|||||||| US00548961OA United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,489,610 Fung et al. 45) Date of Patent: 8 Feb. 6, 1996 54 SUSTAINED RELEASE ORGANIC NITRITE 58 Field of Search .................................... 514/506, 509, THERAPY 514/645, 740 75 Inventors: Ho-Leung Fung, Getzville; John A. 56) References Cited Bauer, Williamsville, both of N.Y. U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 73 Assignee: Research Foundation of the State 5,278,192 l/1994 Fung et al. .............................. 514f645 University of New York, Albany, N.Y. OTHER PUBLICATIONS * Notice: The portion of the term of this patent Derwent Abstracts 78–35053A, "Medicaments for Treating disclaimed.subsequent to Jan. 11, 2011, has been Cardiardiogenic Shock”, Fribolinis is et al. (1978). Patent Abstracts of Japan, vol. 12, No. 467, Dec. 7, 1988, 21 Appl. No.: 199,280 "Tape Preparation'. 22, PCT Filed: Jun. 30, 1993 Primary Examiner-Frederick Krass Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Kirschstein et al. 86 PCT No.: PCT/US93/06235 (57) ABSTRACT S371 Date: Mar. 1, 1994 A method of treating a patient suffering from a condition S 102(e) Date: Mar. 1, 1994 requiring vasodilator therapy, comprising long term, con 87 PCT Pub. No.: WO94/01103 tinuous adminstration of an organic nitrite to the patient in a dosage form capable of delivering a sufficient therapeutic PCT Pub. Date:Jan. 20, 1994 amount of nitrite to the bloodstream of the patient thereby providing effective vasodilator therapy for at least 24 hours Related U.S. Application Data without the development of tolerance in the patient. The a method of the invention is useful in treating conditions such 63 Continuation-in-part of Ser.
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