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Preface vii 20 Red and purple : Erythematous candidosis 36 Acute candidosis 36 1 Examination of extraoral tissues 2 Chronic candidosis 37 Head and neck 3 Denture-related (denture sore mouth; chronic Cranial nerves 3 atrophic candidosis) 37 Limbs 3 Angular stomatitis (angular ; perleche) 37 2 Examination of mouth, jaws, temporomandibular region Median rhomboid (central papillary atrophy and salivary glands 4 of the tongue) 37 Mouth 5 21 Red and purple lesions: Angiomas 38 Jaws 5 Hemangioma 38 (TMJ) 5 Venous lake (venous varix; senile hemangioma of ) 38 Salivary glands 5 Lymphangioma 38 3 Investigations: Histopathology 6 22 Red and purple lesions: Proliferative vascular lesions, Mucosal 7 Kaposi sarcoma 39 Brush biopsy 7 Proliferative vascular lesions 39 Labial salivary gland biopsy 7 Kaposi sarcoma 39 4 Investigations: Microbiology 8 23 Red and purple lesions: 40 5 Investigations: Imaging 10 Erythroplakia (erythroplasia) 40 6 Investigations: Blood tests 12 24 Red and purple lesions: Erythema migrans (lingual erythema Referring a patient for specialist opinion 12 migrans; benign migratory glossitis; geographical 7 Anatomical variants and developmental anomalies 14 tongue; continental tongue) 41 (“Fordyce granules”) 15 25 Swellings: Hereditary conditions, drug-induced (scrotal or plicated tongue) 15 swellings 42 Stafne cyst or bone cavity 15 Hereditary gingival fibromatosis (HGF) 43 15 C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency (hereditary angioedema) 43 15 Drug-induced gingival swelling 43 Varicosities 15 26 Swellings: Infections, human papilloma virus 44 8 Blisters 16 Papilloma 44 Angina bullosa hemorrhagica (localized oral purpura; (verrucae) 45 traumatic oral hemophlyctenosis) 17 Multifocal epithelial (Heck disease) 45 9 Blisters, infections: virus 18 Koilocytic dysplasia 45 Herpes simplex 18 HPV and oral 45 Recurrent 19 27 Swellings: Granulomatous conditions 46 Recurrent intraoral herpes 19 Sarcoidosis 46 10 Blisters infections: Varicella zoster virus 20 Crohn disease and 46 Chickenpox (varicella) 21 28 Swellings: Reactive lesions 48 Zoster () 21 Denture-induced hyperplasia ( fissuratum) 49 11 Blisters, skin diseases: 22 Fibroepithelial polyp (fibrous lump) 49 Pemphigus 23 49 12 Blisters, skin diseases: 24 Giant cell epulis (peripheral giant cell granuloma) 49 13 Pigmented lesions 26 COPYRIGHTED PyogenicMATERIAL granuloma 49 Superficial discoloration 26 29 Swellings: Malignant , oral squamous Hairy tongue (; lingua villosa nigra) 27 cell carcinoma (OSCC) 50 14 Pigmented lesions: Ethnic pigmentation and tattoos 28 30 Swellings: Malignant neoplasms, lymphoma, metastatic Ethnic pigmentation 29 neoplasms 52 Foreign body tattoos 29 Lymphomas 53 15 Pigmented lesions: Melanotic macule 30 Metastatic oral neoplasms 53 16 Pigmented lesions: Nevus and others 31 31 Ulcers and erosions: Local causes, drug-induced Adenocorticotrophic hormone effects (ACTH) 31 ulcers 54 17 Pigmented lesions: Malignant melanoma 32 Local causes 54 18 Red and purple lesions 34 Eosinophilic ulcer (traumatic eosinophilic granuloma; Purpura 34 traumatic ulcerative granulomatous disease) 54 19 Red and purple lesions: Desquamative , Drug-induced ulcers (stomatitis medicamentosa) 55 mucositis 35 32 Ulcers and erosions: Aphthae 56 35 33 Ulcers and erosions: Aphthous-like ulcers 58 Mucositis 35 Behçet syndrome (BS, Behçet disease) 59 v 9781405199858_1_pre.qxd 3/1/10 2:29 Page vi

34 Ulcers and erosions: Blood diseases, gastrointestinal Inflammatory disorders (not known to be infective) 87 disorders 60 Neoplastic causes 87 Blood diseases 60 Drugs 87 Leukemias 60 Others 87 Gastrointestinal disorders 61 48 Neurological conditions: Bell palsy, and trigeminal sensory Celiac disease (gluten sensitive enteropathy) 61 loss 88 35 Ulcers and erosions: Infections 62 Bell palsy 89 Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFM; vesicular stomatitis Trigeminal sensory loss 89 with exanthem) 62 49 Neurological conditions and pain: Local, referred and 62 vascular 90 Bacterial infections 63 Local causes of orofacial pain 90 Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (Vincent disease; Referred causes of orofacial pain 91 acute ulcerative gingivitis, AUG, ANG, ANUG) 63 Vascular causes of orofacial pain 91 Syphilis 63 50 Neurological conditions and pain: Trigeminal Gonorrhea 63 neuralgia 92 Tuberculosis 63 Trigeminal neuralgia 93 36 Ulcers and erosions: , toxic epidermal 51 Neurological conditions and pain: Psychogenic (idiopathic necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome 64 facial pain, idiopathic odontalgia and burning mouth Erythema multiforme 65 syndrome (oral dysesthesia)) 94 Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN, Lyell syndrome) and Persistent idiopathic, or unexplained (atypical) facial Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) 65 pain (IFP) 95 37 White lesions: Candidosis (candidiasis) 66 Burning mouth “syndrome” (BMS, glossopyrosis, Acute pseudomembranous candidosis 66 glossodynia, oral dysesthesia, scalded mouth syndrome, Chronic hyperplastic candidosis (Candidal ) 67 or stomatodynia) 95 Chronic mucocutaneous candidosis (CMC) 67 52 Jaw conditions: Temporomandibular pain-dysfunction 96 38 White lesions: Keratosis, leukoplakia 68 Temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction syndrome Tobacco-related keratosis 69 (TMPD), myofascial pain dysfunction (MFD), facial Leukoplakia 69 arthromyalgia (FAM), mandibular dysfunction, 39 White lesions: , 70 or mandibular stress syndrome 97 Hairy leukoplakia 70 53 Jaw bone conditions: Radiolucencies and radiopacities 98 Lichen planus (LP) and lichenoid reactions 71 Radiolucencies 98 40 Salivary conditions: Salivary swelling and salivary excess 72 Radiopacities 99 Salivary swelling 73 Mixed radiolucent and radiopaque lesions 99 Saliva excess (sialorrhea, hypersialia, hypersalivation, 54 Jaw bone conditions: Odontogenic diseases and cysts 100 ptyalism) and 73 Odontogenic infections 101 41 Salivary conditions: Dry mouth 74 Odontogenic cysts 101 42 Salivary conditions: Sjögren syndrome 76 55 Jaw bone conditions: Odontogenic tumors 102 43 Salivary conditions: , 78 Benign odontogenic tumors 102 Sialolithiasis 78 Malignant odontogenic tumors 103 Sialadenitis 78 56 Jaw conditions: Bone disorders 104 Sialadenitis: Acute viral () 78 Non-neoplastic diseases 105 Sialadenitis: Acute bacterial ascending 79 Neoplastic disorders 105 Sialadenitis: Chronic bacterial 79 57 Jaw bone conditions: Fibro-osseous lesions 106 Sialadenitis: Recurrent of childhood 79 Osseous dysplasia, cemento-osseous dysplasia (COD), 44 Salivary conditions: Neoplasms 80 periapical cemental or cemento-osseous dysplasia Benign neoplasms (adenomas) 81 (PCD) 107 Malignant neoplasms 81 107 45 Salivary conditions: Mucoceles, sialosis 82 Fibrous dysplasia 107 Mucoceles (mucous cyst; mucus extravasation phenomenon; 107 myxoid cyst) 83 Ossifying fibroma (cemento-ossifying fibroma) 107 Sialosis (sialadenosis) 83 Paget disease of bone 107 46 Neck swelling 84 58 Maxillary sinus conditions 108 Discrete swellings in the neck 85 Rhinosinusitis (sinusitis) 109 Cervical lymphadenopathy 85 Neoplasms 109 Unexplained lymphadenopathy 85 59 Oral malodor 110 Diffuse swelling of the neck 85 60 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and 47 Neck swelling: Cervical lymphadenopathy in generalized AIDS 112 lymphadenopathy 86 Systemic infections 87 Index 115

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