Choctaw Indian Fair Entertainers Announced
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VOL. XLVII, NO. 4 CHOCTAW, MISSISSIPPI 39350 APRIL 2017 Choctaw Indian Fair Ground Up,” and their debut single “19 You + Me.” Entertainers Announced Friday night, July (CHOCTAW, Miss.) Opening Ceremonies at 14, five-time GRAMMY – The Mississippi Band 6:00 p.m., followed by nominee, singer/song- of Choctaw Indians will the 63rd Annual Choc- writer and multi-instru- once again showcase taw Indian Princess Pag- mentalist Hunter Hayes their beautiful culture eant. Choctaw culture brings his energetic during the 68th annu- will be on full display, as sound and show to the al Choctaw Indian Fair beautiful young Choc- stage at 8:30 p.m., with July 12-15, 2017. taw ladies showcase tra- a high-octane set that The main stage will ditional Choctaw cloth- includes his three No. 1 feature platinum-selling ing and unique works of hits – the multi-platinum duo Dan + Shay, five- art and compete to be- smash “Wanted,” dou- time GRAMMY nom- come the next Choctaw ble-platinum “I Want inee and multi-instru- Indian Princess. Crazy,” and “Some- mentalist Hunter Hayes Country music duo body’s Heartbreak,” and GRAMMY-Award Dan + Shay will take the – as well as new music winning sibling trio The stage Thursday night, from his forthcoming Band Perry. July 13 at 8:30 p.m., to studio album, including Starting Wednesday, perform hits from their his most recent release, July 12, Chief Phyliss album Obsessed such as “Yesterday’s Song.” J. Anderson officially current Top 15 hit “How kicks off the fair with Not To,” “From the ...........see FAIR, pg. 7 June 13 Tribal Election Child Abuse Prevention ty Services hosted a child Candidates Certified Activities Held in Choctaw abuse preven- A total of 62 candi- Henry, Sr., Enid Lit- tion event on dates were certified as tleVoice, Gerald Stoliby, The Mississippi dians’ Department of Wednesday, April qualified candidates in Gabriel Keith Thomp- Band of Choctaw In- Family & Communi- 12 at the Pearl River the upcoming Tribal son, and Kendall Wal- Recreational Field in Election on Tuesday, lace. Choctaw. June 13, 2017. Conehatta (12 can- Dozens of children The candidates, vying didates, 2 positions) - & their teachers from for nine positions on the Max Anderson, Tarina the Department of Choctaw Tribal Coun- K. Anderson, incum- Early Childhood Ed- cil with terms expiring bent Troy Chickaway, ucation programs par- in 2021, were certified Rockky Isom, Elray ticipated in a parade by the Tribal Election King, incumbent Hilda from the Pearl River Committee on April 14. Nickey, Gregory Shoe- Amphitheater to the Candidates for Tribal make, John P. Smith, recreation field as ac- Council in the following Jesse Thomas, Timothy tivities were held in communities include: Thomas, Sr., Jonathan observance of April Bogue Chitto (9 can- Williams, and Loretta being National Child didates, 2 positions) - Nickey Williams. Abuse Prevention Children from the Department of Early Childhood Annie M. Bell, Gabriel Crystal Ridge (3 can- Education centers participated in the Child Abuse Month. N. Bell, John Levi Bell, didates, 1 position) - Prevention & Awareness activities. ...see ABUSE, pg. 14 Jr., incumbent Roderick Bell, incumbent Ronnie see ELECTION, pg. 6 PAGE 2 CHOCTAW COMMUNITY NEWS Halito! held in February, and students! As I write this letter, the 25th Annual Junior temperatures are con- BETA Convention was NAYO and Rez Brawl Tribal Chief Phyliss J. Anderson officially proclaimed the month of April as Child Abuse Prevention & Aware- tinuing to warm and held in March, both in Tournaments ness Month on the Choctaw Reservation. Pictured, many people are out Biloxi, MS. from left, are Children & Family Services (CFS) Child and about enjoying the Our Tribal students The 2017 NAYO bas- Welfare Supervisor Albert Smith, Social Services Di- beautiful weather on our have the opportunity to ketball tournament was vision Manager Sally Allen, Department of Family & Choctaw Indian Reser- meet and make friends held April 14th and 15th Community Services (DFCS) Director Maurice Calis- vation. We only have with other students who in Irving, NY, hosted tro, Chief Anderson, DFCS Deputy Director Mae Bell, one more month left be- live in Mississippi and by the Seneca Nation. & CFS Caseworker Randy Tangle. fore schools let out for share common and di- Our Tribe was well-rep- summer break. verse experiences with resented, with several gold ball home to Choc- Water casino project and It’s amazing how time each other. teams making the long taw, and I am proud of the significant progress passes when you are These meetings of the trip up north. them. it means for our Tribe. busy. That’s why it’s im- minds serves as a great Here at home, our rec- Despite having only It’s important that you portant that we all stop opportunity to help reation department host- formed as a team last know the facts. So I am and take a moment to our students become ed the Rez Brawl youth year, the Unified team listing them here again stand in the present, look more comfortable with basketball tournament has already proven it- for your information. around to enjoy and give self-expression. It also April 13-15. self to be a force to be • The new Red Water thanks for our blessings. builds up their self-es- It is always wonderful reckoned with. We have Casino will provide We have many to count! teem and shows them to see our youth partic- such outstanding talent approximately 250 that they can be active ipating in these sport- among our youth. new jobs. Tribal Students participants in society ing events. Not only are I am always pleased • The new Red Water Compete at State and not merely stay on they being active and to show my appreciation Casino will make the BETA Conventions the sidelines. showcasing their fine and celebrate their vic- Tribe more money – at A listing of category athletic skills, but they tories with them. Con- least $40-50 Million I am proud of our winners from the con- have the opportunity to gratulations to the play- or more a year. BETA students who re- ventions are included in make friendships and ers, coaches, parents, • The new Red Water cently participated in the this issue. Congratula- create lasting memories. families and fans of our Casino will bring in state BETA conventions. tions to the winners, and Congratulations to the state champs! more money to help us The 71st Annual Senior best wishes in the future NAYO and Rez Brawl pay down debt on our BETA Convention was to all of our BETA Club winners, and we look Red Water Casino existing loans. forward to the next tour- Petition • Studies on traffic nament. count, income distri- CHOCTAW COMMUNITY NEWS Over the last few bution and potential The Choctaw Community News is available at no Breakfast of months I have provid- earnings have been charge upon request. Donations to help cover the cost of Champions ed a number of updates presented to council printing, mailing are welcomed. Correspondence should on the Red Water Ca- and tribal members be addressed to: What an honor it was sino project through a during several presen- COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM for me to host a Break- series of public meet- tations. P.O. BOX 6010 CHOCTAW, MS 39350 fast of Champions for ings, Choctaw Com- • The study shows now TELEPHONE: 601-663-7736 FAX: 601-650-1565 our CCHS Lady War- munity News articles, is the time to build. riors and the Unified and during my visits to The casino will be lo- Brian C. Willis ........................... Communications Manager cated at the intersec- Taryn Carey .................................... Communications Writer basketball team who the communities during Darron Tubby ................................. Communications Writer each won the state title our Annual Community tion of Highways 35 in their respective tour- Field Days. and 25 in Red Water Items of interest to the local and Native American naments in March. There is a petition and is a high traffic community are welcomed. Letters to the editor should be signed; we reserve the right to edit material. The Lady Warriors currently being passed worked hard to bring the around to stop the Red ...continued next page CHOCTAW COMMUNITY NEWS PAGE 3 area. The metro-Jack- son market, which travels this road, has the highest income earners and largest population base in the state of Mississippi. • The casino will cost approximately $25 Million but we will have that paid off in 2 A rendering of the 35,800 square-foot Red Water Casino. years! We will use ex- isting cash, new reve- I am excited to an- July 15th, respectively, our Fair website at www. we can to help victims nues and an open line nounce this year’s main at the amphitheater main, and to keep our children of credit we already entertainment line-up. stage. like our Choctaw Indian safe. have. Country music duo On Wednesday, after Fair page on Facebook On Wednesday, April • The building, simi- Dan+Shay will take the opening ceremonies, the or call (601) 650-7450. 12th, the Children and lar to the Bok Homa stage on Thursday night, 63rd Annual Choctaw Family Services and casino, will be 35,800 July 13th, to perform Indian Princess Pageant Child Abuse Children’s Advocacy square feet with 500 hits such as “How Not will take place. Several Awareness Month Center of the Depart- slots, 10 tables games, To,” “From the Ground young Choctaw ladies ment of Family and grab and go and seat- Up,” and their debut sin- will vie for the oppor- At the beginning of Community Services ed dining. gle “19 You + Me.” tunity to serve a year- the month, I signed an hosted a Child Abuse These are the facts.