Predation by Tarentola Mauritanica Lnlormation Is Scarce Concerning 1994

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Predation by Tarentola Mauritanica Lnlormation Is Scarce Concerning 1994 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 28 (ll2) Wien, 30. Juli 2015 SHORT NOTE First reporl of adult Podarcis siculus VacnER & Dr,Nmz (2010) the diet of T. mau- (RarrNrsquE-ScHMALrz, I 8 I 0) ritanica includes young Podarcis liolepis (Boulrncnn, predation by Tarentola mauritanica 1905) and H. turcicus, and RtpppEr- (1981) adds Podarcis siculas (Rtrr- (LrNNanus, 1758) NESeUE-ScHMar-rz, 1810) to the prey of Z mauritanica. The rare observations of lnlormation is scarce concerning lizard predation by T. mauritanica include geckos feeding on veftebrates such as small cannibalism (GoNzÄmz oe m Vrca 1988), lizards, birds and mammals (GamNrn & however, all above instances represented Jaspen 2012; YaNc et al. 2012; Bucol & Al- attacks on young individuals of relatively cele 2013) and refers mainly to large gecko small size. species such as Gekko gecko (LtNNeEus, On September 7, 2013, while sam- 1758) (AoweHoL et aL.2006), Eublepharis pling a population of T. mauritanica near macularius (Brvru, 1854) (HENrpr- et al. Vernole (40"21'00.73" N, 18"20'11.63" E, 2000; BoNru et al.2011) or Rhacodactylus Apulia, Italy) at night and temperatures of oC, auriculatus (Bnvav, 1869) (SNvosR et al. about 20 the authors caught by hand an 2010). However, these species feed largely adult male located above a lighted lamp. on invertebrates, the frequency ofpredation Immediately after capfure, the gecko regur- on veftebrates increasing only occasionally, gitated a large prey, already dead, starling known especially in captivity. with the tail first; it was identified as Pod- The Moorish Gecko, Tarentola mauri- arcis siculus. Biometric measurements, as tanica (LtNNeEus, 1758), is a medium- well as pictures (Figs. 1,2) were taken. The sized, robust gecko that is found in various Moorish Gecko was an extraordinary large natural and anthropogenic habitats of the male, 84.7 mm in snout-vent-length (SVL) Circum-Mediterranean region (Mr.r-lADo et (head length: 22.3 mm, tail length: 87.1 al. 1915; MaRriNEz-Rrce 1997; Höoan & mm), whereas, the ltalian Wall Lizard was a Plpcupzulr-os 1999; Höoan 2002; SrNleco female of 52.9 mm SVL (head length: 12.9 & JERgNacsNKo 2008). It is basicly noctur- mm, length of broken tall 13.2 mm). The nal, but also seen basking and foraging dur- overall length of the lizard captured and ing daytime (ScHr-ercu et al. 1996; GuenrNo swallowed by the gecko (66.1 mm), actual- & Ptcazuru-o 2006). Moorish Geckos are ly accounted for about 18 "Ä of the entire insectivorous in principal and forage widely SVL of the gecko. Surprisingly, subtracting or adopt an ambush strategy to obtain prey the gecko's head length, as the lizard had (SEve 1988; Gn et al. 1993; Ppnrz-MEr-- already been ingested, the prey, although raoo 1994; Höoan et al. 2006). Several slightly bent, must have occupied almost the studies thoroughly analyzed the diet compo- entire body of the Moorish Gecko. Preda- sition of this species in different areas of its tion may have occured late in the aftemoon, range (Cneuln & Lurssr-t-r 1994; Gtt- et al. when the diurnal activities of both species 1994; Hönan & PlEcunzurlos 1999; can overlap (Menrilluz-Rrce 1974; Hmr- Höoan et al. 2006). Depending on the wom 1976; Avrnv 1978; RrEppEr- 198 I ; Gr et gecko's age, season and prey availability, its al. 1994; Arrua et al. 2011). prey items include arthropods (chiefly The present observation is the first Araneae, larval and adult Lepidoptera and case repofi of T. mattritanica predaltng an Coleoptera, Diptera and Onyscidae) of adult. although medium-sized, lacertid. appropriate size. The few reports on preda- Mean SVL and head length was remarkable tion of vertebrates by T. maurita.nica, how- (SVL: 73.4 mm, head length: 18.8 mm, N - evel exclusively relate to juvenile saurian 18) in this Moorish Gecko population, with prey. In the Iberian Peninsula, sporadic the longest male measuring 93.6 mm in cases of predation on Podarcis lilfordi SVL (relative head measures, length: 23.2 (GüNruen, 1874) (Slrvaoor< 1979), Pod- mm, width: 16.3 mm, and height: 11.0 mm). arcis hispanicrls (SretNracHNEn, 1870) Considering the large mean body size of this (Fn,rNco 1980) and Hentidactylus turcicus Tarentola population, these old males are (LmNaeus, 1758) (GoNzrrrz op. LA VEGA likely to hunt larger prey than males do in 1988) juveniles are repofied; according to other populations or areas. 90 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 28 (1/2) Wien. 30. Juli 2015 SHORT NOTF Fig. 1: TheadultfemalePodarcissiar/as(Rlrxrsquu-Scunrar-rz, 1810)(above)rcgurgitatedbyabigmale of Turentoltt mauritanica (LtrNanus, 175ti) (bottom) near Vemole (Apulia, Italy). Scaie bai: I cÄ. - '-{ " ,,ffii,.'-'-8 ..i'S*d{1 Cr J, !--f .,r . I . ++-,b!* Ii -- _ 3 Fig. 2: Dorsal and ventral view of the adtill Podarci.ti.slcalris (RrrrreseuE-ScHMALrz, 1810) predated by Tarentoltr ntauritunitu (LrNNleus. 1758). Scale bar: 1 cm. SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 28 (l/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2015 SHORT NOTE 91 During the noctumal sampling, differ- Mlll,r.lo V ( I 99zt): Seasonal variation in diet compo- ent invertebrates were detected in high num- sition and prey selection in the Mediterranean gecko Tarentola mauritanicu.- Israel Journal of Zoology, bers close to the iighted lamps and on the Jerusalem; 40:61-74. GIL, M. J. & PEREZ-MELLADo, V neighboring walls, thus constituting an eas- & Gunntlno, F. (1993): Eine vergleichende Studie des ily available food resource for geckos. Nahrungserwebs von Tarentola malffita.nicü (Reptilia: Nevertheless, these robust geckos seemed to Gekkonidae) in Habitaten auf dem Festland und auf Inseln.- Sauria, Berlin: 15: 9-17. Gor-zÄLez oE r-,\ be capable of acquiring their dret by catch- Vece, J. P (1988): Anflbios y reptiles de la provincia ing lacertids and, most likely, also individu- de Huelva; Huelva (Ertisa), pp. 237. Gu.rttNo, F. M. & als of H. turcicus, that are smaller in size Ptcentnrro, O. (2006): Tarentola mauritanica. Gcco and occupy the same area at lower density. comure, Moorish gecko; pp. 422-425. In: SINDACo, R. & DoRr^, G & Rrzzrrrr, E. & BgRNr).rr, F. (Eds.): Since phenomena like the one report- Atlante degli anfibi e dei rettili d'Italia. Atlas of ltalian ed here are only infrequently obser-ved in the amphibians and reptiles; Firenze (Polistampa). wild, their frequency may be underestimat- HEArwoLE, H. (1976): Reptile ecology; St Lucia (Uni- ed. Given the potential benefit derived from versity of Queensland Press), pp. 178. HBNKIL, F. W. & Krölurc;, M. & Scsutlr, W (2000): Leopard- the high energy reward to the predator and geckos; Münster (Natur und Tier Verlag), pp. 156. the considerable ecological importance of HöDAR. J. A. & PlEciurzurlos, J. M. (1999): Diet of competitive interactions and predation, per- the Moorish gecko Turentola mauritarLica in an arid tiner.rt investigations are badly missed and zone of South-Eastern Spain.- Herpetological Journal, London, Salflord; 9: 29-32. HöDAR, J. A. (2002): encouraged here. Salamanquesa conin Torenbla mattritanicu; pp 234- PLTCUEZUELOS, MÄReuEZ, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors wish to 236. ln: .I. M. & R. & LrzANA, (Eds.): y thank the staff of the Risen'a Naturale dello Stato Le M. Libro Rojo atlas de los anfibios y reptiles Espaüa; (Ministerio Cesine-Oasi WWF for providing warrr, hospitality and de Barcelona de Medio support during the gecko sampling activities. The Ambiente, DGCNTRA.GSA-AHE, Lynx). HöDAR, J. study u'as carried out in accordance with the current A. & Prrc;ulzuEros. J. M. & VTLLAFR^Nc]A. C. & (2006): Italian rcgulations on nature conservatjon and capturc Fnn:.1ÄNoEz-CrnDENrrE, J. R. Foraging modc of the Moorish gecko Turentola of rvild anirnals". Special thanks go to Edoardo maltritanica in an arid RAZZETn (Natural History Museum Pavia) fbr provid- environment: inf'erences from abiotic setting, prey availability and dietary composition.- Joumal ing useful bibliographic cues. Two authors (DP-R and of Arid Environments, Amsterdam; 65: ManriNr,z - AB) were supporled by post-doctoral grants by the 83-93. RrcA, (1974): la Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences J. P. Contribuciön al estudio de (University of Pavia, Italy). biologia de los gecönidos iböricos (Reptilia, Sauria).- Publicaciones del Centro pirenaico de Biologia cxperi- REFERENCES: Aowpuor-, A. & THrn-crFrupr', rnental, Madrid; 5: 7 -291. MARTiNEZ-RrcA, .I. P ( I 997): K. & NABHrrABHera, J. & Vonrs, H. K. (2006): For- Tarenlola mauritanica Ltur,uus, 1758; pp. 202-204. aging ecology of the Tokay gecko, Gekko gecko, in a In: PLECUrzuLLos, J. M & Manr ixrz-Rrce. J. P (Eds.): rcsidcntial area in Thailand.- Amphibia-Reptilia. Distribuciön y biogeografia de los anfibios y reptiles en Leiden; 27: 491-503. AIREA, G & Lo CAScro, P & Espafla y Porlugal, Monografias de Herpetologia; Vol. Conrt, C. & Zuppr, M. A. L. (2011): Tarentola mauri- 3; Granada (University of Granada-AHF). MEllaoo, l.Tricd (LIN'NAEUs, 1758); pp.277-285.In: Conrr, C. & J. & Avonns, F. & PARRTNo, F. & Hrn,troo. F. (1975): CApuLA, M. & Lr.lsru-r, L. & Rczzrl n, E. & SrNoaco, The structure of a Mcditerranean lizard community.- R. (Eds.): Fauna d'ltalia, Vol. XLY Reptilia; Bologna Doäana, Acta Vefiebrata. Sevilla; 2: 145-160. Pr,nlz- (Calderini). Avr.n1 R. A. (1978): Activity patterns, MELI-ADo, V (1994): Tirrentola mauritanica (Moorish thermoregulation and tbod consurnption in tuo .ym- Gccko) behavior.- Herpetological RevieW Saint Louis; patric lizard species (Podarcis muralis and P siculu) 25: 68-69. Rtneent-, O. (1981): Tarentolu matu'itanica from Central Italy.- Joumal olAnimal Ecology, Lon- (LNNAEUS, 1758) - Mauergecko; pp. 119-133. In: don;47: 143-158. BoNc, R. & BöHME, W. & Oprer-,c, BöHN,rE, W. (Ed.): Handbuch dcr Reptilien und K. & Röloln, D. (201 l): A remarkable case of canni- Amphibien Europas; Vol. l, Echsen I: Wiesbadcn balisrn in juvenile Leopard Geckos, Eublepharis rnactt- (Akademische Verlagsgescllschaft). S.tvroon, A. larius (Brutu, 185.1) (Squamata: Eublepharidae).- (1979): Materialcs para una "Herpetofauna Baleärica" Herpetology Notes, Leiden; 4: 211-212.
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