" i etoanee Burple

SEWANEE, TENNESSEE" 7)^tober 8, 1998 Stone and Stewardship: Environmentally aware program granted Carving Sewanee's Image Sewanee financial support from ACS area mine the stone at Armficld Bluff, an deemed " Dedicated Consm an on Lai kI studem sible" and encourages The study explains thai conservation by Taryn Gassner ip .heir own environmental and recreational land'- have educational programs Grant mone) is available program. al of environmentally Environmental value and "consist lik< . thai would Ihanl . organization pro- Sewanee will receive a boosl sensitive k need to be that helps the i program granu given b) * slop U»ey cannot sustain devel- to funds from tected since environment ind heightens environ sociated Colleges ol the South opment " According lo Dr Scott ordin mental avt axenesi V i the ii S invited of the Natural Re- (ACS). This ye u Torreano. a member project could ret ran i worth) faculty, si iff, and adminii Committee, only 10 11% Ol the students, sources ,.,.„„ monej ol up to several thou proposals foi gi ints has been sel aside tor this trators to submit entire Domain mid olswithidi i thai pro- landdollai toj As Vice President to fund campus programs kind of preservation. nvironmental com ems are en aw i 'wever. Do- mote cu\ ironmenial Simpson i David tocontai t Robin Gottfried twenty-first century among iged i the 2( h»s not yd be>. 'me a "formal main 1 20 i in' student bodies or Sylvi ti dedi- commmunitles and in turn, a piece ol these student to policy;" i, ibie foi anj ACS-funded environmental | p lU conservation lands, \nnfield Bluff, The cated projet I to Dr. propose an environmental program at Sewanee is run by sustains the impact ot the two quar- grant now in order to receive (Environmental I u test quarry sites Robin Gottfried ries and four cfeared to the Associated Sylvester Tan (Stu- m0nej li cording hall's ully FellOW i md to produce the new dining prfmarj needed ,1 ihi South, the dent intern). As ACS environmen Although the quarries are cur- proposals is exterior. remenl f01 project represent iti economic reasons, a de- tal program rently closed for they "should increase environ Tan will travel 10 ACS that events thai look place at Gottfried and scription of the itizenship through the sys- conferences throughout the year to mi atal I and the sue itself might Armfield Bluff tematic study of the interactions be- ntal pro community better ap- develop environnv help the Sewanee tween humans and the biosphere. efforts with other ACS the steps that coordinate its resources and and preciate and the search foi Innovative schools to preserve ihem for fu- should be taken proactive lOlutions tO environmen- Gottfried and Tan are currently ture generations. problems " Proposal areas In develop and .upport pro- tal with quarry foreman working to Warren Point Interviews elude: course development, research Sewanee's underlying grams within the curriculum such as King and the DiiMor of Physi- out- type of stone known Houston projects, service (off-campus Sandstone, a Not, Sewanee's recycling pro- Carolyn Phillips ii indicate Waste by Plant Services. Mar ne, oppor- States for cal i lies and learning throughout the eastern United to organize cn- was chosen gram, Other ideas are that the Armfield Bluff are.i operations ton- properties. To save tunities i. and campus buff sand- its purity and building and spon- Set against the color of \ ironmcntal short courses because >f the quality stone from as the quarry site campus programs that promote en- caption on the Apnl 1997 is- the expense of buying lecturers Later m H stone, the ston<- md because sor guest started and quantity of the awareness) Potential reads "For Crossville, and to follow a tradition meet vironmental sue of Magazine past mester they plan to with ^y^ area had been quamec in the conservation University officials elected the topic areas range from local stonemasons in the 1870s, environmental organization more than a century, produ ed stow existing rect- Quarries in the area diversity and ecologi- out quarry the 40.000 square feet of ol this ol biological have carved the University's image to at Sewanee The purpose DuPonl Library and Wo» - lab during environmental and the new dining ,l integrity to enclosed article cel- angular stone needed for help develop environ of a mountain." The qua -ying opera- meeting is to 1960s. As a result, economics I n we call home. the natur.il resource of constructing each hall out of the Mountain on the Mountain ebrates the tradition .hen the first mental programs tions began in May, 1997 on project propos- contrary to recommendations ef- infol m nam buildings on the Main Campus out Though and to strengthen and coordinate of the and parts • Breakfield Use Study of Domain roads were cut al theACS environmental web quarried from the Domain. made in the Land forts to promote environmental of sandstone the Pen mi. ul area were onj/~envlro/ constructed Real and ,t www.coilepev which scientific document Excluding the Bishop's Common, 2020, a awareness otvcampu* belter understand html Crossville, Ten to help policy makers 'anything is pos- has similar stone from Continued on page 2 Tan stresses thai from Domain's assets, officials chose to nessee,nCSSCC. ourUUl halls..a..* ..-•-have come the Leverich sheds light on Experts debate environmental issues

„,. al conditions in Economics "Aftertalk- ecologi" ii"- worldand linked .md ral parts ol Tennessee Williams ing with studeni life of rateol defoi exams were u.wiii in the iams," for he frequently missed faculty who by Katherine Lindyberg pollution to Ihe en it i on and skipped classes, due to his absent- nt, I think It !> ap and line

, enthusi nature. His teachers had a dif- ned the Thursday night, Lyle Leverich. minded belon Last lion, He admitted thai he dealing with him [hown by the li of Tennessee Williams, ficult time camp," a biographer ii iHed "alarrnists' did not show su- Hirers and thai facl thai to Hall. In his lec- Although Williams spoke at Convocation bumanit) is noi on a de- , rgued thai academics. Leverich there WSJ an I" live of Tom." Levench perior ability in his ture, "On the Trail sustainable path in terms ol foi was quite a hale going on betwo n of Tennes- explained that Williams celebrated the life and work andbiolog) Heal osuggi >ted a very active them H those who Bl by stat- ••campus character." As opened il Levench I see Williams. /i measun in mldbi lhatai I Williams v. our- dis- member of his fraternity. tended "the work of a biographer is of the current ing that foi ihe improvement social advantages of aged to think aboui the the talk, he ex- thought that the covery," and throughout situation price of ^inability, life were worth the high "labynnthian nature" of Greek " »"• e "light prc- plored the —T I « membership. When congratulated by then the symposium was a sut Williams's personality ""< »oid bul «" havi to his fra- three gut vatl." family his fellow brothers for weanng Bach ofthe Leverich focused Williams's annual Kennedy/Owen ofthinldng Ihi have The fourth achieving this i han pin. Williams stated. "I different approach for that although Williams ternity took plat e in how we come to life, explaining was Economics Symposium ion illustrates felt so important." Williams goal his life trying to escape never Septem- similai spent most of the B.C. Large Lounge on difTi " ni ont luslons from brought under discipline by Professoi fayloi defended the his "obsessive frequently students from always . away his family, it was 1998 Over eighty . We need to move regularly received ber 30. contention that hurnamts is passions in the fraternity and radical Indeed, his two community members as lit.' expCCl interest." professors, and path and no data such for such offenses as stealing on a sell sustainable and his schizo- paddles entitled "Is- therchangeoui life were his writing attended the presentation GNr clean, white shirt, since measures need to be taken inordet Williams's abu- another brother's ad phrenic sister. Rose. Sustainal lity." ceptol pr oswellasbring Despite such trans- sues of the environmeni He Will- he did not have one to prest rve referred to i .inability sive father. Cornelius, Three expert in su diiioni dit aw ellu Williams was very popular presi nted data the "runts." but this gressions. Ri- iams and Rose as for tl .-symposium going," Per- were invited hoi ol human d< are his fraternity brothers cry positive indit made the siblings closer. among sorot Public Af- - d with rejection only Zerbe. Pr" • p r0 l compete in the chard lucbaslifi expe with suaded by his brothers to velopmeni relationship Law i urrentstate strong - Professoi of ,., ofthe Williams had a fairs and Adjum decline B estimation wrestling competition, the per capita income eti md his father. intramural Al the Rose, but struggled with Univcrs! Ol Washington, ihe global environment. at the I ol earned the nick- negative factors sut h isai Williams - himself, de- 120 pound [n ii, iii, lb Cornelius spent lavishly on Bawa, 'Ulinguished I Kamal S. • " for his wrestling He also argued thai no life. Tiger Tom" [ution necessities of name University „.,,. ,i problems should nying his children the or of Biology at the pletionol m Before one match, he posted a scs , household battle ensued be- abilities. Jerry Taylor, dc.it with indirectly, with eco- A constant Ol Massachiisseu and emerged in be university, stating. "Liquor, es have Edwina. sign in the ai and his wife, d Resource Srud- Is, Miii, i than through tween Cornelius ot Nam. i Director I D for bout with ilthou hsu liquor, must have liquor my thepasttenyean for the children. Washing- Zerbe irj I thai over food and clothing at the Cato Institute in m Williams also showed ies been predicted I make the aggressor" seshad pol» determined to ' driving force of Cornelius was also loved ton, DC 1970 rty i the dance floor, and he environmentalists in the him in prowess on in, and thai a man. enlisting beginning of the discussK and deforestation Williams stand- At the Ihyloi saw no ne sd foi don "the fish." which involved Overall. *' l5) Tau Omega fra- to do the bt anonlybe R.O.T.C and the Alpha the speakers agreed on regulations or ronmental n rotating. Thanks to his aim any environmental Missouri ing still and devel ternity at the University of definition of "sustainable and his dancing abili- ccor n irii u On tit an es- cable personality the Williams welcomed college as as "meeting the needs ol welcomed stag ment" argued that oil environmen- """;;'. was often trary, he I ll->)5) ues. Williams the .rjenur mtjY, I I-i5i cape from his father present without compromising parties. tal Williams's ex- at the soronty to n banned Leverich shed light on ability of future generations also commented on been powered by stl of Missouri, Leverich so with- pnrr>aJ2C[ perience at the University their own needs, and doing remarkable sense of humor. " government interve t, as " a giant Williams's 15.8-15) which Williams described out a decline in well-being Williams had a sudden thai the env uonmeni 15-12) that and , 14.9-15. i of the He slated i 6 IV 16 country club" that provided some symposium V^as organized b) with the power The re- uncontrollable laugh the 15-6,3 15, 15-5.4-15,11-15) of his life. Levench Economics department of happiest days " opening night the asthmatic duck On 16-14) scholarship was not ol an Apanclofecom J, 15-8. vealed that lei. ui, Universiiy pioblt his plays, Williams without any 15-4.8-15) grades were ol one of the II [5, 15-11.8-15, Williams's forte, for his dents chose the topic and ;\ senous moment in 'Material welfare i irD took nervous laugh at a of li-2) only above average. It earlier this year "Issues 8, slightly near him ers ant woman sitting port I two months to the play. A .ipproved bc- Williams five years and Sustainabilit) *«J . 1SIQNAL re -peel foi the if he had no developn 15-9) degree, and al- asked him Jisciplmary nature. 1(15-9. 9-15, 15-6, get his Bachelor of Arts cause ol us intei JUAN casually re- nee. i to help the playwright, and Williams -We l5-6)(7-6)l a journalist, he involves elements of eco- 0(15-4, ^ 12, though he aspired to be ,i tht the pla economy fii ' then T am i 15-17. 15-8.11-15) sponded, i "1 not a short-order mdbiology ,|| 15. complained, am earned him n ici forestry Williams's comic nature environmeni 15-5) (7-8) (2-2) " Indeed. • 15-7, cook. write that way was a good divei 80(15-4, I cannot stated that There Bav, life, and Levench Professoi 17-19) he ,h„ Nigh his Jill (15-11. 5-15. 5-15. 16-14. what he wanted, and perspectives in the panel." said WANEE 2 Wilhams wrote humor that data on the dctc- this warm sense of sentcd his leisure. il was utnt Professoi ol turned in his assignments al brought Hcudna epitomized William-, and Levench remarked that there « redly figure" to life tor h.m Will- this "cardboard air of sheer helplessness about

I i 1

was homble. I just icing the sites "it the natu- ownersoonouon0u.ia,omple.e;' ., ,tthem naming nufJfmm , ens.nflmental hi „ „.,,„„ ul ll( Panon. .m collections dam. tlul Jeff archaeological survey wim dining Ml. It's neat that I rdhc-autv lor die Surface Mining Sc. spev.al.s. for the planned (hsturbance but its not worth rnade prior to use our own stone, fee master onofWaterP* wC ofthelenneaaeeD WWetauuigS.I«ckofero«ionbBm- Hoourenvuunment." Armfield '"' the ta.l.ngs thcl> "^ luuon.reo««««ledpushing procedures havei regenera.e if of je nd unproper it w.ll Mdmounainbftmbc teftnnieterThnl^ run- is not ruined, portion of ctf sediment Bluff.theuuar- Bluff the side to filter a^resourcesat Armfield Marvin Pate re- tfsto«i>eededfor „„„ f me ,,cf „ campus, a scenic Current plans ol jongdKPerimetoTnultnar, one month by Tt« Haker.thcsuperMv.roHlK-Sur- lanes for ginvrilhin 1 Trail .fire .m ihe |,.a of the Perimeter ot *e ne« most beautiful t „,n over the course fell was the that the onlj pr^tec. that many Section, said .n Mining tntambuang.anatren^ychaUeng- impacted by^me nion«nd$lJ84rniIBontDbuys«ooe the PBinx-.cr Ir.ul ta areas ri Domain. Though bulldozing nxks nine months. U« nrtindudingAippw* time mey suggest torseback riding. Though pastureland |riHii , pnaJ ingcave. and green r v|M will Decotne . -^'"' quarries l P*^' rorqnany- edL-eof'hlufls 1 follows the blulH.no UlC Perimeter Trail and trees. HunTinecoiirfe.iiurJetits.faailv.arf Accord- me with native plants such as loo* soil. views at dotted ,n, problems, entire Domain, and David bers will contin water* around the While Marvin Pate ^mhim.thebeft way totter unparalleled. At ajmfield Bluff are about reclaim- bominireclaimedonames.H m.M --Study use. The 1998 resources held in high s«l because of .is hmiied thata anatomised quarry wo, Land" loose community \ isits ted Conservation 62% of the Sewanee appears that m,,,, surrounding the quar- surface, it HieUniver- areas completely quar- esteem. On the orihreeworkmaiadme irreplaceable re- Bluff and 48% (fell that the call attention to its barriers, such Armfield sustained irreparable to ui to erosion Bluff has vhen it decided nes should have survey ques- Armfield the econt mic resource limit recreation. The sources, including hay When asked ries the administration and not been done silt fences and damage, in truth, i that had berms, Mountain, Polni Sandstone as people already on the s in the Warren Gerald Smith. the tioned Committee are now oomplenoool Woods Lab m about the situation. Dr. the Natural Resource the Resource Committee what about freshmen who civ biujf, a Natural Professor of but restore the area to University fire marshall and working diligently to consul" lanners because of its setting? " P concern attend Sewanee commuruca- nuul expressed ,ra) state. With good Religion, openly I unforeseo use of the a group of incom- projects that involve the During PRE this year, environmental about impacts and the effects community support, Armfield ed a h aiershed Bluff rjori and ,,i [he pub) The job ol the com- freshmen traveled to Armfield 10 j DxinainllCSOWaM on American ing unparalled beauty m me quarry may have bad Bluff might regainthe toUKfcrstandevery im- her first experiences i me of 1 1 ( limb As of and earned it the deignation moreitataB^^yc«nted«ocietj Indian artifacts. learning thai once project such as quarrying Short remembers plication ol a quarries are lo- here. Kelly Land." hastheLandUse Geographically the and "Dedicated Conservation planner I first time AmitieldUlult and lo help about the quarries for the where three coves inter- ,i i lomairi cated in an area itnpacts that extractin Ireland ,„,v negative freshwater, and Russia mbet 28, the quai sect, a spring supplies Belize have on other resources. Yel resource may shelter. In turn. Bluff shur down becaus .provide chert and Armfldd ResarnxCtornrrunce was not Ihe Natural potentially valuable ..,,,,.1 ihai they could bu> Bluff hold- I Armfield the quarrying operation. .lied about American use. coloi and qualitj fi indicating Native atom In .perauon had unnecessary artifacts the i quarryinQoBvillefbrapriee the University Aicfae- wholi Bli area David Michaels, effects on the Armfield Bluff at Armfield ected worked chert i,- to quarrying n ologist Assistant, c [ailing*. orstonesandsoUunusablefoi Wbrkerswereal sues impa.: d by thequarry. but Blufl byproducts of „ m ;mv bunding ,,„ unavoidable i one needed undisturbed 55«» n! Hit- 1, ii.i! > material font in an M AnnfieVd Bluff, only thetwoqu quarrying operations un- ,,„ ihe dninghaU torn siatecanprovideaaaaeologistswiui the quarry were tailings and bees from quarrj la) juxtaposed Boulders n,,,,,,.!, the first tainted scientific evidence. ,-,,-i the bluff onto the ''"' DMn ; overhead witti > thrown over fro* the quarry

. valual |hi debris concealed m.ide a suspected ruck shelter inac- will campus: lool I be on areas and i representative entuli educatio/ul A „..,„„ andtnidinonul value Wh n An. haeotogy is a non-renewable sling on cessible unable to mine any mot when land were resource and it is sacrificed Physical Plantofnoals Thursday. October 22. 1998 '' thefirelanebelov, ofloftofimcftiaTry.nowever.ftseconu" x " n nncww , out i Information Table t i c ancer bene t 1:30 p.m. Sewanee seniors plan 11 :00 a.m.- Bishop's Common b) K.llySmilh Newt Editor nioi lat Waddt BOSTON Madelalne Haddican are promoting a reness n i , urefori ancer, im UNIVERSITY andbatUingfoi In ii up disease reasional support foi imnm\L PROGRAMS [Tic two students al 2M lt.iv Stale Road 02215 ' last M\ „ nded the March fot sncei UoHton, ol 617/3S.V988N ,., nd and are the founden • buicdu 1100 mile biking I Mail abroad^ «.ur pajjcl • l»ap^/www.bu.edu/abroad o ^nchoi \Wm web trip from nam uukMex In ,. ud ka i an \riii, in a annual "March for ' Niger Ecuador China Haddii an joined , , | wad 80.000 marchen ai the mall in from

ai a rail] ,,i me c apitol building Haddican con- dation When Wade, y and more funds National Childrei moting the allocation ol were invited because of ihe lacted the NO P, they I hOSen nth rhema facilities. isil Vanderb It's research Mountain ratlve Un on 1 light vigil a 10 talk with do tors and over hun- ,i, to ghare knowledge gained night ai Ihe i im oln Memorial I dred children v ilh cancer. Tl.ey be- through research rathei lhan kt eping membei childn n who have dii icquaini with new techniques . plan

. i listet | Saturday, the) m effects of re- famil foi treating cat er and like Cindy with miin speakers especially outfitters perdayand search, hut ti y were ford Bob Dole Normon riding ^pil['f41IPIMIIJJ..I14.lll.l.| {^£|ifjj^ I ihe itients i . by i ,,. i and , do idic ti It vision, s, h« irzkopi VI Qon and Scoti "They don't >eem human - they and newspapei interviews and meet chil Hamilton promote the i ause, iuperhun ,n." Waddey said nbyAi dren with - 'They've been itfOUgh SO much thai 91 University Avenue Sino aptionlastFeb ,.„,um I Stills andN i it and Jong with they're braver, more intelligent Since tins is the (list man I Downtown Sewanee , . n made all ol bildn I rephard,C 97, have how politicians in ( ong knows mbcrs her cpcncncc nip Planning a trip Waddey rem u. ,n respond, but Wadde) sees the the pi Across from the Post office with one child Mvidly. She sat w ith a like this i- amazing!) diffii ultWaddey u i chemo- girl who was mdergoing - - 5:00 ind the bai I si pan Monday Saturday 10:30 il b nthai leaden must Open | month therap) from beginning to end. I JUSI ball bis issue She feel Waddey remeni *rs everything about 1 - 5 a, Sunday On a seiv , IA ^ K mapp the sim of • like the experience ncludmg in intertwined with . • -n politic ians child's - the I 598 0098 needle that \ is put into Phone ii hip the Southern so, let) partyinj heart She sai< the child's memory i, ihe basis foi mut h ol iht and also , ailing shui girl could persona like 01 at since the in the South, and b) this! amol c< »wl nous and even media every IheL'niversiis has explain in fluei medical terms lo the tail gate Vs ProU in ihfCM support oi things "in honv ' support "Spon ill thepn edureandthe soi Ret, i points whai othei ooi anj | happening v^ ul ier body and the can- i publish hardest and mo I impoi u ma i Ine would ipisthe ind jj n cei ., uU gate partieabui South tani thing to plan for, Waddi Although ui ure ol her plans for .,v , i , i.H ihe game itself, wani to L.L. Bean, J. Crew, Eddie Bauer, major, Sew.nice is not the onlj Southern ihat the one ihefutun thai experience is tak- Lands End, The Gap, Birkenstock, school where the social atmos] ihtl recognizes nis how ing her plans u a new direction I during ibi game is as (oi mort I im to The group is n Banana Republic, Abercrombie ii I & don't know wt 1 want OUl Ol ,ni than what happens on ih ;. use they net rericV dcf'inentlv on mj whu. n\inLs rcer. but this Fitch, Timberland, and much more. 1' is all nun.! puis iheo i losel) issociated

i ride ->chvH>i oncol i . [ihe studs ol . ,,!. a n iht South timsithe) will stan a ihe r ol Footb " venue ""d son ii I dcfnently be my Outald "i ii" P< tmosta 1

" OPINION / l'.r-i' srAuancc purple Sobers. 1998 griic

lenTn the morning on ihe way to that the signing was more symbolic Lesson learned, body than anything else. Wewerecon \\V musl be re- together as a community ot indi\ idu- minded to utilize it Bls to announce that we intended to an,l apology of latest. j an off In light my maimed; live in an honorable way. on and cnily long over-due. realization, I the Mountain A i was more .u.ootmedfor ndations for By Robert White than happy to participate in sui mj B^itaiwhenwegDtbadcagain,ihey Sewanet communitj the whik- at .ince aiiibul.incecvuklstay olltheend event Things toavonlck nng Vw i ilr really want to make sore I since we A little over three years later. pOESibk tan of practKi-, )itsi in case. "' I) Whenever r ' '-' K ,hl h """ r th.u ni - -"' getting bit tired of consiantl) b understand this is hard experience ol U» da) WM a the dining halls i We The real re-sign the pledge think we should en- to males ing to affirm that I WBS indeed acting to do, but have sou ever considered the ac&^KTimrnagc Own wa»d This is not even to do bu in an honorable manner ergy benefits oi (waddesT) nna (which I was happy i turn- because acting in an honorable Bl sour Tku bed is i Uiflnrririmthat theO 2) Studying m room ibatsaiaxiia quim-s' iwantto lor ing in papers or .loilruityPowerAd Soften ner is a hardship or too difficult bitch ensure that we do not lie me. but rather, that lying, cheating, M DONOT pLs-Noffrhe football team rheguvNcunhdeniiiiMis koOwfcdjBi just t. day. not first never really on my on any uiirt-ruir in qiurterhuck for rhe and stealing were Probably the i r»»>t iv.ll put mt Bl •w un- things to do in the R] it last issue of agenda of the third I know because inthe to derstanding ol honor .uraca- 'iTensc even signing the s. about the game is the key 10 the I place Before the Purple. I said inething Thequartertxick several I had always tried demii up ID whodelivi my freshman year. tlui ollended the team. They ( UM of a team H iatheone times our non-academi, lives honorable m i moshei! to conduct mysclt in an rre,rx>litcl>toMii.ethein -pinion oim-, a befluftoBBwhowfllscan we should make Mire ihal we I have when lineHvker .. fashion Furthermore. would txle, wlrrc to shove iU .ind w hxh the Kill, in- has «pih rcondtodo ' lc For A New ideal of honor rem psssitandthenh continued to affirm the could help witli the ttsk if needed whomhe should all those people that bor- daily life, regardless of any instance, because the bask bulb B ahamhandtodeUveritSBferyupfield of in my 1 felt horrible, Understanding magic marker-, iron, the row the aiiiallowalioluscim opin- signing ceremony thaL though I tofas target desk. driW the Univer- illy broke BC from tlv it i trightgrwscn* Thus, [asl week 1 tin. consider in Ihe article bad id stop the Honor Code ion, I didn't for Baccus. and use Uni- "llU the question sal their i-ntxisni Ivr down and asked myself work and love Ihal out team puts into amstriKtive late at night versity computers i< keep affirming that them fhfc and 10 tfitfli bettei why do I have to games I talked u> BOOK rfistriboedlheweighi by Scott Maule re-pledge first, so •'. have to should agreed io go to all rhe larger and im ir 1 1 I am acting m an honorable help smadi dungs over. 1 seemed thai not to steal 1 that they remember s»k- code to learn ap- hi I *I*.t accordance with the honor with the team guys were I the week, before turning in a pa- in practice one day lar Last such items. is the purpose of my perpetual for what they do Iknewiiwould MdtosBythatlthinkldJsap proceeded to do that one thing What preciation per, I know, in my per mal life, some of And I am this one [tab pledging' I decided to ask bethewaylosolverhissiruai)»ii Ponied my earn on all do before we turn that we must going 10 make some the that I am his walking andlaho my peers for their opinion on body getting Ins feelings or tongrimesincerwejjarterbacked lesls, papers, or quizzes: I , n any No more loaning out there was some good changes hadtogetusedtothefonnyshopedballihe) Pledged' and signed topic Surely, ability hurt. wrote the word without a pledge simply con- movies and CD's and promptly Igotoridedtimi and explanation that I had not In the morning, 1 woke up where Sadtosaj act I had done my name. It was an friends that ihes will be from my got to locka . rguysonmyteamwere sidered out my mm When 1 the times in the past In fact, gd hundreds of and return m> pi honorable I knew thai the) I got the same ba- thetr laughing faces, ol then quarterback my surprise, i and met ©protective have all done T) ii is something we people, but ins They are good n people Sii I was obviously an strategy would be sic answer from numerous they were surprised that decided fte best Yet, this lime. 1 Sewanee. I have to while at is matters each ihai not what fell lib tscldlngtfiemrigbi pledge is a reminder to ol football player IimmediatcK (hecdiertosmdownfcrj at pledge, The avid sal hack and stared my rem ibei thai moment, we make sure that thc> wasn't used to the IftinkitmigbJ us that, in the heal of the one of the guys, though I hey had tackled me wondering why it was necessary. the) are good people bottom « not lie, cheat, or steal There football vorked causeatth similar to my should maDet-te The experience was these suggestions -x-in ab- temptations to do dishon- If gave a uniform W8, .tnd we worse signed are always They me for freshman year, when I first you oh under- helps us surd, then little lifting the gu orable things The pledge went to the weight room io do a After the scrimmage, in Ihe chapel I had Honor ' need to the Code honor •. and reminding stand the and •«sM,ral corned me in Uk .ur keep ourselves in line by The guys were very supf« ™ * ni> pafounanoe, from friends and read in the about heard honor- drop your Silly idealizations pounds more our commitment to be of ability to. dfl 375 mio the ambulance. about how honor us of me my student handbook beine an inhere; ,: part of honor 1 1 didn't though, rnyplanstoconiinueplai than my average bench t-1 . Now Swtly obligation" thai able. is "an ideal and an It is no mot' inherent yourself. >nioltlK guys, I illen through and there that I real- to appear wtoipish in in hay lives h was then want in the human spirit and mber the "exists your ability to rem . GPA. misunderstood than is that 1 could lift ml BO nave a high enough badly I had all were so sure K tumsoui Idon'i human be- ized how ad they the relations between Pledging i not in- in taken at dale a spotter, tniiii honor is. 1 had mistakenly they refused to give me all people what While 1 agreed that you remem- ings." of sulting, it is helping mends characterization guys! I knew I had some dose the handbook's Those Tigers I oolball I un- Sewanee should live honorable lives. was honorable, which s some- Dear that ber lobe ti call an am- seriously. When it said when several of them offered I thai honor why it was necessary wunuut our sure as to obligation" thing you might forget honor is an ideal and an bulance. apologize for ofl a contract to that effect If Istrongli I sign honor code' on finishing human spirit,'' 1 had got cut, I insisted thai "exists in ihe When I past ai i mj honor exists in the human spirit, Scott Maule an essential Pl edged: stilled off DJ thought thai honor was practice for the day We the hard wort i i considei what difference was my signature on didn i«ie in which wefeD inherent part of a person. Some- a tew drills including you honor in my and youput into doing something 1 either had a contract' ither, lost or and jumped over each I ihing that was not easily to the ground No one has the right to in relations with others or 1 spirit and like invisible ap- 1 understand that 7?U a link' ne. and dodged <."<" doing looked. Now Milt that We all love youi not did be forgot a lot ol my i nod- books and pens, honor can praactes. It reminded me carried m> humot persuaded by friends anal m sorry 1 Still. I was some rums, dance exercises, so 1 threw m ioo Hi'"" em ousi 'i words fat the quarterback, and a small aenal involving especting the freedom ol the team end 1 could tell ANTIQUE MALL a curtsey at the speech and expressing youi opin WINCHESTER because they all wanted tottyonei 4 liked it ,„ ,,,> admirable way In l0ns a Books, Dolls, Glasswear, Unfortunately, prob Antiques the moves with me. j oi noi offend Gilts whenevo the) Collectibles and ably due to Ivibit in miming, cdu my u. I will carefully Cottage tliey'd Primrose towards me for the jump and lift, have vintage clothing r.in articles We sideswipe me. It's all forget to jump and Robert While shot) though. No offense taken (rim JANET TORSTENSON. Owner nght 107 2nd Avenue real bonding had taken 967-9»0 Anyway. I knew Sest^TN 37398 Office ,615, Row Home (615) 967-7294 In Rainbow side-effects "frit ficrv 7V<'" Creatine (remain unknown JHPW* ,, lolSnoral bylustinsausevme tftoWto^evoftedaasgea-JontsatoJooeiato ^ ihingislwra^evenihedrjs«gea M « the*u« "Bloody»Q.««rfw Marty"Martw" Ga* Home of and A Bookstore/Art sl^iienBrjy ire Naooml Strength shakes one's diet to inipmve atfv d^ Second Avenue NW our old fashioned milk Supplenvnonj; 113 Try Corelitiotuns tooci n(N9 has a o rBX*9 .37398 leoc peril mvutv been .. 'got a had m| Recei.il> ,0 ud 1 C •!' modem sports ture> ol - 8am - 8pm Willis nfaced to aeadne) Open Monday Saturday irovt^hBslfacuriontwoaihai^plemeij recent a jtrenuous Si wreMlaN who wen engaged in 8-11 and 1 7 ;ir^andn«aenedid'«^d» > South. All BneolorjetDrukoutkjngHBmisaeeffids .>l Hie University of the .iiii.ulti\ii.uuias" by the students t-" ofthe writer and do ^^ energyprccessingoiiie be na.l nctudriS) are welcome and ,hou W 4 %y Utters to the editor ^ ^ q( ^ rnolcculeadef^ivtnp<«'H- and loss ofKsno Leuers m tetenrinal den m women e-mail address stored intebond of the Purple', ; J^phone number, and yea, lha energy moU, 12-15) he write Inmn r^nhermore ih should mclude »' . r.ght ph.^tegnKrp.oi.o.KL-u. and ^^ , f rcscne, the issue 11-15) previous The p tosteronerrai ,13-15, laraflh^-Byktingtophosnl mil' iJi"' cam«denDSMdiphrjspfa*CADP) ttaea mone nteprirnjlfifcCC ihaceflisuppiyofAIPaiany g»v« ,ii, or,'. 15,2-15.8-15) Iron ADP i, llL "«« be revrcued o ' ,tea very lOW. ATP 16-14.9-15. 15-12) , IS, '-- '" r „,, [2,6 --•--'* iiKipmn 1 ^ "i -^::;:;:i::is..,, rnoJccuks and pW M5.15-5.4-15.ll 15) E»rr°R ttetepteniMtpto opin Demian Perry Busini ss Ma> \Cl h (>anrc acts to hold rharlis Bcenc Dorril5-6.8-l5, 15-8. 16-14) phategmupsdur.ngiltF'-v-.s i U IPpbOB- 2(11.15.15-11.8-15. 15-4. 815) pht^ito^. The spcttl"i H-yn" KolH.rLs A«r Con EDITOR LS x. 15-2) / v [^loiteavallablearnouni Sports^Editor^ Nathan Erdman ^^ K|)i|)|( Asst.SpoR« Editor 'Sft\S9^.\S 15-6 15-9) Ryan Mahone) SuBscript.o>s IHanacf.r Arts EDm>R JJj*^ »* Rore ^ nu Kalila Web Editor V H II ***** ' « - — John Rcishman f* - Ed., roor Da'»onLyon SotsTmih ,EWANtt.t^.. andrrByDvludewaerreienu.*!

««0 « I TN 37383-1 is rhat u IT* Sewanee Purple*? The pn«en i with cremnc < ""JSStof the South. 735 TheUniverStty scwanccedu "cv Address E ^^^ tiling u . J. «es, it; ^ . wn ah u SOB Phone [931)598-1204 «~***—**« imle ,^.;..- http^/angeto.— '

October 8, 1998

— feetoanec jjtirple - -% Sh3d^ri^kSP^big^>. (the nce back surface This advan- th e artificial Oberlin squad u missed Though the coupled with several not express dis- tage ..-•rn did (this will prob- part. of now. unranked opportunities on Sewanee"* Delaney particularly at this week). by Dervla appointment, change in the next Tigers The in favor of ably much for the Haifcey was only 2-1 that the team the bo byjjbk.- the half •nd mentioned an upset ol - ,hey managed squad had nine corners Wittenberg together and worked thanks mee ie«n „ill stuck team oo>Saiurdaj of penalty Sewanee field hockey second half the Sewanee roughlv the equivalent « hc high- pace In well as a unit to a excellent oppor- lM phenomenal picked up the ,„s ..nd many faltered in W.ttenberg squad speed style of sh fall.ng to un- and yet was un- , ., ^ckend. their lead, to score, lh] p pace and extended thai tunities Oberlin Colleges play single one. Wittenberg and Sewanee offense^ to convert on a answered by the Laught the Ti- able still cause was cspcc..veiy There is was assisted score in the outing f Sewanee offense un- The final as .he R- The gers however, Nicky Campbell. favor of Oberlin by .he return of awares. The 3.0, in ,i„ueioholdiheirrans questionable again expressed n whose condition was was Coach Kern in the G game „ number four returning only to for her team's play, en- last week, played on optimism dosplM the losses. on preparing her , Region, attack by the Tigers thusiastic about Tigers fuel a vain astioturl > n the losses, the Kern to "intense „ with held by Coach team for the upcoming record of a defense advantage for ami,,* (respectable region. The Tigers will chal- be the best in the Oberlin weekend. the they 7-4 herself launched Centre, against whom ranked Campbell team because lenge Wittenberg iquad, of wh„h in Coach The shots on goal, all have lost only once reg.on. were three six players two in «he missed will go up number either saved or just career, and also the previ- were the Tigers Kern-s ilaughiei defeat. for The Ti- h from In spite of the Ohio Wesleyan. winmnglhe.igamebya the net had no expe- against lauded the defense, on nursing some fared Coach Kern what- gers will focus marg.n The Tigers rience , | of freshman in practice, as particularly the play injuries this week but fell In the soever at better, Catherine Woody to keep up the 5-1. goaltender on well as working a marg.n of playing I by on were a total of 19 shots work level that has al- the game with There intense Wittenberg started throughout the successful sea- the Sewanee goal lowed them such a goals, but Sewanee s iqulc l( saved by to try to .core. 11 of which were pass by an opponent ivered game. Becky Davidson makes a son to date. goalkeeper. All in all. own.-essisted the young Lyn Huu hinson with a goal of hei Photo by season Men's soccer having a stellar Keeping Pace bv Vickie Cogan minutes Into found the goal five an assist by Country Teams left. The the second frame, on The Sewanee Cross Mahoney for bj Kvan _ 2- this weekend game ended midfielder North Will travel to Memphis editor ,/.w siant sports later, senior with hopes to keep I. in favor of Ten minutes the Rhodes Invitational Rivers scored come up men lost defenseman Kevin their winning pace. They've On Sept. 25. the Tiger Rhodes up Finally, their previous hcartbreaker to then num- The next off another North assist. with strong finishes at all of ., real in the both South Central Region day was quite with ten minutes to go meets against a variety of schools in be, lw o though scored an unassisted Last weekend both the tanked Rhodes College, a different match, North divisions D and UL for a 4-0 Ins own Senior goal- finished second out of they rallied the next day story goal Of men and women weekend, made recorded Lipscomb Univer- pot Hendrix Last Sewanee keeper Rate Mauran six teams at the David Maryv.llc. pre- the afternoon The women were only took on up for the seven saves on sity Invitational. The (3- players feeling Septem- whom they soundly defeated vious day's victory left many one point behind first place. On by season's remain- Invitational, the n defeat upbeat about the ber 26, at the Greensboro pretty Rhodes represented the firsl dealing ing games. "We're looking women placed third and the men placed sophomore , Sewanee. a In their very for Hendrix good said sixth out of seventeen teams. bad held their loss Phil Stafford. "We Invitational priOI 10 this, they crushing defenseman. first meet here at the Sewanee 23-2, national to ( 4 - ) into the behind Barry opponents, pointwlse, should make it the women finished second, " managed to Through the athletic scholar- on ly Wi itminstei tournament College, a school with Tiger defense. c n d r t x most recent vic- eleven re on the lough H With this, their ships. The men finished sixth out of four 8- Sewanee no senior v scores one of improve to 1 , re- And the lynx found game, Jamie Gannan tory, the Tigers -teams With this retord. the teams are ctthci After a score- Jamie Gannaway led the team wQfe. against Jfndrix. Photo r>\ 2-1 in the SCAC The , .,., mutch, goals maining headed in the right direction-- shots, whirr i' offense 'nd 41 n this" the i K ts Hutchinson hit the t attributes i hall i6 p Lyn men will Head Coach Cliff Afton and se- the game* First goal, freshman Andrew North traveling to SCAC op- of students *rtHmavrrf weekend, teams' swxssses to the number a bright Saturday afternoon. with a Schlichting tied for the on Fri- quickly answered nior Jami ponents Millsaps College on year. "Tm excited about Neither team scored during the participating this shot at four apiece. on n thanks to a most assists, then to Oglethorpe it means we have a unusual situation day, and the numbers because Kern's firsl period m sophomore Forrest Dcleot On Oct. 3. Coach Sewanee returns home people want to run. *^fjjm Sewanee "We really weren't Sunday good program— that overtime traveled to non-confer- for St. one but two eel team for a match with but it's also suc- I, loo] DOl said Oct. 15 Not only is it popular, our game in the first half." to finish ofl Maryville College. on ,i ioi the i vms ence opponent " teams are i College. this year's i Nonethe- Francis cessful In fact, another sophomore Matt Cole scoring once more in There, they posted yet women the Tigers, defenseman Deleot record sizes for Sewanee. The Maryville 3-1 less. Sewanee ,.. minutes win. demolishing have 20. ,he have 21 runners and the men Afton says that there are many upperclass- and Soccer Drops men joining for the first time this year, of re- Women's the department also did a good job Jeff cruiting treshmen runners. DePauw from the to Play also joins the team Tigers Matches Heitzenraier Two Close admissions office as the assistant coach Nuthun I rdrnun team that Afton is b) The women soccer team got in two He's an addition to the editor <,porx\ about. matches over th weekend, traveling to Lee also very excited team The Si wanee riget football ilk the teams are look- University on Fr Jay. and then to Marys Along with Afton. Satur- I Ireencastle, ind will H. mi to Sewanee lost ing forward to a strong season. They are CoUegecTenn > ^Saturday ' l rigen to face the DePau* hoping that it will all day 4-1 to Lee, and t-2 to Maryville. working hard and

I nivi rsir.} ol i,, ,ti awinovet iht put the Ti- are likely contenders In the Lee g ne, ROS Stone pay off. The women VI 10 lo ( hicago) aftet a lough Sewanee as a team. Senior gers up 1-0 in t)«j first half, but to go on to Nationals Colonels in t ,n. Collegi ,l,e i excited about the possi- didn't score again. Kan Palmintier is Danvilli Kj goals dedication, and In the game against Maryville. bilities "A lot of talent, the 1 1,. itarted early rot it orlng die score winning combo." by Stone and C, hy Schmidt bed fun people is definitely a t olonels when Jeremy Gon winning the 2-2 at the half. nit the Tigers once again The men. too. have hopes of yard pass from DreMlldren foi a had tumble fin ng the back of the net in Conference and having a solid finish. 47 to go In the firsl touchdown with II goalkeeper Meggie and also the second. R ->kie Sancy Wilson takes a free kick The next big race to look to, field goal, quartet Vfto a ChrisWard Octo- 1 saves. meet of the season, is Hamilton, looks Tujague record. 10 against Hendrix. Photo by Lyn the last home s ' Niii.it .n anothei yard touch Number 7, Jason fired 4-7 on the Champi- di oped to , Kentucky -Tennessee Sewanee Hutchinson ber 3 1 the Santos for a hole to run through. Photo b) do« n pass, this time to Milton and remained 1-2 in the SCAC The onship (also called the Southeastern Clas- a yard I Hal, hinson ["he i ei answered with 31 yn I will women play at lome this Wednesd sic) in which 27 teams from 6 states field goal bj tan Hufl with |usi mree Millsaps on Friday and Oglethorpe on game, but tcmoonagainsi mory University compete for regional and national places I 02 remaining in the . the firsl half, with \s remaining In Sewiinee rav- Sunday fnjbma&HipwvidedbySewanee w.Sewanec Game time i ?O0pm the I,,,., i con was! entre making thi I ntre 16, Sewanee Sports lnfomiaii< els to SCAC-t.cs this weekend, facing 10 ii halftimc vuooov netjr^cn V for Mildien III up the Tiger detense " The floodgates opened in the third SHAONIAN BATES passes. '"" 21 irds and five touchdown tei when thx ( oloneli scored the Colonels rolled up 463 total ,lnu, while continuing and The TigcrV rushing attack man- ,l issaull Mddren I quarterback M ut touchdown pa aged with , '"' 1 '"' with 60 rush- DpiiitutMi BICYCLES Isand yards Later he I ullei leading Sewanee Wk 16 in i . intertv, ing yards Still, the Tiger offens touchdown p i Lifestyle Wr I r i" one dimensional Tiger .'ir43 yards, whit n tinues be W« repair all bikes lOI mil, Ii I isthebr-n . T . and Knox New Mountain, Road, and Kid's bikes - Featuring GT reach The quarterbacks I ullei 104 pi PO Bo« Raleigh plus feature top the south snob) tills i aiu SCMWINN. and we many In , were a combined 2 tor 12 Phc* | Vanderpool .cr»>tyA nue name accessories such as Pearl. Zuml, Qlme. and referring to the tailgate for a dismal 11 yards passing. Swvaneo T!. Bell ioi Reed points oul whai oiht i hv

,- and i would publis» r- riir W K1.IQ13Y PATCH stoi tail gate parties but S Inc. tme itself. Diamond Jewelry Co. Vaily Vape\ SUie sewanee is not the only Southern 967-3613 oitxi Cabling ., hool where the km ial atmosphere , Porsches, Cadillacs, ^^l 1 1 7 *»tt Av«nu« during (hi u D0n i un .V«X*mt*. TN 37398 301 S. Orftejt Si. SB© portant than what happens on the field -iso Jeeps. 4WD's U'uufceafcv ,i interaction and the spirit ol ., TK. 373M *&& Frankin County's Only Real Creator. De 'b part) > MOO Ext A- 3303 Manufacturer (931) 962-04SI ot FAX 967-1453 parts "i i football South limsMl Gowns. Cocktail Dresses sou ii Weddng Outs louth, find pe iOfl ,-i CLEARENCE SAlE* Everwvg Dresses 1

October 8, 1998 grjjc ^ftuanrr purple SPORTS / Page 5 Tigers to host volleyball tournament by Nathan Erdman Thursday against Cumberland Col- iportl and lost a tight match 15-11.5- ports ediloi lege S Beat 15. 5-15. 16-14. 17-19, which fea- The Sewanee Tiger volleyball tured a huge Tiger rjlly from being will host the the in ITA/ team Sewanee Invita- down 1 1 -5 in fourth set. to force Men's Tennis Play's tional this Friday and Saturday, af- the deciding rally round. Accord- ter a tough loss in a thriller match ing lo Ladd. the comeback was Division III South Region with Cumberland last Thursday keyed by better offensive execution,

The Tigers also played Coveruni hustle, and menial toughness Still. Eight members .'l ihe i lumpion.Jeevan RamakrUhnan, this week, but the results were un- Sewanee could not pull out a ssin. Sewanee men's tennis team mity. Gregoric got to available at press time. losing an exceptional rally set by a played at the the quarters hy beating

'•• The Sewanee Invitational field score of 19-17. "Anytime you lose. • Tennis idore Aguirre of Hardin 3-6, contains a mixture of both NCAA u\ trusirating. though we pl.ncd hoi, (ITA) Division 111 South Simmons in th( first round, and NAIA teams. Sewanee well." Ladd said "You usually Region 7.3,6-2. He beat JcffCollumof 6-2. 6-2, in archrival Rhodes is among the teams don't see 17-19 rail) games, which mpionships in San Antonio, Mississippi College " Jeremy competing in the tournament Ac- is a tribute to both teams over the weekend. round two. and defeated also hosted iouj of Emory, 6-4, 7-6 in cording to head coach Nancy Ladd, Sewanee the SCAC in singles competition, I Yorl three Information pro the Lynx have lost two of their pre- Divisionals Sep! I 'he Tigers Gregoric made it to the round Sports ln/,>r mier hitters from lasl season and, opened round-robm play on Satur- quarterfinals before losing to vided by Sewanee

while strong, are not as strong as in day, defeating Rose Hulman(l5-9. Trinity's Ed Raho who lost to motion ye.irs past. Another strong opponent Freshman Laura Landers serves 9-15, 15-6. 15-9) |n,l Centre (15-4, the eventual singles for the Tigers will be David Ihe ball again\t Cumberland. Photo 15-12. 15-6). On Sunday the Tigers

Lipscomb, an NCAA opponent (he by Lyn Hutchinson. losi to Oglethorpe 1 1 1-15. 15-17. 11-15). Later on Sunday after- Tigers have faced this season. 1 5-8. Off the Tigers took on a powerful Tiger Swimming Other opponents include Georgia the tournament. "We need to ex- noon Weslyan, Loyola (La), and Bryan ecute better offensively; defensively DePauw Tiger team, and lost 15-4, College. Ladd commented on what we're playing well." Ladd said 15-7, 15-5). Record-Setting the Tigers need to do to succeed in The Tigers were in action last to Sewanee invitational The 1998 99 Sewanee rson set a new mark in the Equestrian team captures swimming season got under 1500-mctci swim ot IK no i .u way on Friday. Sept 25, with the women, sophomore Li! by Ryan Mahoney finish. the 4th annual intr.i squad Pate not only successfully de- assistant sports editor Sewanee's riders turned in im- bui i onsists fended her title, alio low pressive performances throughout biathlon The biathlon of a 1500-meter swim, fol- ercd her own overall record by The Sewanee equestrian team the meet Coach Megan lowed by a two-mile run than two minutes, clock- captured impressive early season Stubblefield. director of equestrian ending with an 800-meter ing a 464S Another fitst-year honors in regional competition last operations, credited a strong fresh- swim The event has become swimmer, Nona Carter, set the weekend, when they hosted the man class of eleven riders, plus an a rile of passage tor fir si new 1500-meter swim record, Sewanee Invitational. The Tigers experienced returning field of ten swimmers and a good le .11 18 »6 took the team high point award for sophomores and juniors. Two rid- preseason conditioning tor all The overall top five finish- both days in the annual invitational, ers - junior captain Bridget The 1998 version was no dif- ers lor each gender were prevailing over a lough field of com- McNeese and junior Mavora Monk ferent, yielding tour new event For the women: Pate. petitors that included the University - qualified for regional competition rds the men's and .man Jane Harrison of Tennessee, Tennessee lech, and a i the meet. Junior Bridget McNrne rides Tess t seniors Scoitie women > overall nines, and the hapman, and University of Kentucky. The University competes under the during Ihe Sewanee InutationaL Photo Jen Berg, and Kim Horseshow Asso- men's and women's 1500- For the Tigers, junior Annie the Intercollegiate by Lyn Hutchinson men | SV.IIII Hitchcock For the Kulungowski took the individual ciation (IHSA), which bases its On the men's side, junior l' I tenet, I merson, freshman high point award on Saturday, with competitions on location, rather than team eleventh place at nationals Deschenes besied his own Ryan Bouldm. and sophomores divisions. Tiger i.i first place finishes in both the flat NCAA-style "This year, we warn focus on get- overall record by one minute, Keith Salazar and Ryan and over-fences class. On Sunday, Equestrian finished third in the re- ting more people to nationals, and finishing in 41 minutes and 47 Mahoney Information by sophomore Courtney Christy rode gion last year, with only seven stu- on placing higher tru re So far. it's Frcshmun Jesse Sewanee Sports Inorma lion zone " seconds off against two other riders to cap- dents, then went on to win their looking really go










INVITATIONAL 1 15-9. 12 15) Sept. 5-6 k-viFROTF JR RAND -MACON 3. SEWANEI 1(9 5. 9 15. •- game SCAC 15 13) (M) 2 I 1, IS 11, SEWANEE 5. WESTMINSTER WAN1 i, ASBUM 0(13 4,0* 12-15) SEWANEE 2 (13 10, 13 15,13 15. SEWANEE 1.PRINCIPIA0 CENTRE 3. 0-15. 13-15. 1 -15) SEWANEE 2 (18- 16. 15-10. 1 CROSS COUNTRY Sept. 8 LIPSCOMB 3. 4. FONTBONNE Sept. 12 SEWANEE Sept 11-12 WA.SHINC.TON& IFF. TOURNAMENT

Sev.. nice Invitational i I 2-15, 8-15) Sept. 11 CATHOLIC 3. SEWANEE I 5 13.2 13, 15-12] 0* 3, WASH & LEI: 2(13 12.6-15, 16-14,9-15, Sept. 19 SEWANEE 2. CENTRE MEN (-th of 8 TEAMS SEWANEE 11-15) SI. WAN! I 15, 15-5,4-15. WOMEN 2nd of 10TEAMS NC WESLEYAN 3. 1(15-6.3 16-14) SEWANEE 3. SOUTH VA 1 (15-6,8-15. 15-8, 6. FRANKLIN Sept 20 SEWANEE NT3.SEWANEE2(1I 15. 15-11. 8-15. 15-4.8-15) s , , 5C( Greensboro Invit. Sept. 26 15-8, 15-2) I 0(15-5. s,-p. 22SBWAN1 I PISK * 1 OT MEN /WOMEN: DIVISIONAL Sept. 25 RHODES 2. SEWANEE Sep.. 26-27 yAr EASTERN (159, 'MS. 15-6, 15-9) (not available) SEWANEE 3. I" >S1 MULMAN I '(2-0) 15-12, 1 I I 0* SEWANEI I. CENTRE 0(154. 4. HENDR1X Oct. 3 Lipscomb Invit. Sept. 27 SEWANEE 15-17. 15-8. 11-15) OGLETHORPE 3. SEWANEE 1(11-15. 2nd 5 TEAMS MEN of 15-7. 15 5) (7-8) (2-2) DEPAUW 3. SEWANEE 0(15-4. 1 (8-1) (2 1 3. MARYVILLE • 2nd of 5 TEAMS -I I. 5-15. 5-15. 16-14. 17-19) Oct. 3 SEWANEE WOMEN Octl CUMBERLAND 3. SEWANEE 2 (15 •- SCAC game i > " "

Purple Or: ' parrs They mance of Dionysus his private improvisedla great blown away ^ , nK actors season. James "whenever h,s tellow . on Of the hospital also due. can leave the the play. Wall in 5L all deal throughout "Private Wars obvious that McClures want to." but it is of Silvio, a brash was re- ,hey ,ays that the role box "The event what to do Luke's "blue them quite knows deprived of his geni- arranged none of New York Dego Much of the audience stay One of the laxed. himself. So they venture tato acting. en comfort- with was his first on .he tlcK-r. some cs slow -drawl- ttDa. it>e |f Gately. who .s a freshman, played oth- soldiers. Charles, a wi.hp.llowv while his de- Man ably equipped postpones that only Southern boy. thick accent n|)perclassmen, oc- mg Gatc ,y with a ers' mostly elderly hospital until he has parture from the SophtmwreBffl seats. The set occasionally faltered. cupied the few rows of He figures some- the fixed an old radio. role of Natwick. a table with Ware took the long, low bookcase, the radio -a if he can make poetic preten- sola was how that spoiled rich kid with some chairs, and a - too He of- a radio, America will work tendencies, adopt- rearrangement work. and suicidal and the friendly sions plain L.gh.mg sympathetic ear and tone. These dif- fers a Yankee to suggest ing a haughty of the furniture served more neurotic sol- adv.ee to the other complete novice. hospnal but kept young actors, one a ferent scenes m the another of the soldiers. diers Silvio, scenes very suc- action confined delivered the comic the audience and the hospital exposing strides about the Gately smirked a cessfully, though (o an institution. and delivers lec- himself to the nurses, lines. But "Private with a series Of little at his own The show began (boxers or bnefs ) tures on underwear " included a more se- the back wall of Wars however, slides projected onto girls, especially and how to pick up very amusingly neu- warring, elemen. : the scenes of Vietnam of the nous the set. ones. Another not the ugly Catholic the ex-soldiers is pensiv*: strains of rotic behavior of while the return they sneak away the soldiers. In when, for instance. Gately Day in Life ot." filled the so amusing Beaties* "A to keep Gately m Vietnam vital radio parts his wife, or Silvio s reminded me ul the cannot remember room 1. .hem. The third soldier. history hospital with or Natwick sincerely high school sister rejects him. documentaries my through the scenes, Natwick. mopes In such scenes, showed us - dismaying wants to kill himself. teacher in his room, some- sometimes alone of its dra- jungle, punctu- fell a little short scenes of war in the He patronizes the acting - in Gately 's room at home times though the more shots of the protests matic mark. Still, ated by rather cruelly, boasting bitter, the other two antics shadowed valorous, tragic side to their all set to alternating and upbringing. superior education a tunes of the his the actors delivered objecting, or regretful peri- each joke, all or threatens suicide throughout the He attempts or so of hysterical ab- Scene changes as fine two hours „me also involves himself slides odically He Saturday night per- accompanied hy other surdity. During the play were director for the pa- more the entertainment the drunken the slides became formance, in one of and music. As films tojeenng nenis. and announces Silvio s vague, and less clearly Chad Wall played up varied, more audiences. Natu- scenes, and unappreciative spir- of the play, the such an extent that he related to the plot between Silvio wildness to ral dislike runs strong with of the play's projected his whisky bottle m.ubles and neuroses by Gately. itedly Natwick till, coaxed upsetting of their and than mere rolling cluiacters, and the rather more force make an effort to understand themselves. they both all over HurtiuM war. revealed require, and it smashed fltm ft, L»> lives by the end Silvio decides would variety each other. In the hippie-types and unconnected the audience. The and The random sister, even a bit of s,amd in Dionysus to go home to his Isopl » Bill Ware modern-ish art finally thus bespattered MauCharl* of the slides — much lounging in the front, has married a Protestant. n figures, old though she good- recent productlon Pri pnmiti vely drawn nude with apple juice, took it Co s of drinking to his departure, mirrored As they are of the ..mmercial posters, etc - naturedly, enjoying the spirit ( however, he gets a letter from her tell- hat bizarre and Apparently, the crew did .he action in its some* news production. obtain him not to come home. This to progression The likes of ing The struggle disorganized not. intoxication, and Creedence prompts further director Jefferson Airplane and Dionysus and Co.. with announces that he is going complemented the Gately season Clearwater Revival Charles Fiore. opened their because he has fixed the radio. in art home off-beat honesty entire experience. with a very good show. The surprised, protest, and the con- The other two. Private Wars" presents of "Private Wars" bodes we as artists want rec- parts from funny nature Of course, draw forth the pilfered radio Flow soldiers of Vietnam re- productions by the harlea We want people flicts of three on well for future ArttEiUtor Ogniti leepdown bath robes. Gately stands up years later in an hos- their to and vision. cuperating some company, and I look forward embrace oui neurosis clothes off. rant- same to psychological his chair and tears his dnves you. pital. Each suffers next endeavor. But this cannot be what betrayal of his friends. their "ighicorre don Inm) pn fromiron. a ine against the ' i „ || i war - one « ...»«b-» allow yourself some- woundsvounds from the i never thecre and faNafaNO I named viousarticli Every-* say -Yes, 1 am great of'TtappedtaS to received 1998 and well opens the thing 1 do is brillianl Shrew rhough I saw the I ftu! Ms Karen universal Thmfng -ome great of mistaken ami matter* on ,ho« mj keif, i was lavc level happed in i.,K il„ m.nuie you IB) Bpolo Series Simpjon'i bmin child, and m) rming Arts backinamess Perfo that, you will be on your Sewanee were greatly ii to those who with your art ,, disgusted language myerroi ol situation, the offended b) toglean Robert While and baffled with your inability By close to the au- Anyway, omjs it Your audience I from . d i e n c e M,,. ndonci gavemethlspi stumbled into and will leave Taming of the Shrew ill bored and tired [do lureyouwriti v. be Petruchio. I Friday night, even 'lose to .he Guerry auditorium write Without having COHM played by John laughs behind it. whai you intended to leaving hundreds ol signed to a record understanding Preston, wooed before youevei gel was a farcical mod- Nothing will humble you The performance ire signed, show them the crowd with peare's play about send you slithering ernization of Shake ,„ a differ- more quickly, and his impressive ii foi Fantastic wondering a temperamental woman. will , to your den of misery ind .11 wuu honesty southern by the Alabama Shakespeare why you even bothered acting Shakespearean b l inventive set and Hamlei said, "What Festival (ASF) and lonal dishon Vftei all, as drawl and oil- wakt ol a i".-' i„ ihi gave the performance a lellows as I do crawling directing lefl should such cowboy I am king Lrtistlt i ndaavor, q rarely seen in ' Wi are whimsical touch between earth and Heaven character. The tloning man) things mairiy.thi us pi • knaves all; believe none ol Shakespearean IVhili notevi rythlng anant other charac- bnrew is the story of is absolute, Taming of the i oui importance ,,,,,„ UbU( for its ravenous hough ters fitted the I p man who has two daugh- is, only human beings a wealthy a Picasso, every' language to ompi canbe In order man) many an- ters. Katherinc an,i Bianca. be honest told with less taleni than their fifties' thing you create CAN and less before us and will to marry Bianca the younger artistic ime as 'i imponani to retain lifestyles while is the daughters, two of doubl come after us while you hostile of "i your honest) (see an no well. Integrit* way to scriousl- as Bianca's suitors have to find a between ihould i iki youi an umn laitiMue). the difference Great acting the leisty elder daugh- ittack it with the "drive yet Kathenne. •»< isevidenl to on everyone's i ii and dlshonesi si tors introduce the addict"" — you can ter, married, The espe- ol ,. Benzedrine in n when it isreleasi I, part brought Importance to idea ol marrying K iherine to wealthy nevei allow your self- the laughs, cial icll of a behind your an Pe.ruchio On the ndcrstanding .in life It i live hones) Paul Hebron a., epts the offer, ac- i have learned a mis- large dowry, he *<" i in- is. i lesson |v i ineas) life foi and David Q0 | and ii,., lis i. ,lls m love * nh Kathenne, i i" nevei n l,i inn Hum,' dlSpla) take hope | , frij 10 Ivers per- I methods like need return to the bare niames her He then uses i a to ii have Mni when ii> • loyom an formed very her to change ins inspiration and realign my holding back food get ,,„„ ih yoursell rheonl) Of well as the jeal- end. i shrewisi ways. In the In m) artistic endeavors from her mhave priorities ous suitors who quells I call love for him Katherine the ovei what out of irim .1 di sir 10 show embark on a giv - the audience the groove," that deeply rooted hi i spirit, but iutj [Tie minute you con race to see who not pick up the impression thai P mchiowill be the possible passion which made me Bianca. The foi dertones. iidi i win audience 01 can be the one to wed the rela- In- wearing tl . pants in minute 01 lake Hi [0 the one his The set provided the flashy ludi- u ol youi wort "i the lowing entrance of Petruchio and - idea ol tionship in side each oi ii there exists an needed to set the play as a whli h you do sidekick, played by David Furr, hardly crous mood modernizations of whai is truly wonhy Unlike most tni and •. have ruined whai roatten and in be- farce The outlandish costuming i ihi believe you the crowd time to breathe noi pulled gave like a guilty Shakespeare's pi, s, Taming worthless,and ol anistii i ipn don Vnd created an outlandish world. youi on ii is tuddenl) tween well-timed deliveries The wed- makeup in 195. -period very well :i you know sou an of) a farcical However, this production did have i miles around Katherine and peopli i omefrom ding of temperamental •'• the '" lcl \ll Italian lot atii mentioned in you will the w a it's drawbacks. Since the production ii \ iu have created, horribly- dressed Pe.ruchio was lioul American coun- youi \,,u know "hen yOUl III il fa play arc set in th ir outlandish whimsical, it iblc Vou will look ai memorable scene was so and sou listen, it (Rome. t< sample, becomes whai sou believe, and II terparts true Shakespeare ex- tvorl and cringe You will be « The greatest parts of the play are was not really a the music i Tennessee) Sil daily, aftei will steei sou it crazy and add- soli ovei the head foi weeks the small touches the director added perience By making audience, prcs, as an Blvis Ignore youi possible ig- teacher is ucd the ASF . this monstrous canvas ing in comedy by their actions, I bating to the production Lights blinking on professor a the possible b wannabe, the lai ^uage text itselt .,, ,i iiii wed ibf non gave the location of what relied less on the using the craved a large map Is going around and B >nca (the •• " ,1 thai which on beatnik, not ml public i" no was being spoken The scene in to provide laughs. Shakespeare is Influence a pood skirted bubble it you and allow new ideas to daughter) c produc- youi livelihood Pctruchio's cabin gained much de- above our heads, though this s„u. imitate no one in your heart gum-chewing teen Director KentTh- i bui i exi that n is Of blackness in youi served applause and laughter when a tion seemed to imply " Whai is real, and says the reason 'or such i set- i "" u ll v '""" sou know absolute*) ornpson a whli ii you '" B°P< '" course meal was thrown in the air course, Sewanee does represent quite full is wcrth the ultima] ting m the L950! .hat it fits ., In aboul the next terifjee intelligence level than many trK i to bumbling servants, ending with higher women in the isfaction ol ycwrselfand appropriate*) the le ot inds Grumio's airborne jump and catch ol areas in the country, so it is understand- 1560 'i on ii must believe In to youi want to reach a wide a pork in his pot. During the last s< ene able that they ii rnakt you happ) Shakespeare's l nglisfa rarely comes ire doing You must believe o, show, but it what you change, the ere v.. as they were putting audience. It was a great .in it modern as it did . do in stion to jhow b « with the ii the tables on stage, suddenly jumped didn't have much to do is a frighten- Riming. The musi weigh this impo with full honesty, which m this performance of But you into an elegant dance accompanying Shakespeare bui Festival did a JO ii toi no Mhers, Uabarna Shakesjy ire music Kathenne and Petals tuns The Alabama Shakespeare Festival delivering the the , in oihei reason than to will bring you true latisfa wonderful job motorcycle exit, the former driving, will continue touring with Taming of in --ouly I IIS Shakespearean language Throwing ,ii,i perhaps thost i lose to you year. pulled the plfQ out ol anv sexist un- the Shrew for the rest of this '"i s really bi happ) Belli "

ARTS / Page I j&cUiancc Octobers. 1W8 qthc purple Review: by CD - — - •-. _ . . . i_ •. 1 the . ^mimmio. r-i rs_ ^ ._ _ „..,.. . i:t» there'd•h -rf (l Jw»be nothingnnthino caf« ,1L«. k»^) ..ii«lu nn a IiwimIi fflll"'" "lie- onI the — SOUL COUGHING"* El Oso is One Coughing to someone who's never sounds like album based entircK cynical humor the fOUl Devil of a CD... heard of them imagine a stand-up from the ol thai •••• bass playing really catchy bass members been known to write. This album i beats ^Spanish fot the bear" I is seems to be mOM musi ford by Pete Thompson ("00) combined with pumping drum El Oso previ- indstumbli ' tobump with "cartoon-like" digi- Call) .tithe v.Hi, i.. n tua 9 ous two And the TheGood: The entire album, the nil tized sampline ami lopped I omse isllSl that these like thai St (i e "Circles" and "Si I off with substandard beat fact tins with ii., dmmj on that these changing pro-actively is Listening"), the vasily-improved poetry. I believe OITOding alternative long are p< drumming by Yuval Gabay. the re- guys make it work I've mush like this h i could write has*, lines, psychedelii heard them described as movement makes thi ally phal the whai bum even better The song lyric*, compuien/ed drum beats give "coffee house rock," the band's tril 't ircles" (yon know, the l would call the album a fun-feeling, wonderful which seems Tilting be- in this son playbov lb d on t| mixing: cause every once in a just plain about once c- hysterical ["his song while, I'll hear them over WITTS And the ending is probably twoh. Us hip II rocks The Bad: Very little. the loud speaker in i> bass and the thecooU stpart In i M Stirling's. However, booms with roller is perfectly Dou Us thi phi is> The Ugly Nothing's ugly on (his they're not everyone's fa- guitar ritt mixed with the othei in- igie, mothi CD vorite band They've got The amb and lor some weird reason, u fits in a distinct feel to them C0UejHXN9 itruments. SOUL thi keyboards sound re. ill'. Hi.- moodol Most college campuses across the They're not for everyone, idl li- good with the music And nation have a small Soul Coughing but the people that they Kill. the lyrics they maki the 1 for end up I heard them when make music fan-base first " smile "When the ghi lbun ii rhej was m one of my friend's room one walking around very dusi .it violence tract caw ... very They kind of re- Friday night when 1 was in happy In .IP, Is I, inn.' tOW U ery thing... and when the in, spirits,'' we shall say. The mind me of Beck with a "good iii'i I .1 ih.H 1 I fl illy runs out, jusi wre< k ii 'Bus Beelezebub" off the kick, harsher sampling, song was to ,l you insured the thil .u and still ' Vroom CD. which contains a belter lyrics, and more Ruby ,n u all to listen to to I ii highly album that I highly recommend don't need to walk around In sample from a Looney bass guitar than he uses an digitized in on Sui around ,i 00 p m claim that these guys everyone. The nriDSu is great and the walk around m circles, walk Tunescartoon. It was AMAZING 1 Some people 1 "'bum 1 i 1, tobei 1 to he Satanists Not the morbid, lyrics are fabulous There are some in circles, walk around in awoke from my comatose enjoyment are raving and the album show And i all in with fantastic distortion effects on the I'd have to say, though, that th on drool stains on my shirt Since sacrificial sect that comes along to find 1 an dunk 1 " and ef- "Circles" MOSI Ol let me know whal you mentioning of the word "Satan drums and guitar, the sound bum isn't all like then, I have been an avid fan of these the per- more drums, guarantee thai you II h u to be the hedo- fects that are thrown in are placed iiu otho song are bass. guys Ruhy Vroom and their other No. they're rumored thai you'll thoroughly • njoy I ouiseis songs type. If they fectly. It's humorous the entire way and keyboard-oriented, "Si , vary a good nistic, pleasure-honing CD, < oughing ," hand, is much rood that Soul singer i the ca.se M. Dough' the lead i i Renins on the ilba Vroom are, and it's quite likely to be through. deal Personally. I find Ruby a h.isu i come down with his presence very darkerthan I [p It bui isincredibly reading the lyrics from their pa Si and guitarist, makes to be a much better album, but the from the popul I. band ouknow the in the album. They're us- good The guitar has some into then it really doesn't effect noticeable second has it's redeeming qualities album, makes t that ["he careci crippling irua intere sting chords here i it thai Ican'i makeoul quality of the music and the overall ing some really on Nonetheless, I enjoy the band for afo i mind. They thr. implethat every album of optimism that Soul that are boggling my bass line on their creativity and independence aesthetic hearing much bettel ponentially > " convey I'd sound good. it makes the songSO mentality Coughing is attempting to from the "herd ,, musii bom these best , mi ally good - There aren't as many songs on this lyrics On this .one have to be the describe Soul love to hang out with these guys Here's how I'd .• lui,

Review: John Kennedy Review -.Rounders Book i . . , Movie . i > _ * ,1 .. ,. I lr tiimr being released from jail and dragging His advice to Matt Damon was noth- live Mike back into the high Stakes gam Dunces Rounders doesn't up to I want I would follow unless Toole's A Confederacy of ing had been bling scene iiom which he to Good Will Hunting spend the rest of my life waiting fot trying loesc ape Norton play ibis part destiny to come find me sitting around lo find any sympa- McDivitt ._ well, yet ii is haul By Lisa the funda- By Worth lones waiting... which, I guess, is Movie Revieiver and Southern Literary Critic thy for his character, selfish pu- mental concept of poker must lead the as Ignatius decides he Ihetil ally addicted gambler h Not only did I not understand half workersofthefactorytoastrike.de- Lisa's Grade B othei Meet Ignatius J Reilly obese, si, n \side from Norton, the only of their card-playing lingo ( I've played for the working that if the world manding more pay memorable performance is turned in enly. and determined still poker numerous times, and 1 accept this I would change would only read Boelhius's Consola- man who has been forced to The first thing by the always-on-the-raoney John didn't know what they were talking the backward the title I and revert to the abysmal modernity and about Rounders would be as a Russian mobstei and n.iii of Philosophy in the Malkovich about), but I wasn't interested conditions reminiscent of call it. "Good Will Hunting 2: it would, at least, be liv- working would gambler nickr imed "K( IB Middle Ages, p.uts the plot anyway I did enjoy of if shops. With bats, chains, and it Would Have Been We Mike and able Ignatius J Reilly. the central fig- sweat The Way \ iii in,.! subplot involves " movie, and I even remember a couple bricks in hand, the workers readily Hadn't Wanted a Box Office Hit with his girlfriend ure of John Kennedy Toole's A Con- belies lationship of them; but overall, it lacked to the manager's of- Damon is a struggling federacy of Dunces (1980) and resi- follow Ignatius Let's see. Matt •db) Oretchen Moll) and fellow ability, intrigue, and most of all, a good Ignatius screams, "At- has an incredible "tal- cannot dent of New Orleans during the early fice. When law student who law student classmate who story thrown bicycle chain destroys that's what win- boyfriend risking his 1960's. holds that if one is to grasp his tack!" a ent" (because handle her bean stalks. Ignatius needs: sheer, in- rich world-view (the most supreme of one of Ignatius's ning at cards night hustling and wonders poker. is their world-views, of course), one should then quiets the rioters nate ability) for He t,>,>is lor whatevei money have possibly associated gambling his way as "begin a reading program immediately how he could pretty much worth al ih. table tl seemed with such degenerates. law school. I seem to tins limply added so that you may understand the crises himself through ii subplot was unemployed and badgered character in Good Will of our age. ..Begin with the late Ignatius, recall his m so that Matt Damon could ap constant sense of lib- being a struggling vie's Romans... dip rather extensively into by his mother's Hunting as pear n is seduced by the smell of janitor who's uNo a genius at draw inat rowdi ipeci early Medieval You may skip the Re- eration, poster to Vendors. Ignatius prospers me out here - I'm Howevei his naissance and the Enlightenment. That Paradise math. Help tng a romance one is rather, participat- i which selling hot dogs, or trying to figure >ul girlfriend i charactei la not de is only most dangerous "Food Merchandising" as- believable entire sub propaganda... you had better skip the ing in the more veIopedatalt,and(h< Indeed, Ignatius our hero, down and little to the Romantics and the Victorians, too. For pect of business. So here's ploi contributes very work under the playing his way to the '•hole Ii is limply should enjoys not having to out. but mo\ Ie as i the contemporary period, you and he a girl- I of another degenerate, top. and. oh yeah, he has hard forth toconcen study some selected comic books nose " advantage of the threw that in there "ii everyon recommend Batman especially thoroughly takes friend. They irau inn, h elsi when food. In storing our protagonist a little bit with Ihe resides readily available to "develop" struggling just i p "r Ignatius, thirty years old, but paper bags in his hot dog bin. more. Let me clear one thing up be- Rounders fast paced complicated pokei racket Mike with his mother and has been work- brown whole a "pimple further with this It is at jail believes he is doing fore I go any , s run,, Worm's pre ing on his masterpiece since he fin- Ignatius disappointing ride to dis- mas degenerate" a favor, yet he unknow- not just jealousy that causes me di bts ished his graduate studies His this for the interest in i kind ol ingly becomes the middle-man approve of his romantic terpiece. a defense of his world- v iew quintessen- Shap Sweeny " world, to I By poker in ring of pornography sold film Although am the , v set in the allows him to lay in bed and criticize largest over heals for minors. tial American girl, head which the little guy trii him the TV as representative of the abyss Shap's grade B+ whal influ- continu- As the novel concludes, the raid of Matt Damon, that is nol sell with thi ' 01 into which the modem world pornographic ring becomes the ences opinion about his girlfriend Robin Williams, whop the my I ously sinks. However, the masterpiece Anyone who has seen Man 'anion I'm still accomplishment of a dead-beat cop (I don't remember her name becomes interrupted one fatal day with "Good Will Hunting" will immedi- her m a gutter on aire il they ever used ool hall as mui h Plymouth and Ignatius passes out in not really similarity nil d mentoi with the wrecking of the family ately tecogni/e the 10 that her they failed to emulate as in bis limilai role in Bourbon Street. Convinced name ) Here, Round- effectiveness into an old New Orleans building in character In his latest moi ie, Mrs. Reilly Hunting," as even though lot son is mentally insane, "Good Will "Good Will Hunting front of a grocery slore parking ers." which opens in at thi just a love attempts to have her son committed to the latter was m >re than re i, ii,, doubt the 'Rounder*" (caused either by Mrs Reilly's Union rheatre next weekend Instead .beautilul love probabl Chanty Hospital. However. Myma. story, it still hod is well worth seeing and drunken state or Ignattus's attacking ofbeingamalh] Is bills just as or foils lor that ' innovative tri sou his Bronx girlfriend returns, As far as frien l« go, Damon's mosl md of Mrs Reilly's nerves, whichever BS a janitor, In "Rounders was cer- Ignatius begs Fortuna for a positive matter. "Roundcrs'^'Worm" button that the big studios have madi Mrs is i prefer). To repair the damages. character, Mike McDermoti moment, neither looks mo\ spin of her wheel. For a brief tainly no Ben AfliC*. in stake-, poker Reilly insists that Ignatius get genius playing high

Although die actor play- i.idon't lurpri i d il you pan- Ignatius quickly alters his philosophy norcharacter hmisell law be the reader is launched into a games tO put through and 'anion escape an excellent job, I fell the lliealer hoping III ' of life to appease Myma and to ing Worm did witty and lease M orama of adventures school. The movie is both between the two y up a pen mu\ retUI the Charity Hospital ambulance As know picks bai Finally awarded a job with Levy paced, yat those who do not at all iii Ignatius I feel anything ript ig iin the novel closes, however. friends, nor did slakes writing hisown Pants, a manufacturing company much about the high | 1 mean, and re- portrayed 1 barely evades the ambulance for the person he clearly Which has hired Ignatius to perform luchas myself) may up lo. reatei e old philosophies although as much as 1 do want to look Will Hunting" proved) to < verts to his during I OHStanl the simple task of filing. Ignatius be- feel lost at times the ith a guy an unexpected tw isl and feel a connection v. blur comes bored and decides the true with jargon concerning the hi I Worm | As Walker Percy concludes whose pet-name andall relate Ne filing Is to simply throw the nter-bluffing method of In "has this essay: "It for the last comparison filing, ward. I shall conclude Now. that Tiles in the garbage With less plicated hustling the« Williams a hand iii a pokei game *iii greai pity that John Kennedy Toole "Goodwill Hunting." Robin busine-- pivine held Ignatius becomes more able to funhcr ,s a use as means ol fOl and won- piction alive and well and writing (he a dynamic, sensitive, be intrigued by the m to deco- is not plays bills his work on his world-view, Mar the in 1969 at the age mentot I. n Mall Damon <>i ihe hard signs and committed suicide derful The basic plot ol the movie centers rate the office with elaborate "" unders version of h reminds us all that But he is not. and there is noth- tin Landau is K prep it yel begin work on his Of 32] around Mike's best friend from bean stalks, and 10 landau, M it but mal truly admire Martin "i we can do about ilui I hustler. Worm high sociological ren- ing ,1 and fellow poker new masterpiece, a born tumultuous human believe mat hi a great ,,,„, best left i" di..-. who ate that this gargantuan and I strongly primal Pear" dering of "a working hoy " Perpetu- (Edward Norton- from directors to eye with availabh I ask, did ihe with the minds to go eye news tragicomedy is at least made why, People Vs Larry Flint"), ally bored and newly inspired by 7 and 'The an insignificant part • ainc a world of readers give him such il„ Ol his girlfriend's social activism. to 1

October 8, 1998

Ehc g>ctoancc flurplc SOUTH Page 8/ celebrates 25 years The Trinityi^SSta^w^

by Dalton Lyon Theater, home Editor South Revo- | The ' li.. - s7 TBN """ ued e and tnywherein lutionary year, the Trinity BrO Thll Inter •The Revolu- iweniy-five the Network (TBN) turns IT" I tionary I Irving. me i m Christian programming They ,,. im air nu though! iplete with We

,,n 768 nation* bro i our lime world* idc headquarters would be bet- lOhcre re- (Channel ter spent at the Sewwec) n in I rani ^.ashville), i iold, iheii find tins Hendcrsonvillel Through 1 incense and thirty-acre Trinity which is now the programming. 'ling Myrrh Gift TBNlIjmi. l>e- ic I ity. US " tnp. Wi Shop "i' 1 fhj over eighl i cause miinu The Gift r i$l lion people has i tains first slop wa dcdic-tted 'hen lour The what yOU regular at- Twity Instd. easily point out the. Christ. .nvva) in- could lives 10 would expect air sprayed t-shirts, ihat re ma i' they knew when lo their Bible. tendees because Despite phenonu non line translations ol the place of the were certainly not as sue Twin. In siand up. We supposed i in rrn put- I TBN placemats tone of as everyone else, so we cess, they con- pills, and vid- enthusiastic Swage .,, Christian diel furniture to the dn obliged to leave alter only an tinue to he the Holy were eos ol Paul and Jan's trip to Hue and but an hour was more than laughed .ii and the trademark Co, I,,,,,, Land. Then there .s the with nning of I enough. ridiculed, Roberts. memorabilia. The mosl expen- Twitty reflect .i the h luseaswt have had time to many of then Robert Tilton. leather Now that I sive item in the store is a $750 at Trinity Musk earnesi lii other the Memorial Gat on my experience I, and with Twitty's portrait on u We In fact, in jacket really changed lumng in lo, Christinas. I have not leners pi omincnt not to find any Ciiy USA. is vety disappointed itlis the complex Music not out ol my mind about TBN. Trinity tele Conway Twitty shot glasses, or any < ity, com- [Yjnjtj ( I,,, nas and overdone as H > lor the mes- I is just as tacky are all South- for that mal City Paul and Jan shot glasses but for plete on television, The "wor- sage, should be pointed the shows « It Trinity Mu- rer. relief Christia > Our second stop was the was nothing more than comic '"" ""' ran,mv kill before the ship service ihemostfam We had some time» to Jan ( I me IMI ,,,, rjifact, Paul and ' However, seeirig the y ariety show. are not native South i Kip Sikora and 1 a point out thai Bakker. Tele- live broadcast, so of TBN. ,1 Country Music the tour and | .unders showed up for the Holiday Inn people who v, as But hi headed next door to >n we had 10 learn manyol the that "the hardest lew rd made me realize ' •"" live broadcast u " mU what we the i soak in most of our pain thai the( see lounge and tried to the tragic fact that liveTBNbroad one may of the population are al- Southern audience. an hour, we some sectors the years wiih iheir had lustseen. After about disappointments through ision There are fourteen fake unat- and television show ,,n teles . dt o TBN, no matterhow and TBN began as the to the complex totally reju- some of our brothers sides of the stage, returned came from 1973 box seats on llie two isfor me. Some sections "Praise the Lord." debuting in joined the rest of our tractive TBN " All of us have our part the au- venated and ie« in Christ mosl intriguing of I interestingly but the the population need TBN. and am ilifomia Paul Jan were not there to of TBN. but I wahted that sits party and own judgments of is the giant crown then lives ditorium sure that some have changed cnou the "worship service," but just to be sure thai my on the Conduct io ..sit TBN above the Stage. Our final stop watching Batter's early sh What for the better as a result of one and K) rimand lammy friend Dr. WhiuMrwas own |udgmenl WM B fair of WPGDTV-. their then owl lour were the studios are not representative of In 1^76. TBN bought about the broad- TBN. They eyes what [hi of the was most interesting tor my own and the homey studios certainly California, and another 50 the Christian Church, but the five other sin tion in TUstiA, ,,,si the people who showed up really about. So I joined (one of the other were began their i a, in. rrippshqw the Church and thus have Phoenix and they V isi- are a pan of loll om in watch. Most were first time on an excui 10 ties a lot). Un- to dents ladies who sings and - tacky houi broadcasting the a place in the Church, however Tennessee lo see Tnn- twnety-foui like ourselves (the producer asked Hcndersonvilc, other people on our tour, we tors : '" like the '" think they are of three TBN next a hands), although you we 1 show 1 USA. one for a iryMusii I > to visit the Virtual Reality link the easi Bnd chose not Stales Miami in 1980, to facilities in Hie United

Letter to the South Editor: Sewanee's chapel needs change

MUI lo jackets with 1 Upon B reoenl excursion $700 the limits Broadcasting Net- \i„i every pun hase of a blue work in Hcndcrsonville. Ten f i jackei with i r Ward ..,,• thoughts on jean i have tome on tht ba uld how our chapel programhereai Crushed placental with pictui Sewanee might be improved get a free ,,i allthereceni missile silo acqui- Not being one 10 pass up the in tii lunitii ..Horded by good sitions - hand an third world countries tad mayl example, i took pen in two wi n drew up some proposals a toothless orphan 01 u \°,

I would like leave too hot i inally, to i inuouri hope! is far A «'iii a couple "i thoughts, Ingand traditional " ithinV thai you (/_ Willi While this is a modest prop « i all ii might DC hvened Dp is is , welt ome Change itringi oi colored lights draped hange

. Bible-belt clerestory; wo g I I Spl tally liberally from the / iii the -m , in i dify Mild I'd rid ol conventional h musses, noi keep them in subjuj itained glass windows and put

lion 1 think Ih.iu hit On in iome purple curtains And have you ever ootit ed thai wi doil the h,uc two altars I Maybe -Will Brown. C'01 nave sltai thould be repli


i • mi i Which I my ond point We should gel rid ol the choir and organ We will

rj lomething fresh andexcil

Ing, something on the Cutting edge to perform on out n< * thai we Include

in 1 1 minus 'gospel band o THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

loon i he banjo playei could twang out some yeehaw riiis during dull moments in sermons and homilies Programmer Analyst Trainee And tor those delivering IhC

Miinons. i c thechaplalni

Will h.oe no more chasubles, all's, and ItOlOS No, no. no Interviews: October 12th

i just do noi denote thai hey Information Session: Lunch goodol' worshipsplrii Instead

i think we could gel (arm really

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SOUTH / Page 9 jg-cluancc purple October 8, 1998 flrjje center Lyle Leverich speaks to community in honor of new arts

Nicole Cottrell pull oui ,,_,,, i, s.npi bag and by affected Leverich m.^ed from into nil After these New York cxpenences. This episode Leverich I festival also would revise play decided that he wasn't of another. He week. Lyle Leverich, Tennes- Levench joined the Navy and was sent greatly, and he this large amphitheater to the city This been finished In \us this were after they had biographer, was impressed "going to put up with lives San Francisco, where Leverich finally see Williams' honored to the West Coast He versio.. tin, Texas, wbcre all the by the wit.h-hunt He- purchase a small iheatcr Sewanee with a speech to the commu- with California, especially with San being ruined" decided I.' his plays are kepi, ad '" V" Francisco, where he sold seats had Levench's visit commemorates Francisco. After his cxpenences in the left for San wild onl> ninety-nine He nity. through the Tennessee Williams li on the side Atiei i years of hosting of the Tennessee Williams Navy at Guadela Canal he settled there books and wrote decided after ill the the opening up with an en'' which was becoming produce bran and come theater He be- stmt in the city, the festival thai he n anted to Center. Leverich has spent a great deal to pursue a career in hi version of almost any play 1 populous during that give them a new experiencing and re- came involved with one production at more and more small, young talent and of time both the fourth is why Williams considered Leverich went thins miles north ci.. lUmrish It was m this iheatcr searching the life of Tennessee Will Bill Iythc's ihealer in Hollywood, time. plat ol Outer) \ Vntot He opened a com- Tennessee production Stintson Beach. I evench encountered however. Levench's life is full where stars such as Carol Channing to thai would iams, ter Pla\ to be new: Levench bookstore-gallery there thai wntten a play their start Even though, accord- bination Williams Williami had of interesting experiences concerning got ipi ft '" working from a new M I flttl paperbacks and sup- Character Play be and the theater. ing to Levench and people such as took in mostly called < tutcry A Two writing not like the ones used in the I Otldon artists that worked in all been produced in London, Lyle Leverich was bom in Brook- John and Elaine Steinbeck. Bill Iythe ported local whwh had iCO. and New York productions location in which the to less than I York - didn't disclose the year, but was a "wonderful talent," he got too mediums. The i ik ago. and New lyn he Leverich had a few final words to located relied mainly upon reviews Leverich approached did state that in his speech he would involved with drinking and died of cir- store was stellar ilium he say aboul the new Tennessee W After reading about about producing the play up 78 years of experience rhosis at the age of thirty-eight. tourist business. Williams be summing center. He remarked thai the Univei Leverich to the Lincoln Center. Le\ench tound a When Williams wroie back, he told talking about his involvement with Nevertheless, Iythe got l<»>k ai by ,iiv should take a good, hard capitalize on this business to that he would be doing the theater, and Tennessee Hollywood, where Leverich came un- way to Leverich writing, the what they have done and give David the local ans scene. of the plas which Leverich der the tutelage of an agent whom ev- support and better "world premier" Williams. In New York, and the theater depanm. M all I andon festival of it has al- with a summer c.ml used I evench because for the New York Daily News, eryone called "Gentleman George," He came up worked the freedom they need to develop and which he called the Ath- done three times Williams boy and later as a re- George Ulman. Ulman sent Leverich's the arts, been first as a copy experiment with the theatrt rhisnev Foundation The festival interested in the production the then be- script around town, and one day enaeum Arts was very searcher in morgue. He theater gives Sewanee a chance 10 en five thousand-seat Leverich decided established Leverich received a call from Bctte took place in a ot this play, which came involved with an able students to fulfill on. ol that overlooked San with The Glass Me- "flesh Davis' secretary. Thinking he had amphitheater to do in tandem agency, which he dubbed the Leverich's goals m working with the of- The amphitheater had been nagerie, having the same characters actors and performers." made it big, Leverich visited her Francisco peddlers for theater: allowing the individual art MacCarthy built by the WPA and was on top of play the brother and the sister in both being an agent for this kind fice. Dunng this time, the so neglr. Instead of ist, whom he sees as The festival sup- s \\ illi.niis made ihree transcon- work anti-Communist trials were in full Mount Tamalpaius. plaj of theatrical talent, he chose to our society, to thrive and succeed. and theater, and Leverich's theater to swing, and were attacking many of the ported music, dance, tinental flights to as a literary agent. Davis" brought together nationally- and oversee the production of the play, not Thus began Levench's involvement big names in Hollywood. Bette artists with local, Glass Menagerie, but secretary warned Leverich that one world-renowned because of 77ie visit the with writing and producing plays. One Come ot the big names In tad. I evendi from his play put him in danger younger talent. Some because of Outcry Uf his first clients was a woman who scene festival included Williams joked he becoming a target of the trials. This that came to the commented that kvrote a play about the cafe' society, and of Purple website who 1 iter to see the Moorhead of Bewitched, "wouldn't walk ac 1 SS ft pro- scene, which was set on top of San Agnes he became involved in editing and shows, I aura" (a comment Telegraph Hill, involved gave outstanding one-woman Virgin Mary play iucing this play in the early 1940's. Francisco's jazz great, and too radical for our of young people which Duke Ellington, the he thought might be the course of its production, he met a group [n pioneer of modem as "beatniks." Ruth St. Dennis, a Episcopal campus) Diana Barrymore, one of Drew Leverich referred to bnng together question remains, however, of couples who were gathered dance. Leverich helped The Barrymore's ancestors. Levench com- One of the with local talent, Williams told Lyle this scene was a young these performers why Tennessee that Diana had great talent, but and talking in mented Com- production of couple. The wife such as the Marin Civic Ballet Levench that the fourth was too caught up in drinking, African-Amencan she Francisco mime "world premier support the husband, pany and the San Outcry would be a eventually led to her ruin. While was working to which the that Ten- that troupe. Part of his theories about Levench points to the fact met a who was in school. Leverich says itill in New York, Leverich together "young worked on http:// "color blind," for arts involve bringing nessee Williams always of Bill Iythe, he presented them as /oung actor by the name as that with older, experienced actors three or four plays at one time. He ft that reflected the kind of people artists was in a Steinbeck play called angels.sewanee.edii/ who w ay. the young but had an inner called "beatniks" in and performers." This a disorganized man He later encoun- would have been The Moon is Down. well that can see firsthand the tradition sense of organization that worked that time. The secretary told him people sewaneepurple tered Iythe when he moved to Cali- they uphold, and older ac- him. Whenever Williams reached unless he excised that scene, he was and legacy for fornia, in Hollywood, where Iythe see where the ans are going. a roadblock in one play, he would great danger. tors can opened a theater. in

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