Parish: Ward: Plaistow And Ifold Plaistow


Proposal Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 3 no. detached dwellings.

Site Bradstow Lodge The Drive Ifold RH14 0TE

Map Ref (E) 502696 (N) 130769

Applicant Mr And Mrs Gregory


Note: Do not scale from map. For information only. Reproduced NOT TO from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the SCALE controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown Copyright. License No. 100018803

1.0 Reason for Committee Referral

Red Card: Cllr Knightley - Important information/opinion to raise in debate.

2.0 The Site and Surroundings

2.1 The application site comprises the roughly triangular shaped residential curtilage of Bradstow Lodge on the corner of The Ride and The Drive in the settlement boundary of Ifold. Given the site’s triangular shape it tapers to a point at both its north-west and south-east corners. The site’s boundaries are defined by a mix of timber fencing, hedgerows and mature trees. Vehicular access into the site is from The Ride; however, separate pedestrian entrances also exist on both of the site’s road frontages. 2.2 Bradstow Lodge is a detached chalet bungalow constructed with brick elevations beneath a hipped, clay tiled roof. The building’s ridge is oriented north-east to south-west. Attached to the dwelling’s north-east corner is a single storey extension together with a conservatory. To the south of the dwelling is a detached double garage. The dwelling is well screened by both boundary treatments and additional planting within the site.

3.0 The Proposal

3.1 The application seeks planning permission for the demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of 3 no. detached dwellings.

3.2 The application follows a grant of outline planning permission for the erection of 3 dwellings on the site which was allowed on appeal under reference PS/14/03297/OUT (APP/L3815/ W/14/3001266). The matters approved including the access and layout of the site and the scale of the proposed dwellings.

3.3 The current proposal amends the layout and scale of the buildings and therefore a full application has been submitted for consideration rather than a reserved matters application pursuant to the details already approved.

3.4 The approximate measurements of the dwelling as proposed, and as previously approved are provided below.

Plot 1: Proposed - 6.8m (h) x 11m (d) x 13m (w) Approved - 6.7m (h) x 8m (d) x 13.4m (w)

Plot 2: Proposed - 6.8m (h) x 10.6m (d) x 13.4m (w) Approved - 6.7m (h) x 8m (d) x 11.5m (w)

Plot 3: Proposed - 6.9m (h) x 12.6m (d) x 13.4m (w) Approved - 6.7m (h) x 9.75m (d) x 11.7m (w)

Each plot would be provided with 2 car parking spaces and a shared turning area is proposed to the front of the dwellings.

4.0 History

00/00903/DOM PER Two storey side rear extension and conservatory.

14/03297/OUT REF Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 3 no. detached dwellings.

15/00002/REF ALLOW Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 3 no. detached dwellings.

5.0 Constraints

Listed Building NO Conservation Area NO Rural Area NO AONB NO Strategic Gap NO Tree Preservation Order NO South Downs National Park NO

EA Flood Zone NO Historic Parks and Gardens NO

6.0 Representations and Consultations

6.1 Parish Council

Plaistow and Ifold Parish Council whilst considering this application, acknowledges that Outline Permission has been granted by the Planning Inspector at Appeal.

The Parish Council requests that officers ensure all trees of note on the site are protected by TPOs; due to the density of the proposed development there is a danger that trees without TPOs will be lost in the future, which would impact adversely on the character of the village. The Parish Council also requests that any planning permission has a condition requiring that a full landscaping scheme be agreed prior to development commencing.

The Parish Council agrees with the concerns of the Land Drainage Officer regarding the position of plot 3 over a water course and considers that planning permission should not be granted without a suitable solution being agreed.

The Parish Council also agrees that, given the underlying geology in Ifold, the proposed means of surface water disposal via soakaways will not be adequate. The Parish Council requests that full details of an acceptable surface water drainage scheme should be provided before any planning permission is granted.

Finally, given that it is acknowledged that there is currently inadequate capacity in the local foul sewerage network, the Parish Council requests that Southern Water are consulted on this application.

6.2 WSCC - Strategic Planning

No Objection – It is proposed to utilise an existing access off of The Ride to serve the 3 dwellings. Space for 2 vehicles per dwelling is included on allocated driveways, which would meet the standards set out for dwellings of this size in this area. Cycle spaces are also included which should be in accordance with current guidance (2 spaces per dwelling). A turn within the site appears to be achievable, allowing for a vehicle to exit on to the private drive in a forward gear.

No concerns wished to be raised to this application from a highways perspective.

6.3 CDC Drainage Engineer

The proposed layout, specifically plot 3 appears to be over a water course/pond which I identified during the outline application for this site. I am not aware that land drainage consent has been given for alterations which would be required for the proposed layout. The developer should be aware that it is an offence to alter the watercourse without land drainage consent. I would welcome the opportunity to visit site with you, and the developer to try and identify a solution which would be acceptable to all parties. This is likely to involve the diversion of the existing watercourse while maintaining storage.

The proposed means of surface water disposal is through infiltration to the ground. Although this is the preferred approach the detailed design will need to be supported by winter groundwater monitoring and percolation tests. Due to the underlying geology it is likely soakaways will not be adequate in isolation, at which point an attenuated system with restricted discharge to a local watercourse would be considered.

If the application is approved suggest a condition to ensure the site is adequately drained.

6.4 CDC Environmental Strategy Officer

Original Comments As detailed within the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal January 2015 there is high potential for bats to be roosting within the building onsite due to the location, opportunities for roosting and droppings. Due to this and as recommend within the survey further bat emergence surveys are required to determine if bats are roosting onsite prior to determination. This survey needs to be undertaken by a suitably qualified ecologist during the active breeding period (May - September) and submitted for are approval with the planning application prior to determination. If bats are found to be present then a mitigation strategy will also need to be put together and submitted with the application. The applicant should be aware that if bats are roosting within the buildings a Natural Protected Species Licence will be required. Until these surveys are submitted we recommend that this application is refused.

The lighting scheme for the site will need to take into consideration the presence of bats in the local area and the scheme should minimise potential impacts to any bats using the trees, hedgerows and buildings by avoiding unnecessary artificial light spill through the use of directional light sources and shielding.

Any works to the trees or vegetation clearance on the site should only be undertaken outside of the bird breeding season which takes place between 1st March - 1st October. If works are required within this time an ecologist will need to check the site before any works take place (with 24 hours of any work).

Additional Comments Following submission of the bat emergence survey (August 2015), we are happy that the mitigated proposed would be suitable. A condition should be used to ensure this takes place. The applications should be aware that a Natural England Protected Species Licence will be required for the works, and this will need to be obtained prior to any works taking place.

6.5 7 letters of objection have been received concerning the following matters; a) Density, plot is too small for 3 dwellings b) Flooding c) Traffic and congestion d) Impact on trees e) Lack of infrastructure f) Loss of trees and habitat

7.0 Planning Policy

The Development Plan

7.1 The Development Plan for the area comprises the Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029 and all made neighbourhood plans. There is no made neighbourhood plan for Ifold at this time.

7.2 The principal planning policies relevant to the consideration of this application are as follows:

Policy 1: Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development Policy 2: Development Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy Policy 4: Housing Provision Policy 5: Parish Housing Sites 2012- 2029 Policy 33: New Residential Development Policy 39: Transport, Accessibility and Parking Policy 40: Sustainable Design and Construction

National Policy and Guidance

7.4 Government planning policy now comprises the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), paragraph 14 of which states:

At the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-taking:

For decision-taking this means unless material considerations indicate otherwise: - Approving development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay; and - Where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out-of-date, granting planning permission unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly or demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole; or specific policies in the Framework indicate development should be restricted.

7.5 Consideration should also be given to paragraph 17 (Core Planning Principles), 56, 58 and 64

7.6 The government's New Homes Bonus (NHB) which was set up in response to historically low levels of housebuilding, aims to reward local authorities who grant planning permissions for new housing. Through the NHB the government will match the additional council tax raised by each council for each new house built for each of the six years after that house is built. As a result, councils will receive an automatic, six-year, 100 per cent increase in the amount of revenue derived from each new house built in their area. It follows that by allowing more homes to be built in their area local councils will receive more money to pay for the increased services that will be required, to hold down council tax. The NHB is intended to be an incentive for local government and local people, to encourage rather than resist, new housing of types and in places that are sensitive to local concerns and with which local communities are, therefore, content. Section 143 of the Localism Act which amends S.70 of the Town and Country Planning Act makes certain financial considerations such as the NHB, material considerations in the determination of planning applications for new housing. The amount of weight to be attached to the NHB will be at the discretion of the decision taker when carrying out the final balancing exercise along with the other material considerations relevant to that application.

Other Local Policy and Guidance

7.7 The aims and objectives of the Council's Sustainable Community Strategy are material to the determination of this planning application. These are:

B1 - Managing a changing environment D1 - Increasing housing supply

8.0 Planning Comments

8.1 The main issues arising from this proposal are: i) Principle of development and sustainability ii) Design and impact upon character of the surrounding area iii) Impact upon amenities of neighbouring properties iv) Drainage v) Highway safety vi) Arboricultural implications vii) Ecological considerations

Assessment i) Principle of development and sustainability

8.2 The site is within the Settlement Boundary of Plaistow/Ifold which is identified as a Service Village; a sustainable location for small scale development outside of Chichester City and the Settlement Hubs where, in accordance with Policy 1 and Policy 2 of the Local Plan there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. This is consistent with Paragraph 14 of the NPPF which establishes a presumption in favour of sustainable development in such a location unless the adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits.

8.3 An application for outline planning permission for 3 dwellings on the site was previously refused due to concerns about the proposal resulting in a cramped, over-development of the plot and the impact upon ecology. The proposal was allowed at appeal, and as a result there is an extant outline planning permission for 3 dwellings on the plot.

8.4 The appearance of the dwellings and the landscaping of the site were the only reserved matters, however the siting of the dwellings has been amended slightly and therefore an application for full planning permission to incorporate all elements of the proposal has been submitted. Given that the site lies in a sustainable location for small scale development and outline permission was granted for 3 dwellings on the site earlier this year it is considered that the principle of development is acceptable.

ii) Design and impact upon character of the surrounding area

8.5 Section 7 of the NPPF requires good design that improves the overall quality of the area and policy, with Paragraph 56 of the NPPF stating that "good design is indivisible from good planning". Policy 33 of the Local Plan requires new development to meet the highest standards of design and to be appropriate in terms of the proportion, form, massing, siting, scale and detailed design to ensure that proposals respect and where possible enhance the character of the surrounding area and the site.

8.6 The Inspector for the previous appeal on the site concluded that "The proposed new houses would not be particularly prominent given their modest height and the retained landscaping screen, despite the site's location on the corner of the two roads. Their scale and density would be in keeping with recent development in the area. I therefore conclude that the proposed development would not harm the character and appearance of the area." (para. 9)

8.7 The main differences between the approved scheme and the current proposal include: - movement of the dwelling on plot 1 a distance of approximately 5m further into the site - addition of rear projections to plots 1 and 2 - increase of ridge heights by up to 200mm

Although the scheme has been amended, the current proposal is not sufficiently different to the appeal proposal in respect of the layout of the site or the scale of the buildings to warrant coming to a different conclusion in respect of the design of the development or its impact upon the character of the surrounding area. It is therefore considered that the proposal would be acceptable in this respect. iii) Impact upon amenities of neighbouring properties

8.8 The NPPF states in paragraph 17 that planning should ensure a good quality of amenity for all existing and future occupiers of land and buildings, and policy 33 of the Local Plan seeks to provide high quality living environment in keeping with the character of the area and protect neighbouring and public amenity. Due to the orientation of the proposed dwellings at angles to the dwelling to the north and their distances from the northern boundary of the site it is considered that the proposal would not be harmful to the amenities of the neighbouring property in respect of being over bearing, loss of light or overlooking. The proposal would therefore be acceptable in this respect. iv) Drainage 8.9 The application site lies in flood zone 1, the area at lowest risk of flooding, however due to ground conditions a condition is recommended to ensure that a suitable means of drainage is provided. The scheme will include the diversion of an existing drain between 2 existing outlets on the south and eastern boundaries of the site. It is therefore considered that subject to an appropriate condition requiring the detailed submission of a scheme to manage surface water drainage the proposal would be acceptable in this respect.

8.10 There is an extant permission for 3 dwellings on the site, and therefore the proposed development would not result in any greater pressure upon the foul sewerage network than the fall back position for the site. It is therefore considered that the scheme would be acceptable in respect of its impact upon the foul drainage network. v) Highway Safety

8.11 The Highway Authority has advised that the proposed level of parking, cycle parking, and turning area, which would allow for vehicles to enter and exit the site in a forward gear, would be acceptable. Highway officers further advise that, due to the scale of the proposal, it would not have a significant impact upon the highway network. The proposal would therefore meet the requirements of policy 39 of the Local Plan to ensure that new development benefits from safe and adequate access. vi) Arboricultural implications

8.12 There are several trees and hedgerows within the site and the application is accompanied by an Arboricultural Assessment and a Landscape Strategy Plan. The proposed development would not result in the loss of any mature trees around the edge of the site. Instead, as per the appeal proposal, the planting around the edge of the site would be retained and reinforced. It is therefore considered that the proposal is acceptable in respect of its impact upon trees, subject to a condition to ensure suitable tree protection measures during construction and the submission of a detailed landscape scheme. vii) Ecological considerations

8.13 The application is accompanied by a preliminary ecological appraisal which indicates the presence of bats in the vicinity of the site. The appraisal recommends that a phase 2 summer dusk emergency survey is required and ecological enhancements for the benefit of wildlife be carried out within the site. Following the submission of a further survey the Council's Environment Officer has advised that the proposal would be acceptable in respect of its impact upon bats subject to applicants being made aware of the need for a licence from Natural England. It is therefore considered that the proposal is acceptable in this regard.

Significant Conditions

8.14 It is recommended that conditions similar to those included within the appeal decision are imposed, with some amendment given that the application is for full planning permission rather than outline permission. These conditions would manage the proposed materials to ensure that they are appropriate for the location, secure the provision of parking in accordance with the approved plans, require a construction management plan to be submitted and adhered to, restrict the hours of construction, requires compliance with the phase 2 emergence survey for bats, secure the retention and protection of the existing hedge and tree screen along the boundary of the site, and require the submission of details for the proposed surface water drainage scheme and the proposed bin and cycle storage.


8.15 Based on the above it is considered the proposal complies with development plan policies 1, 2, 33, 39, 40 and 49 and therefore the application is recommended for approval.

Human Rights

8.16 In reaching this conclusion the Human Rights of the applicants and nearby occupiers have been taken into account when reaching this recommendation and it is concluded that the recommendation to permit is justified and proportionate.


1 A01F Time Limit - Full 2 B01G No Departure from Plans 3 U98859 Materials 4 U98860 Surface water drainage scheme 5 U98861 Parking and turning 6 U98862 Construction management plan 7 U98863 Hours of construction 8 U98864 Tree retention 9 K01H Landscaping 10 K02G Landscaping 11 U98890 Bat Survey 12 U98894 Refuse and cycle storage 13 U98895 Communications infrastructure


1 W45 Application approved following revisions 2 W36 Wildlife

For further information on this application please contact Fjola Stevens on 01243 534734