Editor, Genders & Sexualities in Minds & Cultures Book Series/Routledge 2011- 2017 Director, Gender Studies Program 2011-present Associate Adjunct Clinical Professor, New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis 2012-present Co-Editor, Studies in Gender and Sexuality: Cultural Studies, Psychoanalysis, Practice, Research 2011-present Editorial Board, Women’s Studies Quarterly 2009-2011 Deputy Director, Gender Studies Program 2008-present Contributing Editor, Psychotherapy and Politics International 2000-2011 Women’s Center Director

Clinical Experience

10/2002-present Private practice as certified psychotherapist and psychoanalyst, licensed psychologist

9/2000-12/2003 Postdoctoral Training in Psychoanalysis, Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy

Curriculum Development

2 Gentile

Developed Gender, Activism and Social Change FYE for the John Jay Justice Core.

Mapped 3 Gender Studies courses to PATHWAYS

Created a dual major for Gender Studies and Psychology with Professor Angela Crossman

Designed intimate partner violence/sexual assault prevention train the trainers curriculum used by CUNY – 2010-2012.

Designed curriculum for 300-level interdisciplinary course Gender and Work Life, CSL360, now CSL 260

Assisted with the development of the Gender Studies Bachelor of Arts and Gender Studies 101

Select Professional Presentations and Workshops Gentile, K. & Gentile, J. (2018). Between silence and speech: A dialogue about agency, surveillance, and #metoo. Massachusetts Institute of Psychoanalysis. Boston, December 8, 2018. Invited talk.

Gentile, K. Human exceptionalism: Playing with time to disavow vulnerabilities. The social life of time: Power, discrimination and transformation. June 5, Edinburgh, Scotland. Temporal Belongings Project.

Gentile, K. Empathy as cultural and racial privilege. Panel – Illuminating ghosts and guardians in treatment: Psychosocial perspectives on technique. APA Division 39 Annual Conference, New Orleans, 2018.

Gentile, K. When witnessing re-inscribes trans-generational trauma: The role of analytic response-ability. Trans-generational shadows: Witnessing the other within. Invited panel. APA Division 39 Annual Conference, New Orleans, 2018.

Gentile, K. Invited speaker, Sandor Ferenczi Center, Sexual harassment and assault: Eros, poer, violation and consent. February 8, 2018.

Gentile, K. Assembling Justice after institutional betrayal. Invited speaker. The William Alanson White Institute. January 9, 2018.

Gentile, K. Assembling justice: Reviving nonhuman subjectivities to examine institutional betrayal around sexual misconduct . Dr. James Hansell Memorial Colloquium, Professional Psychology Program, George Washington University, Invited talk. March 23, 2018.

Gentile, K. and Knoblauch, S. The cultural violence of othering. Conference workshop on clinical practice. International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, May 25, 2017, Sydney Australia.

Gentile, K. Playing with time and bodies: Defending against annihilation anxieties with reproductive technologies and fetal protectionism. Invited panel “The body in the technological world: Disembodiment, omnipotence, and new possibilities.” The American Psychological Association Division 39’s annual meeting, April 29, 2017, New York City. 3 Gentile

Gentile, K. Invited speaker on vulnerable bodies for Section IX. Invited panel The American Psychological Association Division 39’s annual meeting, April 29, 2017, New York City.

Gentile, K. The narcissistic ambivalence of human dependence and Searles’ nonhuman environment. Accepted panel “Nonhuman environments: Reviving Searles for the Anthropocene.” The American Psychological Association Division 39’s annual meeting, April 28, 2017, New York City.

Gentile, K. The business of being made and the clinic. Invited presentation at the Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis, November 19, 2016.

Gentile, K. From limbo to hell and back in Title IX investigations. Panel Administering feminism: How dreams begin responsibility. Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Psychoanalysis annual conference, October 2016. Rutgers University.

Gentile, K. Invited discussion of the film “Being There: The Work of Abortion Care”. Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Psychoanalysis annual conference, October 2016. Rutgers University.

Gentile, K. The business of being made: Exploring the confusing and contradictory times produced through assisted reproductive technologies. Laurie Phillips Memorial Lecture. May 13, 2016. Mt. Sinai Medical College.

Gentile, K. Chasing justice-to-come: Community approaches to sexual misconduct in colleges and psychoanalytic institutes. Panel: Psychoanalysis and activism: In and out of the consulting room. American Psychological Association Division 39 annual conference, Atlanta, GA. April 10, 2016.

Gentile, K. Meet the author: The business of being made. American Psychological Association Division 39 annual conference, Atlanta, GA. April 9, 2016.

Gentile, K. Creating the conditions for activism. Psychoanalytic and Psychotherapy Study Center invited talk. October 30, 2015.

Co-Chair, (with Lisa Baraitser) of Stream 1 “Psychoanalysis, Affect, Time,” Affect Studies Conference: Worldings/Tensions/Futures. Millersville University, Oct. 14-17, 2015.

Gentile, K. Fetal bodies as narcissistic defense in the face of hyperobjects. Panel: Anxieties and Petrifications. Affect Studies Conference: Worldings/Tensions/Futures. Millersville University, Oct. 14-17, 2015.

Gentile, K. Chasing a ‘justice-to-come’: Sexual misconduct and boundary violations in the contexts of college campuses and psychoanalytic institutes. Association for Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society Annual Conference, Rutgers University, October 23, 2015.

Gentile, K. Collectively creating the conditions for emergence. Association for Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society Annual Conference, Rutgers University, October 23, 2015. 4 Gentile

Gentile, K. A perfect union: Participatory action research and psychoanalytic theory. American Psychological Association, Division 39 Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, April 2015.

Gentile, K. Exploring temporalities in assisted reproductive technologies. American Psychological Association, Division 39 Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, April, 2015.

Gentile, K. Childfree in a culture of reprofuturity. Women’s Mental Health Consortium Quarterly Meeting. February 10, 2015, NYC.

Gentile, K. A perfect union: Participatory action research and psychoanalytic theory. Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, annual conference. October 17, 2014. Rutgers University.

Gentile, K. The great divide or, Enough about human rights. Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, annual conference. October 18, 2014. Rutgers University.

Gentile, K. Present day feminisms and psychoanalysis. Panel discussion. Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, annual conference. October 18, 2014. Rutgers University.

Gentile, K. Temporality in question: Psychoanalysis meets queer time. Chair, Ann Pellegrini. Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality at New York University. May, 2, 2014.

Gentile, K. Living childfree in a culture marked by reprofuturity. Panel on Living Childfree. American Psychological Association, Division 39 Annual Conference, NYC, April 26.

Gentile, K. Biotech babies: Troubling temporalities for reproduction. New York University Program for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Independent Track Spring Colloquium. April 4, 2014.

Gentile, K. The business of being made. International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. Santiago, Chile. Invited speaker. November 11, 2013

Gentile, K. The troubling temporalities produced by the fetish of fetal personhood. Psychology and the Other Annual Conference, Lesley University, Boston. October 6, 2013.

Apprey, M., Grand, S., Hopenwasser, K., Leary, K., Gentile, K. (2013). On slavery, love, and loss: Generations of racial persecution. The Wounds of History: Repair and Resilience in the Trans- Generational Transmission of Trauma, New York University, March 2.

Stoudt, B. G. & Gentile, K. (with Alonzo, M., Azuchi, Y., Belmonte, K., Bragg, C., Browne, S., Cabellos, M., Djokovic, S., Gul, R., Johnson, S., Kelley, K., Moller, J., & Soni, K.) Searching for the Women's Center: A Participatory Action Needs Assessment. Workshop conducted at the 2012 National Women’s Studies Association 2012 Conference, Oakland, California.

Stoudt, B. G. & Gentile, K. (with Alonzo, M., Azuchi, Y., Belmonte, K., Bragg, C., Browne, S., Cabellos, M., Djokovic, S., Gul, R., Johnson, S., Kelley, K., Moller, J., & Soni, K.) “Why Do We Need a Women’s Center?:” A Participatory Action Needs Assessment. Poster conducted at the National Women’s 5 Gentile

Studies Association 2012 Conference, Oakland, California.

Gentile, K. The fetus as a fetish object for a traumatized cultural body. John Jay College of Criminal Justice International Conference on Justice, Security and Human Rights, Power of Abuse Panel, June 6, 2012.

Gentile, K. Beyond witnessing or embodying affect in the clinical space. Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy. March 16, 2012.

Gentile, K. Gathering time as affect regulation. Panel: The roles of time & space in psychoanalytic theory & practice, Knoblauch, S., Kiersky, S., Murphy, M. International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy annual conference, New York City, March 3.

Gentile, K. The public fetus. Women’s Studies Certificate Program, Graduate Center, Dec. 1, 2011.

Gentile, K., Disavowing cultural anxiety with babies and “pre-conception” bodies, on panel - The Miscarriage of Feminism: Psychoanalytic Reflections on Current Political Assaults on Women and Reproductive Freedoms, Hassinger, J., Haaken, J. Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society Annual Conference, Rutgers University, November, 2011.

Gentile, K. A Perfect Union? A Panel Discussion of Affect and Action in Psychosocial Research. Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society Annual Conference, Rutgers University, November, 2011.

Gentile, K. A missing link for academic research: Integrating relational psychoanalytic theory and methods to psycho-social research. International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Annual Conference, Madrid, July 1, 2011.

Gentile, K. Babies as fetish objects for a traumatized cultural body. World Psychiatric Association’s International Conference on Body Image and Identity in Contemporary Society, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, USA, 8-9 April 2011.

Gentile, K. Embodying affect in the clinical space. World Psychiatric Association’s International Conference on Body Image and Identity in Contemporary Society, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, USA, 8- 9 April 2011.

Gentile, K. & Stein, A. Working Analytically with Domestic Violence Cases. Invited paper presentation to the White Institute’s Sexual Abuse Survivor Study Group. January 20, 2011.

Gentile, K. Enacting resistance and agency in a relational case study of surviving rape. Panel presentation Representing Rape. American Anthropological Association annual meeting, New Orleans, Nov. 20, 2010.

Gentile, K. Buttressing the patriarchy through artificial reproductive technologies. All in the family? An interdisciplinary conference on kinship and community. The Graduate Center, March 25-26, 2010.

6 Gentile

Gentile, K. Metabolizing gender activism – Women’s Centers and Gender Studies. Feminist Pedagogy Conference, Graduate Center November 2010.

Gentile, K. Meet the author. Division 39 of the American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 2010.

Gentile, K. Coming to life. International Association of Relational Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis Annual Conference, Tel Aviv, June, 2009.

Gentile, K., Samalin, J. & Billingy, M. (2008). A model for dating violence prevention and intervention on commuter campuses. Femicide Conference, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, November, 2009.

Gentile, K. (2008). The torture of patriarchal terrorism/Intimate partner violence. Panel presentation on Working with survivors of torture & coercive interrogation. The interrogation and torture controversy: Crisis in psychology. John Jay College of Criminal Justice, September 12.

Gentile, K. Meet the Author Presentation of Creating bodies: Eating disorders as self-destructive survival. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center, NYC, March 14, 2008.

Gentile, K. (2008). Trading spaces: Temporality as self organization. Paper presentation for the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Annual Conference, Baltimore MD.

Parker, D., Gentile, K, Bing, V. Bandele, S. (2008). The model strategy for dating violence intervention in commuter college students at CUNY. CUNY Student Development Conference, New York City.

Gentile, K. (2008). Purging as embodiment. Invited panel presentation. Division 39 of the American Psychological Association Annual Conference, New York City.

Gentile, K. & Knoblauch, S. (2007). Messiness: Digesting the mind/body split. Invited presentation at William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry Psychoanalysis & Psychology.

Gentile, K. (2007). Meet the Author Book Presentation. Division 39 of the American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Raghavan, Kavanagh, Rajah, Gentile, Collado, L. Community violence, violence in the social support networks, and male perpetration of intimate partner violence. Panel Conceptualizing intimate partner violence in a gender and culture-sensitive framework. The American Society of Criminology 59th Annual Meeting, November, 2007, Atlanta GA.

Gentile, K. (2006). Preparing for the unknowable: Implementing collaborative qualitative research. New York University Applied Psychology Research Colloquium.

Gentile, K. (2005). The psychology and sociology of the body. Panel discussion for The Commission on Gender, Race and Social Justice and The Department of Music and the 7 Gentile

Performing Arts Professions Program in Educational Theatre’s conference: Provocative Acts: A symposium on theatre and social justice. New York University.

Gentile, K. (2005). Eating disorders in an ethnic minority sample. Talk given at the American Psychology-Law Society Biennial Conference, La Jolla, California.

Raghavan, C., Kavanagh, A., Gentile, K., Rajah, V., & Collado, L. (2005). Description of Dating Violence and Associated Community Risk Factors in an Urban College Sample. Talk given at the American Psychology-Law Society Biennial Conference, La Jolla, California.

Rajah, V., Raghavan, C., & Gentile, K. (2005). Gender Differences in Accounts for Dating Violence Among a Low Income Minority College Sample. Talk given at the American Psychology-Law Society Biennial Conference, La Jolla, California.

Carter, A., Raghavan, C., Rajah, V., Gentile, K., & Kavanagh, A. (2005). Alcohol Use and Dating Violence in an Urban College Sample. A Dual Model of Traumatic Response. Talk given at the American Psychology-Law Society Biennial Conference, La Jolla, California.

Gentile, K. (2003) Can it be that activism is good for you: Discussing ‘On protest.’ Psybc web conference Psychoanalysis, Politics and the Current Situation, March 8-21.

Gentile, K. (2002). When Speaking is Unthinkable. Paper presented at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, Annual Lecture Series Case Presentation, New York, NY. February.

Gentile, K. (2002). Timing Development From Cleavage to Differentiation. Paper presented as the Fourth Year Case Presentation at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, New York, NY. April.

Gentile, K. (2000). Cultures of Eating Disorders. Paper presented at Mental Health Foundation’s Annual Rosalinde Caplin Commemorative Conference, London, England. October.

Gentile, K. (2000). Creating relational cocoons implementing collaborative research. Paper presented as part of Division 35 – Psychology of Women’s panel on research methods, at the American Psychological Association’s Annual Conference, Washington, DC. August.

Gentile, K. (2000). Holding Bodies in a Text: Healing Trauma Through Structured Improvisations. Graduate Student Symposium at the American Psychological Association’s Division 39 Annual Spring Conference, San Francisco, CA. April.

Gentile, K. (1999). Now You See It - Now You Don’t: Disavowing the Research Relationship. Paper presented as part of Division 24 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology’s symposium on research methods at the American Psychological Association’s Annual Conference, Boston, MA. August. 8 Gentile

Gentile, K. (1996). Bulimia and Child Sexual Abuse: Dissociated States Even in the Literature. Paper presented as part of the panel on Research on Girls and Women at the American Psychological Association’s Annual Women’s Health Conference, Washington, DC. October, 1996.

Gentile, K. (1996). Dilemmas of Doing Qualitative Research with “Marked Groups.” Roundtable on Feminist Theories of Research, at the American Psychological Association’s Annual Conference, Toronto, ON. August, 1996.

Media Appearances and Blog Posts

Public Seminar Blog – Give a woman an inch, she’ll take a penis: Backlash and the fragility of privilege. http://www.publicseminar.org/2018/01/give-a-woman-an-inch-shell-take-a-penis/ Republished in Division Review: A Quarterly Psychoanalytic Forum, 1 (1). January 2018. http://www.div39members.wildapricot.org/resources/Documents/DR%20Articles/Digest%20Issue%201%20 FINAL.pdf

Public Seminar Blog – Patriarchy alive and well: CDC releases new guidelines for alcohol & pregnancy. http://www.publicseminar.org/2016/02/patriarchy-alive-and-well-cdc-releases-new-guidelines-for-alcohol- pregnancy/#.VsIk2ZMrLo0

Public Seminar Blog – Affirmative consent and neoliberal bodies - http://www.publicseminar.org/2015/09/affirmative-consent-and-neoliberal-bodies/#.Vj4yw66rRdv

Public Seminar Blog – Gagging the victims – Accusation as the real crime in campus sexual assault http://www.publicseminar.org/2017/07/gagging-the-victims/#.WcEvqtN95TY

Reposted Dec. 1, Arts & Opinion: Arts, Culture, Analysis, Vol. 16 no. 6, 2017. http://www.artsandopinion.com/2017_v16_n5/

KBOO, Portland Oregon Radio, The Old Mole Variety Show, interview with Janice Haaken about #metoo. December 18, 2017.

KBOO, Portland Oregon Radio, The Old Mole Variety Show, interview with Janice Haaken on university policies about sexual assault, Monday, May 19, 2014.

KBOO Portland Oregon Radio, The Old Mole Variety Show, interview with Janice Haaken, and about fetal personhood and the cultural fetish Monday August 17, 2015.

Gentile, K. (2014). The business of being made. MAMSIE,org - Mapping Maternal Subjectivities, Identities and Ethics, February 14,2014: http://mamsie.org/mamsieblog/2014/02/the-business-of-being-made/

Gentile, K. The post-pregnancy weight-loss obsession. The Daily Beast (www.thedailybeast.com), January 24, 2010. Reprinted at http://jezebel.com/katie-gentile/

9 Gentile

Cosmopolitan, June 2008. “5 Tips to spot a rapist.” Quoted expert.

WFMU and WFMU.org, April 16, 2007. The Speakeasy. Interview by Dorian Devins about Creating bodies: Eating disorders as self-destructive survival. [Radio Broadcast].

Public Radio International, Satellite Sisters: Recovering from 9/11. October, 2001. [Radio Broadcast]. March 31, 2006.

PBS Television In the Mix: Cliques Episode. (October, 2000). [Website teaching tool for Public Broadcast Television]. New York: Public Broadcast Television. http://www.pbs.org/inthemix/educators/lessons/cliques1/programinfo.htm

Quoted in numerous articles published in the New York Times, The Village Voice, Men’s Health, The Tampa Tribune, Diversity: Higher Education Journal, Metro NYC, CNN, and Marie Claire.


Gentile, K. (2018). Assembling justice: Reviving nonhuman subjectivities to address institutional betrayal around sexual misconduct. Journal the American Psychoanalytic Association, 66 (4): 647-678.

Gentile, K. (2018). Give her an inch, she’ll take a penis. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 19 (4): 241 245.

Gentile, K. (2018). From the “Ontology of the rape joke” to #metoo – “witch hunts” and reckonings. 19 (4): 233-234.

Gentile, K. (2018). Animals as the symptom, or, Psychoanalysis as a theory of interspecies co-emergence. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 19 (1): 7-13.

Gentile, K. & Baraitser, L. (2018). Thinking through affect and psychoanalysis: Introducing papers from the conference “Woldings, tensions, futures.” Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 19 (2): 87-88.

Gentile, K. & Pellegrini, A. (2018). Introduction to nonhuman encounters: Animals, objects, affects, and the place of practice. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 19 (1): 1-2.

Gentile, K. (2017). Playing with shame – The temporal work of rape jokes for the cultural body. Panel discussion of Vanessa Place’s performance “The Ontology of the Rape Joke.” Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 18 (4):287-293.

Gentile, K. (2017). Introducing “The ontology of the rape joke.” Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 18 (4):258-259.

Gentile, K. (2017). Collectively creating conditions for emergence. In S. Grand & J. Salzberg (eds.) Wounds of history: Repair and resilience in the trans-generational transmission of trauma, pp. 169-188. New York: Routledge.

10 Gentile

Gentile, K. (2017). Chasing Justice: Bystander intervention and restorative justice in the contexts of college campuses and psychoanalytic institutes. In K. Davisson and E. Toronto, eds. A womb of her own. Section III of Division 39. Karnac Books.

Gentile, K. (ed.) (2016). The business of being made: The temporalities of reproductive technologies, in psychoanalysis and culture. New York: Routledge. Gradvia Award winner for Outstanding Edited Book, 2017.

Gentile, K. (2016). Introducing The Business of Being Made. In K. Gentile (ed.) The business of being made: The temporalities of reproductive technologies, in psychoanalysis and culture, pp. 3-20. New York: Routledge.

Gentile, K. (2016). Bridging psychoanalytic and cultural times – using psychoanalytic theory to understand better how reprofuturity and biomedicalization produce subjectivities. In K. Gentile (ed.) The business of being made: The temporalities of reproductive technologies, in psychoanalysis and culture, pp. 21-47. New York: Routledge.

Gentile, K. (2016). Situating ARTs in the cultural imagination. In K. Gentile (ed.) The business of being made: The temporalities of reproductive technologies, in psychoanalysis and culture, pp. 48-63. New York: Routledge.

Gentile, K. (2016). Producing temporalities through assisted reproductive technologies. In K. Gentile (ed.) The business of being made: The temporalities of reproductive technologies, in psychoanalysis and culture, pp. 64-84. New York: Routledge.

Gentile, K. (2016). Epilogue - Embodying the gaps in the face of catastrophe and hyperobjects. In K. Gentile (ed.) The business of being made: The temporalities of reproductive technologies, in psychoanalysis and culture, pp. 213-221. New York: Routledge.

Gentile, K. (2016). Notes from a (psychoanalytic) feminist field. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. 21(3), 249-255. doi:10.1057/pcs.2015.63

Gentile, K. (2015). Generating subjectivity through the creation of time. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 33 (2): 264-283.

Gentile, K. (2015). Using queer and psychoanalytic times to explore the troubling temporalities of fetal personhood. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 15: 1.

Gentile, K. (2015). About being in time: Response to commentaries by Carolyn Dinshaw, Bill Auerbach, and Ann Pelligrini. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 15: 1.

Gentile, K. (2014). Exploring the troubling temporalities produced by fetal personhood. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 19 (3): 1-18.

Gentile, K. (2014). What about the baby?: Baby-philia and the neo cult of domesticity. In M. Sheehy (ed.) Women, mothers, subjects: New explorations of the maternal. New York/London: Routledge. 11 Gentile

Gentile, K. (2014). What about the patriarchy?: Response to commentaries by Zeavin and Layton. In M. Sheehy (ed.) Women, mothers, subjects: New explorations of the maternal. New York/London: Routledge.

Gentile, K. (2013). The business of being made: Exploring the production of temporalities in assisted reproductive technologies. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, Special Issue on Assisted Reproductive Technologies, 14 (4): 255-276.

Gentile, K. (2013). You don’t recognize me because I’m still standing: Exploring the impact of participating in action research with women survivors of domestic violence. In Raghavan C. & Cohen, S.J. (Eds.), Domestic Violence: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Dialogue, pp. 171-199. Northeastern Series on Gender, Crime, and Law, Northeastern University Press.

Gentile, K. (2013). Biopolitics, trauma and the public fetus: An analysis of preconception care. Subjectivity, 6: (2): 153-172.

Gentile, K. (2013). Bearing the cultural in order to engage in a process of witnessing. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 30 (3): 456-470.

Gentile, K. (2012). Review of Tamara Bibby’s Education – An ‘impossible profession’?: Psychoanalytic explorations of learning and classrooms. London: Routledge, in Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 16(4): 440-442.

Gentile, K. (2011). What about the baby? Baby-philia and the neo cult of domesticity. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 12(1), 38-58.

Gentile, K. (2011). What about the patriarchy?: Response to commentaries by Zeavin and Layton. Studies in Gender and Sexuality.12(1): 72-77.

Gentile, K. (2010). Is the old psychoanalytic story part of the problem? Invited response to Keylor and Apfel’s “Male infertility: Integrating an old psychoanalytic story with the research literature.” Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 11 (2): 78-85.

Gentile, K. (2010). Purging as embodiment. In J. Petrucelli (Ed.): Knowing, not knowing, and sort of knowing: Psychoanalysis and the experience of uncertainty. London: Karnac Press.

Gentile, K. (2010). Missing genders: Response to roundtable discussion: Violence and aggression in the consulting room. Psychoanalytic Perspectives, 6 (1).

Gentile, K. (2009).The collective artistry of activism: A review of Making trouble: Life and politics. By Lynne Segal. London: Serpents Tail. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 10(4).

Raghavan, C., Rajah, V., Gentile, K., Collado, L., Kavanagh, A.M. (2009). Community violence, social support networks, ethnic group differences and male perpetration of intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 24(10): 1615-1632. 12 Gentile

Gentile, K., Raghavan, C., Rajah, V., Gates, K. (2007). It doesn’t happen here?: Eating disorders in an ethnically diverse sample of low-income, female and male, urban college students. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention.15(5): 405-425.

Gentile, K. (2007). Resisting to survive or self-destructing to resist? The on-going paradox of transformation. In M. Suchet, A. Harris, & L. Aron (Eds.), Relational psychoanalysis, Volume III: New Voices. Mahwah, NJ: The Analytic Press.

Gentile, K. (2007).Creating bodies: Eating disorders as self-destructive survival. NY: Routledge.

Gentile, K. (2006). Timing development from cleavage to differentiation, Contemporary Psychoanalysis,42(2), 297-325.

Gentile, K. (2006). Words don’t cut it: Invited commentary on paper by Mary E. Sonntag. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 16(3), 333-339.

Gentile, K. & Gutwill, S. (2006). How to create social activism, or, turning the passive to active without killing each other. In, N. Totton (Ed.), Psychotherapy and Politics. London: Open University Press.

Gentile, K. & Gutwill, S. (2005). How to create social activism, or, turning the passive to active without killing each other. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 3(2): 122-132.

Strozier, C. & Gentile, K. (2004). The mental health response to 9/11. In D. Knafo (Ed.). Living with terror, working with trauma: A clinician’s handbook. Hillsdale, NJ: Jason Aronson

Strozier, C. & Gentile, K. (2003/2012). The experiences of two mental health professionals. In B.S. Levy & V. W. Sidel (eds.) Terrorism and public health: A balanced approach to strengthening systems and protecting people, pp. 114-116. New York: Oxford University Press. First and Second Editions.

Gentile, K. & Lewis, M. Building Healthy Relationships. (2003). In R.C. DeLucia (Ed.), Urban learners: serious about college success, (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Gentile, K.A. (2000). Healing trauma through lyrical improvisations within the transitional spaces of a diary. Dissertation Abstracts International (UMI No. 9968425).

Gentile, K. (1993). Alcohol and drugs are women’s issues: The model program guide, a review. Addictions Nursing Network, 5(1), 30-32.

Manuscripts in Press and in Process

Gentile, K. When the cat guards the canary – A new look at sexual boundary violations in psychoanalysis. Charles Levin, ed. Boundary Trouble: The Ethics of Psychoanalytic Intimacy in Relational Perspective, New York: Routledge. In press.

13 Gentile

Gentile, K. Give her an inch, she’ll take a penis: The expanded version. Contemporary Psychoanalysis. In press.

Gentile, K. ‘Dying for a baby’ and other ‘confusions of tongues’” Discussing Rebecca Harrington’s “Childless.” Psychoanalytic Dialogues. In press.

Harris, A. and Gentile, K. Boundary violations and alternative models of justice. In Montagna, P.K. (ed.). Psychoanalysis and the Law. New York: Routledge. In process.

Gentile, K. Disassembling the “Great Divide”: Re-conceptualizing the human and the nonhuman in theory and practice. Book manuscript in process.

Grants and Honors

$4720 PSC CUNY Research Foundation grant to finish a paper integrating college and psychoanalytic institute responses to sexual misconduct. 2016

$5000 City University of New York to develop a model curriculum to train peer leaders in domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking prevention. 2010

$30,000 The LCU Foundation, Student Housing Grant, 2011-2012

$17,000 The LCU Foundation, Student Housing Grant, 2010-2011

$3,800 PSC CUNY Research Foundation grant, 2010 - to develop a pilot peer program in the Women’s Center to combat dating violence.

$1000 Verizon Grant for Domestic Violence Programming 2009-2010

$3,800 PSC CUNY Research Foundation grant, 2009 - to write research paper on media representations of pregnancy since 9/11.

$3,800 PSC CUNY Research Foundation grant, 2007 - to analyze media representations of pregnancy from 1996-2006.

$105,000 The LCU Foundation, Student Housing Grant, 2007-2010

$3,800 PSC CUNY Research Foundation Grant, 2005 - to analyze data and write journal article on eating disorders and violence in an ethnically and economically diverse sample of commuter college students.

$1,000 Research Assistance Grant, 2005 John Jay College Research Assistance Fund

$7,500 Forensic Science Research Grant, 2003

14 Gentile

$200,000 The LCU Foundation, Student Housing Grant, 2003-2006

$50,000 The LCU Foundation, Student Housing Grant, 2002

$5000 John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Office of Professional Development Domestic Violence Research Grant


Gradiva Award, 2017 – Outstanding Edited Book. From the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis

Sabbatical Fellowship Leave February-July 2013 and February – July 2014

Editor, Genders & Sexualities in Minds & Cultures book series, Routledge. (Muriel Dimen, Executive Editor, Lisa Baraister and Stephen Hartman, Associate Editors)

Co-Editor for the interdisciplinary journal Studies in Gender and Sexuality, Taylor & Francis.

Editorial Board of Women’s Studies Quarterly, The Feminist Press.

Review committee member for PSC CUNY Research Grant Interdisciplinary Studies section 2015, 2016, 2017; Women’s Studies division 2005-2007, 2009, and 2010

Contributing Editor for Psychotherapy and Politics International, Wiley.

Advisory Board of the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities, Michael Kimmel Director

Advisory Board to the New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence’s National Institute of Justice-funded research project entitled “An Exploratory Study of Juvenile Orders of Protection as a Remedy to Dating Violence,” 2011-2013. Student Council Award for Social Justice 2010-2011 – Domestic Violence Prevention

Affiliations and Memberships

Division 39, Section IX Board member 2015-present

Advisory board, Waiting Time, a 5-year project created by Lisa Baraitser (Birkbeck College) and Laura Salisbury (University of Exeter) exploring waiting time in UK healthcare.

Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society

International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

Division 44, The Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues 15 Gentile

American Psychological Association until 2007 Withhold dues for an Ethical APA

Division 35 Society for the Psychology of Women until 2007

Professional Service

Reviewer, PSC CUNY Grants, Interdisciplinary Section 2015, 2016

Advisory Committee to develop the CUNY-wide Intimate partner violence/sexual assault policy.

Co-chair of the biannual on-line colloquium for the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, January 2008-May 2011.

Panelist, “Psychoanalysis and the trauma(s) of history,” the biannual on-line colloquium for the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, December 6-20, 2010.

Moderator, “Principles of improvisation: A model of therapeutic play in relational psychoanalysis,” International Association of Relational Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis on-line conference, May 10-23.

Moderator, “On the attachment of psychoanalysis to the past: A roundtable discussion,” International Association of Relational Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis on-line conference, November 10-December 14, 2009.

Moderator, “The trauma of morality,” International Association of Relational Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis on-line conference, May 11-24, 2009.

Advisor to The First National Conference for Campus-Based Men’s Gender Equality and Anti Violence Groups, St. John’s, MN. November 6-7, 2009.

Co-Chair of the Education Committee, Section 9 of Division 39 2008-2009

Journal Reviewer: Frontiers: Journal of Women’s Studies, Feminist Media Studies, Feminist Theory, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Violence Against Women, Women’s Studies Quarterly, The Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, American Psychological Association’s Division 39 Annual Conference, 2001-2002.

Volunteer trauma psychotherapist for Marsh & McClennon. Trained managers to deal with traumatized employees and provided group and individual crisis intervention, September 17, 2001.

Volunteer psychologist for the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy deployed as a clinician for Ground Zero site visits, October, 2001.

16 Gentile

Volunteer trauma psychotherapist for Union Local 94. Co-lead a three month group for the survivors of the Operating Engineers at the World Trade Center, October – January, 2001-2002.

Consultant psychotherapist for Deloitte & Touche. Provided individual and group crisis intervention to World Financial Center survivors, September 18-20, 2001.

Personal Skills

Professional violinist, composer and vocalist, with compositions or performances recorded for the Academy Award nominated film Junebug (with Yo La Tengo) and used in Public Radio International’s This American Life. Composed music for and performed onstage with the Talent Family (Amy & David Sedaris) at Lincoln Center’s Summer Festival in David Sedaris’ Incident at Cobbler’s Knob. July, 1997. Have played live with Jowe Head (of the Swell Maps, , Palookas), Yo La Tengo and Antietam in addition to Special Pillow and Mad Scene. Is a regular member of WFMU’s annual Hoof and Mouth Symphonia and have played on numerous professional recordings, listed below. Bands and recordings have been reviewed or reported on by New York Times, The New Yorker, Magnet, Pitchfork, Trouser Press, Time Out NY, Ptolemaic Terrascope, Amplifier, Mademoiselle, CMJ Magazine, and others. A Special Pillow song, “Automatic Doom,” was covered by Yo La Tengo on their Stuff Like That There CD, Matador, 2015.

Antietam (2017) Intimations of immortality [CD]. New York. Special Pillow (2016) At the Earth’s Core. [CD]. Hoboken, NJ: Zofko. Special Pillow (2014) Infinite Regression. [CD]. Hoboken, NJ: Zofko. Debby Schwartz (2014). A Garden of My Own [LP/CD]. Brooklyn: Twin Lakes Records. Mad Scene (2012) Blip (LP) Siltbreeze. Philadelphia. Special Pillow (2007). Sleeping Beauty. [CD]. Hoboken, NJ: Zofko. This American Life: Stories of hope & fear CD: The Babysitters. Chicago Public Radio. Los Angeles, CA: Shout Factory. Junebug. (2005). Soundtrack by Yo La Tengo. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. Antietam (2004). On Victory Park [CD] Chicago: Carrot Top Records. Yo La Tengo (2003). Tiny birds. On Summer Son. [CD,LP] New York. Matador Records. Special Pillow (2003). & Inside the Special Pillow Hoboken, NJ: Zofko. Key, T. & Rizzo, R. (1999). Dark Edison Tiger. [CD]. Chicago, Il: Thrill Jockey. (Featured regularly on Public Radio International’s “This American Life.”) Run On (1997). No Way [CD, LP] New York. Matador Records. Run On (1997). Sit down [CD] New York. Matador Records. Run On (1997). Scoot [CD] New York. Sonic Bubblegum. Special Pillow (1996). Ancient History Hoboken, NJ: Zofko.