William Wildash (Publisher) the History and Antiquities of Rochester, 2Nd Edition Rochester 1817
William Wildash (publisher) The history and antiquities of Rochester, 2nd edition Rochester 1817 <i> THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF ROCHESTER AND ITS ENVIRONS: TO WHICH IS ADDED, A Description of the Towns, Villages, Gentlemen’s Seats, and Ancient Buildings, SITUATE ON, OR NEAR THE ROAD FROM LONDON TO MARGATE, DEAL, AND DOVER. SECOND EDITION, WITH CONSIDERABLE ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. EMBELLISHED WITH ENGRAVINGS. As the Knowledge of Ancient Things is pleasant, so is the Ignorance as shameful, and oftentimes exposes Men to the Scorn and Contempt of Strangers. PREFACE TO SOMNER’S ANTIQ. OF CANTERBURY. ROCHESTER: PRINTED AND SOLD BY W. WILDASH; SOLD ALSO BY LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, PATERNOSTER-ROW, LONDON; AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1817. <ii> <blank> <iii> ADVERTISEMENT TO THE FIRST EDITION, Published by Mr. T. Fisher in 1772. IN the ensuing work, very frequent are the references to the Registrum Roffense, a book published by John Thorpe, esq.; from the accurate MSS. of his father Dr. Thorpe, who was no less eminent for his knowledge of antiquities, than for his skill in physic: it would be ungrateful in the editor to omit acknowledging, how much labour and expence he has saved, by having an opportu= nity of examining in print, this curious and valuable collection of ancient deeds. He is likewise obliged to the reverend Mr. Aus= ten of Rochester, for some very useful and entertaining articles of information; and it is not without regret that he finds himself not at liberty to insert the names of several other ingenious and learned gentlemen, who have contributed their assistance; and especially of one, whose name would do honour to any publication; and by whose friendly communications, the editor has been enabled to give a clearer and more circumstantial account of some part of the ecclesiastical history of this city, and the neighbouring district, than he could otherwise have done.
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