Ninth International Conference on Mars 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2089) 6240.pdf EVIDENCE FOR HESPERIAN ACIDIC ALTERATION IN IUS CHASMA. C. M. Weitz1, J. L. Bishop2, J. Flahaut3, C. Gross4, A.M. Saranathan5, Y. Itoh5, and M. Parente5, 1Planetary Science Institute (1700 E Fort Lowell, Suite 106, Tucson, AZ 85719,
[email protected]), 2SETI Institute (Carl Sagan Center, 189 Bernardo Ave., Mountain View, CA 94043), 3CRPG (15 rue Notre Dame des Pauvres, BP 20 54500 Vandœuvre les Nancy, France), 4Free University of Berlin (Berlin, Germany), 5 University of Massachusetts Amherst (Dept. Electrical & Computer Engi- neering, University of Massachusetts, 151 Holdsworth Way, Amherst, MA 01003). Introduction: Recent studies of Ius Chasma, Me- CRISM results: CRISM spectra taken from sev- las Chasma, Noctis Labyrinthus, and Mawrth Vallis eral images across the doublet unit show there are vari- have revealed unique surface materials that could be ations in the strength and location of the 2.2-2.3 µm related to acidic alteration [1-7]. These mystery phases absorptions. As shown in Figure 2, some doublet spec- exhibit a “doublet” absorption in CRISM spectra be- tra have equal strength absorptions at 2.22 and 2.27 tween 2.2 and 2.3 µm that occurs in a variety of pat- µm (b), whereas others have a much stronger 2.22 µm terns, but is distinct from the commonly observed min- absorption relative to the 2.27 µm (c) or a stronger eral bands attributed to Al- and Fe-rich phyllosilicates. 2.27 µm relative to the 2.22 µm (d). These results indi- This “doublet” unit is typically characterized by a pair cate that a simple mixture cannot explain the observed of bands at 2.21-2.23 and 2.25-2.28 µm (attributed to shifts and intensity of spectral features, and at least two OH combination vibrations).