Microsoft Outlook
From: Spielfogel, David Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2015 8:04 AM To: Collins, Adam;Ewing, Clothilde;Quinn, Kelley Cc: Mitchell, Eileen;Silver, Steven;Rountree, Janey;Deal, Joe;Bennett, Kenneth Subject: Re: Statement Good From: Collins, Adam Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2015 8:58 AM To: Ewing, Clothilde; Quinn, Kelley Cc: Mitchell, Eileen; Silver, Steven; Rountree, Janey; Deal, Joe; Bennett, Kenneth; Spielfogel, David Subject: Re: Statement Based on coverage I don't think we need a statement from MRE. CPD is getting a bunch of calls though. Any issues with this? CPD is committed to protecting people's first amendment rights and our officers have upheld that commitment with honor both Tuesday and Wednesday. The vast majority of those who have chosen to express themselves this week have done so peacefully, however we will not tolerate illegal activity and as a result last night four individuals were arrested. From: Collins, Adam Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 11:32 PM To: Ewing, Clothilde; Quinn, Kelley Cc: Mitchell, Eileen; Silver, Steven; Rountree, Janey; Deal, Joe; Bennett, Kenneth; Spielfogel, David Subject: Re: Statement I think we should see where this goes over the course of the next few hours and then make a judgement call about the tone for MRE. From: Collins, Adam Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 10:51 PM To: Ewing, Clothilde; Quinn, Kelley Cc: Mitchell, Eileen; Silver, Steven; Rountree, Janey; Deal, Joe; Bennett, Kenneth; Spielfogel, David Subject: Re: Statement The line I added is probably too long, but take a look. CPD statement is below that. MRE STATEMENT "Feelings of anger over the death of Laquan McDonald are understandable and the desire to express that outrage is justifiable, but illegal activity and the destruction of property is unacceptable.
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