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WELCOME HOME OUR NATIONAL CHAMP IONS an Jfrancteco Jfogijorn OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO VOLUME 36 SAN FRANCISCO, MARCH 25, 1949 NUMBER 21 Just Like the Circus Bringing Home The Bacon Better Than Quiz Show Spectacular Greeting Hilltoppers Reaped A Given Don Victors Harvest Of Awards Thousands Cheer Team for Hours Trophies, Watches, Suits, Car In U.S.F.'s Glorious Victory Hour Given to National Invite Champs By JIM KEEGAN By DON SHRANK A giant bubble of enthusiastic pride and appreciation burst Filet mignon, automobiles, one-button rolls, trophies, mini upon the city of St. Francis last Tuesday when the Don cagers ature basketballs, watches and what have you, have been show returned home from their highly successful invasion of Madison ered on the first-magnitude Dons during the last ten days. Square Garden. Students, alumni, old friends and*^ All of this has indeed been impeccably put. For certainly, if there is a group that deserves such^— —- newly-acquired admirers paid fitting lumps in 3,500 throats when he said, tangible praise, the Dons most cer- I chamPs are means nothing. tribute in word and action to the men "You would have been proud of the tainly are it who have represented so elegantly kids had you seen the manner in SAN FRANCISCO AWARDS their city and the school which bears which they battled against great While the so - called "country- Home came the Dons to more its name. odds to win the tournament." cousins" were setting New York on awards — awards that mean some San Francisco, long accused of From Mills Field the large auto- its illustrious eyebrow, Madison thing because they really came from being a city where a home-town borne group, escorted by the San Square Garden treated them to a the hearts of those who gave them. prophet is without honor, forcibly Francisco Police Department motor few side trips that included Billy The most gratifying of these awards repudiated this charge by the spon cycle drill team and the San Mateo Rose's Diamond Horseshoe and the was the welcome they received. The taneous expression of the admiration County Sheriff's lads, rolled noisily musical "Along Fifth Avenue." And noise and presence of people in the which had reached a crescendo in to Kezar Pavilion where it was of course Friday they were guests flying wet of the chilly dawn is a that hectic week during which the joined by more well-wishers in a of the Garden when J. T. Ross, an memory that will hold as much en Dons won the National Invitational public rally. Here the players mod other West Coaster from San Jose, dearment as any of the more tangible Tournament. estly accepted the cheers of the went down under the fists of Steve prizes. crowd as they were introduced indi Belloise. The Garden would prob The homecoming festivities started The Chamber of Commerce of the vidually and led out to the center ably have been even more generous Tuesday morning in a dark, dreary city presented each man with a circle. had not the 11 p.m. curfew demanded and drizzly atmosphere of Mills miniature basketball at a testimonial Once again the crowd mounted that the Dons be in bed. Field. luncheon given in their honor at the automobiles and the parade contin The California weather, perturbed Fairmont Hotel. Perhaps testi ued through the downtown area, GARDEN AWARDS by the Don cagers who were usurp monial shouldn't be used, but the down Market Street and through the ing the homage which is usually paid When the tournament reached its turnout was indeed a testimony of financial district, where the team, to her, tried but failed miserably to climax with the inevitable result, the the people. mounted in open convertibles, gra dampen the ardor of the rooters with awards really began to pour in. The Leading candidate for "Coach of ciously acknowledged the shouts and an almost steady downpour. winning team received 17-jewel the Year," Pete Newell was pre confetti shower of a proud citizenry. Bulova watches to the man. Then sented with a satin green 1949 Chev After a wet wait of almost two The victory parade climbed Nob came the winning team trophy, rolet sedan. This was another award hours, the big Constellation bearing Hill, where it was serenaded by the which was accepted by Coach Pete that came from the hearts of the the Don constellation taxied to a San Francisco Municipal Band. One Newell. Then rangy Don Lofgran populace. Saturday night at the stop. Cautiously and modestly the thousand of the worshipers then fun- received the most coveted one-man Olympic Club, U.S.F. Alumnus team streamed out, to be met by a neled into the Gold Room of the award of the tournament. This was Johnny Swanson started stumping tumultous roar of welcome. This Fairmont Hotel for luncheon, which the "most valuable player" award of a fund-raising campaign to buy was the spark which set off the Dons Overwhelmed 'Em climaxed a joyous day. the affair. This brings up a thing Coach Newell this "long-drooled- jubilant day-long celebration. Here many notable guests added worthy of note. Why didn't Lofgran over" automobile. By presentation From the Constellation the team, their accolade to the accomplish make Look Magazine's All-American time Tuesday the fund was heavily accomDanied bv friends and relatives, ments of the Dons. At the speakers' first string? As a matter of fact, he oversubscribed, and a problem artje retired to the lounge for breakfast. table sat Acting Mayor Chester Mac- Gotham Press -€%es for PAHS didn't :>.«'.<- i's ^eed&S Sr-rtMWt o -.••-.- what to'jdo wiA -the f Tj Pete Newell found out, however, Phee, Police Chief Michael Mitchell, rosters, either. He did get remem money. that there is also no rest for the vic James J. Smyth, director of internal (New York scribes went all out in to John Bennington, who tapped to bered enough to be placed on the A new suit for each member of torious when he was forced to make revenue; Ray Sorenson of the San Understatement Who's Got the Bucket? according the Dons their just dues Frank Kuzara. The ball went over eighth district team. Makes one the team was graciously given by a command appearance on the bal Francisco Council of Churches; Her March 21.—New York "Herald- wonder what kind of statistics it during the National Invitational Tour March 12. —New York "World- Frank's head, but he retrieved it, Charles L. Harney, chairman of the cony of the crammed air terminal. bert Chisholm, president of the Jun takes to make a berth on such a Telegram": "Pete Newell, a three- took three steps, then shot the win Tribune": "No sooner had San Board of Athletic Control. When In his modest, retiring manner, ior Chamber of Commerce; Fr. nament, and following are some of the team. Evidently winning the most year veteran at the Padre helm, today ning basket. We gave the ball to Francisco won the Nationa'l Invita the team left for New York, Mr. Newell expressed appreciation for William Dunne, S.J., president of choice excerpts from the leading metro tional basketball tournament at the valuable player award of a tourna Harney plunked down 100 dollars calmly asserted 'I didn't bring my Frank because he has the best two- the "wonderful reception," and put (Continued on Page 3) politan dailies.) (Continued on Page 3) ment that tells who the national (Continued on Page 2) squad 3,000 miles to lose I'" handed set shot on the team. But he scored with a one-hander!'" The Crystal Ball Player of Year The Irjsh Question March 14. — New York "Daily Mirror": "San Francisco, with a March 17. — New York "Daily flashy Mutt and Jeff combination in Mirror": "But those furran San 6-6 Don Lofgran and 5-9 Rene Her Franciscans 1 And wuz y'watchin' rerias, conceded the best chance to what that foine little corker from score a tournament upset." (Are you County Cork—Rene O'Herrerias— kidding?) wuz doing to those Utah ulcers from Ulster t'other night? And that Frank Shot Heard Round the McKuzara—did yez have your eyes peeled on that Sligo sling which won World the ball game in the last six seconds? March 15. — New York "Daily Did ye, now?" News": "Rehashing the play which gave San Francisco its 64-63 N.I.T. Poor Pete triumph over Utah in the final five March 20. —New York "Post": seconds last night, the Dons' tiny "Ed Diddle of Western Kentucky all-around star, Rene Herrerias, ex has become known as the 'towel- plains: 'When Coach Pete Newell tossing' basketball coach, but Pete saw it was going to be a jump ball, Newell of San Francisco has sur with me jumping against that big passed Diddle as a nervous mentor guy, he sent Joe McNamee in to take by going in for chewing towels!" my place. Mac, who's 6-4yi. tapped (What flavor, Pete?) Don Rooters: Words cannot express the thanks that we have in our hearts for your making it possible through your gen erous contributions to send us to New York with the rest of the team for the National Invitation Tournament. Ours is the greatest team in the country, and should have won, but the four of us like to think that our presence there spurred them on to the great achievement which is rightfully theirs, the National Championship.