Sculptural Plaster-Casts Reproduced by the Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Metropolitan Museum of Art PRICE-LIST SUPPLEMENTARY TO HAND-BOOK No, 7 anxa 92-B 8503 Sculptural Plaster-casts Reproduced by the Metropolitan Museum of Art FROM ITS OWN COLLECTIONS Exhibited in Halls 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 FOR THE SUPPLY OF ARTISTS, ARCHITECTS, ART AND ARCHITECTURAL STUDENTS, LIBRARIES, AND ALL INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING OR DESIGN PUBLISHED BY THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 The Metropolitan Museum of Art PRICE-LIST SUPPLEMENTARY TO HAND-BOOK No. 7 Sculptural Plaster-casts Reproduced by the Metropolitan Museum of Art FROM ITS OWN COLLECTIONS Exhibited in Halls 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 FOR THE SUPPLY OF ARTISTS, ARCHITECTS, ART AND ARCHITECTURAL STUDENTS, LIBRARIES, AND ALL INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING OR DESIGN PUBLISHED BY THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART NOTE. 'pHIS Price-list is issued to meet the desire frequently expressed for a Catalogue of reproductions in plaster, of ancient, mediaeval, and Renaissance works of art, obtainable at home, to the saving both of time and the costs of transportation from Europe, together with the repair of damages sustained on the way, Custom-house fees, and other charges. It embraces all the more import- ant masterpieces, exclusive of the largest in size, now on exhibition in this Museum, together with a few hitherto unseen from lack of space; and the selection has been made in anticipation of such as would be most naturally wanted. It does not repeat all the particulars descriptive of the subjects, such as, Names of Authors, Material of original Object, Locality of ancient Exposition or Dis- covery in recent years, and Place of Exhibition in Euro- pean Museums to-day, on account of the limitation of length: all these items will be found in Hand-book No.
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