Sewanee Purple, 1998-2000
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" i etoanee Burple SEWANEE, TENNESSEE" 7)^tober 8, 1998 Stone and Stewardship: Environmentally aware program granted Carving Sewanee's Image Sewanee financial support from ACS area mine the stone at Armficld Bluff, an deemed " Dedicated Consm an on Lai kI studem sible" and encourages The study explains thai conservation by Taryn Gassner ip .heir own environmental and recreational land'- have educational programs Grant mone) is available program. al of environmentally Environmental value and "consist lik< . thai would Ihanl . organization pro- Sewanee will receive a boosl sensitive k need to be that helps the i program granu given b) * slop U»ey cannot sustain devel- to funds from tected since environment ind heightens environ sociated Colleges ol the South opment " According lo Dr Scott ordin mental avt axenesi V i the ii S invited of the Natural Re- (ACS). This ye u Torreano. a member project could ret ran i worth) faculty, si iff, and adminii Committee, only 10 11% Ol the students, sources ,.,.„„ monej ol up to several thou proposals foi gi ints has been sel aside tor this trators to submit entire Domain mid olswithidi i thai pro- landdollai toj As Vice President to fund campus programs kind of preservation. nvironmental com ems are en aw i 'wever. Do- mote cu\ ironmenial Simpson i David tocontai t Robin Gottfried twenty-first century among iged i the 2( h»s not yd be>. 'me a "formal main 1 20 i in' student bodies or Sylvi ti dedi- commmunitles and in turn, a piece ol these student to policy;" i, ibie foi anj ACS-funded environmental | p lU conservation lands, \nnfield Bluff, The cated projet I to Dr. propose an environmental program at Sewanee is run by sustains the impact ot the two quar- grant now in order to receive (Environmental I u test quarry sites Robin Gottfried ries and four cfeared to the Associated Sylvester Tan (Stu- m0nej li cording hall's ully FellOW i md to produce the new dining prfmarj needed ,1 ihi South, the dent intern). As ACS environmen Although the quarries are cur- proposals is exterior. remenl f01 project represent iti economic reasons, a de- tal program rently closed for they "should increase environ Tan will travel 10 ACS that events thai look place at Gottfried and scription of the itizenship through the sys- conferences throughout the year to mi atal I and the sue itself might Armfield Bluff tematic study of the interactions be- ntal pro community better ap- develop environnv help the Sewanee tween humans and the biosphere. efforts with other ACS the steps that coordinate its resources and and preciate and the search foi Innovative schools to preserve ihem for fu- should be taken proactive lOlutions tO environmen- Gottfried and Tan are currently ture generations. problems " Proposal areas In develop and .upport pro- tal with quarry foreman working to Warren Point Interviews elude: course development, research Sewanee's underlying grams within the curriculum such as King and the DiiMor of Physi- out- type of stone known Houston projects, service (off-campus Sandstone, a Not, Sewanee's recycling pro- Carolyn Phillips ii indicate Waste by Plant Services. Mar ne, oppor- States for cal i lies and learning throughout the eastern United to organize cn- was chosen gram, Other ideas are that the Armfield Bluff are.i operations ton- properties. To save tunities i. and campus buff sand- its purity and building and spon- Set against the color of \ ironmcntal short courses because >f the quality stone from as the quarry site campus programs that promote en- caption on the Apnl 1997 is- the expense of buying lecturers Later m H stone, the ston<- md because sor guest started and quantity of the awareness) Potential reads "For Crossville, and to follow a tradition meet vironmental sue of Magazine past mester they plan to with ^y^ area had been quamec in the conservation University officials elected the topic areas range from local stonemasons in the 1870s, environmental organization more than a century, produ ed stow existing rect- Quarries in the area diversity and ecologi- out quarry the 40.000 square feet of ol this ol biological have carved the University's image to at Sewanee The purpose DuPonl Library and Wo» - lab during environmental and the new dining ,l integrity to enclosed article cel- angular stone needed for help develop environ of a mountain." The qua -ying opera- meeting is to 1960s. As a result, economics I n we call home. the resource of constructing each hall out of the Mountain on the Mountain ebrates the tradition .hen the first mental programs tions began in May, 1997 on project propos- contrary to recommendations ef- infol m nam buildings on the Main Campus out Though and to strengthen and coordinate of the and parts • Breakfield Use Study of Domain roads were cut al theACS environmental web quarried from the Domain. made in the Land forts to promote environmental of sandstone the Pen mi. ul area were onj/~envlro/ constructed Real and ,t www.coilepev which scientific document Excluding the Bishop's Common, 2020, a awareness otvcampu* belter understand html Crossville, Ten to help policy makers 'anything is pos- has similar stone from Continued on page 2 Tan stresses thai from Domain's assets, officials chose to nessee,nCSSCC. ourUUl halls..a..* ..-•-have come the Leverich sheds light on Experts debate environmental issues „,. al conditions in Economics "Aftertalk- ecologi" ii"- worldand linked .md ral parts ol Tennessee Williams ing with studeni life of rateol defoi exams were u.wiii in the iams," for he frequently missed faculty who by Katherine Lindyberg pollution to Ihe en it i on and skipped classes, due to his absent- nt, I think It !> ap and line , enthusi nature. His teachers had a dif- ned the Thursday night, Lyle Leverich. minded belon Last lion, He admitted thai he dealing with him [hown by the li of Tennessee Williams, ficult time camp," a biographer ii iHed "alarrnists' did not show su- Hirers and thai facl thai to Hall. In his lec- Although Williams spoke at Convocation bumanit) is noi on a de- , rgued thai academics. Leverich there WSJ an I" live of Tom." Levench perior ability in his ture, "On the Trail sustainable path in terms ol foi was quite a hale going on betwo n of Tennes- explained that Williams celebrated the life and work andbiolog) Heal osuggi >ted a very active them H those who Bl by stat- ••campus character." As opened il Levench I see Williams. /i measun in mldbi lhatai I Williams v. our- dis- member of his fraternity. tended "the work of a biographer is of the current ing that foi ihe improvement social advantages of aged to think aboui the the talk, he ex- thought that the covery," and throughout situation price of ^inability, life were worth the high "labynnthian nature" of Greek " »"• e "light prc- plored the —T I « membership. When congratulated by then the symposium was a sut Williams's personality ""< »oid bul «" havi to his fra- three gut vatl." family his fellow brothers for weanng Bach ofthe Leverich focused Williams's annual Kennedy/Owen ofthinldng Ihi have The fourth achieving this i han pin. Williams stated. "I different approach for that although Williams ternity took plat e in how we come to life, explaining was Economics Symposium ion illustrates felt so important." Williams goal his life trying to escape never Septem- similai spent most of the B.C. Large Lounge on difTi " ni ont luslons from brought under discipline by Professoi fayloi defended the his "obsessive frequently students from always . away his family, it was 1998 Over eighty . We need to move regularly received ber 30. contention that hurnamts is passions in the fraternity and radical Indeed, his two community members as lit.' expCCl interest." professors, and path and no data such for such offenses as stealing on a sell sustainable and his schizo- paddles entitled "Is- therchangeoui life were his writing attended the presentation GNr clean, white shirt, since measures need to be taken inordet Williams's abu- another brother's ad phrenic sister. Rose. Sustainal lity." ceptol pr oswellasbring Despite such trans- sues of the environmeni He Will- he did not have one to prest rve referred to i .inability sive father. Cornelius, Three expert in su diiioni dit aw ellu Williams was very popular presi nted data the "runts." but this gressions. Ri- iams and Rose as for tl .-symposium going," Per- were invited hoi ol human d< are his fraternity brothers cry positive indit made the siblings closer. among sorot Public Af- - d with rejection only Zerbe. Pr" • p r0 l compete in the chard lucbaslifi expe with suaded by his brothers to velopmeni relationship Law i urrentstate strong - Professoi of ,., ofthe Williams had a fairs and Adjum decline B estimation wrestling competition, the per capita income eti md his father. intramural Al the Rose, but struggled with Univcrs! Ol Washington, ihe global environment. at the I ol earned the nick- negative factors sut h isai Williams - himself, de- 120 pound [n ii, iii, lb Cornelius spent lavishly on Bawa, 'Ulinguished I Kamal S. • " for his wrestling He also argued thai no life. Tiger Tom" [ution necessities of name University „.,,. ,i problems should nying his children the or of Biology at the pletionol m Before one match, he posted a scs , household battle ensued be- abilities. Jerry Taylor, with indirectly, with eco- A constant Ol Massachiisseu and emerged in be university, stating. "Liquor, es have Edwina. sign in the ai and his wife, d Resource Srud- Is, Miii, i than through tween Cornelius ot Nam.