France): Respective Role of the Main Filter-Feeders

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France): Respective Role of the Main Filter-Feeders Not to be cited without prior reference to the author ICES CM 2008/H:01 Studying the carrying capacity of Mont Saint Michel Bay (France): respective role of the main filter-feeders. Philippe Cugier 1, Caroline Struski 1, Michel Blanchard 1, Joseph Mazurié2, Stéphane Pouvreau 3, Frédéric Olivier 4. 1. IFREMER, Département Dynamiques de l’Environnement Côtier, laboratoire d’Ecologie Benthique, B.P. 70, 29280 Plouzané, France. Contact: [email protected] , Phone: +33 2-98-22-49-19, Fax: +33 2-98-22-45-48. 2. IFREMER, Laboratoire Environnement Ressources Morbihan-Pays de Loire, 12 rue des résistants, BP 86, 56470 La Trinité sur Mer, France. 3. IFREMER, Station expérimentale d’Argenton/Département de Physiologie des organismes marins, 11 presqu’île du vivier, 29840 Argenton-Landunvez, France. 4. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturel, Département Milieux et Peuplements Aquatiques, Station Marine de Dinard, UMR 5178 BOME, 17 av. George V, 35800 Dinard, France. Abstract The macrobenthic community in the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (English Channel, France) is mainly dominated by filter-feeders, including cultivated species (oysters and mussels). The decline in farming production, along with the significant spreading of the invasive slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata (150.000 T), have led scientists and stakeholders to question about the trophic balance between cultivated and wild (native or invasive non- native) filter-feeders. An ecological model of the bay was developed, coupling a 2D hydro-sedimentary model (SiAM) and biological models for primary production and filter feeder filtration. The filter feeder model includes cultivated (mussels Mytilus edulis and oysters Crassostrea gigas and Ostrea edulis ), invasive ( Crepidula fornicata ) and wild native species ( Abra alba, Cerastoderma edule, Glycymeris glycymeris, Lanice conchilega , Macoma balthica, Paphia rhomboides, Sabellaria alveolata, Spisula ovalis ). The real distribution for each species was taken into account into the computational grid and individual filtration rates were imposed. For cultivated and invasive species, which represented the highest density levels, bio-deposition production was also computed in order to evaluate the role of these bio-deposits in re-stimulating chlorophyll levels. From 2008 to 2010, this model will be used by scientists and decision makers as a tool for exploring several scenarios of farming managements and/or environmental factor evolutions and their impacts on the ecosystem. Keywords : Ecosystem modelling, primary production, filter-feeders, Mont-Saint-Michel Bay. Introduction The Mont-Saint-Michel Bay (hereafter MSMB) is located in the western part of the English Channel along the French coast (figure 1). This bay is a large enclosed macrotidal area with an average tidal range of 10 m and a maximum one of 15 m and with a large intertidal zone covering 250 km². Three rivers flow in the eastern part of the bay, Sée, Sélune, Couesnon with average flow rate of 5, 9 and 11 m 3/s, respectively. Due to high tidal current, the water column is well mixed and no vertical stratification is therefore observed. The macrobenthic community in the bay is mainly dominated by filter-feeders and is typified by: (1) A very productive area for shellfish culture. The annual shellfish production is around 18.000 tons, with 12.000 tons of mussels (rank 1st in France) and 6000 tons of oysters. The annual economic benefits due to shellfish farming are more than 30 millions euros. Farming structures takes up the most part of the western bay (figure 1). (2) A massive propagation of an invasive gastropod, the slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata (Blanchard, 1997; Blanchard and Ehrhold, 1999) . The species is mainly located in the western part of the bay, north of the farming structures and show a high spreading velocity. Recent investigations revealed that the total biomass has increased of ca. 50% in eight years (figure 1) reaching 150.000 tons in 2004 (Blanchard, submitted). At the present time, the Crepidula biomass is the highest biomass among filter-feerders in the bay. (3) A large distribution of wild native community of filter-feeding species in the whole bay, showing densities of several hundred of individual per square meters (figure 2). In this context, from 2002 to 2007, the MSMB was the place of a French national program of coastal environment (PNEC), of which one main objective was to examine the carrying capacity of the bay. Questions were “how do all filter feeders share the primary production ? and how each main benthic compartment contributes to control the phytoplanktonic production ?”. To address these questions, an ecosystem model of the bay, coupling fine hydrodynamic, primary production and filter-feeders, has been developed. Materials and methods Model features A 2D hydrodynamic (SiAM model, Cugier and Le Hir, 2002) model was implemented in the Mont Saint Michel Bay. A 2D approach was used because of the strong mixing resulting from high tidal currents. This model solves the shallow water equations and coupled erosion- deposition processes in order to simulate the transport of cohesive sediment (Cayocca et al., 2008). This coupling allows realistic simulation of suspended matter very important for primary production modelling because it controls light attenuation in the water column. The computation grid is Cartesien and irregular (figure 3), allowing fine resolution in the coastal most part of the bay (200m) and rough resolution seawards (500m). This model was coupled with a classical primary production model taking account nutrient cycles and two phytoplankton groups, namely diatoms and non siliceous algae (including harmful flagellate species) and one zooplanktonic component, the diatom-grazer mesozooplankton (figure 4). The main equations have been previously described in Guillaud et al., 2000, Cugier et al., 2005. The benthic filter-feeder model is composed of: - 3 cultivated species: mussels ( Mytilus edulis ), European flat oyster ( Ostrea edulis ), Japanese oyster ( Crassostrea gigas ) - 1 invasive species ( Crepidula fornicata ) - 8 wild native species : Abra alba, Cerastoderma edule, Glycymeris glycymeris, Lanice conchilega , Macoma balthica, Paphia rhomboides, Sabellaria alveolata, Spisula ovalis For cultivated and invasive species, two main processes are considered: filtration and biodeposition (faeces and pseudofaeces). The first one contributes to deplete chlorophyll of the water column when the second one contributes to stimulate primary production because of organic matter deposition on the bottom. Filtration and egestion laws take account of environmental parameters such as water temperature or suspended matter concentration and are based on ecophysiological models previously published (Barillé, 1996, Barillé et al., 1997). Ecophysiological parameters for wild native filter-feeders are more difficult to find in literature. Often, only average filtration rates are available. Thus, only filtration process is considered for these species in this study. Table 1 gives references of the used filtration rate for each wild species as well as the value of the parameters. Boundary and initial conditions River boundary conditions (daily average for flows and monthly or bimonthly measurements for concentrations) were provided by Seine-Normandie water agency for Sée and Sélune and by Loire-Bretagne water agency for Couesnon. Meteorological data’s come from Météo- France local station. Harmonic components of tide at the sea boundary were provided by the Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine (SHOM: French Navy Oceanographic Department). Finally, main seaward boundary concentrations came from the operational modelling of French Brittany coast, developed in the PREVIMER project (see website: Real densities of filter-feeders were inputted in each mesh of the computation grid after an interpolation process in Arcview GIS tool. Mussels and oysters densities came from French Maritime Administration cadastre. Crepidula fornicata and native wild filter-feeder data’s come from specific benthic campaigns done during the PNEC program. Role of the main filter-feeders in the control of phytoplanktonic production. To visualise and quantify the role played by benthic filter-feeders, scenarios were performed by running the model and removing each main benthic compartments one after each other. Maximum annual chlorophyll obtained for each of these scenarios was then compared to those of the reference case (e.g. with all filter-feeders). Five scenarios have been realised by removing respectively Crepidula fornicata , mussels, oysters, native wild filter feeders and all filter feeders of the bay. Resulted maps of annual maximum chlorophyll are compared with the reference one (figures 5 A-F). In order to spatially quantify the effect, the bay was splitted in 3 areas (figure 6) where annual maximum chlorophyll was spatially averaged: a western area called “Cancale area”, an eastern area called “Mont-Saint-Michel (MSM) area” and a northern one call “seaward area”. Increase (in %) of maximum chlorophyll relative to reference case was calculated for each areas and each scenarios (figure 6). Reference case Figure 5A showed the simulated annual maximum chlorophyll. Higher concentrations were observed in the eastern bay, with levels ranging from 10 to 15µg/l. The western bay was characterised by lower concentrations, less than 10µg/l for maximum values. In the shallower waters of the western bay the maximum chlorophyll remains lower
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